3 Activity - How Do I See Myself? Instructions: For Each Statement, Indicate Whether You Agree or Agree by Encircling Your

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Lecture 2

3rd Activity – How Do I See Myself?

Instructions: For each statement, indicate whether you agree or agree by encircling your

1. My life choices are based on what I have actually Agree

Agreee Disagree
2. My views about the world are dependent on what I have Disagree
actually witnessed.
3. I am likely, to buy a brand that I have already used, and Disagree
Agree Disagree
not based on referrals.
4. I would rather remain in my comfort zone than try Disagree
Agree Disagree
something new.
5. Most of the time, I make choices based on the present Disagree
Agree Disagree
rather than the future.
6. I am like to hold on to what I have now, even if there is a Agree Disagree
greater opinion in the future.
7. For me, happiness is tangible. Agree Disagree

Scoring Key:

If majority of your answers is “agree”, then you are an empiricist. If majority of your answers is
“disagree”, then you are a rationalist.

Process questions (please answer in one sentence only):

1. How do you differentiate empiricism and rationalism?

Answer: Empiricism is a philosophical perspective based on experience and observation
while Rationalism is a fairly straight-forward way of thinking that promotes the belief
that knowledge can be gained outside of experience. In fact, rationalism essentially
functions with the notion that experience isn't necessary to acquire knowledge
2. Do you agree with your classification? Why or why not?
Answer: Yes I agree because I believe that everything happen with a purpose.
3. To which branch of philosophy do you adhere more? Why?
Answer: Axiology the study of value; the investigation of its nature, criteria, and
metaphysical status. More often than not, the term "value theory" is used instead of
"axiology" in contemporary discussions even though the term “theory of value” is used
with respect to the value or price of goods and services in economics.

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