Summer Working Plan: Appendices
Summer Working Plan: Appendices
Summer Working Plan: Appendices
Table of Contents
1.0 Purpose………………………………………………………………………………..4
2.0 Scope..………………………………………………………………………………...4
3.0 Reference …………………………………………………………………………….4
4.0 Definitions …………………………………………………………………………….4
5.0 Responsibilities ………………………………………………………………………5
6.0 Training Information and Communication ………………………………………...5
6.1 Information for Workers ……………….........……………….………….6
6.2 Managers and Supervision ……………………………………………...6
6.3 Medical Personnel………………………………………………………...6
6.4 Action regarding Heat Related Illness incidence .....………………….7
7.0 Heat Stress Program …………………………………………………………….7
7.1 General information……………………………………………………………....7
7.1.1 Heat Stress…………….....……………………………………………….7
7.1.2 Water and Fluid intake………………………………………......……….7
7.1.3 Program ………………………………………………………………..….8
7.1.4 Pre-Hydration …………………………………………………………..…8
7.1.5 Dehydration……………………………………………………………..…8
7.1.6 Rehydration……………………………………………………………..…9
7.1.7 Re-hydrant distribution ………………………………………………......9
7.1.8 Monitoring Urine Guidance for Workers ……………………………....10
8.0 Controlling Heat Related illness during Ramadan……………………………10
9.0 Additional Controls…………………………………………………………….....10
9.1 Confined Space Working……………………………………..………………....10
10.0 Records…....………………………………………………………………………10
Appendix A - Proposed Summer Working Hours…………….....……11
Appendix B - Signs and Symptoms of Heat Related Illnesses…......12
Appendix C - Urine Poster Sample………………………………….....14
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1.0 Purpose
This Project Summer Working Plan (PSWP) will describe how XXx will manage and
control aspects specifically for the during the Summer Work period.
It includes:
i. Controlled method of working in hot temperatures and high humidity levels;
ii. Information to management in understanding the effects of heat on workers for
consideration during the risk assessment process and guidance in running an
effective hydration program;
iii. Controls to ensure the safety of personnel who are required to work in areas where
temperature and humidity levels are considered high.
2.0 Scope
This Summer Work Plan (SWP) applies to the implementation of procedures and
controls during the summer work period at Abu Dhabi International Airport Midfield Terminal
Project. This Plan illustrates how xxx shall ensure the welfare of their workers. However,
certain events may dictate further action is required to maintain workers health and welfare.
3.0 Reference
i. Federal Law No. (8) Of 1980 - UAE Labor Law - Ministerial Order No. (32);
ii. Ministerial Resolution No. (410) of 2006;
iii. Abu Dhabi EHSMS Regulatory Framework Codes of Practice - including:
• EHS R1 - CoP 11.0 - Safety in the Heat;
• EHSMS - Technical Guideline Safety in the Heat;
• EHS R1 - CoP 9.0 - Workplace Wellness;
• EHS R1 -CoP 8.0 - General Workplace Amenities
4.0 Definitions
A/C Air Conditioning
HAZID Hazard Identification
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
PMT Project Management Team-Any member of xxx staff who is
Named and designated by the PD in a supervisory role
SWP Summer Work Plan
5.0 Responsibilities
The Project Director is responsible for implementing this information and guidance to
reduce, as far as reasonably practicable, the risk of injury to personnel within his
works scope.
In addition, the Project Director shall ensure that:
i. Suitable risk assessments are undertaken regarding summer working;
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ii. Adequate medical cover is provided at all times;
iii. The equipment and resources deemed appropriate to comply with this SWP are
iv. Medical surveillance is undertaken by monitoring medical cases reported to site
clinic provided by xxxxx.
v. Food provided in the camps is suitable in dietary terms;
vi. UAE Ministry of Labour requirements regarding Summer Working Hours and
Midday breaks are adhered to;
vii. Welfare areas are to be provided and maintained to standards.
Project Managers are responsible for completing the risk assessment process as
prescribed by senior management regarding personnel working in direct sunlight and
high temperatures is implemented and adhered to.
In addition, they shall undertake site surveillance to ensure that, as far as reasonably
practicable xxxxxxxxxxxxx subcontractor personnel are safe guarded;
The H&S Manager is responsible for the review of this SWP to ensure it remains
relevant to the project and Legal requirements.
In addition, assisting the construction team to ensure implementation of procedures
and scheduling internal audits to ensure surveillance and implementation follow the
The HSE/ Logistics Teams are responsible for undertaking random checks to ensure
this SWP is being implemented on site and to ensure the correct implementation of
this SWP across the project.
6.0 Training, communication and information
All personnel on the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx project shall receive instruction and
information regarding safe working in the summer months. This shall be in the form of
Induction procedure, Toolbox Talks, awareness campaigns and dedicated
informational signage and posters in multi-languages.
The suppliers of the selected re-hydrant used on the project shall also undertake an
instruction program to workers.
In addition, all personnel returning from leave shall be reminded of the summer work
i. The importance of getting into the habit of drinking fluids regularly to combat the
effects of dehydration;
ii. How urine colour can indicate hydration level (section 7, & Appendix C);
iii. The effects of caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks in hot weather;
iv. Being aware of designated break times and rest periods;
v. Recommendations regarding clothing;
vi. Signs and symptoms of heat related conditions (section 8);
vii. Procedures regarding heat related illness and First Aid on the project;
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viii. Immediately reporting any signs of illness in themselves or colleagues.
All workers shall be asked after the training or Toolbox Talk if they fully understood the
information issued regarding Heat Related Illnesses and working in hot weather, and
attendance sheet signed for records.
6.2 Managers and Supervision
In addition to this information, supervision and managers shall be instructed on:
i. Recognizing heat related conditions in personnel under their control (section 8);
ii. How heat exposure affects the body;
iii. Communicating and confirming summer work procedures to personnel under their
iv. Precautions to be taken such as encouraging fluid intake, work rotation, pacing
and controls;
v. Procedures for reporting heat illnesses to management;
vi. summer working requirements and timings;
vii. Ensuring personnel under their control abide by designated procedures;
viii. Never allowing lone working in heat stress areas;
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Heat stress is dependent on environmental conditions and the physical activity being
carried out by a person. Factors to be considered, when evaluating the level of risk of
elevated body temperatures, are:
i. High temperatures, humidity and thermal radiation;
ii. Low air movement;
iii. High activity levels, especially strenuous work;
iv. The need to wear PPE (e.g. blasting hoods, welder's leathers, etc.)
v. The fitness of a person (weight, smoker, age, diet, etc.)
7.1.2 Water and Fluid intake
The necessary consumption of water to maintain body fluid level can vary from person
to person. However, xxxx management shall ensure that each worker has access to
fresh drinking water and re-hydrant at all times throughout the summer period and is
instructed regarding the recommended consumption of at least 2 litres of fluid every 2-
3 hours.
From experience gained on recent xxxx projects, xxxx has carried out a successful
hydration program, with the aid of several Re-hydrant products to prevent heat related
Also some brands (such as ORS and Pro-Iyte) have been found effective for
diarrhoea based dehydration and as a sharp boost to a person who is suffering from
heat exhaustion.
However, if heat related illness has already occurred, only the Male Nurse shall
prescribe these remedies or similar under controlled circumstances.
The use of salt tablets is banned on the project as they have been proven to cause
hypertension, high blood pressure and stomach ulcers.
7.1.3 Programme
xxxxx shall concentrate on three main areas to ensure an effective system of heat
related illness prevention is in place. These are;
i. Pre-hydration
ii. Dehydration
iii. Re-hydration
7.1.4 Pre-Hydration
Prevention is by far the best policy; therefore xxxx shall take steps before the
symptoms starts to ensure that the workforce will remain healthy, fit and productive.
As stated in section 6.1, below is a list of items that shall be communicated to the
workforce ensuring they are aware of best practice regarding hot weather working;
i. Encourage workers to eat a balanced diet with a little salt used in the cooking
process. During the day consumption of food little and often is the best policy;
ii. Discourage the consumption of alcohol and caffeine containing drinks such as
coffee/tea/cola during the working week. These dehydrate the body increasing
the risk of illness.
iii. Limit consumption of fizzy soft drinks, these contain high amounts of sugar.
iv. Drink water before going to sleep. In addition, try to have at least seven hours of
unbroken sleep.
v. Drink plenty of water as a minimum, before starting work in the morning and
maintain regular water intake during the day, even if not thirsty.
7.1.5 Dehydration
Dehydration is due to the loss of body fluids and must be prevented as it is a life
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Threatening illness, Water in the body can be lost in many ways such as during
urination, vomiting, diarrheal and sweating. To combat this there are several steps that
the project site shall undertake.
i. As illustrated previously, provide training and education on self-rehydration and
heat related illness awareness to workers and staff. Training will focus on
prevention as well as signs, symptoms, and controls of heat stress;
ii. Chilled drinking water including separate hydrolyte shall be freely available
Throughout the site in igloos and water dispensers on both shifts. Encouragement
and adequate time to drink shall be given by supervisors;
ii. Instigate a working shift that reduces the risk of midday temperatures as
Illustrated in section 6;
iv. Shared water cups, bottles or similar will not be permitted;
v. Provide shaded work areas where practicable;
vi. Instigate rest periods, dependent on work type and area, which shall be
Regulated and monitored;
vii. Follow Ministerial Resolution 410 during Summer Time Working dates;
viii. Provide tented and shaded Welfare areas for workers around the site
Perimeter managed and moved as the work progresses(xxxx)
ix. Provide fans, extractors and misting units whenever practicable,
Especially Welfare areas (xxxx)
x. Environmental team (xxxx) shall monitor humidity levels as it can rapidly
Increase the effects of heat even on a 'cooler' day;
xi. Supervision shall not allow personnel to stand in the sun for no reason.
x. Consider the worker rotation and carrying out heavy manual work during
Night shift when temperatures are lowers. Restrict as much as possible
Manual lifting and use mechanical means whenever possible
7.1.6 Re-Hydration
Xxxxxx shall implement a re-hydration and electrolyte replenishment program to the
This shall be given to all personnel, monitoring those that require it the most, i.e.
project based office workers are not at risk as much as an curtain wall installer.
Re-hydrant is an electrolyte replacement powder that replenishes chemicals the body
has lost through sweating. Xxxx shall monitor its use and distribution to ensure
adequate stocks are maintained throughout the summer months.
The distribution shall be controlled with a combined effort from the site stores and
HSE and Logistics Teams. The amounts depend on the number of work crew
members and their type of work. Packets come in two sizes for ease of distribution:
i. 64g - ideally designed for 1 litre of water but it will still give the valuable
Chemicals, required by the body, if mixed into a 1~ litre bottle of water
ii. 1280g packs - for larger crews and can be mixed, into the same ratios,
Within an 'IGLOO' drinks dispenser.
Note: The measurement of supplementary isotonic drink is approximately 300mI per
person per serving/per day.
Guidance on issuance of re-hydrant:
i. Distribution teams shall not show any bias or favouritism when issuing any
Supplements whilst maintaining that those who need it most, external
Workers for example, must be provided;
ii. Supervision shall provide feedback to the HSE Department on the program
So that the SWP can be updated or changed as required;
iii. Supervision shall notify the HSE Team immediately of anyone who has
Succumbed to the effects of heat and humidity;
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7.1.7 Re-hydrant distribution
Project shall use the brand Hydrolyte; it will be in two flavors
lemon and orange. The re-hydrant will be distributed twice a day in the form of igloos:
i. Igloo's will be prepared filled with ice/ cool water and re-hydrant and be made
available at designated times (see appendix D)
ii. The igloo's will be collected by construction team designated persons and
brought to the areas welfare facilities or work areas for distribution;
iii. The igloos will then be returned to the Logistics department by the designated team
iv. Igloos shall be located throughout the site in protected shelters.
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iv. All heat stress initiatives, campaigns, or activities shall be recorded with records
retained by the HSE Department.
Appendix A
All working hours are to be discussed and agreed with xxxxxxxxxxxxxx HSE departments.
Construction Shift-
Day Shift - TBC
Night Shift – TBC
Appendix B
Signs and Symptoms of Heat Related Illness
There are varying levels of effect that continued exposure to hot and humid climates
can have on the human body. As noted previously there are several factors that can
increase the chances and severity of being affected. For record purposes the following
are the levels of affect:
Minor - Felt signs and symptoms are tiredness, headaches & painful muscle spasm
etc, required short rest on site, fluids and then returned to work;
Moderate - Suffered from nausea or vomiting, thirsty, week pulse, dizziness & pale
effects required a visit to nurse or first aid, extensive cooling period, fluids, and
returned to work that shift or first thing next day;
Serious – Symptoms are high body temperature above 104F (40C), hot, red, dry skin
and lack of sweating, Rapid & strong pulse as moderate but, required further
treatment at hospital or may have received day(s) rest;
In medical terms the escalation, which sometimes can be very rapid, is through heat
cramps heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
All workers and staff will be briefed on the following:
Heat Cramps
Heat cramps are least serious form of heat stress caused by sweating, resulting in
loss of water and minerals from the body. This imbalance my cause muscles to
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Signs and Symptoms:
- Excessive sweating;
- Muscular pains and spasms;
- Mild dizziness or weakness;
- Inflamed or red bumps on skin and a rash.
- Rest in a cool or shady area;
- Drink water or other fluids;
- Use warm, moist compresses over cramping muscles.
Heat exhaustion
Heat exhaustion is caused by excessive perspiring because of the hot environment
and/or strenuous physical exertion. The loss of water and minerals reduces the blood
supply to major organs such as the brain, muscles and skin. This causes strain on the
cardiovascular system.
Signs and symptoms:
- A person suffering from heat exhaustion may collapse;
- Excessive sweating;
- Cold, moist, pale skin;
- Thirst;
- Extreme weakness or fatigue;
- Headache;
- Nausea;
- Dizziness or giddiness.
- Rest in a cool or shady area,
- Drink water or other fluids,
- Take additional salt if advised,
- Use cool compresses on forehead, around the neck,
- Seek medical attention.
Heat Stroke
Heat stroke is more serious than heat exhaustion or cramps and is a life threatening
medical emergency. Since blood flow and sweat cannot cool the body enough, it
becomes overheated affecting vital organs including the heart and brain.
Signs and Symptoms:
- Lack of sweating;
- Hot, dry, flushed skin;
- Deep, rapid breathing;
- A rapid, weak and possibly irregular pulse;
- Headache, nausea;
- Dizziness, confusion;
- Loss of consciousness;
- Convulsions.
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- Get medical treatment;
- Rest in a cool or shady area;
- Remove outer clothing;
- Lower body temperature immediately with cool compresses, increasing air
movement, preferably both;
- Give water or other fluids if conscious.
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Appendix C
Urine colour information signage, in multi languages. This will display on site and
used in toolbox talk
Are You您是否喝足夠的水?
Drinking Enough Water?
Drink about
about 1/2
(1/liter) within
4 liter)
the hour,
right now,orordrink
drinka awhole
(1/2liter) of
water if you’re outside and/or sweating.
of water if you’re outside and/ or sweating.
喝大約 1/2 瓶的水(1/4 升),現在,還是
喝的水一整瓶(1/2 升),如果你在外面和/
Urine Color When 或出汗。
Drink about 1/2 bottle of water (1/ 4 liter)
right now, or drink a whole bottle (1/2 litter)
of water if you’re outside and/ or sweating.
Drink 2 bottles of water right now (1 liter).
If your urine is darker than this and/or red
Urine Color when or brown, then dehydration may not be
Dehydrated your problem, see a doctor.
喝 2 瓶水,現在(1 升)。如果你的尿液是
Drink 2 bottles of water right now (1 liter).
If your urine is darker than this and/or red
or brown, then dehydration may not be
your problem, see a doctor.
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