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The document discusses implementing methods in classes and sourcing files to call methods from other files. It provides examples of implementing addition and getting values from constants.

Methods are implemented to encapsulate logic and actions that need to be performed. Defining methods allows code to be reused and organized in a structured way.

Implementing a method in a class makes the method available only within that class, while sourcing a file makes all methods in that file available globally. Sourcing provides more flexibility but less encapsulation.


U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

Iahfeahft Lbstory=

f Eith Iahfehe Fiah Ehsjrbptbof

9 :3tl  Ojtokhr ;398 U. Iukhrt Bfbtbi` vhrsbof

98tl Fovhakhr
; U. Iu
Iukhrt Xpeiths

: 5tl E
 Ehhjhakhr ;3
;398 L. Iu
Iukhrt Dorait & [hvbhw

5 97tl Dhk ;398 U. Iukhrt Iee Sirigripl dor Bfthrdijhs

8 98tl Air ;394 A.nuair [94 [hvbhw

Sigh ;

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

Jop yrb gl t
Jopyrbglt (j) ;395 UHAHFOZ LO@EBFGZ FT
I`` rbglts rhshrvhe.
Ulbs eojuahft joftibfs proprbhtiry bfdoraitbof tlit bs prothjthe ky jopyrbglt. Fo pirt od tlbs eojuahft aiy
kh rhproeujhe, trifsabtthe, or aieh ivib`ik`h ebrhjt`y or bfebrhjt`y to i tlbre pirty wbtlout tlh hxprhss
 wrbtthf igrhhahft od UHAHFOZ XN @babthe. [hjhbpt od tlbs aithrbi` ebrhjt`y UHAHFOZ XN @babthe
jofstbtuths bts hxprhss phrabssbof to jopy. Shrabssbof to ush or jopy tlbs eojuahft hxprhss`y hxj`uehs
aoebdybfg bt dor ify purposh, or usbfg bt to jrhith i ehrbvitbvh tlhrhdroa.

H r r i ti
t i i fe
fe Jo a a h f t s

Bd you livh ify joaahfts rhgirebfg tlbs aifui` or wbsl to rhport ify hrrors bf tlh
eojuahftitbo f, p`hish eojuahft tlha ife shfe tlha
t lha to tlh ieerhss kh`ow=
Uhjlfo`ogy Ehpirtahft

Uhahfos Lhiequirthrs ZI
; [uh eh `‒Hjo`h-eh-Jlbabh,
JL - 9;38 Ghfhvi,

Uh` ZK= +59 (3) ;; 73< 9983

Dix= +59 (3) ;; 73< 9943

S`hish bfj`ueh your fiah, joapify, ieerhss, ife th`hplofh ife dix fuakhrs, ife haib`
ieerhss bd ipp`bjik`
h. UIDMehvCthahfos.joa

Sigh :

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

Uik`h od Jofthfts
..... ;
............ 5
Ulh khfhdbts..................................................................
.... 5
Jrhitbfg i fhw Joapofhft....................................................................................................................4
Ulh fotbof od « aoeu`h ¾.....................................................................................................7

Jrhitbfg i fhw Joapofhft (joftbfuitbof)..........................................................................7

Ulh Zjopbfg.......................................................................
... 2




Ulh Ahtloe........................................................................
... 2
Ulh piriahthrs.................................................................................................................93

Ulh mKJ bfdoraitbof...........................................................................................................99

Ulh Jofstift...................................................................
.. 9;
Ulh Uik`h.................................................................
..... 9;
Ulh prophr
..... 9:
Joapb`bfg i joapofh
.. 98
Eobfg thsts khdorh bap`hahftbfg..........................................................................................................98
Xsbfg i Joapof
....... 9<
Ulh Ahtl
................................ 9<

Ulh Jof
........................ ;3

Ulh Srophrtbhs...................................................................................................................;9

Ulh Uik`
................................ ;5

....... ;4
Bap`hahftbfg ahtloes......................................................................
...... ;7

Sigh 5

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f


I joapofhft bs i `ogbji` ife thjlfbji` groupbfg

groupbfg od mKJ irthdijts. Ky « mKJ irthdijts ¾ wh
ahif sukroutbfhs, dufjtbofs, joaaofs ife tik`hs. Ulbs groupbfg wis i`rhiey hxbstbfg, kut
ky fiabfg jofvhftbofs of`y. Is if hxiap`h, tlh routbfh HK.IJJOXFUBFG
HK.IJJOXFUBFG wis pirt od
« HK ¾ ky bt's fiah. Kut wlit ikout H\JL[IUH ?

Zbfjh vhrsbof [98, i fhw typh od db`h lis khhf rh`hishe = tlh .joapofhft.

Ulbs db`h wb`` joftibf i `bst od i`` tlh irthdijts ahftbofhe hir`bhr. Ulbs db`h wb`` kh joapb`he is i
forai` mKJ routbfh ife wb`` kh ushe eurbfg tlh ehvh`opahft.

Ulbs .joapofhft bs tlh diçieh to tlh ufehr`ybfg bap`hahftitbofs.

bap`hahftitbofs. Ulbs ijts is i nbfg od
« bfthrdijh ¾.

U l h k h f h d bt
bt s

Khdorh gobfg bf ehtib`s bfto tlh joapofhft wor`e,

wor`e, `ht's ti`n ikout tlh khfhdbts od bt.

- Groupbfg joeh ahifs tlit tlh bfthr-ehphf

ehfjbhs khtwhhf tlh ebddhrhft groups khjoahs
vbsbk`h ife aifighik`h.

- JOAAOF virbik`h ijjhss bs eofh tlrougl ghtthrs ife shtthrs. Fo aorh sbeh-hddhjts od
jlifgbfg i joaaof virbik`h wbtlout nfowbfg bt.

- Uik`hs ijjhss irh rhstrbjthe. Jiffot wrbth bf i tik`h bf i ebddhrhft joapofhft

- Jofstifts (HYX) irh ehdbfhe bf tlh joapofhft ife fot jopbhe ijross `bnh i $BFZH[U
eohs. Zo Ulhrh irh fo rbsn
rbsn to j`isl wbtl ebddhrhft
ebddhrhft vhrsbofs.

- I joapofhft bs sh`d-ehsjrbkb
fg. Srothjt ushr to livh to nfow tlh ufehrfhitl

- Iuto-joap`htbof bf mKJ Hebtor

- Zjopbfg i``ow ahtloe, prophrtbhs, … to kh lbeehf droa tlh hxthrfi` wor`e (if otlhr

- Ehdbfbfg Joapofhft orbhfthe Xfbt Uhsts (XfbtUhst Driahworn)

Sigh 8

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

Ulbs pbjturh prhshfts tlh siah nbfe od joeh, wbtlout ife wbtl i « joapofhftbsitbof ¾. Bt
j`hir`y slows tlit, ofjh tlh joapofhfts irh wh`` ehdbfhe, tlh bfthr-ijtbofs khtwhhf tlha
khjoahs okvbous ife aifighik`h.








Fo joapofhfts Wbtl joapofhfts

Sigh 4

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

Jr h it
i t bf
b f g i f hw
h w J o ap
ap o f h f t

Bf HEZ, jrhitbfg i fhw joapofhft bs eofh tlh siah wiy is jrhitbfg i fhw ZXK[OXUBFH.

Bf tlh UIDM Shrsphjtbvh

[bglt-j`bjn of tlh ebrhjtory you wift tlh joapofhft to kh, jloosh Fhw ↛ U;5 routbfh /
joapofhft / thstjish, hfthr i fiah dor your joapofhft ife j`bjn dbfbsl.
d bfbsl.

Baportift= I
fiah bs joaposhe od i «aoeu`h¾.«joapofhft¾

Sigh 7

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

U l h f o t b o f o d « a oe
oe u` h ¾

I aoeu`h fiah bs usui``y i ; upphr-jish `htthr (hg « II ¾, « DU ¾, « HK ¾ ) bf tlh

joapofhft fiah.

I Aoeu`h bs i `ogbji` group od joapofhft. Ulbs bs baportift to jofsbehr tlh aoeu`h is bt lis
i rhi` bap`bjitbof bf tlh sjopbfg (shh « Zjopbfg ¾ jlipthr).

Jr h it
i t bf
b f g i f hw
h w J o ap
a p o f h f t ( j of
o f t bf
bf u i t b o f )
Ofjh you livh aieh i fhw ↛ U;5 joapofhft, you wb`` iutoaitbji``
y hfthr tlh HEZ
Joapofhft hebtor.

joapofhft D\.Srojhssor

# Joapofhft Bso`itbof Ehdbfbtbof

ahtiaoeh`Thrsbof 9.4

# -------------------------------------------------

Ulh EhsbgfZtuebo/Hj`bpsh
EhsbgfZtuebo/Hj`bpsh Joapofhft hebtor joahs wbtl iuto-joap`htb
of dijb`btbhs. ¨

UO eo so, prhss Jtr` + 0ZSIJH6. Rou wb`` livh soahtlbfg `bnh tlbs=

Sigh <

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

Ulh `ist dor optbofs irh tlh thap`ith. Zo jloosbfg, is if hxiap`h, ‐FhwAhtloe‑ wb``
iutoaitbji` `y iee tlbs joeh ...

aoeu`h ahtloe OphritbofFiah

  BF IrguahftFiah
IrguahftFiah  strbfg
strbfg  ^3..9Q

  mKJ= [outbfhFiah

Wbtl tlh dojus to tlh sjoph. Rou jif fivbgith droa ofh dbh`e to ifotlhr ofh wbtl tlh 0tik6 /
0Zlbdt6 + 0Uik6.
Khdorh gobfg bf ehtib`s of tlh 5 ivib`ik`h optbofs, `hts ebsjuss tlh Zjopbfg.

Sigh 2

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

U l h Z j o pb
pb f g

Ulh Zjoph bs i aifeitory bfdoraitbof

bfdoraitbof dor I@@ tlh joapofhft irthdijts (Jofstift, Ahtloe,
Srophrty ife Uik`h). Bt jif livh 5 ebddhrhft vi`uhs =

p u k `bj
Ulh irthdijt bs vbsbk`h droa hvhrywlh
rh (otlhr aoeu`h, otlhr joapofhf

Ulh irthdijt bs vbsbk`h of`y dor tlh joapofhft khbfg pirt od tlh siah aoeu`h

Of`y vbsbk`h bf tlh siah 0aoeu`h6.0joapofhft6

Ulbs optbof bs dor duturh rh`hish ife bs ush`hss dor fow.

Ulbs bs baportift to jofsbehr tlh sjopbfg wbtl jirh, ife fot ainh hvhrytlbfg puk`bj. Ky
ehdiu`t tlh sjopbfg bs « aoeu`h ¾, kut rheujbfg bt to « prbvith ¾ ife jlifgh bt of`y bd
fhjhssiry bs jhrtibf`y i gooe prijtbjh.

U l h A ht
ht l o e

I ahtloe bs ehsjrbkbfg i mKJ ZXK[OXUBFH or DXFJUBOF. Bt bs joaposhe od tlh sjoph, if

i`bis Fiah (OphritbofFiah),
(OphritbofFiah), tlh optbofi` rhturf typh (bd i dufjtbof) tlh
t lh `bst od tlh piriahthrs
ife tlh mKJ bap`hahftitbof fiah (tlh « rhi` ¾ ZXK[OXUBFH / DXFJUBOF fiah)

aoeu`h ahtloe OphritbofFiah aoeu`h ahtloe OphritbofFiah
OphritbofFiah =
( strbfg (

  00pirias66   00pirias66

Jurrhft`y (Fov ;398) of`y ‐strbfg‑ bs i vi`be rhturf typh.

Sigh 93

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

U l h p ir
ir i a h t h r s

I piriahthr bs joaposhe od if Ijjhss, bt's fiah bt's typh ife bt's au`tbp`bjb

Ulhrh irh joabfg rbglt idthr tlh fiah od tlh ahtloe, irh shpirithe ky joai ife wripphe
bf krijnhts ( … )

Ulh ijjhss bs BF, BFOXU or OXU.

BF ahifs tlh piriahthr bs fot aoebdbhe bf tlh routbfh

OXU ahifs bt bs of`y dor rhturfbfg i vi`uh

BFOXU ahifs tlh piriahthr vi`uh bs rh`hvift ife wb`` kh aoebdbhe.

Is toeiy, tlbs bs if bfdoraitbof of`y. Bf duturh rh`hishs, tlbs vi`uh wb`` kh vhrbdbhe it joapb`h

Ulh fiah bs ify vi`be virbik`h fiah. Ulbs bs hfjourighe to ush tlh jiah` jisbfg.

Ulh typh ehdbfh tlh typh od piriahthr. Is phr toeiy, of`y « strbfg ¾ bs vi`be.

Ulh typh jif kh do``owhe ky ophf/j`osh krijnht to ehdbfh i EBAhftboff

he irriy.


  BF DbrstSiria
DbrstSiria  strbfg

    BFOXU ZhjofeSiria
ZhjofeSiria  strbfg

  OXU IfIrriy
IfIrriy  strbfg

Sigh 99

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

U l h m K J b f do
do r a i t b o f

Ulh mKJ bfdoraitbof ehdbfh tlh « rhi` ¾ ZXK[OXUBFH / DXFJUBOF fiah.

Bt bs wripphe bf jur`y krijnhts { … }

Hxiap`h =

  mKJ= [outbfhOrDufjtbofFiah

I Du`` Ahtloe =

aoeu`h ahtloe OphritbofFiah
  BF DbrstSiria
DbrstSiria  strbfg
  BFOXU ZhjofeSiria
ZhjofeSiria  strbfg
  OXU IfIrriy
IfIrriy  strbfg


aoeu`h ahtloe OphritbofFiah
OphritbofFiah = = strbfg
  BF DbrstSiria
DbrstSiria  strbfg
  BFOXU ZhjofeSiria
ZhjofeSiria  strbfg
  OXU IfIrriy
IfIrriy  strbfg

Sigh 9;

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

U l h J o fs
fs t i f t

Ulh jofstift bs qubth hisy to bap`hahfts> bt bs joaposhe od tlh sjoph, i fiah ife i vi`uh.
Optbofi``y,, wh jif sphjbdy i mKJ fiah wlbjl bs of`y fhjhssiry dor iuto-bfjorp
Optbofi``y iuto-bfjorporitbof
oritbof (shh
sphjbdbj jlipthr)

aoeu`h jofstift JofstiftFiah
JofstiftFiah 1
 1 93

aoeu`h jofstift JofstiftFiah(MKJ.FIAH)
JofstiftFiah(MKJ.FIAH) 1
 1 93

U l h U i k`
k` h

Ulh tik`h bs joaposhe od tlh sjoph, if i`bis (tlh tik`hFiah), tlh rhi` mKJ tik`h fiah
(wbtlout tlh prhdbx) ife i `bst od dbh`es.

Ulh dbh`es irh shpirithe ky joai ife wripphe bf i dbh`es={ } group. Foth tlit tlh dbh`es jif
livh, dor tlh siah rhisofs is jofstifts, tlh MKJ fiah bf krijnhts.

Foth tlit tlhrh bs fo joai shpiritor khtwhhf tlh dbh`es.


aoeu`h tik`h Uik`hFiah

  t;5= AR.UIK@H

  dbh`es= {

  Dbh`e9 1
Dbh`e9  1 9

Dbh`e;(MKJ.FIAH) 1
Dbh`e;(MKJ.FIAH)  1 ;


Sigh 9:

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

Ul h pr o p h r t y

Is ahftbofhe hir`bhr, i prophrty bs wrippbfg i JOAAOF virbik`h.

I Srophrty bs joaposhe od tlh sjoph, tlh prophrty fiah, bt's ijjhss, bt's typh ife optbofi``y
tlh jorrhspofebfg
jorrhspofebfg JOAAOF ehdbfhe
ehdbfhe ky if Bfshrt db`h ife i virbik`h fiah.

Ulh ijjhss jif kh rhie, wrbth, rhiewrbth or rhieof`y(ehprhjithe).


Bd rhie, of`y i ghtthr wb`` kh ivib`ik`h.

Bd wrbth, of`y i shtthr wb`` kh ivib`ik`h.

Rou jif, ky shpiritbfg rhie / wrbth dor tlh siah prophrty du``y aifigh tlh sjopbfg. Dor
hxiap`h, you jif ehjbeh to livh your prophrty prbvith dor tlh wrbth, ife puk`bj dor tlh rhie.

puk`bj prophrty rhie SrophrtyFiah
prbvith prophrty wrbth SrophrtyFiah

Bd tlh JOAAOF bs i EBAahe irriy, tlh mKJ virbik`h fiah aust kh do``owhe ky tlh fuakhr
od ebahfsbofs bf-khtwhhf krijnht.
krijnht. Fotbjh tlit wh irh ti`nbfg ikout tlh FXAKH[ od
ebahfsbo fs, fot tlh sbzh!

[.FHW(833) lis 9 ebahfsbof

AR.I[[IR(93,;3) lis ; ebahfsbofs


aoeu`h prophrty  rhiewrbth SrophrtyFiah = strbfg {


  mKJ= B_D\.Srojhssor
B_D\.Srojhssor -6

aoeu`h prophrty  rhiewrbth [Fhw
[Fhw  = strbfg {


Sigh 95

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

I prophrty jif i`so fot livh ify MKJ= bap`hahftitbof. Bf tlbs jish, tlh ufehr`ybfg
JOAAOF bs of`y ijjhssbk`h droa tlh prophrty. Ulbs
U lbs wb`` kh tlh divourbth
d ivourbth optbof dor fhw


aoeu`h prophrty rhiewrbth SrophrtyFiah

Ulhrh bs fo sujl support dor EBAahe irriy dor tlh prophrtbhs fot livbfg i ‐mKJ=‑ bfdoraitbof.

Sigh 98

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

J o ap
a p b`
b ` b f g i jo
jo a p o f h f t

I joapofhft, `bnh ify otlhr mKJ db`h aust kh joapb`he

joapb`he.. Bf HEZ, sbap`y sivbfg bt wb`` bfvonh
tlh mKJ joapb`hr so you slou`e fot livh to worry ikout bt. Rou i`wiys jif rbglt-j`bjn of tlh
db`h ife eo i « joapb`h Kisbj db`h ¾

E o b fg
f g t h st
s t s k h d or
o r h b a p `h
`h a h f t b f g

Ofjh your joapofhft lis khhf sivhe ife joapb`h, you jif ebrhjt`y stirt usbfg bt. Od joursh,
bd tlh mKJ bap`hahftitbof lis fot khhf eofh, tlbs wb`` dib` it ruftbah, kut fot it joapb`h tbah,
ife aost baportift, fot dor Xfbtthsts.

Ulbs ahif tlit you jif ehdbfh i joapofhft, jrhith thsts dor bt, ife bap`hahft
idthr livbfg jrhithe tlh thst!

Ulbs bs i vhry baportift pobft, ife wh wb`` qubjn`y ainh i sthp-ky-sthp projheurh to b``ustrith

9) Jrhith i fhw joapofhft, ji`` bt AR.Joapofhft

;) Jtr` + 0Zpijh6 iee i fhw ahtloe, nhhp tlh ehdiu`t vi`uhs, sivh

Lhrh you livh jrhithe i ahtloe AR.Joapofhft.OphritbofFiah(…) wbtl ofh piriahthr.

Ulbs ahtloe bs supposhe to bfvonh tlh mKJ routbfh « [outbfhFiah ¾

joapofhft AR.Joapofhft
ahtiaoeh`Thrsbof  9.4

aoeu`h ahtloe OphritbofFiah

  BF IrguahftFiah
IrguahftFiah  strbfg
strbfg  ^3..9Q

  mKJ= [outbfhFiah

Sigh 94

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

:) Jrhith i XfbtUhst, ji`` bt UhstOphritbofFiah, ife hebt bt `bnh tlbs =

UHZUJIZH UhstOphritbofFiah
UHZUJIZH  UhstOphritbofFiah

XUD.shtUirght ("AR.Joapofhft.OphritbofFiah"
  S9 1 9;:


XUD.rufUhst ()

XUD.isshrtHqui`s (S9, ;54)


5) Zivh rbglt-j`bjn of UhstOphritbofFiah.tut (tlh thst db`h) ife ruf is … Kisbj XfbtUhst

Okvbous`y, tlh thst bs dib`bfg. Fow jlifgh lit, tinh tlh ehvh`ophr ofh, ife bap`hahft tlh
ahtloe « [outbfhFiah ¾

Sigh 97

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

8) Jrhith i fhw ZXK[OXUBFH, ji`` bt [outbfhFiah, ife hebt bt `bnh tlbs =

ZXK[OXUBFH [outbfhFiah(
ZXK[OXUBFH  [outbfhFiah(S9

  S9 1
S9  1 ; * S9
. . . ife rh-ruf your thst. Rou eof't livh to rhjoapb`h ifytlbfg, must rh-ruf bt.

Sigh 9<

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

X s b f g i Jo
J o ap
ap o f h f t

U l h A ht
ht l o e s

Bf orehr to ush i joapofhft, you livh to ehdbfh bt wbtl tlh $XZBFG nhywore

Is if hxiap`h to ush tlh joapofhft wh jrhithe bf tlh prhvbous jlipthr, jrhith i fhw
S[OG[IA, ji`` bt AIBF, ife stirt hebtbfg bt `bnh tlbs =


$XZBFG AR.Joapofhft
$XZBFG AR.Joapofhft


Dbrst you wb`` fotbjh tlh iuto-joap`h

tbof rbglt idthr you typhe $XZBFG ….

Ulhf, you jif typh AR. …. ife tlh iuto.joap`h

tbof bs proposbfg you « Joapofhft ¾, ife
tlhf . ….. ife fotlbfg ify-aorh !!!!


@oon jirhdu``y it tlh joapofhft. Bt lis of`y ofh ahtloe, ife bts sjoph bs « aoeu`h ¾. Ulbs
ahifs tlit of`y pbhjhs od joeh bf tlh siah aoeu`h jif ijjhss tlh ahtloe.

Zo : so`utbofs bf our hxiap`h=

9) Ainh your
your ahtloe puk`bj
puk`bj (hebt tlh .joapofhft,
.joapofhft, sivh, joah kijn of your
your joeh, typh
AR.Joapof hft. …. ife you wb`` shh

Sigh 92

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

;) Sut kijn « aoeu`h ¾ ife ush tlh ;fe optbof = ainh your progria khbfg pirt od tlh « AR ¾

Uo eo so, iee tlh $SIJNIGH it tlh top od your progria, ife sphjbdy i fiah livbfg « it
`hist ¾ tlh siah aoeu`h tlhf your joapofhft. Rou jif rhaovh tlh $XZBFG j`iush.

B ahftbofhe i :re optbof …. wh``, fot hxijt`y. Rou jif try to typh OphritbofFiah yoursh`d,
dbfi``y, tlbs bs must iuto-joap`htbof,
iuto-joap`htbof, rbglt ? Wrofg ! Ulh joapb`hr wb`` rhdush bt, ife tlbs sai``
hxhrjbsh bs ehsjrbkbfg low wh irh hfdorjbfg tlh sjopbfg ife wly tlbs bs so baportift to
ehdbfh i prophr sjoph. Ulbs dhiturh bs fot of`y bf Hj`bpsh (HEZ) kut i`so dor jofso`h
joapb`itbo f. Fo wiy to kypiss bt.

Ulbs ahifs tlit dor duturh rh`hishs, you of`y livh to jirh ikout kijn-joapitbkb`bty od puk`bj
(hvt aoeu`h) ahtloes.

Kut siy you wof't ikifeof so hisb`y, ife ehjbeh to ji`` tlh ufehrfhitl routbfh ebrhjt`y …. fo
fo !

Sigh ;3

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

Ulh of`y wiy bs to rhaovh tlh $XZBFG, kut bf tlit

t lit jish you irh kijn bf tlh « o`e wor`e ¾
ife tlhrh bs fo joapofhft bfvo`vhe ify-aorh.

Fow tlit you ufehrstooe low tlh joapofhft bs bfvonhe, ife low tlh Hebtor bs lh`pbfg you
to iuto-joap`hth, `ht‒s hxp`orh tlh : rhaibfbfg irthdijts=

9. Jofstifts

;. Srophrtbhs

:. Uik`hs.

Ul h Jo f s t i f t s

Ulbs bs qubth okvbous, ife bf orehr to b``ustrith bt, must iee i jofstift ehj`iritbof
ehj`iritbof bf
AR.Joapof hft, ainh bt puk`bj !, ght kijn to your AIBF progria, ife typh

AR.Joapofhft. ... Ife you wb`` shh your jofstift!

Fotlbfg h`sh to iee, ipirt aiykh tlit bd you jlifgh tlh vi`uh od your jofstift, you eo fot
fhhe to rhjoapb`h your progria to livh tlh fhw vi`uh. Ulbs bs i kbg ebddhrhfjh joapirbfg to
tlh HYX bf mKJ.

Sigh ;9

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

U l h S ro
ro p h r t b h s

Is ahftbofhe prhvbous`y,
prhvbous`y, i prophrty bs aippbfg i joaaof virbik`h. Ulh sai`` ebddhrhfjh bs
tlit you eo fot livh i « pobfthr ¾ to tlh virbik`h, kut tlh vi`uh btsh`d.

@ht's jrhith i prophrty.

Dbrst, jrhith i B_ Db`h (fhw Db`h) (`ht's ji`` bt B_UHZU.BFZH[U) ife hebt bt `bnh tlbs=


Ulhf, hebt your joapofhft, ife iee i prophrty =

puk`bj prophrty rhie SrophrtyFiah
SrophrtyFiah  = strbfg

Kijn to you aibf progria=

Sigh ;;

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

Ulhrh bs fo wiy to jlifgh tlh prophrty, ife tlh rhisof dor bt bs khjiush tlh prophrty bs
rhieof`y.. Jlifgh bt bf tlh joapofhft to rhiewrbth (eouk`h-j`bjn
rhieof`y (eouk`h-j`bjn of rhieof`y, Jtr` + 0spijh6
 wb`` slow tlh
tlh `bst od possbk`h
possbk`h vi`uhs) or sbap`y
sbap`y rhp`ijh « rhieof`y
rhieof`y ¾ ky « rhiewrbth
rhiewrbth ¾, tlhf
kijn to your progria =

Bd i prophrty bs ehdbfhe wbtl irriy sbzh, tlh ghtthrs ife shtthrs wb`` ijt ijjorebfg
`y ife fhw
lh`phr ahtloes wb`` kh aieh ivib`ik`h. Uo ehsjrbkh bt, dbrst,
d brst, jrhith i B_ Db`h (fhw Db`h) (`ht's
ji`` bt B_UHZU.BFZH[U) ife hebt bt `bnh tlbs =


Wh livh to eo bt khjiush, is sphjbdbhe bf tlh ‐Ulh Srophrty‑ jlipthr, i prophrty wbtlout tlh
‐mKJ=‑ k`ojn jiffot kh i EBAahe irriy. Ulhf jlifgh your joapofhft to soahtlbfg `bnh tlbs=

puk`bj prophrty rhiewrbth SrophrtyFiah
SrophrtyFiah  = strbfg

 -6 AR.JOAAOF(;)

Sigh ;:

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

Bd you ght kijn to your AIBF progria=

Wh jif dbfe our ghtthr ife shtthr, kut i`so : fhw ahtloes =

j`hir0prophrty_fiah6  bs tlh MKJ Hqubvi`hft to AIU AR.JOAAOF 1 ''

ghtEyfIrriyDroa0prophrty_fiah6  bs rhturfbfg « rht ¾ idthr soahtlbfg `bnh tlbs =


shtEyfIrriyUo0prophrty_fiah6  bs tlh

t lh MKJ Hqubvi`hft to AIUSI[ZH AR.JOAAOF
D[OA eyfIrriy

!! WI[FBFG !!

Ulbs bs fot possbk`h to abx tlh siah prophrty wbtl ife wbtlout tlh ‐mKJ=‑ shttbfg.

Sigh ;5

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

Ulbs joeh bs BFTI@BE. Ulh rhisof dor bt bs tlit tlh ghtthr (prophrty rhie) pobfts to soahtlbfg
h`sh tlif tlh shtthr (prophrty wrbth)

puk`bj prophrty rhie SrophrtyFiah
SrophrtyFiah  = strbfg

prbvith prophrty wrbth SrophrtyFiah
SrophrtyFiah  = strbfg


U l h U i k`
k` h s

@ht's jrhith i tik`h ehdbfbtbof bf our joapofhft to b``ustrith bt =

puk`bj tik`h Uk`Jurrhfjy[ith

  t;5= JX[[HFJR.[IUH

  dbh`es= {

  Jurrhfjy 1
Jurrhfjy  1 9

  [ith 1
[ith 1 ;


Kijn to AIBF progria. Rou wb`` fotbjh your tik`h fiah. I`so, i ahtloe ji``he « tik`h ¾ +
your tik`h fiah. Bgforh tlbs `ist ofh, bt bs lhrh must dor kijn-joapi
tbkb`bty. Zh`hjt your tik`h

Sigh ;8

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

I`` tlh
fhjhssiry (sh`d
ahtloes irh
lhrh…. I`` ? Wlhrh
irh tlh wrbth
dijb`btbhs ? Bf dijt,
tlhrh irh
« prbvith ¾ of`y. Fo
ofh ipirt ay
joapofhft bs

i``owhe to wrbth to
ay tik`hs. Bd B wift
to provbeh soah
upeith dijb`btbhs, B
 wb`` livh to ainh puk`bj ahtloes.

Fhvhrtlh`hss, `ht's jlhit ife ainh our AIBF progria pirt od AR.Joapofhft to shh tlhsh
ahtloes. [hahakhr low to eo bt ? Iee $SIJNIGH AR.Joapofhft ife rhaovh tlh

Ury igibf to Jtr` + 0spijh6 idthr Uk`Jurrhfjy[ith =

Eh`hth, [hieX ife Wrbth irh fow ivib`ik`h.

Sigh ;4

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

Foth tlit tlh dbh`es (ehdbfhe is jofstift) irh i`wiys puk`bj. Ulbs ahifs tlit you jif ainh i
tik`h prbvith, jrhith i ahtloe wlbjl rhturf i pirt od tlh rhjore of`y, ife tlh ushr od your
ahtloe wb`` stb`` kh ik`h to ijjhss tlh dbh`es usbfg tlh
0AOE6.0Joapofhft6.0Uik`hFiah6.0Dbh`eFiah6 ahtloeo`ogy.

Sigh ;7

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

U l h b ft
f t h rd
rd i j h s

Ulh joaofhfts livh i `ist typh od ehdbfbtbof, tlh bfthrdijhs.

Rou ehdbfh if bfthrdijh `bnh tlbs =

 puk`bj bfthrdijh FoSiria
FoSiria (

 puk`bj bfthrdijh OfhSiria
OfhSiria (
  BFOXU Ovhrrbeh`bst
Ovhrrbeh`bst  strbfg

Bfthrdijhs irh ushe to bfvonh ahtloes « ky fiah ¾ (siah is tlh o`e « JI@@ C ¾)

Kisbji``y,, ife bfthrdijh bs fotlbfg h`sh tlif i ahtloe, kut wbtlout tlh { … mKJ = … } koey.

Ofjh if bfthrdijh bs ehdbfhe, you jif bfvonh bt tlh siah wiy is i ahtloe wbtl ofh aimor
ebddhrhfjh = Rou sphjbdy tlh fiah od tlh ahtloe you wift to bfvonh.

Eo ehsjrbkh bt, `ht's baigbfh tlbs du`` hxiap`h =

 * Suk`bj bfthrdijh wbtl ofh piria
 puk`bj  bfthrdijh Ji``KyFiahOfhSiria  (
  BFOXU ofhSiria
ofhSiria  strbfg
 * [hi` ahtloe pobftbfg to mKJ
 prbvith   ahtloe  eoZoahtlbfg
eoZoahtlbfg (
  BFOXU AySiria

Rou tlhf jif ofvonh « eoZoahtlbfg ¾ ky fiah `bnh tlbs = 

.Ji``KyFiahOfhSiria( "eoZoahtlbfg"
, "piria9")
"piria9" )

Sigh ;<

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f


Ulbs bs baportift to eojuahft your joapofhft. Ulh ushr od bt wof't livh bt. I`` tlh
t lh iuto-
joap`htbof dhiturhs irh joabfg droa tlh joapb`he joapofhft, fot droa tlh sourjh.

Eojuahftbfg bs fot of`y baportift dor tlh puk`bj irthdijts, kut i`so dor
Eojuahftbfg d or tlh prbvith, tlh
aoeu`h, htj … Lhrh bs i du``y eojuahfthe joapofhft=

joapofhft AR.Joapofhft
ahtiaoeh`Thrsbof  9.4
 * Ulbs bs i vhry baportift ahtloe
 * eoukbfg tlh vi`uh pisshe
aoeu`h ahtloe OphritbofFiah
  * Ulbs irguahft bs qubth baportift
  * Ulbs slou`e kh i fuakhr.
  BF IrguahftFiah
IrguahftFiah  strbfg
strbfg  ^3..9Q
  mKJ= [outbfhFiah
 * Ulh vi`uh od tlbs jofstift bs 93
puk`bj jofstift JofstiftFiah
JofstiftFiah 1 1 93

 * Ulbs prophrty bs must lhrh dor duf.
 * Ulbs bs i eouk`h ebahftbofhe irriy
 * ikso`uth`y ush`hss.
puk`bj prophrty rhiewrbth SrophrtyFiah
SrophrtyFiah  = strbfg

 * Ulbs tik`h bs i ; jo`uaf tik`h

Sigh ;2

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

puk`bj tik`h Uk`Jurrhfjy[ith
  t;5= JX[[HFJR.[IUH
  dbh`es= {
  Jurrhfjy 1
Jurrhfjy  1 9
  [ith 1
[ith  1 ;

Bap` h a h f t b f g ah t l o e s

Ulh joapofhft hebtor lis i sphjbi` jofthxtui` ahfu to lh`p ehvh`ophrs to bap`hahft i

Ulbs ahfu bs of`y ivib`ik`h wlhf tlh jursor bs `ojithe bf i ahtloe.

Uo b``ustrith bt, posbtbof your jursor bf i ahtloe, ife rbglt-j`bjn.

Ulh do``owbfg ahfu wb`` oddhr you tlh possbkb`

bty to bap`hahft tlh ahtloe=

Sigh :3

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

Ife j`bjnbfg of ‐Bap`hahft ahtloe ...‑ livh : possbk`h ijtbof =

9. hvhrytlb
fg bs dbfh, i fhw ahtloe
ahtloe wb``
wb`` kh bap`hahf
the, ife tlh dojus
dojus gbvhf
gbvhf of bt `bnh

$SIJNIGH D\.Srojhssor
$SIJNIGH  D\.Srojhssor
* Bap`hahftit
bof od D\.Srojhssor
* Iaouft(BFOXU) =
, JJR9, JJR;)

[HU 1 ''

;. Ulh shjofe
shjofe possbkb
`bty bs tlit
tlit tlh ahtloe
ahtloe i`rhiey
i`rhiey hxbsts
hxbsts bf tlh sourjh.
sourjh. Bf tlit jish,
jish, bd
tlh sourjh bs `ojithe soahwlhrh
soahwlhrh h`sh tlif tlh p`ijh p`ijh wlhrh tlh joapofhft
joapofhft bs, i
 wirfbfg wb``
wb`` kh gbvhf, tlh sourjh
sourjh db`h wb``
wb`` kh ophfhe. Bd tlh sourjh
sourjh bs `ojithe it tlh
siah p`ijh, tlh db`h bs sbap`y ophfhe.

$SIJNIGH D\.Srojhssor
$SIJNIGH  D\.Srojhssor



rith9 1 D\.Srojhssor.ght[ith(
rith; 1 D\.Srojhssor.ght[ith(

TI@ 1 IAU *
IAU * rith9 / rith;
:. Ulh
[OXFE.IAOXFU(TI@, ;) `ist

Sigh :9

U ; 5 J o a p o f h f t b s i t bo
bo f

possbkb`bty bs tlit tlh

possbkb`bty t lh joapb`he db`h bs `ojithe bf your j`isshs / mirs, kut fo sourjh jif
kh doufe. Bf tlit jish, ife hrror bs slowf `bnh tlbs=

Ofjh i ahtloe lis khhf bap`hahfth

bap`hahfthe e usbfg tlbs dijb`bty.
d ijb`bty. Ulh joeh od tlh ahtloe bs
lbgl`bglthe. Rou jif uf-lbgl`bg
lt bt wbtl tlh ‐[

Sigh :;

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