Workplace Ethics and Etiquettes Workplace Ethics
Workplace Ethics and Etiquettes Workplace Ethics
Workplace Ethics and Etiquettes Workplace Ethics
Workplace Ethics
It is very important for each and everyone to follow some ethics and etiquettes in the place that
they work. The place of work may vary but is important to follow some etiquettes and ethical
behavior to build a successful career.
Workplace ethics are the set of values, moral principles, and standards that need to be followed
by both employers and employees in the place that they work. It is the set of rules and
regulations that need to be followed by all staff of the workplace. To ensure a healthy
relationship with the employer, the co workers and the customers; the industry implements a set
of ethics. It is basically the morality of any individual at the workplace.
Ethical behavior in the workplace include respecting all of one's colleagues, customers and
vendors, choosing to work with suppliers that source materials responsibly and complying
with the company's code of conduct policy.
Work ethics is how one governs his or her personal standards while workplace ethics determine
ones performance individually as an employee and ones performance in dealing the internal and
external affairs of the industry. It ensures
2. Creates credibility
3. Unites people
4. Organization should not expect employees to attend office 365 days a year.
7. Employers have a moral obligation to look out for the welfare of employees
2. Communicate effectively
4. Take responsibility
5. Practice professionalism
9. Work smarter
Telling lies, plagiarism or taking credit of others work, verbal or physical abuse, violence,
belittling, sexual harassment, forcing non official work, theft and corruption, unpaid overtime
job, undue pressure, nepotism, poor/ unhygienic/ unfriendly work environment, unrealistic
Ethics tries to create a sense of right and wrong in the organizations and often when the law fails,
it is the ethics that may stop organizations from harming the society or environment.
Workplace Etiquette
1. Stand straight, establish proper eye contacts, and check the body language
Example #1
"I am a very dedicated and loyal employee. I saw on your website that you describe your
company as honest, transparent and you go the extra mile for your clients. My work ethic is the
same. I am honest, flexible, and come ready to work hard for my employer every day."
Example #2
"My work ethic can be described as reliable, honest, and consistent. You are welcome to speak to
my references in regards to my work ethic. I am very proud of my reputation as a reliable
executive assistant."
Example #3
"I see myself as driven, dependable, and loyal. I always have my eye on the prize and what I
want to achieve; I am always ready to jump into action whenever someone needs me. I stick with
a company for the long term and love to grow with one organization. I believe that my managers
would describe me as loyal and dependable, as well."
Example #4
"I count myself among the most dedicated teachers, not only to my students but also to my
school. I am hardworking, humble, kind, and passionate. I wake up every single day excited to
go to work, excited about my job, my students, my school community. I want to bring my
passion, humility, and drive to light up a new room and new school, hopefully, yours."
Example #5
"I am a very dedicated and loyal employee. I saw on your website that you describe your facility
as honest, transparent and you go the extra mile for your patients. My work ethic is the same. I
am honest, flexible, and come ready to work hard for my patients every day."
Assignment Topics
1. Make a list of five ethics and five etiquettes to be followed in a workplace with relevant case
2. Imagine and explain the condition of an industry without any ethics or etiquettes in 500 words.