ECOTHERM - Steam Solutions PDF
ECOTHERM - Steam Solutions PDF
ECOTHERM - Steam Solutions PDF
Company profile
Steam Flow
Meter Legend
Master Control Panel Steam supply
Stainless Steel Condensate return
Chimney Blow down
Cold water
Hot water
Waste water
Water Sample Vent
Economizer Deaerator
Condensate Recovery
Feed Water
Steam Seperator
Fresh Water
Reverse Osmose
Fuel Burner Steam Boiler Water Softener & Chemical Dosing
Turnkey Solutions:
• (Pre-)Wiring Page 23
• (Pre-)Piping Page 23
• Pipe Supports Page 23
• Vapour Heat Exchangers Page 24
• ECOTHERM High Capacity Water Heaters Page 24
• High Capacity Clean Steam Generators
Pages 25 - 26
• Smart Steam Generators
Pages 27 - 28
Advantages Pages 29 - 33
Chimneys Flash
High quality stainless steel chimneys
for industrial applications and Steam Header
individual residental buildings.
Details on page 10.
Blow Down
Steam Boilers Cooler
Stainless Steel
Feed Water
Smart Steam Generators Tank
Fuel Burner Steam Boiler
Gas, oil or dual fuel burners with high-
efficiency and approved quality.
Details on page 11. Economizers Feed Water Tanks
Significantly increases the boiler High quality workmanship to highest
efficiency up to 97 percent. European standards.
Details on page 9. Details on pages 12 to 13.
Master Control Panel Steam supply
Condensate return
Blow down
Cold water
Hot water
Waste water
Condensate Recovery
Fresh Water
Water Treatment
In order to prevent the steam system
against corrosion and scale foundation,
certain components for the water treat-
ment are added to the system as e. g.:
• Water softener
Reverse Osmose • Chemical dosing
Water Softener & Chemical Dosing
• Water filter
• Hardness control
Low Capacities
350 - 5,000 kg/h
Technical details on page 36
High Capacities
1,700 - 20,000 kg/h
Technical details on page 37
Low Capacities
500 - 4,000 kg/h
Technical details on pages 40 - 41
High Capacities
2,000 - 20,000 kg/h
Technical details on pages 42 - 46
Admissible maximum
safety valve pressure
• Standard pressures:
10, 13 and 16 bar(g)
• Savety valve pressures:
11 and 14 bar(g)
Higher pressures on request.
The ECOTHERM high output steam provided with all required inspection ments. Thus continuos working costs
boilers are made of high quality steel openings. are kept low. The sources of energy
and are distinguished by their solid, are used more efficiently and ECO-
robust and flexible construction, parti- The spacious flame tube with low THERM spares the environment.
cularly by their operational ease, their thermal charges results in an excel-
easy maintenance and an optimal ef- lent combustion and reduced emissi- Construction guiding,
ficiency. The client receives an econo- ons. The large water content secures quality approval
mical, environment friendly compact an even burner running time and thus The boiler is designed with all neces-
unit, ready for installation. The boilers reduces the number of boiler starts. sary inspection doors. Construction
are constructed for oil or gas firing. and production is done according
Thermal insulation to the European Pressure Directive
Boiler type ESBH The boiler is fully insulated with Equipment (PED) 97/23/EC, with CE-
The type ESBH classical 3 pass flame mineral wool insulation. The casing is conformity.
tube flue gas tube boiler consists of a made of structured aluminium plate.
cylindric shell, the two head plates, the Fittings and out-cuts are properly rim- The quality approval at ISO
flame tube including the back flue gas med. The flue gas collector is thermal 9001:2000 certification and the qua-
turning chamber with water cooled fin- insulated. lity approval at our factory with our
ned tube wall, the two flue gas passes ECOTHERM quality performance
and the fitting tube, placed either on High efficiency department with works certificate gu-
the right (standard) or on the left. The Due to the above technical facts an arantees the highest product quality.
boiler door is insulated and flue gas efficiency of up to 90%, respectively For installation and operation of the
proof for burner mounting. The boiler up to 95% with economizer, can be boiler the local laws and norms are to
is completely electrically welded and achieved with minimal space require- be respected.
leaving a normal boiler is about pared to smoke gas out from eco)
50°C to 80°C higher (full load - which results in a fuel saving of
and clean heating surfaces) then about 5% comparing to boilers wi-
the saturated steam temperature. thout economizer. The feed water
The minimum allowed smoke gas temperature will rise from 105°C to
temperature (behind economizer) round 135°C in that case.
CE-certified, double-wall, grime- are gas-shielded, arc welded and pas- sequently it remains centered without
combustion-resistant insulated sivated via WIG. fixing on the outer shell.
chimney - respectively exhaust gas The production is externally controlled Thermal bridges between inner and
system - made of stainless steel by by an independent testing institute. outer shell are avoided because of
Jeremias, Germany. The compliance of constant goods is this construction. The special mineral
The chimney respectively exhaust gas checked by an internal control. insulation (thickness 32mm) between
plant is made of industrial, double-wall The inner shell is made of 0.6-1.0 mm inner and outer shell is high-tempera-
stainless steel system elements. It is thick stainless steel (AISI 316Ti). The ture resistant and incombustible (ma-
used as an outer wall chimney as a outer shell has got the same thickness terial class A1 according to DIN 4102).
standard but it is also suitable for as- at the stainless steel material number
sembling in buildings, as long as the AISI 304. This material thickness of-
system is floor-overlapping. But in this fers perfect safeness against buckling
case the system has to be covered by and folding. The single elements are
a cored hole (which has to fulfill the connected by plug-in sockets with
fire protection requirements). This overlying clamp fittings against scrol-
chimney can also be used for roof he- ling and slipping.
ating and for all connection piping. The inner shell of the system is able
The exhaust gas plant is made of to extend freely as because of the
high-alloyed, austenitic stainless steel construction of the single elements
(AISI 316Ti). Its longitudinal seams the inner shell cannot slip and con-
Oil burners
Oil burners are of the fully automatic again. They meet all the demands for
pressure atomizing type. Their design safety, reliability and low cost ser-
has been carefully considered down vicing. The oil burners are type
to the smallest detail and has been tested and have the following
proved successfully over and over features:
• Larger range of application
• Automatic sequence of operations
• Stable fan characteristics - good combustion results
• Air damper closed on burner shutdown
• Quiet operation
• Complete pre-wired integral switchgear
• Hinged burner casing
• Combustion head can be withdrawn when the burner is hinged open
• The design of the burner makes installation, adjustment and servicing easy
The feedwater deaerating plant, consisting of the feedwater
tank and the deaerator, removes dissolved gases such as
oxygen, carbon dioxide and other non-condensable gases
from boiler feedwater and makeup water.
For the operation of steam boilers with high thermal load
on the heating surfaces boiler feedwater must be treated
and conditioned.
The boiler feedwater must be free of hardening constituents
in order to prevent the formation of scale on the boiler heating
surfaces. The presence of dissolved oxygen and carbon
dioxide causes severe corrosion of metal boiler parts. The
feedwater deaerating plant is custom designed for each
application and meets essential thermodynamic requirements
to achieve optimal performance.
The make-up water and return condensate enters the
deaerator that is fitted with a series of tray compartments
to provide maximum spilling. Heating steam is fed into the
deaerator from below. The make-up water and return con-
densate are deaerated and flow directly into the feedwater
tank, which is flanged to the deaerator. The feedwater tank,
which is heated by means of a steam injector, heats up the
feedwater to 105°C.
The solubility of gases in water can be described by Henry
Dalton‘s law of absorption which states that gas solubility in
a solution decreases as the gas partial pressure above the
solution decreases. This means that the gas solubility in a
solution decreases as the temperature of the solution rises
and approaches saturation temperature.
The make-up water and return condensate is distributed
over the series of trays and comes in direct contact with
the heating steam. This process reduces the solubility of
oxygen and carbon dioxide and removes these gases from
Technical details on pages 48 - 49.
the feedwater. The released gases work their way to the
top of the vessel where they are vented from the deaerator
via the vent line.
A temperature-controlled heating system for warming up a
Benefits: cold feedwater tank is provided.
• Sizes from 200 to 20,000 liters Due to the fact that the feedwater temperature is above
100°C enough net positive suction head (NPSH) is required
• Pressure resistant to ensure that the weight of the column of water in the line
• Material: mild steel, stainless steel exerts enough pressure at the feed water pump suction to
prevent the formation of steam bubbles and therefore the
AISI 304 / 316 / Duplex SS water from cavitating. Therefore a support construction is
• Completely preassembled unit required.
• All valves, pumps, instruments are
custom-designed according to
steam boiler system
1 Feed Water Tank: preparing feed water for steam 10 Degasification pressure regulation for removal
boilers, collecting condensate, adding chemicals, of different gases from the feed water, a steam
pre-heating of feed water. injection in deaerator is necessary. This injection
2 Pressurized Deaerator: removing oxygen and should keep a constant tank pressure of about
other gases, injection for fresh softened water, 0.3 bar(g) for optimal degasification
pressure control 11 Discharging air and oxygen vent (out of
3 Level Control: to keep a constant water level in building) removing port of waste gases. also
the tank a level control system is required. Also a vapour heat exchanger (flash steam) can be
protection against low and high water is installed. installed on this port. (17)
4 Drain: for draining of the tank 12 Safety valve high pressure protection valve
opens when pressure increases.
5 Boiler feed water: feed water supply connection to
feed water pumps and boilers 13 Feed water return (optional): in big boiler systems
a 3-way valve control for feeding of steam boilers
6 Sample water: connection to feed water sample is proposed. In case of low load feed water will be
cooler. Water quality needs to be checked daily returned to feed tank.
7 Pre-heating of feed water to protect the boiler 14 Vacuum breaker: protection against negative
against too high temperature differences and heat pressure
tensions, feed water needs to be pre-heated by
steam injection. 15 Overflow: protection against high water
8 Condensate return: collecting the condensate 16 Manhole / handhole: will be provided for easy
from different consumers, e. g. steam pipe draining inspection and cleaning
points, heat exchangers, laundry machines. 17 Flash Steam (Vapour): heat exchanger uses the
9 Pressure reducing station to provide exact “waste energy” to heat up make-up water before
needed pressure for pre-heating and degasification, entering the deaerator
steam pressure can be adjusted by pressure
reducing station
User benefits:
• Three inlets as standard with dedicated bottom blow-
down and TDS connection.
• Fully complies with the requirements of the European
Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC.
• Complete systems normally readily available from
• Quick and easy to install and maintain.
VENT out of building
Water Softener
Automatic volume-controlled softener producing soft wa-
Water filter ter by means of ion-exchange. Particularly suitable in case
of unsteady soft water consumption. Not recommended in
case of fluctuating raw water hardness.
• Ion-exchange tank made of glass-fibre reinforced
plastic with PE
• Inliner, filled with ion exchange resin on a layer of
supporting gravel,
• Brine tank with salt tray, supporting body, standpipe
and brine valve and plastic cover,
• Hose connecting the central distribution valve
• Adapter with second ion-exchange vessel,
• Central distribution valve made of red brass alloy, the
controller and turbine water meter mounted on its top
Chemical Dosing
• Electrical connection 230 V ± 10 %, 50 - 60 Hz
• Electricity supply for electronics and motored drive
via adapter 230 V / 12 V (AC)
• Energy consumption max. 10 VAC
• Parameter storage in case of power failure:
infinitely long
• Programming the regeneration initiation:
- amount (in litre or m³)
- interval (in days) beginning with the end of the last
- initiation time (for time and volume controlled
Technical details on page 50. operation)
The chemical dosing is used to The water filter is used for the For automatic control of the
control the dosage of oxygen coarse filtration of fresh water water hardness for larger sys-
binder, prosphat and sulfite in and is mounted prior to ente- tems often a self-controlled wa-
the feed water of steam gene- ring the water treatment system. ter hardness monitoring unit is
rators. The size is determined by the used.
required amount of fresh water,
The system basically consists the characteristics of the fresh Thus, the steam system is al-
of a solenoid diaphragm pump, water and the size of the water ways perfectly protected against
mounted on a dosing tank for softening plant. too hard water.
storage of the chemical dosage.
For the ease of cleaning an inte- Alternatively, manual water test
The plant is individually designed gral backwashing system of the kits can be used, which require a
according to the defined boiler filter is used. continuous measurement of the
parameters and is delivered fully water quality by the operator.
Control Panels
The condensate recovery units are designed to handle hot
condensate, which is commonly returned for use as boiler
feedwater. They can handle high quantities at 98°C with
pump delivery heads up to 30 - 35 meters. A unit comprises
three main parts - receiver, pump/pumps and control panel.
Blow Down
Control Valve
In case of fault of the feed water For easy maintenance and servi-
pump, a second reserve pump is cing each pump can be removed by
supplied, installed in parallel to the closing the shut off valve before and
operating one. after each pump.
Steam Headers
ECOTHERM steam headers are
individually designed accor-
ding to the maximum boiler load.
Any pipe connection and steam
distribution can be considered in
design stage. Every steam header is
equiped with one or two relay points
according to the size of the header. All
headers are manufactured according
to European pressure directive (PED).
Steam Separators
The ECOTHERM steam se- The flow velocity of the steam, air
parator provides the total or gas is significantly reduced as it
solution for all pipelines carrying enters the body. The relatively heavy
steam, air or gas where water droplets water droplets impact on the internal
are in suspension. baffles and are then directed to the
separator drain connection and re-
The purpose of steam separators is moved from the system using either a
to collect small droplets of water and steam trap, or when used on air or gas
separate them from the steam in the distribution system, a liquid drainer.
The ECOTHERM baffle type separator
The ECOTHERM baffle type separator is a highly efficient product, operating
is designed to achieve this separation over a wide velocity range, leading to
by having an internal volume many improved system performance.
times greater than the inlet pipework.
Technical details on page 53.
Sample Coolers
ECOTHERM sample coolers are used Clear results
to take samples of water or steam from The boiler and feed water has to be
boilers at high temperature and pres- analyzed daily. The sample cooler
sure. The counter-current flow through helps to cool the hot boiler and feed
the shell and coil condenses the steam water down to a safe temperature.
and cools hot fluids efficiently to ena- Only cooled samples will give clear
ble safe sampling. When hot pressu- results.
rized liquids are being cooled the sam-
ple cooler prevents “flashing-off” which Description
can be dangerous and will result in an The hot water from boiler and feed
inaccurate sample. By utilising corro- water tank is conducted through a
sion resistant materials for the coo- stainless steel cooling serpent. This
ler, contamination is minimized, and serpent is girdled with cold water in a
service life maximized. small stainless steel vessel.
for the complete building. Therefore ject is the minimum you should claim 2 Turnkey Solutions
ECOTHERM offers complete indivi- for your individual steam system.
dual turnkey solutions. The services Find the products and services
range from design, 3D visualization, included in an ECOTHERM turnkey Find more information in our
project management, over manuf- system on the following pages. brochure “Turnkey Solutions”.
Turnkey system from ECOTHERM
meet highest quality demands. There
fore the system is pre-assembled
and pre-wired in the headquarters in
Austria. The complete system is ful-
ly tested and approved according to
European standards.
After shipping the pre-wired compo-
nents can be installed very quickly.
Small systems usually can go into
operation within a couple of days.
Small systems are delivered including
pre-piping as a standard. For larger
turnkey systems ECOTHERM offers
the option to individually manufacture
all necessary pipes, to pre-assemble
and test the complete system inclu-
ding the piping in the production facili-
ty in Austria and then to ship the piping
in units which can easily be mounted
at construction site. The complete
piping is 3d visualized with CAD
design prior to manufacture. The
welding is done accordining to
ISO 3834-2 : 2005 certification.
Pipe Supports
Pipe shoes and supports from Sikla
in Austria have become the widely
recognized “state-of-the-art” in plant
engineering’s pipe installations. A mo-
dular kit gives all the freedom at the
installation in the plant room. You will
capitalize on simplified stock logisti-
cs. Through the combination of base
unit (skid) with a set, only one type
is stocked and the variations can in-
stantly be generated depending on
demand. All pipe supports and pipe
shoes have a safety-relevant function
within an operating plant.
For this process, thermal degasification, steam is used which deaerates the
gases (N2, O2, CO2) out of building. Hence there is energy lost on deaerator.
This “lost energy” can be used for pre-heating of cold softened water or domestic
cold water.
Output performance
• Output rating: 100 - 2,000 kW
• Storage capacity: from 300 up to 5,000 liters or larger
• Peak hot water output: 1,800 - 35,900 liters / hour at 60°C
(Higher output and storage capacities available on request)
Model EHRE
water / water
100 - 1,000 kW
Special features
Model EF
water / water
40 - 350 kW
Model EDRE
steam / water
100 - 2,000 kW
• Stainless steel AISI-316Ti / duplex for lifelong service
• Freshly made, hygienic hot water
3 High Capacity
Water Heaters
• Legionella decontamination cycle, “Anti-Legio” design
• Anti-fouling cycle
Find more information in our brochure • Microprocessor control with optional remote control via PC
“High Capacity Water Heaters”.
Standard equipment
• Clean Steam vessel made of AISI 316 Ti or duplex
stainless steel
• Pressure / temperature controlled
• Steam trap set with ball float valve
• Centrifugal feed water pump
• Fully automatically control panel
• Blow down vessel, stainless steel
• Sample cooler, stainless steel
• Safety and control utilities
• Design and manufacturing according to PED 97/23/EC
Steam generation:
Capacities from 250 - 4,000 kg/h as a • by heat exchanger (plant steam / clean steam)
standard. Higher capacities on request. • by electric heating bundle
Optional equipment The clean steam is generated by plant steam or by electrical
energy. The clean steam generator is loaded with softened
• with Steam Flow meter and heated water (without lime, PH-neutral conductivity,
0–30 μS). This water will become clean steam. The level
• with PRV-unit
control guarantees an optimized level of water and causes
• with steam header an alarm if the water level falls below the alarm switch.
The pressure of the clean steam is controlled according to
the requirement by regulation valve.
A conductivity measuring unit regulates the level of mine-
rals in the water to protect the vessel.
• Sterilizers for healthcare
To avoid any dirt inside the clean steam generator and to
• Sterilize in place (SIP) for guarantee a high quality of water and a long life of the ves-
food and beverages sel is installed a blow down valve which is controlled auto-
• Direct injection into the product for matically.
pharmaceuticals The blow down cooler cools the hot water of the blow down
• Clean room humidification for to 40°C to drain the water and to avoid burnings.
biotechnology The clean steam generators can be manufactured com-
• Operating environments for pletely pre-piped and wired, mounted on a stainless steel
electronics support frame.
• Laboratories for brewing
• Humidifiers Technical details on page 52.
3 10
TI 1
13 WATER 16
18 2
TI 17
TS 15
1 Clean Steam Generator: generation of clean, 9 Discharging air and oxygen vent (out of
sterile steam by using high quality stainless steel building): removing port of waste gases.
materials. Steam generation by heat exchanger 10 Level control: to keep a constant water level in
application. the tank a level control system is required. Also
Consisting of stainless steel tank, removable protection against low an high water is installed.
heating bundle and all required connections for 11 Pre-heating of feed water to protect the boiler
safety and control. against to high temperature differences and heat
2 High pressure bottom blown down control: tensions, feed water needs to be pre-heated by
flushing of the boiler bottom where sludge is created steam injection.
by timer controlled blow down valve. 12 Drain for draining of the tank
3 High pressure surface blown down control 13 Boiler feed water: feed water supply connection to
(TDS control) continuously measurement of water feed water pumps and boilers
conductivity just below the water surface level. If the
value is too high, valve opens until the measured 14 Condensate return collecting the condensate
value drops below the set point. from different consumers, e. g. steam pipe draining
points, heat exchangers, laundry mashines.
4 Pressure control: pressure will be setted
mechanical (by mechanical pressure control valve) 15 Blown down cooler to cool down the hot water
or electrical by pressure transmittor (control panel) from surface and bottom blow down outlets.
and electrical operated valve. 16 Water sample cooler for daily analysis of feed
5 Steam supply: clean steam outlet port from clean water and boiler water, hot water samples have to
steam generator be cooled down by water sample cooler.
6 Feed water tank: preparing feed water for steam 17 Feed water pump unit vertical multistage
boilers, collecting condensate, pre-heating of feed centrifugal feed water pump which feeds the steam
water. generator with feed water. Pump is designed
according to maximum steam pressure and flow
7 Overflow: protection against high water capacity of steam boiler.
8 Steam separator unit to prevent steam regulation 18 Master Control panel entire independent steam
valves from condensate, steam will be separated by generation regulation and safety devices control
using steam separator and draining unit
• Menu-driven, easy operation by full-text touchscreen
• Simple start / stop procedure by remote control, timer or manual
• Parallel management of multiple boilers possible as an option
• Operating pressure up to 11 bar(g).
Your advantages
• Efficiency
• Design
• Individuality
• Premium quality
• Maximum savings
• Easy control
• Premium service
• ECOTHERM Academy
• Research & development
• Know-how
• Certified & approved solutions
• Experience
One of ECOTHERM's key values is
“sustainability”. This especially drives
the company to produce plants which
consume as less energy as possible at
reaching the desired output in means
of hot water or steam. Therefore
ECOTHERM has installed its own
innovation management system at the
headquarters in Austria.
This standardarized process ensures
to permanently improve existing pro-
ducts and components and create new
products to open new possibilities to
further improve the efficiency of the
ECOTHERM systems. exchanger, hot water system needs generators. Using a heat recovery unit,
The results are innovative and tech- minimal floor space since hot water can primary energy is saved. Moreover the
nologically leading products as e. g. be produced just on demand. clean steam generators have a compact
the ECOTHERM shell & tube heat Another example of ECOTHERM's in- design and are skid mounted. This sa-
exchanger with the patented free novative and efficient products are the ves floor space in the plant room and
floating turbulator rods. With this heat ECOTHERM high capacity clean steam time for installation on site.
For all individual ECOTHERM turnkey Moreover the CAD data from the de-
systems a detailled 3d visualization sign are the basis for the start of the
is already created in design stage. operations scheduling. Due to the sa-
Usually 80 to 90 percent of all details ved parameters e. g. also the bill of
are included in the design. This en- lading is created.
sures that the final system meets the Finally the service man uses the 3d
project's budget, is manufactured and visualization at the touch screen of Optimal overview on the touch screen
delivered in time and that the desired the control panel in order to monitor of the control panel for monitoring
performance of the system can be and modify the most important pro- and controlling the system due to the
reached for sure. cess parameters. 3d visualization.
According to the project specifica-
tions, the ECOTHERM engineerings
choose the suitable products for your
individual steam solution. All compo-
nents are perfectly coordinated with
each other. This ensures the maxi-
mum efficiency of the system and the-
refore the maximum return on invest-
ment of your money.
Premium Quality
On the one hand ECOTHERM as a where we set new
company and its products are certified standards for the
and approved according to the highest market concerning
European standards. But “premium quality. This philo-
quality” at ECOTHERM means much sophy is one of the
more. It is the philosophy to supply the main reasons why
best possible system to the customer. ECOTHERM is the
If we are not satisfied with a solution, market leader for
we develop our own standard as e. individual turnkey
g. the ECOTHERM touch panel for solar, hot water and
the control of the system or the ECO- steam systems in
THERM insulation solution, which is the Middle East.
outstanding due to its patented com-
ponents. These are just two examples
Maximum Savings
ECOTHERM systems consist mainly of water demand. For small demands,
high capacity components. These pro- the hot water in the storage tank is
ducts achieve maximum performance used. On the other hand only a very
with minimal space requirements. Ta- small capacity of the storage tank
king into consideration that one can uti- is heated up to 60°C. Therefore the
lize this space for another purpose, this number of burner starts per day is
fact saves a lot of money. significantly reduced compared to
The ECOTHERM microprozessor conventional systems.
control panel optimizes the overall If possible, the experienced ECO-
performance of the system. Due to THERM engineers further equip the
the high capacity shell & tube heat system with an economizer, water
exchangers with the patented free treatment components and a heat
floating turbulator rods, the burners recovery unit in order to further save
are only started at continuous hot primary energy.
Premium Service
Supplying an individual turnkey soluti- tant parameters
on, ECOTHERM provides a huge ran- of the system.
ge of services ranging from design, Premium quality
3d visualization, project management, of the products
over manufacture, pre-assembly, pre- and premium ser-
wiring and testing to shipping, commis- vice during the
sioning, supervision and maintenance. whole project is
Experienced ECOTHERM engineers the minimum you
ensure that your system operates should claim for
stable, save, reaches the desired out- your individual
put and they train your staff how to steam system.
monitor and control the most impor-
The aim of the ECOTHERM Acade- the company for the next three years
my is the strategically planned trai- are also be considered at planning.
ning of all employees and partners. In addition, the Academy offers op-
The ECOTHERM Academy syste- tional courses from different areas.
matically identifies the needs and
wishes of all participants for trainings The ECOTHERM International Sup-
and seminars. The strategic aims of port Centre in Dubai plays a central
role in the imple-
mentation of the
trainings on an
international level.
The basis for the
training courses is
a library of so-cal-
These presenta-
tions or videos
cover all important
issues that have
to be trained.
very precisely on its core dy been working for the company for
business. Employees are more than five years. All this results
trained in the ECOTHERM in experienced engineers who design
Academy, which takes into your individual steam system with a
consideration the main stra- high efficiency, a compact design, a
tegic goals within the next maximum performance and a save
three years. This know- and stable operation.
how is organized
ECOTHERM is a family owned com- in a self-developed
pany with a clear vision. The goal is knowledge management sys-
to become the leading brand for so- tem to ensure that all ECO-
lar, hot water and steam systems in THERM employees have the
defined “core markets”. Furthermore same know-how. Additionally
there exists a clear strategy how this more than half of the emplo-
vision will become true. Following yees at the ECOTHERM head-
this strategy ECOTHERM focusses quarters in Austria have alrea-
As a result of our more than thousand
installations in Europe, the Middle
East, Asia, North Africa and in Cen-
tral America over the past twelve ye-
ars, ECOTHERM has become one
of the technology and innovation
leaders on the market for solar, hot
water and steam systems. The em-
ployees have long service records
with the company and they continu-
ously refresh their know-how through
the training and seminars at the
Iron (Fe), total mg/l < 0.05 < 0.1 < 0.1
Copper (Cu), total mg/l < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01
Silicate acid (SiO2) mg/l see guidelines for boiler water only
Chloride mg/l < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
Consumption of Potassium permanganate mg/l < 10 < 10 < 10
Oil, fat mg/l < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
Noted in the past at °dH, changing factor: 1 mmol/l = 5.6 °dH (German hardness).
It is not necessary to make continuous control of the following parameters: Conductivity, Oxygen (O2), Carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved, Iron (Fe),
total, Copper (Cu), total, Silicate (SiO2), Consumption of Potassium permanganate, Oil, fat.
Take care to maintain the allowed value of acid capacity - at this point the allowed conductivity has to be lower on many
plants; for water level electrodes minimum conductivity > 5 μS/cm
Noted in the past at °dH, changing factor: 1 mmol/l = 5.6 °dH (German hardness)
Noted in the past as p-value, changing factor: KS 8.2 = 1 according p-value = 1
Measurements only necessary if dosing chemicals are used which contains these values
It is recommended to use Amine (film producing) only instead of other dosing chemicals for boilers which have a small
heating load and up to maximum 16 bar(g) working pressure. Because of the danger of foam production overdosing is not permitted!
Steam boiler model ESBI-L is a reverse flame 3 pass wet back horizontal
boiler . Boiler ’s body is suitable for use on gaseous and liquid fuels.
Technical Specifications
The boiler is fully provided with all the accessories for regulating and safety
for the automatic operation.
•Standard equipement:
• 2 level indicators
• 1 main steam stop valves
• 1 pressure gauge
• 1 limit pressure switch
• 1 second stage pressure switch
• 1 safety pressure switch, manual reset
• 1 automatic level control
• 1 low level safety probe
• 1 extra low level safety probe
• 2 feed water pumps
• 2 strainers
• 3 isolating valves
• 3 non-return valves
• 1 blowdown stop valve
• 1 control panel 3/N 400V 50 bHz
Steam Boilers ESBI-H • flanged tube plates for full flexibility of the vessel during the
combustion process
• standby feed pump as standard
Standard equipment
• 2 level indicators
• 1 main steam stop valve
• 2 spring safety valves
• 1 pressure gauge
• 1 limit pressure switch ØC
• 1 second stage pressure switch
• 1 safety pressure switch, manual reset
• 1 automatic level control
• 1 low level safety probe
• 1 extra low level safety probe
• 2 feed water pumps
• 2 strainers
• 3 isolating valves
• 3 non-return valves
• 1 blowdown stop valve
• 1 control panel 3/N~ 400V 50 Hz
11 Boiler
Boiler 8 tds shut
8 tdsoff valve
shut off valve 15 Feed water valve(s) 1
15 Feed water valve(s)1
2 Boiler base 9 Steam shut off valve 16 Bottom blow down ball valve
23 Boiler
front door 10 9 valve(s)
Safety Steam shut off valve 17 Pressure stats16 Bottom blow down ball valve
34 Hinged
Flue gasfront door
outlet 11 Water10level
gauges valve(s) 18 17 Pressure
Feed water pump(s) 1
5 Explosion/cleaning door (flue side) 12 Water level control 19 Electrical control panel
46 Flue gas outlet
Inspection opening (waterside) 13
11 Water level gauges
Water level alarms 20 Burner2
18 Feed water pump(s)1
57 Explosion/cleaning
Instrument assemblydoor (flue side) 14 Feed12 Water
water inletlevel control
pipework 21 Flame viewing19 Electrical control panel
6 Inspection opening (waterside) 13 Water level alarms 20 Burner2
7 Optional 2nd feed
Instrument water pump.
assembly Design pressure
14 Feed water inlet pipework 11 and 14 bar (overpressure).
21 Flame viewing point
Burner shown is monoblock type. Higher pressures available on request.
Ducting and chimney diameters to be sized for site application.
1Dimensions incl.feed
100 mm insulation
Optional 2nd water pump. thickness.
Transport dimensions for pressure level 11 bar.
Burner shown is monoblock type. Design pressure 11 and 14 bar(g) (overpressure).
Ducting and chimney diameters to be sized for site application. Higher pressures available on request.
Main dimensions Boiler base Flue gas
Dimensions L
incl. B insulation
100 mm B B
H 3
H2 H4 D L1 B1 H1 D1
Transport dimensions for pressure level 11 bar(g).
500 2260 1760 1625 1460 1870 805 673 1210 1300 850 1470 200
650 2460 1850 1675 1550 1960 850 700 1300 1500 900 1560 200
800 2560 1950 1775 1650 2060 900 735 1400 1500 1000 1660 250
1000 2760 1950 1775 1650 Main
2060 dimensions
900 735 1400 1500 1000 Boiler
1660 base 300 Fuel gas connection3
1200 2760
L 2030
B 1875
1480 1500
D 1100
L1 1740
B1 300
H1 D1
1500 3340 2050 1875 1750 2160 950 770 1500 2200 1100 1760 300
500 2260 1760 1625 1460 1870 805 673 1210 1300 850 1470 200
2000 3810 2100 1975 1800 2210 975 771 1550 2500 1200 1810 350
6502500 3910 24602350 18502075 1675
2050 1550
2460 1960
1100 850
877 700
1800 1300
2500 1300 15002060 900450 1560 200
8003000 3910 25602500 19502225 1775
2150 1650
2560 2060
1150 900
882 735
1900 1400
2500 1450 15002160 1000450 1660 250
3500 4210
2760 2550
1950 2225 2200
1775 2640
1650 1175
2060 945
900 1950
735 2800
1400 1450
1500 2210
1000 450
1660 300
4000 4410 2550 2225 2200 2640 1175 945 1950 3000 1450 2210 450
1200 2760 2030 1875 1730 2140 940 760 1480 1500 1100 1740 300
1500 3340 2050 1875 1750 2160 950 770 1500 2200 1100 1760 300
1-6 3810 2100 1975 1800 2210 975 771 1550 2500 1200 1810 350
2500 3910 2350 2075 2050 2460 1100 877 1800 2500 1300 2060 450
3000 3910 2500 2225 2150 2560 1150 882 1900 2500 1450 2160 450
3500 4210 2550 2225 2200 2640 1175 945 1950 2800 1450 2210 450
4000 4410 2550 2225 2200 2640 1175 945 1950 3000 1450 2210 450
Boiler efficiency at 10 bar(g) % 90.2 90.1 89.8 89.9 90.2 90.4 89.7
Diesel Oil (35 secs) at 13 bar(g) % 89.7 89.6 89.3 89.4 89.7 90.0 89.2
at 16 bar(g) % 89.3 89.2 89.0 89.0 89.3 89.5 89.0
Flue gas resistance mbar 9.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
Flue gas volume, at 10 bar(g) Nm3/h 1688 2018 2458 3234 4030 4822 6482
excess air @10% at 13 bar(g) Nm3/h 1701 2036 2481 3263 4066 4863 6540
at 16 bar(g) Nm3/h 1414 2050 2498 3285 4094 4899 6501
Fuel heat input at 10 bar(g) kW 1453 1811 2181 2902 3614 4327 5815
at 13 bar(g) kW 1465 1826 2201 2928 3647 4361 5868
at 16 bar(g) kW 1476 1839 2215 2948 3671 4396 5901
Flue gas volume, at 10 bar(g) Nm3/h 1647 2061 2482 3304 4117 4928 6621
excess air @12% at 13 bar(g) Nm3/h 1661 2080 2504 3333 4154 4970 6680
at 16 bar(g) Nm3/h 1673 2094 2522 3365 4183 5007 6641
Fuel heat input at 10 bar(g) kW 1446 1810 2179 2900 3614 4327 5815
at 13 bar(g) kW 1458 1825 2199 2926 3647 4361 5868
at 16 bar(g) kW 1468 1838 2213 2947 3671 4396 5894
Technical data with integral economizer, fuel natural gas and low sulphur fuel oil
Model 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000
Additional operating output at 10 bar(g) kW 62 79 102 131 154 154 272
with economizer at 13 bar(g) kW 68 88 116 144 171 171 299
at 16 bar(g) kW 74 95 120 156 186 186 315
Boiler efficiency with economizer % 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4
Flue gas resistance of economizer mbar 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Flue gas temperature after economizer °C 140 140 140 140 140 140 140
Model 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000
1 Flue gas tube cleaning equipment YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
1 Main steam valve 10 bar(g) DN80 DN80 DN100 DN100 DN100 DN125 DN150
13 bar(g) DN65 DN80 DN80 DN100 DN100 DN100 DN125
16 bar(g) DN65 DN65 DN80 DN80 DN100 DN100 DN125
1 Vent valve DN25 DN25 DN25 DN25 DN25 DN25 DN25
2 Safety valves* 10 bar(g) DN80 DN80 DN100 DN100 DN100 DN125 DN150
13 bar(g) DN65 DN80 DN80 DN100 DN100 DN100 DN125
16 bar(g) DN65 DN65 DN80 DN80 DN100 DN100 DN125
2 Isolation valves DN20 DN20 DN20 DN20 DN20 DN20 DN20
2 Reflection indicators fixing centre (mm) 420 420 420 420 420 420 420
1 Blow down sight glass drain (screwed) 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2"
1 Desalting shut off valve DN15 DN15 DN15 DN15 DN15 DN15 DN15
1 Blow down shut off valve DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40
1 Blow down ball valve DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40
1 Pressure gauge with three-way valve (screwed) 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2"
Water level control type ON/OFF
1 Feed water valve DN25 DN32 DN32 DN32 DN40 DN40 DN50
1 Feed water non-return valve/anti syphon valve DN25 DN32 DN32 DN32 DN40 DN40 DN50
1 Strainer pump (suction side) DN40 DN50 DN50 DN50 DN65 DN65 DN80
1 Ball valve pump (suction side) DN40 DN50 DN50 DN50 DN65 DN65 DN80
1 Pressure gauge (pump) with shut off valve (screwed) 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4"
1 Feed water pump 10 bar(g) CR CR CR CR CR CR CR
Motor rating kW 2.2 2.2 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.5 5.5
1 Feed water pump 13 bar(g) CR CR CR CR CR CR CR
Motor rating kW 2.2 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 7.5 7.5
1 Feed water pump 16 bar(g) CR CR CR CR CR CR CR
Motor rating kW 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.5 7.5 7.5 11.0
Flue gas volume, at 10 bar(g) Nm3/h 8084 9707 11327 12946 14594 16170
excess air @10% at 13 bar(g) Nm3/h 8156 9774 11414 13046 14706 16315
at 16 bar(g) Nm3/h 8110 9843 11494 13137 14809 16429
Fuel heat input at 10 bar(g) kW 7253 8713 10165 11604 13098 14505
at 13 bar(g) kW 7318 8771 10245 11708 13020 14635
at 16 bar(g) kW 7351 8831 10315 11788 13291 14735
Flue gas volume, at 10 bar(g) Nm3/h 8259 9916 11571 13226 14907 16520
excess air @12% at 13 bar(g) Nm3/h 8333 9987 11662 13329 15023 16667
at 16 bar(g) Nm3/h 8287 10057 11745 13424 15129 16756
Fuel heat input at 10 bar(g) kW 7253 8703 10154 11617 13084 14505
at 13 bar(g) kW 7318 8771 10234 11695 13202 14635
at 16 bar(g) kW 7359 8860 10338 11788 13291 14735
Technical data with integral economizer, fuel natural gas and low sulphur fuel oil
Model 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000
Additional operating output at 10 bar(g) kW 326 399 465 522 622 652
with economizer at 13 bar(g) kW 366 432 513 586 686 732
at 16 bar(g) kW 382 464 557 637 716 796
Boiler efficiency with economizer % 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4
Flue gas resistance of economizer mbar 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0
Flue gas temperature after economizer °C 140 140 140 140 140 140
Model 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000
1 Flue gas tube cleaning equipment YES YES YES YES YES YES
1 Main steam valve 10 bar(g) DN150 DN200 DN200 DN200 DN200 DN250
13 bar(g) DN150 DN150 DN200 DN200 DN200 DN200
16 bar(g) DN125 DN150 DN150 DN150 DN200 DN200
1 Vent valve DN25 DN25 DN25 DN25 DN25 DN25
2 Safety valves* 10 bar(g) DN50/80 DN50/80 DN65/100 DN65/100 DN65/100 DN65/100
13 bar(g) DN40/65 DN50/80 DN50/80 DN65/100 DN65/100 DN65/100
16 bar(g) DN40/65 DN40/65 DN50/80 DN50/80 DN50/80 DN65/100
2 Isolation valves DN20 DN20 DN20 DN20 DN20 DN20
2 Reflection indicators fixing centre (mm) M=420 M=420 M=420 M=420 M=420 M=420
1 Blow down sight glass drain (screwed) 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2"
1 tds shut off valve DN15 DN15 DN15 DN15 DN15 DN15
1 Blow down shut off valve DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40
1 Blow down ball valve DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40
1 Pressure gauge with three-way valve (screwed) 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2"
Water level control type MODULATING
1 Feed water valve DN50 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN80 DN80
1 Feed water non-return valve/anti syphon valve DN50 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN80 DN80
1 Strainer pump (suction side) DN80 DN80 DN100 DN125 DN125 DN125
1 Ball valve pump (suction side) DN 80 DN 80 DN100 DN125 DN125 DN125
1 Pressure gauge (pump) with shut off valve (screwed) 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4"
1 Feed water pump 10 bar(g) CR CR CR CR CR CR
Motor rating kW 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 15.0 15.0
1 Feed water pump 13 bar(g) CR CR CR CR CR CR
Motor rating kW 11.0 11.0 15.0 15.0 18.5 18.5
1 Feed water pump 16 bar(g) CR CR CR CR CR CR
Motor rating kW 15.0 15.0 18.5 18.5 18.5 22.0
Industrial Steam Boiler for Gas and Oil Firing
Steam Boilers ESBH-H
Technical data
THSD-I E without economiser
ESBH-H without economizer
1 Boiler 8 tds shut off valve 16 Bottom blow down ball valve
12 Boiler
Boiler base 9 Steam 8 shut
tds off
off valve 17 Pressure stats16 Bottom blow down ball valve
23 Boiler base chamber
Front reversal 10 Safety9 valve(s)
Steam shut off valve 18 17 Pressure stats
Feed water pump(s)
Hinged front door 11 Water level gauges 19 Electrical control panel
3 Front reversal chamber 10 Safety valve(s) 18 Feed water pump(s)
4 Flue gas outlet 12 Water level control 20 Burner5
Hinged front door
5 Explosion/cleaning door (flue side) 13 Water11level
Water level gauges
alarms 21 Vent valve 19 Electrical control panel
46 Flue gas outlet
Inspection openings (water side) 14 Feed12 Water
water inletlevel control 22 20 Burner5
Condensate drainage
57 Explosion/cleaning
Instrument assemblydoor (flue side) 15 Feed13 water valve(s)
Water level alarms 23 Flame viewing21 port
Vent valve
6 Inspection opening (waterside) 14 Feed water inlet pipework 22 Condensate drainage
Main dimensions Boiler base Flue gas
7 Instrument assembly 15 Feed water valve(s) 23 Flame viewing port
connection 6
THSD-I E L B H H1 H2 D L3 L4 L1 L2 B1 B2 H3 D1
kg/h Warming up time 8 Minutes 8 Minutes 8 Minuten 8 Minutes 8 Minutes 8 Minutes 8 Minutes 8 Minutes
Max. oil throughput* 9.2 kg/h 14.6 kg/h 20.5 kg/h 26.5 kg/h 32.6 kg/h 65.2 kg/h 97.8 kg/h 130.4 kg/h
g/min Max. gas throughput** 10.6 m3/h 17 m3/h 23.7 m3/h 30.5 m3/h 37.7 m3/h 75.4 m3/h 113.0 m3/h 150.7 m3/h
Gas flow pressure min. 20 mbar 20 mbar 20 mbar 20 mbar 20 mbar 20 mbar 20 mbar 20 mbar
Gas connection 1“ 1“ 1“ 1“ 1“ 1“ 1“ 1“
kW Exhaust mass flow 0.05 kg/s 0.08 kg/s 0.11 kg/s 0.14 kg/s 0.18 kg/s á 0.18 kg/s á 0.18 kg/s á 0.18 kg/s
Exhaust stack D 150 mm 300 mm 300 mm 300 mm 300 mm á 300 mm á 300 mm á 300 mm
Ü Flue draft min. 0.15 mbar 0.15 mbar 0.15 mbar 0.15 mbar 0.1 mbar á 0.1 mbar á 0.1 mbar á 0.1 mbar
El. connection 400 V / 50 Hz 400 V / 50 Hz 400 V / 50 Hz 400 V / 50 Hz 400 V / 50 Hz 400 V / 50 Hz 400 V / 50 Hz 400 V / 50 Hz
El. power consumption 2,4 kW 3,2 kW 3,2 kW 4,0 kW 4,0 kW 8,0 kW 12.0kW 16.0 kW
kg/h Total weight 580 kg 700 kg 800 kg 1200 kg 1300 kg á 1300 kg á 1300 kg á 1300 kg
Boiler height B 1580 mm 1756 mm 2043 mm 2043 mm 2140 mm 2140 mm 2140 mm 2140 mm
m3/h Boiler width C 800 mm 800 mm 800 mm 930 mm 930 mm á 930 mm á 930 mm á 930 mm
ar Boiler depth D 1380 mm 1620 mm 1620 mm 1750 mm 1750 mm á 1750 mm á 1750 mm á 1750 mm
Installation height A 1250 mm 1363 mm 1563 mm 1563 mm 1563 mm 1563 mm 1563 mm 1563 mm
Installation width C 690 mm 800 mm 800 mm 930 mm 930 mm 930 mm 930 mm 930 mm
Installation depth I 780 mm 800 mm 800 mm 930 mm 930 mm 930 mm 930 mm 930 mm
Exhaust stack H 850 mm 1438 mm 1438 mm 1438 mm 1438 mm 1438 mm 1438 mm 1438 mm
mm The supplied data applies to the use of the exhaust economizer
and feed water temperature of 90°C.
mbar *Oil - El: Hu = 11.86 kWh/kg
** Natural Gas: Hu = 10.35 kWh/m3n
/ 50 Hz
0 kg
* Height can be reduced up to 100 mms if requested. However,
0 mm the transport with the forklift will then be limited.
mm Steam valve: Flange DIN 2633 DN20
(exept DG 460 and
DG 560: DN25)
m Safety valve: Flange DIN 2633 DN25
(exept DG 460 and
DG 560: DN32)
m Feed pump: 1“ internal thread
Clarification line: ¾“ external thread
Technical data are subject to change.
Alternatively: Flue gas connecting piece
to the left or right side
condensate recovery
Design: Horizontal Feed Water tank
pressureless without N7
deaerator (smaller plants) N11
Horizontal Feed Water tank
pressurized with vertical
trickling deaerator L2
N10 L N9
(bigger plants) L1
Conditions: Max. operating pressure
0.5 bars, test pressure 2 bars
Max. operating temperature 120°C
Flange Standards: acc. to DIN-EN 1092-1, PN6 / 16 / 40
Standards: The product fully complies with the requirements of the European Pressure
Directive 97 / 23 / EC and carries the CE mark when so required.
Certification: acc. to EN 10204 certifiable as standard and certificates are available on request.
Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at the time of order replacement
Type ESWB 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 15 20
Volume [m ]3
1 2 3 4 6 8 10 16 20
D [mm] 800 1,100 1,200 1,350 1,500 1,550 1,650 2,100 2,200
L [mm] 1,500 1,750 2,250 2,500 3,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 5,000
L1 [mm] 1,900 2,200 2,900 3,100 3,600 4,600 5,000 5,100 6,200
L2 [mm] 800 1,200 1,200 1,300 1,500 2,000 2,100 2,000 2,500
H [mm] 1,100 1,500 1,600 1,750 1,900 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,600
Inspection Flange DN 200, PN 6 400, PN 6 500, PN 6
Pressure sensor N2 G if required ½
Safety valve N3 DN sizing in accordance with required heating capacity
Vacuum breaker N4 DN sizing in accordance with required heating capacity
Deaerator dome N5 DN 250 350 350 450 550 550 650 800 1000
Overflow N6 DN sizing in accordance with flowrate
Water level N7 DN 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Feedwater N9 DN 32 40 50 65 80 100 100 150 150
Drain N10 DN 25 25 32 32 32 40 40 50 50
Heating steam inlet N11 DN sizing in accordance with required heating capacity
Stand-by N12 DN 40 40 50 50 50 80 80 80 80
Thermometer N13 G 1/2
Thermostat N16 G sizing in accordance with required mechanical heating-up controller
Heating steam inlet N17 DN sizing in accordance with required heating capacity
condensate N18 DN 25 40 40 50 50 65 65 80 80
Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at the time
of order replacement
Water Softeners
stainless steel or plastic piping and accessories
ready for installation, skid mounded on steel
coated base frame.
Unit pre-wired for easy installation and operation,
ready for start-up
Conditions: inlet water pressure 2,0 -6,0 bar(g)
Operating temperatures 1-40°C
Connecting L W
Standards: BSP / NPT treated
Standards: The product fully complies with the requirements of the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97 / 23 / EC
and carries the CE mark when so required.
Certification: acc. to EN 10204 certifiable as standard and certificates are available on request.
Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at the time of order replacement
Electrical rating: 230V, 50-60Hz, IP44
Type ASW 100 180 240 320 400 500 1200 1800 2400
nominal capacity m³x°dH 100 180 240 320 400 400 1200 1800 2400
filling for one ion-exchange tank l 25 45 60 80 100 125 300 450 600
max. admiss. flow m³/h 1.0 1.5 2.0 3 4.0 6 10 15 20
salt consumption per reg. kg 6 10,8 14,4 19,2 24 30 72 108 144
hose nozzle ½“ for woven hose 13 x 3.5 thread connection IT 1“ NPT
rinse water connection
hose 13 x 3.5 NPT
capacity of brine tank l 100 100 100 150 150 200 500 500 1000
chemical dosing capacity l 60 60 100 100 100 100 2x100 2x100 2x100
dosing pump max. admiss. Flow l/h 2.5 2.5 2.5 4.3 4.3 4.3 2x4.3 2x4.3 2x4.3
pipe connection in/out N1/N2 BSP 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2" 2"
height mm 1,500 1,500 1,800 2,000 2,000 2,200 2,500 2,500 2,500
dimensions of
width mm 1,000 1,000 1,100 1,300 1,300 1,500 1,900 1,900 2,300
the unit HxWxD
depth mm 800 800 1000 1,200 1,200 1,400 1,800 1,800 2,200
Noted in the past at °dH, changing factor: 1 mmol/l = 5,6 °dH (German hardness).
N1 N1 E N2
Connections Condensate
N5 A B C D E capacity
Model N1 N2 N3 N4 mm mm mm mm mm
Pumped m³/h
Vessel inlet Vent Overflow Drain
ECR-500 DN40 DN50 DN25 1" BSP DN32 2,400 1,000 1,700 900 2,000 0.5-1
ECR-1,000 DN65 DN80 DN40 1" BSP DN32 2,400 1,100 1,700 1,100 2,100 1-2
ECR-1,500 DN65 DN80 DN40 1" BSP DN40 2,600 1,300 1,800 1,200 2,100 2-3
ECR-2,000 DN65 DN100 DN40 DN40 DN65 2,800 1,500 2,000 1,400 2,200 3-4
ECR-3,000 DN65 DN100 DN50 DN40 DN65 3,500 1,700 2,000 1,500 2,400 4-5
ECR-5,000 DN65 DN100 DN65 DN50 DN65 4,000 2,000 2,200 1,700 3,000 5-6
Flange Standards: acc. to DIN-EN 1092-1, PN6 / 16 / 40
Standards: The product fully complies with the requirements of the European
Pressure Equipment Directive 97 / 23 / EC and carries the CE mark.
Certification: acc. to EN 10204 certifiable as standard and certificates are available
on request.
Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at the
time of order replacement
Steam Separators
Material: Mild Steel (P235GH) N4
Stainless Steel (AISI 304 / 316)
Function: In the steam contained water drops are thrown at a baffle and therefore
steam will be dried.
Design: vertical compact design, long life, low pressure loss
Conditions: Max. operating pressure 10 barg
Max. operating temperature 200°C
Flange Standards: acc. to DIN-EN 1092-1, PN 16 / 40
Standards: The product fully complies with the requirements of the European Pressure N1 N2
Equipment Directive 97 / 23 / EC and carries the CE mark when so required.
Certification: acc. to EN 10204 certifiable as standard and certificates are available on request.
Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at the time of
order replacement
D B H N3 N4 Capacity
Model No. N1/N2
mm mm mm BSP BSP (kg/h)
ESS-1 DN15 114.3 250 450 1/2" 1/2" 80
ESS-2 DN20 114.3 250 450 1/2" 1/2" 160
ESS-3 DN25 114.3 250 450 1/2" 1/2" 230
ESS-4 DN32 168.3 300 500 1/2" 1/2" 330
ESS-5 DN40 168.3 300 500 1/2" 1/2" 600 N3
ESS-10 DN125 355.6 500 800 1" 1/2" 5000
ESS-11 DN150 355.6 500 800 1" 1/2" 8000
ESS-12 DN200 355.6 500 800 1" 1/2" 17000
ESS-13 DN250 406.4 550 1,000 1" 1/2" 22000
ESS-14 DN300 406.4 550 1,000 1" 1/2" 32000
Sample Coolers
N3 N3 N3
Material: Stainless Steel (AISI 316L)
Function: cooling of sample water from steam boilers and feed water tanks
Design: cooling water body with internal coil
Conditions: Max. operating pressure coil 40 barg, body 10 barg
Max. operating temperature coil 200°C, body 80°C
Flange Standards: acc. to DIN-EN 1092-1, PN6 / 16 / 40
Certification: acc. to EN 10204 certifiable as standard and certificates are availa
ble on request. N1
Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at
the time of order replacement N2
A mm 206
Cooling water inlet and
B mm 127 1/2" BSP
outlet connections N1/N2
Sample tube inlet and N4
D mm 104 8mm O/D A B
outlet connections N3
H mm 623 Drain tube connector N4 3/8" BSP
Our Mission
ECOTHERM amazes its customers with individual solutions for hot water, steam and solar systems.
Our Vision
ECOTHERM is the leading brand for individual hot water, steam and solar solutions for hotels, hospitals
and industry in Europe, Middle East, Asia, North Africa and Central America.
Our Values
Individual Heat Transfer Solutions