GE9 - The Life and Works of Rizal Worksheet 4

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GE9 – The Life and Works of Rizal

Worksheet 4

Name: Arlene Joy S. Garcia Schedule: 5:30-7:30 pm Date: June 25, 2020
I. Extract three lines from Rizal’s brindis speech that struck you the most and
briefly explain its meaning.

Lines quoted from Rizal’s speech Interpretation

1. “One hears coming from the - Rizal trying to say that the paint of
canvas of El Expolarium the Juan Luna which is the Spolarium
tumult of the throng, the cry of was not silent. It portrays how the
slaves, the metallic rattle of the colonizers oppressed the
armor on the corpses, the sobs Philippines.
of the orphans, the murmuring

2. “If the mother teaches her child - This line describes the relationship
her language in order to of Philippines and Spain as
understand his joys, his needs, parents. In order for the Philippines
or pains. to grow or understand the purpose
of Spain, they must be open to
each other despite of the

3. “The illustrious deeds of her -the sons that he is trying to describe is

sons are no longer wasted the Philippines. He is trying to say that
away at home.” change is coming in the Philippines. Time
will come Spanish colonization will not be
able to control or rule the Philippines
again. Also, we should not forget the
contributions of Spain because they have
positive contributions in our country.

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