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9 Steam Solutions
Company profile

ECOTHERM is the leading brand for turnkey hot water,

steam and solar systems for hotels, hospitals and
industry in the Middle East.
ECOTHERM amazes its customers with “Individual Heat Experience
Transfer Solutions” for hot water, steam and solar genera- With thousands of installations the past 30 years in
tion. The following advantages mark these solutions: Europe, the Middle East, Asia, North Africa and Central
America, ECOTHERM has become one of the technology
Individuality and innovation leaders for individual hot water, steam and
ECOTHERM realizes extensive turnkey systems as well solar solutions on the market.
as the production of separate components. Each single
plant is specifically aligned to the customer’s individual Reliability
requirements. The basis is an own production in Austria ECOTHERM systems are monitored around the clock
and a wide product portfolio. and can be serviced at low cost, quickly and efficiently via
an advance control panel. Our designed plants have low
Premium quality maintenance requirements and are
All products made of high-class duplex stainless totally dependable.
steel guarantee a long-life cycle and perfect hygiene.
ECOTHERM is certified to ISO 9001 : 2008 with all Sustainability
required European standards. ECOTHERM products help our customers to save energy
and money. We save valuable resources through the use
Innovation of renewable energies. ECOTHERM high-performance
We are always open to the new, we constantly investigate plants have minimal space requirements and provide
new technologies and we develop path-breaking and futu- maximum energy savings. When planning new products
re-oriented products. ECOTHERM engineers take all the qualitative and econo-
mic principles into account in accordance with ecological
Premium service principles.
Clients benefit from extensive service at consulting, plan-
ning, engineering, supervision and training. ECOTHERM Partnership
regularly improves the know-how of its partners and clients We live in a partnership with all our customers, suppliers
via selective trainings. and employees. This relationship is characterized by
honesty, commitment, openness, trust and reliability.
Efficiency The object is a joint long-term success.
The ECOTHERM Group managed by the owner has slim
decision-making structures. ECOTHERM turnkey solu- Internationality
tions from one single source and the economical handling The international alignment of ECOTHERM with branches
of energy resources offer an optimal cost-benefit ratio. in Dubai, Kuwait, Mexico, Hungary, India and partners in
more than 20 countries is the basis for our flexible and
efficient project implementation that is always on schedule.

2 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions


ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Steam Header
Pressure Reducing Station
Clean Steam


Your optimal solution Pages 6 - 7

Blow Down

Steam Flow
Meter Legend
Master Control Panel Steam supply
Stainless Steel Condensate return
Chimney Blow down
Cold water
Hot water
Waste water
Water Sample Vent
Economizer Deaerator
Condensate Recovery
Feed Water
Steam Seperator

Fresh Water

Reverse Osmose
Fuel Burner Steam Boiler Water Softener & Chemical Dosing


• Steam Boilers Pages 7 - 8

• Economizers Page 9
• Chimneys Page 10
• Burners Page 11
• Feed Water Tanks Pages 12 - 13
• Blown Down Coolers & Flash Vessels Page 14
• Water Treatment Pages 15-16
• Control Panels Page 17
• Condensate Return Station Page 18
• Pressure Reducing Stations Page 18
• Automatic Blown Down Systems Page 19
• Automatic TDS Control Units Page 19
• Level Control for Steam Boilers Page 19
• Valves, instruments & steam ancillaries Page 20
• Steam Flow Metering Page 20
• Feed Water Pumps Page 20
• Steam Headers Page 21
• Steam Separators Page 21
• Sample Coolers Page 21

Turnkey Solutions:

• (Pre-)Wiring Page 23
• (Pre-)Piping Page 23
• Pipe Supports Page 23
• Vapour Heat Exchangers Page 24
• ECOTHERM High Capacity Water Heaters Page 24
• High Capacity Clean Steam Generators
Pages 25 - 26
• Smart Steam Generators
Pages 27 - 28

Advantages Pages 29 - 33

Technical Specifications Pages 34 - 54

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 3

Your optimal solution

Your optimal ECOTHERM steam solution

For steam systems much more com- the control panel with a touch panel. desired performance can be achieved
ponents are required than for hot wa- There­fore ECOTHERM already plans by the system. ECOTHERM steam
ter systems. The spectrum ranges 80 to 90 percent of all details for a sys- systems are mainly installed in ho-
from oil or gas burners over feed tem in the design stage. This ensures tels (e. g. for the laundry), in hospitals
water tanks, water treatment, clean that the suggested time schedule real- (especially clean steam generators
steam generators, condensate reco- ly works, that the costs for the project for e. g. cleaning the surgical instru-
very systems, steam separators up to suit the suggested budget and that the ments) or in industry.

Chimneys Flash
High quality stainless steel chimneys
for industrial applications and Steam Header
individual residental buildings.
Details on page 10.


Blow Down
Steam Boilers Cooler

High efficiency, fully packaged for

easy installation, robust long life. Steam Flow
Details on pages 7 to 8. Meter

Stainless Steel

Water Sample Economizer Deaerator


Feed Water
Smart Steam Generators Tank

High energy efficiency, robust and low- Heat

maintenance and easy operation.
Details on pages 27 to 28. Steam Seperator

Fuel Burner Steam Boiler
Gas, oil or dual fuel burners with high-
efficiency and approved quality.
Details on page 11. Economizers Feed Water Tanks
Significantly increases the boiler High quality workmanship to highest
efficiency up to 97 percent. European standards.
Details on page 9. Details on pages 12 to 13.

4 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Your optimal solution

Condensate Turnkey Solutions

Control Panels Return Stations ECOTHERM offers complete turnkey
steam solutions with a huge range of
Touchscreen, 3D visualization, remote Fully packaged unit, ready for start-up additional components as e. g.
access. Details on page 18. • (Pre-)Piping
Details on page 17. • Pipe supports
• (Pre-)Wiring
• Vapour heat exchangers
• ECOTHERM high capacity water
• High capacity clean steam
• Smart Steam Generators

Pressure Reducing Station Details on pages 22 to 28.

Clean Steam

This schematic drawing

shows the components of
a typical ECOTHERM
steam system.

Master Control Panel Steam supply
Condensate return
Blow down
Cold water
Hot water
Waste water

Condensate Recovery

Fresh Water
Water Treatment
In order to prevent the steam system
against corrosion and scale foundation,
certain components for the water treat-
ment are added to the system as e. g.:
• Water softener
Reverse Osmose • Chemical dosing
Water Softener & Chemical Dosing
• Water filter
• Hardness control

Blown Down Coolers • Reverse osmose systems

Clean Steam Generators Details on pages 15 to 16.
Guarantee a safe waste water
Entirely made of high quality stainless management. Details on page 14.
steel. Compact, skid mounted unit.
Details on pages 25 to 26.

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 5

ECOTHERM steam systems consist of high quality
components. Clean steam generators are made of
high quality stainless steel. This high capacity pro-
ducts are manufactured at the ECOTHERM head-
quarters in Austria. The quality management system
of ECOTHERM is certified according to ISO 9001 :
2008 for sizing, design, production and distribution
of solar, hot water and steam systems as well as of
pressure vessels and heat exchangers.
The products are manufactured in high quality
stainless steel according to the highest European
standards as e. g. ISO 3834-2 and therefore gua-
rantee long life time and perfect hygiene. Our own
test bench assures the highest quality and reliability.

6 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Products: Steam boilers

ESBI Steam Boilers

Low Capacities
350 - 5,000 kg/h
Technical details on page 36

High Capacities
1,700 - 20,000 kg/h
Technical details on page 37

Efficiency & admissible

maximum safety valve

• Efficiency of up to 91% and

up to 95% with economizer
can be achieved.
• Standard design pressures
of 10,13,16 and 20 bar(g)
are available.
Higher pressures can be manu­
factured on request.

Design, quality & construction ESBI steam boiler Thermal insulation

The ECOTHERM high output steam The ESBI is a three-pass flame tube/ The boiler is fully insulated with
boilers are constructed from high qua- flue gas tube boiler with an inner fully 120mm mineral wool insulation. The
lity steel and are distinguished by their water-cooled reversal chamber with casing is made of 1mm thick stucco
solid, robust and flexible design. The finned tube wall. The boiler consists aluminum plate with neatly trim-
boiler combines ease of operation and of a cylindrical shell, two endplates, med connections and cut-outs. The
maintenance with optimal efficiency. gusset stay supports, flame tube, gas flue gas collector is also thermally
The boiler is designed with all necessa- reversal chamber with water cooled insulated.
ry inspection doors and is constructed finned tube wall and two tube bank
for gas or oil firing. Construction and gas passes with low gas side resi- Control panel
production is according to EN12593, stance. The boiler is completely elec- The control panel is equipped with the
the Pressure Equipment Directive trically welded and provided with all required controls and indicators for
97/23/EG and CE marked. An inde- required inspection openings. The control and supervision of the boiler
pendent authorized institution carries spacious flame tube with low ther- and burner. Control switches, indica-
out quality approval at our factory. mal heat release results in excellent tor lights and alarm signals are provi-
The ISO 9001 certification and inter- combustion and low emissions. Large ded. The control panel is supplied to
nal quality control ensures excellent water content and steam space provi- match the burner to be used.
performance and longevity of service. des steady state operation.
The client receives an economical,
environmentally friendly compact unit,
supplied ready for installation.

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 7

Products: Steam boilers

ESBH Steam Boilers

Low Capacities
500 - 4,000 kg/h
Technical details on pages 40 - 41

High Capacities
2,000 - 20,000 kg/h
Technical details on pages 42 - 46

Admissible maximum
safety valve pressure

• Standard pressures:
10, 13 and 16 bar(g)
• Savety valve pressures:
11 and 14 bar(g)
Higher pressures on request.

The ECOTHERM high output steam provided with all required inspection ments. Thus continuos working costs
boilers are made of high quality steel openings. are kept low. The sources of energy
and are distinguished by their solid, are used more efficiently and ECO-
robust and flexible construction, parti- The spacious flame tube with low THERM spares the environment.
cularly by their operational ease, their thermal charges results in an excel-
easy maintenance and an optimal ef- lent combustion and reduced emissi- Construction guiding,
ficiency. The client receives an econo- ons. The large water content secures quality approval
mical, environment friendly compact an even burner running time and thus The boiler is designed with all neces-
unit, ready for installation. The boilers reduces the number of boiler starts. sary inspection doors. Construction
are constructed for oil or gas firing. and production is done according
Thermal insulation to the European Pressure Directive
Boiler type ESBH The boiler is fully insulated with Equipment (PED) 97/23/EC, with CE-
The type ESBH classical 3 pass flame mineral wool insulation. The casing is conformity.
tube flue gas tube boiler consists of a made of structured aluminium plate.
cylindric shell, the two head plates, the Fittings and out-cuts are properly rim- The quality approval at ISO
flame tube including the back flue gas med. The flue gas collector is thermal 9001:2000 certification and the qua-
turning chamber with water cooled fin- insulated. lity approval at our factory with our
ned tube wall, the two flue gas passes ECOTHERM quality performance
and the fitting tube, placed either on High efficiency department with works certificate gu-
the right (standard) or on the left. The Due to the above technical facts an arantees the highest product quality.
boiler door is insulated and flue gas efficiency of up to 90%, respectively For installation and operation of the
proof for burner mounting. The boiler up to 95% with economizer, can be boiler the local laws and norms are to
is completely electrically welded and achieved with minimal space require- be respected.

8 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Products: Economizers


Potential of savings for an

economizer for a steam boiler

• Boiler efficiency without

ECO: 88% - 91%
• Boiler efficiency with ECO:
94% - 97%

A boiler economizer is a heat exchanger Steam boilers Optimizing energy consumption

device that captures the “lost or waste For steam boilers, the economizer is The heat output recovery from smoke
heat” from the boiler's hot stack gas a typically heat exchanger through gas is limited. At smoke gases from oil
which could not be used inside the boi- which the feed water is pumped. The or gas firing plants there’s a steam con-
ler furnace (due to physical reasons; flue gases, having passed through the tent of 100 to 120 g/kg; the condensing
i. e. boiler water temperature). The eco- main boiler area will still be hot. point of this water content is situated at
nomizer typically transfers this waste The energy in these flue gases is 57°C. For heating up the feed water by
heat to the boiler's feed water or return used to improve the thermal efficiency an economizer it’s only possible to use
water circuit, but it can also be used to of the boiler. the sensible heat (dry heat) because
heat up domestic water or other pro- the feed water has to have a minimum
cess fluids. Capturing this normally lost Feed water temperature of 90°C - so it’s not possi-
heat reduces the overall fuel require- The feed water thus arrives in the ble to condense the smoke gases and
ments for the boiler. Less fuel equates boiler at a higher temperature, than to use the condensing energy too.
to money saved as well as fewer emis- it would be the case if no economi-
sions - since the boiler now operates zer was fitted. Less energy is then
at a higher efficiency. This is possible required to raise the steam. Alterna-
because the boiler feed water or return tively, if the same quantity of energy is
water is pre-heated by the economizer. supplied, then more steam is raised.
Therefore the boiler's main heating cir- The result is a higher efficiency. In
cuit does not need to provide as much broad terms a 10°C increase in feed
heat to produce a given output quantity water temperature will give an effici-
of steam or hot water. Again fuel sa- ency improvement of about 2%.
vings are the result. Boiler economizer
improve a boiler's efficiency by extrac-
ting heat from the gases discharged.
Shell boilers

On shell boilers the economizer is depends - mainly - to chimney de-

either installed directly at the boiler sign.
or - also possible - installed as a se- For steam boilers operated at 10
parate unit. The smoke gas coming bar(g) the temperature levels which
from the last boiler smoke gas pass could be used at the economizer
CHIMNEY is guided into the economizer. are about 250°C down to 140°C
Note: The smoke gas temperature (smoke gas out from boiler com-

leaving a normal boiler is about pared to smoke gas out from eco)
50°C to 80°C higher (full load - which results in a fuel saving of
and clean heating surfaces) then about 5% comparing to boilers wi-
the saturated steam temperature. thout economizer. The feed water
The minimum allowed smoke gas temperature will rise from 105°C to
temperature (behind economizer) round 135°C in that case.

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 9

Products: Chimneys


CE-certified, double-wall, grime- are gas-shielded, arc welded and pas- sequently it remains centered without
combustion-resistant insulated sivated via WIG. fixing on the outer shell.
chimney - respectively exhaust gas The production is externally controlled Thermal bridges between inner and
system - made of stainless steel by by an independent testing institute. outer shell are avoided because of
Jeremias, Germany. The compliance of constant goods is this construction. The special mineral
The chimney respectively exhaust gas checked by an internal control. insulation (thickness 32mm) between
plant is made of industrial, double-wall The inner shell is made of 0.6-1.0 mm inner and outer shell is high-tempera-
stainless steel system elements. It is thick stainless steel (AISI 316Ti). The ture resistant and incombustible (ma-
used as an outer wall chimney as a outer shell has got the same thickness terial class A1 according to DIN 4102).
standard but it is also suitable for as- at the stainless steel material number
sembling in buildings, as long as the AISI 304. This material thickness of-
system is floor-overlapping. But in this fers perfect safeness against buckling
case the system has to be covered by and folding. The single elements are
a cored hole (which has to fulfill the connected by plug-in sockets with
fire protection requirements). This overlying clamp fittings against scrol-
chimney can also be used for roof he- ling and slipping.
ating and for all connection piping. The inner shell of the system is able
The exhaust gas plant is made of to extend freely as because of the
high-alloyed, austenitic stainless steel construction of the single elements
(AISI 316Ti). Its longitudinal seams the inner shell cannot slip and con-


• Thermal resistance class

of the system: at reference
temperature = 0.501 m²/K/W
• Visible surface high-glossed
• Possible designer surface:
beamless, painted or grin-
ded, as well as in copper
• Inner diameter area of
80 - 1,000 mm
• Freestanding end above
last wall holder: 3 m
(up to DN 600)
• Bigger diameters on request

10 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Products: Burners

Gas, Oil and Dual Fuel Burners

Gas burners
Gas burners of ECOTHERM steam worthy for their large capacity and
systems have been especially operational ranges and numerous
designed for industrial capacity other interesting details:
ranges. The burners are note­
• Compliance with the most stringent directives and emission limits
• Large capacity and operational ranges
• Stable fan reference line - good combustion behaviour
• Quiet operation
• Burner housing can be hinged open
• Easy to install, set and service
• Automatic air shut off on burner shutdown

Oil burners
Oil burners are of the fully automatic again. They meet all the demands for
pressure atomizing type. Their design safety, reliability and low cost ser-
has been carefully considered down vicing. The oil burners are type
to the smallest detail and has been tested and have the following
proved successfully over and over features:
• Larger range of application
• Automatic sequence of operations
• Stable fan characteristics - good combustion results
• Air damper closed on burner shutdown
• Quiet operation
• Complete pre-wired integral switchgear
• Hinged burner casing
• Combustion head can be withdrawn when the burner is hinged open
• The design of the burner makes installation, adjustment and servicing easy

Dual fuel burners gas/oil

Dual fuel burners satisfy the requi- tally friendly. The oil side of the dual 676 and the gas appliance guidelines
rements for operational safety, easy fuel burners comply with DIN EN 267. (90/396/EEC) and are EG type tested.
installation, and reliability. They ope- The gas burners and the gas side of
rate economically and environmen- dual fuel burners comply with DIN-EN
• Large capacity and range of application
• Automatic sequence of operations
• Combustion chamber pre-purge
• Safe flame monitoring
• Stable fan characteristics - good combustion results
• Quiet operation
• Hinged burner casing
• Simple installation, adjustment and servicing
• Easily converted to other types of gas
• Fuel change by manual or automatic change over.
• Automatic air closure on burner shutdown

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 11

Products: Feed Water Tanks

Feed Water Tanks & Deaerators

The feedwater deaerating plant, consisting of the feedwater
tank and the deaerator, removes dissolved gases such as
oxygen, carbon dioxide and other non-condensable gases
from boiler feedwater and makeup water.
For the operation of steam boilers with high thermal load
on the heating surfaces boiler feedwater must be treated
and conditioned.
The boiler feedwater must be free of hardening constituents
in order to prevent the formation of scale on the boiler heating
surfaces. The presence of dissolved oxygen and carbon
dioxide causes severe corrosion of metal boiler parts. The
feedwater deaerating plant is custom designed for each
application and meets essential thermo­dynamic requirements
to achieve optimal performance.

The make-up water and return condensate enters the
deaerator that is fitted with a series of tray compartments
to provide maximum spilling. Heating steam is fed into the
deaerator from below. The make-up water and return con-
densate are deaerated and flow directly into the feedwater
tank, which is flanged to the deaerator. The feedwater tank,
which is heated by means of a steam injector, heats up the
feedwater to 105°C.
The solubility of gases in water can be described by Henry
Dalton‘s law of absorption which states that gas solubility in
a solution decreases as the gas partial pressure above the
solution decreases. This means that the gas solubility in a
solution decreases as the temperature of the solution rises
and approaches saturation temperature.
The make-up water and return condensate is distributed
over the series of trays and comes in direct contact with
the heating steam. This process reduces the solubility of
oxygen and carbon dioxide and removes these gases from
Technical details on pages 48 - 49.
the feedwater. The released gases work their way to the
top of the vessel where they are vented from the deaerator
via the vent line.
A temperature-controlled heating system for warming up a
Benefits: cold feedwater tank is provided.
• Sizes from 200 to 20,000 liters Due to the fact that the feedwater temperature is above
100°C enough net positive suction head (NPSH) is required
• Pressure resistant to ensure that the weight of the column of water in the line
• Material: mild steel, stainless steel exerts enough pressure at the feed water pump suction to
prevent the formation of steam bubbles and therefore the
AISI 304 / 316 / Duplex SS water from cavitating. Therefore a support construction is
• Completely preassembled unit required.
• All valves, pumps, instruments are
custom-designed according to
steam boiler system

12 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Products: Feed Water Tanks




11 17
VENT out of building
8 9


0.2 - 0.3 bar (105°C)
13 3


1 Feed Water Tank: preparing feed water for steam 10 Degasification pressure regulation for removal
boilers, collecting condensate, adding chemicals, of different gases from the feed water, a steam
pre-heating of feed water. injection in deaerator is necessary. This injection
2 Pressurized Deaerator: removing oxygen and should keep a constant tank pressure of about
other gases, injection for fresh softened water, 0.3 bar(g) for optimal degasification
pressure control 11 Discharging air and oxygen vent (out of
3 Level Control: to keep a constant water level in building) removing port of waste gases. also
the tank a level control system is required. Also a vapour heat exchanger (flash steam) can be
protection against low and high water is installed. installed on this port. (17)

4 Drain: for draining of the tank 12 Safety valve high pressure protection valve
opens when pressure increases.
5 Boiler feed water: feed water supply connection to
feed water pumps and boilers 13 Feed water return (optional): in big boiler systems
a 3-way valve control for feeding of steam boilers
6 Sample water: connection to feed water sample is proposed. In case of low load feed water will be
cooler. Water quality needs to be checked daily returned to feed tank.
7 Pre-heating of feed water to protect the boiler 14 Vacuum breaker: protection against negative
against too high temperature differences and heat pressure
tensions, feed water needs to be pre-heated by
steam injection. 15 Overflow: protection against high water

8 Condensate return: collecting the condensate 16 Manhole / handhole: will be provided for easy
from different consumers, e. g. steam pipe draining inspection and cleaning
points, heat exchangers, laundry machines. 17 Flash Steam (Vapour): heat exchanger uses the
9 Pressure reducing station to provide exact “waste energy” to heat up make-up water before
needed pressure for pre-heating and degasification, entering the deaerator
steam pressure can be adjusted by pressure
reducing station

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 13

Products: Blow Down Coolers

Blow Down Coolers & Flash Vessels

Steam boilers must be blown down to remove contami-
nants, as a too high level will cause foaming and scaling
of the boiler tubes. A build-up of solids at the bottom of the
boiler could also have serious consequences. Most mo-
dern boilers are fitted with TDS controls to remove dissol-
ved solids, and a blowdown valve that is opened at regular
intervals to remove precipitated solids.
Because the bottom blowdown valve is opened just a few
seconds per day, it is not economical to recover the heat,
yet water cannot be discharged to drain unless it is cool.
Nowadays, blowdown vessels have replaced blowdown
pits as the recommended way of cooling this water.
Blowdown from TDS controls should ideally be connected
to a heat recovery system inside a flash vessel. Where
this is not practical, TDS blowdown may also be piped to a
blowdown vessel.

User benefits:
• Three inlets as standard with dedicated bottom blow-
down and TDS connection.
• Fully complies with the requirements of the European
Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC.
• Complete systems normally readily available from
• Quick and easy to install and maintain.

VENT out of building

For flash vessels an internal heat

recovery system is provided.

Important factors for sizing of blown

down coolers & flash vessels:
• Boiler pressure
• Number of boilers
• Duration of blow down DRAIN
• Blown down line size
• Length of blow down line between the boiler and
the blow down vessel
• Blow down regime

14 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Products: Water Treatment

Water Softener
Automatic volume-controlled softener producing soft wa-
Water filter ter by means of ion-exchange. Particularly suitable in case
of unsteady soft water consumption. Not recommended in
case of fluctuating raw water hardness.

• Ion-exchange tank made of glass-fibre reinforced
plastic with PE
• Inliner, filled with ion exchange resin on a layer of
supporting gravel,
• Brine tank with salt tray, supporting body, standpipe
and brine valve and plastic cover,
• Hose connecting the central distribution valve
• Adapter with second ion-exchange vessel,
• Central distribution valve made of red brass alloy, the
controller and turbine water meter mounted on its top

Chemical Dosing
• Electrical connection 230 V ± 10 %, 50 - 60 Hz
• Electricity supply for electronics and motored drive
via adapter 230 V / 12 V (AC)
• Energy consumption max. 10 VAC
• Parameter storage in case of power failure:
infinitely long
• Programming the regeneration initiation:
- amount (in litre or m³)
- interval (in days) beginning with the end of the last
- initiation time (for time and volume controlled
Technical details on page 50. operation)

Chemical Dosing Water filter Hardness Control

The chemical dosing is used to The water filter is used for the For automatic control of the
control the dosage of oxygen coarse filtration of fresh water water hardness for larger sys-
binder, prosphat and sulfite in and is mounted prior to ente- tems often a self-controlled wa-
the feed water of steam gene- ring the water treatment system. ter hardness monitoring unit is
rators. The size is determined by the used.
required amount of fresh water,
The system basically consists the characteristics of the fresh Thus, the steam system is al-
of a solenoid diaphragm pump, water and the size of the water ways perfectly protected against
mounted on a dosing tank for softening plant. too hard water.
storage of the chemical dosage.
For the ease of cleaning an inte- Alternatively, manual water test
The plant is individually designed gral backwashing system of the kits can be used, which require a
according to the defined boiler filter is used. continuous measurement of the
parameters and is delivered fully water quality by the operator.

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 15

Products: Water Treatment

Reverse Osmose Systems

Reverse Osmosis is a process that is used to remove a

wide range of salts to provide water of a high purity. Osmo-
sis is a natural process involving fluid flow across a semi-
permeable membrane barrier. It is the process by which
The plant consist of: nutrients feed the cells in our bodies and how water gets to
the leaves at the top of trees. Reverse Osmosis systems,
• High pressure membranes mounted on a in their basic form, consist of a pressure pump, housing
stainless steel base frame and the membrane. Water is forced into the housing under
• Checkvalve feedwater pressure and the pure water (or permeate) is collected and
• Checkvalve cleansystem passed to service.
Reject water (or concentrate) is collected from another out-
• Pressure switch as dry-run-protection
let and routed to drain, with a portion of the concentrated
• High pressure pump water recycled back to the inlet of the pump. This means
• Polysulfon/polyamid-membrane that the portion of water sent to drain is kept to a minimum.
• Pressure gauges The controller used on the RO system constantly monitors
the quality of the permeate water and is also linked with
• Concentrate-, accumulation- and backflow-
safety controls on the system.
valve made of stainless-steel
RO plants must be supplied with softened, de-chlorinated
• Flowmeter permeate, concentrate and or de-chlorinated anti scalent dosed water. A duplex sof-
backflow tener is recommended for continuous operation.
• Control system with full automatic The size of the RO and choice of membrane will be deter-
monitoring mined by the permeate quantity required, feed water salini-
• Conductivity meter, digital display, operating ty and permeate quality expected. Low energy membranes
hour meter allow the units to run at pressures around 10 to 13bar, and
as such the pressure booster pumps required to generate
• Adjustable limit value and alarm contact for
the pure water are smaller, and the power consumption is
low pressure and conductivity
reduced significantly.
• Connection for niveau control, adjustable Additional recommended is also a storage tank which is
pressure- and interval flushing used for reception of the pure-water.
• Storage tanks made of stainless steel or The size of this tank / these tanks should be in coordination
plastic with minimum and maximum RO water demand to ensure
constant operation of the RO system.

16 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Products: Control Panels

Control Panels

Description Main tasks:

The ECOTHERM control panels are all-in-one pa- • Timed automatic changeover of the boilers
nels. They unify control and HMI in one compact • Automatic changeover of the boilers in case of failure
unit. In the control cabinet, space is saved and cut out
the amount of wiring is reduced. Different proces-
• Automatic start of 2nd boiler in case of high demand
sor variations and display sizes open a diversity
of configuration possibilities. The user therefore • Automatic changeover to standby pump in case of
acquires economic automation hardware. Decen- pump failure
tralized solutions are simple to implement through • Timed automatic run of standby pump - to avoid
the integrated VARAN interface. The software also pump-block
follows the integration concept and simplifies pro- • On/Off switch for all plant room components
gramming. The TFT color display with touch screen • Operation/failure indication of main components on
provides high operating comfort for visualization. mimic diagram
Master Control Panel • BMS connection for failure signal
The purpose of the master control panel is to orga- • Remote control
nize the equipment of the whole boiler plan room. • Integrated panel cooling device
Each component with need of electrical supply is • Custom designed hard- and software
connected to this control panel and its actual ope-
ration mode is shown on a visual 2D/3D mimic di-

Interfaces for BMS Highlights

There exist several interfaces with existing BMS
(building management systems) in order to • Scalable: the right CPU for any requirement
share and/or transfer process data: RS232, CAN • Integrated: application software compatibility
bus, ETHERNET and a USB port at the front side
of the control panel. • Compact: space-saving installation in the
control cabinet
Control panels are individually and project-specific- • Simple: one engineering tool for any task
manufactured by ECOTHERM.

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 17

Products: Condensate Return Station & Pressure Reducing Stations

Condensate Return Stations

The condensate recovery units are designed to handle hot
condensate, which is commonly returned for use as boiler
feedwater. They can handle high quantities at 98°C with
pump delivery heads up to 30 - 35 meters. A unit comprises
three main parts - receiver, pump/pumps and control panel.

• Receivers are manufactured of mild steel or SS

304/316. All sizes are fitted with adequately sized vent,
overflow, drain and inlet connections flanged to PN16 or
screwed. A water level gauge and control is provided.
• Pumps are designed for operation under conditions of
low NPSH to handle hot condensate with the minimum
of flooded suction. They are directly coupled to motors
having class F insulation (class B temperature rise) and
motor enclosure rating IP54 minimum.
• Control: Receivers are fitted with solid state level
control’s which provides on / off cascade pump operati-
on. The control panel incorporates electrical equipment
suitable for 400 volt, 3 phase, 50 Hz, 4 wire supply.
Control equipment is installed in a pre-wired IP54 rated
Standards metal enclosure. Connections for BMS interface are
This product fully complies with the requirements of the provided to monitor pump run or tripped condition.
European Machinery Directive 98/37/EC, European Low • Pump fitting: The motor and pumps are mounted
Voltage Directive 72 / 73 / EEC and European Electro- under the receiver with over size suction inlet pipework
magnetic Compatibility Devices Directive 89/336/ EEC. and isolation valves. The pump discharge outlet is fitted
This product is not a pressurized vessel and therefore with a non return valve and a pressure gauge.
does not need to comply with the European Pressure
Directive 97/23/EC. Technical details on page 51.

Pressure Reducing Stations

It is more efficient and economic to
produce steam at high pressures
ready for delivery through the distribu-
tion system. This may mean that the
pressure needs to be reduced prior to
the point of use or for different parts
of the system. A reliable method of
providing pressure reduction is to use
a pilot operated pressure reducing
valve station.
Every pressure reducing station is
custom designed according to
required steam flows and pressures.

18 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Products: Blow Down Systems, Control Units, Steam Boilers

Automatic Blow Down Systems

The automatic boiler blow down
system allows the built up of sludge in
the bottom of the boiler to be flushed
regulary by a timer controller which
cyclically opens a pneumatically Blow Down
actuated blow down valve. Blow down Vessel
interval and duration are to be set
by the user according to the water Blow Down
characteristics. The system avoids Valve
wasted heat and repetition or
omission which occurs with manual
blow down.

Automatic TDS Control Units

Sensor Tip with The TDS automatic control system The system continuously measures,
Conductivity Probe limits the level of dissolved salts and just below the water surface level,
minerals contained in the boiler wa- the waters electrical conductivity and
ter to the allowed level, which avoids compares with the set point. If the
carry­over due to excessively high TDS measurement is higher the TDS val-
levels and minimizing the amount of ve is opened until the measured value
blowdown required. drops below the set point.

Blow Down
Control Valve

Level Control for Steam Boilers

To control and to keep a constant wa- case the water level falls below a pre- Probe
ter level in a boiler, a level control is set value and permanently stops the
used, which gives a signal to the con- boiler, which only is able to operate
troler to switch on/off the feed water again after a manual reset.
At a high level system there is also
Essential are also level safety devices an acoustic and visual alarm in case
as low and high level cut off systems the boiler gets over flooded. Then the
and gives alarms. boiler feed water pump is stoped until
the water level returns to the normal
Low level systems consisting of two condition.
independent level probes connected
to two distinct level relays. They pro-
vide a visual and acoustic alarm in

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 19

Products: Steam Accessories

Valves, instruments & steam accessories

Whether shut off valves, pressure
regulation valves, steam traps,
air vents, safety valves, measu-
ring devices or gauges are re-
quired - ECOTHERM can tailor your
selected equipment to your specific

In coorporation with well-known and

leading suppliers for steam equipment
ECOTHERM can supply the parts you
need for your system.

Steam Flow Metering

For the universal measurement of the There is also no maintenance because
volume/mass flow of gases, steam no moving parts are required.
and liquids an individually selected
flow meter can be used. Trough the inbuilt flow measurement
computer the software initial settings
Maximum fluid temperature ranges save time and costs.
from –200°C up to +400°C, and pres-
sure ratings up to PN250 are possible.

The high resistance to vibrations,

temperature shocks and water ham-
mer makes the flow meter very robust.

Feed Water Pumps

A feed water pump is considered to For the protection of the pumps, low
guarantee continuous feed water flow water control in feed water tank and
to the steam boilers. strainers are installed.

In case of fault of the feed water For easy maintenance and servi-
pump, a second reserve pump is cing each pump can be removed by
supplied, installed in parallel to the closing the shut off valve before and
operating one. after each pump.

To guarantee non cavidation on the

feed water pump impeller, every pump
is individually designed according to
the steam plant specification.

20 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Products: Steam Headers, Separators, Sample Coolers

Steam Headers
ECOTHERM steam headers are
individually designed accor-
ding to the maximum boiler load.
Any pipe connection and steam
distribution can be considered in
design stage. Every steam header is
equiped with one or two relay points
according to the size of the header. All
headers are manufactured according
to European pressure directive (PED).

Steam Separators
The ECOTHERM steam se- The flow velocity of the steam, air
parator provides the total or gas is significantly reduced as it
solution for all pipelines carrying enters the body. The relatively heavy
steam, air or gas where water droplets water droplets impact on the internal
are in suspension. baffles and are then directed to the
separator drain connection and re-
The purpose of steam separators is moved from the system using either a
to collect small droplets of water and steam trap, or when used on air or gas
separate them from the steam in the distribution system, a liquid drainer.
The ECOTHERM baffle type separator
The ECOTHERM baffle type separator is a highly efficient product, operating
is designed to achieve this separation over a wide velocity range, leading to
by having an internal volume many improved system performance.
times greater than the inlet pipework.
Technical details on page 53.

Sample Coolers
ECOTHERM sample coolers are used Clear results
to take samples of water or steam from The boiler and feed water has to be
boilers at high temperature and pres- analyzed daily. The sample cooler
sure. The counter-current flow through helps to cool the hot boiler and feed
the shell and coil condenses the steam water down to a safe temperature.
and cools hot fluids efficiently to ena- Only cooled samples will give clear
ble safe sampling. When hot pressu- results.
rized liquids are being cooled the sam-
ple cooler prevents “flashing-off” which Description
can be dangerous and will result in an The hot water from boiler and feed
inaccurate sample. By utilising corro- water tank is conducted through a
sion resistant materials for the coo- stainless steel cooling serpent. This
ler, contamination is minimized, and serpent is girdled with cold water in a
service life maximized. small stainless steel vessel.

Technical details on page 54.

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 21

Individual Turnkey Steam Solutions

Individual Turnkey Steam Solutions

Steam systems are complex and in- acture, pre-assembly, pre-wiring
dividual. On the one hand a lot of dif- and testing to shipping, commissio-
ferent components have to be used. ning, supervision and maintenance.
All these components need to be op- Experienced ECOTHERM engineers
timally coordinated with each other ensure that your system operates
to ensure functionality and perfect stable, save, reaches the desired out-
efficiency right from day one. On the put and they train your staff how to
other hand steam systems operate monitor and control the most impor-
with high pressures. Thus a failure tant parameters of the system.
can really be very dangerous for the Premium quality of the products and
staff operating the system as well as premium service during the whole pro- Hot Water, Steam and Solar Systems

for the complete building. Therefore ject is the minimum you should claim 2 Turnkey Solutions

ECOTHERM offers complete indivi- for your individual steam system.

dual turnkey solutions. The services Find the products and services
range from design, 3D visualization, included in an ECOTHERM turnkey Find more information in our
project management, over manuf- system on the following pages. brochure “Turnkey Solutions”.

22 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Products: Wiring, Piping

Turnkey system from ECOTHERM
meet highest quality demands. There­
fore the system is pre-assembled
and pre-wired in the headquarters in
Austria. The complete system is ful-
ly tested and approved according to
European standards.
After shipping the pre-wired compo-
nents can be installed very quickly.
Small systems usually can go into
operation within a couple of days.

Small systems are delivered including
pre-piping as a standard. For larger
turnkey systems ECOTHERM offers
the option to individually manufacture
all necessary pipes, to pre-assemble
and test the complete system inclu-
ding the piping in the production facili-
ty in Austria and then to ship the piping
in units which can easily be mounted
at construction site. The complete
piping is 3d visualized with CAD
design prior to manufacture. The
welding is done accordining to
ISO 3834-2 : 2005 certification.

Pipe Supports
Pipe shoes and supports from Sikla
in Austria have become the widely
recognized “state-of-the-art” in plant
engineering’s pipe installations. A mo-
dular kit gives all the freedom at the
installation in the plant room. You will
capitalize on simplified stock logisti-
cs. Through the combination of base
unit (skid) with a set, only one type
is stocked and the variations can in-
stantly be generated depending on
demand. All pipe supports and pipe
shoes have a safety-relevant function
within an operating plant.

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 23

Products: Vapur Heat Exchangers, Water Heaters

Vapour Heat Exchangers

The ECOTHERM vapour heat exchanger is used for:
• Pre-heating of boiler feed water
• Condensate relief
• Degasification of fresh softened water and condensate
• Flash steam heat recovery

For this process, thermal degasification, steam is used which deaerates the
gases (N2, O2, CO2) out of building. Hence there is energy lost on deaerator.

This “lost energy” can be used for pre-heating of cold softened water or domestic
cold water.

Technical details on page 54.

ECOTHERM High Capacity Water Heaters

Description ting pump, 4 temperature sensors for
High capacity water heater for steam/ pre-heat start-up, heating cycle start,
water operation. External heat ex- heating cycle stop and anti-fouling
changer with patented free floating cooling cycle. Microprocessor con-
turbulator rods for increased effici- trol unit mounted on gantry with volt
ency and self cleaning effect. Per- free output signals for boiler request
forated stainless steel safety cover. and alarm. Input signal for remote
Fibre-fleece insulated hot water sto- operation. All components are pre-
rage tank, upright standing. All parts assembled and wired. Simple on-site
in contact with water are made en- assembly.
tirely of stainless steel AISI-316Ti /
duplex. “Anti-Legio” design fully com- Storage tank insulation
pliant with European anti-legionella Fibre-fleece insulation with a robust
recommendations. Microprocessor PP exterior shell, patented aluminum
controlled modulating 2 way conden- closure strips and patented self-fixing
sate control valve on primary circuit covering rossettes, fire protection
ECOTHERM “EDRE” high capacity return line, secondary circuit circula- class B2 (B1 upon request).
water heater with storage tank.

Output performance
• Output rating: 100 - 2,000 kW
• Storage capacity: from 300 up to 5,000 liters or larger
• Peak hot water output: 1,800 - 35,900 liters / hour at 60°C
(Higher output and storage capacities available on request)
Model EHRE
water / water
100 - 1,000 kW

Special features
Model EF
water / water
40 - 350 kW

Model EDRE
steam / water
100 - 2,000 kW
• Stainless steel AISI-316Ti / duplex for lifelong service
• Freshly made, hygienic hot water
3 High Capacity
Water Heaters
• Legionella decontamination cycle, “Anti-Legio” design

• Anti-fouling cycle
Find more information in our brochure • Microprocessor control with optional remote control via PC
“High Capacity Water Heaters”.

24 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Products: Clean Steam Generators

High Capacity Clean Steam Generators

Clean steam generators are used wherever plant steam,

generated in fired steam boilers is not suitable. Due to the
necessity of chemical dosing and the black material of the
fired steam boilers, plant steam is not applicable for hygi-
enic purposes. The ECOTHERM clean steam generator is
entirely made of stainless steel to suit hygienic purposes
like sterilizer units in hospitals or cleaning the stainless
steel pipes of beverage & food industries. It is a compact,
skid mounted unit ready for easy installation at site.

Standard equipment
• Clean Steam vessel made of AISI 316 Ti or duplex
stainless steel
• Pressure / temperature controlled
• Steam trap set with ball float valve
• Centrifugal feed water pump
• Fully automatically control panel
• Blow down vessel, stainless steel
• Sample cooler, stainless steel
• Safety and control utilities
• Design and manufacturing according to PED 97/23/EC

Steam generation:
Capacities from 250 - 4,000 kg/h as a • by heat exchanger (plant steam / clean steam)
standard. Higher capacities on request. • by electric heating bundle

Optional equipment The clean steam is generated by plant steam or by electrical
energy. The clean steam generator is loaded with softened
• with Steam Flow meter and heated water (without lime, PH-neutral conductivity,
0–30 μS). This water will become clean steam. The level
• with PRV-unit
control guarantees an optimized level of water and causes
• with steam header an alarm if the water level falls below the alarm switch.
The pressure of the clean steam is controlled according to
the requirement by regulation valve.
A conductivity measuring unit regulates the level of mine-
rals in the water to protect the vessel.
• Sterilizers for healthcare
To avoid any dirt inside the clean steam generator and to
• Sterilize in place (SIP) for guarantee a high quality of water and a long life of the ves-
food and beverages sel is installed a blow down valve which is controlled auto-
• Direct injection into the product for matically.
pharmaceuticals The blow down cooler cools the hot water of the blow down
• Clean room humidification for to 40°C to drain the water and to avoid burnings.
biotechnology The clean steam generators can be manufactured com-
• Operating environments for pletely pre-piped and wired, mounted on a stainless steel
electronics support frame.
• Laboratories for brewing
• Humidifiers Technical details on page 52.

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 25

Products: Clean Steam Generators



OXYGEN TO VENT out of 9 8



0 bar (95°C) TS TI

3 10
TI 1

13 WATER 16

18 2
TI 17

TS 15

1 Clean Steam Generator: generation of clean, 9 Discharging air and oxygen vent (out of
sterile steam by using high quality stainless steel building): removing port of waste gases.
materials. Steam generation by heat exchanger 10 Level control: to keep a constant water level in
application. the tank a level control system is required. Also
Consisting of stainless steel tank, removable protection against low an high water is installed.
heating bundle and all required connections for 11 Pre-heating of feed water to protect the boiler
safety and control. against to high temperature differences and heat
2 High pressure bottom blown down control: tensions, feed water needs to be pre-heated by
flushing of the boiler bottom where sludge is created steam injection.
by timer controlled blow down valve. 12 Drain for draining of the tank
3 High pressure surface blown down control 13 Boiler feed water: feed water supply connection to
(TDS control) continuously measurement of water feed water pumps and boilers
conductivity just below the water surface level. If the
value is too high, valve opens until the measured 14 Condensate return collecting the condensate
value drops below the set point. from different consumers, e. g. steam pipe draining
points, heat exchangers, laundry mashines.
4 Pressure control: pressure will be setted
mechanical (by mechanical pressure control valve) 15 Blown down cooler to cool down the hot water
or electrical by pressure transmittor (control panel) from surface and bottom blow down outlets.
and electrical operated valve. 16 Water sample cooler for daily analysis of feed
5 Steam supply: clean steam outlet port from clean water and boiler water, hot water samples have to
steam generator be cooled down by water sample cooler.
6 Feed water tank: preparing feed water for steam 17 Feed water pump unit vertical multistage
boilers, collecting condensate, pre-heating of feed centrifugal feed water pump which feeds the steam
water. generator with feed water. Pump is designed
according to maximum steam pressure and flow
7 Overflow: protection against high water capacity of steam boiler.
8 Steam separator unit to prevent steam regulation 18 Master Control panel entire independent steam
valves from condensate, steam will be separated by generation regulation and safety devices control
using steam separator and draining unit

26 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Products: Smart Steam Generators

Smart Steam Generators

(160 - 560 kg/h)
• Oil or gas fired
• Vertical evaporation system
• Without coil / with centrifugal pump
• Particulary low-maintenance and

In contrast to a steam generator (with

heating-coil and piston pump), the
system works as follows:
• Controlled by the water level
measured inside of the evaporation
system, the centrifugal pump refills
the feed water via the economizer.
• The burner is controlled by steam
• A multiplepass pipe transfers the
burnt-gas heat through the evapora-
tion system and to the water inside.
• Additionally, the economizer trans-
fers residual heat from the exhaust
air to the feed water stream.
• The special inner structure of the
evaporation system provides best
dry steam results.

High energy efficiency

Technical details on page 47. • Up to 97% combustion efficiency
• Condensing heating technology (More than 100% efficiency possible with
optional use of second economizer)
• Minimal loss of heat in stand-by-mode
• High steam quality (little entrainment of water)
• 3- to 5-pass boiler technology

Robust and low-maintenance

• Robust pressure vessel with up to 8mm wall thickness
• Integreated maintenance-free centrifugal pump
• State-of-the-art, interchangeable standard burner
• Gentle heating procedure within 8 minutes
• Safety-related equipment exceeding the requirements of PED 97/24/EC
• Components mainly serial products of established suppliers

• Menu-driven, easy operation by full-text touchscreen
• Simple start / stop procedure by remote control, timer or manual
• Parallel management of multiple boilers possible as an option
• Operating pressure up to 11 bar(g).

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 27

Products: Smart Steam Generators

Multiple Steam Boiler Plants

(up to 2,240 kg/h)
If a steam volume in excess of 560 kg/h
is required or if near 100% safety in
steam supply by redundancy is required,
multiple steam plants should be chosen.
Multiple steam plants usually use a joint
water supply and joint blow-off vessel.
Only several steam boiler are set up in
In multiple steam plants, the capacity
is adjusted to demand by a boiler
sequence switching mechanism.

Your advantages

• Vertical pressure vessel

• No heating-coil
• Especially low maintenance and high energy efficiency

Electric Clean Steam Generators for low capacities

• Boiler and components made of high quality stainless steel

• High clean steam quality
• Capacity from 20kW to 80kW
• Simple operation and simple maintenance
• Innovative design for large water surface leads to dry steam
• Integrated separator keeps the steam dry even at low pressure
• Immediate load adjustment by electric power control
• Operating pressure up to 12 bar
• Modulating balancing control of the heating rods minimizes
heating rod strain and extends the service life of the electrical
• All components are made of high-quality stainless steel and
therefore offer extremely long service lifes
• Low space requirements due to compact build
• Rolls for simple transport or frequent relocation
Technical details on page 53. • Ideal for: food/beverage producers, lab technology, hospitals,
medical/pharmaceutics industry

28 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

ECOTHERM steam solutions offer premium
service and high quality products with several

• Efficiency
• Design
• Individuality
• Premium quality
• Maximum savings
• Easy control
• Premium service
• ECOTHERM Academy
• Research & development
• Know-how
• Certified & approved solutions
• Experience

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 29


One of ECOTHERM's key values is
“sustainability”. This especially drives
the company to produce plants which
consume as less energy as possible at
reaching the desired output in means
of hot water or steam. Therefore
ECOTHERM has installed its own
innovation management system at the
headquarters in Austria.
This standardarized process ensures
to permanently improve existing pro-
ducts and components and create new
products to open new possibilities to
further improve the efficiency of the
ECOTHERM systems. exchanger, hot water system needs generators. Using a heat recovery unit,
The results are innovative and tech- minimal floor space since hot water can primary energy is saved. Moreover the
nologically leading products as e. g. be produced just on demand. clean steam generators have a compact
the ECOTHERM shell & tube heat Another example of ECOTHERM's in- design and are skid mounted. This sa-
exchanger with the patented free novative and efficient products are the ves floor space in the plant room and
floating turbulator rods. With this heat ECOTHERM high capacity clean steam time for installation on site.


For all individual ECOTHERM turnkey Moreover the CAD data from the de-
systems a detailled 3d visualization sign are the basis for the start of the
is already created in design stage. operations scheduling. Due to the sa-
Usually 80 to 90 percent of all details ved parameters e. g. also the bill of
are included in the design. This en- lading is created.
sures that the final system meets the Finally the service man uses the 3d
project's budget, is manufactured and visualization at the touch screen of Optimal overview on the touch screen
delivered in time and that the desired the control panel in order to monitor of the control panel for monitoring
performance of the system can be and modify the most important pro- and controlling the system due to the
reached for sure. cess parameters. 3d visualization.

30 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions


According to the project specifica-
tions, the ECOTHERM engineerings
choose the suitable products for your
individual steam solution. All compo-
nents are perfectly coordinated with
each other. This ensures the maxi-
mum efficiency of the system and the-
refore the maximum return on invest-
ment of your money.

Premium Quality
On the one hand ECOTHERM as a where we set new
company and its products are certified standards for the
and approved according to the highest market concerning
European standards. But “premium quality. This philo-
quality” at ECOTHERM means much sophy is one of the
more. It is the philosophy to supply the main reasons why
best possible system to the customer. ECOTHERM is the
If we are not satisfied with a solution, market leader for
we develop our own standard as e. individual turnkey
g. the ECOTHERM touch panel for solar, hot water and
the control of the system or the ECO- steam systems in
THERM insulation solution, which is the Middle East.
outstanding due to its patented com-
ponents. These are just two examples

Maximum Savings
ECOTHERM systems consist mainly of water demand. For small demands,
high capacity components. These pro- the hot water in the storage tank is
ducts achieve maximum performance used. On the other hand only a very
with minimal space requirements. Ta- small capacity of the storage tank
king into consideration that one can uti- is heated up to 60°C. Therefore the
lize this space for another purpose, this number of burner starts per day is
fact saves a lot of money. significantly reduced compared to
The ECOTHERM microprozessor conventional systems.
control panel optimizes the overall If possible, the experienced ECO-
performance of the system. Due to THERM engineers further equip the
the high capacity shell & tube heat system with an economizer, water
exchangers with the patented free treatment components and a heat
floating turbulator rods, the burners recovery unit in order to further save
are only started at continuous hot primary energy.

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 31


Premium Service
Supplying an individual turnkey soluti- tant parameters
on, ECOTHERM provides a huge ran- of the system.
ge of services ranging from design, Premium quality
3d visualization, project management, of the products
over manufacture, pre-assembly, pre- and premium ser-
wiring and testing to shipping, commis- vice during the
sioning, supervision and maintenance. whole project is
Experienced ECOTHERM engineers the minimum you
ensure that your system operates should claim for
stable, save, reaches the desired out- your individual
put and they train your staff how to steam system.
monitor and control the most impor-

The aim of the ECOTHERM Acade- the company for the next three years
my is the strategically planned trai- are also be considered at planning.
ning of all employees and partners. In addition, the Academy offers op-
The ECOTHERM Academy syste- tional courses from different areas.
matically identifies the needs and
wishes of all participants for trainings The ECOTHERM International Sup-
and seminars. The strategic aims of port Centre in Dubai plays a central
role in the imple-
mentation of the
trainings on an
international level.
The basis for the
training courses is
a library of so-cal-
These presenta-
tions or videos
cover all important
issues that have
to be trained.

Research & Development

According to its own innovation ma- Together with the design
nagement system, ECOTHERM is per- department the innova-
manently working on new innovative tive and technologically
ideas. The basis for the success of this leading ECOTHERM
innovation management system is the products are optimally
production facility in Austria, which is coordinated with other
also equipped with a testing lab. components in order to
New ECOTHERM products are tested build a perfect turnkey
according to the highest European steam system, which
standards. Furthermore components operates stable, safe
from selected suppliers are also tested and efficient from day
in detail before they may become part one.
of an ECOTHERM turnkey solution.

32 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions


very precisely on its core dy been working for the company for
business. Employees are more than five years. All this results
trained in the ECOTHERM in experienced engineers who design
Academy, which takes into your individual steam system with a
consideration the main stra- high efficiency, a compact design, a
tegic goals within the next maximum performance and a save
three years. This know- and stable operation.
how is organized
ECOTHERM is a family owned com- in a self-developed
pany with a clear vision. The goal is knowledge management sys-
to become the leading brand for so- tem to ensure that all ECO-
lar, hot water and steam systems in THERM employees have the
defined “core markets”. Furthermore same know-how. Additionally
there exists a clear strategy how this more than half of the emplo-
vision will become true. Following yees at the ECOTHERM head-
this strategy ECOTHERM focusses quarters in Austria have alrea-

Certified & Approved Solutions

The quality management system of Our own test
ECOTHERM for sizing, design, pro- bench at the ECO-
duction and distribution of solar, hot THERM head-
water and steam systems as well quarters in Austria
as of pressure vessels and heat ex- assures the highest
changers is certified according to ISO quality and reliability
9001 : 2008. of all products.
The products are manufactured in Furthermore products
high quality stainless steel according from our suppliers must
to the highest European standards as also be certified to the
e. g. ISO 3834-2 and therefore gua- highest industrial stan-
rantee long service life and perfect dards in order to be ap-
hygiene. proved by ECOTHERM.

As a result of our more than thousand
in­stal­la­tio­ns in Eu­ro­pe, the Middle
East, Asi­a, North Africa and in Cen-
tral America over the past twelve ye-
ars, ECOTHERM has become one
of the technology and innovation
leaders on the market for solar, hot
water and steam systems. The em-
ployees have long service records
with the company and they continu-
ously refresh their know-how through
the training and seminars at the

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 33

For all products technical details are supplied in
this chapter. If you need further information, ask our
ECOTHERM engineers.

34 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Technical Specifications

Boiler and Feed Water Specifications

for Steam Boiler Plants
Feed water and raw water specifications for water softener, Reverse Osmosis and
Feed water tank
Feed water raw water for WS raw water for RO
Working pressure bar(g) > 1 < 22 > 2.5 < 8 >2<6
Temperature °C - > 5 < 30°C > 5 < 40°C
Properties colourless, clear, free from suspended matter and foam
pH-value at 25°C >9 >9 > 2 < 11
Sum of alkaline earth elements (Ca + Mg)1 mmol/l < 0.02 - < 0.02
°dH < 0.112 - < 0.112
Conductivity at 25°C µS/cm see guidelines for boiler water specifications only < 1400
Oxygen (O2) mg/l < 0.02 - -

Carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved mg/l < 25 - -

Iron (Fe), total mg/l < 0.05 < 0.1 < 0.1
Copper (Cu), total mg/l < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01
Silicate acid (SiO2) mg/l see guidelines for boiler water only
Chloride mg/l < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
Consumption of Potassium permanganate mg/l < 10 < 10 < 10
Oil, fat mg/l < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
Noted in the past at °dH, changing factor: 1 mmol/l = 5.6 °dH (German hardness).
It is not necessary to make continuous control of the following parameters: Conductivity, Oxygen (O2), Carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved, Iron (Fe),
total, Copper (Cu), total, Silicate (SiO2), Consumption of Potassium permanganate, Oil, fat.

Boiler water specifications for natural circulating boilers

Working pressure bar(g) <1 >1 < 22 >22 < 44
Properties colourless, clear, free from suspended matter and foam
pH-value at 25°C 10.5-12 10.5-12 10-11.8
Sum of alkaline earth elements (Ca + Mg) 2
mmol/l < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.01
°dH < 0.112 < 0.112 < 0.056"
Conductivity at 25°C µS/cm < 5000* < 5000* < 2000*
Acid capacity KS 8,23 (p-value) mmol/l 1-12 1-12 0.5-6
Carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved mg/l < 25 < 25 < 25
Iron (Fe), total mg/l -- < 0.05 < 0.03
Silicate acid (SiO2) mg/l < 150 < 100 < 50
Phosphate (P2O4)4 mg/l 10-20 5-10 5-10
Sodium sulphate (Na2SO3) 4
mg/l 5-10 5-10 3-5
(Polyamide) 5
mg/l (3-5) (3-5) --

Take care to maintain the allowed value of acid capacity - at this point the allowed conductivity has to be lower on many
plants; for water level electrodes minimum conductivity > 5 μS/cm
Noted in the past at °dH, changing factor: 1 mmol/l = 5.6 °dH (German hardness)
Noted in the past as p-value, changing factor: KS 8.2 = 1 according p-value = 1
Measurements only necessary if dosing chemicals are used which contains these values
It is recommended to use Amine (film producing) only instead of other dosing chemicals for boilers which have a small
heating load and up to maximum 16 bar(g) working pressure. Because of the danger of foam production overdosing is not permitted!

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 35

D. 9

Steam boiler model ESBI-L is a reverse flame 3 pass wet back horizontal
boiler . Boiler ’s body is suitable for use on gaseous and liquid fuels.
Technical Specifications
The boiler is fully provided with all the accessories for regulating and safety
for the automatic operation.

Steam Boilers ESBI-L

Efficiency at Steam Working P Water Water
Heat output Heat input Weight
Model Boiler code Heat outpu t Heat input 100%atloadSteam
Efficiency production* min/max
Working P Water volume
Water volume total
Mode l Boiler code 100% load production* min/max volume volume total
kW kcal/h
kcal/h kWkW kcal/h
kcal/h % % kg/ h kg/h bar bar(g) l l l lkg kg
ESBI-L 350 86240350
86240350 238
238 205.100
205.100 265
265 227.900
227.900 90,0090,00 350 350 8-11,5 8-11.5590 590810 1500
810 1500
ESBI-L 500 86240500 341 293.000 379 325.600 90,00 500 8-11,5
ESBI-L 500 86240500 341 293.000 379 325.600 90,00 500 8-11.5670 670920 1620
920 1620
ESBI-L 650 86240650 443 380.900 492 423.200 90,00 650 8-11,5 900 1120 2000
ESBI-L 650 86240650 443 380.900 492 423.200 90,00 650 8-11.5 900 1120 2000
ESBI-L 800 86240800 545 468.800 606 520.900 90,00 800 8-11,5 950 1250 2120
1000 86240800
86241000 545
681 468.800
586.000 606
757 520.900
651.100 90,0090,00 1000 800 8-11,5 8-11.51280 9501830 1250
2720 2120
1350 86241000
86241350 681
920 586.000
791.100 757
1022 651.100
879.000 90,0090,00 1350 1000 8-11,5 8-11.51475 12802190 1830
3250 2720
1700 86241350
86241700 920
1158 791.100
996.200 1022
1287 879.000
1.106.900 90,0090,00 1700 1350 8-11,5 8-11.52000 14752640 2190
3700 3250
ESBI-L 2000
ESBI-L 1700 86242000
86241700 1363
1158 1.172.000
996.200 1514
1287 1.302.200
1.106.900 90,00
90,00 2000 1700 8-11,5 8-11.52300 20003050 4250
2640 3700
ESBI-L 2500 86242500 1703 1.465.000 1893 1.627.800 90,00 2500 8-11,5 2490 3380 5000
ESBI-L 2000 86242000 1363 1.172.000 1514 1.302.200 90,00 2000 8-11.5 2300 3050 4250
ESBI-L 3000 86243000 2044 1.758.000 2271 1.953.300 90,00 3000 8-11,5 2825 4020 5650
ESBI-L 2500
ESBI-L 3500
2.278.900 90,00
90,00 3500
2500 8-11,5
8-11.53600 24905000 3380
4000 86243000
86244000 2044
2726 1.758.000
2.344.000 2271
3028 1.953.300
2.604.400 90,0090,00 4000 3000 8-11,5 8-11.54800 28256950 4020
8550 5650
5000 86243500
86245000 2385
3407 2.051.000
2.930.000 2650
3786 2.278.900
3.255.600 90,0090,00 5000 3500 8-11,5 8-11.55200 36007400 5000
9600 6950
*Steam 4000
ESBI-L production actual 86244000
from feed water at2726
80°C 2.344.000 3028 2.604.400 90,00 4000 8-11.5 4800 6950 8550
ESBI-L 5000 86245000 3407 2.930.000 3786 3.255.600 90,00 5000 8-11.5 5200 7400 9600

•Standard equipement:
• 2 level indicators
• 1 main steam stop valves
• 1 pressure gauge
• 1 limit pressure switch
• 1 second stage pressure switch
• 1 safety pressure switch, manual reset
• 1 automatic level control
• 1 low level safety probe
• 1 extra low level safety probe
• 2 feed water pumps
• 2 strainers
• 3 isolating valves
• 3 non-return valves
• 1 blowdown stop valve
• 1 control panel 3/N 400V 50 bHz

Furnace Burner blast Dimensions

Fuel consumption
Model resistance tube length H L L1 P Øc
mbar mm Natural gas Diesel oil Heavy oil mm mm mm mm mm
ESBI-L 350 5.0 280-330 27.1 22.3 23.5 1810 1510 1230 1840 250
ESBI-L 500 6.5 280-330 38.8 31.9 33.6 1810 1510 1230 2090 250
ESBI-L 650 5.0 320-370 50.4 41.5 43.6 1930 1630 1350 2130 300
ESBI-L 800 5.0 320-370 62.0 51.1 53.7 1930 1630 1350 2350 300
ESBI-L 1000 7.0 350-400 77.5 63.8 67.1 2140 1840 1560 2350 350
ESBI-L 1350 6.5 350-400 104.6 86.2 90.6 2140 1840 1560 2760 350
ESBI-L 1700 9.5 370-420 131.8 108.5 114.1 2300 1990 1710 2790 400
ESBI-L 2000 10.0 370-420 155.0 127.7 134.2 2300 1990 1710 3150 400
ESBI-L 2500 6.5 420-470 193.8 159.6 167.8 2460 2170 1880 3200 450
ESBI-L 3000 9.0 420-470 232.5 191.5 201.4 2530 2210 1880 3700 450
ESBI-L 3500 9.0 480-530 271.3 223.4 234.9 2720 2350 2020 3770 500
ESBI-L 4000 10.0 480-530 310.0 255.3 268.5 2840 2470 2140 4280 550
ESBI-L 5000 11.0 480-530 387.6 319.2 335.6 2960 2590 2260 4530 600

36 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Medium - high pressure steam boiler ESBI-H is a genuine three pass
wet back horizontal fire tube boiler, designed in accordance with
the latest EU codes and produced especially for industrial plants.
The ESBI-H boiler is manufactured incorporating the latest technology
and provides excellent performance, in order to satisfy the special
requirements of reliability, endurance and control. Technical Specifications
• supplied fully packaged and ready for installation
• large steam space and evaporation surface for good quality dry steam
• large heating surface without use of turbulators for a low heat

Steam Boilers ESBI-H • flanged tube plates for full flexibility of the vessel during the
combustion process
• standby feed pump as standard

Boiler codeBoiler code Heat Heat Steam SteamWorking PWorking

min./max. P min/max
Water volume WaterDry
weight Dry weight
Model Heat output Heat input
12 bar
12 bar(g) 15 bar(g)
15 bar output input production
production 12 bar
12 bar
15 bar
15 bar
NW L Tot al
NWL12 bar
15 bar
12 bar 15 bar
kW kW kg/h bar bar l l kg kg
ESBI-H 1000 86161000 86171000 1163 1292 1700 8 / 11.5 10 / 14.3 4565 5940 6500 7300
ESBI-H 1000 86161000 86171000 1163 1292 1700 8 / 11,5 10 / 14,3 4565 5940 6500 7300
1200 1200 86161200861612008617120086171200 1395 1395 1550 1550 2040 2040 8 / 11,58 / 11.510 / 14,310 / 14.3
4445 4445
5805 7100 5805 8000 7100 8000
1500 1500 86161500861615008617150086171500 1744 1744 1938 1938 2560 2560 8 / 11,58 / 11.510 / 14,310 / 14.3
5475 5475 8500 69609500
6960 8500 9500
1750 1750 86161750861617508617175086171750 2035 2035 2261 2261 3000 3000 8 / 11,58 / 11.510 / 14,310 / 14.3
5395 5395 9600 6890
6890 10700 9600 10700
ESBI-H 2000 2000
ESBI-H 86162000861620008617200086172000 2326 2326 2584 2584 3410 3410 8 / 11,58 / 11.510 / 14,310 / 14.3
6615 8435
6615 105008435 11800 10500 11800
ESBI-H 2500
ESBI-H 2500 86162500 86172500
86162500 86172500 2907 2907 3230 3230 4270 4270 8 / 11,5 10
8 / 11.5/ 14,3 7640
10 / 14.3 9610
7640 11500 961012800 11500 12800
ESBI-H 3000 86163000 86173000 3488 3876 5100 8 / 11,5 10 / 14,3 7955 9865 13000 14300
ESBI-H 3000 86163000 86173000 3488 3876 5100 8 / 11.5 10 / 14.3 7955 9865 13000 14300
ESBI-H 3500 86163500 86173500 4070 4522 6000 8 / 11,5 10 / 14,3 9565 11940 14300 16000
ESBI-H 3500
ESBI-H 4000 86164000
86173500 4651
4070 5168 4522 6820 6000 8 / 11,58 / 11.510 / 14,3
10 / 14.3
10280 12630
9565 11940
16000 18000
14300 16000
5000 4000 86165000861640008617500086174000 5814 4651 6460 5168 8500 6820 8 / 11,58 / 11.510 / 14,310 / 11180
14.3 14120 10280 1800012630 20000 16000 18000
6000 5000 86166000861650008617600086175000 6977 5814 7752 6460 10240 8500 8 / 11,58 / 11.5
10 / 14,310 / 13345
14.3 16530 11180 2100014120 23200 18000 20000
7000 6000 86167000861660008617700086176000 8140 6977 9044 7752 12000 10240 8 / 11,58 / 11.5
10 / 14,310 / 15970
14.3 20030 13345 2400016530 26200 21000 23200
ESBI-H 8000 7000
ESBI-H 86168000861670008617800086177000 9302 8140 10336 9044 13600 12000 8 / 11,58 / 11.5
10 / 14,310 / 20050
14.3 25700 15970 2650020030 29000 24000 26200
ESBI-H 9000 86169000 86179000 10465
ESBI-H 8000 86168000 86178000 9302 11628 10336 15300 13600 8 / 11,58 / 11.5
10 / 14,3
10 / 22060
14.3 28140 20050 3000025700 32500
26500 29000
ESBI-H 10000 86169900 86179900 11628 12920 17000 8 / 11,5 10 / 14,3 24620 31120 33000 36000
ESBI-H 9000 86169000 86179000 10465 11628 15300 8 / 11.5 10 / 14,3 22060 28140 30000 32500
ESBI-H 12000 86169912 86179912 13953 15500 20000 8 / 11,5 10 / 14,3 29250 37500 38000 42000
ESBI-H 10000 86169900 86179900 11628
Hi g h er d u t y u p t o 17441 k W (25000 k g / h ) av ai l ab l e o n r eq u est
12920 17000 8 / 11.5 Hi g10 / 14.3 24620 31120
h er p r essu r e av ai l ab l e u p o n r eq u est
33000 36000
actual from86169912 86179912
feed water at 80°C 13953 15500 20000 8 / 11.5 10 / 14.3 29250 37500 38000 42000

Standard equipment
• 2 level indicators
• 1 main steam stop valve
• 2 spring safety valves
• 1 pressure gauge
• 1 limit pressure switch ØC
• 1 second stage pressure switch
• 1 safety pressure switch, manual reset
• 1 automatic level control
• 1 low level safety probe
• 1 extra low level safety probe
• 2 feed water pumps
• 2 strainers
• 3 isolating valves
• 3 non-return valves
• 1 blowdown stop valve
• 1 control panel 3/N~ 400V 50 Hz

Furnace Burner blast Dimensions

Fuel consumption
Model resistance tube length Øc H L L1 P
mbar mm Natural gas Diesel oil Heavy oil mm mm mm mm mm
ESBI-H 1000 5.5 min. 320 132.3 108.9 114.5 400 3200 2450 2000 4100
ESBI-H 1200 7.0 min. 320 158.7 130.7 137.4 400 3200 2450 2000 4100
ESBI-H 1500 7.0 min. 320 198.4 163.4 171.8 450 3300 2550 2180 4100
ESBI-H 1750 7.0 min. 320 231.5 190,6 200.5 450 3350 2650 2180 4100
ESBI-H 2000 8.5 min. 320 264.6 217.9 229.1 500 3350 2650 2180 4600
ESBI-H 2500 8.0 min. 320 330.7 272.3 286.4 550 3500 2760 2300 4900
ESBI-H 3000 9.0 min. 320 396.8 326.8 343.6 600 3600 2900 2340 5100
ESBI-H 3500 10.5 min. 320 463.0 381.3 400.9 600 3600 2900 2400 5600
ESBI-H 4000 10.0 min. 380 529.1 435.7 458.2 650 3780 3000 2500 5700
ESBI-H 5000 10.5 min. 380 661.4 544.7 572.7 650 3954 3200 2640 5700
ESBI-H 6000 12.0 min. 430 793.7 653.6 687.3 700 4110 3300 2740 6300
ESBI-H 7000 12.0 min. 430 925.9 762.5 801.8 700 4250 3460 2880 6750
ESBI-H 8000 14.0 min. 430 1058.2 871.5 916.4 800 4400 3620 3040 7250
ESBI-H 9000 14.0 min. 500 1190.5 980.4 1030.9 900 4550 3750 3200 7650
ESBI-H 10000 15.0 min. 500 1322.8 1089.3 1145.5 900 4550 3750 3280 8050
ESBI-H 12000 19.0 min. 550 1586.9 1306.9 1374.2 1100 4850 4000 3500 8600

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 37

Technical Specifications

Steam Boilers ESBH-L

Technical data boiler without economizer (based on 10 bar(g) working pressure)
Model 500 650 800 1000 1200 1500
Steam rating kg/h 500 650 800 1000 1200 1500
Operating output kW 326 423 521 651 781 977
Working pressure bar(g) 10 10 10 10 10 10
Heating surface load (nominal capacity) kg/m2 66,3 61,4 64,0 64,7 61,5 61,5
Heating surface flue gas side (complete)* m2
7,54 10,58 12,50 15,45 19,50 24,40
*For heating surface water side approximately +15%
Boiler efficiency minimum % 88,0 88,0 88,0 88,0 88,0 88,0
Pressure drop flue gas side mbar 3,5 3,6 3,9 4,0 4,4 4,5
Water content operating liters 600 910 960 970 1178 1386
Water content full liters 790 1076 1240 1332 1470 1965

Technical data Natural gas

Model 500 650 800 1000 1200 1500
Natural gas calorific value kJ/Nm 3
36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000
Fuel consumption at full capacity Nm3/h 35 45 56 69 83 104
Wet flue gas volume at 2.4% O2 Nm /h3
431 547 673 842 1010 1262
Dry flue gas volume at 3% O2 Nm3/h 368 467 575 719 863 1079
Fuel heat input without economizer kW 377 479 590 737 888 1110
Fuel heat input with economizer kW 347 451 555 694 833 1041
Flue gas temperature °C 140 140 140 140 140 140

Technical data Diesel Oil (35 secs)

Model 500 650 800 1000 1200 1500
Oil calorific value kJ/kg 42,700 42,700 42,700 42,700 42,700 42,700
Fuel consumption at full capacity kg/h 31 40 50 62 75 93
Wet flue gas volume at 2.7% O2 Nm /h
433 550 677 846 1016 1269
Dry flue gas volume at 3% O2 Nm3/h 390 495 610 762 914 1143
Fuel heat input without economizer kW 377 479 591 736 882 1102
Fuel heat input with economizer kW 347 451 555 694 833 1041
Flue gas temperature °C 140 140 140 140 140 140

Technical data boiler with economizer (based on 10 bar(g) working pressure)

Model 500 650 800 1000 1200 1500
Additional output with economizer kW 24 29 32 42 47 52
Boiler efficiency with economizer % 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0
Pressure drop flue side including economizer mbar 6.5 6.6 6.9 7.0 7.4 7.5
Flue gas temperature after economizer °C 140 140 140 140 140 140

38 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Technical Specifications

Technical data boiler without economizer (based on 10 bar(g) working pressure)

Model 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Steam rating kg/h 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Operating output kW 1303 1628 1953 2279 2605
Working pressure bar(g) 10 10 10 10 10
Heating surface load (nominal capacity) kg/m2 63.0 58.2 57.6 58.8 58.9
Heating surface flue gas side (complete)* m2
31.74 42.93 52.10 59.50 67.90
*For heating surface water side approximately +15%
Boiler efficiency minimum % 88.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 88.0
Pressure drop flue gas side mbar 5.2 5.3 5.8 6.1 6.8
Water content operating liters 2000 2575 2894 3240 3540
Water content full liters 2550 3500 3840 4270 4525

Technical data Natural gas

Model 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Natural gas calorific value kJ/Nm 3
36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000
Fuel consumption at full capacity Nm3/h 138 184 208 243 278
Wet flue gas volume at 2.4% O2 Nm /h3
1683 2104 2552 2946 3366
Dry flue gas volume at 3% O2 Nm3/h 1483 1798 2157 2517 2876
Fuel heat input without economizer kW 1476 1843 2211 2580 2948
Fuel heat input with economizer kW 1388 1735 2082 2429 2776
Flue gas temperature °C 140 140 140 140 140

Technical data Diesel Oil (35 secs)

Model 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Oil calorific value kJ/kg 42,700 42,700 42,700 42,700 42,700
Fuel consumption at full capacity kg/h 124 155 186 217 249
Wet flue gas volume at 2.7% O2 Nm /h
1693 2116 2539 2962 3385
Dry flue gas volume at 3% O2 Nm3/h 1524 1905 2286 2667 3048
Fuel heat input without economizer kW 1473 1846 2211 2580 2948
Fuel heat input with economizer kW 1388 1735 2082 2428 2776
Flue gas temperature °C 140 140 140 140 140

Technical data boiler with economizer (based on 10 bar(g) working pressure)

Model 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Additional output with economizer kW 69 82 105 134 165
Boiler efficiency with economizer % 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0
Pressure drop flue side including economizer mbar 8.2 8.3 8.8 9.1 9.8
Flue gas temperature after economizer °C 140 140 140 140 140

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 39

Technical Specifications

Steam Boilers ESBH-L

Dimensions and weights

Model 500 650 800 1000 1200 1500

Boiler length with insulation, without burner mm 2260 2460 2560 2760 2760 3340
Boiler length with Eco and insulation, mm
3300 3500 3550 3700 3700 4280
without burner
Boiler width with insulation, with pump mm 1760 1850 1950 1950 2030 2050
Boiler height with insulation, with fittings mm 1870 1960 2060 2060 2140 2160
Insulation thickness mm 100 100 100 100 100 100
Flue gas outlet diameter 1
mm 200 200 250 300 300 300
Minimum draft tube length mm 350 350 350 350 350 350
Transport weight at 10 bar(g) kg 2100 2300 2600 2900 3200 3400
Operating weight flooded at 10 bar(g) kg 3100 3500 4200 4600 5000 5800
Manhole size mm 420x320 420x320 420x320 420x320 420x320 420x320
quantity no. 1 1 1 1 1 1
Inspection port size mm 80 80 80 80 80 80
quantity no. 2 2 2 2 2 2

Model 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Boiler length with insulation, without burner mm 3810 3910 3910 4210 4410
Boiler length with Eco and insulation, mm
4900 4900 4900 5200 5400
without burner
Boiler width with insulation, with pump mm 2100 2350 2500 2550 2550
Boiler height with insulation, with fittings mm 2210 2460 2560 2640 2640
Insulation thickness mm 100 100 100 100 100
Flue gas outlet diameter1 mm 350 450 450 450 450
Minimum draft tube length mm 350 350 350 350 350
Transport weight at 10 bar(g) kg 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Operating weight flooded at 10 bar(g) kg 6500 8900 10400 12000 13400
Manhole size mm 420x320 420x320 420x320 420x320 420x320
quantity no. 1 1 1 1 1
Inspection port size mm 80 80 80 80 80
quantity no. 2 2 2 2 2
Ducting and chimney diameters to be sized for site application.

40 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

THD-U E Technical Specifications
Industrial Steam Boiler for Gas and Oil Firing
ESBH-L without economizer
THD-U E without economiser

11 Boiler
Boiler 8 tds shut
8 tdsoff valve
shut off valve 15 Feed water valve(s) 1
15 Feed water valve(s)1
2 Boiler base 9 Steam shut off valve 16 Bottom blow down ball valve
23 Boiler
front door 10 9 valve(s)
Safety Steam shut off valve 17 Pressure stats16 Bottom blow down ball valve
34 Hinged
Flue gasfront door
outlet 11 Water10level
gauges valve(s) 18 17 Pressure
Feed water pump(s) 1
5 Explosion/cleaning door (flue side) 12 Water level control 19 Electrical control panel
46 Flue gas outlet
Inspection opening (waterside) 13
11 Water level gauges
Water level alarms 20 Burner2
18 Feed water pump(s)1
57 Explosion/cleaning
Instrument assemblydoor (flue side) 14 Feed12 Water
water inletlevel control
pipework 21 Flame viewing19 Electrical control panel
6 Inspection opening (waterside) 13 Water level alarms 20 Burner2
7 Optional 2nd feed
Instrument water pump.
assembly Design pressure
14 Feed water inlet pipework 11 and 14 bar (overpressure).
21 Flame viewing point

Burner shown is monoblock type. Higher pressures available on request.
Ducting and chimney diameters to be sized for site application.

1Dimensions incl.feed
100 mm insulation
Optional 2nd water pump. thickness.
Transport dimensions for pressure level 11 bar.
Burner shown is monoblock type. Design pressure 11 and 14 bar(g) (overpressure).
Ducting and chimney diameters to be sized for site application. Higher pressures available on request.
Main dimensions Boiler base Flue gas
Dimensions L
incl. B insulation
100 mm B B
H 3
H2 H4 D L1 B1 H1 D1
Transport dimensions for pressure level 11 bar(g).
500 2260 1760 1625 1460 1870 805 673 1210 1300 850 1470 200
650 2460 1850 1675 1550 1960 850 700 1300 1500 900 1560 200
800 2560 1950 1775 1650 2060 900 735 1400 1500 1000 1660 250
1000 2760 1950 1775 1650 Main
2060 dimensions
900 735 1400 1500 1000 Boiler
1660 base 300 Fuel gas connection3
1200 2760
L 2030
B 1875
1480 1500
D 1100
L1 1740
B1 300
H1 D1
1500 3340 2050 1875 1750 2160 950 770 1500 2200 1100 1760 300
500 2260 1760 1625 1460 1870 805 673 1210 1300 850 1470 200
2000 3810 2100 1975 1800 2210 975 771 1550 2500 1200 1810 350
6502500 3910 24602350 18502075 1675
2050 1550
2460 1960
1100 850
877 700
1800 1300
2500 1300 15002060 900450 1560 200
8003000 3910 25602500 19502225 1775
2150 1650
2560 2060
1150 900
882 735
1900 1400
2500 1450 15002160 1000450 1660 250
3500 4210
2760 2550
1950 2225 2200
1775 2640
1650 1175
2060 945
900 1950
735 2800
1400 1450
1500 2210
1000 450
1660 300
4000 4410 2550 2225 2200 2640 1175 945 1950 3000 1450 2210 450
1200 2760 2030 1875 1730 2140 940 760 1480 1500 1100 1740 300
1500 3340 2050 1875 1750 2160 950 770 1500 2200 1100 1760 300
1-6 3810 2100 1975 1800 2210 975 771 1550 2500 1200 1810 350
2500 3910 2350 2075 2050 2460 1100 877 1800 2500 1300 2060 450
3000 3910 2500 2225 2150 2560 1150 882 1900 2500 1450 2160 450
3500 4210 2550 2225 2200 2640 1175 945 1950 2800 1450 2210 450
4000 4410 2550 2225 2200 2640 1175 945 1950 3000 1450 2210 450

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 41

Technical Specifications

Steam Boilers ESBH-H

Technical data boiler without economizer
Model 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000
Steam output kg/h 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000
Operating output at 10 bar(g) kW 1304 1630 1956 2608 3260 3912 5216
at 13 bar(g) kW 1308 1635 1963 2617 3271 3925 5234
at 16 bar(g) kW 1311 1639 1967 2623 3278 3934 524
Boiler efficiency Natural gas at 10 bar(g) % 89.8 90.0 89.7 89.9 90.2 90.4 89.7
at 13 bar(g) % 89.3 89.5 89.2 89.4 89.7 90.0 89.2
at 16 bar(g) % 89.0 89.1 89.9 89.0 89.3 89.5 89.0

Boiler efficiency at 10 bar(g) % 90.2 90.1 89.8 89.9 90.2 90.4 89.7
Diesel Oil (35 secs) at 13 bar(g) % 89.7 89.6 89.3 89.4 89.7 90.0 89.2
at 16 bar(g) % 89.3 89.2 89.0 89.0 89.3 89.5 89.0
Flue gas resistance mbar 9.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0

Technical data Natural gas

Model 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000
Natural gas calorific value kJ/Nm3 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000
Fuel consumption at at 10 bar(g) Nm3/h 145.3 181.1 220.7 290.3 361.7 432.9 581.9
at 13 bar(g) Nm3/h 146.7 182.7 222.7 292.9 364.9 436.5 587.1
at 16 bar(g) Nm3/h 147.7 184.0 224.2 294.9 367.5 439.8 583.6

Flue gas volume, at 10 bar(g) Nm3/h 1688 2018 2458 3234 4030 4822 6482
excess air @10% at 13 bar(g) Nm3/h 1701 2036 2481 3263 4066 4863 6540
at 16 bar(g) Nm3/h 1414 2050 2498 3285 4094 4899 6501

Fuel heat input at 10 bar(g) kW 1453 1811 2181 2902 3614 4327 5815
at 13 bar(g) kW 1465 1826 2201 2928 3647 4361 5868
at 16 bar(g) kW 1476 1839 2215 2948 3671 4396 5901

Technical data Diesel Oil (35 secs)

Model 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000
Diesel Oil calorific value kJ/kg 42700 42700 42700 42700 42700 42700 42700
Fuel consumption at at 10 bar(g) kg/h 121.9 152.6 183.8 244.6 304.9 364.9 490.3
full capacity at 13 bar(g) kg/h 123.0 154.0 185.4 246.8 307.6 368.0 494.7
at 16 bar(g) kg/h 123.9 155.1 186.7 284.5 309.8 370.8 491.8

Flue gas volume, at 10 bar(g) Nm3/h 1647 2061 2482 3304 4117 4928 6621
excess air @12% at 13 bar(g) Nm3/h 1661 2080 2504 3333 4154 4970 6680
at 16 bar(g) Nm3/h 1673 2094 2522 3365 4183 5007 6641

Fuel heat input at 10 bar(g) kW 1446 1810 2179 2900 3614 4327 5815
at 13 bar(g) kW 1458 1825 2199 2926 3647 4361 5868
at 16 bar(g) kW 1468 1838 2213 2947 3671 4396 5894

Technical data with integral economizer, fuel natural gas and low sulphur fuel oil
Model 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000
Additional operating output at 10 bar(g) kW 62 79 102 131 154 154 272
with economizer at 13 bar(g) kW 68 88 116 144 171 171 299
at 16 bar(g) kW 74 95 120 156 186 186 315

Boiler efficiency with economizer % 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4
Flue gas resistance of economizer mbar 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Flue gas temperature after economizer °C 140 140 140 140 140 140 140

42 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Technical Specifications

Dimensions and weights

Model 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000
Boiler length with insulation, without burner,
3750 3950 4150 4500 4950 5150 5650
without economizer mm
Boiler length with economizer,
4700 4900 5100 5450 5900 6100 6600
without insulation, without burner mm
Boiler width with insulation, with pump mm 2450 2550 2600 2700 2800 2900 3100
Boiler height with insulation, with fittings mm 2700 2800 2850 3075 3250 3400 3650
Insulation thickness mm 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
Flue gas outlet diameter (ducting, and mm
350 450 450 550 550 650 650
chimney diameters to be sized for site application
Heating surface flue gas side (complete)* m2
47.4 57.3 65.9 88.4 108.3 129.2 169.7
*For heating surface water side approximately +15%
Water content operating liters 2750 4350 4850 5850 7200 8200 10000
flooded liters 4600 5450 6000 7250 9000 10300 12500
Transport weight without at 10 bar(g) kg 5000 6000 7000 8000 9500 11000 14500
burner and without Economizer at 13 bar(g) kg 5500 6500 7500 8500 10500 12000 15500
including accessories at 16 bar(g) kg 6000 7000 8000 9500 11500 13500 16500
Manhole (size) mm 420 x 420 x 420 x 420 x 420 x 420 x 420 x
320 320 320 320 320 320 320
(quantity) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Inspection opening (size) mm 220 x 220 x 220 x 220 x 220 x 220 x 220 x
150 150 150 150 150 150 150
(quantity) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Model 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000
1 Flue gas tube cleaning equipment YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
1 Main steam valve 10 bar(g) DN80 DN80 DN100 DN100 DN100 DN125 DN150
13 bar(g) DN65 DN80 DN80 DN100 DN100 DN100 DN125
16 bar(g) DN65 DN65 DN80 DN80 DN100 DN100 DN125
1 Vent valve DN25 DN25 DN25 DN25 DN25 DN25 DN25
2 Safety valves* 10 bar(g) DN80 DN80 DN100 DN100 DN100 DN125 DN150
13 bar(g) DN65 DN80 DN80 DN100 DN100 DN100 DN125
16 bar(g) DN65 DN65 DN80 DN80 DN100 DN100 DN125
2 Isolation valves DN20 DN20 DN20 DN20 DN20 DN20 DN20
2 Reflection indicators fixing centre (mm) 420 420 420 420 420 420 420
1 Blow down sight glass drain (screwed) 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2"
1 Desalting shut off valve DN15 DN15 DN15 DN15 DN15 DN15 DN15
1 Blow down shut off valve DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40
1 Blow down ball valve DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40
1 Pressure gauge with three-way valve (screwed) 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2"
Water level control type ON/OFF
1 Feed water valve DN25 DN32 DN32 DN32 DN40 DN40 DN50
1 Feed water non-return valve/anti syphon valve DN25 DN32 DN32 DN32 DN40 DN40 DN50
1 Strainer pump (suction side) DN40 DN50 DN50 DN50 DN65 DN65 DN80
1 Ball valve pump (suction side) DN40 DN50 DN50 DN50 DN65 DN65 DN80
1 Pressure gauge (pump) with shut off valve (screwed) 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4"
1 Feed water pump 10 bar(g) CR CR CR CR CR CR CR
Motor rating kW 2.2 2.2 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.5 5.5
1 Feed water pump 13 bar(g) CR CR CR CR CR CR CR
Motor rating kW 2.2 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 7.5 7.5
1 Feed water pump 16 bar(g) CR CR CR CR CR CR CR
Motor rating kW 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.5 7.5 7.5 11.0

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 43

Technical Specifications

Steam Boilers ESBH-H

Technical data boiler without economizer
Model 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000
Steam output kg/h 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000
Operating output at 10 bar(g) kW 6520 7824 9128 10432 11736 13040
at 13 bar(g) kW 6542 7850 9159 10467 11776 13084
at 16 bar(g) kW 6557 7868 9180 10491 11802 13114
Boiler efficiency Natural gas at 10 bar(g) % 89.9 89.8 89.8 89.9 89.6 89.9
at 13 bar(g) % 89.4 89.5 89.4 89.4 89.2 89.4
at 16 bar(g) % 89.2 89.1 89.0 89.0 89.0 89.0

Boiler efficiency at 10 bar(g) % 89.9 89.89 89.9 89.8 89.7 89.9

Diesel Oil (35 secs) at 13 bar(g) % 89.4 89.5 89.5 89.5 89.2 89.4
at 16 bar(g) % 89.1 89.0 89.0 89.0 89.0 89.0
Flue gas resistance mbar 11.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 11.0 11.0

Technical data Natural gas

Model 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000
Natural gas calorific value kJ/Nm3 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000
Fuel consumption at at 10 bar(g) Nm3/h 725.7 871.4 1016.7 1162.1 1310.0 1451.5
at 13 bar(g) Nm3/h 732.2 877.4 1024.6 1171.1 1320.1 1464.5
at 16 bar(g) Nm3/h 728.0 883.6 1031.7 1179.3 1329.4 1474.7

Flue gas volume, at 10 bar(g) Nm3/h 8084 9707 11327 12946 14594 16170
excess air @10% at 13 bar(g) Nm3/h 8156 9774 11414 13046 14706 16315
at 16 bar(g) Nm3/h 8110 9843 11494 13137 14809 16429

Fuel heat input at 10 bar(g) kW 7253 8713 10165 11604 13098 14505
at 13 bar(g) kW 7318 8771 10245 11708 13020 14635
at 16 bar(g) kW 7351 8831 10315 11788 13291 14735

Technical data Diesel Oil (35 secs)

Model 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000
Diesel Oil calorific value kJ/kg 42700 42700 42700 42700 42700 42700
Fuel consumption at at 10 bar(g) kg/h 611.5 734.3 856.8 979.3 1103.8 1223.2
full capacity at 13 bar(g) kg/h 617.0 739.5 863.5 987.0 1112.4 1234.2
at 16 bar(g) kg/h 613.6 744.7 869.7 994.0 1120.3 1245.9

Flue gas volume, at 10 bar(g) Nm3/h 8259 9916 11571 13226 14907 16520
excess air @12% at 13 bar(g) Nm3/h 8333 9987 11662 13329 15023 16667
at 16 bar(g) Nm3/h 8287 10057 11745 13424 15129 16756

Fuel heat input at 10 bar(g) kW 7253 8703 10154 11617 13084 14505
at 13 bar(g) kW 7318 8771 10234 11695 13202 14635
at 16 bar(g) kW 7359 8860 10338 11788 13291 14735

Technical data with integral economizer, fuel natural gas and low sulphur fuel oil
Model 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000
Additional operating output at 10 bar(g) kW 326 399 465 522 622 652
with economizer at 13 bar(g) kW 366 432 513 586 686 732
at 16 bar(g) kW 382 464 557 637 716 796

Boiler efficiency with economizer % 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4
Flue gas resistance of economizer mbar 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0
Flue gas temperature after economizer °C 140 140 140 140 140 140

44 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Technical Specifications

Dimensions and weights

Model 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000
Boiler length with insulation, without burner,
6150 6550 6850 7150 7350 7850
without economizer mm
Boiler length with economizer,
7050 7450 7750 8050 8250 8750
without insulation, without burner mm
Boiler width with insulation, with pump mm 3300 3400 3600 3700 3800 3900
Boiler height with insulation, with fittings mm 3925 4125 4350 4425 4625 4725
Insulation thickness mm 120 120 120 120 120 120
Flue gas outlet diameter (ducting, and mm
800 850 950 1000 1000 1000
chimney diameters to be sized for site application
Heating surface flue gas side (complete)* m2
211.8 284.5 324.9 381.3 410.7 467.6
*For heating surface water side approximately +15%
Water content operating liters 14200 15900 17600 20000 23000 24250
flooded liters 18000 20350 22700 25000 29200 31400
Transport weight without at 10 bar(g) kg 17500 21500 25000 28000 30000 33000
burner and without Economizer at 13 bar(g) kg 18500 21500 26000 29000 31000 35000
including accessories at 16 bar(g) kg 19500 24000 28000 31000 35000 39000
Manhole (size) mm 420 x 420 x 420 x 420 x 420 x 420 x
320 320 320 320 320 320
(quantity) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Inspection opening (size) mm 220 x 220 x 220 x 220 x 220 x 220 x
150 150 150 150 150 150
(quantity) 2 2 2 2 2 2

Model 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000
1 Flue gas tube cleaning equipment YES YES YES YES YES YES
1 Main steam valve 10 bar(g) DN150 DN200 DN200 DN200 DN200 DN250
13 bar(g) DN150 DN150 DN200 DN200 DN200 DN200
16 bar(g) DN125 DN150 DN150 DN150 DN200 DN200
1 Vent valve DN25 DN25 DN25 DN25 DN25 DN25
2 Safety valves* 10 bar(g) DN50/80 DN50/80 DN65/100 DN65/100 DN65/100 DN65/100
13 bar(g) DN40/65 DN50/80 DN50/80 DN65/100 DN65/100 DN65/100
16 bar(g) DN40/65 DN40/65 DN50/80 DN50/80 DN50/80 DN65/100
2 Isolation valves DN20 DN20 DN20 DN20 DN20 DN20
2 Reflection indicators fixing centre (mm) M=420 M=420 M=420 M=420 M=420 M=420
1 Blow down sight glass drain (screwed) 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2"
1 tds shut off valve DN15 DN15 DN15 DN15 DN15 DN15
1 Blow down shut off valve DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40
1 Blow down ball valve DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40
1 Pressure gauge with three-way valve (screwed) 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2"
Water level control type MODULATING
1 Feed water valve DN50 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN80 DN80
1 Feed water non-return valve/anti syphon valve DN50 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN80 DN80
1 Strainer pump (suction side) DN80 DN80 DN100 DN125 DN125 DN125
1 Ball valve pump (suction side) DN 80 DN 80 DN100 DN125 DN125 DN125
1 Pressure gauge (pump) with shut off valve (screwed) 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4"
1 Feed water pump 10 bar(g) CR CR CR CR CR CR
Motor rating kW 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 15.0 15.0
1 Feed water pump 13 bar(g) CR CR CR CR CR CR
Motor rating kW 11.0 11.0 15.0 15.0 18.5 18.5
1 Feed water pump 16 bar(g) CR CR CR CR CR CR
Motor rating kW 15.0 15.0 18.5 18.5 18.5 22.0

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 45

Technical Specifications

Industrial Steam Boiler for Gas and Oil Firing
Steam Boilers ESBH-H
Technical data
THSD-I E without economiser
ESBH-H without economizer

1 Boiler 8 tds shut off valve 16 Bottom blow down ball valve
12 Boiler
Boiler base 9 Steam 8 shut
tds off
off valve 17 Pressure stats16 Bottom blow down ball valve
23 Boiler base chamber
Front reversal 10 Safety9 valve(s)
Steam shut off valve 18 17 Pressure stats
Feed water pump(s)
Hinged front door 11 Water level gauges 19 Electrical control panel
3 Front reversal chamber 10 Safety valve(s) 18 Feed water pump(s)
4 Flue gas outlet 12 Water level control 20 Burner5
Hinged front door
5 Explosion/cleaning door (flue side) 13 Water11level
Water level gauges
alarms 21 Vent valve 19 Electrical control panel
46 Flue gas outlet
Inspection openings (water side) 14 Feed12 Water
water inletlevel control 22 20 Burner5
Condensate drainage
57 Explosion/cleaning
Instrument assemblydoor (flue side) 15 Feed13 water valve(s)
Water level alarms 23 Flame viewing21 port
Vent valve
6 Inspection opening (waterside) 14 Feed water inlet pipework 22 Condensate drainage
Main dimensions Boiler base Flue gas
7 Instrument assembly 15 Feed water valve(s) 23 Flame viewing port
connection 6

THSD-I E L B H H1 H2 D L3 L4 L1 L2 B1 B2 H3 D1

2000 3750 2450 2700 2250 Main

1990 300 700 2300 400 1175 Boiler
160base 1750 350 Fuel gas connection6
2500 3950 L 2550 B2800 H2350 H
300 L
400 L
1225 L
160 B1 1825 B2 450 H3 D1
4150 2600 2850 2400 1250 2140 300 700 2700 400 1250 160 1850
3750 2450 2700 2250 1175 1990 300 700 2300 400 1175 160450 1750 350
4000 4500 2700 3075 2550 1350 2240 300 700 3000 400 1350 160 1950 550
2500 4950
3400 400
2500 1400400 160
12252000 160550 1825 450
6000 5150 4150
2900 2600
3400 2850
2800 2400
1450 1250
2440 2140
300 300
700 700
3600 4002700 1450400 160 12502100 160650 1850 450
8000 5650 4500
3100 2700
3650 3075
2925 2550
1550 1350
2640 2240
300 300
700 700
4100 4003000 1550400 160 13502200 160650 1950 550
6150 3300 3925 3200 1700 2840 350 850 4500 475
5000 4950 2800 3250 2650 1400 2340 300 700 3400 1700400 200
14002350 160800 2000 550
12000 6550 3400 4125 3300 1750 2940 350 850 5000 475 1750 200 2400 850
6000 6850
5000 475
3600 1850400 200
14502500 160950 2100 650
16000 7150 5650
3700 3100
4425 3650
3600 2925
1900 1550
3240 2640
350 300
850 700
5500 4754100 1900400 200 15502550 1601000 2200 650
18000 7350 6150
3800 3300
4625 3925
3700 3200
1950 1700
3340 2840
350 350
850 850
5500 4754500 1950475 200 17002650 2001000 2350 800
20000 7850 3900 4725 3800 2000 3440 350 850 6000 475 2000 200 2700 1000
12000 6550 3400 4125 3300 1750 2940 350 850 5000 475 1750 200 2400 850
up to THSD-I E (4000)
14000 6850 100mm
3600 less4350 3500 1850 3140 350 Design
850 pressure
5000 10, 13475and 16 bar
1850 200 2500 950
up to THSD-I E (4000) 200mm less (overpressure)
3 16000 7150 100mm
3700 less,4425 3600 E (12000)
1900 100mm
3240 more350 850 models
5500 475for different
1900 working
200 2550 1000
up to THSD-I E (4000) from THSD-I Other available
up to THSD-I E (4000)
7350 200mm
3800 less,4625
from THSD-I
3700 E (12000)
1950 100mm
3340 more350 pressures.
850 5500 475 1950 200 2650 1000
Burner shown is monobloc type. Width/height may alter with fabricated Transport dimensions for pressure level 10 bar.
wind box type burner.
7850 3900 4725 3800 2000 3440 350 850 6000 475
Add 100mm to H1 for crane hooks.
2000 200 2700 1000
Ducting and chimney diameters to be sized for site application
up 14
Pos. to ESBH-H (4000)
up to THSD-I 100mm400mm
E (4000) less less Pos. 14 up to ESBH-H (4000) 400mm less
up to ESBH-H
Dimensions (4000)
incl. 120 mm200mm lessthickness
insulation Dimensions incl. 120 mm insulation thickness
up to ESBH-H (4000) 100mm less, from THSD-I E (12000) 100mm more Design pressure 10, 13 and 16 bar(g) (overpressure)
up to ESBH-H (4000) 200mm less, from THSD-I E (12000) 100mm more Other models available for different working pressures.
Burner shown is monobloc type. Width/height may alter with fabricated wind box type burner. Transport dimensions for pressure level 10 bar(g).
Ducting and chimney diameters to be sized for site application Add 100mm to H1 for crane hooks.

46 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Technical Specifications

Smart Steam Generators

Type of Boiler DG 160 DG 260 DG 360 DG 460 DG 560 2 x DG 560 3 x DG 560 4 x DG 560
Unit type Single unit Single unit Single unit Single unit Single unit Double unit Double unit Double unit
Steam generating capacity 160 kg/h 260 kg/h 360 kg/h 460 kg/h 560 kg/h 1120 kg/h 1680 kg/h 2240 kg/h
capacity per Minute 2.6 kg/min 4.3 kg/min 6 kg/min 7.6 kg/min 9.3 kg/min 18,6 kg/min 27.9 kg/min 37.2 kg/min
560 Thermal load 110 kW 175 kW 245 kW 315 kW 400 kW 800 kW 1200 kW 1600 kW
Thermal output 105 kW 170 kW 235 kW 300 kW 380 kW 760 kW 1140 kW 1520 kW
e unit Max. operating pressure 13 bar(g) 13 bar(g) 13 bar(g) 13 bar(g) 13 bar(g) 13 bar(g) 13 bar(g) 13 bar(g)

kg/h Warming up time 8 Minutes 8 Minutes 8 Minuten 8 Minutes 8 Minutes 8 Minutes 8 Minutes 8 Minutes
Max. oil throughput* 9.2 kg/h 14.6 kg/h 20.5 kg/h 26.5 kg/h 32.6 kg/h 65.2 kg/h 97.8 kg/h 130.4 kg/h
g/min Max. gas throughput** 10.6 m3/h 17 m3/h 23.7 m3/h 30.5 m3/h 37.7 m3/h 75.4 m3/h 113.0 m3/h 150.7 m3/h
Gas flow pressure min. 20 mbar 20 mbar 20 mbar 20 mbar 20 mbar 20 mbar 20 mbar 20 mbar
Gas connection 1“ 1“ 1“ 1“ 1“ 1“ 1“ 1“
kW Exhaust mass flow 0.05 kg/s 0.08 kg/s 0.11 kg/s 0.14 kg/s 0.18 kg/s á 0.18 kg/s á 0.18 kg/s á 0.18 kg/s
Exhaust stack D 150 mm 300 mm 300 mm 300 mm 300 mm á 300 mm á 300 mm á 300 mm
Ü Flue draft min. 0.15 mbar 0.15 mbar 0.15 mbar 0.15 mbar 0.1 mbar á 0.1 mbar á 0.1 mbar á 0.1 mbar
El. connection 400 V / 50 Hz 400 V / 50 Hz 400 V / 50 Hz 400 V / 50 Hz 400 V / 50 Hz 400 V / 50 Hz 400 V / 50 Hz 400 V / 50 Hz
El. power consumption 2,4 kW 3,2 kW 3,2 kW 4,0 kW 4,0 kW 8,0 kW 12.0kW 16.0 kW
kg/h Total weight 580 kg 700 kg 800 kg 1200 kg 1300 kg á 1300 kg á 1300 kg á 1300 kg
Boiler height B 1580 mm 1756 mm 2043 mm 2043 mm 2140 mm 2140 mm 2140 mm 2140 mm
m3/h Boiler width C 800 mm 800 mm 800 mm 930 mm 930 mm á 930 mm á 930 mm á 930 mm

ar Boiler depth D 1380 mm 1620 mm 1620 mm 1750 mm 1750 mm á 1750 mm á 1750 mm á 1750 mm
Installation height A 1250 mm 1363 mm 1563 mm 1563 mm 1563 mm 1563 mm 1563 mm 1563 mm
Installation width C 690 mm 800 mm 800 mm 930 mm 930 mm 930 mm 930 mm 930 mm
Installation depth I 780 mm 800 mm 800 mm 930 mm 930 mm 930 mm 930 mm 930 mm
Exhaust stack H 850 mm 1438 mm 1438 mm 1438 mm 1438 mm 1438 mm 1438 mm 1438 mm
mm The supplied data applies to the use of the exhaust economizer
and feed water temperature of 90°C.
mbar *Oil - El: Hu = 11.86 kWh/kg
** Natural Gas: Hu = 10.35 kWh/m3n
/ 50 Hz

0 kg


* Height can be reduced up to 100 mms if requested. However,
0 mm the transport with the forklift will then be limited.

mm Steam valve: Flange DIN 2633 DN20
(exept DG 460 and
DG 560: DN25)
m Safety valve: Flange DIN 2633 DN25
(exept DG 460 and
DG 560: DN32)
m Feed pump: 1“ internal thread
Clarification line: ¾“ external thread
Technical data are subject to change.
Alternatively: Flue gas connecting piece
to the left or right side

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 47

Technical Specifications

Feed Water Tanks

N18 N12 N1 N4 N5 N3

Material: Mild Steel (P235GH) N17

Stainless Steel N6
(AISI 304 / 316 / DUPLEX)
Function: preparation of feed water N7
for steam boiler
Pre-heating, deaeration,

chemical adding, N13 N2 N16

condensate recovery
Design: Horizontal Feed Water tank
pressureless without N7
deaerator (smaller plants) N11
Horizontal Feed Water tank
pressurized with vertical
trickling deaerator L2
N10 L N9
(bigger plants) L1
Conditions: Max. operating pressure
0.5 bars, test pressure 2 bars
Max. operating temperature 120°C
Flange Standards: acc. to DIN-EN 1092-1, PN6 / 16 / 40
Standards: The product fully complies with the requirements of the European Pressure
Directive 97 / 23 / EC and carries the CE mark when so required.
Certification: acc. to EN 10204 certifiable as standard and certificates are available on request.
Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at the time of order replacement

Type ESWB 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 15 20
Volume [m ]3
1 2 3 4 6 8 10 16 20
D [mm] 800 1,100 1,200 1,350 1,500 1,550 1,650 2,100 2,200
L [mm] 1,500 1,750 2,250 2,500 3,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 5,000
L1 [mm] 1,900 2,200 2,900 3,100 3,600 4,600 5,000 5,100 6,200
L2 [mm] 800 1,200 1,200 1,300 1,500 2,000 2,100 2,000 2,500
H [mm] 1,100 1,500 1,600 1,750 1,900 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,600
Inspection Flange DN 200, PN 6 400, PN 6 500, PN 6
Pressure sensor N2 G if required ½
Safety valve N3 DN sizing in accordance with required heating capacity
Vacuum breaker N4 DN sizing in accordance with required heating capacity
Deaerator dome N5 DN 250 350 350 450 550 550 650 800 1000
Overflow N6 DN sizing in accordance with flowrate
Water level N7 DN 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Feedwater N9 DN 32 40 50 65 80 100 100 150 150
Drain N10 DN 25 25 32 32 32 40 40 50 50
Heating steam inlet N11 DN sizing in accordance with required heating capacity
Stand-by N12 DN 40 40 50 50 50 80 80 80 80
Thermometer N13 G 1/2
Thermostat N16 G sizing in accordance with required mechanical heating-up controller
Heating steam inlet N17 DN sizing in accordance with required heating capacity
condensate N18 DN 25 40 40 50 50 65 65 80 80

Sizing in accordance to customer requirements

Subject to change without change

48 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Technical Specifications


Material: Stainless Steel (AISI 316 / DUPLEX)

Function: preparation of feed water for steam boiler
Deaeration of fresh water and condensate, removal of gases. N2
Design: Pressurized vertical trickling deaerator
Conditions: Max. operating pressure 0.5 bars, test pressure 2 bars
Max. operating temperature 120°C
Flange Standards: acc. to DIN-EN 1092-1, PN6 / 16 / 40 N5
Standards: The product fully complies with the requirements of the European Pressure
Equipment Directive 97 / 23 / EC and carries the CE mark when so required.
Certification: acc. to EN 10204 certifiable as standard and certificates are available
on request.

Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at the time
of order replacement


Type EDD 250 350 450 550 650 800 1000

Deaerator Capacity [m /h]
0.5-1.6 1.7-3.0 3.1-5.0 5.1-8.0 8.1-11.0 11.1-15.0 15.1-20.0
D [mm] 250 350 450 550 650 800 1000
H [mm] 1150 1250 1300 1300 1800 1800 2000
Gas vent N1 DN 15 20 25 32 32 40 50
Condensate inlet N2 DN 25 40 40 65 80 100 125
Make-up water inlet N3 DN 15 20 25 32 40 40 50
Pressure gauge connection N4 G 1/2
Sensing line N5 G 1/2

Sizing in accordance to customer requirements

Subject to change without change

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 49

Technical Specifications

Water Softeners

Material: pressure vessel (softener): PE liner reinforced

with epoxydic resin and fibreglass N2
Valve body: brass
Brine tank, chemical dosing tank: PVC storage tank
Function: conditioning of fresh water N1
Design: two vertical pressure vessels fitted with
control head, water meter, brine tank,
chemical dosing tank, equiped with interconnecting

stainless steel or plastic piping and accessories
ready for installation, skid mounded on steel
coated base frame.
Unit pre-wired for easy installation and operation,
ready for start-up
Conditions: inlet water pressure 2,0 -6,0 bar(g)
Operating temperatures 1-40°C
Connecting L W
Standards: BSP / NPT treated
Standards: The product fully complies with the requirements of the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97 / 23 / EC
and carries the CE mark when so required.
Certification: acc. to EN 10204 certifiable as standard and certificates are available on request.
Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at the time of order replacement
Electrical rating: 230V, 50-60Hz, IP44

Type ASW 100 180 240 320 400 500 1200 1800 2400
nominal capacity m³x°dH 100 180 240 320 400 400 1200 1800 2400
filling for one ion-exchange tank l 25 45 60 80 100 125 300 450 600
max. admiss. flow m³/h 1.0 1.5 2.0 3 4.0 6 10 15 20
salt consumption per reg. kg 6 10,8 14,4 19,2 24 30 72 108 144
hose nozzle ½“ for woven hose 13 x 3.5 thread connection IT 1“ NPT
rinse water connection
hose 13 x 3.5 NPT
capacity of brine tank l 100 100 100 150 150 200 500 500 1000
chemical dosing capacity l 60 60 100 100 100 100 2x100 2x100 2x100
dosing pump max. admiss. Flow l/h 2.5 2.5 2.5 4.3 4.3 4.3 2x4.3 2x4.3 2x4.3
pipe connection in/out N1/N2 BSP 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2" 2"
height mm 1,500 1,500 1,800 2,000 2,000 2,200 2,500 2,500 2,500
dimensions of
width mm 1,000 1,000 1,100 1,300 1,300 1,500 1,900 1,900 2,300
the unit HxWxD
depth mm 800 800 1000 1,200 1,200 1,400 1,800 1,800 2,200
Noted in the past at °dH, changing factor: 1 mmol/l = 5,6 °dH (German hardness).

Selection of water softener depends always on water hardness.

Therefore water analysis at the time of order placement is required.
(The higher the water hardness the bigger the nominal capacity of
water softener and vice versa)
Sizing in accordance to customer requirements
Subject to change without change

50 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Technical Specifications

Condensate Return Stations

N1 N1 E N2



Material (Tank): Mild Steel (P235GH)

Stainless Steel (AISI 304 / 316 / DUPLEX)
Function: Return of condensate from consumers back to feed water tank
Design: Horizontal condensate tank pressureless, fitted with pumps, level control, control panel,
for easy installation and operation, ready for start-up
Conditions: Max. operating pressure 0.5 bars, test pressure 2 bars
Max. operating temperature 120°C
Flange Standards: acc. to DIN-EN 1092-1, PN6 / 16 / 40
Standards: The product fully complies with the requirements of the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97 / 23 / EC and carries the
CE mark when so required.
Certification: acc. to EN 10204 certifiable as standard and certificates are available on request.
Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at the time of order replacement

Connections Condensate
N5 A B C D E capacity
Model N1 N2 N3 N4 mm mm mm mm mm
Pumped m³/h
Vessel inlet Vent Overflow Drain
ECR-500 DN40 DN50 DN25 1" BSP DN32 2,400 1,000 1,700 900 2,000 0.5-1
ECR-1,000 DN65 DN80 DN40 1" BSP DN32 2,400 1,100 1,700 1,100 2,100 1-2
ECR-1,500 DN65 DN80 DN40 1" BSP DN40 2,600 1,300 1,800 1,200 2,100 2-3
ECR-2,000 DN65 DN100 DN40 DN40 DN65 2,800 1,500 2,000 1,400 2,200 3-4
ECR-3,000 DN65 DN100 DN50 DN40 DN65 3,500 1,700 2,000 1,500 2,400 4-5
ECR-5,000 DN65 DN100 DN65 DN50 DN65 4,000 2,000 2,200 1,700 3,000 5-6

Sizing in accordance to customer requirements

Subject to change without change

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 51

Technical Specifications

Clean Steam Generators



Material: Stainless Steel (AISI 316 Ti / DUPLEX)

Function: generation of clean steam quality by using steam heat exchanger or electrical heating element as a primary heating energy for high
steam demands.
Design: The unit comprises of clean steam tank, heat exchanger or electric heating element, frame, pumps, valves, level controls and control
panel. Unit is pre-piped, pre-wired, tested, mounted on a structural steel base and delivered as completely package unit ready for
installation and operation with simple connection.
Sizes, capacities, inlet- and outlet connections will be designed according to customer requirements.
Also single tanks are available on request
Conditions: Standard operating pressures from 1 to 5 bar(g)
Capacities from 250kg/h – 4,000kg/h
Higher pressure rates and capacities on request
Flange Standards: acc. to DIN-EN 1092-1, PN6 / 16 / 40
Standards: The product fully complies with the requirements of the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97 / 23 / EC and carries the CE mark.

Capacity* Design pressure* Dimensions without EFWT EFWT

Model No.
kg/h bar(g) (L x W x H in mm) liters
ECSG-.-250 250 5 3,200 x 1,500 x 2,000 200
ECSG-.-500 500 5 3,750 x 1,500 x 2,300 400
ECSG-.-620 620 5 4,200 x 1,500 x 2,500 500
ECSG-.-750 750 5 4,200 x 1,500 x 2,500 600
ECSG-.-1000 1,000 5 4,500 x 1,500 x 2,600 800
ECSG-.-1,500 1,500 5 4,000 x 1,750 x 3,200 1,200
ECSG-.-2,000 2,000 5 5,500 x 1,750 x 3,500 1,600
ECSG-.-3,000 3,000 5 6,000 x 2,000 x 3,800 2,400
ECSG-.-4,000 4,000 5 7,000 x 2,000 x 4,000 3,200

* Other/higher capacities and operating pressures are available on request.

ECSG-S/E = ECOTHERM Clean Steam Generator, S..Steam or E..Electric Sizing in accordance to customer requirements
EFWT = ECOTHERM Feed Water Tank Subject to change without change

52 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

Technical Specifications

Electric Clean Steam Generators

Material: Stainless Steel (AISI 316 Ti) W D
Function: generation of clean steam quality by using an electrical heating
element as a primary heating energy for low steam demands.
Design: The unit comprises of clean steam tank, electric heating element,
frame, pumps, valves, level controls and control panel. Unit is pre-
piped, pre-wired, tested, and delivered as completely package unit
ready for installation and operation with simple connection.
Conditions: Standard operating pressures up to 12 barg
Capacities from 28kg/h – 114kg/h
For higher steam demands several units can be combined together

Flange Standards: acc. to DIN-EN 1092-1, PN6 / 16 / 40
Standards: The product fully complies with the requirements of the European
Pressure Equipment Directive 97 / 23 / EC and carries the CE mark.
Certification: acc. to EN 10204 certifiable as standard and certificates are available
on request.
Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at the
time of order replacement

Steam output Thermal output Dimensions Protection

Model No.
kg/h kW L x W x H in mm Ampere
EDI 20 28 20 659 x 921 x 1,425 35
EDI 40 57 40 659 x 921 x 1,425 63
EDI 53 76 53 659 x 1,205 x 1,425 80
EDI 80 114 80 659 x 1,205 x 1,425 125

Steam Separators
Material: Mild Steel (P235GH) N4
Stainless Steel (AISI 304 / 316)
Function: In the steam contained water drops are thrown at a baffle and therefore
steam will be dried.
Design: vertical compact design, long life, low pressure loss
Conditions: Max. operating pressure 10 barg
Max. operating temperature 200°C
Flange Standards: acc. to DIN-EN 1092-1, PN 16 / 40
Standards: The product fully complies with the requirements of the European Pressure N1 N2
Equipment Directive 97 / 23 / EC and carries the CE mark when so required.

Certification: acc. to EN 10204 certifiable as standard and certificates are available on request.
Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at the time of
order replacement
D B H N3 N4 Capacity
Model No. N1/N2
mm mm mm BSP BSP (kg/h)
ESS-1 DN15 114.3 250 450 1/2" 1/2" 80
ESS-2 DN20 114.3 250 450 1/2" 1/2" 160
ESS-3 DN25 114.3 250 450 1/2" 1/2" 230
ESS-4 DN32 168.3 300 500 1/2" 1/2" 330
ESS-5 DN40 168.3 300 500 1/2" 1/2" 600 N3
ESS-10 DN125 355.6 500 800 1" 1/2" 5000
ESS-11 DN150 355.6 500 800 1" 1/2" 8000
ESS-12 DN200 355.6 500 800 1" 1/2" 17000
ESS-13 DN250 406.4 550 1,000 1" 1/2" 22000
ESS-14 DN300 406.4 550 1,000 1" 1/2" 32000

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 53

Technical Specifications

Sample Coolers
N3 N3 N3
Material: Stainless Steel (AISI 316L)
Function: cooling of sample water from steam boilers and feed water tanks
Design: cooling water body with internal coil
Conditions: Max. operating pressure coil 40 barg, body 10 barg
Max. operating temperature coil 200°C, body 80°C
Flange Standards: acc. to DIN-EN 1092-1, PN6 / 16 / 40
Certification: acc. to EN 10204 certifiable as standard and certificates are availa
ble on request. N1
Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at

the time of order replacement N2

A mm 206
Cooling water inlet and
B mm 127 1/2" BSP
outlet connections N1/N2
Sample tube inlet and N4
D mm 104 8mm O/D A B
outlet connections N3
H mm 623 Drain tube connector N4 3/8" BSP

Vapour Heat Exchangers





Material: Stainless Steel (AISI 316)

Function: use the waste energy of generated flash steam (feed tanks, flash tanks, condensate recovery) to heat up fresh water.
Design: horizontal compact design, long life, low pressure loss
Conditions: Max. operating pressure 10 barg
Max. operating temperature 150°C
Flange Standards: acc. to DIN-EN 1092-1, PN 16 / 40
Certification: acc. to EN 10204 certifiable as standard and certificates are available on request.
Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at the time of order replacement

Connection Connection Connection

Model No. Steam flow Heat load Water Flow L D
vapour steam Condensate Secondary
(50 -> 70°C)
(max. 15m/s)
kg/h kW m³/h
VHX-1 30 18.7 0.8 DN40 DN15 DN32 1400 50
VHX-2 50 31.3 1.4 DN40 DN15 DN40 1400 50
VHX-3 75 46.9 2.0 DN50 DN15 DN50 1400 50
VHX-4 100 62.5 2.7 DN80 DN15 DN65 1500 80
VHX-5 200 125 5.4 DN80 DN25 DN65 1500 80
VHX-6 300 187.5 8.0 DN100 DN25 DN80 1500 100
VHX-7 500 312.5 13.4 DN100 DN40 DN80 1500 100

54 ECOTHERM Steam Solutions

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Our Mission
ECOTHERM amazes its customers with individual solutions for hot water, steam and solar systems.

Our Vision
ECOTHERM is the leading brand for individual hot water, steam and solar solutions for hotels, hospitals
and industry in Europe, Middle East, Asia, North Africa and Central America.

Our Values

Individual Heat Transfer Solutions

ECOTHERM Steam Solutions 55

20170426 Bro Steam

Pressure reducing stations Control panels

Steam boilers Burners Steam generators Economizers

Feed water tanks

individual turnkey steam solutions High capacity water heaters

Condensate return stations Water treatment Clean Steam Generators Chimneys


Karlingerstrasse 8
4081 Hartkirchen, Austria
Tel. +43 7273 6030-0
Fax +43 7273 6030-15

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