Uniliver Pakistan: Consumer Satisfaction Questionnaires

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Uniliver Pakistan

Name---------------------------- Age------------------------
Gender-------------------------- Residence-----------------

Consumer Satisfaction Questionnaires.

1- How did you learn about uniliver?
i. Television
ii. News
iii. Radio
iv. Relatives
2- What makes you notice of uniliver.
i. Quality
ii. Price
iii. Promotion
iv. Endorsing Person
3- Would you buy product endorsing by celebrities?
i. Much agree
ii. Agree
iii. Disagree
iv. Neutral
4- How much you reliable on uniliver.
i. 50%
ii. 70%
iii. 85%
iv. 100%
5- Time period you have spended by uniliver.
i. One to Six month
ii. Six to one month
iii. Less than month
iv. More than year
6- Over all how satisfied.
i. Very Satisfied
ii. Satisfied
iii. Neutral
iv. Unsatisfied
7- Opinion about over services.
i. Excellent
ii. Good
iii. Average
iv. Bad
8- What unilver meet your expectual requirement.
i. Yes
ii. No
iii. Some
9- People asked you about us.
i. Good
ii. Normal
iii. Poor
iv. Bad
10- Have you contacted customer services?
i. Yes
ii. No
iii. Once
iv. Many Time
11- Delivery of our product.
i. Strongly Satisfied
ii. Satisfied
iii. Unsatisfied
iv. Normal
12- Unique attribute than competitor.
i. Quality
ii. Design
iii. Size
iv. Features
13- To get quality you can pay.
i. Huge Amount
ii. Average Amount
iii. Unaffordable
14- If uniliver introduce new product it should be
i. Beverage
ii. Beauty
iii. Home Clean
iv. Personal Care
15- You compensate to uniliver.
i. More than Quality
ii. Less than Quality
iii. Equal to quality
16- Which segment require more concentration.
i. Baby
ii. Gents
iii. Ladies
iv. All
17- Your choice will be.
i. Johnson
iii. Nestle
iv. Uniliver
18- Determine how long you will stay with uniliver.
i. Forever
ii. For one year.
iii. No more.
19- Most attractive product of uniliver.
i. Lux
ii. Dove
iii. Sunslik
iv. Surf
20- You will Recommend brand your relatives.
i. P&G
ii. Uniliver
iii. KRAFT
iv. Nestle

Signature by Answerer------------------------

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