Chemical Bonding

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Failure of Classical Mechanics
• Total energy, E = ½ mv2 + V(x)
• p = mv (p = momentum)
• E = p2/2m + V(x) ………..Eq.1
• Newton’s second law, which is a relation
between the acceleration d2x/dt2 of a
particle and the force F(x) it experiences.
• Therefore, v = p/m
• Or, p• = F(x),
• Continuos variation of energy is possible.
• Certain experiments done in late 19th
century and early in this century gave
results, totally at variance with the
predictions of classical physics. All
however, could be explained on the basis
that, classical physics is wrong in allowing
systems to possess arbitrary amounts of
energy. For example, photoelectric effect.
A young Max Planck was to give a lecture on radiant heat. When he
arrived he inquired as to the room number for the Planck lecture. He
was told, "You are much too young to be attending the lecture of the
esteemed professor Planck."

• Max Planck E = h
Photoelectric Effect.
Major objections to the
Rutherford-Bohr model
• We are able to define the
position and velocity of each
electron precisely.
• In principle we can follow the
motion of each individual
electron precisely like planet.
• Neither is valid.
• It is impossible to specify the exact
position and momentum of a particle
• Uncertainty Principle.
• x p  h/4 where h is Plank’s
Constant, a fundamental constant with
the value 6.62610-34 J s.
Einstein could never accept some of the revolutionary
ideas of quantum mechanics("God does not play
dice"). When reminded in 1927 that he revolutionized
science 20 years earlier, Einstein replied, "A good joke
should not be repeated too often."

KE 1/2mv2 = h- 
•  is the work function
• h is the energy of the incident light.
• Light can be thought of as a bunch of
particles which have energy E = h. The
light particles are called photons.
If light can behave as particles,why
not particles behave as wave?
Louis de Broglie

• Particles can behave as wave.

• Relation between wavelength  and the
mass and velocity of the particles.
• E = h and also E = mc2,
• E is the energy
• m is the mass of the particle
• c is the velocity.
• E = mc2 = h
• mc2 = h
• p = h / { since  = c/}
•  = h/p = h/mv
• This is known as wave particle duality
Wave equation?
Schrödinger Equation.
• Energy Levels
• Most significant feature of the Quantum
Mechanics: Limits the energies to discrete
• Quantization.
Classical Equation: Electromagnetic Radiation:

u = Amplitude

Separate Variables
Introduce standard wave equation solution for f(t)

We can write

Total Energy

From de Broglie Equation

2/v2 in terms of 

 = 2 and  = v
Therefore form

Schroedinger Equation in One Dimension

Schroedinger Equation in Three dimension

H = E

·H = - ħ2/2m 2 + V; Hamiltonian operator

How to write Hamiltonian for
different systems?
• Hydrogen atom:
• KE = ½ m (vx2 + vy2 + vz2)
• PE = -e2/r, (r = distance between the
electron and the nucleus.)
• H = {(-h2/82m) 2 –e2/r}
• 2  + 82 m/h2 (E+e2/r)  = 0
• If the effective nuclear charge is Ze
• H = {(-h2/82m )2 –Ze2/r}
H2+ molecule

e (x,y,z)

ra rb

A(+e) RAB B(+e)

• PE = V = -e2/ra – e2/rb + e2/Rab
• H = -h2/82m 2( – e2/ra - e2/rb + e2/Rab)

• The Wave equation is

• 2  + 82 m/h2 (E+ e2/ra + e2/rb – e2/Rab) 

• Characteristics of Wave Function
Born has been described as
a moody and impulsive person.
He would tell his student,
"You must not mind my being
rude. I have a resistance
against accepting something
new. I get angry and swear
but always accept after a
time if it is right."
Characteristics of Wave
• Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle: We
can never know exactly where the
particle is.
• Let  (x, y, z) be the probability function,
•  d = 1
• Our knowledge of the position of a
particle can never be absolute.
Connection with Wave Function

• Let  (x, y, z) be the solution of the wave

equation for the wave function. Then we
may anticipate that
•  (x, y, z)  2 (x, y, z)
• Choosing a constant in such a way that
the  is converted to =
•  (x, y, z) = 2 (x, y, z)
• 2 d = 1
• Normalized wave function.
• If the function is not:
• 1/N2 = 2(x, y, z) d

• If  is complex then 2 is replaced by *.

Unacceptable and Acceptable wave
• Acceptable:
• .For electron bound to an atom/molecule,
the wave function must be every where
• .Single valued.
• .Continuous.
• .Gradient (d/dt) must be finite
• .∫2 d is finite, so that  can be
• Stationary States
• E = Eigen Value ; is Eigen Function
One Dimensional Box
• V= a V=

• V V

•x=0 x=a
The Wave Eqn. is
• d2/dx2 + 82m/h2[E] = 0
• d2/dx2 + k2 = 0
• k2 = 82m/h2[E]
• Solution is
•  = C cos kx + D sin kx
• Applying Boundary conditions:
•  = 0 at x = 0  C = 0
•  = 0 at x = a
•  = 0 at x = a
• D sin ka = 0
• sin ka = 0 or ka = n
• n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4…….
• n = D sin (n/a)x
• k2 = 82m/h2[E] or E = k2h2/ 82m
• E = n2 h2/ 8ma2
• n = 0 not acceptable: n = 0
• Lowest kinetic Energy = E0 = h2/8ma2
Need for Effective Approximate Method of
Solving the Wave Equation.

• Born Oppenheimer Principle.

• How can we get the most suitable
approximate wave function?
• How can we use this approximate wave
function to calculate energy E?
Variation Method

• H = E
•  H =  E = E 
• E = H  d/2 d
• If  is complex, E =  *H  d/  * d
• /H/  //  ……4
• Bra-Ket notation
• E can be calculated. If the wave function is
not known, we can either make an educated
guess or use Variation Theorem.
• The nature of the equation 4 suggest that
even if  is not correct, we should consider a
quantity E with dimension of energy, which is
related to  by

• E = /H/  // 
• 1  E1
• 2 E2
• The Variation Theorem tells that
• E1 , E2 Eg, Eg ground state energy
• E1  E2,
• E2 and 2 is the better approximation.
• We can chose a whole family of wave
function at the same time, like trial function
with one or more variable parameters C1, C2,
• Then E is function of C1, C2, C3 …….etc. C1, C2,
C3 …. Etc. are such that E is minimized with
respect to them.
• We will utilize this method in explaining
chemical bonding.
Chemical Bonding

• Two existing theories,

• Molecular Orbital Theory (MOT)
• Valence Bond Theory (VBT).
• Molecular Orbital Theory
• MOT starts with the idea that the
quantum mechanical principles applied
to atoms may be applied equally well to
the molecule
We can write the following
• Each electron in a molecule is described by a
certain wave function  - Molecular Orbital
• Each  is defined by certain quantum numbers,
which govern its energy and its shape.
• Each  is associated with a definite energy value.
• Each electron has a spin, ± ½ and labeled by its
spin quantum number ms.

• When building the molecule- Aufbau Principle

(Building Principle) - Pauli Exclusion Principle.
Simplest possible molecule - H2 +

two nuclei and a single electron.

• Let the two nuclei be labeled as A and B.
 A  B.
• Since the complete MO has
characteristics separately possessed by
A and B,
•  = CA  A + CB B
• or  = N(A + B)
•  = CA/CB, and N - normalization
This method is known as Linear
Combination of Atomic Orbitals or
• A and B are same atomic orbitals
except for their different origin.
• By symmetry A and B must appear
with equal weight and we can therefore
• 2 = 1, or  = ±1
• Therefore, the two allowed MO’s are
•  =  A±  B
For A+ B we can now
calculate the energy
• From Variation Theorem we can write the
energy function as

• E = A+B/H/A+B/A+B/ A+B
Let us take the nominator of the right
hand side of the above equation:

• A+B/H/A+B = A/H/ A +

• B/H/ B +
• A/H/ B +
• B/H/ A
• = A/H/ A + B/H/ B +2A/H/
 B
• Now A/H/ A or B/H/ B is the
ground state energy of a hydrogen atom
Now A/H/ A or B/H/ B is the ground state energy of
a hydrogen atom

• let us call this as EA

• A/H/ B = B/H/ A =  =
resonance integral.
The denominator:
• A+B/ A+B = A/A +
• B/B +
• A/B +
• B/A
• = A/A + B/B + 2A/B
• A/B = B/A = S, Overlap
integral. Also we know that A and B
are separately normalized, so A/A =
B/B = 1
• E =[2EA + 2] / 2(1 + S)
• Or E+ = [EA + ]/ (1 + S)
• Similarly, E- = [EA - ]/ (1 – S)
• Numerically S is very small, so if we neglect
S, we can write
• E± = EA ± 
Energy level diagram

EA - 

B --------------------------- B

EA + 

Figure 5
Homonuclear Diatomics
• MOs may be classified according to-
(i)Their symmetry around the molecular
• (ii)Their bonding and antibonding
• (iii) The atomic orbitals into which they
separate at large internuclear
• 1s1s*2s2s*2py(2p) =
In drawing this diagram we
have ignored one fact.
• We have assumed that there is no
interaction between 2s and 2p orbitals.
• This is not true.
• Thus from Li to at least N there is strong
interaction between the 2s and 2p
Heteronuclear Diatomics

• In the case of heteronuclear diatomic molecules whatever

arguments are presented above are valid.
• The only difference is that the energy level diagram is not
• The bonding MOs are closer to the atomic orbitals which
are lower in energy
• The antibonding MOs are closer to those higher in energy
Molecular Orbital Theory of Solids

• The MOT extended to account for the properties of solids.

• Aggregations of virtually infinite number of atoms.
• Metals: (i)High Electrical Conductivity
• (ii) Thermal conductivity
• (iii) Luster
• (iv) Malleability.

All these properties can be explained by the ability of the

individual atom to contribute electrons to a common sea.
All these properties are due to high mobility of electrons.
Electronic conduction -

• semiconductors.

• Temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity.

• Metals - the conductivity decreases with temperature

• Semiconductors - increases.
Electrons occupy the orbitals in the band in accord
with the building-up principle.

• If each atom supplies one s electron, then at T = 0 the lowest

1/2N are occupied.

• The highest occupied orbital at T = 0 is called the Fermi level

• At temperature above absolute zero, the population P of the

orbitals is given by Fermi-Dirac distribution
P = 1/e(E-EF)/kT + 1
EF is the Fermi energy, the energy of the level for which P = ½.
The Fermi energy depends on the temperature and at T = 0 is
equal to the energy of the Fermi level.

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