Radioactivity-5 - Activity-And-Half-Life-1 - Online Learning
Radioactivity-5 - Activity-And-Half-Life-1 - Online Learning
Radioactivity-5 - Activity-And-Half-Life-1 - Online Learning
This is a
decay curve
We can use
this graph
to calculate
the time
taken for
the number
of dice to
decrease by
3.8 throws
Half Life
There are two
definitions of half-life.
1 HL 2 HL 3 HL
Decay calculations –Your Turn
The half-life of a material is 8 hours.
How long will it take for the activity to fall
below 25%?
8hrs 16hrs
100% 50% 25%
1 HL 2 HL
Decay calculations –Your Turn
The half-life of a material is 10 hours.
How long will it take for the activity to fall
below 6.25%?
1 HL 2 HL 3 HL 4 HL
Decay calculations –Example 2
Carbon 14 has a HL of 5730 and is used in to
calculate the age of objects. A skull is
approximately 28,000 years old. What proportion
of C-14 remains?
1 HL 2 HL 3 HL 4 HL 5 HL
28,000/5730 = 4.8 = 5 half lives
So half 28,000 5 times
Decay calculations –your turn 2
Carbon 14 has a HL of 5730 and is used in to
calculate the age of objects. A skull is
approximately 10,000 years old. What proportion
of C-14 remains?
5730 11,460
1/1 1/2 1/4
1 HL 2 HL
Decay calculations – Worked
The activity of a substance is 6000Bq, it’s half
life is 10hrs. What is the activity after 40 hours?
1 HL 2 HL 3 HL 4 HL
40hrs 35hrs 30hrs 25hrs
156.25 312.5 625 1250 2500
8 HL 7 HL 6 HL 5 HL
Decay calculations – Worked
A radioisotope has a half life of 15 hours. A sealed container
contains 8mgs of this isotope. What ratio and mass remains: -
a) After 15 hours b) after 45 hours
1 HL 2 HL 3 HL
a) 1/2 or 1:2(4mgs)
b) 1/8 or 1:8 (1mg)
More maths
This graph shows that
the count rate for a
sample decreases from
600 to 300 to 150 to 75.