All Systemair Axial Fans at A Glance

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Axial Fans
All Systemair axial fans at a glance
2  systemair

Disclose the secret of fresh air! 5

Systemair axial fans at a glance 6
Selection software 8
Fan installation with accessories 9
Technical description 10
Installation types 11
Axial fans AXC, AXCP, AXR 12
Axial fans AXCPV 18
Smoke extract axial fans AXC (B), AXR (B) 22
Smoke extract axial fans AXC (F), AXR (F) 24
Thermo axial fans AXCBF 26
Explosion proof axial fans AXC-EX, AXCBF-EX 30
Jet fans for Car Park Ventilation 36
Tunnel fans 37
Roof fan DVAX 38
Roof-mounted unit for mechanical smoke extract DVAX-MRH 40
Special applications 42
Axial fan in sound insulated Box 42
Diffusors for axial fans 46
Vibration monitoring for fans 48
Systemair around the globe 56

  systemair  3
Good climate is the basis for health, perfor-
mance and well-being.
It is the provision of efficient ventilation and air
conditioning systems that drives us forward,
as well as the simplification of the work of the
planner and installer. Based on the basic values
of simplicity and reliability, we develop,
produce and distribute high-quality ventilation
and air conditioning systems.

4  systemair
Disclose the secret of fresh air!
Since 1974 Systemair cares for the domestic ventilation of a single This brochure presents the wide
purity of an essential resource. family house or the ventilation of range of our medium pressure
Today Systemair is one of the leading tunnels and metro stations. Over axial fans. For further information
ventilation companies worldwide. 5500 employees in more than 65 about our axial fan range and all
A success story, which started in subsidiaries and 50 countries are the other Systemair products you
Skinnskatteberg, Sweden, with the available for the essential proximity can contact our experts in your
invention of the inline duct fan. to the customers. local Systemair company or you
This invention revolutionised the can just visit our online catalogue
ventilation world. on

Since then the company has

continuously advanced and now
offers a comprehensive range of
products for all ventilation and
air conditioning requirements.
The experts of Systemair know
the conditions and see the point
whatever you need - the ventilation
concept of a shopping centre,

  systemair  5
All Systemair axial fans at a glance
Systemair offers a wide range of axial fans in various designs. For most applications in the
ventilating or air conditioning sector as well as in a lot of industrial and commercial appli-
cations a Systemair fan can be selected. Some examples are: mining, tunnel ventilation,
car park ventilation, applications in explosion hazardous areas and high temperature fans
to extract heat and smoke in case of a fire.

Finding the right solution is important from many Testing:

aspects: Trust in the product and producer, safety in the ISO 5801: “Industrial fans, performance testing…”
application, lowest possible energy consumption, good DIN 24163: “Fans, performance testing…”
and matching functionality, the cost benefit ratio, a AMCA 210-07: “Laboratory methods of testing fans for
space saving design, the delivery just in time and many aerodynamic performance rating”
more. Our experts will be pleased to help you in all these EN 12101-3: “Smoke and heat control systems - powered
questions and be at your disposal. smoke and heat exhaust…”
ISO 13350: Jet fans
This brochure gives you an overview of our complete axial
fan product range, so you can choose the right fan for EN certificates on
your application. Performance curves and technical details • As per EC Machinery Directive 98/37/EEC Annex IIA,
for the required fan duties are available from our selection fans for ventilation… the following harmonized stan-
software, which is available in an online version on our dards are used:
website »» EN 60 204-1: “Safety of machinery - electrical equip-
ment, general requirements”
»» EN 292-1: “Safety of machinery, design” EN ISO
Systemair is working in accordance with 12100
the following standards: »» EN294: “Safety of machinery, safety distances”
EN ISO 13857

Quality »» EN 60 034-1: “Rotating electric machinery, ratings

and performance”
ISO 9001: Quality management system, monitored by TÜV
Süd. Certificate on • As per EC Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and
93/68/EEC the following harmonized standards are
ISO 14001: Environmental management system, monito-
red by TÜV Süd. Certificate on
»» EN 60 204-1: “Safety of machinery - electrical
DIN 24166: Technical terms of delivery for fans.
equipment, general requirements”
»» EN 60 034-5: “Rotating electric machinery, protec-
CE marking
tion classification”
The CE marking is a mandatory conformity mark in the
As per EMC-directive 89/336/EEC and EMC-directive
European Economic Area. By affixing the CE marking, the
93/68/EEC the following harmonized standards are used:
manufacturer asserts that the item meets all the essential
requirements of the relevant European Directive(s). »» EN 61000-6-1 and 6-2: Electromagnetic compati-

6  systemair
Available fan ranges

Fan range Application Impeller -20 °C to 200 °C 250 °C/ 300 °C/ 400 °C/ Car Park Tunnel Explosive
diameter (mm) +55 °C ∞ ∞ 120 min. 120 min. 120 min. Jet Fans Jet Fans atmosphere
AXC supply/exhaust 560- 2,240

AXCP supply/exhaust 315 - 500

AXCPV supply/exhaust 315 - 500

AXC (B) exhaust 315 - 1,600
• •
AXC (F) exhaust 315 - 1,600
• •
AXCBF exhaust 250 - 800
• •
AXR supply/exhaust 315 - 2,240

AXR (K) supply/exhaust 1,500 - 2,240
• •
AXR (B) supply/exhaust 315 - 1,600
• •
AXR (F) supply/exhaust 315 - 1,600
• •
AJ8 impulse ventilation 315 - 400
• •
AJR-TR impulse ventilation 315 - 400
• •
AJ8 (B) impulse ventilation 315 - 400
• • •
AJR (B)-TR impulse ventilation 315 - 400
• • •
AJR (F)-TR impulse ventilation 315 - 400
• • •
AXC-EX* supply/exhaust 315 - 1,600

AXCBF-EX* exhaust 250 - 800

AJ impulse ventilation 500 - 1,600
• •
AJ (K) impulse ventilation 500 - 1,600
• • •
AJ (B) impulse ventilation 500 - 1,600
• • •
AJ (F) impulse ventilation 500 - 1,600
• • •
...-G two in series 315 - 2,000
• • • •
...-Box sound insulated 315 - 1,000
• • • •
* -20 °C to +40 °C

  systemair  7
Go quickly to the right axial fan
You can use our selection program to choose the perfect You can find this and much more useful and interesting
fans, compact air handling units and diffusers for your information on
application quickly and with a precise operating point.
Take a look for yourself and discover the world of
You can find an overview of all our products with the ventilation and air conditioning!
necessary technical data in our online catalogue. To
complete your ventilation package, in the catalogue you
will also find our comprehensive range of accessories to
complement each product.

8  systemair
System solution for axial fans of Systemair
Matched perfectly to your requirements

Protection guard Silencer Flexible connection Mounting brackets (90°)


Mounting ring ON/OFF switch ON/OFF switch
400 °C / 120 min.

Inlet cone Axial fan


Rubber mounts Mounting feet Outlet cowl


Spring mounts Spring mounts for Air operated damper Counterflange
tensil loud

  systemair  9
Technical description

Fan sizes and duties Mounting position and airflow direction

Systemair axial fans are offered in sizes from 315 mm up Systemair axial fans AXC can be installed in diffe-
to 2,240 mm diameter. Air volumes of up to rent mounting positions. Should there be no different
500,000 m³/h and static pressure of up to 2,800 Pa information in your order, the fans will be supplied in
can be achieved. Higher pressures can be offered with airflow direction "S", see pictures below. You will find
two fans installed in series (AXC-G models on request). arrows indicating the direction of rotation and airflow
Fan performance in accordance with ISO 5801, part 1, direction at the outside of the casing. For bigger motor
category D. powers (guideline: from IEC 160, 11 [kW]) it is important
to inform us with your order in case the fans are to be
Casing installed in a different airflow direction than "S", as the
The casing and motor fixation is manufactured from motor bearings then are subject to a higher stress which
galvanized steel. The terminal box is fitted on the outside we have to take into account.
of the casing.
Impellers Systemair offers a wide range of accesories, such as:
The impellers (hub and blades) are manufactured from • protection guards
highly resistant aluminium alloy. The blades have an • mounting feet (horizontal installation) or mounting
aerodynamic profile to guarantee high efficiencies and a brackets (vertical installation)
low noise level. • counter flanges
The hub design allows adjustment of the blade angle • flexible connections
during assembly of the fan in the factory, in order to • inlet cones
achieve the optimum working point. This further incre- • automatic shutters
ases the possible fan duties per diameter. In the perfor- • anti vibration mounts
mance curves P2max is indicated, the maximum absor- • isolators for single or two-speed motors
bed power of the impeller, related to the relevant blade • silencers (with and without core)
angle setting.

Systemair uses 400 V/50 Hz three phase motors in ac-
cordance with IEC standard 34-1. The motors are suitable
for medium temperatures from -20 °C up to +55 °C and
are equipped with cold conductors for motor protection.
Protection class IP55, insulation class F. Other medium
temperatures, protection classes or isolation classes are
available on request. The standard motor range includes
single and two speed motors.


10  systemair
Installation types

free inlet
free outlet

free inlet
ducted outlet side

ducted inlet side

free outlet

ducted inlet side

ducted outlet side

Installation types according to ISO 5801

  systemair  11
AXC / AXCP / AXR Axial fans

The Systemair AXC, AXCP and AXR range of long cased

medium pressure axial fans is available in sizes from 315
up to 2,240 mm nominal diameter. The adjustable pitch
angle setting offers a wide performance and maximum
flexibility to match precisely individual airflow require-
ments. The AXC, AXCP and AXR axial fans have been
performance tested in accordance with DIN ISO 5801, DIN
24163 and AMCA 210-07 on the Systemair fan test rig.

High efficiency impellers

The AXC die cast aerofoil aluminium impellers can be of-
fered with full or fractional solidities, maximum efficienci-
es can be obtained. Different impeller/hub configurations
allow high operating pressures. AXR impellers are truly

• AXC with aerofoil impeller, adjustable pitch angle Sturdy casing

for maximum efficiency Casings are heavy gauge, galvanized, with spun flanges
• Hub and blades are manufactured from highly for high rigidity (AXC-E and AXC-EK is made of pre-
resistant aluminium alloy galvanised sheet steel). Long cased execution as standard
• Terminal box in IP65 mounted at the outside of the stock range. Also available with short casing and with an
casing for easy wiring (AXC-E without terminal acoustically insulated box.
• Suitable for operating temperatures between
The built-in motors are equipped with PTC thermistors for
-20 °C and +55 °C
optimum motor protection. Single or two speed motors.
• Inspection hole to verify correct direction of Speed controllable by frequency converter.
• 60 Hz range available Multi stage fans
For higher pressure drops two stage fans are offered.
Two fans in series increase the available static operational

Systemair is certified according to ISO 9001
and ISO 14001. The Systemair quality system is
regularly monitored by TÜV Süd.

The Systemair general terms and conditions apply.

12  systemair

AXC øDi øDa øTK Zx øD L hf E K

AXCP 315 315 395 355 8x10 425 235 265 360
AXCP 355 355 435 395 8x10 425 250 305 360
AXCP 400 400 480 450 8x12 450 280 350 385
AXCP 450 450 530 500 8x12 500 315 400 435
AXCP 500 500 590 560 12x12 540 335 440 464
AXCP 560 560 650 620 12x12 500/750* 375 500 424/674*
AXCP 630 630 720 690 12x12 500/750* 425 570 424/674*
AXC 710 710 800 770 16x12 500/700/800* 450 650 424/624/722*
AXC 800 800 890 860 16x12 500/700* 530 730 414/614*
AXC 900 900 1005 970 16x15 640/850* 560 830 552/762*
AXC 1000 1000 1105 1070 16x15 640/850* 670 930 552/762*
AXC 1200 1120 1260 1190 20x15 700/1000* 710 1030 612/910*
AXC 1250 1250 1390 1320 20x15 850/1050* 800 1180 740/938*

Dimensions in mm.
* Dimensions L + K depend on motor frame size

Ordering code

AXR Axial fan reversible

AXC 630 - 9 / 22° - 2 -EK

Economy with terminal box

2-pole motor

Pitch angle

Number of blades

Nominal diameter

Axial fan unidirectional

  systemair  13
Quick selection

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
350 400
AXCP 315-6-2 10
12 24 28 32 AXCP 355-6-2
300 350 22 34
14 16 20 36
18 26
10 26 28
24 30 32 300 30
250 12 22 34

50 50

0 0
1 1 2

1,0 1,6
36 36
P [kW]

P [kW]
0,6 34 34
32 32
0,8 26 28
0,4 26
22 24
18 20
22 18 20
0,2 10 12 14 16 10 12 14 16

0 0

Article no. Size * Article no. Size *

CAXP31501IE3 AXCP 315-6-2 (0,75kW) IE3 CAXP35501IE3 AXCP 355-6-2 (0,75kW) IE3
CAXP35502IE3 AXCP 355-6-2 (1,1kW) IE3
CAXP35503IE3 AXCP 355-6-2 (1,5kW) IE3

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 2000 6000 10000 14000
450 28 3032
10 12 22 24 26 34
20 36
AXCP 400-6-2 AXCP 450-6-2
375 500 12 24 26 28
10 20 22 30 32
16 18 34
14 36
300 400

225 300

150 200

75 100

0 0
1 2 3 1 2 3 4

2,5 4,0
2,0 36 36
34 3,0 34
P [kW]

32 32
P [kW]

30 30
28 28
1,0 26 2,0 26
24 24
22 22
0,5 16 18 1,0 16 18
10 12 14 12 14
0 10

Article no. Size * Article no. Size *

CAXP40001IE3 AXCP 400-6-2 (0,75kW) IE3 CAXP45001IE3 AXCP 450-6-2 (0,75kW) IE3
CAXP40002IE3 AXCP 400-6-2 (1,1kW) IE3 CAXP45002IE3 AXCP 450-6-2 (1,1kW) IE3
CAXP40003IE3 AXCP 400-6-2 (1,5kW) IE3 CAXP45003IE3 AXCP 450-6-2 (1,5kW) IE3
CAXP40004IE3 AXCP 400-6-2 (2,2kW) IE3 CAXP45004IE3 AXCP 450-6-2 (2,2kW) IE3
CAXP45005IE3 AXCP 450-6-2 (3,0kW) IE3
CAXP45006IE3 AXCP 450-6-2 (4,0kW) IE3
* Further performance curves in the selection program.

14  systemair
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000
700 1000

24 AXCP 500-6-2 900 AXCP 560-9-2

600 18 20
22 26
16 30
32 800
10 14
500 36 700


200 300


0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

8,0 16,0

P [kW]

P [kW]
4,0 32 8,0
20 22
14 16 18
10 12
0 0

Article no. Size * Article no. Size *

CAXP50001IE3 AXCP 500-6-2 (1,1kW) IE3 CAXP56001IE3 AXCP 560-9-2 (2,2kW) IE3
CAXP50002IE3 AXCP 500-6-2 (1,5kW) IE3 CAXP56002IE3 AXCP 560-9-2 (4,0kW) IE3
CAXP50003IE3 AXCP 500-6-2 (2,2kW) IE3 CAXP56003IE3 AXCP 560-9-2 (5,5kW) IE3
CAXP50004IE3 AXCP 500-6-2 (3,0kW) IE3 CAXP56004IE3 AXCP 560-9-2 (7,5kW) IE3
CAXP50005IE3 AXCP 500-6-2 (4,0kW) IE3 CAXP56005IE3 AXCP 560-9-2 (11,0kW) IE3
CAXP50006IE3 AXCP 500-6-2 (5,5kW) IE3 CAXP56006IE3 AXCP 560-9-2 (15,0kW) IE3
CAXP50007IE3 AXCP 500-6-2 (7,5kW) IE3

10000 20000 30000 40000 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000

1400 300
AXCP 630-9-4
1200 AXCP 630-9-2




0 0
5 10 2 3 4 5 6

24,0 2,5
P [kW]

P [kW]

0 0

Article no. Size * Article no. Size *

CAXP63001IE3 AXCP 630-9-2 (2,2kW) IE3 CAX63029IE3 AXC 630-9-4 (2,2kW) IE3
CAXP63002IE3 AXCP 630-9-2 (3kW) IE3 CAX63030IE3 AXC 630-9-4 (3kW) IE3
CAXP63003IE3 AXCP 630-9-2 (4kW) IE3
CAXP63004IE3 AXCP 630-9-2 (5,5kW) IE3
CAXP63005IE3 AXCP 630-9-2 (7,5kW) IE3
CAXP63006IE3 AXCP 630-9-2 (11kW) IE3
CAXP63007IE3 AXCP 630-9-2 (15kW) IE3
* Further performance curves in the selection program.
CAXP63008IE3 AXCP 630-9-2 (18,5kW) IE3

  systemair  15
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 10000 20000 30000 40000
450 600

400 AXC 710-9-4 AXC 800-9-4


300 400


150 200


0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 10

5,0 9,0
P [kW]

P [kW]
0 0

Article no. Size * Article no. Size *

CAX71009IE3 AXC 710-9-4 (2,2kW) IE3 CAX80011IE3 AXC 800-9-4 (2,2kW) IE3
CAX71010IE3 AXC 710-9-4 (3kW) IE3 CAX80012IE3 AXC 800-9-4 (3kW) IE3
CAX71011IE3 AXC 710-9-4 (4kW) IE3 CAX80013IE3 AXC 800-9-4 (4kW) IE3
CAX71012IE3 AXC 710-9-4 (5,5kW) IE3 CAX80014IE3 AXC 800-9-4 (5,5kW) IE3
CAX80015IE3 AXC 800-9-4 (7,5kW) IE3

5000 15000 25000 35000 45000 55000 65000 20000 40000 60000 80000
700 900
AXC 900-10-4 AXC 1000-10-4

400 500

300 400


0 0
5 10 15 5 10

16,0 30,0
P [kW]
P [kW]


4,0 10,0

0 0

Article no. Size * Article no. Size *

CAX90008IE3 AXC 900-10-4 (2,2kW) IE3 CAX100007IE3 AXC 1000-10-4 (4kW) IE3
CAX90009IE3 AXC 900-10-4 (3kW) IE3 CAX100008IE3 AXC 1000-10-4 (5,5kW) IE3
CAX90010IE3 AXC 900-10-4 (4kW) IE3 CAX100009IE3 AXC 1000-10-4 (7,7kW) IE3
CAX90011IE3 AXC 900-10-4 (5,5kW) IE3 CAX100010IE3 AXC 1000-10-4 (11kW) IE3
CAX90012IE3 AXC 900-10-4 (7,5kW) IE3 CAX100011IE3 AXC 1000-10-4 (15kW) IE3
CAX90013IE3 AXC 900-10-4 (11kW) IE3 CAX100012IE3 AXC 1000-10-4 (18,5kW) IE3
CAX900014IE3 AXC 900-10-4 (15kW) IE3 CAX100013IE3 AXC 1000-10-4 (22kW) IE3
CAX100014IE3 AXC 1000-10-4 (30kW) IE3
* Further performance curves in the selection program.

16  systemair
20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000

AXC 1120-10-4
28 36
800 20
8 16
700 12







10 20 30

50 36
P [kW]

40 32
24 28
30 20
20 16
8 12

Article no. Size *

CAX112006IE3 AXC 1120-10-4 (5,5kW) IE3
CAX112007IE3 AXC 1120-10-4 (7,5kW) IE3
CAX112008IE3 AXC 1120-10-4 (11kW) IE3
CAX112009IE3 AXC 1120-10-4 (15kW) IE3
CAX112010IE3 AXC 1120-10-4 (18,5kW) IE3

20000 60000 10000 14000 180000

AXC 1250-12-4






10 20 30 40 50

P [kW]


Article no. Size *

CAX125007IE3 AXC 1250-12-4 (11kW) IE3
CAX125008IE3 AXC 1250-12-4 (15kW) IE3
CAX125009IE3 AXC 1250-12-4 (18,5kW) IE3
CAX125010IE3 AXC 1250-12-4 (22kW) IE3
CAX125011IE3 AXC 1250-12-4 (30kW) IE3
CAX125012IE3 AXC 1250-12-4 (37kW) IE3
CAX125013IE3 AXC 1250-12-4 (45kW) IE3
CAX125014IE3 AXC 1250-12-4 (55kW) IE3 * Further performance curves in the selection program.

  systemair  17
AXCPV Axial fans

Axial fans with energy-efficient blade design and CFD

optimized outlet guide vane section for higher efficiency
across the entire system characteristic field.

Thanks to the higher static pressure, a smaller fan size can

be used - lower installation and purchasing costs as well
as lower energy consumption is the result.

The adjustable pitch angle setting offers a wide

performance and maximum flexibility to match precisely
individual airflow requirements. The AXCPV axial fans
have been performance tested in accordance with DIN ISO
5801, DIN 24163 and AMCA 210-99 on the Systemair fan
test rig. The motors are equipped with PTC thermistors
for optimum motor protection. The motor is speed
controllable by frequency converter.

• Pre-mounted outlet guide vane section

High efficiency impellers
• Improved impeller efficiency
Die cast aerofoil aluminium impellers with adjustable pitch
• Unique ErP compliant high efficiency profile angle for maximum efficiency. Impeller balanced statical-
• Aerodynamic impeller with adjustable pitch angle ly and dynamically in accordance with DIN ISO 1940-1,
for maximum efficiency as well as lower installation quality grade G6,3.
and operating costs
• Hub and blades made of high-strength aluminium Casing
cast alloys Long casing manufactured with hot dip galvanized steel,
• External terminal box for easy electrical connection, according to DIN EN ISO 1461 and with spun flanges
IP65 VDE certified according Eurovent 1/2.

• Suitable for transported air temperatures of up to

+55 °C in continuous operation
Three-phase motors IE2 efficiency or IE3 efficiency , IP55,
insulation class F, in accordance with EN 60034-5/IEC 85.
The motors are equipped with PTC thermistors for optimal
motor protection. Available as one and two-speed motors
(pole reversible). Standard motors are speed controllable
by frequency converter.
VDE certified terminal box in IP65 mounted at the outside
of the fan casing for easy wiring

Systemair is certified according to ISO 9001
and ISO 14001. The Systemair quality system
is regularly monitored by TÜV Süd.

You can find more informations in our online-catalogue

18  systemair

AXCPV * Airflow direction: S ** Airflow direction: SO / SU

(SO = airflow up; SU = airflow down)
⌀DA ⌀DI hF ⌀TK M s z x ⌀D L K K M L s n x ⌀F
AXCPV 315 395 315 225 355 265 2,5 8 x 10 550 360 355 575 705 2,5 4 x 11
AXCPV 355 435 355 25 395 305 2,5 8 x 10 550 360 395 615 705 2,5 4 x 11
AXCPV 400 480 400 280 450 350 2,5 8 x 12 575 385 450 660 730 2,5 4 x 11
AXCPV 450 530 450 315 500 400 2,5 8 x 12 625 360 500 710 780 2,5 4 x 11
AXCPV 500 590 500 335 560 440 3,0 12 x 12 665 464 560 776 820 3,0 12 x 12
AXCPV 560 650 560 375 620 500 3,0 12 x 12 660/910 424/674 838 758 810/1060 3,0 4 x 11
AXCPV 630 720 630 425 690 570 3,0 12 x 12 730/980 424/674 828 908 880/1130 3,0 4 x 11
Dimensions in mm.

Quick selection

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 1500 3000 4500 6000 7500 9000
600 600
AXCPV 315-6-2 30
AXCPV 355-6-2
500 3234
36 500 12
14 24
30 22 32
26 20
24 16
400 22 400
10 12 18
300 14 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
1 1 2

1,0 1,6
0,8 36 1,2 34
34 32
P [kW]
P [kW]

32 30
0,6 30
0,8 28
28 26
0,4 24
20 22
18 20 22 0,4 16 18
14 16 10 12 14
0,2 10 12

Article no. Size * Article no. Size *

CAXPV31501 AXC 315-6-2 (0,75kW) IE3 NL CAXPV35501 AXC 355-6-2 (0,75kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV35502 AXC 355-6-2 (1,1kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV35503 AXC 355-6-2 (1,5kW) IE3 NL

  systemair  19
Quick selection

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 2000 6000 10000 14000
700 800 10
26 28 30
26 28 30 32 AXCPV 400-6-2 24 32
10 12
14 22
24 34
36 700
14 16 20
22 AXCPV 450-6-2
600 20 18
16 600


100 100

0 0
1 2 3 1 2 3 4

2,5 4,0
2,0 34 3,0
32 32
1,5 30
P [kW]

P [kW]
28 2,0 28
26 26
1,0 24 22 24
20 22 1,0 18
0,5 10 12 14 16
12 14
0 0

Article no. Size Article no. Size

CAXPV40001 AXC 400-6-2 (0,75kW) IE3 NL CAXPV45001 AXC 450-6-2 (0,75kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV40002 AXC 400-6-2 (1,1kW) IE3 NL CAXPV45002 AXC 450-6-2 (1,1kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV40003 AXC 400-6-2 (1,5kW) IE3 NL CAXPV45003 AXC 450-6-2 (1,5kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV40004 AXC 400-6-2 (2,2kW) IE3 NL CAXPV45004 AXC 450-6-2 (2,2kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV45005 AXC 450-6-2 (3,0kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV45006 AXC 450-6-2 (4,0kW) IE3 NL

0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
1050 1750
AXCPV 560-9-2
10 AXCPV 500-6-2 34 36
900 26 30 1500 32
28 32 26 28
22 24 34
12 36 10 12 24
14 16 20 22
750 1250 18

600 1000

450 750

300 500

150 250

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8,0 16,0
P [kW]

36 30
P [kW]

4,0 34 8,0 28
32 26
30 24
28 22
26 20
24 18
22 14 16
16 18 20 10 12
10 12 14 0

Article no. Size Article no. Size

CAXPV50001 AXC 500-6-2 (1,1kW) IE3 NL CAXPV56001 AXC 560-9-2 (2,2kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV50002 AXC 500-6-2 (1,5kW) IE3 NL CAXPV56002 AXC 560-9-2 (4,0kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV50003 AXC 500-6-2 (2,2kW) IE3 NL CAXPV56003 AXC 560-9-2 (5,5kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV50004 AXC 500-6-2 (3,0kW) IE3 NL CAXPV56004 AXC 560-9-2 (7,5kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV50005 AXC 500-6-2 (4,0kW) IE3 NL CAXPV56005 AXC 560-9-2 (11,0kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV50006 AXC 500-6-2 (5,5kW) IE3 NL CAXPV56006 AXC 560-9-2 (15,0kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV50007 AXC 500-6-2 (7,5kW) IE3 NL

20  systemair
0 7500 15000 22500 30000 37500 45000
AXCPV 630-9-2
1800 26 28 30
10 24 32
12 20
1500 14 18





2 4 6 8 10 12

P [kW]

12,0 24
14 16
10 12

Article no. Size

CAXPV63001 AXC 630-9-2 (2,2kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV63002 AXC 630-9-2 (3,0kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV63003 AXC 630-9-2 (4,0kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV63004 AXC 630-9-2 (5,5kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV63005 AXC 630-9-2 (7,5kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV63006 AXC 630-9-2 (11,0kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV63007 AXC 630-9-2 (15,0kW) IE3 NL
CAXPV63008 AXC 630-9-2 (18,5kW) IE3 NL

  systemair  21
AXC (B) / AXR (B) Smoke extract axial fans

The Systemair AXC (B) / AXR (B) range of long cased

smoke extract axial fans is available in sizes from 315
up to 1,600 mm nominal diameter. The adjustable pitch
angle setting offers a wide performance and maximum
flexibility to match precisely individual airflow require-
ments. The AXC (B) and AXR (B) axial fans have been
performance tested in accordance with DIN ISO 5801,
DIN 24163 and AMCA 210-07 on the Systemair fan
test rig. High temperature testing in accordance with EN
12101-3. All AXC (B) fans are labeled with the CE mark.

High efficiency impellers

AXC (B), AXR (B) smoke extract axial The aerodynamically-shaped impellers made from
fans certified for 300 °C / 120 min. in high-strength aluminium cast alloy with flexible blade
accordance with EN 12101-3
300°C 120min
arrangements provide optimum efficiency. A range of
different blade/hub configurations enables high operating
• AXC with aerofoil impeller, adjustable pitch angle for pressures.
maximum efficiency
• Hub and blades are manufactured from highly Sturdy casing
resistant aluminium alloy The housing is made from hot-dip galvanised sheet steel
• Terminal box in IP65 mounted at the outside of the in accordance with DIN EN ISO 1461 (AXC(B)-EK made
casing for easy wiring from pre-galvanised steel sheet). The flanges pressed
onto both sides in accordance with Eurovent 1/2 provide
• Suitable for operating temperatures of up to
additional stability. Standard version as long shaft housing.
-20 / +55 °C continuous or once for 300 °C / 120 min.
• Inspection hole to verify correct direction of rotation Motors
• Truly reversible version AXR (B) on request IP54/55 motors, insulation class H, according to EN
60034-5. Motor in the airflow. Available as single and
dual speed motors (switchable poles). Application with
frequency converter for standard ventilation available on
request. (IE2 motor available on request).

Multi stage fans

For higher pressure drops two stage fans are offered.
Two fans in series increase the available static operational

Systemair is certified according to ISO 9001
and ISO 14001.
The Systemair quality system is regularly
monitored by TÜV Süd.

Systemair offers a three year warranty on all AXC (B) and
AXR (B) fan models. The Systemair general terms and
conditions apply.

You can find performance curves in our online-catalogue

22  systemair
References: Mercedes-Benz Arena in Stuttgart, Germany

Mercedes-Benz Arena with approximately 60,000 up to 2,000 spectators are able to follow the different
seats is used for concerts of different global super matches. Systemair delivered 17 axial fans for smoke
stars such as Rolling Stones, Genesis and Jon Bon Jovi. extraction and ventilation in case of fire. Besides 34
In order to host other sporting events as handball, speed controlled circular duct fans and two MUB EC
basketball or volleyball there was built a new event fans of Systemair are installed in the Mercedes-Benz
hall under the stands of the soccer stadium. The so- arena and SCHARRena.
called SCHARRena is about 7,900 square meters and

Ordering code

AXR Axial fan reversible

AXC 630 - 9 / 22° - 2 (B) -EK

Economy with terminal box

300 °C / 120 min.

2-pole motor

Pitch angle

Number of blades

Nominal diameter

Axial fan unidirectional

  systemair  23
AXC (F) / AXR (F) Smoke extract axial fans

The Systemair AXC (F) / AXR (F) range of long cased

smoke extract axial fans is available in sizes from 315 up
to 1,600 mm nominal diameter. The adjustable pitch ang-
le setting at the factory offers a wide performance and
maximum flexibility to match precisely individual airflow
requirements. The AXC (F) / AXR (F) axial fans have been
performance tested in accordance with DIN ISO 5801, DIN
24163 and AMCA 210-07 on the Systemair fan test rig.
High temperature testing in accordance with EN 12010-3.
All AXC (F) / AXR (F) fans are labeled with the CE mark.

High efficiency impellers

AXC (F), AXR (F) Smoke extract axial The AXC aerofoil aluminium impellers can be offered with
fans certified for 400 °C / 120 min. in full or fractional solidities, maximum efficiencies can be
accordance with EN 12101-3
400°C 120min


• AXC with aerofoil impeller, adjustable pitch angle Sturdy casing

• Hub and blades are manufactured from highly AXC (F) / AXR (F) axial fan casings are heavy gauge, hot
resistant aluminium alloy dip galvanized, with spun flanges for high rigidity. Long
• Terminal box in IP65 mounted at the outside of cased execution as standard range.
the casing for easy wiring
• Suitable for operating temperatures of up to -20 / Motors
+55 °C continuous or once for 400 °C / 120 min. Motor in the air stream. Frequency converter controllable
only for standard ventilation on request. Single or two
• Inspection hole to verify correct direction of
speed motors.
• Truly reversible version AXR (F) on request Multi stage fans
• All aluminium blades for the AXR (F) are x-rayed For higher pressure drops two stage fans are offered.
before assembly to ensure that the quality of the Two fans in series increase the available static operational
material is perfect ("X-rayed") pressure.

Systemair is certified according to ISO 9001 and
ISO 14001. The Systemair quality
system is regularly monitored by TÜV Süd.

The Systemair general terms and conditionsconditions

You can find performance curves in our online-catalogue

24  systemair
Ordering code

AXR Axial fan reversible

AXC 630 - 9 / 22° - 2 (F)

400 °C / 120 min.

2-pole motor

Pitch angle

Number of blades

Nominal diameter

Axial fan unidirectional

  systemair  25
AXCBF Thermo axial fans

The Systemair AXCBF range of bifurcated medium pres-

sure axial fans has been developed for applications with
an atmosphere which would either require special motors
or reduce the lifetime of a standard motor. The motors of
AXCBF are out of the airflow. Available in sizes from 250
up to 800 mm nominal diameter.

Sturdy casing
Dual-shaft housing made from hot-dip galvanised sheet
steel in accordance with DIN EN ISO 1461. The motor
shaft can be opened from both sides for ease of access to
the motor connection box. The motor is completely sepa-
rate from the airflow. Terminal box on the motor.
Three-phase motor according to IEC standard. IP55
• Aerofoil impeller degree of protection, insulation class F, according to EN
• Die cast aluminium hub and blades 60034-5. The motors are equipped with PTC thermistors
for optimum motor protection. Available as a single and
• Suitable for operating temperatures of up to 200 °C
dual speed motor (switchable poles). Speed control of the
• Maximum ambiente air temperature 55 °C standard motors is possible using a frequency converter.

Systemair is certified according to ISO 9001
and ISO 14001.
The Systemair quality system is regularly
monitored by TÜV Süd.

The Systemair general terms and conditions conditions

You can find performance curves in our online-catalogue

26  systemair

AXCBF 250 - AXCBF 500 AXCBF 630 - AXCBF 800

A A 15°



øF øF

AXCBF A øB øC øD øF G øH I
AXCBF 250 535 448 328 250 302 22.5° 10 8x45°
AXCBF 315 535 452 385 315 355 22.5° 10 8x45°
AXCBF 400 625 585 480 400 450 22.5° 10 8x45°
AXCBF 500 long version 710 695 590 500 560 15° 12 12x30°
AXCBF 500 short version 660 695 590 500 560 15° 12 12x30°
AXCBF 630 790 728 630 - 690 15° 12 12x30°
AXCBF 800 880 890 800 - 860 11.25° 12 16x22,5°
Dimensions in mm.

Standard range AXCBF

Model Article No. Voltage/frequency Installed motor Integrated motor protection

[V/Hz] [kW]
AXCBF 250D2-32 32456 400/50 0,37 PTC
AXCBF 250D4-32 32458 400/50 0,25 PTC
AXCBF 315D2-30 IE2 34146 400/50 0,75 PTC
AXCBF 315D4-32 32462 400/50 0,25 PTC
AXCBF 400D2-22 IE2 34147 400/50 2,2 PTC
AXCBF 400D4-32 32483 400/50 0,55 PTC
AXCBF 500D2-20 IE2 34148 400/50 4,0 PTC
AXCBF 500D4-32 IE2 34152 400/50 1,1 PTC
AXCBF 630D4-26 IE2 34155 400/50 2,2 PTC
AXCBF 800D4-18 IE2 34156 400/50 4,0 PTC

Ordering code

AXCBF 630 D 4 - 26°

Pitch angle

4-pole motor

D = 400 V/3~

Nominal diameter

Bifurcated axial fan

  systemair  27
Quick selection

0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

AXCBF 315D2-30 IE2

AXCBF 400D2-22 IE2

28  systemair
AXCBF 500D2-20 IE2 AXCBF 500D4-32 IE2


  systemair  29
AXC-EX / AXCBF-EX Explosions proof axial fans

Systemair AXC-EX and AXCBF-EX range of long cased me-
dium pressure axial fan, casings are heavy gauge, hot dip
galvanized, spun flanges for high rigidity, to Eurovent 1/2.

Motor Ex d speed controllable by frequency converter.
AXC-EX Supplied with Ex-terminal box mounted at the outer side
of the casing (AXC-EX).

AXCBF-EX Impeller
Aerofoil impeller. Die cast aluminium hub and blades.

Explosion proof axial fans with ATEX certification in accor-

Power control
dance with RL 94/9/EG, EN 14986 and 13463-1
Speed controllable by frequency converter.

• Explosion classification II 2G c Ex d IIC T4 Motor protection

• Die cast aluminium hub and blades The Ex d motors are equipped with PTC thermistors for
• Casing made of hot dip galvanized steel to optimum motor protection.
The fans could be used for zones 1 or 2, field of applica-
• Flanges to Eurovent 1/2
tion II, for gases of groups IIA, IIB and IIC and temperature
• Three phase motors, IP55, insulation class F, classes T1 to T4. The fans are classified to category 2G.
in accordance with EN 60034. Supplied with Ex- The fans are certified under the no Sira 07ATEX6341X.
terminal box mounted at the outer side of the
casing (AXC-EX). Admissible ambient temperatu- You can find performance curves in our online catalogue
res from -20 °C to +40 °C, other temperatures on
• Motor Ex d speed controllable by frequency
• Motor EX e on request
• AXCBF-EX with motor outside the airstream



2 Equipment intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Directive 94/9/EC
3 Certificate Number: Sira 07ATEX6341X Issue: 6
4 Equipment: AXC-EX Axial Fans and AXCBF-EX Bifurcated Fans

AXCBF-EX Explosion proof axial fan 5

Systemair GmbH
Seehofer Str 45
D-97944 Windischbuch

AXC-EX 560 - 9 / 22° - 4 7

This equipment and any acceptable variation thereto are specified in the schedule to this certificate and
the documents therein referred to.
Sira Certification Service certifies that this equipment has been found to comply with the Essential
Health and Safety Requirements that relate to the design of Category 2 equipment, which is intended
for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. These Essential Health and Safety Requirements are given
in Annex II to European Union Directive 94/9/EC of 23 March 1994.
The examination and test results are recorded in the confidential reports listed in Section 14.2.
9 Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements, with the exception of those listed in the
schedule of this certificate, has been assessed by reference to:
EN 14986:2007 EN 13463-1:2001
10 If the sign “X” is placed after the certificate number, it indicates that the equipment is subject to special

4-pole motor
conditions for safe use specified in the schedule to this certificate.
11 This TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE relates only to the design of the specified equipment, and not
to specific items of equipment subsequently manufactured.
12 The marking of the equipment shall include the following:
These fans are fitted with a suitably certified, electric motor, whilst this motor
II 2 G c T* (Ta = -20°C to +60°C) is outside the scope of this certificate, the type used affects the final

Pitch angle
application of the fan, as clarified below:
AXC-EX (nA) Category 3 for apparatus group IIB (Zone 2)
AXCBF-EX (nA) Category 3 for apparatus group IIB (Zone 2)
AXC-EX (e) Category 2 for apparatus group IIB (Zone 1 and 2)
AXCBF-EX (e) Category 2 for apparatus group IIB (Zone 1 and 2)
AXC-EX (d) Category 2 for apparatus group IIB and IIC (Zone 1 and 2)
AXCBF-EX (d) Category 2 for apparatus group IIB and IIC (Zone 1 and 2)

Number of blades
In addition, T* is equal to temperature classification of the motor.

Nominal diameter Project Number 24487 D R Stubbings BA MIET

Certification Manager
This certificate and its schedules may only be
reproduced in its entirety and without change.
S ira Certification Service
Explosion proof axial fan Form 9402 Issue 2
Page 1 of 6
Rake Lane, Eccleston, Chester, CH4 9JN, England
+44 (0) 1244 670900
+44 (0) 1244 681330

30  systemair
Explosion protection

Ignition source The NEC (National Electrical Code) of USA and the CEC
(Canadian Electrical Code) of Canada divide into Classes
and Divisions, which might deviate from the EC direc-
tives. Gases, vapours or mists are classified in Class 1,
Flammable Air (oxygen) then divided into Divisions 1 or 2, then into Gas Groups.
Please pay attention which standard has been applied (EC
directives or NEC/CEC). Manufacturers of equipment with
a potential ignition source (like electric motors, rotating
Gases, vapours and mists which occur during storage, parts) have to ensure that the equipment fulfils the safety
production or processing of flammable substances, requirements given in the relevant directives and codes
together with the oxygen in the air, form an explosive (grouping and category).
atmosphere. In case this atmosphere is ignited, explosions
take place which can be harmful to human beings and The EC directives then divide the equipment into Groups.
damage property. Ignition sources can be for example hot Equipment group I covers mining systems, where a very
temperatures on surfaces, mechanically generated sparks, high or high degree of safety is required. Equipment
static electricity or electrical installations. group II covers other explosive areas and is divided into
categories from category 1 (very high degree of safe-
Protective standards have been developed in a lot of ty, even for independently occurring faults), category 2
countries to ensure a high level of safety. In the European (high degree of safety, even for occurrence of a fault)
Union regulations have been harmonized in EC directives and category 3 (normal degree of safety – in normal
94/9/EG (ATEX 95, equipment directive, manufacturers or operation conditions). Electrical equipment of category 2
importers) and 99/92/EG (ATEX 137, workplace directive: must undergo an EC type examination, carried out by a
operation of installations, users). notified body. For electrical equipment of category 3 and
non-electrical equipment the manufacturer is authorized
to document conformity with the requirements of the EC
mployer Testing au
directive. CE marking of the equipment confirms that it
has been manufactured in compliance with all relevant EC
Installerr Authority
A directives.

Equipment group II is further classified into groups. The

facturer Standardization
Standardi IEC system is applied in Europe, where IIA is the lowest
hazardous gas group, IIB medium and IIC the most group.
In short, those directives define the measures to be taken The NEC directives of North America define it the opposi-
to avoid the ignition of potentially explosive atmospheres, te way, where Group A is the most hazardous gas group.
i.e. atmospheres which could become explosive due to
local and operational conditions. The required safety level Temperature classes
depends on the danger potential in the very installation. Temperature classes determine the maximum surface
temperature of a product at an ambient temperature of
In the EC directives hazardous areas are divided into max. +40 °C, for example an electrical apparatus, which
classes/zones, defining the probability of an explosive should always be lower than the ignition temperature of
atmosphere (in accordance with IEC 60079-10). the gas/air or vapour/air mixture in which it is used. The
ignition temperature is the lowest temperature at which a
Zone Duration of the occurrence of an Equipment hot surface can ignite a respective explosive atmosphere.
explosive atmosphere category Flammable gases and vapours are classified into tempe-
continuously, for a long period,
Gases, 0 1G rature classes according to their inflammability. Tempera-
1 occasionally 2G
ture classes range from T1 to T6.
2 rarely and for a short period 3G

  systemair  31
Max. surface temperature for individual temperature Groups and temperature classes, some examples:
Temperature class Ignition temperature Max. surface temperature Material Explosive limit Temperature class Groups (IEC)
of different gas of electrical equipment (Vol. %, LEL-UEL)*
T1 > 450°C 450 °C Propane 1.7 - 10.8 T1 IIA
T2 > 300...> 450°C 300 °C Ethanol 3.3 - 19 T2 IIB
T3 > 200...> 300°C 200 °C Hydrogen 4 - 77 T1 IIC
T4 > 135...> 200°C 135 °C Acetylene 2.3 - 100 T2 IIC
T5 > 100...> 135°C 100 °C Methane 4.4 - 17 T1 IIA
T6 > 85...> 100°C 85 °C
*extract from the table flammable liquids and gases by E.Brandes and W.
Möller, UEG - OEG (lower explosive limit, upper explosive limit)

Type of ignition protection Nomenclature Region Installation location Principle Standard applied
Non sparking apparatus„nA“ Ex nA IEC, EU Zone 2 Prevent occurence of sparks IEC/EN 60079-15
Increased safety„e“ Ex e IEC, EU Zone 1 Prevent excessive temperatures and the IEC/EN 60079-7
occurrence of sparks
Enclosure withstanding an explosion from
Flameproof enclosure "d Ex d IEC, EU Zone 1 IEC/EN 60079-1
within the apparatus

Explosion proof axial fans AXC-EX, AXCBF-EX

Quality Warranty
Systemair is ISO 9001, 14001 and Systemair offers a three year warranty on all AXC-EX/
DIN EN ISO/IEC 80079-34 approved. AXCBF-EX fan models. The Systemair general terms and
conditions apply.

Prototype testing institute

SIRA Test and certification Ltd.

Rake Lane, Ecclestone
Chester; CH4 9JN; England
Registration no. 0518

Inspection certificate no. of EC

prototype testing
(SIRA 07ATEX6341X)

Monitoring institute

ZELM Ex e. K.
Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle
Siekgraben 56

38124 Braunschweig
Registration no. 0820

32  systemair
Standard AXC-EX (400 V / 50 Hz) Standard AXCBF-EX (400 V / 50 Hz)

Size Article no. Pole Pitch angle Motor Size Article no. Pole Pitch angle Motor
[kW] [kW]
355 33007 4 32° 0.37 250 33021 2 28° 0.37
355 35758 4 12° 0.37 315 33022 2 30° 0.75
400 33008 4 32° 0.37 400 33023 2 22° 2.2
400 35759 4 14° 0.37 500 33024 2 18° 2.2
450 33001 2 24° 2.2 250 33025 4 28° 0.25
450 33009 4 32° 0.55 315 33026 4 32° 0.25
450 35760 2 17° 1.5 400 33027 4 32° 0.55
450 35761 2 28° 3 500 33028 4 30° 1.1
450 35762 4 14° 0.23 630 33029 4 26° 2.2
500 33002 2 16° 3 800 33030 4 18° 4
500 33010 4 22° 0.55
500 35763 2 36° 7.5
500 33003 2 26° 5.5
500 33011 4 28° 0.75
560 33004 2 18° 5.5
560 33012 4 20° 0.75
560 33005 2 24° 7.5
560 33013 4 26° 1.1
560 35764 2 30° 11
630 33006 2 16° 7.5
630 33014 4 18° 1.1
630 33015 4 30° 3
630 35765 2 20° 11
710 33016 4 30° 4
710 35766 4 26° 2.2
800 37334 4 28° 5.9
800 33017 4 18° 4
800 33018 4 36° 7.5
900 33019 4 18° 7.5
900 33020 4 26° 11
900 35767 4 30° 15

  systemair  33
Quick selection AXC-EX

7987, 7978, 7985, 8004, 7986

8106 , 8040 , 7858 , 7977 , 7984
1 AXC-EX 355-7/32°-4 4 AXC-EX 450-7/32°-4 1 AXC-EX 500-9/22°-4
2 AXC-EX 400-7/32°-4 5 AXC-EX 500-9/16°-2 2 AXC-EX 500-9/26°-2
3 AXC-EX 450-7/24°-2 3 AXC-EX 500-9/28°-4
5 4 AXC-EX 560-9/18°-2
3 5 AXC-EX 560-9/20°-4

1 3 5 2 4

1 2 4

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz] dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

LwA Inlet/Outlet 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k LwA Inlet/Outlet 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

355-7/32°-4 74 69 68 69 68 67 64 59 53 500-9/22°-4 86 81 80 81 80 79 76 71 65
400-7/32°-4 77 72 71 72 71 70 67 62 56 500-9/26°-2 102 97 92 95 97 95 94 90 84
450-7/24°-2 96 91 86 89 91 88 88 84 78 500-9/28°-4 87 82 81 82 81 80 77 72 66
450-7/32°-4 82 77 76 77 76 75 72 67 61 560-9/18°-2 106 101 96 99 101 99 98 94 88
500-9/16°-2 100 95 90 93 95 93 92 88 82 560-9/20°-4 91 86 85 86 85 84 81 76 70

8009, 8030, 8035, 8032, 8020

7994 , 7997 , 8003 , 8005 , 8006

1 AXC-EX 560-9/24°-2 4 AXC-EX 630-9/18°-4 1 AXC-EX 710-9/30°-4 4 AXC-EX 900-10/18°-4

2 AXC-EX 560-9/26°-4 5 AXC-EX 630-9/30°-4 2 AXC-EX 800-9/18°-4 5 AXC-EX 900-10/26°-4
3 AXC-EX 630-9/16°-2 3 AXC-EX 800-9/36°-4

1 3 1 3 4 5

2 4 5

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz] dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

LwA Inlet/Outlet 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k LwA Inlet/Outlet 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

560-9/24°-2 108 103 98 101 103 101 100 96 90 710-9/30°-4 93 88 87 88 87 86 83 78 72
560-9/26°-4 93 88 87 88 87 86 83 78 72 800-9/18°-4 97 92 91 92 91 90 87 82 76
630-9/16°-2 111 106 101 104 106 104 103 99 93 800-9/36°-4 100 95 94 95 94 93 90 85 79
630-9/18°-4 96 91 90 91 90 89 86 81 75 900-10/18°-4 101 91 89 95 96 94 91 86 80
630-9/30°-4 99 94 93 94 93 92 89 84 78 900-10/26°-4 104 94 97 99 97 96 92 86 80

34  systemair
Quick selection AXCBF-EX

1 AXCBF-EX 250-6/28°-2 1 AXCBF-EX 400-7/32°-4

2 AXCBF-EX 250-6/28°-4 2 AXCBF-EX 500-9/18°-2
3 AXCBF-EX 315-7/30°-2
3 AXCBF-EX 500-9/30°-4
4 AXCBF-EX 315-7/32°-4
4 AXCBF-EX 630-9/26°-4
5 AXCBF-EX 400-7/22°-2
5 AXCBF-EX 800-9/18°-4

1 3 5 1 3 4 2 5

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz] dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

LwA Inlet/Outlet 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k LwA Inlet/Outlet 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

250-6/28°-2 86 79 76 79 79 75 73 71 64 400-7/32°-4 82 77 76 77 76 75 72 67 61
250-6/28°-4 71 62 63 67 59 58 56 53 43 500-9/18°-2 101 90 88 91 95 96 94 92 86
315-7/30°-2 86 81 76 79 81 79 78 74 68 500-9/30°-4 91 86 85 86 85 84 81 76 70
315-7/32°-4 71 66 65 66 65 64 61 56 50 630-9/26°-4 93 88 87 88 87 86 83 78 72
400-7/22°-2 93 88 83 86 88 86 85 81 75 800-9/18°-4 98 93 92 93 92 91 88 83 77

  systemair  35
Jet fans for Car Park Ventilation
Custom-designed systems

Jet-Ventilator AJR-TR
Thrust: 23–55 N Improved air quality, lower investment and operational
costs, as well as optimum safety in the case of fire are
only a few of the advantages of a jet fan system for
underground car parks. As system supplier, Systemair
offers all the necessary components from a single
source and customised especially for the project: jet
Jet-Ventilator AJ8 fans, ventilation fans, as well as the control system.
Thrust: 23–80 N
Already in the planning phase, we provide support
to our customers through valuable CFD simulations
(Computational Fluid Dynamics), in order to ensure
efficient operation when required. Systemair jet fans are
tested according to EN 12101-3 and correspond to the
Jet-Ventilator IV tempe­rature class F300 – 300 °C / 120min, and F400 -
Thrust: 50–85 N 400 °C / 120 min.

You can find more jet fans in our online catalogue

Jet-Ventilator IV smart
Thrust: 12 N
Jet Fan Systems

Zeitgemäße Lüftung für Parkhäuser und Tiefgaragen

You can find more information about

the Systemair jet fan systems in our

Reference: Car Park Römer in Frankfurt, Germany

Visitors to central Frankfurt can now park in the com-

pletely renovated Römer car park with approx. 500
modern parking spaces.
A total of 54 AJ8 and IV series jet fans were installed by
Systemair to ventilate the new car park. Ten AXC 630 and
AXC 500 series supply air duct fans provide the fresh air.
The contaminated air is removed by a total of twelve AXC
630 series extract air duct fans, via the roof.

36  systemair
Tunnel fans
Heavy duty complete systems

Our tunnel fans provide safety and comfort in road, metro

and railway tunnels. The fans demonstrate their power Axial fan AXC / AXR
right from the construction phase of the tunnel project Single and multiple level
and aerate the building site with fresh air.

Tunnel fans extract exhaust gases, dust and heat to the

outside and provide a clear view and acceptable con-
ditions for men and machine. In case of fire they keep
escape and rescue routes free from smoke gases and Tunnel-Jet fan AJ
heat. Our tunnel smoke extract fans are tested according Thrust up to 2.300 N
to EN 12101-3 and are temperature resistant up to 400 °C
for 120 min. As a contemporary solution for demanding
requirements on the market, Systemair offers complete
systems including frequency converters, filters, fans and
accessories. Fans can be realized with diameters up to
2,24 m.

Tunnel Ventilation
You can find more information
about the Systemair tunnel
ventilation systems in our catalogue.

Reference: Svotunnel, Norway

In the northeast of Stavanger the highway 13 goes

along the precipitous shore of lake Tysdalsvatnet.
From 2011 to 2013, a 3.5-kilometer long tunnel has
been built to protect road users against avalanches.
For this project, Systemair has delivered 16 tunnel jet
fans, type AJ with 1,120 mm diameter.

  systemair  37
DVAX Roof fan

DVAX smoke and heat extract fans are used in case of fire
to extract smoke gases and also during normal working
conditions for standard ventilation.
DVAX-BPF – version with integrated base plate and flange
DVAX-BPN DVAX-BPN – version with integrated base plate and nozzle
on the intake side.

DVAX-BPF Casing made from hot-dip galvanised sheet steel.

IE2 single speed high efficiency motor. Frequency
converter controllable. Motor inside the airflow.
400°C 120min

• Vertical exhaust Impeller

• Connection according to EUROVENT 1/2 The aerodynamically-shaped impellers made from high-
• Hub and blades made of high-strength aluminium strength aluminium cast alloy provide optimum efficiency.
cast alloys
Power control
• Suitable for operating temperatures up to +55 °C Speed controllable by frequency converter.
continuous or once for 400 °C / 120 min.
Motor protection
• Easy to install
PTC thermal protection serial built-in motor.
• Service switch included as standard
You can find more information in our online catalogue

Quick selection
Static pressure [Pa]

400 1000D4-M






30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 55000 60000 65000 70000 75000

Volume air flow [m3/h]

Fan pressure drop diagram without accessories.

DVAX-BPN without protection grid on the intake side.
DVAX-BPF with connected duct system (duct system pressure drop not

38  systemair


Typ ØD1 D2 Z x Øs1 ØD3 A B Øs2 H H1

DVAX-BPN/BPF 1000D4-S 1000 1070 16 x ⌀15 1101.5 1251 1050 14 700 50
DVAX-BPN/BPF 1000D4-M 1000 1070 16 x ⌀15 1101.5 1251 1050 14 700 50
DVAX-BPN/BPF 1000D4-L 1000 1070 16 x ⌀15 1101.5 1251 1050 14 700 50
DVAX-BPN/BPF 1120D6-M 1120 1190 20 x ⌀15 1237.5 1400 1320 14 750 50
DVAX-BPN/BPF 1120D6-L 1120 1190 20 x ⌀15 1237.5 1400 1320 14 750 50
Dimensions in mm.

Technical datas


1000D4-S 1000D4-M 1000D4-L 1120D6-M 1120D6-L
Article no. BPN 95613 95612 95611 95615 95614
Article no. BPF 95608 95607 95606 95610 95609
Voltage V 400 400 400 400 400
Motor circuit connection D D D D D
Frequency Hz 50 50 50 50 50
Phase ~ 3 3 3 3 3
Input power (P1) W 8300 11900 15800 8630 12100
Nominal power at shaft (P2) W 7500 11000 15000 7500 11000
Current A 14.5 20.5 26.9 15.3 20.7
Starting current A 85 142 192 116 164
Starting current (Y – D starting) A 28 47 64 39 55
Max. airflow m³/h 52000 63250 73150 62700 73900
Fan impeller speed r.p.m. 1454 1473 1475 978 978
Weight kg 200 253 274 293 309
Max. temperature of transported air °C 55 55 55 55 55
Max. temp. of transported air for 120 min °C 400 400 400 400 400
Sound pressure level at 4 m (free field) dB(A) 86 88 89 87 83
Sound pressure level at 10 m (free field) dB(A) 78 80 81 73 75
Insulation class H H H H H
Enclosure class, motor IP IP55 IP55 IP55 IP55 IP55

  systemair  39
DVAX-MRH Roof fan

Roof-mounted unit for mechanical smoke extract

DVAX-MRH, smoke and heat extract fans with motorised

hatch roof unit are used in case of fi re to extract smoke
gases from rooms.
Smoke-free escape ways increase the chances to rescue
people in case of fire. For installation on top of buildings
up to SL 1000 and wind load WL 1500.
The hatch casing is made of hot dip galvanised steel. The
hatch cover is made of AlMg3.
The casing is made as double metal layer:
• base with 120 mm
400°C 120min • cover with 150 mm
thick mineral wool insulation.
• Vertical exhaust
• Tested to 400 °C / 120 min. (F200, F300, F400) acc. The axial fan inside steel casing has aluminium hub and
to EN 12101-3 at ZAG Ljubljana blades.
• CE-certification acc. to EN 12101-3 by BSI, UK Motor directly inside airflow. The motor protection is

• IE2 single speed high efficiency motor inside provided by customer. Service switch serial on the hatch
casing. When choosing AES exhaust air and smoke extrac-
• PTC thermal protection serial built-in motor
tion control accessorie, please observe serial connecting
• 24 V DC actuator for cover opening
capability of the service switch of the fan (instructions).
• Indication for opened/closed cover position (floating Higher connecting capability on request.
limit switches)
• Installation on flat or inclined roof - adjustable side Recommended starting method for fan is 20 seconds
bars after starting actuator for cover opening, to ensure vertical
• Can be mounted on flat surface (e.g. concrete) or exhaust of hot gases.
through the roof
• Sucking side connection acc. Eurovent
• MRH hatch sizes 500 to 1120 available also for other
smoke extract fans - AXC(B), AXC(F) 400°C 120min

• Exhaust protective grid built-in

Adaptive brackets Motorised hatch opening Smoke extraction
For flat or inclined roof With 24VDC actuator Smoke extraction up to
(3 height positions of brackets) 400°C/120min

• Robust structure

Static pressure [Pa]


400 1000D4-M






30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 55000 60000 65000 70000 75000

Volume air flow [m3/h]

40  systemair


MRH 400 400 450 8xM8 (b) 1010 750 1070 1010 750 1050 1050 1050 540 1250 1410 185 850 0, 250, 500
MRH 450 450 500 8xM8 (b) 1010 750 1070 1010 750 1050 1050 1050 540 1250 1410 185 850 0, 250, 500
MRH 500 500 560 12xM8 (b) 1010 750 1070 1010 750 1050 1050 1050 540 1250 1410 185 850 0, 250, 500
MRH 560 560 620 12xM8 (b) 1010 750 1070 1010 750 1050 1050 1050 540 1250 1410 185 850 0, 250, 500
MRH 630 630 690 12xM8 (b) 1010 750 1070 1010 750 1050 1050 1050 540 1250 1410 185 850 0, 250, 500
MRH 710 710 770 16xM8 (b) 1160 900 1220 1160 910 1200 1200 1200 700 1250 1410 185 850 0, 250, 500
MRH 800 800 860 16xM8 (b) 1160 900 1220 1160 910 1200 1200 1200 700 1250 1410 185 850 0, 250, 500
MRH 900 900 970 16xM8 (n) 1380 1124 1440 1380 1124 1410 1420 1420 700 1250 1410 185 850 0, 250, 500
MRH 1000 1000 1070 16xM8 (n) 1380 1124 1440 1380 1124 1410 1420 1420 700 1250 1410 185 850 0, 250, 500
MRH 1120 1120 1190 20xM8 (n) 1540 1284 1597 1650 1394 1677 1580 1690 1000 1250 1410 185 850 0, 250, 500
* GA and GB dimensions of the opening for roof mounting
(b) bold
(n) nut

Technical data

Installation examples
Max. Output Nominal Nominal Starting Starting Power Nominal Weight Weight
Installation examples
MRH airflow power current RPM curr. DOL curr. Y-D factor motor eff. DVAX DVAX+MRH
Through the roof mounting
Through the roof mounting
400V / 3~ / 50 Hz [m³/h] [kW] [A] [min-1] [A] [A] [kg] *
DVAX 1000D4-S + MRH 1000 52000 7.5 14.7 1450 85 28 0.83 0.887 178 481
DVAX 1000D4-M + MRH 1000 64000 11 21.5 1465 142 47 0.81 0.912 235 538
DVAX 1000D4-L + MRH 1000 73000 15 28.3 1470 192 64 0.83 0.920 256 559
DVAX 1120D6-M + MRH 1120 64000 7.5 15.5 975
DVAX-MRH 5 116 39 0.78 0.893 271 633
DVAX 1120D6-L + MRH 1120 72000 11 22.1 975 164 55 0.80 0.896 287 649

Example of installation
Installation examples

Flat mounting
Through the roof mounting
Through the roof mounting
Flat mounting
Flat mounting
* *


Flat mounting
Pitched roof mounting
roof mounting
Pitched roof mounting


** **

* The MRH centreline can deviate from the vertical for max.+/- 5° - this can be combined with the side bar setting.
Pitched roof mounting * The MRH centreline can deviate from the vertical for max.+/- 5° - this can be combined with the side bar setting.
** Avoid additional load to accessories due to weight of eventual duct with flexible connection

*** The position of service switches/direction of opening to ridge (left-right) choose considering access/snow depo ** Avoid additional load to accessories due to weight of eventual duct with flexible connection
* sition/wind/pitch.
Roof insulation and flashing is not shown in the installation examples.
Roof insulation and flashing is not shown in the installation examples.
*** The position of service switches/direction of opening to ridge (left-right) choose considering access/snow deposition/wind/pitch.

Special applications

Two-stage fans
AXC...(B) -G
AXC...(F) -G

 Two Fans mounted in series to reach higher pressure.

 Fan execution according to AXC-, AXC (B)-, AXC (F) -standard.


Axial fan in sound insulated box


 The complete fan unit is mounted in a vibration insu-

lated box, made of removable, double skin galvanised
steel panels with 20 mm, non-combustible mineral
wool insulation. Panels on duct connection sides are
single skin without insulation
 Box frame, including corners, completely made of
aluminium. Fan access possible via maintenance door
(selectable access side).
 Standard execution made for horizontal installation,
execution for vertical installation on request
 Weather roof for outdoor installation available
 Sound attenuation values for surrounding, see table

Insertion loss DIN EN 1886 Hz 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Wall thickness 20 mm dB 12 14 18 27 22 25 33
Paneele 50 mm dB 27 34 43 38 34 38 40

Ordering code

... - G Two fans mounted in series

... - Box Axial fan with insulated box

42  systemair
  systemair  43
Overview Dimensions AXC-Box

Size Motor size Length Width Height Size incl. base frame Diameter Gross weight Gross weight
min. max.
AXC 315 (l=375)* 71-90 670 670 670 - 315 70 80
AXC 355 (I=375)* 71-90 670 670 670 - 355 75 85
AXC 400 (I=450)* 71-100 752 670 670 - 400 80 100
AXC 450 (I=500)* 71-112 800 800 800 - 450 100 130
AXC 500 (I=540)* 71-132 858 800 800 - 500 120 160
AXC 560 (I=500)* 80-112 800 1000 1000 1100 560 125 255
AXC 560 (I=750)* 132-160 1100 1000 1000 1100 560 130 260
AXC 630 (I=500)* 80-112 800 1000 1000 1100 630 130 265
AXC 630 (I=750)* 132-180 1100 1000 1000 1100 630 135 270
AXC 710 (I=500)* 80-112 800 1270 1270 1370 710 190 390
AXC 710 (I=700)* 132-160 1000 1270 1270 1370 710 195 395
AXC 710 (I=800)* 160-180 1100 1270 1270 1370 710 200 400
AXC 800 (I=500)* 90-112 800 1270 1270 1370 800 220 440
AXC 800 (I=700)* 132-160 1000 1270 1270 1370 800 225 445
AXC 900 (I=640)* 100-132 1000 1270 1270 1370 900 230 450
AXC 900 (I=850)* 160-200 1170 1270 1270 1370 900 235 455
AXC 1000 (I=640)* 100-132 1000 1340 1600 1700 1000 260 480
AXC 1000 (I=850)* 160-200 1170 1340 1600 1700 1000 265 485

* l = Fan length depending on motor frame size

Air direction from right to left

44  systemair
Overview Dimensions AXC-G-Box

Size Motor size Length Width Height Size incl. base frame Diameter Gross weight Gross weight
min. max.
AXC-G 315 (I=750)* 71-90 1052 670 670 - 315 140 160
AXC-G 355 (I=750)* 71-90 1052 670 670 - 355 150 170
AXC-G 400 (I=900)* 71-100 1198 670 670 - 400 160 200
AXC-G 450 (I=1000)* 71-112 1300 800 800 - 450 200 260
AXC-G 500 (I=1080)* 71-132 1400 800 800 900 500 240 320
AXC-G 560 (I=1000)* 80-112 1300 1000 1000 1100 560 250 510
AXC-G 560 (I=1500)* 132-180 1800 1000 1000 1100 560 265 535
AXC-G 630 (I=1000)* 80-112 1300 1000 1000 1100 630 260 530
AXC-G 630 (I=1500)* 132-180 1800 1000 1000 1100 630 265 535
AXC-G 710 (I=1000)* 80-112 1300 1270 1270 1370 710 380 780
AXC-G 710 (I=1400)* 132-160 1700 1270 1270 1370 710 385 785
AXC-G 710 (I=1600)* 160-180 1900 1270 1270 1370 710 390 790
AXC-G 800 (I=1000)* 90-112 1300 1270 1270 1370 800 440 780
AXC-G 800 (I=1400)* 132-160 1698 1270 1270 1370 800 445 785
AXC-G 900 (I=1280)* 100-132 1600 1270 1270 1370 900 460 900
AXC-G 900 (I=1700)* 160-200 2016 1270 1270 1370 900 465 905
AXC-G 1000 (I=1280)* 100-132 1600 1340 1600 1700 1000 520 960
AXC-G 1000 (I=1700)* 160-200 2016 1340 1600 1700 1000 525 965
* l = Fan length depending on motor frame size

Air direction from right to left

  systemair  45
Diffusers for axial fans
 Optimal use of energy input
 Fit for future: Active reduction of CO2 emissions
 Up to 55% less operating costs depending
installation type


What are diffusers? Example of a free discharge fan

Diffusers are components which symmetrically enlarge The velocity energy (kinetic energy) of a free discharge
the fan outlet diameter. Used in the right way diffusers fan is considered as a loss. The outlet speed directly defi-
reduce the required motor power of the ventilation sys- nes the extent of the energy loss. A diffuser converts part
tem, as they regain constructively caused energy losses. of this energy loss into usable energy (= static pressure).
By doing so the used energy can be utilised in an optimal The pressure in the system can be lowered by this "pres-
way and the operating costs of the system are significant- sure regain". This is done by reducing the original impeller
ly lowered. pitch angle of the fan defined without diffuser.

Functional principle Thus a diffuser reduces the motor power, which in turn
The total pressure of a ventilation system is divided into can significantly reduce the running costs of the
two parts and defines the required motor power of a fan: system.
The static pressure, defined by the duct system and built-
in components, and the dynamic pressure, defined by the
air velocity in the system. Diffusers reduce the air velocity
and, therefore, the dynamic pressure.


AXC 630-9/x°-2

1. Operating point, without diffusor
1B. Operating point, with diffusor, free discharge
1C. Operating point, with diffusor, ducted outlet

1200 1

Ptot [Pa]



400 22°

10° T=20°C, ρ= 1.204 kg/m³

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Q [m³/h]

46  systemair

Diffuser A Diffuser B

DN ⌀ DN ⌀ DN2 L hf ⌀ TK z x Ød ⌀ TK2 z₂ x Ød₂ Weights Diffusors* (kg)

Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet A B
560 560 710 611 425 620 12 x Ø12 770 16 x Ø12 36 39
630 630 800 692 475 690 12 x Ø12 860 16 x Ø12 44 49
710 710 900 774 530 770 16 x Ø12 970 16 x Ø15 56 62
800 800 1000 814 600 860 16 x Ø12 1.070 16 x Ø15 82 99
900 900 1120 896 670 970 16 x Ø15 1.190 20 x Ø15 110 127
1000 1000 1250 1018 750 1.070 16 x Ø15 1.320 20 x Ø15 133 150
1120 1120 1400 1140 850 1.190 20 x Ø15 1.470 20 x Ø15 173 190
1250 1250 1600 1425 900 1.320 20 x Ø15 1.680 24 x Ø19 246 280
1400 1400 1800 1629 1060 1.470 20 x Ø15 1.880 24 x Ø19 335 370
1600 1600 2000 1629 1120 1.680 24 x Ø19 2.080 24 x Ø19 353 403

Dimensions in mm.
*: Diffusor incl. MFA(E) + MFA(A)


Diffusers are recommended in case the fan selection gives the following or higher values:

Dyn. pressure portion at the operating point ∆Pd > 150 [Pa]
Medium flow velocity c > 16.5 [m/s]
Daily operating time 3 h or more
Free exhaust (A + B, DIN 24163 part 1) Saving of operation costs up to 55%
Type of installation
Ducted inlet or ducted outlet (C + D, DIN 24163 part 1) Saving of operation costs up to 35%

  systemair  47
Vibration monitoring for fans
For machine vibration monitoring

Vibration monitoring concept

Continuous vibration control according to ISO 10816-3, 14694, 14695, 13350

With permanent vibration monitoring changes in opera-

ting conditions of fans can be located early and corrected
when necessary. At an early stage possible machine
damages can be avoided and necessary maintenance and
repair work can be planned economically.

Systemair vibration monitoring

Versions and designs

Code Description

LED yellow: switching status 3)

Position 4: on bearing shields

DIN ISO 10816-3 / 14694

Analysis signal 4-20 [mA]
Position 2: on fan casing

1 Digital switch signal 3)

Position 3: position 1+2
Position 1: on motor

Number of sensors

Limit value setting

LED green: on

According to
Sensor type
Motor size


1 X 1 VTV 122 X yes

2 160 X 1 VKV 021 X X X X 1)
A -
250 1 VTV 122 X yes
3 X
1 VKV 021 X X X X 2)

B ab
4 X 2 VTV 122 X yes
1) System monitoring
4 [mA] = 0 [mm/s]
2) Complete system monitoring
20 [mA] = 25 [mm/s]
3) e.g. fan switch off

Version A:
VTV122: Signal input by sensor on motor, VKV 021: signal input on fan casing (see type A1-3)
(possible exception A2 of Jet-fan → VTV 122 to ISO 13350, on request)

Version B:
VTV 122 : Signal input by sensors on motor bearing shield (Drive End and Non Drive End)
(see type B4)

48  systemair
Vibration causes

Electric motor Misalignment, electrical motor defect, unbalanced rotor, bearing defective, lubrication problems

Electric motor

Fans Unbalance (wear and tear, pollution) misalignment, blade passing frequency, turbulent flow,
electric motor, belt drive, natural frequency of belts

Vibration velocity limits

Sensor VTV 122 – signal without critical value setting

Sensor VKV 021 - signal with critical value setting
switch point RMS 0 – 25 [mm/s]
switch point delay time 1 – 60 [s]
switch out put: opening contact when exceeding critical limit

There is also the possibility to transfer a signal over a screened line to the DDC-building management system (BMS).
Thereby limit settings can be set. (DDC-Direct Digital Control)

e.g. ISO 10816-3 Vibration velocity limits

v r.m.s. v r.m.s.
in [mm/s] in [in/s]
(2-1000 Hz n> 120 [1/min])
10-1000 Hz n> 600 [1/min]

11 0,433
Vibration velocity

7,1 0,280
4,5 0,177
3,5 0,138
2,8 0,110
2,3 0,091
1,4 0,055
0,71 0,028

rigid soft rigid soft rigid soft rigid soft Base

pumps > 15[kW] medium sized machines large machines Machine type
radial, axial, diagonal 15 [kW] < P ≤ 300 [kW] 300 [kW] < P < 50MW
direct drive counter shaft / motors motors
belt drive 160 mm ≤ H < 315 mm 315 mm ≤ H
group 4 group 3 group 2 group 1 Group

start up unlimited long-term operation short-term operation vibrations cause damages

  systemair  49
DE - bearing shield NDE - bearing shield
(Drive End) (Non Drive End)

B4 - Vibration
Sensor positions
VTV 122

Sensor positions on bearing shields (B4: VTV 122) Sensor position on motor center
(A1: VTV 122)

Sensor VTV 122 – technical data, wiring

Application Vibration transmitter Vrms to ISO 10816
Electrical design DC
Output 4...20 mA analogue
Operating voltage [V] 9.6...32 DC

Load for analogue output [Ω] max. (Ub = 9.6V) x 50; 720 at Ub = 24 V

Frequency range [Hz] 10...1000

Analogue output 4...20 mA

Accuracy [%] <±3

Repeatability < 0.5 %

Measuring range 4 mA = 0 mm/s...20 mA = 25 mm/s
Ambient temperature [°C] -30...+105
Protection IP 69
EMC EN 61000-4-2 ESD: 4 kV CD / 8 kV AD
EN 61000-4-3 HF radiated: 10 V/m
EN 61000-4-4 Burst: 2 kV
EN 61000-4-6 HF conducted: 10 V
Housing materials V4A (1.4404)

Connection M8 Sensor VTV 122

Weight [kg] 0.125

Pin 1: L+ 1 = brown
Pin 2: 4...20 mA 2 = white

50  systemair
Sensor VKV 021 – technical Data , wiring
Application Vibration monitor Vrms to ISO 10816
Output 1 x normally / 1 x analogue 4...20 mA
Operating voltage [V] 18...32 DC

Current rating [mA] 500

Short-circuit protection pulsed

Reverse polarity protection yes

Overload protection yes

Voltage drop [V] <2

Current consumption [mA] < 50

Load for analogue output [Ω] < 500

Sensor position on fan casing. (A2 : VKV 021)
Accuracy / deviations
( in % of the span)
Switch point accurancy <±4

Repeatability **) <1

Analogue output 4...20 mA

Accuracy [%] <±5

Repeatability < 0,5 %
Adjustment range Switch point RMS 0...25 mm/s;
Switch point delay time 1...60 s
Ambient temperature [°C] -25...80
Protection IP 67
EMC EN 61000-4-2 ESD: 4 kV CD / 8 kV AD
EN 61000-4-3 HF radiated: 10 V/m
EN 61000-4-4 Burst: 2 kV
EN 61000-4-6 HF conducted: 10 V
Housing materials PBT (Pocan); PC (Makrolon);
FPM (Viton); V4A (1.4404)
Display Operation: LED green
Switching status: LED yellow

Connection M8
Weight [kg] 0,114

Sensor VKV 021

Pin 1: L+ 1 = brown
Pin 2: 4...20 mA 2 = white
3 = blue
Pin 3: GND
4 = black
Pin 4: digital output
(normally closed)

  systemair  51
Terminal box

Sensor signals are readable from the relevant serial terminal

in the terminal box by multi functional measuring devices Vibration velocity measuring
(wiring diagram in terminal box).



Current value [mA]



8,0 Terminal Box - Vibration control

Vibration velocity measuring
The conversion of the linear current signal is done 2,0

according to the following formula: 0,0

0,00 5,00 10,00 15,00 20,00 25,00
Vibration velocity [mm/s] = (mA – 4) / 0,6399 [in/s] = ((mA – 4) / 0,6399)) / 25,4
Vibration velocity [mm/s]

Vibration velocity measuring Vibration velocity measuring

20,0 20,0

18,0 18,0

16,0 16,0

14,0 14,0
Current value [mA]

Current value [mA]

12,0 12,0

10,0 10,0

8,0 8,0

6,0 6,0

4,0 4,0
[mm/s] [in/s]
2,0 2,0

0,0 0,0
0,00 5,00 10,00 15,00 20,00 25,00 0,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00
Vibration velocity [mm/s] Vibration velocity [in/s]

Table: Conversion of [mA] → mm/s] Table: Conversion of [mA] → [in/s]

Vibration velocity measuring



Current value [mA]

Vibration monitoring consiting of

Vibration monitoring A1
no.: 34261
1 pcs.
2,0 Vibration controller/ sensor VTV 122
0,0 10 Hz – 1 kHz , Measuring range 25 [mm/s]
0,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00
1 pcs. Adapter/ turned partvelocity [in/s]
1 pcs. Sensor cable, cable plug 4pole
Screened cable grey, 6 mm
1 pcs. Terminal box IP 65
L 125 x W 80 x D 57 mm in die cast aluminum
Coated RAL 7035 with cable gland 2x M12x1,5 / 1x M16x1,5

52  systemair
Vibration monitoring A2
Article no.: 34262

1 pcs. Vibration controller / sensor VKV 021 incl. protection cap

10 Hz – 1 kHz , measuring range 25 [mm/s]
2 adjustable switching points and opening contact
1 pcs. Sensor cable, cable plug 4pole
Screened cable grey, 6 mm
1 pcs. Terminal box IP 65
L 125 x W 80 x D 57 mm in die cast aluminum
Coated RAL 7035 with cable gland 2x M12x1,5 / 1x M16x1,5

Vibration monitoring A3(1)

Article no.: 34263

1 pcs. vibration controller / sensor VTV 122

10 Hz – 1 kHz , measuring range 25 [mm/s]
1 pcs. Adapter/ turned part
1 pcs. Vibration controller / sensor VKV 021 incl. protection cap
10 Hz – 1 kHz , measuring range 25 mm/s
2 adjustable switching points and opening contact
2 pcs. Sensor cable, cable plug 4pole
Screened cable grey, 6 mm
1 pcs. Terminal box IP 65
L 125 x W 80 x D 57 mm in die cast aluminum
Coated RAL 7035 with cable gland 2x M12x1,5 / 1x M16x1,5

Vibration monitoring B4(1)

Article no.: 34264

2 pcs. Vibration controller / sensor VTV 122

10 Hz – 1 kHz , measuring range 25 [mm/s]
2 pcs. Sensor cable, cable plug 4pole
Screened cable grey, 6 mm
1 pcs. Terminal box IP 65
L125 x W 80 x D 57 mm in die cast aluminum
Coated RAL 7035 with cable gland 2x M12x1,5 / 1x M16x1,5

More versions on request.

(1) Only possible when already mentioned with fan inquiry.

  systemair  53

54  systemair

Subject to errors and technical modifications!

  systemair  55
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Systemair GmbH · August 2018

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