Lesson Plan in Personal Development
Lesson Plan in Personal Development
Lesson Plan in Personal Development
Grade 11
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
1. Conduct self-exploration and simple disclosure
2. Explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept his or her strengths and limitations and
deal with others better.
3. Share his or her unique characteristics, habits and experiences
4. Start and maintain his or her journal.
A. Introduction
B. Review
C. Motivation
The teacher will ask the student to choose their favorite color from the given options: Blue,
Red and Green. The interpretation of the each color is based on the natural instinct of the students,
because it is their choice.
D. Activity
The students will answer the activity individually. Each student should follow the
instructions carefully and answer it honestly by their own self-awareness as they know their own
self. This activity is a Self-conception judgement. The activity should be filed in a Journal. Each
student will be given choices to rate their own self by using the following scales: 0= very weak; 1=
weak; 2= somewhat weak or somewhat strong; 3= strong; 4= very strong.
E. Abstraction
Discussion about Self will take place.
Knowing oneself – is the first step in personal development.
According to Socrates “It is ridiculous for him to investigate other unimportant things
when he has not known his self yet.
A Hindu writings Upanishads confirmed, “Enquiry into the truth of the self is “self-knowledge”
Let the students Imagine themselves looking into a mirror. Then ask them, “What do
you see? Do see your ideal self or your actual self?
Ideal self – is the self that you aspire to be. It is the one that you hope will possess by character.
It is how we want to be.
Actual self – is the one that you actually see. It is the self that has characteristics that you were
nurtured or, in some cases, born to have. It is built in self-knowledge. It is our self-image
Self-knowledge – is derived from social interactions that provide insight into how others react
to you.
Here are some ideas that could help you increase your personal effectiveness:
1. Determination
2. Self-confidence
3. Persistence
4. Managing Stress
5. Problem solving skills
6. Creativity
7. Generating ideas
F. Application
Group Activity
1. The class will be group into 5. This activity will develop the self-awareness of each student
on their own self.
2. Each student will get 1 whole sheet of yellow paper, they will draw a symbol or symbols
that represents their own “Self.” At the back of the paper they will write the unique
characteristics(positive and negative) of the symbol that represents to them.
3. After they are through, They will share their symbols to their group mates and discuss why
did they choose this symbol. They will share their unique characteristic(positive or negative )
that they know on themselves
4. After the sharing each students will collaboratively give one another advices on their on
what they’ve found on their classmates. This activity will be compiled on their Journal.
Classroom Activity
The teacher will draw a circle. The students will go around the circle. The teacher will call one studet
to start the activity to share their journal with the large group as they are comfortable doing so.
After the first students shared his or her box of memories he will call another classmate to share
again until everybody is done sharing.
G. Assessment
15 PTS. QUIZ: On a ½ Crosswise of yellow paper ( This quiz will be compiled on the journal)
H. Assignment
Answer the following question in your journal:
1. What have you discovered in yourself?
2. What are your core strength?
3. What are the qualities you want to improve?