The Soul Sickness of Eckankar
The Soul Sickness of Eckankar
The Soul Sickness of Eckankar
5.1.1 Paul Twitchell, founder of the Eckankar cult, had a sick soul. That is, his
very soul was sick. To those who see him today, as a departed spirit, was/is he
is extremely dangerous. He pretends as usual to be a mild philosopher.
However, he is the same soul who tortured Jews in a dungeon in Jerusalem
following the death of Christ, Saul of Tarsus. Far from being a ‘spiritual giant’
as Klemp ludicrously claims, Twitchell is nothing more than a skilled magician
and homosexual sadist.
Psychologically, Twitchell, he suffered from clinical depression, acute
paranoia, and a tendency to slide into temporary but clinging insanity. He could
not control the content of his own mind. His passions led him, like a rabid
hunting dog, on the chase of phantoms he believed were men afflicting him.
The person that is Twitchell has been in this black, violent state for a very, very
long time.
5.1.2 Karmically his previous incarnations include Saul of Israel, who tried to
kill David, and lived in a paranoiac tormented state; and Saul of Tarsus, later
renamed Paul, who took pleasure relieving his innate black depression in first
torturing Jews in a dungeon in post-Jesus Jerusalem, and then escaping into
lofty preaching while burning for homosexual sex with male disciples.
5.1.3 Look at their pictures. The faces of the two Sauls are obviously the same.
The black mood, tormented mind (although the later Saul had more discipline).
But look deep inside both and you see the fathomless darkness. Now look
inside Twitchell. You see the same discipline, the same black despair. It’s the
same person.
5.1.4 One point of comparison is that both Saul of Tarsus and Twitchell
repeated every statement, Twitchell doing so six times to utterly tedious effect.
5.1.5 One point of difference is that while St Paul managed to stay aloft (until
torn in pieces in the arena), while Twitchell never could. He lived in a psychic
home in which the main room was furnished with obsessive, paranoiac, self-
defensive and hating tendencies. This is seen most easily in his ultra-careful
fabrication of cult jargon, concealment of sources, and creation of the ‘mild
philosopher’ persona.
5.1.6 Twitchell never escaped himself. The best he could do was go into the
smallest room and there inflict pain and torment on any initiate that displeased
him. If any of you have seen the Dark Lord in Eckankar, and been duly scared,
that’s Twitchell mocking-up.
5.1.8 More importantly, Twitchell’s very soul was - and is - sick. His soul
sickness stems from the fact that God hates him. That is because he has abused,
tortured, defiled, raped and destroyed so many of God’s blessed creations. The
Holy Spirit ignores him, but does not like him. The author has witnessed the
Holy Spirit stand back at times when Twitchell attacks, so as not to be tainted.
But God Itself regards Twitchell as an abomination.
5.1.9 Why? It’s not his rapacious homosexuality. There are gay religious people
loved by God. It’s not that. It’s Twitchell’s habitual and extreme level of
accomplishment as a black magician. Twitchell is a true disciple of Lucifer;
although, in typical contrary style, he will not openly follow Lucifer. Twitchell
can practise voodoo at three levels, transmuting thought into torment and back
again in seconds. That is an abomination to the beauty, vastness, and glory of
heaven and God in it. Twitchell is small, obsessed, mad; heaven is immense,
extraordinary, marvellous. There is no marvel in Twitchell. He is dirt off a
dog’s refuse rolled in a gutter.
5.1.10 Why should this matter to Eckists? Because Twitchell, not Klemp, runs
Eckankar. Ah. You got it. Bad news.
5.2 Facts
5.2.1 There are a small number of facts of which we can be certain, because the
events were witnessed or documented.
5.2.1 Paul Twitchell was the first registrant of Eckankar in 1965. He died in
September 1971 in Cincinnati of an unanticipated heart attack. He had not
foreseen the time of his death. His body was cremated in a hospital in the city.
5.2.3 The events of his birth, family, and first marriage are uncertain. That is
because Twitchell, while claiming to be a ‘spiritual giant’, was a pathological
liar. That is to say, a lie would come quickly to his mind in response to a
situation; the truth was deprioritised in his mind (for any number of reasons), or
he was unaware of it and uninterested in the idea of it.
5.2.5 In any event those events are not material to Eckists’ appreciation of what
is really going on in their cult, other than the fact the overwhelming impression
was Twitchell lied about everything he could, unless confronted with
indisputable fact, when he would try to slide out with a weak pretext.
6. Harm done by T to others.
6.1 Swami worshippers
6.2 Darwin
6.3 Klemp
6.4 DM
1. Keys to Twitchell
The Swami was an egotistical man who in his 33rd initiation had sworn
an oath of loyalty to Lucifer. Twitches ultimately felt broken by the
evil presiding in the Swami’s Washington DC compound and became
uncontrollably violent. He was arrested and detained in the St
Elizabeth psychiatric hospital in Washington.
Twitchell’s key period was not Eckankar 1965-71, but his five year
period in Swami Premananda’s compound in Washington DC in or about
1956-61. Following his dramatic exit, courtesy of the DC police, he
was detained in the notorious psychiatric facility the St Elizabeth
hospital during (approximately) 1961-62.
But the period stayed with Twitchell. On release from hospital after a
prolonged period, resolving to go his own way, he stepped straight
back into the Swami’s mix of Hinduistic Freemasonry in formulating
Eckankar. The mix combined the initiations, rituals, and strict
hierarchism of Freemasonry with occult personalised adventure of Hindu
2. ‘Paulji’
What Paul Twitchell is, and this is the real bad news, a bad
depressive (like Churchill’s ‘Black Dog’ states. Worse, this makes him
unscrupulous and unleashes his vicious, back-against-the-wall core. He
doesn’t care how much he hurts you.
The only element controlling Twitchell, stopping him from killing you,
unless you are protected by the Holy Spirit, is his painful but
absolute need for your love.
5.4 Conclusion