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Cylinder Liner

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Dec-2015 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


K. Srinivasa Rao 1, K.Srinivas 2 , B.Vinay 3 , D.Aditya4 , K.V.Vamsi Krishna 5 , K. Siva Rama Krishna 6
1Assistant Professor, Dept.of Mechanical Engineering, V.R.Siddhartha Engineering College,

Vijayawada, AP, INDIA.

2,3,4,5,6 Final Year B.Tech. Dept.of Mechanical Engineering, V.R.Siddhartha Engineering College,
Vijayawada, AP, INDIA.

Abstract - A Cylinder Liner or also known as Sleeve at high speeds. In particular, since longer service life is
is a cylindrical component that is placed in an engine required of engines for trucks and buses, cast iron
block. It is one of the most important functional parts to cylinders that have excellent wear-resistant properties are
make up the interior of an engine and it gives a wear only used for cylinder parts
protective surface for piston and piston rings.The Also, with the recent trend of lighter engines, materials for
barrel or bore in which an engine piston moves back engine blocks have been shifting from cast iron to
and forth may be an integral part of the cylinder block, aluminum alloys. However, as the sliding surface for the
or it may be a separate liner. It is commonly used in inner cylinder, the direct sliding motion of aluminum
gasoline engines, has the disadvantage of not being alloys has drawbacks in deformation during operation and
replaceable. When excessive wear occurs in a block of wear-resistance. For that reason, cast iron cylinder liners
this type, the cylinder must be re-bored or honed. are used in most cases.
Reconditioning of this type cannot be repeated
indefinitely and, in time, the entire block must be What is the purpose of Liner:
replaced. Another disadvantage is the inconvenience,
especially in large engines, of having to remove the The barrel or bore in which an engine piston moves back
entire cylinder block from a ship in order to recondition and forth may be an integral part of the cylinder block, or
the cylinders it may be a separate sleeve or liner. The first type,
common in gasoline engines, has the disadvantage of not
Key Words: Cylinder Liner,Piston rings, wear being replaceable. When excessive wear occurs in a block
of this type, the cylinder must be rebored or honed.
Reconditioning of this type cannot be repeated
1. INTRODUCTION indefinitely and, in time, the entire block must be replaced.
A cylinder liner or also known as sleeve (Figure 1) is a
Another disadvantage is the inconvenience, especially in
cylindrical component that is placed in an engine block to
large engines, of having to remove the entire cylinder
form a cylinder. It is one of the most important functional
block from aship in order to recondition the cylinders.
parts to make up the interior of an engine and it gives a
For these reasons, diesel engines are constructed
wear protective surface for piston and piston rings.
with replaceable cylinder liners. The cylinder liners we
will discuss are representative of those used in diesel
The material of a liner must withstand the extreme heat
and pressure developed within the combustion space at
the top of the cylinder and, at the same time, must permit
the piston and its sealing rings to move with a minimum of
friction. Close-grained cast iron is the material most
commonly used for liner construction. (Steel, however, is
sometimes used.)

Some liners are plated on the wearing surface with porous

chromium, because chromium has greater wear-resistant
qualities than other materials. Also the pores in the plating
tend to hold the lubricating oil and aid in maintaining the
lubrication oil film that is necessary for reduction of
Figure 1. Cross-section of a cylinder in an internal combustion friction and wear
A cylinder wall in an engine is under high temperature
and high pressure, with the piston and piston rings sliding

© 2015, IRJET ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 631

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Dec-2015 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

1. Formation of sliding surface: Instead, it fits closely against the wall of the cooling jacket
in the cylinder block. With the wet liner, the coolant comes
The cylinder liner, serving as the inner wall of a cylinder, in direct contact with the liner. Wet liners may have a
forms a sliding surface for the piston rings while retaining cooling water space between the engine block and liner, or
the lubricant within. The most important function of they may have integral cooling passages. Liners with
cylinder liners is the excellent characteristic as sliding integral cooling passages are sometimes referred to as
surface and these four necessary points. water-jacket liners.

1.High anti-galling properties Dry Liners

2.Less wear on the cylinder liner itself
3.Less wear on the partner piston ring Dry liners have relatively thin walls compared with wet
4.Less consumption of lubricant liners (fig. 4). Note that the coolant circulates through
2. Heat transfer: passages in the block and does not come in contact with
the liner
The cylinder liner receives combustion heat through the piston
and piston rings and transmits the heat to the coolant. As
shown in figure 2

Figure 2. Heat transfer

3. Compression gas sealing: Figure 4—A dry cylinder liner (General Motors 71 series)

The cylinder liner prevents the compressed gas and Wet Liners
combustion gas from escaping outside.
It is necessary that a cylinder liner which is hard to In wet liners that do not have integral cooling passages,
transform by high pressure and high temperature in the the water jacket is formed by the liner and a separate
cylinder. As shown in figure 3 jacket which is a part of the block. (See fig. 3-11.) A static
seal must be provided at both the combustion and
crankshaft ends of the cylinders to prevent the leakage of
coolant into the oil pan sump, or combustion space.
Generally, the seal at the combustion end of a liner
consists of either a gasket under a flange or a machined fit.
Rubber or neoprene rings generally form the seal at the
crankshaft end of the liner. Liners of this type are
constructed to permit lengthwise expansion and
contraction. The walls of a wet liner must be strong
enough to withstand the full working pressure of the
combustion gases

Figure3.Providing air tightness of cylinder liner

Types of Liners:

Cylinder liners may be divided into two general

classifications or types, they are dry and wet liners. The
dry liner does not come in contact with the coolant.
© 2015, IRJET ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 632
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Dec-2015 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Figure : 7

After the meshing is over, the boundary conditions are

given. The boundary conditions like forces, pressures,
thermal conditions, supports, contacts for the model.
Figure 5—Cross section of a wet cylinder liner. Here we had taken the pressure developed for the diesel
engines i.e. about 5-8 Mpa.
DESIGN OF LINER The temperature developed in the engine cylinder is above
300 degree Celsius.
The model we had use is FORD3600 ,it is an indian based For a liner the outer surface is fixed , because it is to be
automobile model. fitted into the engine cylinder block so for this reason we
had taken the outer surface of the liners are fixed.
The dimensions of this model are as follows: All the boundary conditions are shown in the following
Inner diameter: 105.50-105.70 mm figures
Outer diameter: 112.30-112.50 mm
Collar diameter: 113.70-113.90 mm
Total length : 211-212 mm
Collar width : 8-9 mm
By using this dimension we have drawn the solid 3D
model in the ANSYS 15 workbench . The solid model is as

Figure : 6

After the geometry part is drawn , the solid model is used

for meshing for further analysis .
By selecting all faces of the model the mesh is generated
automatically .The mesh generated
is shown in figure

© 2015, IRJET ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 633

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Dec-2015 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Table :1-Physical properties

Density Poisson's Young's Ultimate

Kg/m^3 Ratio Modulus Tensile
Mpa Strength Mpa

7200 0.28 110000 240

Table :2- Thermal Properties

Thermal Melting Point Specific Heat

Figure: 8 Conductivity °C J/gm°C
Upto this the design part of the liner is completed. All the
boundaries that are given for the model are , pressure that 53.3 1090 0.490
applied is 8 Mpa ,it is applied on the internal at internal
surface of the liner . The thermal condition applied to the Considering this properties the analysis is done , the
whole liner is 500 °C. deformation in grey cast iron liner is shown in the figure


Normally the materials that are use for the liner
manufacturing are grey cast iron, steel ,aluminum alloy.
Here another material is also is used in our analysis i.e
titanium alloy. Here the aim of our analysis is to find out
best material for liner i.e. it should have a good durability
and withstand the wear and corrosive nature

Grey cast iron:

Gray iron, or grey cast iron, is a type of cast iron that has
a graphitic microstructure. It is named after the gray color
of the fracture it forms, which is due to the presence of
graphite. It is the most common cast iron and the most
widely used cast material based on weight. Figure 9: Deformation in liner

It is used for housings where the stiffness of the

component is more important than its tensile strength,
such as internal combustion engine cylinder
blocks, pump housings, valve bodies, electrical boxes, and
decorative castings. Grey cast iron's high thermal
conductivity and specific heat capacity are often exploited
to make cast iron cookware and disc brake rotors.

The composion of grey cast iron is C-2.7-4%,Mn-0.8%,Si-


The properties of the grey cast iron use for the analysis
Figure 10: stress without temperature gradient

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Dec-2015 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

such uses, and it does not have the high tensile strength
that is needed for airplane and helicopters

The composition of aluminium is Al-95.8-98.6%, Cr-0.04-

0.35, Cu-0.15-0.4%, Fe-max0.7, Mg-0.8-1.2%,Max0.15, i-

The properties of the aluminium alloy used for analysis


Table :4-Physical properties

Density Poisson's Young's Ultimate Tensile

Kg/m^3 Ratio Modulus Mpa Strength Mpa
2770 0.33 71000 310
Figure11: stress with temperature gradient
Table :5- Thermal Properties
Strain energy in the gray cast iron is
Thermal Melting Point Specific Heat
Conductivity °C J/gm°C
167 582-652 0.896
Considering this properties the analysis is done , the
deformation in aluminium alloy liner is shown in the

Figure 12: strain energy

The results for the grey cast iron are tabulated as follows

Table :3 Figure :13-deformation

Results Minimum Maximum Units The stress developed in the liners with and without
Equivalent 27.841 1220.5 Mpa temperature gradient
Total 0 3.8805e-002 Mm
Strain Energy 10.536 242.69 mJ
Aluminium alloy:

Aluminium alloys with a wide range of properties are used in

engineering structures. Alloy systems are classified by a
number system (ANSI) or by names indicating their main
alloying constituents (DIN and ISO).

Selecting the right alloy for a given application entails

considerations.its tensilestrength, density, ductility,forma
bility,workability,weldability,and corrosion resistance, to Figure :14-stress with temperature
name a few. Aluminium alloys are used extensively in
aircraft due to their high strength-to-weight ratio. On the
other hand, pure aluminium metal is much too soft for

© 2015, IRJET ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 635

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Dec-2015 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

There are different grades and surface finishes of stainless

steel to suit the environment the alloy must endure.
Stainless steel is used where both the properties of steel
and corrosion resistance are required.

Stainless steel differs from carbon steel by the amount of

chromium present. Unprotected carbon steel rusts readily
when exposed to air and moisture. This iron oxide film
(the rust) is active and accelerates corrosion by forming
more iron oxide; and, because of the greater volume of the
iron oxide, this tends to flake and fall away.
Figure :15-stress without temperature Stainless steels contain sufficient chromium to form
a passive film of chromium oxide, which prevents further
strain energy in the aluminium alloy is shown in figure
surface corrosion by blocking oxygen diffusion to the steel
surface and blocks corrosion from spreading into the
metal's internal structure. Due to the similar size of the
steel and oxide ions, they bond very strongly and remain
attached to the surface

The properties of stainles steel are

Table :7-Physical properties

Density Poisson's Young's Ultimate Tensile

Kg/m^3 Ratio Modulus Mpa Strength Mpa
7750 0.31 193000 586

Figure:16-strain energy
Table :8- Thermal Properties
Thermal Melting Point Specific Heat
Conductivity °C J/gm°C
Result are tabulated as below for aluminium alloy W/m-k
26.1 1425-1510 0.460
Considering this properties the analysis is done , the
deformation in stainless steel liner is shown in the figure
Table :6

Results Minimum Maximum Units

Equivalent 42.394 1860.8 Mpa
Total 0 9.2512e-002 Mm
Strain Energy 21.653 782.46 mJ

Stainless steel :
In metallurgy, stainless steel, also known as inox
steel or inox from French "inoxydable", is Figure :17 –deformation
a steel alloy with a minimum of 10.5% chromium content
by mass. The stress developed in the liner with and without
Stainless steel does not readily corrode, rust or stain temperature gradient are
with water as ordinary steel does. However, it is not fully
stain-proof in low-oxygen, high-salinity, or poor air-
circulation environments.

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Dec-2015 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Result are tabulated as below for Stainless steel

Table :9

Results Minimum Maximum Units

Equivalent 81.607 3554.2 Mpa
Total 0 6.4816e-002 Mm
Strain Energy 29.835 1100.3 mJ

Titanium alloy :
Titanium alloys are metals that contain a mixture
of titanium and other chemical elements. Such alloys have
Figure :18 stress with temperature very high tensile strength and toughness (even at extreme
temperatures). They are light in weight, have
extraordinary corrosion resistance and the ability to
withstand extreme temperatures.

However, the high cost of both

raw materials and processing limit their use
to military applications, aircraft, spacecraft, medical
devices, highly stressed components such as connecting
rods on expensive sports cars and some premium sports
equipment and consumer electronics.

Although "commercially pure" titanium has acceptable

mechanical properties and has been used
for orthopedic and dental implants, for most applications
titanium is alloyed with small amounts
of aluminium and vanadium, typically 6% and 4%
Figure :19 -stress without temperature respectively, by weight.
The strain energy in the liner is This mixture has a solid solubility which varies
dramatically with temperature, allowing it to
undergo precipitation strengthening. This heat
treatment process is carried out after the alloy has been
worked into its final shape but before it is put to use,
allowing much easier fabrication of a high-strength

The composition of the titanium alloy using in this analysis

is Al-6%,Fe-max0.25, O-max0.2,Ti-90%,V-4%

The properties of the titanium alloy are

Table :10-Physical properties

Density Poisson's Young's Ultimate

Kg/m^3 Ratio Modulus Tensile
Figure:20 strain energy Mpa Strength Mpa
4620 0.36 96000 1070

© 2015, IRJET ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 637

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Dec-2015 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Table :11- Thermal Properties The strain energy in the liner is

Thermal Melting Point Specific Heat

Conductivity °C J/gm°C
17.2 1604-1660 0.5263

Considering this properties the analysis is done , the

deformation in titanium alloy liner is shown in the figure

Figure :24-strain energy

Result are tabulated as below for Stainless steel

Table :12

Results Minimum Maximum Units

Equivalent 24.631 1081.1 Mpa
Total 0 4.1569e-002 Mm
The stress developed in the liner with and without Deformation
temperature gradient are Strain Energy 8.666 191.53 mJ

Comparison of the results for material used in the

analysis . By tabulating the values we got a brief view can
be appears

Table :13

Results/mat Equival Total Strain Cost per

erials ent deformatio energy kg
stress n MJ rupees
Mpa mm
Grey cast 1220.5 3.8805e- 242.6 70
iron 002 9
Aluminium 1860.8 9.2512e- 782.4 190
Figure :22 -stress with temperature
alloy 002 6
Stainless 3554.2 6.4816e- 1100. 280
steel 002 3
Titanium 1081.1 4.1569e- 191.5 102
alloy 002 3

Actually ,the selection of material for the liners are based

on the following terms, they are Young’s Modulus, ultimate
tensile strength, working temperature, thermal
conductivity, melting point of the metal, wear resistance,

For the taken dimensions the factor safety is low for all the
materials, titanium had good result than other materials at
Figure :23-stress without temperature this high end condensations . In order to gain the good
result the thickness of the liner should be increase to

© 2015, IRJET ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 638

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Dec-2015 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

withstand the stress developed , this is to be done fatigue life, provides anti-galling properties and high
according to the specifications of engine cylinder and surface hardness. Nitriding process takes place
pistion. Normally the aluminium liners are use where the comparitively at low temperatures when compared to
engine body is also made of aluminium. This is because it other case hardening techniques and it is also cost
has high thermal coundtivity , so it will damage the engine effective.
block .The aluminium liners are preferable where the body
is made of aluminium.The cast iron liners are mostly used RESULTS:
onces. they have high hardness ,good thermal
conductivity, and it is cheaper than other materials .when The nitriding process will cause a change in the
we use titanium alloy as liner mterial it can be effective microstructure of cylinder liner. The microstructures of
the cylinder liner after nitriding process on both inner
CONCLUSION : diameter and outer diameter of liner at top and bottom
were shown below
After studying and analyzing cylinder liner using some
materials following conclusions were drawn: The side indication marks in images indicate the white
nitriding layer thickness
a) The cylinder liner made of titanium alloy is lighter than
the existing cylinder liner.
b) ANSYS Equivalent stress (von mises) for the titanium
alloy is slightly less than cast iron alloy which is
currently used as cylinder liner.
c) Total deformation of titanium alloy is less than the
current material (cast iron alloy).
Thus, although the cost of the titanium alloy is high,
Titanium alloy is safe to use as cylinder liner.


In today's automotive field cylinder liners plays a crucial
role because they are integrated part of engine block .The
cylinder liner is exposed to high temperatures while
operating within the internal combustion engine. During
the reciprocating motion of the piston, the piston will Figure :25 Nitrided Liner
come in contact with the inner surface of the cylinder
liner. Hence properties such as hardness and wear Table :14
resistance of cylinder liner play a crucial role in
determining efficient functioning of the cylinder liner.

Nitrding is a thermochemical process in which the surface
of the ferrous metal is added with nitrogen inorder to
improve wear resistance of the components. The diffusion
process is based on the soloubility of nitrogen in iron. As
nitriding is one of the important surface hardening
technique this was being used in the manufacturing of
Table :15
aircraft, bearings, textile machinery and automotive
components manufacturing such as valves, camshafts and
piston rods etc.

Nitriding process does not require a phase change i.e steel
remains in the same ferrite phase during the complete
process. While in the traditional process there will be a
phase change from ferrite to austentite and austentite to
martensite.As free cooling takes place in the nitriding Although there is an increase in the thickness due to
process quenching is not required.Nitriding improves the nitriding layer around 10-12 microns, the cylinder liner

© 2015, IRJET ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 639

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Dec-2015 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

has been provided with extraordinary improvements. The

hardness values of the cylinder liner were increased by BIOGRAPHIES
about forty percent due to the nitriding process which
results in very good improvement of wear resistance for K.SrinivasaRao.
liners. This resulted in a huge improvement in the life of Assistant Professor.
cylinder liners and it was a success. Dept of Mechanical Engineering.
V R Siddhartha Engineering
Vijayawada - 520 007
In today's competitive automotive world cylinder liners
provided with good hardness and wear resistance
properties were best choosen to provide customer
satisfaction. For the cylinder liner manufacturing K. Srinivas.
industries to remain competitive in the present market Final Year B-Tech
situation implementation of nitriding process will be best Dept of Mechanical Engineering.
suited in order to increase the life of the liners which they V R Siddhartha Engineering
produce to satisfy customer requirements .It not only College,
provides cylinder liners with good wear resistance but Vijayawada - 520 007
also improves the standards of customer satisfaction and
also acts as an important heat treatment process
compared to other traditional techniques. B.Vinay.
Final Year B-Tech
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