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Comparison Between Manual and Software Approach Towards Design of Structural Elements

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Comparison between Manual and Software Approach towards Design of

Structural Elements

Article · May 2018


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3 authors, including:

Prashant D. Hiwase
Shri Ramdeobaba Kamla Nehru Engineering College


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The International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES)
ISSN (e): 2319 – 1813 ISSN (p): 23-19 – 1805
|| Pages || PP 54-56 || 2018 ||

Comparison between Manual and Software Approach towards

Design of Structural Elements
Dr. P. D. Hiwase1 Miss. Aditi Joshi2 Mr. Aakash Keshariya3
Assistant Professor Civil Engg. Department RCOEM Nagpur
4th Year Student Civil Engg. Department RCOEM Nagpur
4th Year Student Civil Engg. Department RCOEM Nagpur

ABSTRACT : Emerging from the olden times when the use of manual calculations was predominant, the use of
various software’s and learning of the same has become much easier and important. Big construction firms and
ventures have switched their approach and have started using them for design purposes. This paper mainly
ponders upon the comparison of analysis procured from the design of regular multi-storeyed structures using
these user friendly software’s. In this paper, comparison of software’s results with the manual calculations of a
sample beam and column of the same structure designed as per IS 456 has been made.
KEYWORDS: Analysis of Structure, Design of structure, ETABS, Indian Standard Code, STAADPro.

The construction market has been blessed with two efficient softwares namely STAADPro and
ETABS. Huge business firms and construction ventures have started using these softwares for designing
purposes. This paper focuses basically on the comparison between the results procured from the design of a
multi storeyed structure calculated with the help of STAADPro and ETABS Softwares. We have considered the
height of each storey as 3m. The total height of the whole structure thereby becomes-----. A conclusion is drawn
at the end comparing the results drawn from their analysis and design. The results from the softwares are then
compared to the manual calculations.


Being a totally practical and site based study, the use of the softwares like STAADPro and ETABS
becomes questionable. But the civil engineering softwares comprise of a wide range of tools to help the civil
engineers in all construction works. In all the stages of work namely drafting & documenting, designing,
visualizing & analyzing, these tools can be helpful.
STAADPro is a software which is used for data analysis and design. It is popular due to its flexible modelling
environment and wide range of design codes. The design of petrochemical plants, tunnels and bridges can be
easily done using it. It contains a wide range of features of civil engineering and is also easy to operate.
STAADPro has made it easy for the civil engineers to pan the structures according to the demands of their
ETABS is used in the design of beams, slabs, columns, shear walls and bracings. The graphic input output and
the numerical solutions are very easy. We also obtain precision and accuracy in Accuracy in dimensions by
using Snaps (end, perpendicular, middle etc.).There are multiple viewing windows present in the software.


All the structures which have to withstand the loads such as buildings, bridges, vehicles, machinery,
furniture etc. The results of the analysis tell us about the fitness of the structure for use. It is a key part of all the
civil engineering works. The structure is nothing but a body or a system of connected parts. To design and
analyse the structures, one must consider the aesthetics and serviceability of the structures.
The Design of a structure in civil engineering deals with the ability to understand, predict and calculate the
stability and strength of a structural element. Through designing of a structure, one can easily know how
economically stable a structure is. The grade if material, its reinforcement is calculated in a design.


The study of 16mx16m 8 storey multi storeyed regular structure is done. All the steps including
modelling, analysis and design of the whole structure is done on STAADPro.

Recent Innovation & Challenges in Civil Engineering Page 54

Comparison Between Manual And Software Approach Towards Design Of

Figure 1 : Plan of the structure to be analyzed

Length x Breadth = 16mx16m, No. of Storey = 8,Storey Height = 3m,Beam = 450mmx450mm,
Column 1-4 storeys = 750mmx750mm, Column 6-8 storeys = 600mmx600mm, Slab thickness = 120mm,
Support conditions = Fixed,Beam Releases = Axial force


Different types of loads which are acting on this structure are Dead Lload (DL), Live Load (LL) and
earthquake Load (EL).
Here, DL=Self weight of the structure+ Floor finish+ Wall loads
Live load considered is 2.8KN/sq.m .The soil type on site is of type II.The response reduction factor is 4. The
importance factor consideration is 1.daming percentage is 5% and the time period determined is 0.55sec.


Given below are there results obtained from vertical reactions of a sample node for different loads

Table 2: Results using STAADPro and ETABS

Maximum Deflection at the roof without shear wall
DL 1025.23KN 1024.65.KN
LL 170.45KN 169.98KN
EQ(Along Length) 153.676KN 145.87KN
EQ(Along Breadth) 153.676KN 145.87KN

Table 2: Results using STAADPro and ETABS


Loading Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Dead load STAADPro 195.23 15.789 15.789 0 24.56 24.56
ETABS 193.65 14.31 14.31 0 24.235 24.235
Live Load STAADPro 26.432 2.92 2.92 0 4.78 4.78
ETABS 26.22 3.88 3.88 0 5.55 5.55
EQ (Along Length) STAADPro 10.452 6.45 0 0 0 7.245
ETABS 11.76 7.43 0 0 0 7.123
EQ (Along Breadth) STAADPro 10.452 6.45 0 0 0 7.245
ETABS 11.76 7.43 0 0 0 7.123


Total Reinforcement (sq.mm) Column and Beam section

Section Beam Column
STAADPro 814 2660
ETABS 760 2660
Manual Calculation 715 2660

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Comparison Between Manual And Software Approach Towards Design Of

The design of a multi-storeyed structure using ETABS and STAADPro was done. These results give
conservative results of the design. In the ETAAB, it was found that the area which was calculated was less than
STAADPro. But the design of the structure was much more easy using both the softwares. It was also concluded
that there was a minor difference in the results of the manually done experiment and those done by softwares,
the results of latter being more accurate.( All the results shown in table 4)

4.2. BOOKS
[1]. A book on Structural Analysis by Russel Hibbler.
[2]. Book for beginners RCC Design by ETABS.
[3]. Analysis by STAAD PRO and design of structural elements by MATLAB By Srikanth M.Harle.
[4]. The effective contribution of software applications in various disciplines of civil engineering by Asmaa.
[5]. Analysis and design of commercial building using ETABS by Ragy Jose.
[1]. State of the Art Report - A Comparative Study of Structural Analysis and Design Software - STAAD Pro, SAP-2000 & ETABS
Software by Balwinder Lallotra
[2]. Analysis and design of g+4 residential building using ETABS by C.V.S. Lavanya, Emily.P.Pailey, and Md. Mansha Sabreen.
[3]. Beam-Column Design Problem by Benjamin Ross Lund Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Brigham Young
[1]. Bureau of Indian Standards: IS-875, part 1 (1987), Dead Loads on Buildings and Structures, New Delhi, India.
[2]. Bureau of Indian Standards: IS-875, part 2 (1987), Live Loads on Buildings and Structures, New Delhi, India.
[3]. Bureau of Indian Standards: IS-1893, part 1 (2002), Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures: Part 1 General
provisions and Buildings, New Delhi, India

Dr. P.D. HIWASE is currently working as an Assistant Professor in Shri Ramdeobaba

College of engineering and management. He has a specialization in structural engineering.
He has been in the teaching sector since 9 years along with an industrial experience of 4
years in the field of structural engineering. He has published about 10 international
journals till date.

Miss ADITI JOSHI is a student of final year of the academic year 2014-2018. of Shri
Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management. She has been a part of various
technical and non-technical organizations in and outside the college.

Mr. AAKASH KESHARIYA is a student of Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering

and Management of Final Year academic year 2014-2018,Civil branch. He has been a
part of various technical conferences in the past and is a GATE aspirant.

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