MUL GU4.AN - NA Sipa - Zi.An - Na Šu - Gi Zubi or Gam3 Maš - Tab.Ba (.Gal.G Al - Lul

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Spring 1 角 (Jiǎo) Horn α Vir Spica 13h 25

−11° 09′ 40.75″
2 亢 (Kàng) Neck κ Vir Kang 14  12
−10° 16′ 25.3340″
3 氐 (Dǐ) Root α Lib Zubenelgenu 14  50
–16° 02′ 30.3955″
4 房 (Fáng) Room π Sco Fang 15h 58
−26° 06′ 50.7886″
5 心 (Xīn) Heart σ Sco Alniyat 16  21
–25° 35′ 34.0515″
6 尾 (Wěi) Tail μ Sco 16h 51
−38° 02′ 50.5694″
7 箕 (Jī) Winnowing Baγ Sgr Nushaba 18  05
–30° 25′ 26.7235″
Winter 8 斗 (Dǒu) (Southern) Di φ Sgr 18h 45 18.761
–26° 59′ 26.7944″
9 牛 (Niú) Ox β Cap Dabih 20 21−14° 20.350

10 女 (Nǚ) Girl ε Aqr Albali 20h 47

−09° 29′ 44.7877″
11 虛 (Xū) Emptiness β Aqr Sadalsuud 21  31 h
–05° 34′ 16.2320″
12 危 (Wēi) Rooftop α Aqr Sadalmelik 22  05h
−00° 19′ 11.4568″
13 室 (Shì) Encampment α Peg Markab 23h 04
+15° 12′ 18.9617″
14 壁 (Bì) Wall γ Peg Algenib 00  13
+15° 11′ 00.9368″
Fall 15 奎 (Kuí) Legs η And 00h 57
+23° 25′ 03.533″
16 婁 (Lóu) Bond β Ari Sheratan 01  54
+20° 48′ 28.9133″
17 胃 (Wèi) Stomach 35 Ari 02h 43
+27° 42′ 25.7233″
18 昴 (Mǎo) Hairy Head 17 Tau Electra 03  44
+24° 06′ 48.0112″
19 畢 (Bì) Net ε Tau Ain 04  28
+19° 10′ 50″
20 觜 (Zī) Turtle Beak λ Ori Meissa 05h 35
+09° 56′ 02.9611″
21 参 (Shēn) Three Stars ζ Ori Alnitak 05  40
−01° 56′ 34.2649″
Summer 22 井 (Jǐng) Well μ Gem Tejat (tiḥyāt) 06h 22 6.383
+22° 30′ 48.8979″
23 鬼 (Guǐ) Ghost θ Cnc 08  31
+18° 05′ 39.9166″
24 柳 (Liǔ) Willow δ Hya Lisan al Shud08h 37 +05° 42′ 13.6057″
25 星 (Xīng) Star α Hya Alphard 09  27
−08° 39′ 30.969″
26 張 (Zhāng) Extended Net υ¹ Hya Zhang 09h 51
−14° 50′ 47.7710″
27 翼 (Yì) Wings α Crt Alkes 10  59
−18° 17′ 55.6172″
28 軫 (Zhěn) Chariot γ Crv Gienah 12  15
–17° 32′ 30.9496″

Sumerian Akkadian Trans Equivalent

MUL 1 zappu Star of Stars or "Bristle"Pleiades
Spring GU4.AN.NA 2 alû/is lê Bull of Heaven Taurus and Hyades
SIPA.ZI.AN.NA 3 šitaddaru or Loyal Shepherd of Hea Orion
ŠU.GI 4 šību Old One Perseus
ZUBI or GAM3 5 gamlu Scimitar or "Crook" Auriga
MAŠ.TAB.BA(.GAL.G 6 māšu or tū'ā(Great) Twins Gemini
AL.LUL 7 alluttu Crayfish Cancer
Summer 1 - UR.GU.LA 8 urgulû or nē Lion Leo
2 - UR.MAḪ
ABSIN3 9 absinnu or šSeed-Furrow Virgo
1 - ZI.BA.AN.NA 10 zibānītu Scales Libra
Fall GIR2.TAB 11 zuqaqīpu Cutter Scorpius
PA.BIL2.SAG 12 pabilsag Pabilsag or "Overseer" Sagittarius
Winter SUḪUR.MAŠ2(.KU6) 13 suḫurmāšu Goat-Fish Capricorn
GU.LA 14 ṣinundu, ku Great One Aquarius
1 - KUN.MEŠ 15 zibbātu or z Tails Pisces
2 - ZIB.ME
ŠIM2.MAḪ 16 šinūnūtu Great Swallow SW Pisces and Epsilon Pegasi
1 - A.NU.NI.TUM 17 anunītu Goddess Anunitu or "St NE Pisces and Andromeda
2 - LU.LIM lulīmu
(LU2.)ḪUĜ(.GA2) 18 agru Farm Worker Aries
deg hrs deg
-11.161 ear of grain Assimak (unα Vir Spica 13h 25
−11° 09′ 40.75″
13.420 -11.161 ear of grain
-16.042 southern clawkiffah Aus (southern pan)
-26.114 Room δ Sco Dschubba 16h 00
–22° 37′ 18.1431″
16.006 -22.622
-25.593 arteries α Sco Antares 16  29
−26° 16.490 -26.432 rival to-Ares
-30.424 arrowhead
-14.781 butcher
-9.496 swallower
-5.571 luck of lucks
-0.320 Luck of the king
15.205 Shoulder/Saddle of Horse
20.808 two signs α Ari Hamal 02h 07
+23° 27′ 44.7032″
2.120 23.462 head of the ram
27.707 41 Ari Bharani 02h 49
+27° 15′ 37.8260″
2.833 27.261
24.113 M45 Thurayya (Ple03  47
3.790 24.117 star
+24° 07′ 00″
19.181 eye
9.934 Shining One Heka (White Spot)
-1.943 girdle
18.094 δ Cnc Arkū-sha-nan 08h 44
+18° 09′ 15.5034″
8.745 18.154 southeast Crab sta
5.704 snake's tongue ε Hya Ashlesha 8h 46+06° 25′ 07.6855″
8.780 6.419 embrace
-8.659 solitary one
-14.847 Extended Net
-18.299 cup
-17.542 right wing of crow

2 Vṛṣabha bull Taurus

3 Mithuna twins Gemini

4 Karka crab Cancer
5 Siṃha lion Leo

6 Kanyā virgin girVirgo

7 Tulā balance Libra

8 Vṛścika scorpionScorpio
9 Dhanuṣa bow and Sagittarius
10 Makara sea monsCapricorn
11 Kumbha water-poAquarius
12 Mīna fishes Pisces

1 Meṣa ram Aries

hrs deg
12 Chitrā bright one α Vir Spica 13h 25
−11° 09′ 40.75″
13.420 -11.161 ear of grain
13 Svāti Very good α Boo Arcturus 14h 15 14.261 19.182
+19° 10′ 56″ Guardian of the Bear
14 Vishākhā forked α Lib Zubenelgen14  50
–16° 02′ 30.3955″
14.848 -16.042 southern claw
15 Anurādhā δ Sco Dschubba 16h 00 –22° 37′ 18.1431″
16.006 -22.622
16 Jyeshthā eldest α Sco Antares 16  29
−26° 2 16.490 -26.432 rival to-Ares
17 Mūla root λ Sco Shaula 17h 33
−37° 06′ 13.76″
17.560 -37.104 raised Sharur and Shargaz
18 Purva ashadha first victory δ Sgr Kaus Medi 18  20
−29° 49′ 41.1659″
18.350 -29.828 bow middle
19 Uttara ashadha latter victory σ Sgr Nunki 18h 55 18.921 -26.297
–26° 17′ 48.2068″
20 Abhijit Victorious On α Lyr Vega 18  36
+38° 47′ 01.2802″
18.616 38.784 falling/landing
21 Shravana α Aql Altair 19h 50
+08° 52′ 05.9563″
19.846 8.868 flying eagle
22 Dhanishta most famous α Del Sualocin 20  39
+15° 54′ 43.4637″
20.661 15.912 (Nicolaus backwards)
23 Satabhishak Comprising a γ Aqr Sadachbia 22  21
22.361 -1.387
–01° 23′ 14.4031″ luck of the homes (tents)
24 Purva bhadrapad first blessed feα Peg Markab 23h 04
+15° 12′ 18.9617″
23.079 15.205 Shoulder/Saddle of Horse
25 Uttara bhadrapadlatter blessed γ Peg Algenib 00  13
+15° 11′ 00.9368″
0.221 15.184
26 Revati rich ζ Psc 01h 13
+07° 34′ 31.2745″
1.229 7.575
27 Ashvini harnessing ho α Ari Hamal 02  07
+23° 27′ 44.7032″
2.120 23.462 head of the ram
28 Bharani bearer 41 Ari Bharani 02h 49
+27° 15′ 37.8260″
2.833 27.261
1 Kṛttikā cutters M45 Thurayya ( 03  47
3.790 24.117
+24° 07′ 00″ star
2 Rohinī red one α Tau Aldebaran 04  35
+16° 30′ 33.4885″
4.599 16.509 follower
3 Mrigashīrsha deer's head λ Ori Meissa 05h 35
+09° 56′ 02.9611″
5.586 9.934 Shining OnHeka (White Spot)
4 Ārdrā moist α Ori Betelgeuse05  55
+07° 24′ 25.4304″
5.920 7.407 armpit of Orion
5 Punarvasu two restorers β Gem Pollux 07h 45 7.755 28.026
+28° 01′ 34.3160″
6 Pushya nourisher δ Cnc Arkū-sha-n 08h 44
+18° 09′ 15.5034″
8.745 18.154 southeast Crab star
7 Asleshā embrace ε Hya Ashlesha 8h 46+06° 25′ 07.6855″
8.780 6.419 embrace
8 Maghā bountiful α Leo Regulus 10  08
+11° 58′ 01.95″
10.140 11.967 little king Qalb al-Asad (lion's hear
9 Purva phalguni first reddish o δ Leo Zosma 11h 20° 31 11.235 20.524 shoulder
10 Uttara phalguni latter reddish β Leo Denebola 11h 49 +14° 34′ 19.4090″
11.818 14.572 tail of the lion
11 Hasta hand γ Crv Gienah 12  15
12.263 -17.542
–17° 32′ 30.9496″ right wing of crow

η Psc Alpherg pouring point of water

47.703 50.469 0.98
37.983 35.217 0.68
67.973 69.455 1.35
22.337 29.074 0.57
30.682 64.201 1.25
Sharur and Shargaz 73.938 47.385 0.92
39.848 34.271 0.67
95.355 55.518 1.08
26.664 73.844 1.44
43.883 48.855 0.95
34.225 102.018 1.98
e homes (tents) 58.977 43.105 0.84
Saddle of Horse 68.475 68.475 1.33
43.971 60.517 1.18
57.434 53.421 1.04
48.812 42.810 0.83
61.424 57.416 1.12
43.741 48.521 0.94
66.521 59.217 1.15
Heka (White Spot) 5.621 20.034 0.39
42.202 110.144 2.14
128.635 59.369 1.15
6.061 2.090 0.04
49.931 81.597 1.59
Qalb al-Asad (lion's heart); Sharru (king) 23.891 65.737 1.28
68.296 34.951 0.68
76.032 26.747 0.52
69.387 69.387 1.35
RA Dec h m s d m s
13h 25m 11.579s −11° 09′ 40.75″ 13 25 11.579 -11 9 40.750

13h 25m 11.579s −11° 09′ 40.75″ 13 25 11.579 -11 9 40.75

14h 15m 39.7s +19° 10′ 56″ 14 15 39.7 19 10 56
14h 50m 52.71309s –16° 02′ 30.3955″ 14 50 52.713 -16 2 30.3955
16h 00m 20.00528s –22° 37′ 18.1431″ 16 0 20.005 -22 37 18.1431
16h 29m 24.45970s −26° 25′ 55.2094 16 29 24.4597 -26 25 55.2094
17h 33m 36.520s −37° 06′ 13.76″ 17 33 36.52 -37 6 13.76
18h 20m 59.64354s −29° 49′ 41.1659″ 18 20 59.644 -29 49 41.1659
18h 55m 15.92650s –26° 17′ 48.2068″ 18 55 15.9265 -26 17 48.2068
18h 36m 56.33635s +38° 47′ 01.2802″ 18 36 56.336 38 47 1.2802
19h 50m 46.99855s +08° 52′ 05.9563″ 19 50 46.999 8 52 5.9563
20h 39m 38.28720s +15° 54′ 43.4637″ 20 39 38.2872 15 54 43.4637
22h 21m 39.37542s –01° 23′ 14.4031″ 22 21 39.375 -1 23 14.4031
23h 04m 45.65345s +15° 12′ 18.9617″ 23 4 45.653 15 12 18.9617
00h 13m 14.15123s +15° 11′ 00.9368″ 0 13 14.151 15 11 0.9368
01h 13m 45.17477s +07° 34′ 31.2745″ 1 13 45.175 7 34 31.2745
02h 07m 10.40570s +23° 27′ 44.7032″ 2 7 10.4057 23 27 44.7032
02h 49m 59.03324s +27° 15′ 37.8260″ 2 49 59.033 27 15 37.826
03h 47m 24s +24° 07′ 00″ 3 47 24 24 7 0
04h 35m 55.23907s +16° 30′ 33.4885″ 4 35 55.239 16 30 33.4885
05h 35m 08.27761s +09° 56′ 02.9611″ 5 35 8.27761 9 56 2.9611
05h 55m 10.30536s +07° 24′ 25.4304″ 5 55 10.305 7 24 25.4304
07h 45m 18.94987s +28° 01′ 34.3160″ 7 45 18.95 28 1 34.316
08h 44m 41.09921s +18° 09′ 15.5034″ 8 44 41.099 18 9 15.5034
08h 46m 46.51223s +06° 25′ 07.6855″ 8 46 46.512 6 25 7.6855
10h 08m 22.311s +11° 58′ 01.95″ 10 8 22.311 11 58 1.95
11h 14m 06.5014 +20° 31′ 25.3853 11 14 6.50142 20 31 25.3853
11h 49m 03.57834s +14° 34′ 19.4090″ 11 49 3.57834 14 34 19.409
12h 15m 48.37081s –17° 32′ 30.9496″ 12 15 48.371 -17 32 30.9496
RA Dec h m s d m s
13.420 -11.161 13 25 11.579 -11 9 40.750

13.420 -11.161 13 25 11.579 -11 9 40.750

14.261 19.182 14 15 39.700 19 10 56.000
14.848 -16.042 14 50 52.713 -16 2 30.396
16.006 -22.622 16 0 20.005 -22 37 18.143
16.490 -26.432 16 29 24.460 -26 25 55.209
17.560 -37.104 17 33 36.520 -37 6 13.760
18.350 -29.828 18 20 59.644 -29 49 41.166
18.921 -26.297 18 55 15.927 -26 17 48.207
18.616 38.784 18 36 56.336 38 47 1.280
19.846 8.868 19 50 46.999 8 52 5.956
20.661 15.912 20 39 38.287 15 54 43.464
22.361 -1.387 22 21 39.375 -1 23 14.403
23.079 15.205 23 4 45.653 15 12 18.962
0.221 15.184 0 13 14.151 15 11 0.937
1.229 7.575 1 13 45.175 7 34 31.275
2.120 23.462 2 7 10.406 23 27 44.703
2.833 27.261 2 49 59.033 27 15 37.826
3.790 24.117 3 47 24.000 24 7 0.000
4.599 16.509 4 35 55.239 16 30 33.489
5.586 9.934 5 35 8.278 9 56 2.961
5.920 7.407 5 55 10.305 7 24 25.430
7.755 28.026 7 45 18.950 28 1 34.316
8.745 18.154 8 44 41.099 18 9 15.503
8.780 6.419 8 46 46.512 6 25 7.686
10.140 11.967 10 8 22.311 11 58 1.950
11.235 20.524 11 14 6.501 20 31 25.385
11.818 14.572 11 49 3.578 14 34 19.409
12.263 -17.542 12 15 48.371 -17 32 30.950

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