University Journal of Medicine and Medical Specialities

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University Journal of Medicine and Medical Specialities

ISSN 2455- 2852 2018, Vol. 4(4)


Dr.Meenakshi (Prof.), Dr.Pratibha (PG Student)
Corresponding author :Dr.V.Harishnath(Sr.Asst.Prof.),

Dept. of Prosthodontics, Tamil nadu government dental college & hospital.

ABSTRACT: NM Kafandaris (1981) described a technique to simplify those of

Functionally generated path technique utilizes a different Pankey and Mann
approach to achieve occlusal harmony between restoration
and the other teeth in the oral cavity. Rather than using an and Dawson for constructing a stable recording base capable of
articulator to simulate the movement of the mandible, this capturing all possible movements of the mandible during
technique uses a tracing made directly in the mouth to function. He utilized the metal framework of the fixed partial
capture the pathways travelled by the opposing cusps during denture as the recording base. The occlusal table of the
mandibular function. This article discusses about functonally framework was extended using autopolymerizing acrylic resin to
generated path technique in detail. form a functionally generated path recording table.
Keywords – Functionally generated path technique, modified
recording base, PFM restoration, occlusal harmony... Ihab A. Hammed and Hassan Nourall(1996) devised a technique
INTRODUCTION: to record a
Harmonious occlusion is a critical requirement for successful Functionally generated path directly on the pattern to be invested
oral rehabilitation. Conventional techniques of construction and casted. Using a Vacu-press machine, a plastic coping of
have been unsuccessful in producing a prosthesis that can be clear acetate sheet was made directly on the die of the prepared
inserted without intra-oral occlusal adjustment. tooth. Functional wax was added to the occlusal surface and the
Functionally generated path technique utilizes a different patient asked to perform movements with the opposing arches in
approach to achieve occlusal harmony between restoration contact to create a functionally generated path on the wax
and other teeth in the mouth.Rather than employing an pattern. The pattern is then placed on the die and axial contours
articulator to simulate the movement of the mandible, this and anatomy adjusted without hampering the occlusal surface.
technique uses a tracing made in the mouth to capture the
pathways travelled by the opposing cusps during mandibular John W. Guinn III and Loren C. Christensen (1998) devised a
function. This method was first described by MEYER.,who method to stabilize the record base , They embedded a long
first described the technique, said that “no adjustment of the shank No. 556 straight handpiece bur in both recording tables
occlusion in the mouth should be necessary if the technique with the shank of the bur crossing the midline perpendicularly.
is carried out correctly. He said FGP is “three dimensional This helped in a bilateral stabilization of the recording tables in
static expression of dynamic tooth movement”.The technique the mouth while the registration was carried out.
was adapted for use in complete occlusal rehabilitation by
Mann and Pankey Frederick When understood and appreciated, use of the FGP technique is
Frederick Meyer (1959) in his article stated that the principles a straightforward and practical method to achieve
and procedures harmoniousocclusal anatomyof restorations with the anterior
involved in FGP technique are in harmony with determinant/anterior guidance,the posterior determinant/condylar
anatomic,physiologic and neurologic factors involved in guidance, existing occlusal and cuspal anatomy, and the
occlusion. He concluded that- neuromuscular system. This record is then used to fabricate the
Occlusal paths and cuspal paths generated in the mouth posterior tooth restorations. The FGP technique has been used
provide records which are in complete harmony with condylar in the fabrication of complete dentures, oral rehabilitation cases,
paths and neuromuscular system.,when compared to tooth supported fixed dental prostheses, implant-supported
mechanical articiulators. FDPs,single-unit indirect restorations and computer-aided
Frederick Meyer (1959) in his concluding article on generated design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) restorations.
path technique cited that the generated path technique
serves equally well for fixed partial dentures as for complete

An Initiative of The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University

University Journal of Medicine and Medical Specialities
FUNCTIONALLY GENERATED PATH TECHNIQUE b. The twin stage occluder is a simple hinge articulator that
will articulate both a functional core and an anatomic model
After the preparation of the abutment teeth , care must taken to interchangeably against the same die model.
ensure occlusal harmony. The anterior teeth should provide a 1.When using FGP for a single tooth, one generally waxes
stable, functional and esthetically acceptable anterior guidance and the pattern directly against the functional core. . The pattern
the mandibular posterior teeth should be adequately aligned with an should contact the functional model but should not interfere
acceptable occlusal plane.The patient presented with no signs or with its closure. If the restoration is to be in group function,
symptoms of temporomandibular disoorder. the lingual inclines of the upper buccal cusps should be in
Armamentarium for functional tracing continuous contact with the functional model. If the inclines
Petrolatum, 2. Cotton-tipped applicator, 3. Cavity varnish, 4. Tacky are to be discluded, they must be reduced so that there is
wax, 5. PKT waxing instruments 6. Bunsen burner, 7. Die fabricant no contact, but centric relation contacts must not be lost. In
8. Mountingstone 9. Spatula. 10. Plaster bowl, 11.Sable brush, all cases, the balancing inclines should be relieved from any
12. Functional index try 13. Laboratory knife with no 25 blade, 14. contact with the functional core.White liquid shoe polish
Custom impression tray, 15. Impression material (base and applied to the functional core is a good
accelerator), 16. Mixing pad 17. Syringe, 18. Bite registration marking medium for locating interferences on the wax
frame, 19.Bite registration paste, 20. Die stone, 21. Di-lok tray, 22. pattern. Thin marking ribbon may be used when the casting
Twin stage occluder /verticulator. is in place. If group function of the restored working inclines
PROCEDURE FOR FUNCTIONALLY GENERATED PATH is desired, the contact of the waxed incline against the
TECHNIQUE , functional core can be checked with the white shoe polish.
1. The occlusal reduction for the preparation is completed. The entire incline surface would be marked by the white
2. Before any proximal reduction is done, the tooth is stabilized with polish when the models are closed.Anatomy is incorporated
softened stick compound and the same compound is formed into a into the pattern by carving in grooves and sluiceways and
broader occlusal table to receive the functional wax. making certain that blades remain but do not interfere.
3. Using a flame, the functional wax is softened (Bosworth’s Working excursion contact is maintained by preserving
Synthetic Tacky Wax) and stuck to the prepared occlusal table. The enough of the white coated incline to ensure good group
occlusal portion is lubricated with saliva. function.
4. The patient should close into centric relation and move through
all possible excursions.The
wax should be checked to make sure it is firmly anchored to the
base and that the base itself is absolutely stable. Any excess
functional wax should be removed, and the patient should close and
move his jaw in all directions with the teeth together. The wax is
chilled with ice water.
5. A creamy mix of Fast Setting Gray Rock or Whipmix Bite Stone is
made and vibrated into the FGP indentations. The stone is
extended onto at least one tooth on each side of the prepared tooth.
There should be sufficient thickness to the stone so that it can be
removed without leakage after it hardens. The adjacent teeth are
covered only enough to form a good matrix. A wooden tongue blade
works well to carry additional stone to the teeth and makes removal
easy. Use of acrylic and other bard materials for fabricating
6. The hardened stone is removed and set aside, the preparation is the base.
completed. An impression of the prepared tooth is made, including Any material that can maintain accuracy through
all teeth that will be covered with the stone functional core. An all the procedures is acceptable as a base. It, must be
opposing model is not necessary. stable andretentive. Furthermore, the base must fit the
Laboratory procedure master die model as accurately as it fits the mouth, and it
1.The impression with removable dies for the prepared tooth and should not damage the dies when it is seated on and taken
each adjacent tooth is poured. off the master model. I have not found acrylic bases to be
2.The functional core is positioned against the die model. The consistently acceptable because of the distortion of the
unprepared teeth on the die model should fit perfectly into the stone acrylic resin during or after setting and the damaging effect
index. of the acrylic resin on the dies. Nevertheless, we have the
3.Any instrument that can repeatedly reposition the functional flexibility to use any material or devise any technique for
model against the die model with accuracy is acceptable for making the base as long as it fulfils the requirements of
mounting the two models. They can be mounted in the joined accuracy.
position on a simple hinge articulator because the only requirement TECHNIQUE FOR CAST PARTIAL DENTURE.
of the instrument is to permit the models to be separated and then Before recording the Functionally Generated Path, it was
returned to the same closed position. The arc of opening and confirmed that the metal framework along with the denture
closing has no importance, and of course no lateral movement is base was firm, stable, and retentive intraorally.
permitted. All pathways are represented on the functional model Occlusion rim was created on the base plate using hard
itself when it is closed. Instruments that have been especially inlay wax and visible gap was left between opposing teeth
designed for relating the functional model to the die model include and the rim initially a. Softened inlay wax was added to the
the following. rim, and the framework was placed intraorally. Patient was
a. The verticulator is a device that permits only an up or down asked to close in centric occlusion to indent the softwax,
movement. It is precision made with a sturdy metal stop that instructed to glide the mandible through all possible
permits the functional model to be struck forcefully against the die excursive movements to ensure capturing all border
model without danger of model breakage. This facilitates very movements. . It was observed that the inlay wax was
accurate marking of interferences on the restorations with silk smoothly carved and shaped by the stylus action of the
marking ribbon. The verticulator is spring loaded so that with each opposing maxillary cusps.Mounting of the casts.
closure it springs open to give access to the die or pattern.

An Initiative of The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University

University Journal of Medicine and Medical Specialities
The Functonally Generated Path record obtained was used to Once the occlusal morphology was perfected, the MIP
fabricate the stone occluding template.To accomplish this, the contacts were marked using 50-ìm blue articulating papers .
record was reseated and secured onto the master cast and boxing Zinc oxide powder was sprinkled and brushed onto the
was done with the modeling clay and the modeling wax. Only wax occlusal surface to form a thin, uniform coat, and the patient
registration and areas for vertical stops were left exposed, and it was instructed to perform the eccentric movements as
was filled with the dental stone to form occluding template. before. All eccentric contacts became visible with the wiping
Recording the FGP eliminates the need to reproduce mandibular away of the zinc oxide powder. Care was taken not to grind
movements on the articulator, and hence the mounting was done the MIP contacts that were registered in blue. The wiped out
on a simple three-point (mean value) articulator. Waxing and areas were trimmed using an acrylic trimmer to eliminate all
carving were done after teeth arrangement and try-in was carried eccentric interferences and the FGP patterns were
out in a conventional manner. completed. The pattern, along with the base casting, was
FGP FOR QUADRANT DENTISTRY invested and double casted.
The real value of functional path procedures is more practically The present technique has certain advantages over the
realized when it is used bilaterally because of the stabilizing effect conventional functional path technique; these are as
on the teeth and the FGP base when it is attached to both sides of follows:
the arch. 1.A cast fixed partial denture with retentive beads was used
In a unilateral quadrant, it is often necessary to make a cast base in as a stable base in the present case report. Hence a
order to get enough stabilization. All other procedures for functional path tray was not required and the problems
completing the FGP are the same as already outlined.. When associated with the tray, including inaccurate seating and
preparing a single quadrant, special care should be taken to make distortions, were avoided.
sure the opposite side is perfectly equilibrated so that there are no 2.To overcome the drawbacks of using inlay wax for
deviating interferences to influence the functional paths. After generating FGP, pattern resin was used in the present
preparation of one side, it is good to recheck the occlusion on the case; this has better dimensional stability compared to the
other side and to verify the correctness of the anterior guidance waxes.
before proceeding with the FGP. 3.The occlusal morphology was developed and corrected
FGP FOR LOWER TEETH directly in the patient’s mouth. The discrepancies which can
Functional path procedures are not generally used on lower teeth. If result due to differences between the teeth in the mouth and
either the working or balancing inclines of the opposing upper teeth that in the master dies could thus be avoided.
are too steep, the important lower buccal cusp will be wiped away in 4.A functional core used routinely for the conventional FGP
the functional wax. The restoration made from such an FGP would technique was not utilized in the present technique. Hence,
not contact in centric relation. For FGP to work on the lower teeth, the discrepancies which may result from the functional core
the upper inclines would have to be perfected first. This can be becoming slightly degraded during waxing and metal
done by equilibration before the lower tooth is prepared. It is a more adjustment were avoided.,
logical approach to shape the upper tooth grossly in to alignment
with its adjacent teeth when such shaping is needed and then to
restore the lower tooth into good centric relation contact. FGP can
be used on lower teeth, but only if the upper occlusal contours have
been perfected first
Posterior cross bites can be restored by use of FGP if lower cusp
tip placement and cusp fossae contours have been perfected in
advance. It is a practical approach when used or the upper teeth,
particularly on bilateral restorations. If lower fossae contours are
opened out as explained there will be no danger of losing the upper
buccal cusps. The lower lingual cusp will serve as the functioning
cusp and it will create lingual incline; for the upper buccal cusp that
are just as functional as if they were made by the lower buccal
cusps. We have the option of keeping then, in group function or
discluding them. In all cases, the balancing inclines must be
addition ally reduced when FGP is used.
Functionally generated path technique with double casting to
fabricate fixed partal denture.Before generating the occlusal ADVANTAGES OF FGP:
morphology we ensured that the base casting had adequate Fgp is a precise method of fabricating accurate occlusal
occlusal clearance and proper fit on the prepared teeth. The contours.
occlusal morphology was generated using pattern resin (GC Simple and inexpensive instrumentation.
Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) following the technique described by It demands minimum chair time, especially during try-in and
Dawson. Pattern resin was mixed applied on the occlusal surface of cementation phase.
the metal coping with retentive beads. The technique has a distinct advantage that it is able to
The patient was instructed to close the mouth in Maximum inter record all dimensions of such border movements at the
cupal Position and then perform right lateral, left lateral, and correct vertical dimension as they are directly influenced by
protrusive movements in succession, ending in the MIP. The both condylar and incisal guidance.
excess pattern resin was trimmed off using an acrylic trimmer. The DISADVANTAGES OF FGP:
occlusal surface was examined for any exposure of the metal and if However in clinical practice, this goal is seldom achieved
this was present the metal in the area was trimmed, pattern resin due to one or more following problems –
was added in that area, and the movements were performed once 1.Improper selection of the type of recording base or the
again. careless recording of border movements on the functional
wax table.

An Initiative of The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University

University Journal of Medicine and Medical Specialities
2.Movement at the interface between the recording medium and the REFERENCES
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3.The optimistic expectation that the recording wax will capture in a Prosthet Dent. 1959, 9: 354-66.
few minutes all the variety of the functional movements, voluntary
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of varying degrees of muscle activity with its corresponding vertical reconstructiondentistry. Part II : fixed partial dentures. J
displacement of the condyles. Prosthet Dent. 1959, 9: 432
4.This technique cannot be used in cases with short clinical crowns
and unfavorable occlusal morphology of the opposing teeth. 3 Ihab A. Hammed and Hassan Nourallah. Simplified
(attrited teeth) procedure formaking fixed partial dentures with a
5.In patients having disharmony in occlusion (malocclusions like Functionally generated path. JProsthet Dent. 1996, 75(3):
deep bite and crossbite) and temporomandibular joint dysfunction, 344-5.
the FGP technique is destined to fail.
DISCUSSION: 4 Jeffrey P Okeson. Management of Temporomandibular
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long time is needed for clinical adjustment. Experience has shown
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time taken for occlusal adjustment was very less. This is due to the
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mouth . reconstruction of the upper teeth using a
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movement from a centric position to eccentric positions to achieve functionally generated path technique. J Prosthet Dent
optimal articulation and occlusal harmony. When understood and 1960;10:151-162 occlusion in restorative dentistry.
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anatomy, and the neuro-muscular system. restoration. Int J Prosthodont 1995;8:252-258
Dawson describes the FGP technique as an extremely
sophisticated and practical method of capturing the precise border 8..Shillingburg HT, Hobo S, Whitsett LD, Jacobi R, Brackett
pathways that the lower posterior teeth follow.The technique has a SE. Fundamentals of fixed prosthodontics. 3rd ed,
distinct advantage in that it is able to record all dimensions of such Quintessence Publishing Co., Inc 1997:355.
border movements at the correct vertical as they are directly
influenced by both condylar guidance and incisal guidance. 9.. Du Vall NB, Rogers PM. Application of the functionally
The procedure can provide accuracy with fairly simple generated path technique to restore mandibular molars in
instrumentation and can be used in combination with almost any bilateral group function occlusion. JProsthodont 2013
laboratory method for waxing posterior restorations. It can be used Apr;22(3):226-32.
either in the actual fabrication of the restorations or as a
three-dimensional check-bite technique. Prashanti E, Sajjan S, Reddy JM: Fabrication of fixed partial
CONCLUSION: dentures using functionally generated path technique and
When simplified instrumentation is used (straight double casting. Indian J Dent Res 2009;20:492-495
line or semi-adjustable articulators), excessive adjustment is often
necessary at time of delivery. Fully adjustable articulators can be
used, but these are time consuming and errors can be incorporated
if they are not used regularly. FGP is a simple concept capable of
producing very accurate results, but demands care and meticulous
attention to detail.This technique reduces adjustment time during
delivery of the final restoration.Recently FGP has also been used
for the fabrication of implant retained fixed partial dentures.The
FGP technique is simple and can produce excellent results.
Because of its simplicity it is sometimes derided by those dentists
who do not use it. Simplicity should notbe confused with inaccuracy;
the technique is capable of producing very accurate results, but it
demands great care and meticulous attention to detail. Because of
its simplicity it is often overlooked by clinicians and not used more

An Initiative of The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University

University Journal of Medicine and Medical Specialities

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