Frequency (Hz) 60
Reference voltage (V) T61A1
Max power ESP (kVA) 1000
Max power ESP (kWe) 800
Max power PRP (kVA) 909.1
Max power PRP (kWe) 727.3
Intensity (A) 1203
Optional control panel M80
Optional Control Panel TELYS
Optional control panel KERYS
This document is not contractual - The SDMO company reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics stated in this CD Rom without notice, in a constant effort to
improve the quality of its products.
EMISSIONS Max. intake restriction (mm EC) 150
Emission PM (g/kWh) N/A Intake air flow (L/s) 1050
Emission CO (g/kW.h) N/A
Emission HCNOx (g/kWh) N/A
Emission HC (g/kW.h) N/A
This document is not contractual - The SDMO company reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics stated in this CD Rom without notice, in a constant effort to
improve the quality of its products.
This document is not contractual - The SDMO company reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics stated in this CD Rom without notice, in a constant effort to
improve the quality of its products.
The M80 is a dual-function control unit. It can be used The highly versatile TELYS control unit is complex yet
as a basic terminal block for connecting a control box accessible, thanks to the particular attention paid to
and as an instrument panel with a direct read facility, optimising its ergonomics and ease of use. With its
with displays giving a global view of your generating large display screen, buttons and scroll wheel, it
set's basic parameters. places the accent on simplicity and communication.
Offers the following functions: The TELYS offers the following functions:
This document is not contractual - The SDMO company reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics stated in this CD Rom without notice, in a constant effort to
improve the quality of its products.
KERYS, coupling and adaptability
This document is not contractual - The SDMO company reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics stated in this CD Rom without notice, in a constant effort to
improve the quality of its products.