Sba Projects 2017-2018

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ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC 4. Create a power point presentation on a selected

TECHNOLOGY SBA PROJECTS FOR THE electrical topic (eg. Resistors in series/parallel)
YEAR 2017-18 a. At least ten slides, each having a page
number and a heading
General Instructions: Each project is to consists b. Maintain the font type and size
of the following c. Avoid cluttered text

i. An introduction
ii. Table of content (where necessary)
iii. Conclusion

SBA CORE ASSIGNMENT Topic: Electrical Principles and Measurements

Task: Fundamentals of the Industry 1. Design an electrical circuit (eg. Series or

Parallel or Series-Parallel). Present an outlined
1. Identify a construction company (eg. Cousins diagram of same.
Construction, Hayes) 2. Set up the circuit and test for the relevant
a. Indentify the type of organizational structure quantities, example, current, voltage in the
they use circuit.
i. Construct the type of organizational 3. Record your findings.
structure used 4. Write and observation based on the operation of
b. List a minimum of ten (10) safety rules the circuit.
outlined by the company identified. 5. Show all work done as your presentation. This
c. Identify and outline a report of an accident should be done in accordance to word
i. Should include formatting.
 Time of accident 6. Write a conclusion based on your observation.
 Place of accident
 Nature of accident
 Persons affected SBA ASSIGNMENT 2
 Remedies used to treat the accident
Topic: Electrical and Electronic Drafting

2. Design a small business plan 1. Outline the basic function of drafting/drawing.

a. Business name 2. Outline the importance of using symbols in
b. Location of business drawings.
c. Owner of business 3. Produce a list of symbols used in
d. Statement of purpose electrical/electronic drafting/drawing
e. Description of business 4. State the line characteristics used in drafting
f. Services that will be offered and show examples of each.
g. Marketing plans/strategies 5. State the classification views in drawing and
explain each
6. Design a two bed room dwelling. Drawing
Task: Design Principles and Processes
should have
3. Analyze a simple manufactured product i. The labeling of each apartment
a. Analysis should include the six elements of ii. Door swings and window identification
design iii. Electrical symbols and correct usage of
iv. Legend of symbols used

Task: Information Technology

Topic: Electrical Power and Machines ……………………………………………………

Goal: To provide students with working
experience in three-phase electric motors.

Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson ……………………………………………………

the student should be able to ……………………………………………………

1. Record the specifications of an electric ……………………………………………………
motor from its nameplate. ……………………………………………………
2. Perform basic tests to determine the
condition of an electric motor.
3. Design and construct motor circuits for
3. Perform standstill bearing check (Note: place
three-phase motor
a tick to indicate the choice.)
□ Good □ Worn
1. Record the nameplate specifications on the
motor in the table provided below. Comments:

Manufacture Serial Make: ……………………………………………………

r No: ……………………………………………………

HP: Volts: FLA: ……………………………………………………

Model No.: Type: Style: Enclosure
R.P.M. Cycle Efficiency Power ……………………………………………………
: : Factor: ……………………………………………………
Temp: Duty: SF: Code: ……………………………………………………
2. Perform visual checks on the motor to
determine if it is in good working condition.
□ Good □ Damaged (Note:
place a tick to indicate the choice.)
Comments: ……………………………………………………
…………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………

…………………………………………………… 8. Disconnect power supply

…………………………………………………… 9. Write and observation based on the operation
…………………………………………………… of the circuit.
…………………………… 10. Show all work done as your presentation. This
should be done in accordance to word
4. Design a three-phase motor circuit for a three-
11. Write a conclusion based on your observation.
phase motor. For example
a. A simple stop-start control circuit
b. A forward-reverse control circuit SBA ASSIGNMENT 4

c. A multi stop-start control circuit

d. Simple stop-start-jog control circuit
Topics: Electrical Installation
Note: For each control circuit, the main circuit is to
be done. 1. Design an electrical installation circuit, for
5. Set up the circuit, connect the motor to the
a. Lights in parallel controlled by
Direct-on- line starter and test for the correct single-pole switch.
operation of the circuit. b. Lights connected in parallel
controlled by two-way switches
6. Record your findings for.
(One light controlled by one single-pole
i. Use the voltmeter to measure and switch and one light controlled by two
record the voltage for the following. two-way switches)
2. Present outlined diagrams in the form of
L1- L2 ......................V
a. Schematic diagram
b. Layout diagram
L1-L3 ......................V
c. Wiring diagram.
3. Set up the circuit and test for the correct
L2 -L3......................V
operation of the circuit.
4. Record your findings.
L1- E......................V
5. Write and observation based on the
operation of the circuit.
L2- E......................V 6. Show all work done as your presentation.
This should be done in accordance to word
L3- E......................V formatting.
7. Write a conclusion based on your
ii. Use a clamp on meter to measure the observation.
no-load running current of the motor
(No-load Current) NLA

L1 = ......................A

L2 = ......................A

L3 = ......................A

7. De-energize starter


Topics: Fundamentals of Electronics

1. Identify the basic semi-conductor device

and give a brief overview of its
construction and its principle of operation.
2. List the logic gates used in the field of
i. State the operation of each.
ii. Draw a graphic symbol for each.
iii. Write the Boolean Expression
and complete the truth table for
3. Gate Simulation
i. Design an electronic circuit with
logic gates, for example
a. Three gates in a circuit with a
light as its output.
b. Four gates in a circuit with a
light as its output.
4. Present outlined diagrams in the form of
b. Schematic diagram
5. Set up the circuit and test for the correct
operation of the circuit.
6. Record your findings.
7. Write and observation based on the
operation of the circuit.
8. Show all work done as your presentation.
This should be done in accordance to word
9. Write a conclusion based on your


i. The inputs of Logic gates were

change to three input terminals.

ii. Each Logic gate was in circuit with a

source, and L.E.D output and three
mechanical switches.

iii. One switch was each connected in

series with one of the input of the

iv. The switches were operated

alternatively and the result of the
L.E.D was recorded in the Truth

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