Reviewer: Structure of The Cell
Reviewer: Structure of The Cell
Reviewer: Structure of The Cell
-proposed by Matthias Jakob Sclieden (German botanist) and Theodor Schwann (zoologist)
Biogenesis Theory “All living things arise from pre-existing living cells”- proposed by German
physician Rudolf Virchow.
Differentially permeable membrane- particles substances are able to pass through while others
cannot pass through the membrane.
Phagocytis-when the material engulfed by the cell is in the form of parge particles
Endocytosis- process where substances may enter a cell without actually moving through the
cell membrane
Isotonic medium- allows cell to neither lose or gain appreciable quantities of water by osmosis.
Plant cells
Cellulose- complex polysaccharides composing the principal structure of the cell wall .
Secondary wall- woody portions that add further layer to the cell wall
Lignin- material contained in the secondary wall which gives added strength.
Murein- main component of a bacteria cell wall consisiting of polysaccharide chais linked
together by amino acids.
Turgor pressure- swelling of cell resulting from high osmotic concentration of the cell contents.
Glycolax- complex molecules made up of carbohydtares and proteins or carbohydrate and lipid
components and the cell coat.
Contact inhibition- the phenomenon of normal cells grown in tissues culture stopping their
growth when they touch each other.
Nucleus- gives instructions that guide the life processes of the cell as long as it lives.
Prokaryotic cells – characteristic of bacteria and cyanobacteria cells which have primitive
Chromosomes-elongate, thredlike bodies visible only when the cell is undergoing division.
These are composed of DNA and protein.
Nucleoli- dark staining, generally oval bodies specialized parts of the chromosomes responsible
for manufacturing and exporting to the cytoplasm the precursors of the particles on which
proteins will be synthesized.
Nuclear membrane- surrounds the nucleus and which permits maintenance within the nucleus of
an environment different from that in the surrounding cytoplasm.
Endoplasmic reticulum- a complex system of membranes forming a network in the cytoplasm
which provides a communication network between the nuclear control center and the rest of the
Mitochondria- is a double-walled vessel which serve as sites for the chemical reaction s that
extracts energy from foodstuffs and make it available to the cell for its innumerable energy –
demanding activities.
Lysosomes- Thslightly smaller than the mitochondrion and serves as the digestive system of the
Plastids- large cytoplasmic organelles found in the cells of most plants but not in fungal or
animal cells.
Ribosomes- present in all active cells, are the sites of protein synthesis
Two types of plastids: chromoplasts (colored plastids) and leucoplasts (white or colorless
Chloroplasts- chromoplasts containing the green pigment chlorophyll, capture energy of sunlight
and use it to manufacture organic compounds.
Vacuoles- the membrane-enclosed, fluid filled spaces which maintain the turgidity of the cell .
Procaryotic cells- lack the internal membranous organelles but have ribosomes and nucleoid,
containing a circular chromosome of DNA.
Tissue- composed of many cells that are usually similar in both structure and function and are
bound together by intercellular material.
Organ- composed of various tissues grouped together into a structural and functional unit.
System- is a group of interacting organs that “cooperate” as a functional complex in the life of
the organism.
Meristemic- composed of immature cells and are regions of active cell division
Cuticle- waxy, water-resistant of the epidermal cells which aid in the protection against loss of
Periderm- constitutes the corky outer bark as the waterproofed cell walls that function as the
protective outer covering of the plant.
Parenchyma- have thin primary walls which help store nutrients and water in plants.
Collenchyma- functions as an important supporting tissue in young plants, in the stems of non-
woody older plants and in leaves.
Sclerenchyma-is a type of simple fundamental tissue which function in the support of plants. It is
classified into – fibers and sclerieds.
Xylem –transport water and dissolved substances upward in the plant body
Cartilage - specialized form of dense fibrous connective tissue with a rubbery consistency
Nerve cells can be easily stimulated and can transmit impulses very rapidly.