APPLICATION FORM For Delivery Channel Services

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APPLICATION FORM for Delivery Channel Services

TO: For Office use only

The Branch Manager
Application Branch Sl.No.:
Central Bank of India
_____________________ Date:

I / we wish to apply as an end user to Internet / Mobile / Tele Banking services offered by you
(Strikeout whichever is not applicable). The terms and conditions mentioned by the Bank over their
official website are acceptable to me/us.
First Name Middle Name Surname
Applicant’s Name:

Date of Birth :( DD-MM-YY) PAN Number*
Telephone (O): Mobile No:
(R): E-mail ID:
Operation Condition* Own Account / EOS/FOS/HUF
EOS- Either or Survivor, FOS-Former or Survivor, HUF- Hindu Undivided Family
My Account Details: Account No Specify the mode of Operation





In case of joint account(s), the delivery channel services shall be provided only to owned and
either or survivor type only.

I. INTERNET BANKING FACILITIES REQUIRED: YES / NO (Tick whichever is applicable)

II. MOBILE BANKING FACILITIES REQUIRED: YES / NO (Tick whichever is applicable)

(Bank shall intimate the customer about the new facilities offered through their website).
Mobile Number to which alerts need to be sent: ______________________________________
E-mail Id to which the alerts need to be sent: __________________________________________
III. TELE BANKING FACILITIES REQUIRED : YES / NO (Tick whichever is applicable)
General Conditions:
1. The Joint Account holder(s) desirous of using the delivery channel services shall submit a
separate application form.
2. In case of joint account(s), the delivery channel services shall be provided only to owned
and either or survivor type only.
3. Bank reserves the right to offer/discontinue the service(s) selected herein without any
further notice.
4. Initially, Bank is providing following services through Internet Banking – Account
Statement, Balance Enquiry, Fund Transfers.
I declare that I have read and understood the document containing the “Terms & Conditions” and
“disclaimer” governing Central Bank of India’s Internet & Mobile Banking Services as provided in the
Bank’s Internet Banking Website – / and
I accept the same. Further, I also agree that the transactions and requests executed in the above
mentioned accounts through ‘Internet, Mobile and Tele Banking under my User ID and Password will
be legally binding on me and I am responsible for maintenance of secrecy and confidentiality of the
information passed on to me by the Bank through Internet/Mobile/Email/Telephone. I have the
mandate from the other joint holders to view/inquire/operate the joint accounts mentioned above.



Customer ID ___________________
Names, Account No, Accounts linked to above customer ID, Address & Signatures of the applicant/s
verified and found as per Bank’s records. If any changes are required, they are complied. Required
services are enabled in Bancs-24 & e-Bankworks module. Mode of Operation declared herein the
application is tallying with the existing records of Bank.

Recommended and Permitted for providing Internet / Mobile / Tele-Banking services.

Date: Branch Stamp Signature of Officer (Index No) Signature of Branch in-charge

Acknowledgement received from the Signature of the customer verified and

Account Activated
Customer on _________________
Date : Signature of Officer

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