Cellsecure E6 Product User Manual
Cellsecure E6 Product User Manual
Cellsecure E6 Product User Manual
• Zones and Wiring ......................................................................................................................... A.1
Appendix B:
• Customer programming sheet .................................................................................................... B.1
Appendix C:
• Reading Sensors into the Control Panel .................................................................................... C.1
The E6 can be operated in 6 different modes; each mode activates different zones and reacts differently
when the system is activated by a sensor. Zones are the areas that need protection. Zones 1-4 will always
be active except when the system is operated in the OFF mode. Zones 5 and 6 are intended for areas e.g.
where the occupant wishes to move about at night. The monitor zone normally monitors an outdoor area
where the sensors will always be active. The 24hr zone is always active and will trigger the alarm when
tampered with. The table gives a setup example:
1 Garage/outside doors
2 Living Room/Lounge
3 Study
4 Kitchen, Back door
5 Spare bedrooms and corridor
6 Main bedroom/en suite
Monitor Garden / Entrance Doors
24hr Safe/TV/Anti-tamper
All modes, except panic- and silent panic mode, can only be activated when the system is in OFF mode. A
summary of the SMS command codes are given in table 3.
An alarm SMS will also be sent. Example of such an SMS is “Alarm Garage at Eagle Wireless 142
Botha ave Lyttelton”.
• The siren will continue sounding and an ALARM SMS will be sent each time there is an activation of a
sensor to indicate that various sensors in the premises are been activated and that the alarm is not
from only 1 sensor.
• Gas will also be triggered if connected and the “gas enabled” option was selected (“$XXXXG1” – Gas
enabled; “$XXXXG0” – Gas disabled, see section 1.2.9).
• After switch off the relevant zone LED/’S will remain on to indicate which zone was activated. This
indication serves as an additional memory of activation.
• Any further activation will cause the siren to sound and an ALARM SMS to be sent. The siren will
sound for 3 minutes unless another activation is detected.
• After switch off, the relevant Zone LED or LED’s will remain on to indicate which zone or zones were
activated while the E6 UNIVERSAL was in Sleep Mode. This indication serves as an additional
memory of activation while the E6 UNIVERSAL was armed.
1.1.3. OFF mode: Activated when at home and going about everyday activities.
• In OFF mode no zone is active except the 24 hour zone and the monitor zone (see 24 hour- and
monitor zone).
• Selecting OFF mode will result in different responses depending on the mode the system was in
before activating OFF mode.
• If the E6 UNIVERSAL was in Away Mode, the E6 UNIVERSAL will respond by sounding twice on the
internal siren, only if the system was not activated by a sensor while in Away mode, and a system Off
(“Disarmed“) SMS message will be sent.
• If the E6 UNIVERSAL was activated by a sensor while in Away mode, the system will respond by
sounding four times on the internal siren and a system Off (“Disarmed“) SMS message will be sent.
This is an additional warning function to let the occupant know that the premises were entered.
• If the E6 UNIVERSAL was in the panic mode with the siren sounding the siren will stop when OFF
mode is activated.
• The messages are fully programmable, but the default message is “System OFF Mode”. In the SMS
the device that disarmed the unit as well as the address where the unit is located, will also be
• If the system was deactivated by a cellular phone, the specific phone’s number will be displayed.
• If “By Key ring“ is displayed, then the E6 UNIVERSAL was disarmed by a remote control.
• The response given by the system is described above.
o The first function is to reset the control panel, Memory Lights.
o The second function is to disable the 24 hour zone for 60 seconds (i.e. for maintenance).
• Reset mode can only be activated when the system is in OFF mode.
• No SMS will be sent, no matter what device reset the control panel.
NOTE: All the zones can have different messages (Zone Identification); however they are limited to 32
characters each and followed by a 96-character address message. Away Mode can be set to automatically
switch on and off at a certain time of day every day without consideration of weekends and holidays. Only
the control room programming software can enable this setting.
The memory LED’s will reset if the E6 UNIVERSAL is again switched to away or Sleep modes or by the
reset signal from the remote control or cell phone. (See Reset Mode).
Away Mode
When the system is in Away mode, any activation from a sensor set to the monitor zone will cause
the outdoor siren to sound 4 times and “Intruder in Monitor Zone” SMS to be sent. After the third
activation, all further sounding will divert to the internal siren (neighbor friendly). The monitor light will
remain on after the first activation and Stay on. With every new activation another SMS will be sent.
The following is an example of such an SMS: “Intruder In Monitor Zone at Eagle Wireless 142 Botha
ave Lyttelton”.
The gas will not be triggered even when enabled.
Sleep Mode
Any detection in the monitor zone will cause the buzzer inside the E6 UNIVERSAL to beep for 1
minute and should the alarm not be switched off within this time the siren will then start to sound and
the ALARM SMS messages will be sent. At this time the alarm also switches to away mode and the
relevant SMS will be sent.
When the E6 Armes, it will respond with 1 beep on the internal siren, the away LED will light up and a
security system armed SMS will be sent. Included in this message will be whether the Panel detected any
signals from detectors connected to the system or not, while in OFF mode. The messages are fully
programmable but could say “Alarm Armed (No Entry)” or “Alarm Armed (Entry Detected)”. In the SMS By
“System Timer” is displayed when the E6 is armed by this timer.
1.2.7. “Sensor Low Battery” warning function:
Although the batteries in the sensors can last up to 6 years for low power sensors and 18 months for Hi
power sensors the E6 UNIVERSAL will detect if a sensor has a battery that has only limited life left and will
start to flash the relevant zone LED once per second and beep the buzzer twice. The sensor itself will
indicate a low battery by flashing its LED when activated.
A Sensor Low battery SMS will also be sent.
Please note LOW Battery and Supervision Failure are very incessant sounds and should be attended to
The Seismic detector can be disabled with a special command not to be released to any person outside of
the CellSecure Control Centre.
When the gas is triggered, the E6 will deliver a 4 sec spray, which will fill a room of 200 square meters
practically instantaneously. A total of 8 bursts of this length can be delivered per canister.
After the doors and windows have been opened it will take about two and a half hours for the gas to
dissipate out of the house.
Warning: The gas is hazardous to any living creature. Don’t enable the gas discharge option if pets
are left in the house while occupants are away from the premises.
11 Power LED
This LED will come on when Mains power is applied to the PSU unit.
After any activation in Away or Sleep mode the relevant zone LED will stay on as a memory function as to
which zone or zones were activated.
Any Supervision Failures or Sensor Low battery signals will be indicated on the relevant zone LED in the Off
Mode in the following format.
The relevant zone LED will flash once per second and the buzzer will beep either once for supervision
failure or twice for sensor low battery.
Zone Monitor
LED’s Zone LED 24Hour
Zone LED
Figure 1.
Front view of the E6 UNIVERSAL’s control panel.
1.2.13. Additional Inputs:
The E6 Universal can monitor 4 additional wired- or wireless inputs. For wired inputs, the devices to be
monitored are wired directly to the E6 UNIVERSAL’s control panel. This allows the user to connect, among
other devices, wired sensors to the control panel.
Alternatively 4 additional Wireless devices can be programmed into the E6. An additional Wireless Decoder
Board is connected to the E6 and can be programmed to recognize 4 wireless devices. The board must be
purchased separately.
The inputs can be programmed to operate in various ways.
a. To switch on and off with the E6 Control panel and send an SMS only.
b. To switch on and off with the panel and send an SMS and activate the siren.
c. To be on al the time and send only an SMS.
d. To be on all the time and send an SMS and activate the siren.
e. To be activated and deactivated by an SMS.
2. Description of system components
Figure 2.
Remote control.
2.2. Types of Sensors
Four types of sensors can be connected to the E12.
1. Outdoor Passive Infrared Beam Sensors (High power),
2. Indoor Passive Infrared Sensors (High power),
3. Mini Passive Infrared Medium power,
3. Universal Transmitters for doors Gates,
4. Seismic Transmitter,
5. Dual Tilt Sensor.
Figure 3.
Outdoor passive infrared beam sensor and its detection regions.
2.2.2. Indoor Passive Infrared Wide Angle Sensors (High Power).
The Sensor detects the movement of heat in the infrared spectrum of light. In other words a source of heat
such as a human moving past the Sensor field of view will cause the Sensor to detect and a signal will be
sent to the Control Panel Control panel. The Sensor will detect movement up to 8-12 meters Away from the
device and up to 100 degrees wide.
Figure 4.
Indoor Passive Infrared Wide Angle Sensor and its detection regions.
Figure 5.
Mini Passive Infrared Medium power sensor (same detection region as Indoor Passive Infrared Wide
Angle Sensors).
2.2.4. Universal Transmitter (Door Guard).
The Door guard, DG, is actually a universal transmitter with integral panic button and connections for a
magnetic contact switch or similar device. The low power DG will send a signal to the control panel when the
magnet moves away from the magnetic switch, for example, when a door or window is opened (N/C
connector). The high power DG will send a signal when the magnet moves away or towards the magnetic
switch, for example, when a door is opened or closed (N/C and N/O connector).
Figure 6.
Low power (left) and high power (right) Universal transmitter or Door-Guard.
Figure 7.
Seismic Transmitter.
2.3. Battery Charger, Battery (Power supply unit (PSU)) and transformer
This battery will enable the E6 Universal to operate without mains power for approximately 7 days. The
charger will charge the battery when connected to mains power. The battery will be fully charged within 24
hrs. The transformer connects the charger to mains power. The PSU also sends a Mains on/Off signal when
the transformer is connected to - or disconnected from the PSU.
Figure 7.
Battery charger, battery (left) and transformer (right).
Figure 8.
15Watt external siren (left), 40Watt external siren (middle) and indoor siren (right).
3. Operating Commands
$****P Activate Panic
$****H Activate Silent Panic
$****A Activate Away Mode
$****S Activate Sleep Mode
$****O Activate OFF Mode
$****r Activate Reset (Only when in OFF Mode)
$****B1 Output 1 On
$****B0 Output 1 Off
$****B9 Output 1 Pulse (Switch On-Off within a 3sec interval)
$****C1 Output 2 On
$****C0 Output 2 Off
$****C9 Output 2 Pulse (Switch On-Off within a 3sec interval)
$****D1 Output 3 On
$****D0 Output 3 Off
$****D9 Output 3 Pulse (Switch On-Off within a 3sec interval)
$****( Inputs Enabled
$****) Inputs Disabled
$****L Status of Alarm + Mains + Battery
$****a Status of Inputs 1-4(On/Off)
$****R Status of Outputs 1, 2, 3 + Gas On/Off
$****T Test signal strength (0-30)
$****J Cell numbers 1 to 4
$****I Base and SMSC numbers
$****G1 Gas Enabled
$****G0 Gas Disabled
$****G9 Gas Trigger
$****V Disable 24hr test
$****W Enable 24hr test
$****p Panel tamper enabled
$****q Panel tamper disabled
Table 3.
Summary of SMS operating codes for the E6 UNIVERSAL.
In table 3 above, “****” is a four digit alphanumeric pin code. The default code is “ewss”. For example: to
activate Away Mode with the default code, “$ewssA” must be sent to the control panel via SMS.
Figure A.1.
Inside view of the outdoor Passive infra red (PIR) sensors, showing the location of the
dipswitch on the PC board.
Low Power Indoor PIR Sensor High Power Indoor PIR Sensor
Figure A.2.
Inside view of the indoor Passive infra red (PIR) sensors, showing the location of the dipswitch on
the PC board.
Figure A.3.
Inside view of the Universal transmitter (Door Guard), showing the location of the dipswitch on the
PC board.
The following describes the wiring connections to the E6 Universal.
8 7 6 5
4 3 2 1
12 Way Connector as seen from back
12 11 10 9 8 7
6 5 4 3 2 1
Figure A.4.
Power Supply wire connection.
Appendix B E6 Universal
E6 Universal Customer
Message Description MSG Zone Func Default Customer Preference
Panic 31 #001 Panic
Silent Panic 31 #P01 Silent Panic
Away mode (No Entry) 31 #A01 Away Mode (No Entry)
Sleep Mode 31 #B01 Sleep mode
System Off 31 #?01 System Off Mode
Supervision Faliure 31 #S01 Supervision Failure
Sensor Battery Low 31 #401 Sensor Battery Low
Mains On 31 #201 Mains On
Mains Off 31 #301 Mains Off
Main Battery Ok 31 #701 Main Battery Ok
Main Battery Low 31 #601 Main battery Low
Inputs Enabled (Enables
Ganged or always on
Inputs} 31 #O00 Inputs Enabled
Field Contains 8 digits
Digits must be either 0 or 1
eg 11110000 Where 1 =
Sellected 0 = Void
Address Message No At Or
Space Needed 95 E6 Universal
Seismic Tamper Sensor 31
Enabled #q00 Panel Tamper Enabled
Seismic Tamper Sensor 31
Disabled #r00 Panel Tamper Disabled
Seismic Tamper Detected 31
At Panel #p00 Panel Tamper Detected
Seismic Vibration Stopped 31
At Panel #p00 Panel Tamper Stopped
(24h)(Alm On)(Alm
Off)(Auto Arm
1234) 1200TimeTime>>>>00600030yyyy
24h eg 1200
= mid day 0000 = mid night
1300 = 1pm
Alm On eg 1200
= mid day 0000 = mid night
1300 = 1pm
Alm Off eg 1200
= mid day 0000 = mid night
1300 = 1pm
Auto Arm Timer eg
0360 sec = (60 seconds x
6) = Six minutes >>>>
SVib eg 0060
pulses = 60 pulses In the
(SDur Time Frame)
SDur eg 0030
sec = 30 seconds time
Inputs 1234 eg yyyn
will allow inputs 123 to
trigger Sirens,4 sms only
Main Base Number 15 27832882806
Cell 1 15
Cell 2 15
Cell 3 15
Cell 4 15
User Password 4 ewss
E6 Panel Zone 1 32 #501 Intruder In Zone 1
E6 Panel Zone 2 32 #502 Intruder In Zone 2
E6 Panel Zone 3 32 #503 Intruder In Zone 3
E6 Panel Zone 4 32 #504 Intruder In Zone 4
E6 Panel Zone 5 32 #505 Intruder In Zone 5
E6 Panel Zone 6 32 #506 Intruder In Zone 6
E6 Panel Mon Zone 32 #507 Intruder In Monitor Zone
Away Mode (Entry 32
Detected) #A50 Away Mode (Entry Detected)
Gas Triggered 32 #C01 Gas Trigged
Gas Enabled 32 #G01 Gas Enabled
Gas Disabled 32 #I01 Gas Disabled
Gas Canister Low Warning 32 #R01 Gas Canister Low Warning
E6 Panel 24 Hour Zone 32 #T01 Alarm 24 Hour Tamper
Output 1 On 32 Output 1 On
Output 1 Off 32 Output 1 Off
Output 2 On 32 Output 2 On
Output 2 Off 32 Output 2 Off
Output 3 On 32 Output 3 On
Output 3 Off 32 Output 3 Off
Appendix C: Reading the various sensors into the Control Panel
Standard Passive Infrared sensor
Dip Switch
Outdoor Passive Infra Red Sensor Long Range. ( HP Outdoor sensor for E6
Learn Button
Walk Test
Battery Connector
1. Loosen the 4 screws of the Outdoor sensor and carefully remove the back cover.
2. Mounted on the cover is the outdoor sensor electronic board.
3. Connect the Battery. The connector can only go one way.
4. Identify the Learn Button and the DIP Switch.
5. Set the switch on the DIP switch number 4 on and check that the rest are off.
6. Press the Learn Button and check that the LED of the sensor comes on and stay’s on
for 2 to3 seconds after you release the button.
7. Now press the learn button on the Control Panel, the learn LED should switch on.
8. Press the Learn button on the sensor.
9. The Control Panel learn LED may switch off.
10. Once again press the learn button.
11. The Control Panel Learn LED should flash and the stop.
12. Once again press the learn button on the sensor.
13. The Zone 1 LED on the Control Panel should switch on and then off.
14. If the Zone LED does not switch on go back to step 7 and repeat the procedure.
15. Set the dipswitch to the correct zone. (See table C.1)
Follow the same procedure for any other Outdoor Passive infra red Sensors Long range.
Connecting the 2 tamper pins will enable the tamper signal. When disconnected, no
tamper signal will be generated by the sensor.
The walk test function is used for testing purposes. When the 2 walk test pins are
connected, the sensor can send a triggered signal approximately every 10 seconds
(opposed to the normal 3 minutes). To save battery power, these pins must be
disconnected when testing is completed.
Indoor Passive Infra Red Sensor Long Range. ( HP Indoor Sensor for E6 Pannels)
Learn Button
Walk Test
Battery Connector
Connecting the 2 tamper pins will enable the tamper signal. When disconnected, no
tamper signal will be generated by the sensor.
The walk test function is used for testing purposes. When the 2 walk test pins are
connected, the sensor can send a triggered signal approximately every 10 seconds
(opposed to the normal 3 minutes). To save battery power, these pins must be
disconnected when testing is completed.
Mini Indoor Passive infrared sensor
Learn button
• Connected for
E6 panels.
• Unconnected
for E12 and
E45 panels.
Battery Connector
1. For E12 and E45 panels, make sure that there is no LINK connected to RB4. For E6
panels, make sure that the 2 RB4 Pins are connected.
2. Connect the battery. The Connector can only go one way.
3. Set the switch on the DIP switch number 4 on and check that the rest are off
4. Press the Learn Button and check that the LED of the sensor comes on and stay’s on
for 2 to3 seconds after you release the button.
5. Now press the learn button on the Control Panel, the learn LED should switch on.
6. Press the Learn button on the sensor.
7. The Control Panel learn LED may switch off.
8. Once again press the learn button.
9. The Control Panel Learn LED should flash and the stop.
10. Once again press the learn button on the sensor.
11. The Zone 1 LED on the Control Panel should switch on and then off.
12. If the Zone LED does not switch on go back to step 4 and repeat the procedure.
13. Set the dipswitch to the correct zone. (See table C.1)
Mini Door Guard
1. Open up the door guard and set the dipswitch for the right zone, using table C.1.
2. Press the Panic Button and check that the LED of the sensor comes on and stay’s on
for 2 to 3 seconds after you release the button.
3. Press the learn button on the panel once and make sure the LED switches on and
stays on.
4. Press the Panic button on the sensor.
5. The Control Panel Learn LED may switch off.
6. Once again press the Panic button on the sensor.
7. The Control Panel Learn LED should flash and then stop.
High power door guard
• Connected for
E6 panels.
• Unconnected
for E12 and
E45 panels.
Panic Button
(Back of board)
Battery connector
High power Seismic sensor
• Connected for
E6 panels.
• Unconnected
for E12 and
E45 panels.
Panic Button
(Back of board)
Battery Connector