A - Course Outline - BUP

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Bangladesh University of Professionals

Faculty of Business Administration

Legal Environment of Business (ALD 2407)
Spring 2020 (January-April)

Instructor: Syed Robayet Ferdous

LL B (Hons) & LL M, University of Dhaka
Research Graduate, School of Law, University of Ottawa, Canada
Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh.


Regular Class: Friday, 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Law is the command of the sovereign. This means that law has its source in sovereign
authority, it is accompanied by sanctions, and the command to be a law should compel
a course of conduct of human beings. Law emanates from the State. Law is used to
denote rules of conduct emanated from and enforced by the State. Hence, the law is a
rule relating to the actions of human beings, it attempts to regulate the external actions
of human beings, and it is enforced by the State.

Now, the question is why we should study business law? Due to ensure effective day-to-
day functioning of business the managers are required to have knowledge of relevant
laws which are associated with the business operations. Therefore, this course is
designed to give the students a thorough idea about the various laws relating to
business and industry. The business laws that will be mainly covered in this course are
the law of contract, the laws relating to the sale of goods, law of partnership, law of

specific relief, the law relating to negotiable instruments, alternative dispute resolution
(ADR), and the company law. The Bangladesh Labour Act, 2016 as amended in 2009,
2010, 2013, and 2018 related to the employment of labour has also been included in
this course.


1. The Contract Act, written by D. F. Mullah
2. M. C. Kuchhal, (2015), Mercantile Law, Vicas Publishing, India, 8th Edition.
3. M. C. Shukla, (2014), Mercantile Law, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi,
4. M. A. A. Khan, (2013), Labor Laws of Bangladesh, National Law Book House,
Dhaka, Bangladesh

5. The Law of Contract, written by Mc Endrick
6. Sen, A. K. Commercial Law.
7. Contract Act 1872 (Basic Statute)
8. Sing, Avtor., (1998), Principles of Mercantile Law, 7 th Edition
9. Northey, J. F., and Leigh, L. H., Introduction to Company Law

I expect that the workload will be accomplished with excellence. Students should
reserve some time each day for the study of the textbook and related outside readings
such as case. They should come prepared each class to discuss significant points covered
and relate their ideas on the topic(s).
Consistent attendance is essential for good educational progress, and consistent work
attendance is essential for proper job performance. Missing class will quickly put the
students behind.
If any student comes in during or after attendance has been taken, it is his/her
responsibility to make sure he/she is not marked absent by notifying the instructor
before leaving class. The practical exercises, such as case will be given and discussed in
the class.
An excellent way to study for the exams is to study the objectives and key
terms/sections of law at the beginning of each session, answer the discussion questions
at the end of each session, and relate this material to both assigned and current
readings. Lectures are designed to support the reading materials and therefore should
be studied along with the text. The students will have to prepare a term paper,
assignment, and will have to present during the session of the term. Students will be

graded on content, presentation style, depth of knowledge, use of references, and
neatness. In some cases, it is possible for more than one person to work together on a
project. The instructor must approve all topics in advance.

The grade in a course will be based on an overall evaluation of a student’s performance
in assignments, examinations, quizzes, term papers, project works, class attendance,
class participation, etc. The distribution of marks for assessment in a course will be as

Sl. # Events Weights

1. Semester Final Exam 40%
2. Mid Term Exam 20%
3. Class Tests (Total Four) 12%
4. Term Paper (with the different topic) Including 10%
5. Assignments & Case Studies (Individual/Group) Including 05%
6. Regular Class Participation & Presentation 05%
7. Class Attendance, Seminar Attendance & Field Trip 05%
8. Attitude/Conduct/Manners 03%
Total 100
Note: BUP grading systems will be followed.

I prefer that a message be given by calling at 01716-588891. Also, I may be reached via
e-mail: robayet@lawyer.com.


The term project will be on the topics of the course. It’s a group project. Students will
have to select the idea of the project and will have to get approval from the instructor.
Students may need to go for an empirical survey for the completion of the project. The
instructor will give assignments to the student. It’s an individual project.

It is recommended that this project/assignment should be submitted double-spaced and

type-written. Its length should be whatever it takes to "do-the-job." The project will be
evaluated on the following criteria: Appropriateness & contents; Creativity & originality;
Organization of content with depth of knowledge; Format & form; and Neatness,
References, Appendices.

Group Presentation
1. The class will be divided into several groups. There will be 3-4 members of a group.
2. The course teacher will allocate the topic/case to the group.
3. The group will attend a session with a PowerPoint presentation
4. Participation of each member is compulsory
5. A hardcopy shall be presented to the Course Teacher before the presentation
6. Formal dress for presentation is expected.

Legal Environment of Business (LEB)

No. of Date Topics Discussion Points


WEEK 1: Introduction
1 Introduction to General Laws Relating to Contract: (SS: 1-75)
Contract Law a) Formation of Contract;
b) Performance of Contract;
c) Breach of Contract & its Possible

Laws Relating to Some Particular Types of

a) Contract of indemnity and guarantee; (SS:
b) Contract of bailment & pledge; (SS: 148-
c) Contract of agency, (SS: 182-238)

2 Introduction to Different Types of Definition:

Contract Law, Contd., Offer, Acceptance, Promise, Consideration,
Agreement, and Contract.

WEEK 2: Law of Contract

3 Introduction to Contract Different Types of Definition:
Law, Contd., a) Offer/Proposal (types of offer,
rules of offer, revocation etc.)
b) Acceptance (rules of
acceptance, revocation etc)
c) Promise,

d) Consideration (types of
consideration, rules of
consideration etc)
e) Agreement (types of
agreement, when agreement
enforceable by law etc.)
f) Contract.
4 Introduction to Contract Different Types of Definition:
Law, Contd., a) Offer/Proposal (types of offer,
rules of offer, revocation etc.)
b) Acceptance (rules of
acceptance, revocation etc)
c) Promise,
d) Consideration (types of
consideration, rules of
consideration etc)
e) Agreement (types of
agreement, when agreement
enforceable by law etc.)
f) Contract.

WEEK 3: Offer and Acceptance

5. Offer Rules Regarding Offer and Acceptance

6. Acceptance Rules Regarding Offer and Acceptance

WEEK 4: Consideration
7 Consideration Rules Regarding Consideration

8 Consideration, Contd., Rules Regarding Consideration

WEEK 5: Free Consent

9 Free Consent When a Consent Said to be Free:
a) Coercion
b) Undue influence
c) Fraud
d) Misrepresentation
e) Mistake

10 Free Consent, Contd., When a Consent Said to be Free:

a) Coercion

b) Undue influence
c) Fraud
d) Misrepresentation
e) Mistake

WEEK 6: Free Consent

11 Free Consent, Contd., When a Consent Said to be Free:
a) Coercion (s: 15)
b) Undue influence (s: 16)
c) Fraud (s: 17)
d) Misrepresentation (s: 18)
e) Mistake (ss: 20,21,22)

12 Free Consent, Contd., When a Consent Said to be Free:

a) Coercion
b) Undue influence
c) Fraud
d) Misrepresentation
e) Mistake

WEEK 7: Discharge of Contracts

13 Discharge of Contract Way of Discharge of Contract:
a) Discharge by Performance
b) Discharge by Agreement
c) Discharge by Frustration
d) Discharge by Breach

14 Discharge of Contract Way of Discharge of Contract:

Contd., a) Discharge by Performance
b) Discharge by Agreement
c) Discharge by Frustration
d) Discharge by Breach

WEEK 8: Remedies of Contract

15 Remedies of Contract Common Law Remedies:
a) Unliquidated Damage
b) Liquidated Damage
c) Restitution of Payment Made in
d) Quantum Meruit

16 Equitable Remedies:
a) Specific Performance of
b) Rectification of Instrument
c) Rescission of Contract
d) Injunction (Preventive Relief)

WEEK 9: Agreement Restrain of Trade

17 Agreement Restrain of Agreement Restrain of Trade:
Trade a) Exception
18 Agreement Restrain of Agreement Restrain of Trade:
Trade a) Exception

WEEK 10: Law of Agency

19 Law of Agency Agent & Principal:
a) Rules Regarding Agency
b) Agent and Principal
c) Agent and servant
d) Agent and independent
e) Kinds of agents
f) Creation of agency

20 Law of Agency, Contd., Agent & Principal:

a) Sub-agent and substitute agent
b) Duties of agent and duties of
c) Termination of agency

WEEK 11: Bailment & Pledge, Indemnity & Guarantee and SR

21 Bailment & Pledge Bailment & Pledge:

a) Rules Regarding Bailment &
22 Indemnity & Guarantee Indemnity & Guarantee:
a) Rules Regarding Indemnity &
Law of Specific Relief Compared with Contract Law

WEEK 12: Sale of Goods Act

24 Sale of Goods Act Contract of Sale of Goods:
a) Essentials of a contract of sale
b) Distinction between sale and
agreement to sell
c) Sale and hire purchase

25 Sale of Goods Act, Contd., Contract of Sale of Goods:

a) Sale and Contract for Work and
b) Goods and Kinds of Goods
c) Effect of Perishing of Goods

WEEK 13: Company Law & Partnership Law

26 Company Law Rules Regarding Company:

a) Essential Features of a
b) Types of Company
c) Private and Public Limited
d) Memorandum and Articles of
e) Contents of Articles of
Association and Memorandum
of Association

27 Partnership Law Rules Regarding Partnership:

a) Formation of partnership
b) Essential elements of
c) Partnership deed
d) Types of partners
e) Rights and duties of partners
f) Dissolution of partnership

WEEK 14: Labour Laws in Bangladesh

28 Labour Laws in Bangladesh Labour Laws in Bangladesh:

a) Definition Clause
b) Who is Labour?
c) Employment Provision of
d) Working Hours & Leave of


29 Labour Laws in Bangladesh Labour Laws in Bangladesh :

a) Compensation for Injury of
b) Maternity Benefit of Labour

WEEK 15: Labour Laws in Bangladesh

30 Labour Laws in Bangladesh Labour Laws in Bangladesh:

a) Welfare Measure for Labour
b) Wage & Payment of Labour
31 Labour Laws in Bangladesh Labour Laws in Bangladesh:
a) Worker’s Participation to Profit
b) Health & Hygiene Condition for

WEEK 16: Transfer of Property Law

32 Transfer of Property Law Transfer of Property Law:
a) Law Relating to Transfer of

33 Transfer of Property Law, Transfer of Property Law:

Contd., a) Law Relating to Transfer of

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