Patrol Management Software BEST PRACTICE
Patrol Management Software BEST PRACTICE
Patrol Management Software BEST PRACTICE
If the route has order and the software will prompt the user to give an error time for each
checkpoint, the error time is used for checking patrol result. Please check the following
framework for the details:
(1) The patrol time is 9:00,
(2) The error time is 5 minutes.
The error time allows guards to do the patrol work in a period time as guards can not read
checkpoint cards exactly on a time point such as 9:00. In this case, the patrol time is 9:00
and the error time is 5-min, so both of time periods C and D are on time for this patrol
work. Some of the clients may want to check the further detail situations for the patrol
work, so this function gives guards another 5-min error time checking for early or late.
For instance, from 8:50 to 8:55 (time period B), which is an extra 5-min error time, is
‘Early’ for the patrol work. From 9:05 to 9:10 (time period D), which is another extra
5-min error time, is ‘Late’ for the patrol work. If the actually patrol time has been fallen
BEST PRACTICE for Patrol Management System
into time period A or time period F, the patrol result will be identified as ‘Missed’ in the
reports. And if the client does not want to check for the early or late resulted for the
patrol work, please check on the ‘Does Not Check for Early or Late Patrols’ function on
the ‘Route Information’ window (please note on the above screen shot).
Issue 3: Why do I need check on the ‘Guard card only affect current
route’ function?
This function is used for identifying the patrol resulted for the guards. Once the function
has been checked on, the guard (Guard A) has read his/her guard card, and the following
route (Route 1) has been patrolled by him/her, in the reports, Route 1 will be identified as
patrolled by this guard. And the next route (Route 2) has been patrolled will not be
identified as patrolled by this guard, even though, Guard A has patrolled this route. If the
function has been unchecked, the Route 2 will still be identified as patrolled by Guard A.
In some cases, the guard (Guard B) may forget to read his/her own guard card and to do
BEST PRACTICE for Patrol Management System
the patrol work, if the function has been checked, in the reports, the Route 2 will not be
recognized with anybody. The ‘Guard’ column will be leaving blank in the reports.
Issue 4: How can I delete the useless records, such as the records for
testing, from the database?
Please go the "Basic Report" function window, and select the particular date and time by
the filter function on the top of the function window. And then "Inquiry" the report, the
records fallen in the selected time period will be shown up. Clicking on the "Delete
Current Report" icon to delete the particular records. Also, users could use other on the
top of the function window to select the particular checkpoints. If the specific records
have been delete from the database, please go 'reprocess' function to process the data and
then inquiry the reports.
Issue 5: When you export the data from the software into an Excel file,
in the process of exporting the data, please DO NOT make any
modifications on the Excel file. Otherwise, the Excel file could be
damaged and all the data will be lost.
Issue 6: How to add and modify the checkpoint cards into a particular
Please go to the ‘Route Information’ window, and select the route need to be modified.
Please check on the particular checkpoint(s) from the left column, namely ‘Available
Checkpoints’, and then click on the icon to add the particular checkpoint(s) to the
right column. Using the same method, the checkpoint(s) can be moved from right column
to the left column by clicking on the icon.
BEST PRACTICE for Patrol Management System
Once you have finished adding the checkpoints to a route, please use
icon to exchange order of those checkpoints.
Issue 7: How to delete the unused cards from the software database?
Please go to the ‘Manage Cards’ pull-down menu and go to the ‘Delete Unused Cards
from the Database’ function. Select the particular cards you want to delete from the
database, and then click on the icon to apply the modification.
BEST PRACTICE for Patrol Management System
The auto-schedule function will add a schedule to route(s) in the following two
Once the guard has read the Guard Card and the Checkpoint Cards of a route, which has
not been scheduled in the system setup, it will automatically generate a schedule for this
First Checkpoint
If a route has not been scheduled in the system software, it will automatically generate a
schedule when the first checkpoint on the route was read. The first checkpoint reading
time is the start time of the route, if all of the checkpoints’ in the route has been read in
the route length time. The patrol result for this route will be identified as “On Time”.
Issue 9: In Manage Cards -> Read Card function. How this read card
function working?
Enter the ‘Read Card’ window by clicking on the icon in the ‘Manage Cards’ pull-down
menu. Please connect the Communication Station (BS-1000) through the USB port to the
system software, and then place a card on the inductive area. The Read Card window will
display the card details have been registered in the software.
BEST PRACTICE for Patrol Management System
Issue 10: How to add the same checkpoints twice or more to one route?
Please go to the ‘Route Information’ window, right click on one of the available
checkpoints, and then click on icon to display all of the
checkpoints in the available checkpoints window.
BEST PRACTICE for Patrol Management System
After finished above step, we are going to route ‘Up Town’. Now you are able to see, all
of the checkpoints, including ‘Information 1’ to ‘Information 5’ are all available, now you
are able to select any one of them into Route ‘Up Town’
Same for the route ‘West’, so we said all of the checkpoints are able to be employed in
different routes.
BEST PRACTICE for Patrol Management System
Parameters is item guard needs to check. For example, there is a chemical factory, for the machine A,
guard need to check the local Power status and the CO percentages. The Power status and the CO
percentages are the parameters for machine A.
z Chemical Factory
z Items need to check :
Machine A, Machine B, Machine C, Machine D, Machine E
Container 1, Container 2, Container 3
z Guard ---- Lucy
z Parameters:
- CO percentage
- GAS percentage
- Power Status
BEST PRACTICE for Patrol Management System
ParamGroupCollect is the upper level than Param Group, so we name it as ‘Chemical Factory’ the
factory name, and then select all the Param Group for this factory.
If you have finished all above setup, please go to next step.
In this case, I have selected all those 12 checkpoints for the factory.
If you have finished all above setup, please go to next step.
BEST PRACTICE for Patrol Management System
Before, start this settings, please make sure all of the checkpoints have been added into the routes.
Please select the reader you want to use and then select the routes for the reader. IMPORTANT, for
setting parameters, we recommend you do not repeat use the checkpoints when adding routes.
To get the reader number, you may connect the reader with the patrol software to calibrate it, the
reader number will be shown at here automatically.
If you have finished all above setup, you may start to download the parameter into reader.