Nouns: Directions: Underline The Nouns in The Sentences Below
Nouns: Directions: Underline The Nouns in The Sentences Below
Nouns: Directions: Underline The Nouns in The Sentences Below
1. John ______________
2. cafeteria _______________
3. flower _______________
4. bedroom _______________
5. woman _______________
6. firefighter _______________
7. newspaper _______________
8. Florida _______________
9. breakfast _______________
10. raindrop _______________
11. jar _______________
12. Dr. Cone _______________
Singular and Plural Nouns
Underline the noun in each sentence below. On the line next to the sentence, tell
whether the noun is singular or plural.
Underline the nouns in each sentence below. Above each noun, write an S if the
noun is singular or write a P if the noun is plural.
7. The nice man cleaned the chimney with his broom. (3 nouns)
Possessive Noun
Fill in the two blank lines with the correct possessive noun and a common noun.