Nouns: Directions: Underline The Nouns in The Sentences Below

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Directions: Underline the nouns in the sentences below.

1. Andrew is eating a peach. (2 nouns)

2. Chester flew a kite in the park. (3 nouns)
3. The clock was broken. (1 noun)
4. Mr. Jones corrected the test. (2 nouns)
5. Six dogs ran across the sidewalk. (2 nouns)
6. Michael is reading an exciting book about plants. (3 nouns)
7. Molly painted a pretty picture. (2 nouns)
8. Cindy played the guitar. (2 nouns)
9. Jake answered the question correctly. (2 nouns)
10. Adam dribbled the basketball. (2 nouns)
11. Kyle munched on cookies. (2 nouns)
12. Heather drove her car to work. (3 nouns)

Directions: Tell whether each noun below is a person, a place, or a thing.

1. John ______________
2. cafeteria _______________
3. flower _______________
4. bedroom _______________
5. woman _______________
6. firefighter _______________
7. newspaper _______________
8. Florida _______________
9. breakfast _______________
10. raindrop _______________
11. jar _______________
12. Dr. Cone _______________

Singular and Plural Nouns

Underline the noun in each sentence below. On the line next to the sentence, tell
whether the noun is singular or plural.

1. The squirrel is running fast. _______________________

2. Three of the plates are round. _______________________
3. My grandmother is very kind. _______________________
4. They gave her a nice gift. _______________________
5. Answer the telephone, please. _______________________
6. My crayons are broken. _______________________
7. Have you seen my keys? _______________________
8. That map is old. _______________________
9. It flew in the sky. _______________________
10. The store will open tomorrow. _______________________
11. There are ten fish. _______________________

Underline the nouns in each sentence below. Above each noun, write an S if the
noun is singular or write a P if the noun is plural.

1. We went to the store to buy two lamps. (2 nouns)

2. The notebook was filled with colorful drawings. (2 nouns)

3. That lady drives too fast. (1 noun)

4. Have you read all of the books on that shelf? (2 nouns)

5. The teacher assigned a project for her students to complete. (3 nouns)

6. Tonight I will clean the dishes in the kitchen. (2 nouns)

7. The nice man cleaned the chimney with his broom. (3 nouns)

8. The towels next to the pool were wet. (2 nouns)

Possessive Noun

Fill in the two blank lines with the correct possessive noun and a common noun.

1. There is one shark. Its teeth are sharp.

The _____________ _____________ are sharp.

2. There are two spiders. Their webs catch insects.

The _____________ _____________ catch insects.

3. There are six lizards. Their tails have stripes.

The _____________ _____________ have stripes.

4. There is one pig. Its tail is curly.

The _____________ _____________ is curly.

5. There are two bears. Their fur keeps them warm.

The _____________ _____________ keeps them warm.

6. There is one giraffe. Its baby is called a calf.

The _____________ _____________ is called a calf.

Tell whether each underlined possessive noun is singular or plural.

1. That book's pages are wrinkled.

2. The girls' ball went over the fence.
3. My jacket's button needs to be fixed.
4. The horses' riders were dressed in red.
5. We can't find our cat's toy.
6. The author's books were very popular.
7. The artists' paintings quickly sold out.
8. Can you see the lion's paws?

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