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111 24th Nordic Insulation Symposium on Materials, Components and Diagnostics

Electric Field and Potential Distribution in a 420 kV Novel Unibody Composite

Jahangiri, Tohid1; Bak, Claus Leth1; Faria da Silva, Filipe1; Endahl, Brian2.
Aalborg University, Denmark, 2Bystrup Architecture Design & Engineering, Denmark

Abstract a very important role in their contamination

performances [2]. The proper designs of shed profiles
The use of uni-body composite cross-arm in a fully
are important for [3]:
composite-based pylon is a new concept for the next
- Avoiding rain bridging,
generation of overhead transmission lines. The cross-
- Preventing local short-circuiting between sheds,
arm is stressed by phase-to-phase voltages except in two
- Aiding self-cleaning,
regions, which are stressed by phase-to-ground voltages
- Avoiding pollution “traps”,
caused by installation of shield wires. Due to a major
- Controlling local electric field stress.
difference between the novel cross-arm structure and
However, composite insulators with alternating large
traditional composite cross-arms, the electric field
and small shed designs are commonly used in
distribution in the uni-body composite cross-arm is of
transmission lines. Conventionally, the selection and
considerable interest. This paper presents and analyses
dimensioning of insulation for outdoor use has largely
the electric field distribution around and inside the
been based on creepage distance alone, which is defined
hollow core uni-body cross-arm through which ground
according to the “only” minimum requirements
cable passes to connect the shield wires. Two different
presented in IEC 60815-3 [4].
shed profiles are considered on the cross-arm and
On the other hand, the electric field distribution on
evaluated based on the guidelines of IEC 60815-3.
composite insulators is more non-linear which is caused
The 2D geometry of pylon is modeled in ANSYS Finite
by missing intermediate metal parts and by their
Element Analysis package. The electric field and
dielectric material properties [5]. The fully composite
potential distribution along the pylon is graphically
pylon is in the most non-linear situation and its
depicted and the effectiveness of assigned shed profiles
electrical performance can only be evaluated
in controlling the power frequency stresses are
numerically e.g. using the Finite Element Method
investigated in the areas with high field intensities.
(FEM). Nowadays, Finite Element Method has been
recognized as practical and accurate method of field
1. Introduction computation to aid in electrical design and has been
widely used for the modeling of towers, insulators,
Modern day overhead transmission lines are taking a conductors, switches, etc. [6]. Electrostatic analysis
giant leap in modernization, with the change in power using FEM allows the designer to engineer different
generation from fossil fuels to renewable sources such models and variations in the design before high voltage
as solar power, hydro power and wind power. The testing, thus saving time and money as the need to
renewable generation needs to be connected to a large manufacture several working prototypes is eradicated
scale high-voltage transmission grid. In Europe alone, [7].
28.000 km of 400 kV transmission line is needed by In this paper, a uniform and an alternating large and
2020 to fulfil the aim of providing 20% of Europe’s small shed profile designs are separately assumed for
energy from green energies. It means that more than shed housing of the unibody cross-arm. The
100.000 new pylons will be needed [1]. For this reason, acceptability of shed designs are verified by evaluation
the next generation of overhead line is introduced, by factors reported in IEC/TS 60815-3. Subsequently, three
developing new design pylons that are easier to erect, extensive 2D FEM modeling of a fully composite pylon
less costly, smaller and better looking than the old ones, are carried out using the FEM software ANSYS. Using
which is important to get public acceptance. 2D quasi-static time harmonic analysis, the potential
In this regard, a fully composite-based pylon for 400 kV and electric field distribution around the pylon and
lines is presented with a new innovative design concept. inside the unibody cross-arm is calculated and presented
As it can be seen in Fig. 1, the integration of insulators with/without the application of a ground cable inside the
in cross-arm design with diagonal arrangement of hollow cross-arm. Finally, the effectiveness of assigned
conductors is the prominent feature of the pylon in shed profiles is investigated by considering some
comparison with conventional towers. criteria regarding to the power frequency stresses
The available scientific work on fully composite pylons constraints on the unibody cross-arm.
is minimum and the traditional insulators’ technical
standards are not applicable in the design process of the
novel cross-arm. Traditional composite insulators
2. Configuration of fully composite pylon
produced by manufacturers differ in many aspects such
The novel cross-arm of the fully composite pylon acts
as the figuration of sheds (shed array mode) which play

Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark 15. -17. June, 2015

24th Nordic Insulation Symposium on Materials, Components and Diagnostics 112

R T Table II: Evaluation of assumed shed parameters based on

T R deviation classes in IEC/TS 60815-3
Uniform shed Parameter Deviation
p = 73 mm
No. of sheds: (79)ph-ph
No. of sheds: (49)ph-gnd
(s/p)ph-ph = 0.71 None
(s/p)ph-gnd = 0.53 Minor*
(c)ph-ph = 46.89 mm None
(c)ph-gnd = 33.77 mm None
(l/d)ph-ph = 3.57 None
α = 5˚ (l/d)ph-gnd = 4.45 None**
Fig.1: Fully composite pylon with asymmetrical phase
(CF)ph-ph = 3.86 None
arrangements (RST-TSR) Creepage Factor
(CF)ph-gnd = 4.45 None**
Alternating shed Parameter Deviation
Table I: Minimum required creepage distances on the unibody
p1 = 73 mm
cross-arm based on IEC/TS 60815-3*
p2 = 56 mm
Pollution Phase-to- Phase-to-
USCD p1-p2 = 17 mm None
Level Phase Shield Wire
No. of sheds: (45+45)ph-ph
(SPS) mm/kV mm mm
No. of sheds: (28+28)ph-gnd
c - Medium 34.7 14574 8414
* Altitude and diameter correction factors are not considered.
(s/p)ph-ph = 1.25 None
(s/p)ph-gnd = 0.93 None
(c)ph-ph = 86.11 mm None
as unibody insulator in order to reduce the tower height.
(c)ph-gnd = 62.85 mm None
The lightning shielding of pylon requires a ground
(l/d)ph-ph = 3.37 None
potential access to shield wires which can be achieved α = 5˚
(l/d)ph-gnd = 4.00 None
by utilizing ground cable inside the hollow cross-arm (CF)ph-ph = 3.88 None
and pylon body. Considering ground cable, the cross- Creepage Factor
(CF)ph-gnd = 4.48 None**
section of unibody cross-arm is completely exposed to *
In the border of Major
In the border of Minor
phase-to-ground stresses, due to the interaction between
energized parts on the pylon (phase conductors) and
ground cable. A hypothetical approach is to eliminate tor is characterized by the following parameters [3]:
ground cable inside the fully composite pylon, shown in - Alternating sheds and shed overhang (p),
Fig. 1. In this case, the cross-section is no longer - Spacing versus shed overhang (s/p),
exposed to the phase-to-ground voltage and the unibody - Minimum distance between sheds (c),
cross-arm would be stressed by phase-to-phase voltages - Creepage distance versus clearance (l/d),
except two regions which would be stressed by phase- - Shed angle (α)
to-ground voltages caused by installation of shield wires Based on how much the parameters can reduce the
(at both tips of cross-arm). Non-conductive conductor performance of the insulator, the values of the
clamps on the pylon are ignored for simplification (the parameters are categorized in three classes (none,
worst condition for cross-arm). ACSR Martin minor, major deviation). The none deviation means that
conductors are supposed in a twin bundle for each phase the profile parameter is within a normal range. The
on the double circuit 400 kV fully composite pylon. The minor deviation of parameter can reduce performance
conductors are placed in a specific height toward the top and the major deviation can have a serious effect on
surface of cross-arm. The pylon dimensions are performance under pollution. IEC/TS 60815-3
obtained from [1]. The assumption is that the pylon is recommended that none of the parameters should lie in
under dry and clean conditions and there is no leakage the ‘major deviation’ category and preferably with only
current on the cross-arm surfaces. one in the ‘minor deviation’ category [8].
The parameters of assumed shed profiles are given in
Table II (more details about the parameters of sheds can
3. Creepage distances and shed profiles be found in [3]). From the data of Table II it can be
found that, although the assumed values for uniform
The minimum required creepage distances on the shed profile are in “None deviation” class except one
unibody cross-arm are determined based on the “Minor” case, three parameters are in the border of
guidelines of [3] for Medium pollution level. Creepage deviation. These parameters are related to a region
distances on the unibody cross-arm given in Table I, are between shield wire and adjacent phase and are as a
divided into phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground result of insufficient air clearance in the region. Table II
creepage distances. The creepage distances between two also proves the fact that the alternating shed profiles are
phases as well as between phase and shield wire are applicable for the unibody cross-arm because all
provided by sheds. Two shed profile designs are parameters are in acceptable and reliable ranges.
assumed for the insulation of cross-arm; a uniform and However, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of
an alternating large and small sheds. assigned shed profiles in terms of controlling the power
According to IEC/TS 60815-3, shed profile of an insula- frequency stresses.

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113 24th Nordic Insulation Symposium on Materials, Components and Diagnostics

4. Set up of 2D finite element model of composite cross-arms:

1) At 0.5 mm from insulation surface, maximum
ANSYS Parametric Design Language (APDL) is permissible electric field magnitudes to be less than
applied in ANSYS for the parametric modeling and 0.45 kVRMS/mm [11, 8].
analysis of fully composite pylon. Based on the FEM 2) The local field on metal fittings to be below corona
theory, the more fine of mesh, the more precise of inception values 3 kVRMS/mm [11], maximum
results, hence, sufficient element sizes are then permissible electric field magnitude on metallic end-
employed in the meshing of 2D solid model and fittings and electric field grading devices: 1.8
subsequently the program generates approximately kVRMS/mm [8].
1,600,000 elements. The insulation materials of pylon 3) Maximum permissible electric field magnitude inside
and corresponding permittivities are chosen as silicone the core and sheds (Dielectric materials) to be less than
rubber for sheds with εr=3.7, fiberglass for cross-arm 3 kVRMS/mm [11, 8].
and pylon body with εr=5.75 and polyethylene (PE) for 4) Maximum permissible electric field magnitude at the
ground cable with εr=2.3. triple junctions: 0.35 kVRMS/mm [8].
The arrangements of phase conductors on double circuit Moreover, it is mentioned in [5] that corona discharges
towers have a significant effect on the levels of electric at water drop edges may begin to appear already for
field around them [9]. The phases’ arrangements on the electrical surface stresses in the range of 0.8~1.3
pylon are according to Fig. 1, for taking into account an kVRMS/mm but depending also on the hydrophobicity
unsymmetrical loading condition. The potentials of state of the surface. For the purpose of unibody cross-
phase conductors are prescribed considering the arm, criterion 1 and 3 are relevant and essential to be
instantaneous value of highest system voltage, i.e., 420 ensured that whether the local peaks of electric field on
kV/√3×√2 ≈ 343 kV applied on phase R and 343/2 = - the cross-arm complies with constraint values. The
171.5 kV applied on other two phases (S and T). The criterion 2 will be considered, in the future researches,
electric potential of shield wires and copper core of to evaluate the performance of conductor clamps, which
ground cable are set to zero. The line representing the are ignored in this study.
surface of earth is also loaded ground potential. In
addition, the far-field boundary of 2D model is 6. Results and discussions
modelled with infinite elements.
After completed all of setting, a quasi-static time This section presents and discusses the results of finite
harmonic analysis in ANSYS is performed for a element analysis of the fully composite pylon. Three
frequency of f=50 Hz. The harmonic electric field different simulations are carried out in order to evaluate
analysis produces the directional electric field (EFx and the electric field and potential distribution around and
EFy components) and the resultant total electric field at inside the 420 kV unibody cross-arm as follow:
each location where results are reported. 1) Cross-arm with uniform sheds and without ground
Furthermore, a harmonic analysis in ANSYS assumes cable.
that any applied voltages varies harmonically with time 2) Cross-arm with uniform sheds and ground cable.
[10]. It means that the applied voltages and resulting 3) Cross-arm with alternate sheds and ground cable.
electric fields are on the complex plane with the real and
imaginary components. On the real axis, when one
phase has the peak voltage, the other two phases have
6.1. Electric field and potential distribution
the negative half peak voltage. Conversely, the phase using uniform sheds without ground cable
has a zero value on the imaginary axis while other two Real component of potential distribution around the
phases have ±√3/2 peak value. The electric field fully composite pylon without ground cable is
interaction between phase conductors and earthed parts illustrated in Fig. 2, which is influenced by the earth
can be evaluated only by considering the resultant surface and shield wires. Since the circuits of pylon are
magnitude of two components i.e. EFRe and EFIm. On energized at the same voltage level therefore, the RMS
the other hand, the RMS values of electric field can be values of electric field are identical at similar points on
better interpreted and compared with the electric field both sides of cross-arm. For the left circuit of pylon,
constraints which are mentioned in the next section. electric field distribution on the uniform sheds, within
fiberglass layer and at 0.5 mm from insulation surface is
shown in Fig. 3 based on targeted axis ranges (The tip
5. Electric field considerations of the unibody cross-arm is located at x=0). According
to Fig. 3-a, local electric field stresses under the lower
The importance of the electric field distribution along a phase are slightly more than other two phases. It means
composite insulator has been recognized by the industry that the local electric field magnitudes under three
[8]. In general, the electrical field stresses on polymeric phases depend on the height of conductors from the
insulating materials such as silicone rubber shall be as earth surface therefore, the electric field stresses on the
low as possible to avoid tracking and erosion cross-arm are predominantly affected by the earth
phenomena due to corona discharges. The following surface. On the other hand, the RMS values of electric
criteria are reported as evaluation factors in the design field at 0.5 mm above insulation surface and within

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Fig. 2: Equipotential lines around pylon without ground cable Fig. 4: Equipotential lines around the pylon with ground cable
Uniform Shed without Ground Cable Uniform Shed with Ground Cable
3 3
On Uniform Sheds On Uniform Sheds
2.5 2.5

2 2

1.5 1.5
E (kV

E (kV
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Creepage Distance (m) Creepage Distance (m)
(a) (a)
Uniform Shed without Ground Cable Uniform Shed with Ground Cable
0.9 0.9
At 0.5 mm At 0.5 mm
0.75 0.75

In Fiberglass In Fiberglass
0.6 0.6

0.45 0.45
E (kV
E (kV

0.3 0.3
0.15 0.15
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Path Distance (m) Path Distance (m)

(b) (b)
Fig. 3: Electric field distribution a) on uniform sheds, b) Fig. 5: Electric field distribution a) on uniform sheds, b) in
within fiberglass layer and at 0.5 mm from insulation surface fiberglass layer and at 0.5 mm above insulation surface

fiberglass layer and sheds are much lower than the energized regions. It can also be seen that the peak
constraint values of 0.45 and 3 kVRMS/mm, respectively. values of local electric field stresses under the 3 phases
Consequently, the electrical performance of fully of both pylons are in inverse order.
composite pylon without ground cable is of It is due to this fact that the electric field stresses on the
considerable importance and can provide a basis for the pylon without ground cable depend on the height of
next stage in development of composite pylon designs. bundled conductors to earth surface whereas the
distance between bundled conductors and ground cable
6.2. Electric field and potential distribution has a large impact on the magnitudes of electric field on
the unibody cross-arm. However, the region under the
using uniform sheds with ground cable
top phase of the pylon with ground cable exposes higher
Real component of potential distribution around the
electric field intensities which is caused by the conical
fully composite pylon with ground cable is depicted in
shape of cross-arm. For this reason, the electric field
Fig. 4 which is mainly affected by ground cable.
distribution cloud chart around the top phase is
Comparing Fig 4 with Fig. 2 demonstrates that potential
displayed in Fig. 6 in two specific contour ranges which
distribution around the fully composite pylon
are relevant to criterion 1 and 3.
with/without ground cable depends on the location of
According to Fig. 6-a and Fig. 5-a-b, the highest RMS
ground potential (i.e. earth surface and shield wire or
values of electric field on the uniform sheds and within
only ground cable).
fiberglass layer are less than the constraint value of 3
Considering ground cable inside the pylon, the electric
kVRMS/mm (criterion 3). Nonetheless, the electric field
field distribution along the unibody cross-arm is
stresses around the bundled conductors (grey areas) are
presented in Fig. 5 for the left circuit on the pylon.
greater than corona inception value 3 kVRMS/mm.
Initially, comparing Fig. 3 with Fig. 5 shows that
The grey areas, shown in Fig. 6-b, implies to the regions
utilizing ground cable inside the cross-arm has a serious
which have the RMS value of electric field greater than
effect on the electric field magnitudes under the
0.45 kVRMS/mm. Under the energized regions (Fig. 6-b

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115 24th Nordic Insulation Symposium on Materials, Components and Diagnostics

(a) (a)

(b) (b)
Fig. 6: Electric field cloud chart around top phase based on a) Fig. 8: Electric field cloud chart around top phase based on a)
criterion 3, b) criterion 1 criterion 3, b) criterion 1
Alternating Sheds with Ground Cable Alternating & Uniform Sheds with Ground Cable
3 3
On Alternating Sheds On Alternating Sheds
2.5 2.5

On Uniform Sheds
2 2

1.5 1.5
E (kV
E (kV

1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 8 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 9 9.2 9.4 9.6 9.8 10 10.2 10.4
Creepage Distance (m) Creepage Distance (m)
(a) Fig. 9: Electric field magnitudes around top phase
Considering Ground Cable
Alternating Sheds with Ground Cable
At 0.5mm (Alter.)
At 0.5 mm 0.75

At 0.5mm (Unif.)

In Fiberglass
0.6 In Fiberg. (Alter.)

In Fiberg. (Unif.)

E (kV
E (kV

0 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Path Distance (m)
Path Distance (m)
(b) Fig. 10: Electric field magnitudes within fiberglass layer and
Fig. 7: Electric field distribution a) on alternating sheds, b) in at 0.5 mm above insulation surface by considering alternating
fiberglass layer and at 0.5 mm above insulation surface and uniform sheds

and Fig. 5-b), electric field magnitudes at 0.5 mm from by considering criterion 1 and 3. Fig. 7-a-b and Fig. 8-a
insulation surface are higher than the constraint value of demonstrate that the criterion 3 is realized on the
0.45 kVRMS/mm (criterion 1). Although the criterion 1 alternating sheds and within fiberglass layer. Based on
does not fulfil for the pylon with ground cable, there is Fig. 7-b and Fig. 8-b, local electric field intensities
no concern about the weak point because it is the worst under phase conductors are still higher than the
condition on the cross-arm and expected to resolve by specified value in criterion 1 which will be resolved
the application of non-conductive conductor clamps. using conductor clamps.
Utilizing conductor clamp, the air gap under the In order to compare the effectiveness of uniform and
bundled conductors will be substituted with a high alternating sheds in controlling power frequency
permittivity dielectric material that improves the electric stresses, the electric field magnitudes around the top
field stresses around the phase conductors. phase conductors are given in Fig. 9 for both types of
sheds. Fig. 9 reveals that the electric field magnitudes
on the uniform and alternating sheds are approximately
6.3. Electric field and potential distribution at the same levels and there is no significant difference
using alternating sheds with ground cable between the performances of two types of sheds.
The effect of shed profiles on the performance of the For both types of shed profiles, the electric field
unibody cross-arm is evaluated in this section by magnitudes within fiberglass layer are in the same levels
considering ground cable inside the pylon. Fig. 7 shows (Fig. 10). Similarly, the levels of electric field at 0.5 mm
electric field distribution on the alternating sheds, within from insulation surface are identical for both types.
fiberglass layer and at 0.5 mm above insulation surface. As a result, the finite element analyses show that the
Contour plot of electric field is also displayed in Fig. 8 performances of the assigned uniform and alternating

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24th Nordic Insulation Symposium on Materials, Components and Diagnostics 116

sheds are almost identical on the unibody cross-arm. performance of fully composite pylon with ground
Nonetheless, according to IEC/TS 60815-3 which is the cable. Finally, the results of this study provided an
one recommended for use, the assigned alternating large important basis on the design of fully composite pylons.
and small shed profiles are more suitable for the fully
composite pylon with ground cable. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The reasons for the difference between the results of The authors thank the Danish Research Council
FEM and IEC standard can be explained as follows: (Innovationsfonden) for the financial support of the
• FE models are only established for dry and clean PoPyFu project.
environmental conditions whereas IEC/TS 60815-3
practical standard additionally deals with polluted and
8. References
wet conditions.
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and shield wires, whereas the pylon with ground cable is kV Composite Cross-Arm", Annual Report
mainly affected by ground cable. Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric
Based on two criteria, the electric field results along the Phenomena (CEIDP), Montreal, QC, Oct. 2012,
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Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark 15. -17. June, 2015

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