Journal Pre-Proofs: Environment International
Journal Pre-Proofs: Environment International
Journal Pre-Proofs: Environment International
PII: S0160-4120(20)31787-6
Reference: EI 105832
Please cite this article as: L. Morawska, J.W. Tang, W. Bahnfleth, P.M. Bluyssen, A. Boerstra, G. Buonanno, J.
Cao, S. Dancer, A. Floto, F. Franchimon, C. Haworth, J. Hogeling, C. Isaxon, J.L. Jimenez, J. Kurnitski, Y. Li,
M. Loomans, G. Marks, L.C. Marr, L. Mazzarella, A. Krikor Melikov, S. Miller, D.K. Milton, W. Nazaroff, P.V.
Nielsen, C. Noakes, J. Peccia, X. Querol, C. Sekhar, O. Seppänen, S-i. Tanabe, R. Tellier, K. Wai Tham, P.
Wargocki, A. Wierzbicka, M. Yao, How can airborne transmission of COVID-19 indoors be minimised?,
Environment International (2020), doi:
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How can airborne transmission of COVID-19 indoors be minimised?
Lidia Morawska1,*, Julian W. Tang2, William Bahnfleth3, Philomena M. Bluyssen4,
Atze Boerstra5, Giorgio Buonanno6, Junji Cao7, Stephanie Dancer8, Andres Floto9,
Francesco Franchimon10, Charles Haworth11, Jaap Hogeling12, Christina Isaxon13, Jose
L. Jimenez14, Jarek Kurnitski15, Yuguo Li16, Marcel Loomans17, Guy Marks18, Linsey
C. Marr19, Livio Mazzarella20, Arsen Krikor Melikov21, Shelly Miller22, Donald K.
Milton23, William Nazaroff24, Peter V. Nielsen25, Catherine Noakes26, Jordan
Peccia27, Xavier Querol28, Chandra Sekhar29, Olli Seppänen30, Shin-ichi Tanabe31,
Raymond Tellier32, Kwok Wai Tham33, Pawel Wargocki21, Aneta Wierzbicka34,
Maosheng Yao35
1 InternationalLaboratory for Air Quality and Heath (ILAQH), WHO Collaborating Centre for Air
Quality and Health, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Queensland University of
Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
2 Respiratory Sciences, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom
3 Department of Architectural Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
4 Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
5 REHVA (Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations), BBA
Binnenmilieu, The Netherlands
6 Department if Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio,
Cassino, Italy
7 Key Lab of Aerosol Chemistry and Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, China, Beijing,
8 Edinburgh Napier University and NHS Lanarkshire, Scotland
9 Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
10 Franchimon ICM, The Netherlands
11 Cambridge Centre for Lung Infection, Royal Papworth Hospital and Department of Medicine,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
12 International Standards at ISSO, ISSO International Project, The Netherlands
13 Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology Lund University, Lund, Sweden
14 Department of Chemistry, and Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
(CIRES) University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
15 REHVA Technology and Research Committee, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
16 Department
of Mechancal Engineering, Hong Kong University, University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam, Hong Kong, China.17 Department of the Built Environment, Eindhoven University of
Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands
18 Centre for Air quality Research and evaluation (CAR), University of New South Wales (UNSW),
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
19 Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech, USA
20 AiCARR, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
21 International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy, Department of Civil Engineering,
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
22 Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
23 Environmental Health, School of Public Health, University of Maryland, USA
24 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California,
25 Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University,
26 School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
27 Environmental Engineering, Yale University, USA
28 Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, Department of Geosciences, Spanish
National Research Council, Barcelona, Spain
29 Department of Building, National University of Singapore, Singapore
30 Aalto University, Finland
31 Architectural Institute of Japan, Japan
32 McGill University, Canada
33 Department of Building, National University of Singapore, Singapore
34 Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology, Lund University, Sweden
35 College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China
*Corresponding Author:
Lidia Morawska, International Laboratory for Air Quality and Heath (ILAQH), WHO Collaborating
Centre for Air Quality and Health, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Queensland University
of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Email:
During the rapid rise in COVID-19 illnesses and deaths globally, and notwithstanding
recommended precautions, questions are voiced about routes of transmission for this
pandemic disease. Inhaling small airborne droplets is probable as a third route of infection, in
addition to more widely recognized transmission via larger respiratory droplets and direct
contact with infected people or contaminated surfaces. While uncertainties remain regarding
the relative contributions of the different transmission pathways, we argue that existing
evidence is sufficiently strong to warrant engineering controls targeting airborne transmission
as part of an overall strategy to limit infection risk indoors. Appropriate building engineering
controls include sufficient and effective ventilation, possibly enhanced by particle filtration
and air disinfection, avoiding air recirculation and avoiding overcrowding. Often, such
measures can be easily implemented and without much cost, but if only they are recognised
as significant in contributing to infection control goals. We believe that the use of
engineering controls in public buildings, including hospitals, shops, offices, schools,
kindergartens, libraries, restaurants, cruise ships, elevators, conference rooms or public
transport, in parallel with effective application of other controls (including isolation and
quarantine, social distancing and hand hygiene), would be an additional important measure
globally to reduce the likelihood of transmission and thereby protect healthcare workers,
patients and the general public.
Recognising the potential for the airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2
The significance of viral transmission via small airborne microdroplets (also commonly
referred to as ‘aerosols’) has been intensely discussed in the context of the SARS-CoV-
2/COVID-19 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2/coronavirus disease 2019)
pandemic (Lewis 2020; Morawska et al. 2020). This is one of three commonly accepted
modes of viral transmission, the other two being via larger respiratory droplets (which fall
close to where they are expired), and direct contact with contaminated surfaces (fomites).
Especially with the ongoing global shortage of personal protective equipment (mainly
surgical masks and N95/FFP2/FFP3 respirators) (WHO 2020c), additional methods to reduce
the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission indoors need to be considered. The need is acute in
particular in hospitals and other healthcare facilities managing COVID-19 patients.
While evidence for airborne transmission of COVID-19 is currently incomplete, several
hospital-based studies have performed air-sampling for SARS-COV-2, including one
published paper (Ong et al. 2020), one early-release paper (Guo et al. 2020) and 5 papers still
in pre-print at the time of writing (Chia et al. 2020; Ding et al. 2020; Jiang et al. 2020; Liu et
al. 2020; Santarpia et al. 2020). Four of these studies found several positive samples for
SARS-CoV-2 genome (RNA) in air using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing (Chia et
al. 2020; Jiang et al. 2020; Liu et al. 2020; Santarpia et al. 2020), two found very small
numbers of positive samples (Ding et al. 2020), and only one (Ong et al. 2020) found no
positive air samples. This evidence at least demonstrates a potential risk for airborne
transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
In addition, amongst these studies, three also reported some quantitative viral RNA
data. The Singaporean study found positive air samples in 2 of the 3 patient infection
isolation rooms, with samples in the 1-4 µm and >4 µm size ranges containing a range of
viral loads (1.8-3.4 viral RNA copies per L of air) (Chia et al. 2020). The study from
Nebraska, USA found that 63% of the air samples were positive with a mean viral load of 2.9
copies/L, including in patient rooms and the hallway air (Santarpia et al. 2020). In one case,
they sampled close to the patient (mean: 4.1 copies/L) and at >1.8 m (mean: 2.5 copies/L),
suggesting some dilution with distance. The highest viral loads were found in personal
samplers worn by the sampling team when in the presence of a patient receiving oxygen via
nasal cannula (mean: 19 and 48 copies/L), indicating that this treatment may promote the
spread of airborne virus. A study in Wuhan, China (Liu et al. 2020) provides quantitative data
for their small number of positive air samples, with 0.02 RNA copies/L in a toilet area and
0.02-0.04 copies/L in a room used to remove PPE. More than half the viral RNA in these
samples was associated with aerosols <2.5 µm. This study also measured deposition through
passive aerosol sampling, reporting deposition rates of 31 and 113 RNA copies/m2 per h at
samplers located approximately 2 m and 3 m from the patients, respectively (Liu et al. 2020).
Whilst this evidence may be deemed to be incomplete at present, more will arise as the
COVID-19 pandemic continues. In contrast, the end-stage pathway to infection of the droplet
and contact transmission routes has always been assumed to be via self-inoculation into
mucous membranes (of the eyes, nose and mouth). Surprisingly, no direct confirmatory
evidence of this phenomenon has been reported, e.g. where there have been: (i) follow-up of
fomite or droplet-contaminated fingers of a host, self-inoculated to the mucous membranes to
cause infection, through the related disease incubation period, to the development of disease,
and (ii) followed by diagnostic sampling, detection, sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of
that pathogen genome to then match the sample pathogen sequence back to that in the
original fomite or droplet. It is scientifically incongruous that the level of evidence required
to demonstrate airborne transmission is so much higher than for these other transmission
modes (Morawska et al. 2020).
The infectious agents of several other diseases (tuberculosis, measles, chickenpox) are
recognised to be transmissible via the airborne route, either by the short-range (face-to-face,
conversational exposure) or by longer-range aerosols (Department of Health 2015; Tellier et
al. 2019). Measles and varicella zoster (the virus causing chickenpox) can also be efficiently
transmitted through direct contact during their acute phase of infection (e.g. by kissing).
During a close contact situation, all transmission routes can be potentially responsible for
For other respiratory viruses, including SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV (Middle-East
Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV – a common cause of
bronchiolitis in infants) and influenza, both short-range and longer-range airborne
transmission are possible, but the predominance of longer range transmission route in various
exposure scenarios is difficult to quantify (Booth et al. 2013; Kim et al. 2016; Kulkarni et al.
2016; Li et al. 2007; Tellier et al. 2019), and may at times be opportunistic (Roy et al. 2004).
A recent mechanistic modelling study showed that short-range airborne transmission
dominates exposure during close contact (Chen W et al. 2020). Other studies investigating
the transport of human-expired microdroplets and airflow patterns between people also
provide substantive support for this transmission route (Ai et al. 2019; Li et al. 2007; Liu et
al. 2017). Therefore, in light of this body of evidence for these other respiratory viruses; we
believe that SARS-CoV-2 should not be treated any differently – with at least the potential
for airborne transmission indoors.
Yet despite this, international health organisations, like the WHO (World Health
Organization) (WHO 2020b), continue to place insufficient emphasis on protection from
small, virus laden, airborne droplets. Other organisations that deal with building
environmental control systems, such as REHVA (the Federation of European Heating,
Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations) and ASHRAE (the American Society of
Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers), have acknowledged the potential
airborne hazard indoors and recommended ventilation control measures accordingly
(ASHRAE 2020a; REHVA 2020).
Infection control specialists also often inquire about the relative contribution of
airborne transmission compared to the other transmission modes (‘contact’ and ‘droplet’).
Multiple studies provide strong evidence for indoor airborne transmission of viruses,
particularly in crowded, poorly ventilated environments (Coleman et al. 2018; Distasio et al.
1990; Knibbs et al. 2012; Li et al. 2005; Moser et al. 1979; Nishiura et al. 2020). However, it
is generally difficult to quantitatively compare and conclude which transmission route is the
most significant in a given situation. Infection may occur via all routes to different degrees
depending on the specific exposure circumstances. Effective infection control necessitates
protection against all potentially important exposure pathways.
Here, in the face of such uncertainty, we argue that the benefits of an effective
ventilation system, possibly enhanced by particle filtration and air disinfection, for
contributing to an overall reduction in the indoor airborne infection risk, are obvious (Eames
et al. 2009).
options discussed below should always be implemented in combination with other existing
measures (like hand-washing and use of PPE) to reduce infection via other important routes
of transmission, as none of them can be completely excluded in any exposure event. The
remainder of this article will only cover recommendations for ‘engineering level’ controls, as
described in the traditional infection control hierarchy (Figure 1) to reduce the environmental
risks for airborne transmission.
Figure 1. Traditional infection control pyramid adapted from the US Centers for Disease
Control (CDC 2015).
Good ventilation practices are already in place in many hospital settings, as part of
everyday and emergency measures to protect against droplet and contact transmission (Phiri
2014). Good ventilation also protects the occupants against airborne transmission. The
capacity to increase ventilation rates when needed (such as during the COVID-19 pandemic)
may differ, and may be somewhat limited by their original design specifications and
Note that many hospitals are naturally ventilated in ward areas, including in some
rooms used for critical care. However, if the airflow passage is obstructed (e.g. by closing
windows and doors), airborne pathogen concentration can sharply rise leading to an increased
risk of airborne transmission and infection (Gilkeson et al. 2013a). Natural ventilation
concepts apply to healthcare facilities in both developed and resource-limited countries in
favourable climatic conditions. The design, operation and maintenance of naturally ventilated
facilities is not straightforward, and comprehensive guidance is available (WHO 2009). For
instance WHO in March, (WHO 2020a) specifies that in a COVID-19 infective ward at least
160 L/s/patient have to be provided if natural ventilation is used.
We have recently seen the creation of very large emergency hospital wards, within
exhibition centres for example, which house hundreds or even thousands of patients (MSN
2020). Although these facilities will have mechanical ventilation that is adequate for normal
exhibition or conference use, it is not clear if sufficient ventilation will be available for
patient management and infection control purposes when they are adapted for such purposes,
as during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The situation can be worse in public buildings and other shared spaces, such as shops,
offices, schools, kindergartens, libraries, restaurants, cruise ships, elevators, conference
rooms or public transport, where ventilation systems can range from purpose-designed
mechanical systems to simply relying on open doors and windows. In most of these
environments, ventilation rates are significantly lower than in hospitals for various reasons,
including limiting airflows for energy and cost savings.
Hence, in such environments, with lower ventilation rates intended primarily to control
indoor air quality (which may also include some hospital emergency, acute admissions,
general ward and clinic areas) (Booth et al. 2013; Jo et al. 2019; Kulkarni et al. 2016; Rule et
al. 2018; Sornboot et al. 2019), the likelihood of infected persons sharing air with susceptible
occupants is high, posing an infection risk contributing to the spread of the infectious disease.
Various studies have been performed on the survival of airborne pathogens (Brown et
al. 2015; Kim et al. 2016; Kormuth et al. 2018; Kulkarni et al. 2016; Marr et al. 2019;
Pyankov et al. 2018; Tang 2009). The SARS-CoV-2 virus has been shown to be stable in
airborne particles with a half-life of more than one hour (van Doremalen et al. 2020), so it
can potentially be inhaled by susceptible individuals causing infection and further spreading
of the disease.
As ‘stay-at-home’ lockdown measures are gradually relaxed, much of the population
may return to spending increasing amounts of time in inadequately ventilated workplaces,
offices, schools and other public buildings, where they may be exposed to a risk of acquiring
viral infections by inhalation.
For naturally ventilated public buildings, particularly in cold climates, other
challenges will arise, but these can also be addressed in order to reduce the risk of airborne
infection transmission. It may be necessary to provide additional heating in some buildings to
maintain thermal comfort, particularly where the occupants are vulnerable.
improving energy efficiency. At a room (decentral) level, secondary air circulation systems
may be installed. One needs to assure that any of such systems also provides ventilation with
outdoor air (e.g., induction units). If this is the case, such a system should not be switched
off. Other systems, which do not have this feature (e.g., split air-conditioning units) should if
possible be turned off, to avoid potential transfer of virus through air flows between people.
When such a system is needed for cooling then additional ventilation with outdoor air should
be secured by regular/periodic ventilation through, e.g., window opening.
One application that grew dramatically during the multi-drug resistant tuberculosis
outbreaks of the 1980s (Young et al. 1994), is the ‘upper-room’ system in which lamps are
placed in the upper part of the room, either on the walls or mounted on the ceiling, directing
the UV light into the upper zone with louvers and limiting UV exposure in the occupied
space (Xu et al. 2005; Xu et al. 2003). Upper-room GUV is a good technology to consider in
crowded, poorly ventilated environments where aerosol transmission could occur and where
the ability to increase ventilation is limited. Long ago, McLean (1961) presented data
showing interruption of influenza transmission in a hospital setting. It has been estimated that
upper-room GUV may reduce infection risk by an amount equivalent to doubling the
ventilation rate (Noakes et al. 2015). Escombe et al. (2009) showed 77% reduction in human
to guinea pig transmission in a hospital setting, while chamber based studies show the
effectiveness of GUV against a number of bacterial aerosols (Xu et al. 2005; Xu et al. 2003;
Yang et al. 2012). These concur with modelling studies (Gilkeson et al. 2013b; Noakes et al.
2004; Sung et al. 2010; Yang et al. 2012) showing that the effectiveness depends on the
placement of the lamps relative to the ventilation flow and that addition of a ceiling fan
enhances GUV effectiveness (Xu et al. 2013; Zhu et al. 2014).
Factors that must be considered when evaluating the ability of upper-room GUV to kill
or inactivate airborne microorganisms include the sensitivity of the microorganisms to GUV
and the dose received by a microorganism or population of microorganisms. GUV dose is the
ultraviolet (UV) irradiance multiplied by the time of exposure and is usually expressed as
µW·s/cm2. Well-designed upper-room GUV may be effective in killing or inactivating most
airborne droplet nuclei containing mycobacteria if designed to provide an average UV
fluence rate in the upper room in the range of 30 µW/cm2 to 50 µW/cm2, provided the other
elements stipulated in these guidelines are met. In addition, the fixtures should be installed to
provide as uniform a UVGI distribution in the upper room as possible (CDC/NIOSH 2009).
A zonal infection risk model (Noakes et al. 2015) suggests that an upper-room GUV with a
plane average irradiance of 0.2 W/m2 at the UV fixtures could be comparable to increasing
the ventilation rate from 3 to 6 ACH.
Portable consumer air cleaning devices may be beneficial in smaller rooms, although it
should be recognised that such devices must be appropriately sized for the space (Miller-
Leiden et al. 1996). There is wide variation in performance of air cleaners depending on air
cleaner design and size of room in which it is used (Shaughnessy et al. 2006). A useful metric
for determining performance is the clean air delivery rate, which is equivalent to the
volumetric flow rate of particle-free air produced by the air cleaner (Foarde 1999). Kujundzic
et al. (2006) reported air cleaners were similarly effective against removing both airborne
bacterial and fungal spores from the air at clean air delivery rates of between 26 and 980 m3/h
corresponding to effective cleaning of between 5 and 189 m3 room volumes respectively.
GUV ‘in-duct’ application within air-conditioning systems and ventilation ducts may
also be a practical approach for disinfecting contaminated extracts or in cases where it is not
possible to stop recirculation of ventilation flows (Kujundzic et al. 2007). However, these
systems are of little benefit against person-to-person transmission when installed in the
supply air of once-through systems that do not recirculate air within the space or building.
The US Centers for Disease Control has approved both upper-room and in-duct systems for
use in controlling tuberculosis transmission as an adjunct to HEPA filtration (CDC/NIOSH
v) Minimise the number of people within the same indoor environment in an
This measure is self-explanatory in the context of the need to lower the concentration of
airborne virus-carrying particles, and reduce the number of people who can be exposed at any
time. There is no one specific value for a number of people who could share the same space
during pandemics, and this measure should be considered in conjunction with the engineering
measures discussed above, and particularly in relation to the ventilation parameters of the
space. Although the physical distance required to avoid transmission through direct contact
dictates the requirements for the floor area per person, the rate of ventilation provided and the
efficiency of ventilation are the parameters that control the concentration of virus-laden
microdroplets in the air exhaled by the occupants, and will guide decisions on safe occupancy
numbers. In a school or a supermarket, for example, if the number of infected students or
shoppers is low, and the ventilation rate is high, the risk of airborne transmission can be low.
Similarly, during an epidemic, reducing the number of people using public or private
transport at the same time, e.g. in subway train systems or busses, is part of effective social
distancing (Knibbs et al. 2012; Stopera et al. 2020).
Until effective pharmacological treatments or vaccines are available to reduce the
effective reproductive number to less than 1.0 and stop the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,
enhanced ventilation may be a key element in limiting the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
These are the key ventilation-associated recommendations (see Figure 2):
1) To remind and highlight to building managers and hospital administrators and
infection control teams that engineering controls are effective to control and reduce
the risks of airborne infection – and SARS-CoV-2 has the potential and is likely to
be causing some infections by this route.
2) To increase the existing ventilation rates (outdoor air change rate) and enhance
ventilation effectiveness - using existing systems.
3) To eliminate any air-recirculation within the ventilation system so as to just supply
fresh (outdoor) air.
4) To supplement existing ventilation with portable air cleaners (with mechanical
filtration systems to capture the airborne microdroplets), where there are areas of
known air stagnation (which are not well-ventilated with the existing system), or
isolate high patient exhaled airborne viral loads (e.g. on COVID-19 cohort patient
bays or wards). Adequate replacement of the filters in the air cleaners and their
maintenance is crucial.
5) To avoid over-crowding, e.g. pupils sitting at every other desk in school
classrooms, or customers at every other table in restaurants, or every other seat in
public transport, cinemas, etc.
Figure 2. Engineering level controls to reduce the environmental risks for airborne
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