Assessment of Drill Cuttings Behaviour I PDF
Assessment of Drill Cuttings Behaviour I PDF
Assessment of Drill Cuttings Behaviour I PDF
Agwu, O. E
Department of Chemical/Petroleum Engineering, Akpabio, J. U.
University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria. Department of Petroleum Engineering, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Corresponding Author:
Accumulation of cuttings in washout sections due to assembly is jammed tight in the wellbore. Washouts
low velocity of drilling fluids in inclined wellbores can be seen to be enlargement of holes or wellbores
poses a general challenge to the drilling industry. In during drilling operations. One known fact about
this research, the behavior of cuttings is examined washouts is that cuttings tend to accumulate in
while fluid is used to clean the beds in the washouts. washout sections of the hole when mud is circulated.
In order to verify this, a 3m flow loop was Reference [1] defined a washout as an enlarged
constructed to perform an experiment which set the
annulus angle at 8o to the horizontal using actual drill region of a wellbore. Other restrictions during
cuttings diameters of 0.1-1mm. The bed heights and tripping are underguaged hole, accumulation of
flow rates of five different mud rheologies were cuttings in the hole, high doglegs in wellbores,
measured in the loop. Water and aqueous solutions of tripping into a hole with a bit size larger than the
Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (HEC) were used for wellbore etc.[2].
cleaning the sand beds. The results show that at low
flow rates, the bed heights remain almost constant
with time showing little or no decrease in bed heights Washouts can be explained primarily by two
in all washout diameters considered with the opposite mechanisms: borehole collapse of a portion of the
being the case for high flow rates. An equilibrium wellbore due to insufficient mud weight and/or hole
bed height based on an optimum flow rate erosion due to improper mud chemistry design[1].
should be maintained in a wellbore washout so Reference [3] holds the view that washout can be
that the cuttings in such areas could serve as a fill caused by High Weight on Bit (WOB) in laminated
up to maintain equal diameter throughout the formations, Hydraulic and mechanical erosion of
wellbore. Cuttings removal in the washouts is easier
with turbulent flow than with laminar flow. weakened formations and Swelling of shale and clay
Keywords: Drill Cuttings, Bed height, Hydroxyethyl as it contacts freshwater thus weakening the
formation. This same view was also held by [4].
Cellulose, Wellbore Washouts, Mud Rheology
Causes of Washouts
Cleaning of inclined wellbores is a general
challenge to the oil and gas industry. A more Reference [5] had a different point of view on this
specific challenge in inclined wells is the matter. They claimed that the causes for borehole
washouts are numerous and that annular velocity
accumulation of cuttings in washouts sections due to
is falsely blamed for the erosion. They added that
low velocity of drilling fluids. Accumulation of in unconsolidated sands, decreasing the flow rate
cuttings in washouts not only cause holes to be does lead to a better gauge hole. Besides,
inadequately cleaned but can also cause restrictions decreasing the flow rate decreases the annular
which may, lead to increase in hook load, large velocity but it also decreases the nozzle velocity, the
over pulls and finally to stuck pipe. These hydraulic impact, and the hydraulic horsepower at
restrictions are experienced during tripping and the nozzles. Looking at this from a chemical
viewpoint, [6] pointed out that the presence of salt
cause time losses and even for small restrictions,
can result either in an enlarged hole or an
the operator may choose to stop to rectify the undergauged hole. He added that hole enlargement
problem, hence the need to examine drill cuttings occurs when the drilling mud contains a water
behavior and prevent time losses. phase having a salinity less than the saturation
point. This causes the salt to dissolve in the water,
One hypothesis in the present investigation is that washing out the hole. To keep this from
many of these problems stem from the fact that happening, he suggested that operators can use non-
despite drilling fluid circulation, cuttings tend to dissolving salt water or oil base muds.
accumulate in the washout sections of the hole and
when tripping through them, the bottom hole
IRACST – Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), ISSN: 2250-3498,
Vol.2, No.6, December 2012
References [5][7] v i e w ed borehole washouts or manufactured when purified cellulose is reacted with
hole enlargement as a result of hole instability that sodium hydroxide to produce swollen alkali
may be caused by one or more of the following: state cellulose. By reacting the alkali cellulose with
of stress underground, thermal stresses and stresses ethylene oxide, a series of hydroxyethyl cellulose
induced by pressure gradient between formation ethers are produced [12][14].
pore pressure and wellbore pressure associated
with the flow of formation fluid to the wellbore. Table 1: Typical Properties of Aqueous Solutions of
They said that it can also be due to chemical reactions Hydroxyethyl Cellulose
between well-bore fluid and its filtrate with
formation rock and its fluids content, mechanical Property Value
drag on well-bore wall caused by drill string and pH 6-7
hydraulic drags caused by annular pressure losses Appearance White coloured free
and surge pressures. Based on field experience in flowing powder
Arkoma Basin o n air/gas drilling operations, [8] Bulk density 0.3-0.6 g/cm3
found out that, wellbore washouts occur as a result Specific gravity at 1.3-1.4
of both erosion ( drill string wearing away the rock) 20°C
and sloughing.
Effects of Washouts on Wellbore Drilling Flow Loop Description
The experimental apparatus as shown in Figure 1
The effects of washouts on wellbore drilling consists of a 3m long transparent PVC pipe which
operations as pointed out by [2][10][11][15][17] are ensures flow visualization represents the wellbore
stuck drill pipe, increased annular pressure resulting and has 1 inch outer diameter. The washout section
in wellbore fracture and lost circulation and low is the middle of the pipe and was varied in terms of
flow velocity causing bad hole cleaning. It also the outer diameters of 1.5 inches and 2 inches.
causes difficulty in tripping which may lead to
sidetrack or plugging and poor cementing,
perforating, sand control, production and
The flow loop is supported by a structure that
stimulation problems.[13][16].
can be tilted from horizontal, hence various
inclinations from horizontal can be studied
Reference [5] puts forward that wa s h o u t s r e s u l t
(maximum inclination ~ 15 degrees). There is a
i n difficulty prov id ing a d e q u a t e hole cleaning
plastic tank, holding about 100 litres of mud. The
capability and excess c u t t i n g s c a n i n c r e a s e
flow is achieved by gravity using a high head
bottom hole pressure, causing lost circulation
pressure resulting from placing the mud tank at a
and/or stuck pipe. Wellbore washouts also cause
height of 3 m above the ground. The flow is regulated
cuttings and drilling fluid disposal costs to increase.
with a simple open and close valve capable of
In Reference [9] under certain conditions, salt will
delivering different flow rates depending on
dissolve and result in borehole enlargement which
adjustment. The flow rate is measured by
would cause unpredictable directional tendencies,
calculating the volume of mud in the receiving tank
poor Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) performance
and dividing it by the time it takes the volume to
and stability issues.
accumulate in the tank meter. Viscosity of mud is
measured with a viscometer.
Materials and Methods
The cutting is manually filled into the PVC pipe to
about 60 percent. Fig. 1 shows the flow diagram of
The experimental work was used to study the
the test loop.
behaviour of cuttings in washout sections of inclined
wellbores and in unaffected sections as drilling fluid
is b e i n g circulated. The drilling fluid consists of
either water or Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) based Test Apparatus Design
drilling fluid.
The test apparatus was designed and constructed in
HEC is named after its two components: cellulose accordance with the following requirements:
and hydroxyethyl side chains. Cellulose is a water annular-flow steady state conditions must prevail in
insoluble, long chain molecule consisting of every test case and the apparatus must allow the
repeating anhydroglucose units. HEC is selection of the flow rate and well inclination that
IRACST – Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), ISSN: 2250-3498,
Vol.2, No.6, December 2012
IRACST – Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), ISSN: 2250-3498,
Vol.2, No.6, December 2012
fluids and particles of sandstone cuttings of measured visually with acceptable degree of
diameters 0.1-1 mm. The fluid flow velocity varies accuracy. Table 6 shows the fluid systems used for
between the minimum limit, which is the critical the comparison. Readings and rheological parameters
velocity for a given sand bed, and the maximum are shown in Table 7.
The results obtained are categorized into two parts: considerably with time in all washout diameters
cuttings bed height as a function of time and bed considered.
height as a function of fluid viscosity with washout
diameter variations.
IRACST – Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), ISSN: 2250-3498,
Vol.2, No.6, December 2012
Figure 3: Bed Erosion Curves for Variable Flow Rates in 1.5 inch
Figure 5: Dimensionless Bed Height vs. Flow Rates in Lean Pipe.
Figure 4: Bed Erosion Curves for Variable Flow Rates in 2.0 inch
Washout. Figure 6: Dimensionless Bed Height vs. Flow Rates in 1.5 inches
(b) Bed Height as a function of Fluid Viscosity
with washout Diameter variations
Figs. 5 to 7 show graphical interpretation of the
results obtained when fluids o f d i f f e r e n t
viscosities were used to clean the beds. The values
IRACST – Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), ISSN: 2250-3498,
Vol.2, No.6, December 2012
ρVd h
Re = (1)
IRACST – Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), ISSN: 2250-3498,
Vol.2, No.6, December 2012
2 2
liquid flow of 0.0574 m and 0.075 m and thus
hydraulic diameters of dh = 3.8 cm and 5 cm
respectively. Erosion occurred again from the top of
the bed, with a similar erosion mechanism to that
of the less viscous HEC. At a flow rate of 70
L/min, the mean velocities in the washouts
regions (region B) were 0.04 m/s and 0.038 m/s
respectively for the 1.5 inches and 2 inches
washouts. It is evident then, that, besides the
flow rate, the liquid viscosity plays a role in the
erosion mechanism and results in different erosion
velocities of the solid bed and this should be taken
into account when modeling flow pattern transitions
for solid-liquid flows. Finally, it is crystal clear that
Figure 10: Effect of Turbulent Flow of mud in washout sections
the cleaning effect of mud is higher with less
viscous fluids and at high flow rates. This is seen in
all Figs. 5-7.
Drill Cuttings Behaviour in Washouts
Cuttings transport with drilling fluids in horizontal
Careful observations were made of the behaviour of wells has been studied through a simple flow loop
cuttings in the test annulus as the drilling mud was inclined at an angle of 8° to the horizontal. The
circulated. It was noticed that as the fluid moved the experimental results for the erosion of solid
cuttings from the lean pipe section into the washout particles by three different fluid rheologies in a
region, the fluid flow rate reduced significantly pipe indicate:
leading to the deposition of cuttings in the washout
section. • The viscosity and flow rate of the flowing
Another feature which was evident is that the fluid are the two main factors that play
larger diameter cuttings (1 mm) settled faster in the important role in the erosion of a solid bed.
washouts at intermediate flow rates of 70 L/min.
This is opposed to the behaviour of the smaller • For the more viscous fluids (HEC)
diameter cuttings (0.1 mm); they were carried along erosion starts from the top of the bed,
in the fluids as it moved even at low flow rates. The where flow is almost turbulent, while on
bed height of cuttings in the washouts was noticed the front of the bed, flow is laminar for
to be increasing exponentially with time though both HEC fluids. The erosion from the top
occurring mainly at intermediate flow rate of of the bed is caused by the shearing action
70L/min. At high flow rates of 100 L/min, this bed of the liquid moving above with a shear
height reduces significantly. stress τw acting on the exposed surface
area for shearing, with the impact playing
The final observation is that as the pipe inclination a very minor role, because the exposed
to the vertical was increased as shown in Figure 10, area of the particles is very small.
the accumulated cuttings in the washout find it Observations show that for water flow, it
difficult to entirely leave the base of the washout as is impact erosion that prevails to shearing,
indicated as point 1 and then when the cuttings while for the higher viscosity, HEC slurries
leave this point at high flow rates, it bombards and shearing erosion prevails.
point 2 and falls back to point 1.The implication
of this is that at high flow rates, this bombardment • Cuttings removal in the washouts was
may cause an extension of the washout from point easier with turbulent flow than with
2 further ahead. This would be inimical to the laminar flow and turbulent flow has the
drilling operation. Hence high flow rates may not be potential of extending washouts.
desirable in washout sections as this may clean the • For a given mud flow rate, lower cuttings
cuttings but extend the washout. bed height in the washouts is achieved as
IRACST – Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), ISSN: 2250-3498,
Vol.2, No.6, December 2012
the n/k ratio increases. This means that The Authors wish to thank Prof. Pal Skalle of the
cuttings removal is enhanced by reducing Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
the viscosity of the fluid Norway for his support and guide during this
project. Appreciation goes to the Staff and
• A high velocity with a less viscous fluid,
resulting in high turbulence is effective in Technologists of the Department of Chemical and
cuttings transport in washouts while, the Petroleum Engineering, University of Uyo for their
highly viscous fluid under a turbulent assistance.
flow regime easily prevents cuttings bed
from sliding downward; it can lead to
pack-off or cause stuck pipe of the drill REFERENCES
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Vol.2, No.6, December 2012
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