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Arslan Yaris (MMC)

(SOCA - MC02191003)
Media Management
Finals Assignment
To: Sir Sajjad Hussain
 Media Management Final Assessment
Total Marks: 100
Instructions: Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Behaviours of the individuals constitute group behaviour,

which in turn determines the organizational behaviour? How
can we assess individual behaviours? What roles can
individuals assume when working in a group? How can we
create a creative environment in the organization?
The way an individual behaves and behavior as a group have two perspectives −
internal and external. At the individual level, organizational behavior includes learning,
perception, creativity, motivation, and personality. In addition, it also includes turnover,
task performance and evaluation, coordinated behavior, deviant work behavior, ethics,
and cognition.

For example, Ali joins a company as an intern and is very open to learning new things
but as time passes and he gets promoted his attitude towards his interns becomes rude.
This is a fine example of individual level of analysis.

At the group level, organizational behavior includes the group gesture, intra-group and
intergroup dispute and attachment. It is further extended to the leadership, power,
norms, interpersonal communication, networks, and roles.

An example of this level − Board of directors of company X decide to give bonus to their
workers as they have really worked hard on a certain project .

In the late 1920s, Max Ringelmann, a German psychologist, set out to determine if
individuals put forth the same level of effort in a group as they did when they were
working alone. He set out to examine athletes engaged in a rope tug-o-war, and found
that, in a one-on-one match, each player averaged an effort equal to 63 kilograms of
force. In a group of three, that force dropped to 53 kilograms, and in a group of eight . . .
only 31 kilograms of force.

This effect is referred to as social loafing, the tendency for individuals to expend less
effort when working collectively than when working individually. What causes it? Well,
for one, there may be a perception that some group members are not putting out their
fair share of effort, and so others are purposely pulling back on their own contribution.
Or, it may be attributed to the fact that the entire group shares responsibility for an
outcome, so no one person is held accountable for work that is (or is not) done.

The individual’s behaviours and responses in any situation, whether they are acting in a
group or in isolation, has an influence and impact on the organisation. If these
behaviours are positive it could lead to enhanced performance, effectiveness and
productivity. On the other hand, if they are negative it could lead to conflict, damage and
issues around misbehaviour at work. Keeping the effect of social loafing in mind we can
say that individual behaviours are more dynamic in individual level than being mediocre
and run-of-the-mill in group level. The behaviours and attitude of individual bring more
productivity in an organisational behaviour as a whole.

Assessment of Individual Behaviour

For most of the past century, experts have assessed the direct predictions of individual
behavior and performance. We can assess individual behaviours through the
parameters given below:

 One of the earliest formulas was:

Performance = person X situation

Person: individual characteristics

Situation: external influences on the individuals behavior

 Another formula

Performance = ability X motivation

The skill-and-will model

 AMO model


Limited interpretation of the situation


Four variables: Motivation-Ability-Role perception-Situational factors

All factors critical influences on an individual’s voluntary behavior and performance

These are direct predictors of behavior on the workplace.

Individual, Working in a Group

Individual can perform the work more efficiently than group, but lacks in various
departments. Where when individual work in group has to be anticipated each other
opinion and so there is some psychological rewards as well as weakness for individual
working in group. A number of time questions have been raised whether group problem
solving is superior, inferior to individual problem solving.

Many problems can be l faced by individual in order to achieving a goal. Thus he

become handicapped in his approach and also fails to discover a further approach that
may work out problem but in group is opposite to this. For examples the group member
do not have the same approach that individual thinks but they will contribute by
knocking their ruts in thinking in order to solve the problem. Individual make a decision
that he has to consult with decision maker to the decision-executors. But when
individual performs in a group, decision made is directly utilized by the group member.
This helps the individual to enhance the communication skills and to maintain good
relationship with other co-members of the group.

Individual is a social animal who need to be interactive with other human being. Groups
lie at the core of the human experience and underpin the structure and
accomplishments of human society. A group may belong to various ethnicity, ability,
gender, nationality; professional employment etc. working in a group is an excellent way
of building the effective interpersonal relationship that organisations needed. It gets for
an introvert to work in a group as compared to extrovert who loves to being a part of a diverse
working group. Overall an individual could assume himself more cautious and feel a learning
environment than in alone, because his weakness and flaws could only be polished if he
becomes a part of a group.

Creating Creative Environment in an Organisation

Every idea comes from a source of creativity. Without it, nothing new would every come
about, nothing would change, and everything would remain stagnant. Under the right
conditions, that spark that generates thoughts of creativity and innovation occurs .
Research has shown that messy environments stimulate creative thinking. Of course an
unusual and messy arrangement is not the only thing that influences the creativity of
people. There are some other additions to the working environment that seem to
stimulate creative ideas. It is up to the organizational leadership to foster a culture that
encourages people to think outside of the box and to go above and beyond their day-to-
day tasks.

Motivation within the motivational component Amabile makes an important distinction

between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Based on extensive research in the past
decades she states that intrinsic motivation is more important for creativity: “people will
be most creative when they feel motivated primarily by the interest, enjoyment,
satisfaction, and challenge of the work itself – and not by external pressures.”

Culture is one of the main reasons why innovation does or does not work in an organisation.
Are people afraid to share their ideas? Does management send the wrong message by failing to
give the right example?. To establish a creative business culture, make progress visible, set clear
goals (and break them down into manageable pieces), stimulate initiative, give teams the
freedom to experiment, lead by example and show that you believe in your team.

Structure another ingredient for an innovative organisation is structure. No great ideas come
from chaotic sessions. By structuring the creative process, you’ll set up a fertile foundation for
innovation. Use thinking techniques, work with strict time limits when generating ideas, start
every brainstorm session with a Braindump and carefully evaluate the output.

Colourful curiously, experiments have shown that “a brief glimpse of green prior to a
creativity task enhances creative performance”. The same has been said of blue. So if you want
people to generate brilliantly original ideas, make sure there is enough green or blue around for
them to gaze upon.

Freedom to Create forming teams dedicated to creating and executing new solutions.
Give them the autonomy needed to successfully complete these projects .

Asking for ideas If you want to support creativity and innovation, ask your staff to
pitch their ideas. You might also create an internal process to submit them. Ask staff to
each pitch an idea within a designated timeframe, and provide incentives to get people

To encourage creativity and innovation within organization, this needs to create the
framework that draws out the ingenuity residing in staff. Letting employees know that
their creativity is an organizational priority. This is essential for an organisation to encourage
creative attitudes among employees. The few abovementioned ways have been proved to
boost innovative and creative environment within the organisations in order to get better
performance by employees.

2. You have been hired as a consultant with a newly set up

media organisation that plans to launch a nationwide
newspaper accompanied by an online edition of the paper. It
also aspires to set up broadcasting news and entertainment
channel five years down the
Rules & road.
Ethics of You
Mediahave been asked to
assist the project manager in devising a strategy. The project
manager, a senior journalist, wants
Conceptual you to provide a
conceptual framework of how to go about formulating a
strategy and which areas to consider. The old man wants to
provide him with an outline of formulating a strategy as well
as analysis approaches to make the project a success! You
are required to help him in whatever way you can help.
With the emergence of revolutionary media technologies, the television broadcasting and
entertainment companies have changed the ways to produce and share content in order to get
consumed by the viewer or reader with the utmost satisfaction. The print and electronic media
have become more dynamic in terms of news gathering and fastest sharing. In this
contemporary era of media houses working, it is an essential thing to be got as much digitalised
as possible. Media companies have some set patterns but these have been changing with the
passage of time as growing media and information technologies making media methods to get

We can see around the globe that people not only set to watch credible and good content but
also amusing and more entertaining. There are a lot of need channels which are keep changing
their content sharing ways to not let the audiences get bored of theirs channel. Furthermore,
news channels should be good at making, publishing and sharing content.

Being a consultant, I would Keep innovative, creative and technological advancements in mind
in order to help my project manager to formulating a conceptual framework of a successful
media house. This is an important task to provide proper outlines and ways to launch a
nationwide newspaper and its online edition as well as to draw a conceptual formulation of a
broadcasting and entertainment channel.

Below are the conceptual framework of an a broadcasting and entertainment channel as well as
newspaper and its online edition.
Newspaper Online Edition of Newspaper
Plenty of Local bureaus/Offices Creating websites, blogs and YouTube channel
relating newspaper name
Hiring Writer professionals/staff
Increment of viewership and subscribers

Broadcasting & Entertainment Channel

Hiring TV Channel Builder Cable, Satellites

Writing a and terrestrial
Business Case broadcast

Hiring efficient staff to run channel

Running of Blending sources

supportive and of the project can only be ensured by the implementation of the strategy
The success of visual and
which lay down by Experts. AHiring
project like media which
Credible has main task of producing and
efficient HR audio mixing
delivering information are said to be should have more responsibility. The three
management Buyers/Creators systems
cornered project success criteria: Time, Budget and Quality. The challenge is therefore
to determine how to achieve consistent, repeatable project success.
The given below points of analysis are essential to make sure the success:

management success is often determined by whether or not you kept to the original
timeline. Experienced project managers know how hard that is, but it’s a little bit easier if
you continually evaluate your progress as you go.

Quality Content
Quality is what considered plays an essential in intriguing large target audience which
assures the success of the projects. Quality review can evaluate whether what you are
doing meets the standards set out in your quality plans. Best find out now before the
project goes too far, as it might be too late to do anything about it then .

Stakeholders Satisfaction
Our wider team – our stakeholders – are essential in getting much of the work done, so
it is worth checking in with them. Finding out how they are feeling about the project right
now and what you could be doing differently. To media channels, the stakeholders are
their viewers and subscribers, who find satisfying content to consume in order to fill their
needs of knowledge and awareness in the surroundings.

There are multiple strategies to make the projects a success piece, but if we go into
more deeply we find some basic points which are needed for the success of a project.
Information has been wrapped this tightly into seven key points and rather than write a
textbook on this subject, a one page summary of each point follows:

1. A positive relationship with an active, intelligent client

Only enter into projects whose scope is appropriate for your business. Stay in your
“sweet spot.”

Win-Win contract and a realistic project plan.

2. Strong project management

Strong Project management begins with a sound project plan. An effective project
leadership team with clearly sufficient resources is in place.

3. Clear requirements, well managed

All functionality, non-functional requirements, constraints and assumptions must be
clearly and unambiguously documented in a requirements database. In complex
systems, requirements need to be assigned to specific releases or revisions. A rigorous
requirements change process must be in place and must be adhered to.

4. Ruthless change management

There must be a change manager (role) in place. A baseline must be maintained

throughout the system lifecycle. Changes are proposed against this baseline. Scope
Creep kills projects. Any change to any element in the system must be undertaken
within the change control process.

Comment Even changes that are rejected have cost – analysis cost. Comment
Provision for analysis of proposed changes must be included within the project plan.

Changes cost money – we need to get paid for analyzing proposed changes and for
making those changes, even those resulting from “missed” requirements. The cost of
change management must be included in estimates and must appear in the contract.
“Churn” thwarts project success. Lack of clarity in requirements, architecture, solution
approach, roles and responsibilities all lead to churn. Although all changes have costs,
not all change costs are reflected in billing. Some changes may be funded under
existing contingency budgets.

5. Pervasive process focus

All processes are must be documented and in right place.

Many process steps produce required outputs (work products) which are auditable.

6. Effective controls and communication

Seize the initiative.


Build and maintain relationships and open communication with all stakeholder

7. Technical leadership and excellence

Technical excellence requires stable products that are fit for the job at hand. Comment
There is no substitute for technical excellence. There is risk associated with relying on
technology that is not yet fully in place and stable.

There needs to be an (internal) escalation process for dealing with both technical and
non-technical (resource) issues that confront technical leadership.

Only missing Analysis can ensure the progress and success of a project which are
made to get succeeded according to their strategy.

3. Media has an overreaching effect on the culture and the

changes in the culture also affect the priorities of the media
organization. How effective media can prove to be in
changing culture and how do the changes in culture reshape
the priorities of media organizations? Give examples to
substantiate your argument.
How culture affect media and media affect culture? Today in the twenty-first century,
there is no doubt that with the social development media and culture have an intimate
relationship, which can interactive affect each other. Media culture is the dominant form
of culture which socializes us and provides materials for identity in terms of both social
reproduction and change.

Media can be any means of communication to influence the public broadly, such as
television,newspaper,magazines, internet and other communications ways. Media is
becoming to an essential part of our social life today. In my opinion, culture is more
difficult to define. I found a definition, which is more accurate, is that “Culture is symbolic
communication. Some of its symbols include a group’s skills, knowledge, attitudes,
beliefs,values, hierarchies and motives. The meanings of the symbols are learned and
deliberately perpetuated in a society through its institutions.” In the definition of media
and culture both mentioned about communication that can be the most important
element for media and culture. It is undeniable that media and culture have an
interactive impact for each other.

Some theorists explained the relationship of media and culture and vice versa for
correct understanding of both of them.

" Culture and the mass media have a symbiotic relationship: each depends on the other
in an intimate collaboration." -K Turner
According to Altheide and Snow "media culture means that within a culture, the media
increasingly influences other institutions (e.g. politics, religion, sports), which become
constructed alongside a media logic". Since the 1950s, television has been the main
medium for molding public opinion.

Below is explained why both of media and culture affects eachother and how. It is
important to understand what affects what and how.

Media affect culture

Nowadays, the rapid development of the media has a huge impact on the
communication of cultural exchange in the whole world. For mass media, the paper
media started an extensive cultural impact from the beginning, then the digital media
significantly affect the cultural communication in the twenty-first century. Although the
traditional media have some limitation and unidirectional in some ways to transmit
information. But new media have brought a digital communication age for the world,
which can eliminate the obstacle of time and space via the media. I willing to focus on
how new media affect culture in the following paragraphs.

Online culture

Online culture has formed from the development of the Internet and new media. An
increasingly wide range of information, ways of business, services and entertainment
are now commonly make available and accessed online or through digital media. The
Internet is regarded as being unique and offering something they cannot get elsewhere.
Online culture is an information culture based on the Internet without national
boundaries and region. People enjoy the equality, freedom and virtual of the online

1. The decline of traditional culture

Secondly, the rapid development of new media actually impacts some existence of the traditional
culture. Online culture is gradually becoming dominant culture while the communication media are
continually going through significant transformations in the age of the Internet. However, facing the
online culture rising, traditional culture is slowly declining is a crisis that new media bring to us.

2. Communication and exchange

Firstly, online culture brings the convenient and efficient communication and exchange
for people through constantly the development of the Internet media. In the past, people
maybe need to spend a lot of time searching the information before the rise of new
media. But now people can find everything they want on the Google. For instance, if we
want to learn some information about America history, we will just have to open the
Google website and enter the search keywords, then we can find the information in the
Wikipedia website that we no longer need to take some times to find and read books.

3. Cultural globalization

Cultural globalization is the inevitable result of social progress. But It is undeniable that the new media is
an important role to promote the culture becomes more globalization and cultural fusion. In my opinion,
culture has become more globalization with a variety of ways since World War two. Media make the
range of cultural communication more broadly. Whatever the traditional media or new media, they both
bring culture to people around the world.

Culture affect media

Culture has a huge impact on media communication ways and adoption. I have a point of view that
media rapid development and the rise of new media are the result of the cultural needs of people.

Science and technology culture

Science and technology culture is a significant factor to promote media development. Media technology
which enables communication has evolved with time because of the ever-accelerated updating of
science and technology. The past fifteen years we’ve made significant advances in technology. The
internet became more popular and then we use many social media to online chat. Now we live in a
digital age where almost every people use laptops, smart phone and iPad. These have technological

 Newspaper
 Television
 Internet

1. Different country culture

At first, different country cultures always affect media. It is common that people usually have the similar
way of thinking in the same country. Nevertheless, different counties must their own culture and
lifestyles. So for media, the attitude of government can influence how people to think about media. The
media control of government is a very important reason that impact the development of the media in
some ways. We can through compare the Chinese media and western media to show the differentiation
of media culture between different countries. Western media have the free press that they can report
the news more objectives and rational.

2. Religious culture

Secondly, religious culture also will affect people have different attitudes for media. The
power of religious culture is formidable and unexpected for believers. The core values of
religion are beliefs which can affect people’s ideology. But the news generally will
involve religious issues sometimes. Inevitably, Media and religions usually have
conflicts because some radical words will burn some believers which is religious
extremist force up. Some media will yield to the pressures of religions and avoid to
mention the sensitive topic of religious culture.

3. Culture shapes media content

Cultural values also shape mass media messages when producers of media content
have vested interests in particular social goals. The producers offer media content that
promotes or refutes particular viewpoints. Governments, corporations, nonprofits,
colleges, indeed most organizations, all try to shape media content to promote
themselves and their values. Gatekeeping is also considered to be a cultural values
which affects media from the bottom.

Social Media and Culture

The advent of social media makes information sources this proper noun becomes
popular. Social media provide an equal and public platform for all people, including
government, media, companies, personal and so on that everyone can release the
information and see the information on the social media platform. If this platform
becomes globalization, it will make people to share the various information and culture
more convenient around the world. We are increasingly both bound together and
separated by the globalized networks of information communication technology.
Regardless of what kind of social media, such as Facebook, YouTube, Google and
Twitter, they all play an increasing role in cultural integration and this influence of

Facebook can be a good example to show how social media affects culture. Facebook
is the biggest social media website in the world. This social media website has gradually
changed people’s life since it founding in 2004. Facebook be successfully developed to
have global users, then it resulted in the globalization of information and more cultural
exchange. Different cultures are connecting and integrating while people from different
places are communicating with each other on Facebook .

Same like Facebook, now we have multiple social networking sites which are affecting
culture, and are being affected by culture. Social media and culture have to some extent
the same effects as mass media and culture.

4. What different approaches to manage creativity have

been introduced? How far these approaches had been
successful in bringing about creativity in media products and
In today’s dynamic business environment, creativity represents a key factor for
economic success of organisations interested in long-term competitive development.
Companies such as 3M, General Electric, IBM, Johnson and Johnson, Merck, Motorola,
Proctor and Gamble and Sony use their employees’ creativity as an economic resource
and effectively apply a ‘continuous creativity’ strategy. Firms using their employees’
creativity had been shown to have conclusive advantages over those who neglect this
factor. Therefore, more and more companies participate in the race of creating new
products, new markets and new ways of promotion. Thus, the companies that do so
increase the velocity of the transformation of creative ideas into innovations, adding
pressure to the competition.

Creativity Management Approaches and Models

1. Approach of optimisation of investment in creativity development


Comparing the estimated costs of the planned creativity development

programme with the expected increase of the firm performance represents the
most basic and obvious approach to the optimisation of investment in employees’
creativity development. This approach may be realised in different ways. For
example, the employer’s profit (Y) may be expressed by using an elementary
model for production function as follows:

Y Sp w c = −− ( )


S – volume of sales

p – price for production unit

w – employee’s wage per unit

c – cost of production unit

Let us suppose that after the employee’s creativity programmes have been
deployed, his work performance provides sale (∆S) and/or price (∆p) increases
(e.g., as a result of quality improvement), and/or cost reduction (∆c). Then, the
conditions of the profitableness of an employee creativity development
programme may be given as follows:

([ ] [ ]) p +∆ − − −∆ ∆ > + p w c c SZb

where Z is the cost of the implemented programme and b = b(∆S, ∆c, ∆p) is the
bonus given to the employee for his creative suggestions, which resulted in
quality improvement, price and/or sale increases and/or cost decreases. This
extra payment is added to ensure the employee’s individual interest in his
creativity realisation.

2. Systems Model

This environment has two salient aspects: a cultural, or symbolic, aspect which
here is called the domain; and a social aspect called the field. Creativity is a
process that can be observed only at the intersection where individuals, domains,
and fields interact. For creativity to occur, a set of rules and practices must be
transmitted from the domain to the individual. The individual must then produce
a novel variation in the content of the domain. The variation then must be
selected by the field for inclusionin the domain.

Creativity occurs when a person makes a change in a domain, a change that will
be transmitted through time. Some individuals are more likely to make such
changes, either because of personal qualities or because they have the good
fortune to be well positioned with respect to the domain – they have better
access to it, or their social circumstances allow them free time to experiment. For
example until quite recently the majority of scientific advances were made by
men who had the means and the leisure: clergymen like Copernicus, tax collectors
like Lavoisier, or physicians like Galvani could afford to build their own
laboratories and to concentrate on their thoughts.

3. Theoretical model of the relationship between an employee’s

performance, his creativity and a firm’s innovativity

We assume that a firm’s performance depends on both the employees’ creativity

and the firm’s innovativity. Despite the apparent importance of these two factors
for business, however, there is almost no systematic research directed at the
investigation of the combined impact of these factors on the performance of a
firm. One of the few empirical confirmations of the hypotheses developed and
discussed in our context is the research carried out by specialists from Emory
University (USA) on the basis of a survey of more than 600 US companies. This
research examined the relationship among a firm’s innovation performance, the
intensity of the employees’ creative activity and some basic organisational
mechanisms that support creativity. The research results indicate that individual
creativity and organisational mechanisms of creativity support lead to higher
levels of innovation performance. However, the specific patterns of this
interactive relationship still remain unrevealed.

4. Innovativity as a factor of creativity actualisation

Creativity is a phenomenon of social communication and interaction. Therefore,

the alteration of a company’s environment for creativity represents the most
important way to develop employees’ creativity and to regulate this process. For
the maintenance of the ‘continuous creativity’ strategy, it is necessary to create a
favourable organisational and psychological climate for creativity, not only for
‘creative employees’ (such as inventors, managers and engineers) but also for all
workers. Japanese firms support and accumulate not only inventions but also all
‘fine’ ideas (‘secondary innovations’) as well. These secondary innovations are the
main source of competitiveness since they promote constant production update,
cost reduction and quality improvement. For example, Toyota Motor Company
receives about 300 suggestions per employee per year.

5. Creativity in an organisational context

Creativity, considered in the context of an organisation (organisational creativity),

is understood as the generation of ideas which are simultaneously new (original)
and potentially useful (valuable) for a given organisation. This understanding
assumes the obligatory presence of an idea evaluation system. Based on the
approaches as suggested by Csikzentmihalyi (1988) as well as Ford and Gioia
(1996), defined the phenomenon of organisational creativity by referring to the
following elements:

• a creative subject who generates ideas and introduce variations (novel actions)

• a domain (a set of available ideas or rules in some field)

• experts who evaluate suggested ideas and select the variations.

Fostering Creativity in Services & Products

Creative employees can help grow your business by coming up with better solutions to
problems, expanding sales opportunities, and distinguishing your products and services
from competitors. There are so many ways to foster creative thinking in your
employees. It’s important to test multiple strategies, since individuals respond differently
when prompted to think outside the box. Below are several actionable ways to promote

1. Set the stage for brainstorming

When employees have a wide-open whiteboard to work with, you never know
what ideas might come up. When they have an empty slate, with plenty of
markers and opportunities to brainstorm, your business can reap the rewards.

2. Encourage individuality

Let your employees know that you value their thoughts. It sounds simple, but
employees get used to feeling like part of the pack and can sometimes think it’s
better to just keep up with their workload, blend in, and not become a squeaky

3. Provide a stimulating atmosphere

When thinking about how to improve your office space to encourage creativity,
consider the following elements:

 Sound
 Color
 Temperature
 Lighting

4. Facilitate anonymous suggestions

Employees may sometimes feel too intimidated to make suggestions publicly.

Even when you encourage employees to come forward with creativity, fear of
embarrassment, general anxiety, or something else may keep some from freely
speaking their mind.

5. Act on good ideas

Employees are more likely to offer their suggestions if they think their ideas will
be implemented. Employees may stop providing their ideas entirely if they feel
nothing is being done with them. Make a point of letting employees know when
you’re implementing a new creative idea.

6. Continue to hire diverse talent

Diversity contributes to an atmosphere of creative thinking. It’s good for business

to have employees from different fields, different schools, and different
backgrounds. Employees with too many similarities in education and experience
can often come up with ideas that start to sound repetitive after a while.

The management of creativity refers not only to creativity development, but also
addresses creativity assessment, regulation and optimisation. ‘Creativity
regulation’ may sound like a paradox or an oxymoron. However, unregulated
creativity may be dangerous for business because of the disruptive nature of
creativity. On the other hand, very strict control blocks creativity. Organising and
regulating creativity are, therefore, a complex problem, but are too important for
businesses to leave unaddressed. The improvement and development of the
approaches and models suggested in the paper are possible with multidisciplinary
integration. We believe that the further development and enhancement of
creativity management is connected with the progress of models, methods and
technologies in order to effectively include, develop and regulate individual
creativity in an organisational context.
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Sazobiová E. (2015, December). Creativity in organisational environment.

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employees' creativity development and regulation. Retrieved from

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