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n"c$o dra(dd/SeEpertcglen

Urlard:sldrJno q? ,o
er/inidapd- ddgcdrd\ JdFSodJ€_d;, d,o(J@"_1ed ddri erot" .do-" zrdoo$
6odca, ddo dd oad eod,oj(rl idHerorld ddo (JaJdo$ddJ;L
d$dJd,oo&dJd-(d dgJ_ ereFd icdddd,orgndRdJd_(dodr da d),oe-)d
I, Sri/Sn[,iMiss b eing Washennan/Barber*, I hercby declarc lhat. es
lockdorvn anoounccd to prevent covid- 19, I lvas unable to continuc m)- rvork
and dcprirecl
ol n v inconrc and I arn iu llnancial distress

tsrd,lrozrd oJrddd( idx.sdr dxe)*od do6od d,o(O e9dF
nO_,1o:6oe) (,ddE aJdbdJdt)eI dod) d dyde)d d,o(&i)j_(nj.
Furlher I hercby dcclar.e that llo l1rember of lnv lamily has applied for
the above rclic] an.1
not receivcd ally col1tpc[satio[.

.). oo\EJoOJ JooJ) €dd/dopd, d".B"obo_ /<- aidrri9od
3,odndJooAdJd)6oR d-, droo6 -qj,ot&nJd_(d ,13) dd.$ erio"i-rgd
-r:',:a-J :l-j-:idd qjdr,;E 6ac.]).2oo8ij rr-lxJo?j 2ciu_ aJd.)JotiAd Edo$-ijg
-.;;r-d Lr/-s3"drd6)e)_ 60rl,0 eedFC$O_ -Edr nojJdrd dro&,godrr d
s.rd dJ63rrl igrdrdRd aDo.Jr *,o(&Xrd_(d 6011,0 Lodr d(S dddJ J(&Cr_
dro&,3oCrJ cxgsdodr dodr aJodel rodoJd d;a$4 qrddddddRdJ€-(d.

Furthcr. I hereby declare that I am workiig as WashcrnadBarbcr*

silrcc _- ycars
end I .Lm.not^uor cr eLl rLrd(r trlc ,cts spccil-red in sihcd*re Ir of the U.orga,izccl's Social
Sccufliy -\rt l0uti. j irlso decl e tltat the i[lbmration providcd in the
af,plication is true to rhc
bc-st of my lilowledge ancl I shall be liablc 1Lr legal action
i,rror nutiu .rr rl,. ir|l,lie.rrion
;, .".!'ui firtnishi[g $r.orle

'n-SlPlace: /Odl ,t,e:-,

e-r€FCtdbd iL,/-dri" dzJ" ej.,^J ,o,d
hd-do8/Dare: salz lawo \ppliriLnt Siqnunrrc I ctt I hllrnh lrn|r,^<.,61

*strikeoutwhich is not applicabte/ egi"ldsoSO_CJ-d)a dJoddJ 6da

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