Inflation and Nigeria's Economic Growth, An Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model Approach (1981-2018)
Inflation and Nigeria's Economic Growth, An Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model Approach (1981-2018)
Inflation and Nigeria's Economic Growth, An Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model Approach (1981-2018)
ABSTRACT:-This study empirically ascertained the impact of inflation on economic growth of Nigeria
employing annual time series data collected from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin between 1981 and
2018. The data was modeled and analyzed using Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model. Other
diagnostic test such as; unit root test, test of Normality, Auto correlation test, Heteroskedasticity test and
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM test were also carried out and they confirmed the validity and reliability
of the model employed. Real gross domestic product was employed as the explained variable, while inflation
was employed as the explanatory variable and exchange rate was employed as controlled variable. The results
elicited from the study suggested that inflation rate had a negative significant impact on economic growth of
Nigeria, while exchange rate recorded a negative and insignificant impact on economic growth of Nigeria. This
study concluded that inflation is dangerous to the economy of Nigeria as such, must be curbed. The study
therefore recommended that effort should be made my monetary authorities in Nigeria to reduce money supply
using various fiscal and monetary policy instruments thereby reducing the availability of money in circulation
which will in turn reduce inflation rate in Nigeria.
KEY WORDS:- inflation rate, economic growth, exchange rate, auto regressive distributed lag model,
Central Bank of Nigeria.
The cardinal objective of macro economic policies is primarily to foster and enhance economic growth
and to keep inflation rate as low as possible. Inflation is a phenomenon that threatens all economics because of
its perceived undesirable effects. The problem of inflation surely is not a new phenomenon. It has been a core
economic problem of Nigeria over the years. Inflation is a household economic indicator for all market oriented
economics, it is important to note that though inflation is always looked upon in a negative light, mild or
creeping inflation may have a positive effect or impact on an economy. It is believed that mild inflation greases
the wheel of growth of any economy. Mild inflation would encourage producers and sellers to produce and
purchase more and make extra profit from the slight increase in price of a certain product thereby increasing
production capacity, creating more employment and increasing economies of scale. However, chronic inflation
is very harmful and inimical to any economy (Omoke and Ugwuanyi 2010[1]).
Pursuing and maintaining price stability continues to be an indispensable objective of monetary policy
targets for most countries in the world today. The emphasis given to price stability in conduct of monetary
policy is with a view to promoting sustainable growth and development as well as strengthening the purchasing
power of the domestic currency amongst others. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) employs the monetary
targeting framework in the conduct of its monetary policy. This is based on the assumption of a stable and
predictable relationship between money supply and inflation. Consequently, the need to understand the
relationship between inflation and economic growth of the Nigerian economy become imperative and the
dynamics of inflation became central to the success of monetary policy to ensure the achievement of price
stability. The effect of inflation (price instability) in the growth and development of the Nigerian economy
cannot be over-emphasized.
According to Umaru and Zubairu (2012[2]) failure to pay adequate attention to price instability in
managing monetary policy in order to maintain sustainable national growth and development cum strengthening
purchasing power of the local currency is tantamount to steering the ship of state economy to a halt. Admittedly,
the necessity to advance research on the dynamics of inflation and its effect on economic growth in Nigeria
became crucial to researchers, policymakers, Central Bank of Nigeria among others.
This paper is segmented into five segments, with the first segment being the introductory segment, and then the
review of related literature and theories associated with inflation and economic growth. The third segment
emphasizes on the methodology employed in this study, thereafter, followed by data analysis and results
interpretation in the fourth segment. The last segment concludes the study and proffers some recommendations.
Unfortunately, inflation rate creates confusion with regard to buying, selling, borrowing, investing, and so on.
For any of these, one needs to anchor one’s decisions on current and future prices. Uncertainty creates confusion
about these prices, thereby discouraging investment with accompanying decreased capital stock in an economy.
This brings about a higher chance of correctly forecasting shorter-term prices than longer-term ones. However,
willing investors will expect to be compensated for their risk due to the increased uncertainty making investing
more costly for borrowers.
2.4.2 The Keynesian: The Keynesian opposed the monetarists view of direct and proportional relationship
between the quantity of money and prices. According to this school, the relationship between changes in the
quantity of money and prices is non-proportional and indirect, through the rate of interest. The strength of the
Keynesian theory is its integration of monetary theory on the one hand and the theory of output and employment
through the rate of interest on the other hand. Thus, when the quantity of money increase, the rate of interest
falls, leading to an increase in the volume of investment and aggregate demand, thereby raising output and
employment. In other words, the Keynesians see a link between the real and the monetary sectors of the
economy an economic phenomenon that describes equilibrium in the goods and money market (IS-LM). Equally
important about the Keynesian theory is that they examined the relationship between the quantity of money and
prices both under unemployment and full employment situations. According, so long as there is unemployment,
output and employment will change in the same proportion as the quantity of money, but there will be no
change in prices. At full employment, however, changes in the quantity of money will induce a proportional
change in price. Olofin (2001) thus, this approach has the virtue of emphasizing that the objectives of full
employment and price stability may be inherently irreconcilable.
*Corresponding Author: Efanga, Udeme Okon 13 | Page
Inflation And Nigeria’s Economic Growth (1981-2018): An Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL)
2.4.3 The Neo-Keynesian: The neo-Keynesian theoretical exposition combines both aggregate demand and
aggregate supply. It assumes a Keynesian view on the short-run and a classical view in the long-run. The
simplistic approach is to consider changes in public expenditure or the nominal money supply and assume that
expected inflation is zero. As a result, aggregate demand increases with real money balances and, therefore,
decreases with the price level. The neo-Keynesian theory focuses on productivity, because, declining
productivity signals diminishing returns to scale and, consequently, induces inflationary pressures, resulting
mainly from over-heating of the economy and widening output gap.
extent a monetary phenomenon. They find empirical support in context of the money-price-output hypothesis
for Nigerian economy. M2 appears to have a strong causal effect on the real output as well as prices. Using
Okun’s law, “each percentage point of cyclical unemployment is associated with a loss equal to 2% of full-
employment output; if full-employment output is $10 trillion, each percentage point of unemployment sustained
for one year costs $200 billion”. Williams and Adedeji (2004[15]) examined price dynamics in the Dominican
Republic by exploring the joint effects of distortions in the money and traded-goods markets on inflation,
holding other potential influences constant. The study captured the remarkable macroeconomic stability and
growth for period 1991 to 2002. Using a parsimonious and empirically stable error-correction model, the paper
found that the major determinants of inflation were changes in monetary aggregates, real output, foreign
inflation, and the exchange rate. However, there was an incomplete pass-through of depreciation from the
exchange rate to inflation. The authors established a long-run relationship in the money and traded-goods
markets, observing that inflation was influenced only by disequilibrium in the money market.
Anidiobu, Okolie and Oleka (2018[16] examined the effect of inflation on economic growth in Nigeria
utilizing annualized data covering the period 1986 – 2015, which were obtained from the Central Bank of
Nigeria (CBN) Statistical Bulletin of various issues. This study employed ex-post research design because the
variables were based on events that had already taken place, which the researcher could neither control nor
manipulate. Some preliminary tests were performed to ensure data stationarity, and also ascertain how well the
series were distributed. While Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) was adopted for the former, descriptive
statistics explained the latter. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique was used to estimate the variables. Real
Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) formed the dependent variable, Inflation Rate (INFR), Interest Rate (Interest
Rate) and Exchange Rate (EXCHR) made up the independent variables. Statistical outcomes were interpreted
based on a 5 percent level of significance. The regression results indicated that INFR had a positive and non-
significant effect on economic growth (measured by RGDP) in Nigeria for the period studied. The study
recommended that government should adopt tight monetary policy measures to stabilize tide of inflationary
pressures on our economy. It also recommended that political leaders should minimize unjustified public
spending and promote fiscal prudence.
Aminu and Anono (2012[17] investigated the impact of inflation on economic growth and
development in Nigeria between 1970-2010 through the application of Augmented Dickey-Fuller technique in
testing the unit root property of the series and Granger causality test of causation between GDP and inflation.
The results of unit root suggested that all the variables in the model were stationary and the results of Causality
suggested that GDP causes inflation and not inflation causing GDP. The results also revealed that inflation
possessed a positive impact on economic growth through encouraging productivity and output level and on
evolution of total factor productivity. A good performance of an economy in terms of per capita growth may
therefore be attributed to the rate of inflation in the country.
3.1 Research Design
This study adopts the ex-post facto research design as it deals with event that had taken place and
secondary data were readily available for collection. Real GDP was adopted as the effect variable, while
inflation rate was employed as the causal variable, while exchange rate was used as the control variable. The
model was estimated using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. Since we are making use of annualized
time-series data and the study cover a long sample period, we made sure our data set were not impaired by unit
root; hence we tested for stationarity of the series by employing the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF).
From the table of descriptive statistics above, the means of exchange rate, inflation rate and real gross domestic
product were N104.45, 19.33% and N33737.67 billion respectively. When their minimum stood at N4.544,
5.38& and N19604.06 billion, their maximum were N306.1, 72.84 and N70333 billion respectively. The number
of years covered by this study is 38 years, hence the number of observation being 38.
Correlation test to see the relationship that exists amongst variables; from the correlation matrix above, the
result shows that all the three variables are negatively or inversely correlated, which implies that an increase in
any of the variables, would bring about a decrease in the other variables and vice versa.
The unit root test result shows that the order of integration of the variables comprises of a mixture of
1(0) and 1(1), as such the most appropriate model to be adopted in analyzing data remains Auto - Regressive
Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model.
The ARDL result as shown in the table above suggests that both inflation rate and exchange rate have
negative impacts on real gross domestic product. This result is in support or in tandem with the results elicited
from the correlation analysis earlier conducted. The result further revealed that a percentage increase in inflation
rate would bring about a 0.035 percent decrease in real gross domestic product. Also, a percentage increase in
exchange rate would bring about a 0.02 percent decrease in real gross domestic product, and vice versa.
A keen examination of the result shows that inflation rate had a negative significant impact on real gross
domestic product at 5% level of significance as supported by the corresponding probability value of 0.0009
which is < 5% significance level. Exchange rate can be said to have exerted a negative, yet insignificant impact
on real gross domestic product as shown by its corresponding probability value of 0.1487 which is > 5%
significance level.
The R-squared as well as the Adjusted R-squared of 0.99 showed that the explanatory variables
accounted for more than 99% variations in the explained variable.
F-statistic of 1775.6 showed that the model is a good fit as confirmed by its corresponding probability
value of 0.000000 which means that the model is significant both at 1% and 5% levels of significance.
Durbin-Watson stat. of 2.26 suggests that the variables are free from auto-correlation since it is very close to 2.
In line with the rules, the Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test table above shows that the
probability values of 0.2418 and 0.1554 are statistically insignificant at 5% level of significance, the model is
said to be free from serial correlation.
The Heteroskedasticity test above suggests the problem of Heteroskedasticity since the p-values of F-stat. and
Obs*R-squared are < 5% significance level. However, the Scaled explained SS suggest the absence of
4.7 Test of Normality
This test is conducted to ensure that the data employed in this study are normally distributed. Observing from
the normality diagram (see appendix) as well as the Jaque Bera value of 1.65 which is >5% significant level
confirms that the data are normally distributed.
4.8 Correlogram Q-Statistic
This test is carried out to further test for auto correlation and to consolidate the result of Durbin Watson Stat.
which suggested that the variables are free from auto correlation. From the correlogram Q- Stat. table (see
appendix) indicates that all p-values were >5% hence the conclusion that the model was free from auto
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Data Employed for Analysis
1981 110.39 15,258 20.81
1982 109.86 14,985.08 7.7
1983 109.84 13,849.73 23.21
1984 113.20 13,779.26 17.82
1985 99.90 14,953.91 7.44
1986 51.89 15,237.99 5.72
1987 14.72 15,263.93 11.29
1988 4.5367 16,215.37 54.51
1989 7.3916 17,294.68 50.47
1990 8.0378 19,305.63 7.36
1991 9.9095 19,199.06 13.01
1992 17.2984 19,620.19 44.59
1993 22.0511 19,927.99 57.17
1994 21.8861 19,979.12 57.03
1995 21.8861 20,353.20 72.84
1996 21.8861 21,177.92 29.27
1997 21.8861 21,789.10 8.53
1998 21.8861 22,332.87 10
1999 92.6934 22,449.41 6.62
2000 102.1052 23,688.28 6.93
2001 111.9433 25,267.54 18.87
2002 120.9702 28,957.71 12.88
2003 129.3565 31,709.43 14.03
2004 133.5004 35,020.55 15
2005 132.147 37,424.95 17.86
2006 128.6516 39,995.50 8.24
Date: 01/15/20 Time: 08:48
Sample: 1981 2018
Included observations: 36
Q-statistic probabilities adjusted for 2 dynamic regressors
Autocorrelation Partial AC PAC Q-Stat Prob
Correlation *
.*| . | .*| . | 1 -0.158 -0.158 0.9816 0.322
.|. | .|. | 2 -0.014 -0.040 0.9892 0.610
. |*. | . |*. | 3 0.154 0.150 1.9744 0.578
.|. | . |*. | 4 0.056 0.109 2.1064 0.716
.|. | .|. | 5 -0.004 0.030 2.1070 0.834
. |*. | . |*. | 6 0.118 0.106 2.7457 0.840
. |*. | . |*. | 7 0.101 0.122 3.2236 0.864
.*| . | .|. | 8 -0.066 -0.037 3.4377 0.904
**| . | **| . | 9 -0.226 -0.305 6.0298 0.737
. |** | . |*. | 10 0.271 0.144 9.8902 0.450
**| . | .*| . | 11 -0.223 -0.190 12.608 0.320
. |*. | . |*. | 12 0.099 0.136 13.163 0.357
.|. | .|. | 13 -0.013 -0.048 13.172 0.435
**| . | **| . | 14 -0.232 -0.224 16.512 0.283
.*| . | **| . | 15 -0.185 -0.241 18.743 0.226
.|. | .*| . | 16 -0.052 -0.171 18.931 0.272
*Probabilities may not be valid for this equation specification.
Series: Residuals
8 Sample 1983 2018
Observations 36
6 Mean 4.44e-15
Median -0.001279
5 Maximum 0.046828
Minimum -0.054195
4 Std. Dev. 0.026319
Skewness -0.119518
Kurtosis 1.978567
Jarque-Bera 1.650696
1 Probability 0.438083
-0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04
Method: ARDL
Date: 01/15/20 Time: 08:52
Sample: 1983 2018
Included observations: 36
Presample missing value lagged residuals set to zero.
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
LOG(RGDP(-1)) 0.327222 0.228417 1.432561 0.1639
LOG(RGDP(-2)) -0.344769 0.239445 -1.439865 0.1618
LOG(IFR) 0.001636 0.010003 0.163562 0.8713
LOG(IFR(-1)) 0.003626 0.010669 0.339826 0.7367
LOG(IFR(-2)) -0.003063 0.009367 -0.327026 0.7463
LOG(EXR) 0.018890 0.016973 1.112910 0.2759
LOG(EXR(-1)) -0.011831 0.014215 -0.832345 0.4128
C 0.130072 0.149511 0.869981 0.3923
RESID(-1) -0.631593 0.365038 -1.730210 0.0954
RESID(-2) -0.244371 0.237756 -1.027821 0.3135
R-squared 0.103442 Mean dependent var 4.44E-15
Adjusted R-squared -0.206905 S.D. dependent var 0.026319
S.E. of regression 0.028913 Akaike info criterion -
Sum squared resid 0.021736 Schwarz criterion -
Log likelihood 82.34001 Hannan-Quinn criter. -
F-statistic 0.333311 Durbin-Watson stat 2.018355
Prob(F-statistic) 0.955575