Volunteer Application Form - Confidential: Your Personal Details
Volunteer Application Form - Confidential: Your Personal Details
Volunteer Application Form - Confidential: Your Personal Details
Thank you for considering becoming a volunteer for the Department for Education and Child
Development (DECD). Please complete and return this form to the School of Languages.
If you are a parent or guardian of the child, in whose class you will be volunteering, you do not
require a DCSI child related employment screening.
If you are a family member of the student (ie aunt, uncle, grandparent) then you require a DCSI
child related employment screening. (available at:
All volunteers must complete Responding to Abuse and Neglect training. (The
https://www.plink.sa.edu.au/pages/signup.jsf takes about 90 minutes and includes an
Email address:
Emergency Emergency
contact name: contact phone:
Do you have any psychological or medical conditions that might affect your ability to volunteer? Or
anything we need to know in case of an emergency?
(If yes please give details below and discuss at your interview.)
(If yes please give details below and discuss at your interview.)
Name of organisation:
Organisation phone:
Volunteering with us might mean that you need a relevant history screening.
You understand that if a screening is needed you will not be able to start
volunteering until a clearance has been received.
Yes No
Referee 2
Name: Email or phone:
Have you ever been investigated, arrested, reported for or pleaded or found
guilty of any criminal offence including any traffic offences (not including Yes No
parking infringements)?
I confirm and declare that to the best of my knowledge I have truthfully answered all questions.
I understand that if I provide any false or misleading information I cannot start or stay on as a
Your signature: ________________________ Date: __________________ (day/month/year)
Please forward this completed form (all three pages) to the School of Languages and arrange for
an interview with the Assistant Principal: Student and Staff Services.
Next steps:
Have an interview
Complete a Relevant History Screening when required
Reference Checks done by School of Languages
Complete online Responding to Abuse and Neglect-Education and Care Induction for Volunteers
Be provided with a Role Description
Complete online general induction at the site
Complete induction at the site
Sign a volunteer agreement signed with the Assistant Principal
The information you provide will be treated sensitively and confidentiality according to the State
Records Act 1997 and the Information Privacy Principles Instruction.