Radioactivity-5 - Activity-And-Half-Life-1 - Online Learning

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Activity and half life

LO: To be able to describe and calculate half

life of a radioactive substance.
Must – Use the term half-life in simple
calculations, which might involve information in
tables or decay curves
Should – Calculate half-life from data or decay
curves from which background radiation has not
been subtracted
So why are some nuclei
Radioactivity- the
property possessed by
unstable elements of
spontaneously emitting
energetic particles
(such as beta or alpha
particles) by the decay
of their atomic nuclei in
order to become stable.
• The activity of a radioactive source is
the number of unstable atoms in a
particular source that decay per second.

• It is measured in Becquerel (Bq)

• Uranium 234 has an • As the number of
activity of 231.3 parent nuclei
decrease the
activity of the
• However as it
sample decreases .
decays this activity
decreases as there
are less unstable But how do we know
nuclei with in it’s when this decay will
nucleus. happen?
Your Task – Graph paper
• WS - Half Life Challenge.docx

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WS-Half life challenge
Your graph should be like this
This graph
shows how
the number
of undecayed
with each

This is a
decay curve
We can use
this graph
to calculate
the time
taken for
the number
of dice to
decrease by
3.8 throws
Half Life
There are two
definitions of half-life.

1. The time it takes

Half life = 2 for the number of
Days nuclei of the isotope
in a sample to halve

2. The time it takes

for the count rate
from a sample
containing the
isotope to fall to
The half life is always constant. This half its starting
substance will always taken 2 days to level
half, no matter the amount.
Decay calculations –Example 1
The half-life of a material is 3 hours.
How long will it take for the activity to fall
below 12.5%?

3hrs 6hrs 9hrs

100% 50% 25% 12.5%

1 HL 2 HL 3 HL
Decay calculations –Your Turn
The half-life of a material is 8 hours.
How long will it take for the activity to fall
below 25%?

8hrs 16hrs
100% 50% 25%
1 HL 2 HL
Decay calculations –Your Turn
The half-life of a material is 10 hours.
How long will it take for the activity to fall
below 6.25%?

10hrs 20hrs 30hrs 40hrs

100% 50% 25% 12.5% 6.25%

1 HL 2 HL 3 HL 4 HL
Decay calculations –Example 2
Carbon 14 has a HL of 5730 and is used in to
calculate the age of objects. A skull is
approximately 28,000 years old. What proportion
of C-14 remains?

5730 11,460 17,190 22,920 28,650

1/1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32

1 HL 2 HL 3 HL 4 HL 5 HL
28,000/5730 = 4.8 = 5 half lives
So half 28,000 5 times
Decay calculations –your turn 2
Carbon 14 has a HL of 5730 and is used in to
calculate the age of objects. A skull is
approximately 10,000 years old. What proportion
of C-14 remains?

5730 11,460
1/1 1/2 1/4
1 HL 2 HL
Decay calculations – Worked
The activity of a substance is 6000Bq, it’s half
life is 10hrs. What is the activity after 40 hours?

10hrs 20hrs 30hrs 40hrs

6000 3000 1500 750 375
1 HL 2 HL 3 HL 4 HL
40 hours is 4 half lives (40 / 10 = 4)
Halve 6000 4 times
Decay calculations – Your Turn
The activity of a substance is 8000Bq, it’s half
life is 5hrs. What is the activity after 40 hours?

5hrs 10hrs 15hrs 20hrs

8000 4000 2000 1000 5000

1 HL 2 HL 3 HL 4 HL
40hrs 35hrs 30hrs 25hrs
156.25 312.5 625 1250 2500

8 HL 7 HL 6 HL 5 HL
Decay calculations – Worked
A radioisotope has a half life of 15 hours. A sealed container
contains 8mgs of this isotope. What ratio and mass remains: -
a) After 15 hours b) after 45 hours

15hrs 30hrs 45mgs

8mgs 4mgs 2mgs 1mg

1 HL 2 HL 3 HL

a) 1/2 or 1:2(4mgs)
b) 1/8 or 1:8 (1mg)
More maths
This graph shows that
the count rate for a
sample decreases from
600 to 300 to 150 to 75.

It is possible to work out

the count rate or number
of unstable nuclei left
using an equation
Count rate Initial count rate (no.
of unstable nuclei at
(no. of start)
nuclei after
n half lives) 2n
(2 to the power of
the no. of half lives)
Worked Count = Initial count rate
Rate 2n
A radioisotope Initial count rate =
has a half-life of 60,000
6.0 hrs. A
sample of this n = 24/ 6 = 4HL
isotope contains 2n = 24 = 16
60,000 nuclei.
Calculate the
number of nuclei Count rate = 60,000/
remaining after 16
24 hrs. = 3750 nuclei
Nuclear Fission and Fusion
• Watch the video about nuclear Fission
and Fusion.
• Based on the video, in your own words
explain what is meant both reaction
with aid of diagram.

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