Case Facts Issue Ruling
Case Facts Issue Ruling
Case Facts Issue Ruling
Aratuc vs. COMELEC On April 7, 1978, election for the Whether or not respondent As the Superior administrative
position of Representative to the Comelec has committed grave body having control over boards
Batasang Pambansa were held abuse of discretion, amounting to of canvassers, the Comelec may
throughout the Philippines. lack of jurisdiction. review the actuations of the
The cases at bar concern only Regional Board of Canvassers,
the results of the elections in such as by extending its inquiry
Region XII which comprises the beyond the election records of
provinces of Lanao Del Sur, the voting centers in questions.
Lanao Del Norte, Maguindanao, The authority of the Commission
North Cotabato and Sultan is in reviewing such actuations
Kudarat, and the cities of does not spring from any
Marawi, Iligan and Cotabato. appellant jurisdiction conferred
Tomatic Aratuc sought the by any provisions of the law, for
suspension of the canvass then there is none such provision
being undertaken by Regional anywhere in the election Code,
Board of Canvassers in Cotabato but from the plenary prerogative
City and in which, the returns in of direct control and supervision
1,966 out of 4,107 voting centers endowed to it by the provisions
in the whole region had already in Section 168.
been canvassed showing partial And in administrative law, it is a
results. too well settled postulate to need
A Supervening Panel headed by any supporting citation here, that
Commissioner of Election Hon. a superior body or office having
Venancio S. Duque had supervision and control over
conducted the hearings of the another may do directly what the
complaints of the petitioners latter is supposed to do or ought
therein of the alleged to have done.
irregularities in the election
records of the mentioned
On July 11, 1978, the Regional
Board of Canvassers issued a
resolution, over the objection of
the Konsensiya ng Bayan
candidates, declaring all the
eight Kilusan ng Bagong Lipunan
candidates elected.
Appeal was taken by the KB
candidates to the Comelec.
On January 13, 1979, the
Comelec issued its questioned
resolution declaring seven KBL
candidates and one KB
candidate as having obtained the
first eight places, and ordering
the Regional Board of
Canvassers to proclaim the
winning candidates.
The KB candidates interposed
the present petition.
Maceda vs. Energy Regulatory In G.R. No. 96266, petitioner Whether or not the decisions of Petitioner Original additionally
Board Maceda seeks nullification of the the Energy Regulatory Board claims that if the price increase
Energy Regulatory Board (ERB) should be subject to presidential will be used to augment the
Orders dated December 5 and 6, review. OPSF this will constitute illegal
1990 on the ground that the taxation.
hearings conducted on the In the Maceda case, (G.R. Nos.
second provisional increase in oil 95203-05, supra) this Court has
prices did not allow him already ruled that "the Board
substantial cross-examination, in Order authorizing the proceeds
effect, allegedly, a denial of due generated by the increase to be
process. deposited to the OPSF is not an
Upon the outbreak of the Persian act of taxation but is authorized
Gulf conflict on August 2, 1990, by Presidential Decree No. 1956,
private respondents oil as amended by Executive Order
companies filed with the ERB No. 137
their respective applications on Pursuant to Section 8 of E.O.
oil price increases No. 172, while hearing is
On September 21, 1990, the indispensable, it does not
ERB issued an order granting a preclude the Board from ordering
provisional increase of P1.42 per a provisional increase subject to
liter. final disposition of whether or not
Petitioner Maceda filed a petition to make it permanent or to
for Prohibition on September 26, reduce or increase it further or to
1990, seeking to nullify the deny the application.
increase. The provisional increase is akin
to a temporary restraining order,
which are given ex-parte.
The Court further noted the
Solicitor General’s comments
that “the ERB is not averse to the
idea of a presidential review of
its decision,” except that there is
no law at present authorizing the
The Court suggested that it will
be under the scope of the
legislative to allow the
presidential review of the
decisions of the ERB since,
despite its being a quasi-judicial
body, it is still “ an administrative
body under the Office of the
President whose decisions
should be appealed to the
President under the established
principle of exhaustion of
administrative remedies,”
especially on a matter as
transcendental as oil price
increases which affect the lives
of almost all Filipinos.
Malaga vs. Penachos Jr. The Iloilo State College of Whether or not ISCOF is a The 1987 Administrative Code
Fisheries (ISCOF) through its government instrumentality defines a government
Pre-qualifications, Bids and subject to the provisions of PD instrumentality as follows:
Awards Committee (PBAC) 1818 Instrumentality refers to any
caused the publication in the agency of the National
November 25, 26 and 28, 1988 Government, not integrated
issues of the Western Visayas within the department
Daily an Invitation to Bid for the framework, vested with special
construction of a Micro functions or jurisdiction by law,
Laboratory Building at ISCOF. endowed with some if not all
The notice announced that the corporate powers, administering
last day for the submission of special funds, and enjoying
pre-qualification requirements operational autonomy, usually
was on December 2, 1988, and through a charter.
that the bids would be received This term includes regulatory
and opened on December 12, agencies, chartered institutions,
1988 at 3 o'clock in the and government-owned or
afternoon. controlled corporations. (Sec. 2
Petitioners Malaga and Najarro, (5) Introductory Provisions).
doing business under the name The same Code describes a
of BE Construction and Best chartered institution thus:
Built Construction, respectively, Chartered institution - refers to
submitted their pre-qualification any agency organized or
documents at two o'clock in the operating under a special
afternoon of December 2, 1988. charter, and vested by law with
Petitioner Occeana submitted his functions relating to specific
own PRE-C1 on December 5, constitutional policies or
1988. objectives.
All three of them were not This term includes the state
allowed to participate in the universities and colleges, and
bidding as their documents were the monetary authority of the
considered late. state. (Sec. 2 (12) Introductory
On December 12, 1988, the Provisions).
petitioners filed a complaint with It is clear from the above
the Iloilo RTC against the officers definitions that ISCOF is a
of PBAC for their refusal without chartered institution and is
just cause to accept them therefore covered by P.D. 1818.
resulting to their non-inclusion in There are also indications in its
the list of pre-qualified bidders. charter that ISCOF is a
They sought to the resetting of government instrumentality.
the December 12, 1988 bidding First, it was created in pursuance
and the acceptance of their of the integrated fisheries
documents. development policy of the State,
They also asked that if the a priority program of the
bidding had already been government to effect the socio-
conducted, the defendants be economic life of the nation.
directed not to award the project Second, the Treasurer of the
pending resolution of their Republic of the Philippines shall
complaint. also be the ex-officio Treasurer
On the same date, Judge of the state college with its
Lebaquin issued a restraining accounts and expenses to be
order prohibiting PBAC from audited by the Commission on
conducting the bidding and Audit or its duly authorized
award the project. representative.
The defendants filed a motion to Third, heads of bureaus and
lift the restraining order on the offices of the National
ground that the court is Government are authorized to
prohibited from issuing such loan or transfer to it, upon
order, preliminary injunction and request of the president of the
preliminary mandatory injunction state college, such apparatus,
in government infrastructure equipment, or supplies and even
project under Sec. 1 of P.D. the services of such employees
1818. as can be spared without serious
They also contended that the detriment to public service.
preliminary injunction had Lastly, an additional amount of
become moot and academic as it P1.5M had been appropriated
was served after the bidding had out of the funds of the National
been awarded and closed. Treasury and it was also decreed
On January 2, 1989, the trial in its charter that the funds and
court lifted the restraining order maintenance of the state college
and denied the petition for would henceforth be included in
preliminary injunction. the General Appropriations
It declared that the building Law.
sought to be constructed at the Nevertheless, it does not
ISCOF was an infrastructure automatically follow that ISCOF
project of the government falling is covered by the prohibition in
within the coverage of the the said decree as there are
subject law. irregularities present surrounding
the transaction that justified the
injunction issued as regards to
the bidding and the award of the
project (citing the case of Datiles
vs. Sucaldito)
Beja Sr. vs. CA Petitioner Fidencio Y. Beja, Whether or not the DOTC Attachment of an agency to a
Sr. was first employed by the Secretary and/or the AAB may Department is one of the three
PPA as arrastre supervisor in initiate and hear administrative administrative relationships
1975. cases against PPA Personnel mentioned in Book IV, Chapter 7
He became Assistant Port below the rank of Assistant of the Administrative Code of
Operations Officer in 1976 and General Manager 1987, the other two being
Port Operations Officer in 1977. supervision and control and
In February 1988, as a result of administrative supervision.
the reorganization of the PPA, he "Attachment" is defined in Sec.
was appointed Terminal 38 thereof as follows:
Supervisor. (3) Attachment. — (a) This refers
On October 21, 1988, the PPA to the lateral relationship
General Manager, Rogelio A. between the Department or its
Dayan, filed Administrative Case equivalent and the attached
No. 11-04-88 against petitioner agency or corporation for
Beja and Hernando G. Villaluz purposes of policy and program
for grave dishonesty, grave coordination.
misconduct, willful violation of The coordination shall be
reasonable office rules and accomplished by having the
regulations and conduct department represented in the
prejudicial to the best interest of governing board of the attached
the service. agency or corporation, either as
Beja and Villaluz allegedly chairman or as a member, with
erroneously assessed storage or without voting rights, if this is
fees resulting in the loss of permitted by the charter; having
P38,150.77 on the part of the the attached corporation or
PPA. agency comply with a system of
Consequently, they were periodic reporting which shall
preventively suspended for the reflect the progress of programs
charges. and projects; and having the
After a preliminary investigation department or its equivalent
conducted by the district attorney provide general policies through
for Region X, Administrative its representative in the board,
Case No. 11-04-88 was which shall serve as the
"considered closed for lack of framework for the internal
merit." policies of the attached
In his petition, Beja assails the corporation or agency;
Court of Appeals for having An attached agency has a larger
"decided questions of substance measure of independence from
in a way probably not in accord the Department to which it is
with law or with the applicable attached than one which is under
decisions" of this Court. departmental supervision and
Specifically, Beja contends that control or administrative
the Court of Appeals failed to supervision.
declare that: This is borne out by the "lateral
(a) he was denied due process; relationship" between the
(b) the PPA general manager Department and the attached
has no power to issue a agency.
preventive suspension order The attachment is merely for
without the necessary approval "policy and program
of the PPA board of directors; coordination."
(c) the PPA general manager With respect to administrative
has no power to refer the matters, the independence of an
administrative case filed against attached agency from
him to the DOTC-AAB, and Departmental control and
(d) the DOTC Secretary, the supervision is further reinforced
Chairman of the DOTC-AAB and by the fact that even an agency
DOTC-AAB itself as an under a Department's
adjudicatory body, have no administrative supervision is free
jurisdiction to try the from Departmental interference
administrative case against him. with respect to appointments and
Simply put, Beja challenges the other personnel actions "in
legality of the preventive accordance with the
suspension and the jurisdiction decentralization of personnel
of the DOTC Secretary and/or functions" under the
the AAB to initiate and hear Administrative Code of 1987.
administrative cases against Moreover, the Administrative
PPA personnel below the rank of Code explicitly provides that
Assistant General Manager. Chapter 8 of Book IV on
Petitioner anchors his contention supervision and control shall not
that the PPA general manager apply to chartered institutions
cannot subject him to a attached to a Department.
preventive suspension on the Hence, the inescapable
following provision of Sec. 8, Art. conclusion is that with respect to
V of Presidential Decree No. 857 the management of personnel,
reorganizing the PPA: an attached agency is, to a
(d) the General Manager certain extent, free from
shall, subject to the approval of Departmental interference and
the Board, appoint and remove control.
personnel below the rank of
Assistant General Manager.
(Emphasis supplied.)
Petitioner contends that under
this provision, the PPA Board of
Directors and not the PPA
General Manager is the "proper
disciplining authority.
The PPA was created through
P.D. No. 505 dated July 11,
Under that Law, the corporate
powers of the PPA were vested
in a governing Board of Directors
known as the Philippine Port
Authority Council.
Sec. 5(i) of the same decree
gave the Council the power "to
appoint, discipline and remove,
and determine the composition
of the technical staff of the
Authority and other personnel."
On December 23, 1975, P.D. No.
505 was substituted by P.D. No.
857, Sec. 4(a) thereof created
the Philippine Ports Authority
which would be "attached" to the
then Department of Public
Works, Transportation and
When Executive Order No. 125
dated January 30, 1987
reorganizing the Ministry of
Transportation and
Communications was issued, the
PPA retained its "attached"
Even Executive Order No. 292 or
the Administrative Code of 1987
classified the PPA as an agency
"attached" to the Department of
Transportation and
Communications (DOTC).
Sec. 24 of Book IV, Title XV,
Chapter 6 of the same Code
provides that the agencies
attached to the DOTC "shall
continue to operate and function
in accordance with the
respective charters or laws
creating them, except when they
conflict with this Code."
Eugenio vs. Civil Service Petitioner is the Deputy Director Whether or not the CSC usurped Yes. CESB was created by law
Commission of the Philippine Nuclear the legislative functions of (PD. 1) and can only be
Research Institute. Congress when it abolished abolished by the legislature.
She applied for a Career CESB, an office created by law, As read together, the
Executive Service (CES) through the issuance of CSC inescapable conclusion is that
Eligibility and a CESO rank on Resolution No. 93-4359 respondent Commission's power
August 2, 1993, she was given a to reorganize is limited to offices
CES eligibility. under its control as enumerated
On September 15, 1993, she in Section 16, supra.
was recommended to the From its inception, the CESB
President for a CESO rank by was intended to be an
the Career Executive Service autonomous entity, albeit
Board. administratively attached to
On October 1, 1993, CSC respondent Commission.
passed Resolution No. 93-4359 As conceptualized by the
which resolves to reorganize and Reorganization Committee "the
effect changes in its CESB shall be autonomous.
organizational structure. It is expected to view the
The resolution became an problem of building up executive
impediment to the appointment manpower in the government
of petitioner. with a broad and positive
Finding herself bereft of further outlook."
administrative relief as the The essential autonomous
Career Executive Service Board character of the CESB is not
which recommended her CESO negated by its attachment to
Rank IV has been abolished, respondent Commission.
petitioner filed the petition at By said attachment, CESB was
bench to annul. not made to fall within the control
of respondent Commission.
Under the Administrative Code of
1987, the purpose of attaching
one functionally inter-related
government agency to another is
to attain "policy and program
Luzon Development Bank vs. At a conference, the parties Whether or not Voluntary Yes. The jurisdiction conferred
Association of Luzon agreed on the submission of arbiter’s decision is appealable by law on a voluntary arbitrator
Development Bank Employees their respective Position Papers to the CA and not the SC or a panel of such arbitrators is
on December 1-15, 1994. quite limited compared to the
Atty. Ester S. Garcia, in her original jurisdiction of the labor
capacity as Voluntary Arbitrator, arbiter and the appellate
received ALDBE's Position jurisdiction of the NLRC for that
Paper on January 18, 1995. matter.
LDB, on the other hand, failed to The “(d)ecision, awards, or
submit its Position Paper despite orders of the Labor Arbiter are
a letter from the Voluntary final and executory unless
Arbitrator reminding them to do appealed to the Commission
so. …”
As of May 23, 1995 no Position Hence, while there is an express
Paper had been filed by LDB. mode of appeal from the
In labor law context, arbitration is decision of a labor arbiter,
the reference of a labor dispute Republic Act No. 6715 is silent
to an impartial third person for with respect to an appeal from
determination on the basis of the decision of a voluntary
evidence and arguments arbitrator.
presented by such parties who
have bound themselves to
accept the decision of the
arbitrator as final and binding.
Arbitration may be classified, on
the basis of the obligation on
which it is based, as either
compulsory or voluntary.
Compulsory arbitration is a
system whereby the parties to a
dispute are compelled by the
government to forego their right
to strike and are compelled to
accept the resolution of their
dispute through arbitration by a
third party.
The essence of arbitration
remains since a resolution of a
dispute is arrived at by resort to
a disinterested third party whose
decision is final and binding on
the parties, but in compulsory
arbitration, such a third party is
normally appointed by the
Under voluntary arbitration, on
the other hand, referral of a
dispute by the parties is made,
pursuant to a voluntary
arbitration clause in their
collective agreement, to an
impartial third person for a final
and binding resolution.
Ideally, arbitration awards are
supposed to be complied with by
both parties without delay, such
that once an award has been
rendered by an arbitrator,
nothing is left to be done by both
parties but to comply with the
After all, they are presumed to
have freely chosen arbitration as
the mode of settlement for that
particular dispute.
Pursuant thereto, they have
chosen a mutually acceptable
arbitrator who shall hear and
decide their case.
Above all, they have mutually
agreed to de bound by said
arbitrator's decision.
De la Llana vs. Alba Batasang Pambansa Blg. 129 Whether or not there was lack of No. The Court held that there
entitled, “An act reorganizing the good faith in reorganizing the was good faith in reorganizing
Judiciary, Appropriating Funds judiciary the judiciary.
Therefor and for Other Citing the separate opinion of
Purposes” was passed, providing Justice Laurel in the case of
for the separation of Justices and Zandueta v. De La Costa, the
judges of inferior courts from the Court similarly maintains that the
Court of Appeals to municipal passage of BP 129 was in good
circuit courts (except the faith seeing as its purpose was
occupants of the Sandiganbayan for the fulfillment of what was
and the Court of Tax appeals). considered a great public need
The honorable petitioner sought by the legislative department, not
to prohibit the respondents from intended to adversely affect the
implementing BP 129, alleging tenure of judges or any particular
that the security of tenure judge.
provision of the Constitution has While it is possible that the
been ignored and disregarded. legislature could deliberately
Furthermore, they assert that the abuse the power to reorganize
reorganization was done in lack the judiciary, thus lacking good
of good faith. faith, the Court is unconvinced
However, the Solicitor General that such was the case in this
denies his claim and maintains situation.
that the allegation of lack of good Thus, where the Court holds that
faith is unwarranted and devoid the reorganization of the judiciary
of any support in law, and that by virtue of BP 129 was done in
BP 129 was a legitimate exercise good faith, the “separation” of the
of the power vested in the petitioner due to the abolition of
Batasang Pambansa to his office is valid and
reorganize the judiciary. constitutional.
Laguna Lake Development The clash between the Whether or not the LLDA have Yes. The cease and desist order
Authority vs. CA responsibility of the City the power and authority to issue issued by the LLDA requiring the
Government of Caloocan to a "cease and desist" order under City Government of Caloocan to
dispose off the 350 tons of Republic Act No. 4850 and its stop dumping its garbage in the
garbage it collects daily and the amendatory laws, on the basis of Camarin open dumpsite found by
growing concern and sensitivity the facts presented in this case, the LLDA to have been done in
to a pollution-free environment of enjoining the dumping of violation of Republic Act No.
the residents of Barangay garbage in Tala Estate, 4850, as amended, and other
Camarin, Tala Estate, Caloocan Barangay Camarin, Caloocan relevant environment laws,
City where these tons of garbage City. cannot be stamped as an
are dumped everyday is the hub unauthorized exercise by the
of this controversy elevated by LLDA of injunctive powers.
the protagonists to the Laguna While it is a fundamental rule
Lake Development Authority that an administrative agency
(LLDA) for adjudication. has only such powers as are
On March 8, 1991, the Task expressly granted to it by law, it
Force Camarin Dumpsite of Our is likewise a settled rule that an
Lady of Lourdes Parish, administrative agency has also
Barangay Camarin, Caloocan such powers as are necessarily
City, filed a letter-complaint with implied in the exercise of its
the Laguna Lake Development express powers.
Authority seeking to stop the In the exercise, therefore, of its
operation of the 8.6-hectare express powers under its charter
open garbage dumpsite in Tala as a regulatory and quasi-judicial
Estate, Barangay Camarin, body with respect to pollution
Caloocan City due to its harmful cases in the Laguna Lake region,
effects on the health of the the authority of the LLDA to
residents and the possibility of issue a "cease and desist order"
pollution of the water content of is, perforce, implied.
the surrounding area. Otherwise, it may well be
After a public hearing conducted reduced to a "toothless" paper
on December 4, 1991, the LLDA, agency.
acting on the complaint of Task
Force Camarin Dumpsite, found
that the water collected from the
leachate and the receiving
streams could considerably
affect the quality, in turn, of the
receiving waters since it
indicates the presence of
bacteria, other than coliform,
which may have contaminated
the sample during collection or
On December 5, 1991, the LLDA
issued a Cease and Desist
Order ordering the City
Government of Caloocan,
Metropolitan Manila Authority,
their contractors, and other
entities, to completely halt, stop
and desist from dumping any
form or kind of garbage and
other waste matter at the
Camarin dumpsite.
Tio vs. Videogram Regulatory This petition was filed on Whether or not the decree is No. Neither can it be
Board September 1, 1986 by petitioner unconstitutional successfully argued that the
on his own behalf and DECREE contains an undue
purportedly on behalf of other delegation of legislative power.
videogram operators adversely The grant in Section 11 of the
affected. DECREE of authority to the
It assails the constitutionality of BOARD to "solicit the direct
Presidential Decree No. 1987 assistance of other agencies and
entitled "An Act Creating the units of the government and
Videogram Regulatory Board" deputize, for a fixed and limited
with broad powers to regulate period, the heads or personnel of
and supervise the videogram such agencies and units to
industry. perform enforcement functions
for the Board" is not a delegation
of the power to legislate but
merely a conferment of authority
or discretion as to its execution,
enforcement, and
The true distinction is between
the delegation of power to make
the law, which necessarily
involves a discretion as to what it
shall be, and conferring authority
or discretion as to its execution
to be exercised under and in
pursuance of the law.
The first cannot be done; to the
latter, no valid objection can be
Besides, in the very language of
the decree, the authority of the
BOARD to solicit such
assistance is for a "fixed and
limited period" with the deputized
agencies concerned being
"subject to the direction and
control of the BOARD."
That the grant of such authority
might be the source of graft and
corruption would not stigmatize
the DECREE as unconstitutional.
US vs. Ang Tang Ho During a special session, the Whether or not there was an Yes. When Act No. 2868 was
Philippine Legislature passed undue delegation of power to the analyzed, it is the violation of the
and approved Act No. 2868 Governor General. proclamation of the Governor-
entitled An Act Penalizing the General which constitutes the
Monopoly and Hoarding of Rice, crime.
Palay and Corn. Without that proclamation, it was
The said act under extraordinary no crime to sell rice at any price.
circumstances authorizes the In other words, the Legislature
Governor General to issue the left it to the sole discretion of the
necessary Rules and Governor-General to say what
Regulations in regulating the was and what was not “any
distribution of such products. cause” for enforcing the act, and
Pursuant to this Act, the what was and what was not “an
Governor General issued extraordinary rise in the price of
Executive Order 53 fixing the palay, rice or corn,” and under
price at which rice should be certain undefined conditions to
sold. fix the price at which rice should
Ang Tang Ho, a rice dealer, be sold, without regard to grade
voluntarily, criminally and illegally or quality, also to say whether a
sold a ganta of rice to Pedro proclamation should be issued, if
Trinidad at the price of eighty so, when, and whether or not the
centavos. law should be enforced, how
The said amount was way higher long it should be enforced, and
than that prescribed by the when the law should be
Executive Order. suspended.
He was charged in violation of The Legislature did not specify or
the said Executive Order and define what was “any cause,” or
was found guilty as charged and what was “an extraordinary rise
was sentenced to 5 months in the price of rice, palay or
imprisonment plus a P500.00 corn,”
fine. Neither did it specify or define
He appealed the sentence the conditions upon which the
countering that there was an proclamation should be issued.
undue delegation of power to the In the absence of the
Governor General. proclamation no crime was
The alleged sale was made a
crime, if at all, because the
Governor-General issued the
The act or proclamation does not
say anything about the different
grades or qualities of rice, and
the defendant is charged with the
sale “of one ganta of rice at the
price of eighty centavos (P0.80)
which is a price greater than that
fixed by Executive order No. 53.”
The law is thus incomplete as a
Ynot vs. Intermediate Appellate The essence of due process is Whether or not EO 626-A is No. We also mark, on top of all
Court distilled in the immortal cry of constitutional this, the questionable manner of
Themistocles to Alcibiades the disposition of the confiscated
"Strike — but hear me first!" property as prescribed in the
It is this cry that the petitioner in questioned executive order.
effect repeats here as he It is there authorized that the
challenges the constitutionality of seized property shall "be
Executive Order No. 626-A. distributed to charitable
13 Jan 1984: Petitioner Restituto institutions and other similar
Ynot had transmitted 6 carabaos institutions as the Chairman of
in a pump boat from Masbate to the National Meat Inspection
Iloilo when they were confiscated Commission may see fit, in the
by the police station commander case of carabeef, and to
of Barotac for violating Executive deserving farmers through
Order No. 626-A dispersal as the Director of
Executive Order No. 626-A Animal Industry may see fit, in
prohibits the interprovincial the case of carabaos."
movement of carabaos and the (Emphasis supplied.) The
slaughtering of carabaos. phrase "may see fit" is an
Carabao/carabeef transported in extremely generous and
violation of E.O. 626-A shall be dangerous condition, if condition
subject to confiscation and it is. It is laden with perilous
forfeiture by the govt, to be opportunities for partiality and
distributed to charitable abuse, and even corruption. One
institutions as Chairman of searches in vain for the usual
National Meat Inspection may standard and the reasonable
see fit (carabeef) and to guidelines, or better still, the
deserving farmers as the limitations that the said officers
Director of Animal Industry may must observe when they make
see fit (carabao). their distribution. There is none.
This amended E.O. 626; the Their options are apparently
latter prohibiting only the boundless. Who shall be the
slaughter of carabaos of age. fortunate beneficiaries of their
The thrust of his petition is that generosity and by what criteria
the executive order is shall they be chosen? Only the
unconstitutional insofar as it officers named can supply the
authorizes outright confiscation answer, they and they alone may
of the carabao or carabeef being choose the grantee as they see
transported across provincial fit, and in their own exclusive
boundaries. discretion. Definitely, there is
His claim is that the penalty is here a "roving commission," a
invalid because it is imposed wide and sweeping authority that
without according the owner a is not "canalized within banks
right to be heard before a that keep it from overflowing," in
competent and impartial court as short, a clearly profligate and
guaranteed by due process. therefore invalid delegation of
He complains that the measure legislative powers.
should not have been presumed,
and so sustained, as
There is also a challenge to the
improper exercise of the
legislative power by the former
President under Amendment No.
6 of the 1973 Constitution.
Pelaez vs. Auditor General The President of the Philippines, Whether or not Section 68 of Section 10 (1) of Article VII of our
purporting to act pursuant to Revised Administrative Code fundamental law ordains:
Section 68 of the Revised constitutes an undue delegation The President shall have control
Administrative Code, issued of legislative power. of all the executive departments,
Executive Orders Nos. 93 to 121, bureaus, or offices, exercise
124 and 126 to 129; creating general supervision over all local
thirty-three (33) municipalities governments as may be
enumerated in the margin. provided by law, and take care
Petitioner Emmanuel Pelaez, as that the laws be faithfully
Vice President of the Philippines executed.
and as taxpayer, instituted the The power of control under this
present special civil action, for a provision implies the right of the
writ of prohibition with President to interfere in the
preliminary injunction, against exercise of such discretion as
the Auditor General, to restrain may be vested by law in the
him, as well as his officers of the executive
representatives and agents, from departments, bureaus, or offices
passing in audit any expenditure of the national government, as
of public funds in implementation well as to act in lieu of such
of said executive orders and/or officers.
any disbursement by said This power is denied by the
municipalities. Constitution to the Executive,
Petitioner alleges that said insofar as local governments are
executive orders are null and concerned.
void, upon the ground that said With respect to the latter, the
Section 68 has been impliedly fundamental law permits him to
repealed by Republic Act No. wield no more authority than that
2370 effective January 1, 1960 of checking whether said local
and constitutes an undue governments or the officers
delegation of legislative power. thereof perform their duties as
The third paragraph of Section 3 provided by statutory
of Republic Act No. 2370, reads: enactments.
“Barrios shall not be created or Hence, the President cannot
their boundaries altered nor their interfere with local governments,
names changed except under so long as the same or its
the provisions of this Act or by officers act within the scope of
Act of Congress.” their authority.
Although Congress may
delegate to another branch of
the Government the power to fill
in the details in the execution,
enforcement or administration of
a law, it is essential, to forestall a
violation of the principle of
separation of powers, that said
law: (a) be complete in itself — it
must set forth therein the policy
to be executed, carried out or
implemented by the delegate —
and (b) fix a standard — the
limits of which are sufficiently
determinate or determinable —
to which the delegate must
conform in the performance of
his functions.
Indeed, without a statutory
declaration of policy, the
delegate would in effect, make or
formulate such policy, which is
the essence of every law; and,
without the aforementioned
standard, there would be no
means to determine, with
reasonable certainty, whether
the delegate has acted within or
beyond the scope of his
Hence, he could thereby
arrogate upon himself the power,
not only to make the law, but,
also — and this is worse — to
unmake it, by adopting measures
inconsistent with the end sought
to be attained by the Act of
Congress, thus nullifying the
principle of separation of powers
and the system of checks and
balances, and, consequently,
undermining the very foundation
of our Republican system.
Section 68 of the Revised
Administrative Code does not
meet these well-settled
requirements for a valid
delegation of the power to fix the
details in the enforcement of a
It does not enunciate any policy
to be carried out or implemented
by the President.
Neither does it give a standard
sufficiently precise to avoid the
evil effects above referred to.