A Guide For International Students: Bachelor'S Degree Course Applications and Admissions at Haw Hamburg
A Guide For International Students: Bachelor'S Degree Course Applications and Admissions at Haw Hamburg
A Guide For International Students: Bachelor'S Degree Course Applications and Admissions at Haw Hamburg
Welcome! Located at the heart of a fabulous, dynamic city which
people from right across the globe call home, HAW Hamburg
is Germany’s third largest vocationally-focused higher
education institution, with a wide range of Bachelor’s and
Master’s degree courses on offer in subjects as diverse as
engineering, business studies, life sciences, design, media
and practice-based social sciences. We’d love to welcome
you soon as one of our approximately 17,000 students.
Health insurance
– a must
p. 15
HAW Hamburg: who we are in 120 seconds Got everything
HAW Hamburg in figures Getting started; your timetable and
HAW HAMBURG together?
It’s your choice 1. preparatory courses; OE Week;
p. 12
pp. 6-8 Accepting International Welcome Week; our
your place weBuddy scheme; language courses;
p. 14 scholarships and funding; useful links
31 pp. 18–21
When can you apply?
Don’t miss the
31 p. 9 deadline
p. 12
2. 5.
Proof of language Finding
proficiency accommodation
p. 9 9. p. 16
Pre-course Submitting your
experience; online application
Sorting out 4.
portfolio p. 13
funding Your residence status and
p. 11 pp. 14–15
3. PASSPORT applying for a visa
Do you qualify? p. 16
p. 10
Entering and
residing in 10.
all about us
38 3
38 Bachelor’s degree courses Bachelor’s degree courses
to choose from (two in run jointly with the University
HAW Hamburg is northern Germany’s leading higher
cooperative form and a further of Shanghai for Science
education institution with a focus on real-world, sustainable twelve available as cooperative and Technology
solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s societal challenges, programmes)
undergirded by academic reflection and first-class
research. Delivering outstanding degree courses via
top-quality teaching is our key priority and commitment Master’s degree courses
to our students, and we are also currently consolidating (including eight continuing students
our growing research reputation. People from over education courses, one of which
is in cooperative form)
100 nations across the globe are shaping our institutional
present and future – we believe that our diversity is
our strength. about
401 492
399 486
employed research technical and
and teaching lecturers administrative staff
6 7
8 Getting ready 9
4. YOUR DOCUMENT you’ll need to submit your application documents, including your VPD
from uni-assist, to the Student Admissions and Registration Office,
CHECK WITH UNI-ASSIST Stiftstraße 69, 20099 Hamburg.
10 Getting ready 11
Your application
Check that you have all the documents you Submit all your application documents
need for your application (including your
9. SUBMITTING YOUR by post to the Student Admissions and
31 VPD from uni-assist, your proof of language ONLINE APPLICATION Registration Office, or come along and
proficiency, etc.). Here’s a checklist to help hand them in to us in person. The
you. If you are from a non-EU country, you address is Studierendensekretariat, HAW
7. DON’T MISS THE can increase your chances of a place by Fill in our online application form and send Hamburg, Stiftstr. 69, 20099 Hamburg.
DEADLINE submitting additional documents, such as it off. The link to the form is at the bottom We can’t accept applications or supporting
a letter of motivation, your CV, transcripts of the page. Make sure you remember your documents by email. Make sure you
of prior studies at institutions of higher application number and password, as you get everything to us as early as possible
You can only apply within specific education, certificates of completed will need these later on too. Please note: in the application period. We can’t
application periods (see step 1 on page 9). practical experience, and work references. The online application gateway is only accept applications that reach us after
It’s better to check application periods This factsheet lists factors that increase open during application periods. the application deadline, or incomplete
and deadlines once too often than to your score in our assessment system for applications where you do not provide
overlook something and miss a deadline. international applications. any missing documents (such as language
We can’t make exceptions for late test results and certificates) before the
applications! EU applicants need to do the HAW Degree deadline.
Course Navigator self-assessment before
applying. These online self-tests relate to Everything submitted? Good luck!
NB: When you register
a range of different degree courses. We Daumen drücken!*
with Hochschulstart, you will be
don’t assess or rate the results.
assigned two registration numbers which
you will need later in the process.
All applicants should check whether their
Don’t lose them! Make sure you are using
chosen degree course participates in the
the same email address for all
Hochschulstart procedure. Hochschulstart * ‘Holding your thumbs’
procedures relating to your application,
is an online gateway which helps German (Daumen drücken) is the
so that your online application can
higher education institutions coordinate way you wish someone
link up to Hochschulstart and the
their admissions processes. Click on this link luck in Germany.
Degree Course Navigator.
to find out, and follow the instructions there.
12 Your application 13
After applying
acceptance form (don’t forget to sign it!) You need proof of adequate health If you are from a non-EU country, you can
and submitting any further documents insurance to register at a German higher present proof of travel health insurance
requested – the Student Admissions education institution. Your insurance when enrolling, but you will need to take
and Registration Office will tell you if this should meet the standard stipulated by out German health insurance within two
is the case and what you need to submit. Hamburg’s Ausländerbehörde (office for months of your arrival in Germany. We
You’ll also need to pay your semester residents of non-German nationality). If you strongly recommend you choose a state
contribution. If you don’t accept your place are privately insured, your insurer should (as opposed to private) health insurer.
within the specified period, it will go to complete certification of private health
someone on the waiting list. insurance cover to submit to the Ausländer If you do choose a private insurer, you will
1. ACCEPTING YOUR behörde. need to additionally go to a state health
PLACE insurer, show them proof of your private
You will need to submit confirmation of policy, and get a Befreiungsbescheinigung
health insurance when enrolling as a (confirmation of exemption), which you
Once you have submitted your application, student of HAW Hamburg. EU students then submit to the Student Admissions and
our colleagues in the Student Admissions who wish to remain with their home Registration Office. You can only get a
and Registration Office will check it carefully
2. SORTING OUT system or insurer will need to present their Befreiungsbescheinigung in the first two
and process it. We receive several FUNDING European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to months after you enrol at HAW Hamburg.
thousand applications each semester, a German state health insurer, such as If you miss this deadline, you may be
so this may take some time. There is the Techniker Krankenkasse or AOK, which deregistered, which will invalidate your visa
additionally an admissions committee for You’ll need to consider carefully how you will then issue a Befreiungsbescheinigung or residence permit. (You’ll need to
non-EU applicants, made up of a range are going to fund your course. Part of the (confirmation of exemption). prove health insurance to get a residence
of members of HAW Hamburg, whose job visa application process involves proving permit – see below).
it is to choose applicants for the available you have sufficient funds (in a blocked
places. Please be patient and understand account, via a scholarship or someone
that this process takes time. As soon as else’s formal declaration that they will
NB: Private and travel health insurance policies often
your application has been decided upon, support you). You will require funds of
fail to meet this standard. We recommend that international students take
you will receive notification to check your around 8,700 Euro per year for expenses
out state health insurance (gesetzliche Krankenversicherung, GKV).
application account in the myHAW system, like your rent, your health insurance (see
Make sure you are able to cover the premium, which in the case of GKV will
for which you’ll need your login data below), food, your semester ticket, and so
be around 95 Euro a month. If you don’t pay for two months running,
from step 9 of the application procedure. on. You will be allowed to undertake paid
your insurer may inform us and we may be forced to deregister you,
work for a few hours per week, but you
which will lead to the loss of your student status and consequently
If you’re among those who receive an offer need to remember that your studies will
of your residence permit. In other words, your insurance will be one of
of a place, you will need to accept it within take up a lot of your time and you may
your most essential bills while you are in Germany.
a specific timeframe, by filling in the not find a suitable job immediately.
14 After applying 15
student residences (Studentenwohnheime) WHY NOT DRAW UP AN INDIVIDUAL CHECKLIST?
run by the Studierendenwerk as soon as
you’ve sent off your application for a place
at HAW Hamburg, because waiting lists are
4. YOUR RESIDENCE often up to six months long. You should
also look for private rentals or rooms in
STATUS AND APPLYING privately rented shared flats or houses
FOR THE CORRECT VISA (called Wohngemeinschaften, or WGs). But
never pay for a viewing and never transfer
money to a landlord, prospective flatmate
Students from EU countries don’t need a or agent until both you and they have
visa or residence permit to study in signed a rental agreement. Ensure you
Germany, but they do (as do all Germans) understand the contract’s terms and ask
need to register their address with their the International Office or the AStA (HAW
local Einwohnermeldeamt, which in Ham- Hamburg’s student representation body)
burg may be called a ‘customer service for help if you’re worried.
centre’. Students from outside the EU will
need a residence permit in order to study When you have registered your address
in Germany. If you already have a student with the Einwohnermeldeamt, which you
applicant visa (Visum zur Studienbewerbung) need to do within two weeks of arriving in
(see step 6 on page 11), you will now be Hamburg, you will be given a Meldebeschei
able to convert it into a student visa (Visum nigung (proof of address, or proof of
zu Studienzwecken). If you don’t have any residence). This is an important document;
visa or residence permit yet, make an you will need it for a lot of things as you
appointment as soon as possible with your set up your life in Hamburg, such as getting
nearest German Embassy or German a mobile phone contract, sorting out
Consulate-General. health insurance, opening a bank account
or accessing your blocked account. The
Meldebescheinigung confirms that you have
a fixed, registered address in Germany.
16 After applying 17
Welcome! Your future GETTING STARTED
starts here.
Now you’ve arrived in Germany, are The International Welcome Week takes
enrolled on your degree course with us, place a week before the OE events. It gives
and have sorted out all the formalities – you the chance to meet students from
time to turn your attention to your studies. other faculties and home nations, explore
Hamburg, and find out important information
YOUR TIMETABLE AND on issues relating to your degree course
PREPARATORY COURSES and your residence in Germany.
Shortly before the start of the new
semester, your department will publish OUR WEBUDDY SCHEME
timetables and details of preparatory weBuddy is a scheme that matches inter-
courses and induction and orientation national students just starting their courses
A h
events on their website (find it here). at HAW Hamburg with a ‘buddy’ – a more
Make sure you check your HAW Hamburg advanced student from the same faculty.
email regularly, because you will Your buddy can help you find your feet
receive important information this way. here, answer any questions you might have,
and support you in building your social life.
Please note for the Information Engineering There are numerous events each semester
degree course: A preparatory course in for participants in the scheme, helping
mathematics will be offered at the beginning you get to know people and perhaps
h e
of September. Make sure to sign up for it. make new friends.
Each department puts on its own induction HAW Hamburg students can take part in
events, called Orientierungseinheiten (OEs). language courses – there’s a wide range
First-semester students on Bachelor’s of languages and levels on offer.
degree courses have detailed OEs that last
about a week (hence the name ‘OE Week’) SCHOLARSHIPS AND FUNDING
and include information briefings, events to If you do well in your course, get good
help you to get to know other students and grades and are involved in supporting
staff, lectures and talks, faculty tours and intercultural life at HAW Hamburg in
leisure activities. particular or in Hamburg in general, you
are eligible to apply for an academic
scholarship (Leistungsstipendium) or an
‘Engagement-Stipendium’ for international
students committed to helping others.
Welcome! 19
Useful links Our faculties and departments
HAW Hamburg’s Facebook page for international student Finding the appropriate Hamburg authority for your needs (in German)
bit.ly/HAWHHFacebook-Seite bit.ly/Behoerdenfinder-Hamburg
* The information in this link is valid only for Bildungsausländer*innen, that is,
school leavers without German citizenship who attained their
Hochschulzugangsberechtigung in Germany via the regular route
(not at a Studienkolleg), and for citizens of EU states.
20 21
22 23
Drop-in hours:
Mondays and Tuesdays 11 am –1 pm
Thursdays 2 pm – 5 pm
Drop-in hours:
Mondays and Tuesdays 11 am –1 pm
Thursdays 2 pm – 5 pm (2 pm – 4 pm in non-teaching periods)
All reasonable care has been taken to ensure the information in this guide is correct.
Most recent update: August 2019
International Office HAW Hamburg
Picture credits:
p. 12 and p. 16:
David Ausserhofer/HAW Hamburg
Design: Sandra Spitzer