Sailor rt4822 PDF

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A true classic with more features

The SAILOR RT4822 VHF DSC simplex/semiduplex VHF radiotelephone with built-in DSC is a part of Sailor’s compact
System 4000 GMDSS solution. SAILOR RT4822 is the latest version of the most famous VHF on the seven seas, from
one of the leading and most experienced manufacturers of maritime communication equipment in the world.

• Dedicated channel 70 receiver • Dedicated protected distress button

• Extended class-A DSC facilities • Acoustic and visual alarms
• User-friendly soft-key based interface simplifies the • Built-in real time clock
operation • Serial SPARC-bus system interface
• Graphic LCD display • Printer and NMEA Navigator interface

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Conform to all relevant international requirements and resolutions as agreed by ETSI, IEC, ITU and IMO as well as other national requirements.
These specifications include i.e. ETS 300 162, ETS 300 338, IEC 1097-3 and IEC 1097-7.

The SAILOR RT4822 VHF DSC is specially suitable for the professional GENERAL
maritime business. The radio is an advanced DSC unit (class A) with
all the necessary equipment built in to one compact unit and Normal channels: All int. ch’s for 25 kHz operation
therefore ideal for areas with limited space as it is the case on most Up to 55 private channels
vessels. Opt. channels: All int. ch’s for 12.5 kHz operation
In a basic configuration the SAILOR RT4822 includes a transceiver Up to 224 ch’s with up to 54 private ch’s
unit and a handset. The SPARC-bus interface, an advanced balanced Channel spacing: 25 kHz / opt. 12.5 kHz
data and AF interface, can be used to interconnect multiple control Frequency range: 150.8 MHz - 163.6 MHz
units and for exterior computer based control/programming options. Operating modes: Simplex/Semi-duplex
The maximum distance between transceiver unit and handset Modulation: G3EJN for telephony receiver
control unit may be 40 m in 12V DC installations, in 24V DC installa- G2B for DSC signaling
tions up to 80 m. DSC operation: According to Rec. ITU-R M. 541-6 and
The Sailor VHF radio combines transmitter, receiver and a 4W Rec. ITU-R M. 689.2
loudspeaker in one. The set is equipped with an audio amplifier DSC Protocol: According to Rec. ITU-R M. 493-7 class A
capable of delivering an additional 6W into an external loudspeaker. Navigator interface: NMEA 0183, GGA, GLL, ZDA
The nominal system power supply is 12V DC. By means of SAILOR Frequency stability: + 10 ppm/opt. + 5 ppm
N163S and/or N420, the system can be powered from the AC mains Aerial connectors: Standard 50Ω female, SO239
or a 24V DC battery. Temperature range: -15 °C to +55 °C
A standard NMEA interface for connection to on-board navigational Supply voltage: 13.2V DC Nominal
equipment is available in the transceiver option connector. Supply range: 10.8V DC to 15.6V DC
Supply current: Stand-by 0.27A
Transmitter on 1.6A (low power)
Transmitter on 5.4A (high power)
Transceiver dimen.: 100x200x176 mm
Transceiver weight: 2.5 kg

Sensitivity for
12 dB SINAD: -119 dBm or 0.25 µV p.d.
Symbol error rate

below 1x10-2 at: -119 dBm or 0.25 µV p.d.

AF rated power
Output 1: 4W/4Ω
Output 2: 6W/4Ω
200 176
Distortion THD: Below 5%
231 Signal/noise ratio: Better than 40 dB
AF response: -6 dB/octave
Spurious emission: Below 2 nW
Spurious resp. att.: More than 70 dB
Intermodulation att.: More than 68 dB
Blocking: More than 90 dBµV
Co-channel rejection: Better than -10 dB
Adj. ch. selectivity: More than 70 dB

Sailor RT4822 RF output power: High 25W + 0 dB to -0.5 dB
Bracket mounted Low 0.9W + 0.5 dB to +1 dB
Adj. ch. power: Below -70 dBc
Spurious radiation: Below 0.25 µW
Cabinet radiation: Below 0.25 µW
AF response: +6 dB/octave
Version 02 12/99

Distortion: Below 5%
Signal/noise ratio: Better than 40 dB
Modulation: 1700 Hz ± 400 Hz
1200 Baud (30 ppm)
Vetterli & Hjortshøj A/S Reklame/marketing. Photo: Charles Krebs/Tony Stone Images

AF frequency error: Below + 10 Hz

Residual DSC-mod.: Below 26 dB

Typical specifications subject to change without further notice.

S.P. RADIO A/S . Porsvej 2 . PO Box 7071 . DK-9200 Aalborg SV . Denmark . Phone: +45 9634 6100 . Fax: +45 9634 6101
Telex: 69 789 SPRAD DK . E-mail: . Web:
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