Microservices Architecture Q&A

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Complexity of developing, testing & deploying distributed system, Handling partial

failures account to disadvantages of

Microservices -- Correct

Decomposition of Microservices based on 2 categories namely

Business capability , Subdomain -- Correct

Benefits of Microservices include -

All the options -- Correct

Agile development & Deployment is difficult in case of __________________

Monolithic -- Correct

Simple to Develop, Test, Deploy, Scale represents __________________

Monolithic -- Correct

Software built as microservices can, by definition, be broken down into multiple

component services ?
True -- Correct

Separating components with conflicting resource requirements falls under the bucket
of _____________
Microservices -- Correct

Is Microservice is considered as subset of SOA ?

True -- Correct

The 3Cs of Microservices includes all these except ______________

Control -- Correct


The services communicate with each other internally ___________________________

Both Messaging and Remote Procedure invocation -- Correct

The 2 types of Service Discovery only includes Client-side & server-side

discovery ?
True -- Correct

External clients communicate with Microservices using _________________________

API GATEWAY -- Correct

Scenarios where client takes onus & are responsible for determining the network
locations of available service instances
Client-side -- Correct

API Gateway ensures _____________________________

All the options -- Correct

Netflix OSS is example ____________

Client-side -- Correct

AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) is an example of a __________________

Server-side discovery -- Correct

Which acts as database of services

Service Registry -- Correct
Which ensures to insulate the applications by acting as barrier
API Gateway -- Correct

The client expects a timely response from the service and might even block while it
waits represents__________client service interaction styles
Synchronous -- Correct

_____________ helps to control & limit the number of consecutive request failures
crosses a threshold,
Circuit breaker -- Correct


Amazon EC2 Container Service is an example of ________________

Docker -- Correct

The transactions that span across multiple services are handled by

Event driven Architecture -- Correct

Microservices supports different kinds of databases and this is called

Polyglot persistence -- Correct

Microservices-based architecture enforces a Modular structure ?

True -- Correct

The 2 components of CQRS include_______________

Query & command side -- Correct


packer.io & Boxful represents __________________________ type of pattern

Service Instance per Host -- Correct

Efficient Utilization & Fast Deployment represent which pattern

Multiple Services per Host pattern -- Correct

IDL stands for ______________________

Interface definition language -- Correct

Which of these represent the drawback of Multiple Services per Host pattern
faulty deployment -- Correct

Service Instance per Host pattern provides ________________

All the options -- Correct


Caching helps in improving the performance of the system ?

True -- Correct

In Microservices, the API Gateway takes care of the security aspect by rendering
Access tokens -- Correct
Which pattern collects & reports all exceptions to a centralized exception tracking
Exception tracing -- Correct

Which of this does not represent caching types_______________

Server cache -- Correct

Microservice Chassis takes care of all except __________________

token generation -- Correct

__________ is ability to store something temporarily in order to reduce the loading

times and I/O of a system.
Cache -- Correct

In __________, each external request is tagged with unique identifier which is

passed to all services involved in handling the request and included in application
logging messages
Distributed tracing -- Correct


Microservice Architecture adapts following concepts

All the options -- Correct

In __________ each external request is tagged with unique identifier which is

passed to all services involved in handling the request and included in application
logging messages
Distributed tracing -- Correct

When any single application function or component fails, then the entire
application goes down. (Single point of failure ) This is primary disadvantage of
Monolithic -- Correct

Functional Decomposition is an example of ____________

Microservices -- Correct

Which among these helps in developing a microservice quickly ___________________

Chassis -- Correct

Scaling the application can be challenging in _____________ due to conflicting

needs of Memory, CPU, IO
Monolithic -- Correct

Monolithic is identified by all these disadvantages except__________________

High set-up costs -- Wrong

Long term commitment of Technology stack is a weakness of which model of

Monolithic -- Correct

Microservices based architecture prefers _______

NoSQL DBs -- Wrong

Service Instance per Container pattern include all except

Slow Deployment -- Correct

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