Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2015) Application Manual
Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2015) Application Manual
Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2015) Application Manual
April, 2016
1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Purpose of Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2015) Utilization System and Its
Operating Organizations ................................................................................................................ 1
2.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................1
2.2 Operating Organizations ..............................................................................................................1
3. On the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2015) ............................................ 2
3.1 Overview of the Standard .............................................................................................................2
3.2 Developments That Led to the Establishment of the Standard .....................................................3
3.3 Test Items and Acceptance Criteria .............................................................................................4
3.4 On the New Filing of an Oil conforming to the Standard, the Effective Period of On-File, and
the Indication of Classification of the Standard .............................................................................6
4. Selection of Test Organization ....................................................................................................... 6
4.1 General ........................................................................................................................................6
4.2 JASO Engine Test (M 336 and M 354) .........................................................................................6
4.3 ASTM Engine Test (ASTM D 5967 and D7156, and ASTM D 5533 and D 6984 and D7320) .......7
4.4 CEC Engine Test (CEC-L-54-T-96) ..............................................................................................7
4.5 Bench Test...................................................................................................................................7
4.6 Public Information on Test Organization.......................................................................................7
5. Standard Application Procedures (Reporting, On-Filing)................................................................ 7
5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................7
5.2 Procedure Flow Chart ..................................................................................................................9
5.3 Reporting and On-Filing .............................................................................................................10
5.4 Custody and Submission of Test Data .......................................................................................10
5.5 Documents Check ......................................................................................................................10
5.6 Oil Code .....................................................................................................................................11
5.7 Disclosure of On-File Information ...............................................................................................11
5.8 On-File Maintenance ..................................................................................................................12
5.9 Liability for Product Quality.........................................................................................................14
5.10 Information Security ...................................................................................................................14
5.11 Change in File ............................................................................................................................14
5.12 Precautions for Submitter ...........................................................................................................15
6. Indication ..................................................................................................................................... 15
7. Market Survey ............................................................................................................................. 15
8. Use of Standard by Vehicle Manufacturers or Sellers .................................................................. 16
9. Information Available ................................................................................................................... 16
9.1 Information on Destination Addresses of On-file Documents and On-file Forms ........................16
9.2 Information on Test Methods (JASO Standards) ........................................................................16
9.3 Information on Standard Reference Oil ......................................................................................17
9.4 Information on Test Engines and Parts ......................................................................................17
9.5 Information on Overseas Related Test Methods ........................................................................17
Appendix 1 Application Form of Notification of Desired Consignee Test Laboratory ....................... A-1
Appendix 2 Comparison Table for Test Methods between JIS/JPI Test and ASTM Test ................ A-2
Appendix 3 Diesel Engine Oil Reporting and On-File Maintenance ................................................ A-3
Appendix 4 Diesel Engine Oil/Lubricant On-File Notice .................................................................. A-4
Appendix 5 Read-Across Allowable Range for Change in Diesel Engine Oil Prescription ............. A-5
Appendix 6 Examples of Assigned Oil Codes, On-file Items, and Reporting/Notification Requirements
for Change in Prescription .......................................................................................... A-6
Appendix 7 Oil Code and Performance Classification Marking Label ............................................ A-7
Appendix 8 Unavailability of N04C engine/parts for JASO M 336 – alternative detergency tests .. A-8
1. Introduction
This document has been prepared as part of the activities of the JASO Engine Oil Standards
Implementation Panel, which was established voluntarily by various types of industrial organizations and
academic associations related to engine oils in Japan, to ensure proper implementation of JASO Engine
Oil Standards in Japan and overseas. Explained in this document are the procedures, etc. to be taken
by lubricant sellers and others for reporting and keeping on file products that meet the requirements of
the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2015) that was established by the Society of
Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. in accordance with the Standard.
In this document, the term “diesel engine” means a four-stroke cycle engine driven by using light oil as
a fuel, and the term "diesel engine oil” means a lubricant for four-stroke cycle diesel engines.
In response to a request for advice that was made by the "Automotive/Lubricant Joint Committee"
which is a joint committee of the Petroleum Association of Japan and the Japan Automobile
Manufacturers Association, Inc., this reporting/on-file system was drafted in 2000 by the "JASO 'DX-1'
Working Group" which is subordinate to the Engine Oil Sub Committee, and was established by the
"JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel" with support provided by relevant industrial
organizations and academic associations, etc. In 2005, on the occasion of revision of the Automotive
Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2005) to which new classifications were added, revision of the
application manual was drafted by the "Diesel Oil Working Group" which is subordinate to the "Engine
Oil Sub Committee" and after deliberation by the "JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel"
the manual was revised. On the basis of the alternative engine test procedure proposed in 2012 by a
joint task force consisting of members of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association and the
Petroleum Association of Japan, the "Automotive Diesel Engine Oils – Detergency Test Procedure
(JASO M 336)" and "Automotive Diesel Engine Oils – Valve Train Wear Test Procedure (JASO M 354)"
were revised, and consequently JASO M 355 was also revised by taking into consideration its
compatibility with the previous test standard values. In conjunction with these revisions, this document
was also revised as the application manual for JASO M 355: 2015 through deliberation by the JASO
Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel.
2. Purpose of Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2015) Utilization
System and Its Operating Organizations
2.1 Purpose
This system has been established for the purpose of ensuring the conformity of the Automotive Diesel
Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2015) to diesel engine vehicles. Through the implementation of this
system by diesel engine oil sellers, criteria for optimum selection when customers purchase diesel
engine oils are clarified, and it is expected that the reliability of engines will be improved thereby.
With regard to the utilization of the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2014), the
Diesel Engine Oils Steering Committee (DEO Steering Committee) has been set up on the same level
as the existing 2-cycle Oils Steering Committee (2T Steering Committee) and 4-cycle Oils Steering
Committee (4T Steering Committee) under the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel as
shown in Figure 1. Under the DEO Steering Committee, the DEO Technical Committee has been set
up which presides over the Valve Train Wear Test Surveillance Panel, the Detergency Test Surveillance
Panel, the Hot Tube Test Surveillance Panel, and the Market Survey Panel. The Technical Committee
is presided over by the chairpersons of the Engine Oil Subcommittee as chairperson and vice
chairperson, and the leaders of the panels mentioned above take part in the Technical Committee as
members, and the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. and the Japan Petroleum Institute
participate as liaison members.
JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel
Steering Committee Steering Committee Steering Committee
DEO Technical
Fig. 1 Operating Organization Chart for Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard
(JASO M 355: 2015)
The Valve Train Wear Test Surveillance Panel, the Detergency Test Surveillance Panel, and the Hot
Tube Test Surveillance Panel examine measures for solving problems that may be encountered by the
users of each test when they actually conduct it. The Market Survey Panel works out a market survey
plan when there arises the need to carry out a market survey and analyzes the result of the survey.
Each panel is mainly composed of members from automobile manufacturers, petroleum manufacturers,
and additive manufacturers, and participation from other industries may be requested where necessary.
Engine oils conforming to the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard JASO M 355: 2005 are
classified into DH-1, DH-2 and DL-1, and the Standard applies to four-cycle diesel engines.
The DH-1 classification has been developed for use for diesel engines that comply with the
requirements for long-term emission control regulations. Engine oils conforming to the requirements
for the DH-1 classification (hereinafter called the DH-1 Oils) have performance such that the
deterioration of piston detergency, formation of deposits at high temperatures, foaming, oil consumption
due to evaporation oil losses, decrease in shear viscosity, deterioration of oil seals, etc. are suppressed.
The DH-1 Oils can also be used for engines predating the long-term emission control regulations, and
they are applicable to cases where light oils of which sulfur content exceeds 0.05% as well on the
assumption that the intervals for oil replacement as recommended by the engine manufacturer are
The DH-2 and DL-1 classifications have been developed for use for engines equipped with an
after-treatment device such as a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) or catalyst in order to comply with the
requirements for emission control regulations subsequent to the new short-term regulations. Oils
conforming to the requirements of there classifications (hereinafter called the “DH-2 Oils” and “DL-1
Oils”) have excellent applicability to the DPF and catalyst while keeping the same level of performance
as that required for the DH-1 classification. Note that because required levels of engine oils differ
between those for trucks/buses and those for passenger car classes in terms of engine durability,
distance involving oil replacement, fuel economy, etc., the DH-2 classification has been specified for
heavy duty uses on trucks/buses and the DL-1 classification for light-duty uses on passenger car
The DH-2 Oils and DL-1 Oils are used only in an environment where low-sulfur light oils of which sulfur
content is not more than 0.005%.
Note that the DH-2 Oils can be used for engines predating the new short-term emission control
regulations as well, on the assumption that low-sulfur light oils of which sulfur content is not more than
0.005% are used and the intervals for oil replacement as recommended by the engine manufacturer are
In Japan, it is common practice to use the API Service Classification as the quality standard for
automotive diesel engine oils. However, partly due to differences between engine designs in Japan
and those in the United States, engine oils that better suit the characteristics of engines manufactured in
Japan are required. For this reason, special performance is added to a majority of engine oils that are
widely used in Japan, such as the strengthening of wear prevention performance of a valve train of the
sliding rocker-arm type, so that the engine oils are fit for use on the engines manufactured in Japan.
Also, automotive manufacturers in Japan have expressed their desire that new oil quality standards
should be established that are fit for the requirements for engines that comply with the emission control
regulations in recent years.
In the meantime, in the Asian market where the market share of Japanese cars is high, establishment
of quality standards similar to those in Japan are desired, and the SAE Fuel and Lubricant Division
Steering Committee for Asia in which Japanese car manufacturers likewise participate and carry out
activities has also made a request that the quality standards for automotive diesel engine oils should be
In such a context, it was decided to establish quality standards that are fit for the requirements for
Japanese diesel engines, and quality standards were established after undergoing the following
・ In April 1994, the Engine Oil Subcommittee of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc.
started, in collaboration with the Japan Lubricating Oil Society, to develop a test procedure for diesel
oil engines using low-sulfur light oils (with a sulfur content of 0.05%), and in March 1998 established
the detergency test procedure (JASO M 336: 1998) using an engine manufactured by Nissan Diesel
Motor (TD25), and then in March 1999 established the valve train wear test procedure (JASO M
354: 1999) using an engine manufactured by Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (currently Mitsubishi
Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation) (4D34T4).
・ Subsequently in April 1999, the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc. and the
Petroleum Association of Japan proposed a diesel oil quality standard that specified 11 items in total
by using a detergency test procedure, a valve train wear test procedure, a hot tube test procedure,
etc. and 9 other test procedures, and therefore its validity was verified through comparison and
examination, etc. with the oils on the market, and in October 2000 the Quality Standard (JASO M
355: 2000) was established.
・ In diesel engine vehicles conforming to emission control; regulations subsequent to the new
short-term regulations which are equipped with after-treatment devices such as the DPF and NOx
deoxidization catalyst, in addition to the existing standards, quality standards that specify chemical
compositions such as ash, phosphorus, and sulfur contents are required. In April 2003, Japan
Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc. and the Petroleum Association of Japan established, as
guidelines, the DH-2 for trucks/buses and the DL-1 for passenger car classes. After the validity of
these guidelines was verified, the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2005) was
revised in April 2005 by adding the DH-2 and DL-1 classifications to the existing DH-1 classification.
・ On the occasion of the revision of the valve train wear test procedure (JASO M 354: 2005), in the
Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2005), the quality standard for the DH-1
classification was also reconsidered.
・ The upper limit values of the chlorine content of engine oils that were specified in the DH-2 and
DL-1 were reconsidered, and in April 2008 the revised standard was issued as the Automotive
Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2008).
・ Since supply of test engines for the Detergency Test Procedure (JASO M 336: 1998) ended in
2009, based on the alternative engine test procedure proposed by a joint task force consisting of
members of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association and Petroleum Association of Japan,
the revised procedure was issued in April 2012 as JASO M 336: 2014. Concurrently with this
revision, the revised standard was issued as the JASO Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard
(JASO M 355: 2014 by considering compatibility with the previous standard values.
・ A period of 15 years elapsed after establishment of the valve train test procedure (JASO M 354:
2006), and considering the stop of supply of the standard oil DV1 and the stop of supply of additives
for the standard oil DV2 as well as the stability of supply of test engines, alternative standard oils
and the latest engines were specified and the revised procedure was issued as JASO M 354: 2015.
Concurrently with this revision, the revised standard was issued as the JASO Automotive Diesel
Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2015 by considering consistency with the previous standard
values as well.
Table 1 shows the required performance and acceptance criteria specified in the Automotive Diesel
Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2015).
Some characteristic values that need to be reported at the time of on-file registration are not specified
in the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2015). For these items, refer to Appendix
Note that when carrying out the engine tests and bench tests listed in Table 1, the procedures shown
in the Comparison Table in Appendix 2 may be used as alternative test procedures. In this case, which
procedure was used for obtaining the result of measurement must be specified on the reporting
document, etc.
When the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355) is revised, it is required to use the
latest version. Also, regarding the test procedures specified in the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil
Standard (JASO M 355) as well, the latest version of the relevant test procedure shall be used if the year
of establishment is not specified. However, regarding JASO M 336 and JASO M 354 as well as the
standards cited in these test procedures, the latest version at the time of carrying out the test may be
Table 1 Required Performance and Acceptance Criterion (Quality Standards)
Specified in the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2015)
Performance Criteria
Items Unit Test Method
DH-1-15 DH-2-15 DL-1-15
Viscosity Grade - - XW-30,XW-20 SAE J300
Correction demerit
WTD(Weighted Total Demerit) evaluation point 740 Max. 740 Max. 740 Max.
Piston Detergency TGF(Top Groove Fill) vol% Report Report Report JASO M 336
(NOTE1) Piston Ring Stickings All free All free All free
Deposits on Ring Lands Merit Rating Report Report Report
Valve Train Wear
Protection Tappet Wear μ m 11.3 Max. 11.3 Max 11.3 Max JASO M 354
Viscosity Increase (100~150H)
Soot Dispersancy @100℃ mm2/s/h 0.2 Max. 0.2 Max. 0.2 Max. ASTM D 5967
Viscosity Increase@40℃(60H) or % 295 Max 295 Max - ASTM D 6984
High Temperature Viscosity Increase@40℃(100H) % 150 Max 150 Max - ASTM D 7320
Oxidation Stability Viscosity Increase@40℃(80H) or 275 Max ASTM D 6984
Viscosity Increase@40℃(100H) % - - 150 Max ASTM D 7320
Fuel Economy Fuel Economy Improvement % - - 2.5 Min. CEC-L-54-96
(NOTE 2)
Hot Surface Deposit
Control @280℃ Merit Rating 7.0 Min. 7.0 Min. 7.0 Min. JPI-5S-55
SequenceⅠ mL/mL 10/0 Max. 10/0 Max. 10/0 Max.
Anti-foaming SequenceⅡ mL/mL 50/0 Max. 50/0 Max. 50/0 Max. JIS K 2518
SequenceⅢ Stability mL/mL 10/0 Max. 10/0 Max. 10/0 Max.
High Temperature
Anti-foaming SequenceⅣ mL/mL - - 100/0 Max. ASTM D 6082
Volatility Evaporation Loss@250℃ mass % 18.0 Max. 18.0 Max. 15 Max JPI-5S-41
Copper mass ppm 20 Max. 20 Max. 20 Max.
Lead mass ppm 120 Max. 100 Max. 120 Max. ASTM D 6594
Anti-corrosion Tin mass ppm 50 Max. 50 Max. 50 Max.
Discoloration of Copper Coupon
after Test @135℃ 3Max 3Max 3Max ASTM D 130
Note: 1. Carbon residue shall be measured in accordance with JIS K 2270, and in order to control the precision
of driving, the carbon residue increase must be at least 3.0 % in mass fraction after a test duration of
200 hours. Where the carbon residue increase shall be calculated by setting the reference time at 0
Note: 2. Not required for 10W-30
Note: 3. Shear stability shall be specified only for multi-grade oils.
3.4 On the New Filing of an Oil conforming to the Standard, the Effective Period of
On-File, and the Indication of Classification of the Standard
The first date when classification indication is allowed, the last dates when a new reporting is
accepted, and the on-file termination dates for engine oils conforming to the Automotive Diesel Engine
Oil Standard JASO DH-1 (JASO M 355: 2000), the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M
355: 2005), or the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2008), the Automotive Diesel
Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2014) and the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355:
2015) shall be as follows:
The on-file termination date for engine oils conforming to the JASO M 355: 2005 standard for which a
reporting was made by July 31, 2008 shall be September 30, 2019.
Also, the last date when a new reporting is accepted for engine oils conforming to the JASO M 355:
2008 standard shall be March 31, 2016, and the on-file termination date shall be September 30, 2019.
The last date when a new reporting is accepted for engine oils conforming to the JASO M 355: 2014
shall be March 31, 2017.
The first date when classification indication is allowed for engine oils conforming to the JASO M 355:
2015 shall be October 1, 2015.
Regarding the indication of classification of the standards, the year described in the classification
shall not be indicated, and DH-1-15 shall be indicated as DH-1, DH-2-15 shall be indicated as DH-2, and
DL-1-15 shall be indicated as DL-1.
4.1 General
In the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2015), the requirements are specified
concerning various engine tests, bench tests and physical/chemical properties. For on-file (to be
described later), it is required to report the results of tests conducted by a test organization. That is, the
test results are valid only under if the following requirements are satisfied.
As to the JASO M 336:1998 (High Temperature and High Load Detergency Test Procedure for
Evaluating Automotive Diesel Engine Oils) and the JASO M 354:1999 (Valve Train Wear Test Procedure
for Evaluating Automotive Diesel Engine Oils), it is required to submit results of tests that have been
carried out by a test organization providing test accuracy specified in each test method.
In submission of the test results, it is also required to include results of a standard oil test (latest test
result attained within a period of one year from the date of test of oil to be conducted) which has been
carried out by a test organization (for engine test concerned), which must meet acceptance criteria as
indicated in Form 4a-b and Form 4b-b of Appendix 3.
4.3 ASTM Engine Test (ASTM D 5967 and D7156, and ASTM D 5533 and D 6984 and
As to Soot dispersancy test (Mack T-8A and 8E:ASTM D 5967, T-11:ASTM D7156) and
high-temperature oxidation stability test (Sequence IIIE:ASTM D5533, Sequence IIIF and IIIF HD:ASTM
D6984, Sequence IIIG:ASTM D7320) for engine oils, it is required to conform to the ACC Product
Approval Code of Practice specified by ACC (the American Chemistry Council). For the purpose of
submitting test results, the tests must be conducted in one of test organizations certified by the ASTM
Test Monitoring Center in accordance with the ACC Product Approval Code of Practice.
As to fuel economy test for diesel engine oils (CEC-L-54-T-96), it is required to conform to the ATIEL
Code of Practice specified by ATIEL (the Association Technique de L'Industrie Europeanne des
Lubrifiants, EEIG). For the purpose of submitting test results, the test must be conducted in one of test
organizations certified by CEC in accordance with the ATIEL Code of Practice.
As to the JPI-5S-55-99 (Hot Tube Test, HTT), ASTM D 6594 (Standard Test Method for Evaluation of
Corrosiveness of Diesel Engine Oils), ASTM D 6278 (Shear Stability Test), CEC-L-39-T-96 (Evaluation
of Oil-Elastomer Compatibility), ASTM D 7216 (Evaluation of Oil-Elastomer Compatibility), defoaming
characteristic, volatility, Base Number and other physical/chemical properties to be reported for on-file,
any test organization may be selected under condition that accuracy specified for each test method is
4.6 Public Information on Test Organization
Test organizations that can carry out JASO engine tests in request from an outside party (if disclosure
is allowed) are publicized at the Web site of the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel
( or through any other means. When the disclosure is desired, enter
necessary data in the Application Form of Notification of Desired Consignee Test Laboratory (Appendix
1) and submit it to the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel. Inquiries or test requests to
the publicized test organizations shall be made directly by each Standard user, i.e., the JASO Engine Oil
Standards Implementation Panel will not provide mediation between each Standard user and the
publicized test organizations.
5.1 General
Each oil seller or supplier using the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355:2015)
through this system shall ensure that each product subject to reporting has such required performance,
etc. as stipulated in the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355:2015) by confirmation, in
accordance with the guidance of this Manual, of a test organization designated by this Manual and shall
use the Standard application procedures for each product brand and for each prescription as described
in subsequent sections of “Reporting and On-Filing” and “Custody and Submission of Test Data.”
This system is for each user of the Standard to give a public notice of the conformity of the user’s
product with the Standard, on its own responsibility, by way of on-filing of a product together with its test
data, and is not for this system or the Panel to certify or acknowledge the conformity of any product with
the Standard. Each user of this system shall fully understand such nature of the system. Each user
shall be careful so as not to cause misunderstanding by end users including consumers, and is required
to make a sincere effort to maintain the conformity with the Standard of the said product on the market.
5.2 Procedure Flow Chart
(Duplicate) NG
Notification of OK
rejection, or
Request for
Filing Filing
5.3 Reporting and On-Filing
Prior to on-filing, the submitter shall transfer a filing fee indicated in Appendix 1 to the specified bank
account of the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel. Thereafter, the submitter shall
prepare the reporting documents (forms 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Appendix 3) and enter necessary data in form B
of the original and duplicate copies of the notice and agreement documents (Appendix 4). Together
with a certificate of a filing fee, the submitter shall send the reporting documents to the JASO Engine Oil
Standards Implementation Panel. Note that transactions for receipt of reporting and on-filing are to be
consigned to the Japan Lubricating Oil Society. Therefore, the reporting documents and the filing fee
certificate shall be sent to the address shown below:
Any cost required for transferring a filing fee to the specified bank account shall be borne by the
submitter. Note that the reporting documents and the filing fee will not be returned after reception. If a
change in the amount of filing fee is made, it will be communicated by the JASO Engine Oil Standards
Implementation Panel through related associations.
At the time of reporting, the submitter shall submit to the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation
Panel a representative example of performance classification marking on the diesel engine oil product
container and an entire product label (design allowable). (Refer to 6 - Marking.)
JASO engine test reports (basic data for reporting) shall be prepared in a format specified in the JASO
Standard, and the submitter shall maintain responsibility for the JASO engine test reports. Further,
data of ASTM engine and bench test results shall also be maintained by the submitter. The period of
maintenance of test results and reports shall be until the submitter cancels on-file of the product
The submitter shall submit the test reports as promptly as possible upon receipt of a request for them
from the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel.
Upon receipt of reporting documents, the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel shall
(2) whether infrared absorption spectral data has been attached in the specified format.
(3) whether engine oil performance data has been entered as specified.
Further, the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel shall check:
(4) against the specified values as to the bench test characteristic items for which the specified
values have been determined.
(5) against the criteria of acceptance as to the JASO and ASTM engine test results.
Further, the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel shall check the performance
classification documents and product labels for any improper points or unclear expressions.
If any improper or inadequate item is found, the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel
shall return a notice of on-file rejection (with information on reasoning) to the submitter or it shall request
the submitter to make a correction.
If all the documents are satisfied, the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel shall send an
on-file notice to the submitter and put its copy into a file of the reporting documents.
An oil code shall be determined by the submitter and recorded by the JASO Diesel Engine Oil
Standards Implementation Panel.
Each oil code shall be set up in the format shown below:
For the purpose of reference, an example of oil code assignment is shown in Appendix 6.
For promotion and public recognition of the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355:
2015), and diesel engine oil products, the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel will
publicize product names, submitter names, viscosity grades, oil codes and classifications of on-file
products through such communication media as the Internet according to the Standard.
JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel will announce the information disclosed to the
submitter before disclosure. If the information is incorrect in those the submitter has submitted, the
submitter shall notice the correction in written materials as soon as possible.
JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel does not have any responsibilities on the loss and
the damage of submitters caused by the information which has been agreed between JASO Engine Oil
Standards Implementation Panel and submitters.
5.8 On-File Maintenance
If continuation of on-file of the product concerned is desired on and after January 1 of the year
subsequent to the year of on-file, the submitter (requesting continuation of on-file) shall notify the JASO
Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel by the end of February of the subsequent year as to the
amount of on-file maintenance fee, which is to be calculated according to the sales quantity (from
January to December of the preceding year) in the method specified in Appendix 3. Upon notification
from the submitter requesting continuation of on-file, the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation
Panel will check it and send an invoice to the submitter requesting continuation of on-file. After
receiving the invoice, the submitter requesting continuation of on-file shall promptly transfer an on-file
maintenance fee to the specified bank account of the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel.
Any cost required for transfer of the on-file maintenance fee to the specified bank account shall be borne
by the submitter. Note that the on-file maintenance fee will not be returned once received by the JASO
Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel.
In case that the on-file maintenance fee and calculation method are to be revised, the JASO Engine
Oil Standards Implementation Panel will issue notification through the related organizations.
If the submitter requesting continuation of on-file does not transfer the on-file maintenance fee to the
specified bank account, the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel will judge that the sale of
the product concerned has been discontinued. In this case, the on-file of the product concerned may
be canceled.
JASO Engine Oil Standards
Submitter Requesting Continuation of Implementation Panel
On-File (Reception of reporting, on-file procedural transaction:
Consigned to Japan Lubricating Oil Society)
On-file Invoice
Continuation of on-file
5.9 Liability for Product Quality
As to the quality and performance of each diesel engine oil product filed (on file) through this system,
classification and guarantee shall be the submitter's responsibility, and the submitter (seller) shall
assume liability for the quality of the product concerned.
This system is not intended for the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel to provide
warranty on quality and performance of engine oil products on file. The JASO Engine Oil Standards
Implementation Panel shall not be responsible for any loss or damage which may occur as a result of the
use of an engine oil product on file.
If any trouble takes place concerning the quality and performance of an on-file engine oil product, the
submitter shall take respond to solve the problem as his own responsibility.
If this system is contradictory to any legal regulations of the country concerned (including local
administration regulations), the legal regulations take precedence over this system. Therefore, as to
loss or damage arising from the use of this system without regard to inconsistency with legal regulations,
the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel will not assume any responsibility.
In any of the following cases, the submitter shall report to the JASO Engine Oil Standards
Implementation Panel in advance. In any of these cases, the submitter shall make necessary payment
as specified in Item 5.3 and update the oil code concerned.
(3) Addition/change of the viscosity grade (Reporting is required even if the read-across allowable
range shown in Appendix 5 is satisfied.)
In any of the following cases, the submitter shall promptly report to the JASO Engine Oil Standards
Implementation Panel. Note that it is not required to pay a on-file fee specified in Item 5.3 or update the
oil code concerned.
(1) Change of the information on communication with the submitter (address, telephone number,
(In this case, it is required to submit documents in forms 5 and 6 shown in Appendix 3.)
(2) Change of any condition other than the viscosity grade within the read-across allowable range
shown in Appendix 5
(In this case, it is required to submit reporting documents in forms 5, 6, 7 and 8 shown in
Appendix 3.)
If another submitter makes a change in an already filed product within the read-across allowable
range shown in Appendix 5, it is required to provide new on-file according to Item 5.3.
Also, if said submitter makes changes in the newly filed product concerned as to any condition other
than the viscosity grade within the read-across allowable range shown in Appendix 5, the contents of the
change shall be promptly reported to the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel.
Appendix 6 presents examples of reporting and notification.
When indicating an oil code and performance classification mark on a product container according to
this system, the submitter shall pay particular attention to the following conditions:
(1) The quality, performance and marking of the product to be sold shall meet those entered in the
on-file documents.
(2) If any questions occur as to the quality, performance and/or marking of the product, the submitter
is responsible for any responses.
(3) As to the quality, performance and marking of the diesel engine oil product filed, the submitter
shall provide classification and guarantee on his own responsibility, and information on this
responsibility shall be publicized to general consumers through sales channels of the submitter.
If the submitter discontinues sales of the on-file diesel engine oil product, the submitter shall promptly
notify the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel as to cancellation of on-file.
6. Indication
After receipt of the on-file notice, the submitter may indicate the oil code concerned on a product
container. In this case, the submitter shall clarify that the oil code is provided on his own responsibility,
using the form shown in Appendix 7. Note that any additional oil code indication on the container (by
using a sticker or the like) is not permitted.
In advertisements or the like, the user of this system shall not use such an expression as will lead to a
misunderstanding that the quality/performance of the diesel engine oil concerned has been certified by
the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel.
As specified in Item 5.3, the user of this system shall send a representative example of performance
classification marking and a representative example of an entire product label (design acceptable) to the
JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel.
7. Market Survey
For ensuring proper interests of consumers and on-file submitters, the JASO Engine Oil Standards
Implementation Panel will conduct market survey regarding diesel engine oil products for which on-filing
is maintained and check that the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M 355: 2015) are used
correctly on the market. Therefore, the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel may take
arbitrary samples of JASO engine oil category DH-1 from the market, examine the performance marking
form and quality/performance items specified in the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M
355: 2015), and check them against the on-file documents concerned. If any clear discrepancy from
the on-file document concerned is found in this market survey, the JASO Engine Oil Standards
Implementation Panel may ask the on-file for its reason in writing or make a request for improvement.
The JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel may disclose the results of market survey in a
manner that particular submitter names and oil product names are not identifiable.
Any vehicle manufacturer or seller may utilize the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M
355:2015), under his own judgment and on his own responsibility. For instance, in owner's manual or
any other document, the vehicle manufacturer or seller may indicate a recommended diesel engine oil
product to be used by consumers according to the Automotive Diesel Engine Oil Standard (JASO M
In recommending any diesel engine oil product, the user of this system shall not provide such an
expression as will lead to a misunderstanding that the quality/performance of the diesel engine oil
concerned has been certified by the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel (e.g., diesel
engine oil certified or assured by the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel).
As to the above recommendation, the user of this system shall send a representative example in the
owner's manual concerned to the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel.
9. Information Available
For details of conditions regarding this system, contact the following organizations.
9.3 Information on Standard Reference Oil
ASTM International
100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, U.S.A.
Tel:(+1)610-832-9585 FAX:(+1)610-832-9555
9.5.2 Information on CEC Test Methods and Test Implementation Organization
Seal Department/Section
Department/Section, Title
A1 - 1
Test Item Test method JIS/JPI test No. ASTM test No.
Type I Hydrometers Density
JIS K 2249-1995 4. ASTM D 1298
Density Test
Vibration Method Density Test JIS K 2249-1995 5. ASTM D 4052
Cleveland Open Cup Method
Flash Point(COC) JIS K 2265-4-2007 ASTM D 92
Flash Point Test
Kinematic viscosity JIS K 2283-2000 5. ASTM D 445
Zn ICP Method
A2 - 1
(1) When entering data in the report forms, refer to the text in the standard application manual.
(2) As to an item concerning any test method without indication of a year (in the report forms), adopt
a test method which is the latest version at the time of reporting.
(3) If a marking/sale corresponding to false reporting is made, the authorities concerned may impose
a punishment according to the Act Against Unjustifiable Premium and Misleading Representation
(Article 4 - Clause 1) or the Act of Prevention of Unfair Competition (Article 2-item 1 - Clause 12).
Prior to reporting of a new oil item to be filed, a filing fee indicated in 2.(1) shall be transferred to
the following bank account (per oil item to be filed). At the time of reporting, a certificate of the
fee transfer into the bank account and necessary documents shown below shall be prepared and
submitted to the panel.
A3 - 1
Document required for filing
Representative example of performance classification marking, and representative example of entire product label (Design figure acceptable)
As to on-file registration maintenance, a term of one year starts from January 1 and ends with
December 31 of the current year.
To maintain on-file registration on and after January 1 of the year subsequent to the year of registration,
it is required to pay an on-file maintenance fee. For each registrant, an on-file maintenance fee is
calculated as shown below according to the total sales quantity of each registered oil in the previous
Calculation Example – 1
In case that on-file registration has been completed October 1, 2014, and 1,250 kl of oil has been
sold by December 31, 2014:
The term of the first year means a period between October 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, and the
term of the second year means a period between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015.
An on-file maintenance fee to be paid in the second year is calculated on the basis of the previous
year. In this case, it is determined according to declaration of sales quantity during a period of
October 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014.
A3 - 2
Calculation Example – 2
In case that on-file registration of oil A has been completed on October 1, 2014, 500 kl of oil A has
been sold by December 31, 2014, 2,000 kl of oil A has been sold in the year 2015, on-file registration
of oil B has been completed on May 1, 2015, and 1,000 kl of oil B has been sold by December 31,
2015: (See Fig. 3.1.)
Since the total sales quantity of oil A in the year 2014 is 500 kl, an on-file maintenance fee to be paid
in the year 2015 is ¥30,000. The total sales quantity of oil in the year 2015 is 3,000 kl, i.e., 2,000 kl
of oil A plus 1,000 kl of oil B. Hence, an on-file maintenance fee to be paid in the year 2016 is
calculated as indicated below.
Oil A registered
Oil B registered
1,000 kl sold
A3 - 3
4. On-File Change Notification Procedure
Where the registrant wants to change the contents described in the on-file report, the following
documents shall be prepared even if renewal of the oil code is not required. These documents shall
then be submitted to the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel. Refer to Item 5.11 in the
Standards Application Manual.
(2) To change any condition other than viscosity grade within the read-across allowable range
indicated in Appendix 3:
A3 - 4
Form 1: Front sheet of reporting
Seal Department/Section
Registered Oil
designation or
code number
Product name
□DH-1 □DH-2 □DL-1
Viscosity grade
Oil code
A3 - 5
Form 2: Bench test results
Form 2a: Bench test results (DH-1)
Measured Performanc
Items Test Method
Value e Criteria
3 □ JIS K 2249-1995 4.
Density (15 °C) g/cm Reported
□ JIS K 2249-1995 5.
Flash point COC °C JIS K 2265-4-2007 Reported
Kinematic viscosity (40 °C) mm /s JIS K 2283-2000 5. Reported
Kinematic viscosity (100 °C) mm /s JIS K 2283-2000 5. SAE J300
Viscosity index JIS K 2283-2000 6. Reported
JIS K 2010-1993
CCS viscosity ( - °C) mPas SAE J300
Attachment A
MRV viscosity ( - °C) mPas JPI-5S-42-2004 SAE J300
High-temperature high-shear-stability viscosity (150 °C)
JPI-5S-36-2003 SAE J300
Ash sulfate mass% JIS K 2272-1998 5. Reported
□ JIS K 2270-2000 5
Residual carbon mass% Reported
□ JIS K 2270-2000 6
Acid number mgKOH/g JIS K 2501-2003 7. Reported
Base number(HClO4method) mgKOH/g JIS K 2501-2003 9. Reported
Base Number mgKOH/g □ JIS K2501-2003 8.
10.0 Min
(HCl method or Tri Solvent method) □ ASTM D 4739
Volatility(NOACK method) mass % JPI-5S-41-2004 18.0 Max.
Color JIS K 2580-2003 6. Reported
Ca JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
Mg JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
Zn JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
P JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
B JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
value □ JIS K 2609-1998 3.
mass% N □ JIS K 2609-1998 4. Reported
□ JIS K 2609-1998 5.
□ JIS K 2541-7-2003
S Reported
□ JPI-5S-38-2003
Other element ( NOTE3) [ ] Reported
IR chart
Infrared absorption spectrum (in use of 0.1 mm fixed cell) ―
Sequence Ⅰ 10/0 Max.
Sequence Ⅱ JIS K 2518-2003 50/0 Max.
(Foaming/Stability) ml
Sequence Ⅲ 10/0 Max.
Shear Stability SAE J300
2 ASTM D6278
Kinetic Viscosity of Oil after Test @100 °C mm /s (NOTE4)
Hot Surface Deposit Control @ 280 °C Merit Rating JPI-5S-55 99 7.0 Min.
Concentration of Element in Oil after Test
Copper ppm ASTM D 6594 20 Max.
Lead ppm (135°C) 120 Max.
Tin ppm 50 Max.
Discoloration of Copper Coupon
ASTM D130 3 Max.
after test @135 °C
NOTE: 1. The specified value of viscosity shall conform to the latest version of New SAE viscosity classification .
2. If a single item indicates two or more test methods, it is sufficient to enter test data under one of such methods,
provided that it is required to identify the adopted method (Check a check box).
3. Any other element having a concentration of 100 ppm, except for C, H and O.
4. The kinematic viscosity at 100 °C after shear stability test shall conform to SAE viscosity classification (SAE
J300). Note that this requirement is not imposed on mono-grade oil.
A3 - 6
Form 2a: Bench test results (DH-1) (Continued)
Measured Performance
Items Test Method
Value Criteria
Oil Elastomer Compatibility (NOTE5)
Hardness Change Point -1~+5
RE1 Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -40~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -50~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -1~+5
RE2 Hardness Change Point -5~+8 (-5~+5)
□ New Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -15~+18(-15~+10)
□ Old Elongation Rate of Change % -35~+10(-35~+10)
(NOTE6) Volume Rate of Change % -7~+5(-5~+5)
RE3 Hardness Change Point -22~+1(-25~+1)
□ New Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -30~+10(-45~+10)
□ Old Elongation Rate of Change % -20~+10(-20~+10)
(NOTE6) Volume Rate of Change % -1~+22(-1~+30)
Hardness Change Point -5~+5
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -20~+10
RE4 Elongation Rate of Change % -50~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -5~+5
CEC L-039-96
Hardness Change Point -5~+10
DBL- Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -35~
AEM Elongation Rate of Change % -50~
Volume Rate of Change % -5~+15
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
NBR Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
FPM Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
ACM Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point -5~+7
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
NBR Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+5
Hardness Change Point -5~+8
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -15~+18
ACM Elongation Rate of Change % -35~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+5
Hardness Change Point -5~+7
FKM Tensile Strength Rate of Change % ASTM D7216 -TMC1006~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -2~+5
Hardness Change Point -TMC1006~+5
VMQ Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -45~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -30~+20
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+TMC1006
Hardness Change Point -TMC1006~+5
MAC Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+TMC1006
Note: 5. Oil elastomer compatibility test shall conform to one of the following methods:
(1) RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4 in the Table and Daimler AG AEM: D 8948/200.1 (150°C).
(2) Daimler AG standard (VDA 675301, 7 days, 4 elastomer materials (NBR: NBR34 DIN 53538 T3 (100 °C);
FPM: AK6 (150 °C); ACM: E7503 (150 °C); AEM: D8948/200.1 (150 °C) ) ) and RE3 in the Table. Note that
the standard values in the latest Daimler AG standard shall be used.
(3) API CJ-4 standard (ASTM D7216, 14 days, 5 elastomer materials (NBR (100 °C), ACM (150 °C), FKM
(150 °C), VMQ (150 °C), MAC (150 °C) ) ).
6. As to the samples RE2 and RE3 in the oil elastomer compatibility test, the material and specified values have
been changed. In the above table, the newly specified values of the newly specified materials (RE2-99 and
RE3-04) and the previously specified values (parenthesized) of the previously specified material are shown.
In registration, indicate whether the newly specified material or the previously specified material has been
used. For the newly specified materials (RE2-99 and RE3-04), apply the newly specified values. For the
previously specified material, apply the previously specified values.
A3 - 7
Form 2b: Bench test results (DH-2)
Measured Performanc
Items Test Method
Value e Criteria
3 □ JIS K 2249-1995 4.
Density (15 °C) g/cm Reported
□ JIS K 2249-1995 5.
Flash point COC °C JIS K 2265-4-2007 Reported
Kinematic viscosity (40 °C) mm /s JIS K 2283-2000 5. Reported
Kinematic viscosity (100 °C) mm /s JIS K 2283-2000 5. SAE J300
Viscosity index JIS K 2283-2000 6. Reported
JIS K 2010-1993
CCS viscosity ( - °C) mPas SAE J300
Attachment A
MRV viscosity ( - °C) mPas JPI-5S-42-2004 SAE J300
High-temperature high-shear-stability viscosity (150 °C)
JPI-5S-36-2003 SAE J300
Ash sulfate mass% JIS K 2272-1998 5. 0.9-1.1
□ JIS K 2270-2000 5
Residual carbon mass% Reported
□ JIS K 2270-2000 6
Acid number mgKOH/g JIS K 2501-2003 7. Reported
Base number(HClO4method) mgKOH/g JIS K 2501-2003 9. Reported
Base Number(HCL method ) mgKOH/g □ JIS K2501-2003 8. 5.5 Min
Volatility(NOACK method) mass % JPI-5S-41-2004 18.0 Max.
Color JIS K 2580-2003 6. Reported
Ca JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
Mg JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
Zn JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
P JPI-5S-38-2003 0.12 Max
B JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
□ JIS K 2609-1998 3.
value N □ JIS K 2609-1998 4. Reported
mass% □ JIS K 2609-1998 5.
□ JIS K 2541-7-2003
S 0.5 MAX
□ JPI-5S-38-2003
□ JPI-5S-64-2002
Cl (Mass ppm) 150 MAX
□ ASTM D 6443
Other element ( NOTE9) [ ] Reported
IR chart
Infrared absorption spectrum (in use of 0.1 mm fixed cell) ―
Sequence Ⅰ 10/0 Max.
Sequence Ⅱ JIS K 2518-2003 50/0 Max.
(Foaming/Stability) ml
Sequence Ⅲ 10/0 Max.
Shear Stability SAE J300
2 ASTM D6278
Kinetic Viscosity of Oil after Test @100 °C mm /s (NOTE10)
Hot Surface Deposit Control @ 280 °C Merit Rating JPI-5S-55 99 7.0 Min.
Concentration of Element in Oil after Test
Copper ppm ASTM D 6594 20 Max.
Lead ppm (135°C) 100 Max.
Tin ppm 50 Max.
Discoloration of Copper Coupon
ASTM D130 3 Max.
after test @135 °C
NOTE: 7. The specified value of viscosity shall conform to the latest version of New SAE viscosity classification .
8. If a single item indicates two or more test methods, it is sufficient to enter test data under one of such methods,
provided that it is required to identify the adopted method (Check a check box).
9. Any other element having a concentration of 100 ppm, except for C, H and O.
10. The kinematic viscosity at 100 °C after shear stability test shall conform to SAE viscosity classification (SAE
J300). Note that this requirement is not imposed on mono-grade oil.
A3 - 8
Form 2b: Bench test results (DH-2) (Continued)
Measured Performance
Items Test Method
Value Criteria
Oil Elastomer Compatibility (NOTE11)
Hardness Change Point -1~+5
RE1 Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -50~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -60~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -1~+5
RE2 Hardness Change Point -5~+8 (-5~+5)
□ New Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -15~+18(-15~+10)
□ Old Elongation Rate of Change % -35~+10(-35~+10)
(NOTE12) Volume Rate of Change % -7~+5(-5~+5)
RE3 Hardness Change Point -22~+1(-25~+1)
□ New Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -30~+10(-45~+10)
□ Old Elongation Rate of Change % -20~+10(-20~+10)
(NOTE12) Volume Rate of Change % -1~+22(-1~+30)
Hardness Change Point -5~+5
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -20~+10
RE4 Elongation Rate of Change % -50~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -5~+5
CEC L-039-96
Hardness Change Point -5~+10
DBL- Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -35~
AEM Elongation Rate of Change % -50~
Volume Rate of Change % -5~+15
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
NBR Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
FPM Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
ACM Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point -5~+7
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
NBR Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+5
Hardness Change Point -5~+8
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -15~+18
ACM Elongation Rate of Change % -35~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+5
Hardness Change Point -5~+7
FKM Tensile Strength Rate of Change % ASTM D7216 -TMC1006~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -2~+5
Hardness Change Point -TMC1006~+5
VMQ Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -45~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -30~+20
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+TMC1006
Hardness Change Point -TMC1006~+5
MAC Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+TMC1006
Note: 11. Oil elastomer compatibility test shall conform to one of the following methods:
(1) RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4 in the Table and Daimler AG AEM: D 8948/200.1 (150°C).
(2) Daimler AG standard (VDA 675301, 7 days, 4 elastomer materials (NBR: NBR34 DIN 53538 T3 (100 °C);
FPM: AK6 (150 °C); ACM: E7503 (150 °C); AEM: D8948/200.1 (150 °C) ) ) and RE3 in the Table. Note that
the standard values in the latest Daimler AG standard shall be used.
(3) API CJ-4 standard (ASTM D7216, 14 days, 5 elastomer materials (NBR (100 °C), ACM (150 °C), FKM
(150 °C), VMQ (150 °C), MAC (150 °C) ) ).
12. As to the samples RE2 and RE3 in the oil elastomer compatibility test, the material and specified values have
been changed. In the above table, the newly specified values of the newly specified materials (RE2-99 and
RE3-04) and the previously specified values (parenthesized) of the previously specified material are shown.
In registration, indicate whether the newly specified material or the previously specified material has been
used. For the newly specified materials (RE2-99 and RE3-04), apply the newly specified values. For the
previously specified material, apply the previously specified values.
A3 - 9
Form 2c: Bench test results (DL-1)
Measured Performanc
Items Test Method
Value e Criteria
3 □ JIS K 2249-1995 4.
Density (15 °C) g/cm Reported
□ JIS K 2249-1995 5.
Flash point COC °C JIS K 2265-4-2007 Reported
Kinematic viscosity (40 °C) mm /s JIS K 2283-2000 5. Reported
Kinematic viscosity (100 °C) mm /s JIS K 2283-2000 5. SAE J300
Viscosity index JIS K 2283-2000 6. Reported
JIS K 2010-1993
CCS viscosity ( - °C) mPas SAE J300
Attachment A
MRV viscosity ( - °C) mPas JPI-5S-42-2004 SAE J300
High-temperature high-shear-stability viscosity(150 °C) mPas JPI-5S-36-2003 SAE J300
Ash sulfate mass% JIS K 2272-1998 5. 0.6Max
□ JIS K 2270-2000 5
Residual carbon mass% Reported
□ JIS K 2270-2000 6
Acid number mgKOH/g JIS K 2501-2003 7. Reported
Base number(HClO4method) mgKOH/g JIS K 2501-2003 9. Reported
Base Number(HCL method ) mgKOH/g □ JIS K2501-2003 8. Reported
Volatility(NOACK method) mass % JPI-5S-41-2004 15.0 Max.
Color JIS K 2580-2003 6. Reported
Ca JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
Mg JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
Zn JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
P JPI-5S-38-2003 0.10Max
B JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
Element □ JIS K 2609-1998 3.
analysis □ JIS K 2609-1998 4.
value N Reported
□ JIS K 2609-1998
mass% 5.
□ JIS K 2541-7-2003
S 0.5 MAX
□ JPI-5S-38-2003
□ JPI-5S-64-2002
Cl (Mass ppm) 150 MAX
□ ASTM D 6443
Other element ( NOTE16) [ ] Reported
IR chart
Infrared absorption spectrum (in use of 0.1 mm fixed cell) ―
Sequence Ⅰ 10/0 Max.
Sequence Ⅱ JIS K 2518-2003 50/0 Max.
(Foaming/Stability) ml
Sequence Ⅲ 10/0 Max.
High-temperature anti-foaming JIS K 2518-2003
Sequence Ⅳ 100/0 Max.
(Foaming/Stability) ml Attachment 1
Shear Stability XW-30 8.6Min
Kinetic Viscosity of Oil after Test XW-20 ASTM D6278 SAE J300
@100 °C mm /s (NOTE15)
Hot Surface Deposit Control @ 280 °C Merit Rating JPI-5S-55 99 7.0 Min.
Concentration of Element in Oil after Test
Copper ppm ASTM D 6594 20 Max.
Lead ppm (135°C) 120 Max.
Tin ppm 50 Max.
Discoloration of Copper Coupon
ASTM D130 3 Max.
after test @135 °C
NOTE: 13. The specified value of viscosity shall conform to the latest version of New SAE viscosity classification .
14. If a single item indicates two or more test methods, it is sufficient to enter test data under one of such methods,
provided that it is required to identify the adopted method (Check a check box).
15. Any other element having a concentration of 100 ppm, except for C, H and O.
16. The kinematic viscosity at 100 °C after shear stability test shall conform to SAE viscosity classification (SAE
J300). Note that this requirement is not imposed on mono-grade oil.
A3 - 10
Form 2c: Bench test results (DL-1) (Continued)
Measured Performance
Items Test Method
Value Criteria
Oil Elastomer Compatibility (NOTE17)
Hardness Change Point -1~+5
RE1 Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -40~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -50~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -1~+5
RE2 Hardness Change Point -5~+8 (-5~+5)
□ New Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -15~+18(-15~+10)
□ Old Elongation Rate of Change % -35~+10(-35~+10)
(NOTE18) Volume Rate of Change % -7~+5(-5~+5)
RE3 Hardness Change Point -22~+1(-25~+1)
□ New Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -30~+10(-45~+10)
□ Old Elongation Rate of Change % -20~+10(-20~+10)
(NOTE18) Volume Rate of Change % -1~+22(-1~+30)
Hardness Change Point -5~+5
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -20~+10
RE4 Elongation Rate of Change % -50~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -5~+5
CEC L-039-96
Hardness Change Point -5~+10
DBL- Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -35~
AEM Elongation Rate of Change % -50~
Volume Rate of Change % -5~+15
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
NBR Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
FPM Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
ACM Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point -5~+7
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
NBR Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+5
Hardness Change Point -5~+8
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -15~+18
ACM Elongation Rate of Change % -35~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+5
Hardness Change Point -5~+7
FKM Tensile Strength Rate of Change % ASTM D7216 -TMC1006~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -2~+5
Hardness Change Point -TMC1006~+5
VMQ Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -45~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -30~+20
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+TMC1006
Hardness Change Point -TMC1006~+5
MAC Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+TMC1006
Note: 17. Oil elastomer compatibility test shall conform to one of the following methods:
(1) RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4 in the Table and Daimler AG AEM: D 8948/200.1 (150°C).
(2) Daimler AG standard (VDA 675301, 7 days, 4 elastomer materials (NBR: NBR34 DIN 53538 T3 (100 °C);
FPM: AK6 (150 °C); ACM: E7503 (150 °C); AEM: D8948/200.1 (150 °C) ) ) and RE3 in the Table. Note that
the standard values in the latest Daimler AG standard shall be used.
(3) API CJ-4 standard (ASTM D7216, 14 days, 5 elastomer materials (NBR (100 °C), ACM (150 °C), FKM
(150 °C), VMQ (150 °C), MAC (150 °C) ) ).
18. As to the samples RE2 and RE3 in the oil elastomer compatibility test, the material and specified values have
been changed. In the above table, the newly specified values of the newly specified materials (RE2-99 and
RE3-04) and the previously specified values (parenthesized) of the previously specified material are shown.
In registration, indicate whether the newly specified material or the previously specified material has been
used. For the newly specified materials (RE2-99 and RE3-04), apply the newly specified values. For the
previously specified material, apply the previously specified values.
A3 - 11
Form 3: Blending change rule application data
Where registered oil is different from oil which has been used to generate engine test result data
(where a change is made in oil blending), enter “X” in the following table in the reporting form.
This indication shall be given for a test in which each rule has been applied. For use of each rule,
follow the guidelines specified in Appendix 5.
Detergency Valve train dispersancy test Fuel economy
Items oxidation stability
test wear test for diesel test (DL-1)
engine oil
Test Method JASO M JASO M ASTM D5533 ASTM D 5967 CEC L-54-T-96
356 2014 354:2015 (SequenceⅢE) (T-8A or 8E) (M111)
(N04C) (N04C) or or
ASTM D6984 ASTM D7156
(SequenceⅢF) (Mack T-11)
ASTM D7320
(Sequence IIIG)
Minor change in
Change in base
Read-across for
grade of
A3 - 12
Form 4: Engine test result data
Form 4a-a: Test result data of registered oil (DH-1, DH-2, DL-1)
Note: 19 Note that this number given here is a criterion to check the validity of the test, not a specified standard value.
20 If a single item indicates two or more test methods, it is sufficient to enter test data under one of such methods,
provided that it is required to identify the adopted method (Check a check box).
A3 - 13
Form 4a-b: Test results of standard oil (DH-1, DH-2, DL-1)
Note: 21. Accepted range will be updated periodically and any change thereof will be notified through Website,
etc. Make your own confirmation before submitting a report.
22. If a single item indicates two or more test methods, it is sufficient to enter test data under one of
such methods, provided that it is required to identify the adopted method (Check a check box).
A3 - 14
Form 4b: Valve train wear test (JASO M 354:2015, N04C)
Form 4b-a: Test result data of registered oil (DH-1, DH-2, DL-1)
A3 - 15
Form 4c-a: High-temperature oxidation stability Test (ASTM D5533, Sequence IIIE or
ASTM D6984, Sequence IIIF or ASTM D7320,Sequence IIIG), Test results of registered oil
(DH-1, DH-2)
Unit of
No. Item Test Result Specified Value
□ Sequence IIIE 200 max
Kinematic viscosity at 40 °C, rate of (NOTE27)
increase after 64 Hr(NOTE26)
□Sequence IIIF
295 max
1 Kinematic viscosity at 40 °C, rate of %
increase after 60 Hr(NOTE26)
□Sequence IIIG
Kinematic viscosity at 40 °C, rate of 150 max
increase after100 Hr(NOTE26) (NOTE27)
Note: 27 Conduct one of Sequence IIIE, Sequence IIIF or Sequence IIIG and indicate which test was run
(Check a check box).
Form 4c-b: High-temperature oxidation stability Test (ASTM D 6984, Sequence IIIF or
ASTM D7320, Sequence IIIG), Test results of registered oil (DL-1)
Unit of
No. Item Test Result Specified Value
Note: 28. Conduct either of Sequence IIIF or Sequence IIIG and indicate which test was run (Check a check
A3 - 16
Form 4d: Soot Dispersancy Test for Diesel Engine Oils (ASTM D 5967, T-8A and T-8E,
and ASTM D7156, T-11), Test result data of registered oil (DH-1, DH-2, DL-1)
Unit of
No. Item Test Result Specified Value
□ Mack T-8A
Viscosity Increase (100 to 150 Hr) at 100°C mm2/s/hr 0.2 max.
□ Mack T-8E
Maximum Relative Viscosity at 4.8% Soot - □1st test, 2.1max.
□2nd test, 2.2max.
□3rd test, 2.3max.
(Note 29)
□ Mack T-11
Minimum TGA Soot @4.0mm2/s □1st test, 3.5min.
(Note 29)
(Note 29)
(Note 29)
(Note 29) Conduct T-8A, T-8E or T-11, and indicate which test was run (Check a check box).
Please Indicate test run number (Check a check box), when T-8E or T-11 was conducted, ex 2nd test or
3rd test.
A3 - 17
Form 4e: Fuel Economy Test (CEC L-54-T-96, M111), Test result data of registered oil
Unit of
No. Item Test Result Specified Value
A3 - 18
Form 5: Notice of change
With the receipt number indicated below, we hereby notify changes in the on-file data of diesel engine
oil according to Item 5.11 in the Standards Application Manual.
Receipt number :
Intra-company designation, number :
Product name :
Classification □DH-1 □DH-2 □DL-1
Grade of viscosity :
Oil code :
* Changes in Data
Form 5
Change of the address of the registrant
Form 6
Form 5
Change of the data within the read-across allowable range Form 6
indicated in Appendix 5, other than grade of viscosity Form 7
Form 8
* Enter “X” for changes concerned.
Date reported
(year, month, day) : year, month, day
Registrant (Company) : Company seal
Person in charge of reporting : Seal
Department/Section, Title :
Sign :
A3 - 19
Form 6: Front sheet for change notification reporting
Seal Department/Section
Registered Oil
designation or
code number
Product name
□DH-1 □DH-2 □DL-1
Grade of viscosity
Oil code
A3 - 20
Form 7: For change notification; bench test result data
Form 7a: For change notification; bench test result data (DH-1)
Measured Performanc
Items Test Method
Value e Criteria
3 □ JIS K 2249-1995 4.
Density (15 °C) g/cm Reported
□ JIS K 2249-1995 5.
Flash point COC °C JIS K 2265-4-2007 Reported
Kinematic viscosity (40 °C) mm /s JIS K 2283-2000 5. Reported
Kinematic viscosity (100 °C) mm /s JIS K 2283-2000 5. SAE J300
Viscosity index JIS K 2283-2000 6. Reported
JIS K 2010-1993
CCS viscosity ( - °C) mPas SAE J300
Attachment A
MRV viscosity ( - °C) mPas JPI-5S-42-2004 SAE J300
High-temperature high-shear-stability viscosity (150 °C)
JPI-5S-36-2003 SAE J300
Ash sulfate mass% JIS K 2272-1998 5. Reported
□ JIS K 2270-2000 5
Residual carbon mass% Reported
□ JIS K 2270-2000 6
Acid number mgKOH/g JIS K 2501-2003 7. Reported
Base number(HClO4method) mgKOH/g JIS K 2501-2003 9. Reported
Base Number mgKOH/g □ JIS K2501-2003 8.
10.0 Min
(HCl method or Tri Solvent method) □ ASTM D 4739
Volatility(NOACK method) mass % JPI-5S-41-2004 18.0 Max.
Color JIS K 2580-2003 6. Reported
Ca JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
Mg JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
Zn JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
P JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
B JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
value □ JIS K 2609-1998 3.
mass% N □ JIS K 2609-1998 4. Reported
□ JIS K 2609-1998 5.
□ JIS K 2541-7-2003
S Reported
□ JPI-5S-38-2003
Other element ( NOTE32) [ ] Reported
IR chart
Infrared absorption spectrum (in use of 0.1 mm fixed cell) ―
Sequence Ⅰ 10/0 Max.
Sequence Ⅱ JIS K 2518-2003 50/0 Max.
(Foaming/Stability) ml
Sequence Ⅲ 10/0 Max.
Shear Stability SAE J300
2 ASTM D6278
Kinetic Viscosity of Oil after Test @100 °C mm /s (NOTE33)
Hot Surface Deposit Control @ 280 °C Merit Rating JPI-5S-55 99 7.0 Min.
Concentration of Element in Oil after Test
Copper ppm ASTM D 6594 20 Max.
Lead ppm (135°C) 120 Max.
Tin ppm 50 Max.
Discoloration of Copper Coupon
ASTM D130 3 Max.
after test @135 °C
NOTE: 30. The specified value of viscosity shall conform to the latest version of New SAE viscosity classification .
31. If a single item indicates two or more test methods, it is sufficient to enter test data under one of such methods,
provided that it is required to identify the adopted method (Check a check box).
32. Any other element having a concentration of 100 ppm, except for C, H and O.
33. The kinematic viscosity at 100 °C after shear stability test shall conform to SAE viscosity classification (SAE
J300). Note that this requirement is not imposed on mono-grade oil.
A3 - 21
Form 7a: For change notification; bench test result data (Continued) (DH-1)
Measured Performance
Items Test Method
Value Criteria
Oil Elastomer Compatibility (NOTE34)
Hardness Change Point -1~+5
RE1 Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -40~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -50~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -1~+5
RE2 Hardness Change Point -5~+8 (-5~+5)
□ New Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -15~+18(-15~+10)
□ Old Elongation Rate of Change % -35~+10(-35~+10)
(NOTE35) Volume Rate of Change % -7~+5(-5~+5)
RE3 Hardness Change Point -22~+1(-25~+1)
□ New Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -30~+10(-45~+10)
□ Old Elongation Rate of Change % -20~+10(-20~+10)
(NOTE35) Volume Rate of Change % -1~+22(-1~+30)
Hardness Change Point -5~+5
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -20~+10
RE4 Elongation Rate of Change % -50~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -5~+5
CEC L-039-96
Hardness Change Point -5~+10
DBL- Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -35~
AEM Elongation Rate of Change % -50~
Volume Rate of Change % -5~+15
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
NBR Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
FPM Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
ACM Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point -5~+7
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
NBR Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+5
Hardness Change Point -5~+8
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -15~+18
ACM Elongation Rate of Change % -35~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+5
Hardness Change Point -5~+7
FKM Tensile Strength Rate of Change % ASTM D7216 -TMC1006~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -2~+5
Hardness Change Point -TMC1006~+5
VMQ Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -45~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -30~+20
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+TMC1006
Hardness Change Point -TMC1006~+5
MAC Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+TMC1006
Note: 34. Oil elastomer compatibility test shall conform to one of the following methods:
(1) RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4 in the Table and Daimler AG AEM: D 8948/200.1 (150°C).
(2) Daimler AG standard (VDA 675301, 7 days, 4 elastomer materials (NBR: NBR34 DIN 53538 T3 (100 °C);
FPM: AK6 (150 °C); ACM: E7503 (150 °C); AEM: D8948/200.1 (150 °C) ) ) and RE3 in the Table. Note that
the standard values in the latest Daimler AG standard shall be used.
(3) API CJ-4 standard (ASTM D7216, 14 days, 5 elastomer materials (NBR (100 °C), ACM (150 °C), FKM
(150 °C), VMQ (150 °C), MAC (150 °C) ) ).
35. As to the samples RE2 and RE3 in the oil elastomer compatibility test, the material and specified values have
been changed. In the above table, the newly specified values of the newly specified materials (RE2-99 and
RE3-04) and the previously specified values (parenthesized) of the previously specified material are shown.
In registration, indicate whether the newly specified material or the previously specified material has been
used. For the newly specified materials (RE2-99 and RE3-04), apply the newly specified values. For the
previously specified material, apply the previously specified values.
A3 - 22
Form 7b: Bench test results (DH-2)
Measured Performanc
Items Test Method
Value e Criteria
3 □ JIS K 2249-1995 4.
Density (15 °C) g/cm Reported
□ JIS K 2249-1995 5.
Flash point COC °C JIS K 2265-4-2007 Reported
Kinematic viscosity (40 °C) mm /s JIS K 2283-2000 5. Reported
Kinematic viscosity (100 °C) mm /s JIS K 2283-2000 5. SAE J300
Viscosity index JIS K 2283-2000 6. Reported
JIS K 2010-1993
CCS viscosity (- °C) mPas SAE J300
Attachment A
MRV viscosity (- °C) mPas JPI-5S-42-2004 SAE J300
High-temperature high-shear-stability viscosity (150 °C)
JPI-5S-36-2003 SAE J300
Ash sulfate mass% JIS K 2272-1998 5. 0.9-1.1
□ JIS K 2270-2000 5
Residual carbon mass% Reported
□ JIS K 2270-2000 6
Acid number mgKOH/g JIS K 2501-2003 7. Reported
Base number(HClO4method) mgKOH/g JIS K 2501-2003 9. Reported
Base Number mgKOH/g
JIS K2501-2003 8. 5.5 Min
(HCl method or Tri Solvent method)
Volatility(NOACK method) mass % JPI-5S-41-2004 18.0 Max.
Color JIS K 2580-2003 6. Reported
Ca JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
Mg JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
Zn JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
P JPI-5S-38-2003 0.12Max
A3 - 23
Form 7b: Bench test results (DH-2) (Continued)
Measured Performance
Items Test Method
Value Criteria
Oil Elastomer Compatibility (NOTE40)
Hardness Change Point -1~+5
RE1 Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -50~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -60~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -1~+5
RE2 Hardness Change Point -5~+8 (-5~+5)
□ New Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -15~+18(-15~+10)
□ Old Elongation Rate of Change % -35~+10(-35~+10)
(NOTE41) Volume Rate of Change % -7~+5(-5~+5)
RE3 Hardness Change Point -22~+1(-25~+1)
□ New Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -30~+10(-45~+10)
□ Old Elongation Rate of Change % -20~+10(-20~+10)
(NOTE41) Volume Rate of Change % -1~+22(-1~+30)
Hardness Change Point -5~+5
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -20~+10
RE4 Elongation Rate of Change % -50~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -5~+5
CEC L-039-96
Hardness Change Point -5~+10
DBL- Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -35~
AEM Elongation Rate of Change % -50~
Volume Rate of Change % -5~+15
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
NBR Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
FPM Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
ACM Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point -5~+7
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
NBR Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+5
Hardness Change Point -5~+8
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -15~+18
ACM Elongation Rate of Change % -35~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+5
Hardness Change Point -5~+7
FKM Tensile Strength Rate of Change % ASTM D7216 -TMC1006~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -2~+5
Hardness Change Point -TMC1006~+5
VMQ Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -45~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -30~+20
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+TMC1006
Hardness Change Point -TMC1006~+5
MAC Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+TMC1006
Note: 40. Oil elastomer compatibility test shall conform to one of the following methods:
(1) RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4 in the Table and Daimler AG AEM: D 8948/200.1 (150°C).
(2) Daimler AG standard (VDA 675301, 7 days, 4 elastomer materials (NBR: NBR34 DIN 53538 T3 (100 °C);
FPM: AK6 (150 °C); ACM: E7503 (150 °C); AEM: D8948/200.1 (150 °C) ) ) and RE3 in the Table. Note that
the standard values in the latest Daimler AG standard shall be used.
(3) API CJ-4 standard (ASTM D7216, 14 days, 5 elastomer materials (NBR (100 °C), ACM (150 °C), FKM
(150 °C), VMQ (150 °C), MAC (150 °C) ) ).
41. As to the samples RE2 and RE3 in the oil elastomer compatibility test, the material and specified values have
been changed. In the above table, the newly specified values of the newly specified materials (RE2-99 and
RE3-04) and the previously specified values (parenthesized) of the previously specified material are shown.
In registration, indicate whether the newly specified material or the previously specified material has been
used. For the newly specified materials (RE2-99 and RE3-04), apply the newly specified values. For the
previously specified material, apply the previously specified values.
A3 - 24
Form 7c: Bench test results (DL-1)
Measured Performanc
Items Test Method
Value e Criteria
3 □ JIS K 2249-1995 4.
Density (15 °C) g/cm Reported
□ JIS K 2249-1995 5.
Flash point COC °C JIS K 2265-4-2007 Reported
Kinematic viscosity (40 °C) mm /s JIS K 2283-2000 5. Reported
Kinematic viscosity (100 °C) mm /s JIS K 2283-2000 5. SAE J300
Viscosity index JIS K 2283-2000 6. Reported
JIS K 2010-1993
CCS viscosity ( - °C) mPas SAE J300
Attachment A
MRV viscosity ( - °C) mPas JPI-5S-42-2004 SAE J300
High-temperature high-shear-stability viscosity(150 °C) mPas JPI-5S-36-2003 SAE J300
Ash sulfate mass% JIS K 2272-1998 5. 0.6Max
□ JIS K 2270-2000 5
Residual carbon mass% Reported
□ JIS K 2270-2000 6
Acid number mgKOH/g JIS K 2501-2003 7. Reported
Base number(HClO4method) mgKOH/g JIS K 2501-2003 9. Reported
Base Number(HCL method ) mgKOH/g □ JIS K2501-2003 8. Reported
Volatility(NOACK method) mass % JPI-5S-41-2004 15.0 Max.
Color JIS K 2580-2003 6. Reported
Ca JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
Mg JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
Zn JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
P JPI-5S-38-2003 0.10Max
B JPI-5S-38-2003 Reported
Element □ JIS K 2609-1998 3.
analysis □ JIS K 2609-1998 4.
value N Reported
□ JIS K 2609-1998
mass% 5.
□ JIS K 2541-7-2003
S 0.5 MAX
□ JPI-5S-38-2003
□ JPI-5S-64-2002
Cl (Mass ppm) 150 MAX
□ ASTM D 6443
Other element ( NOTE44) [ ] Reported
IR chart
Infrared absorption spectrum (in use of 0.1 mm fixed cell) ―
Sequence Ⅰ 10/0 Max.
Sequence Ⅱ JIS K 2518-2003 50/0 Max.
(Foaming/Stability) ml
Sequence Ⅲ 10/0 Max.
High-temperature anti-foaming JIS K 2518-2003
Sequence Ⅳ 100/0 Max.
(Foaming/Stability) ml Attachment 1
Shear Stability XW-30 8.6Min
Kinetic Viscosity of Oil after Test XW-20 ASTM D6278 SAE J300
@100 °C mm /s (NOTE45)
Hot Surface Deposit Control @ 280 °C Merit Rating JPI-5S-55 99 7.0 Min.
Concentration of Element in Oil after Test
Copper ppm ASTM D 6594 20 Max.
Lead ppm (135°C) 120 Max.
Tin ppm 50 Max.
Discoloration of Copper Coupon
ASTM D130 3 Max.
after test @135 °C
NOTE: 42. The specified value of viscosity shall conform to the latest version of New SAE viscosity classification .
43. If a single item indicates two or more test methods, it is sufficient to enter test data under one of such methods,
provided that it is required to identify the adopted method (Check a check box).
44. Any other element having a concentration of 100 ppm, except for C, H and O.
45. The kinematic viscosity at 100 °C after shear stability test shall conform to SAE viscosity classification (SAE
J300). Note that this requirement is not imposed on mono-grade oil.
A3 - 25
Form 7c: Bench test results (DL-1) (Continued)
Measured Performance
Items Test Method
Value Criteria
Oil Elastomer Compatibility (NOTE46)
Hardness Change Point -1~+5
RE1 Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -40~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -50~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -1~+5
RE2 Hardness Change Point -5~+8 (-5~+5)
□ New Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -15~+18(-15~+10)
□ Old Elongation Rate of Change % -35~+10(-35~+10)
(NOTE47) Volume Rate of Change % -7~+5(-5~+5)
RE3 Hardness Change Point -22~+1(-25~+1)
□ New Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -30~+10(-45~+10)
□ Old Elongation Rate of Change % -20~+10(-20~+10)
(NOTE47) Volume Rate of Change % -1~+22(-1~+30)
Hardness Change Point -5~+5
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -20~+10
RE4 Elongation Rate of Change % -50~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -5~+5
CEC L-039-96
Hardness Change Point -5~+10
DBL- Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -35~
AEM Elongation Rate of Change % -50~
Volume Rate of Change % -5~+15
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
NBR Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
FPM Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point Apply the latest
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % version of Daimler
ACM Elongation Rate of Change % AG Standard.
Volume Rate of Change % Attach Test report.
Hardness Change Point -5~+7
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
NBR Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+5
Hardness Change Point -5~+8
Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -15~+18
ACM Elongation Rate of Change % -35~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+5
Hardness Change Point -5~+7
FKM Tensile Strength Rate of Change % ASTM D7216 -TMC1006~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -2~+5
Hardness Change Point -TMC1006~+5
VMQ Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -45~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -30~+20
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+TMC1006
Hardness Change Point -TMC1006~+5
MAC Tensile Strength Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Elongation Rate of Change % -TMC1006~+10
Volume Rate of Change % -3~+TMC1006
Note: 46. Oil elastomer compatibility test shall conform to one of the following methods:
(1) RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4 in the Table and Daimler AG AEM: D 8948/200.1 (150°C).
(2) Daimler AG standard (VDA 675301, 7 days, 4 elastomer materials (NBR: NBR34 DIN 53538 T3 (100 °C);
FPM: AK6 (150 °C); ACM: E7503 (150 °C); AEM: D8948/200.1 (150 °C) ) ) and RE3 in the Table. Note that
the standard values in the latest Daimler AG standard shall be used.
(3) API CJ-4 standard (ASTM D7216, 14 days, 5 elastomer materials (NBR (100 °C), ACM (150 °C), FKM
(150 °C), VMQ (150 °C), MAC (150 °C) ) ).
47. As to the samples RE2 and RE3 in the oil elastomer compatibility test, the material and specified values have
been changed. In the above table, the newly specified values of the newly specified materials (RE2-99 and
RE3-04) and the previously specified values (parenthesized) of the previously specified material are shown.
In registration, indicate whether the newly specified material or the previously specified material has been
used. For the newly specified materials (RE2-99 and RE3-04), apply the newly specified values. For the
previously specified material, apply the previously specified values.
A3 - 26
Form 8: For change notification; blending change rule application data
Where registered oil is different from oil which has been used to generate engine test result data
(where a change is made in oil blending), enter “X” in the following table in the reporting form.
This indication shall be given for a test in which each rule has been applied. For use of each rule,
follow the guidelines specified in Appendix 5.
High-temperatu Soot
Detergency Valve train dispersancy test Fuel economy
Items oxidation
test wear test stability for diesel test (DL-1)
test engine oil
Test Method JASO M JASO M ASTM D5533 ASTM D 5967 CEC L-54-T-96
356:2014 354:2015 (SequenceⅢE) (T-8A or 8E) (M111)
(N04C) (N04C) or or
ASTM D6984 ASTM D7156
(SequenceⅢF) (Mack T-11)
ASTM D7320
(Sequence IIIG)
Minor change in
Change in base
Read-across for
grade of
A3 - 27
(Original) Form A
Diesel Engine Oil/Lubricant On-File Notice
To: Date ( year, month, day)
JASO Engine Oil Standards
Implementation Panel
We hereby notifies that for a diesel engine oil product having the following receipt number which was
reported by you, an oil code and performance class thereof have been filed as indicated below.
Receipt number :
Intra-company designation, number :
Product name :
Classification □DH-1 □DH-2 □DL-1
Grade of viscosity :
Oil code :
(Original) Form B
On-File Agreement Concerning Diesel Engine Oil/Lubricant On-File Agreement
To JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel
We hereby agree the following conditions in sales of the on-file diesel engine oil indicated above.
1. As to the quality, performance and marking of the diesel engine oil concerned, classification and guarantee shall be made
on submitter's own responsibility, and the relevant information shall be publicized to general consumers through the sales
channels of the submitter.
2. If any troubles takes place on the market due to use of the diesel engine oil concerned, the submitter shall solve it on his
own responsibility. In such an event, no responsibility shall be assumed by the JASO Engine Oil Standards
Implementation Panel.
3. The submitter declares that the quality/performance data and marking example indicated in the report document represent
the diesel engine oil concerned to be sold actually.
4. In advertisements or the like, the submitter shall not use such an expression as will lead to a misunderstanding that the
quality/performance of the diesel engine oil concerned has been certified by the JASO Engine Oil Standards
Implementation Panel.
5. Upon request for submitting JASO engine test result record to the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel, the
submitter shall promptly submit relevant documents to the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel.
6. The submitter shall approve that the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel may disclose product names,
submitter names, viscosity grades, oil codes and classifications through communication media including the Internet and
other publications. Further, where market survey is conducted by the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel,
the submitter shall approve that the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel may disclose the results of the
market survey in a form of that the submitter and oil name are not identifiable.
7. The submitter shall pay an on-file maintenance fee specified in the Standards Application Manual by due date each year.
8. When the sale of the diesel engine oil concerned is discontinued, the submitter shall promptly inform the JASO Engine Oil
Standards Implementation Panel as to cancellation of the on-file data.
9. As to other items than those mentioned above, the submitter shall agree each condition/requirement contained in the
Standards Application Manual with clear understanding thereof.
Date reported
(year, month, day) : year, month, day
Submitter (Company) : Company seal
Person in charge of reporting : Seal
Department/Section, Title :
Signature :
A4 - 1
(Duplicate) Form A
Diesel Engine Oil/Lubricant On-File Notice
To: Date ( year, month, day)
JASO Engine Oil Standards
Implementation Panel
We hereby notifies that for a diesel engine oil product having the following receipt number which was
reported by you, an oil code and performance class thereof have been filed as indicated below.
Receipt number :
Intra-company designation, number :
Product name :
Classification □DH-1 □DH-2 □DL-1
Grade of viscosity :
Oil code :
( Duplicate) Form B
On-File Agreement Concerning Diesel Engine Oil/Lubricant On-File Agreement
To JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel
We hereby agree the following conditions in sales of the on-file diesel engine oil indicated above.
1. As to the quality, performance and marking of the diesel engine oil concerned, classification and guarantee shall be made
on submitter's own responsibility, and the relevant information shall be publicized to general consumers through the sales
channels of the submitter.
2. If any troubles takes place on the market due to use of the diesel engine oil concerned, the submitter shall solve it on his
own responsibility. In such an event, no responsibility shall be assumed by the JASO Engine Oil Standards
Implementation Panel.
3. The submitter declares that the quality/performance data and marking example indicated in the report document represent
the diesel engine oil concerned to be sold actually.
4. In advertisements or the like, the submitter shall not use such an expression as will lead to a misunderstanding that the
quality/performance of the diesel engine oil concerned has been certified by the JASO Engine Oil Standards
Implementation Panel.
5. Upon request for submitting JASO engine test result record to the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel, the
submitter shall promptly submit relevant documents to the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel.
6. The submitter shall approve that the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel may disclose product names,
submitter names, viscosity grades, oil codes and classifications through communication media including the Internet and
other publications. Further, where market survey is conducted by the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel,
the submitter shall approve that the JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel may disclose the results of the
market survey in a form of that the submitter and oil name are not identifiable.
7. The submitter shall pay an on-file maintenance fee specified in the Standards Application Manual by due date each year.
8. When the sale of the diesel engine oil concerned is discontinued, the submitter shall promptly inform the JASO Engine Oil
Standards Implementation Panel as to cancellation of the on-file data.
9. As to other items than those mentioned above, the submitter shall agree each condition/requirement contained in the
Standards Application Manual with clear understanding thereof.
Date reported
(year, month, day) : year, month, day
Submitter (Company) : Company seal
Person in charge of reporting : Seal
Department/Section, Title :
Signature :
A4 - 2
Read-Across Allowable Range for Change in Diesel Engine Oil Formulation
A change of base oil or any additive in diesel engine oil may give significant effects to performance
characteristics of the diesel engine oil. Therefore, if a change has been made regarding the viscosity
grade, components or compounding ratio of a filed diesel engine oil product, each of the tests specified
by the standard shall be carried out for the product changed.
Note, however, that as to JASO engine tests, equivalent performance could be recognized if a change
is within the standard allowable range indicated below in this document.
The product concerned will be exempted from the JASO engine test if the standard allowable range is
satisfied. As to ASTM engine tests and bench tests, changes can be allowed in conformance with the
ACC Code of Practice and API EOLCS guidelines. As to CEC engine tests and bench tests, changes
can be allowed in conformance with the ATC Code of Practice and ATIEL Code of Practice. (Referred to
as read-across)
Tables A to G indicate the read-across standard allowable ranges for respective engine tests.
A5 - 1
Table A List of Read-Across Standard Allowable Ranges
Change from the ORIGINAL FORMULATION at the time of the on-file
Change in Developmental FORMULATION
or Change in filed FORMULATION
Item ASTM Engine ASTM Engine Remarks
CEC Engine Test CEC Engine Test
JASO Engine Test Test and Bench JASO Engine Test Test and Bench
and Bench Test and Bench Test
Test Test
Change in base Read-across allowed within the Conforming to API Conforming to Read-across allowed within the Conforming to API Conforming to For any item,
oil range specified in Table B EOLCS guidelines ATIEL Code of range specified in Table B EOLCS guidelines ATIEL Code of a degree of
(Note 1) Practice (Note 1) Practice cumulative
changes with
Minor change in No read-across allowed Conforming to Conforming to Read-across allowed within the Conforming to Conforming to
respect to the
major additives ACC Code of ATC Code of range specified in Table C ACC Code of ATC Code of
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Change in No read-across allowed Conforming to Conforming to Read-across allowed within the Conforming to Conforming to ON shall be
viscosity index ACC Code of ATC Code of range specified in Table D ACC Code of ATC Code of within each
improver Practice Practice (Note 2) Practice Practice applicable
Change in pour Read-across allowed Conforming to Conforming to Read-across allowed Conforming to Conforming to range.
point depressant/ ACC Code of ATC Code of ACC Code of ATC Code of
defoamer Practice Practice Practice Practice
Read-across for No read-across allowed Conforming to API Conforming to JASO detergency Conforming to API Conforming to
grade of viscosity EOLCS guidelines ATIEL Code of test(M-336:2014): EOLCS guidelines ATIEL Code of
(Note 1) Practice Read-across allowed within (Note 1) Practice
A5 - 2
Note: 1.
Read-across in soot dispersancy test for diesel engine oil (ASTM D 5967, Mack T-8A and T-8E) are in conformance to Table-F and G.
Also about ASTM D 7156, Mack T-11 is in conformance with that in API CJ-4 standard.
Note: 2. Change in VII treat rate is not restricted when Viscosity Grade Read Across and/or Base Oil Interchange (as per Table B) are applied..
(1) Base oil .............................................. A main component base material of diesel engine oil. Mineral oil, synthetic lubricant, or a mixture thereof not including
the following components (2), (3) and (4).
(2) Major additives ................................... To be added to the base oil for the purpose of enhancing diesel engine oil performance, e.g., detergents, dispersants,
anti-wear additives, friction modifiers, anti-oxidants, etc.
(3) Viscosity index improver ................... To be added to the base oil for the purpose of improving viscosity characteristic of diesel engine oil.
(4) Pour point depressant/defoamer ........ To be added to the base oil for the purpose of improving fluidity characteristic and foaming characteristic of diesel engine
Table B Guidelines for Base Oil Interchange in JASO Engine Tests
Base Oil Base Oil After Replacement (Note 3) (Note 4)
in Original
Prescription Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
A5 - 3
Table D Guidelines for Change in Viscosity Index Improver (VII) in JASO Engine Tests
Change in treat rate of VII Max ±15mass%
Allowed for dispersant type polymer, if the dispersibility is equivalent or
higher and if the chemical types and SSI levels are the same (±5%).
Change in VII type
Allowed for non-dispersant type polymer, if the chemical types and SSI
levels are the same (±5%).
Dispersant type polymer : Polymer molecule contains polar group having dispersibility.
Non-dispersant type polymer : Polymer molecule dose not contain polar group having
Chemical type polymer : OCP, PMA, SDC, Mix
SSI (shear stability index) : To be calculated using the following equation with kinematic
viscosity at 100 °C before and after shear stability test
(ASTM D 6278-98) and 100 °C kinematic viscosity of base
: Read-across allowed
A5 - 4
Table F Base oil inter change guideline for ASTM D 5967, Mack T-8A and T-8E
*1 Not Required provided the interchange Group IV meets the original manufacturer's specifications in all
physical and chemical properties.
Table G Viscosity-Grade read across guideline for ASTM D5967, Mack T-8A and
Grade Allowable for Read-across
Oil Tested
10W- 10W--30 10W--40 15W--40 15W--50 20W 20W-50 30 40
10W--30 X X
15W--40 X X X X
20W-50 X X
30 X X X X X X
: Read-across allowed
A5 - 6
Examples of Assigned Oil Codes, On-file Items, and Reporting/Notification Requirements for Change in Prescription
Details of oil code assignments, on-file items and reporting requirements for change in prescription are indicated in Items 5.6 and 5.11 of the Standard
Application Manual. For the purpose of reference, concrete examples are shown in the following table. (Case 1: Reference)
additive prescription
Grade of viscosity
Company name
Company name
Change in VII
VII name
1 Reference on-file product New 2001 2001 Japan 10W30 Non Non Non
reporting /6/1 /6/8 AAA Japan A ABC Japan A e III e ad None pm e pp None D081ABC001 Required Required
2 Change of product name To be 2002 2001 Japan 10W30 Non Non Non None D081ABC002 Not
reported /6/1 /6/8 BBB U A ABC Japan A e III e ad None pm e pp required Not required
4 Change of address of
submitter (seller, etc.)
To be
2002 2001 AAA Japan
/2/5 /6/8 A ABC Japan A Japan 10W30 Non
e III Non
e ad None pm Non
e pp None D081ABC001 Not
required Not required
<Terminology> VGRA : Viscosity Grade Read-across , BOI : Base oil interchange , VII : Viscosity Index Improver , PPD : Pour point depressant
additive prescription
Grade of viscosity
Company name
Company name
Change in VII
VII name
New 2001 2001 Non Non Non
1 Reference on-file product reporting /6/1 /6/8 AAA Japan A ABC Japan A Japan 10W30 e III e ad None pm e pp None D081ABC001 Required Required
Change in base oil in case To be 2001 2001 Non Provi Non Not
8 1, BOI test not required notified /9/3 /6/8 AAA Japan A ABC Japan A Japan 10W30 e I ded ad None pm e pp None D081ABC001 required Not required
10 additive prescription in notified /9/3 /6/8 AAA Japan A ABC Japan A Japan 10W30 e III e ad ed pm e pp None D081ABC001 required Not required
case 1, level 1
Minor change in main To be 2001 2001 AAA Japan Relevant Relevant test
11 additive prescription in A ABC Japan A Japan 10W30 Non III Non ad Provid pm Non pp None D081ABC001 test
case 1, level 2 notified /9/3 /6/8 e e ed e required required
Change in main additive New 2002 2002 Non Non Not Non
12 prescription in case 1 reporting /1/25 /2/5 AAA Japan A ABC Japan A Japan 10W30 e III e D allowe pm e pp None D081ABC003 Required Required
Minor change in VII in To be 2001 2001 AAA Japan
13 case 1 (within range A ABC Japan A Japan 10W30 Non III Non ad None pm Provi pp None D081ABC001 Not Not required
specified in guidelines) notified /9/3 /6/8 e e ded required
<Terminology> VGRA : Viscosity Grade Read-across , BOI : Base oil interchange , VII : Viscosity Index Improver , PPD : Pour point depressant
additive prescription
Grade of viscosity
Company name
Company name
Change in VII
VII name
New 2001 2001 Non Non Non
1 Reference on-file product reporting /6/1 /6/8 AAA Japan A ABC Japan A Japan 10W30 e III e ad None pm e pp None D081ABC001 Required Required
Change in base oil by
another submitter New 2002 2001 Non Provi Non Relevant
16 based on the on-file of reporting /3/1 /6/8 CCC U B DEF U BB U 10W30 e I ded ad None pm e pp None D001DEF001 test Not required
case 1 (JASO BOI test required
Change in base oil by Relevant Relevant test
another submitter New 2002 2001 Non Provi Non
17 based on the on-file of reporting /4/1 /6/8 DDD A C GHI A CC U 10W30 e I ded ad None pm e pp None D111GHI001 test
required required
case 1 (BOI test required)
<Terminology> VGRA : Viscosity Grade Read-across , BOI : Base oil interchange , VII : Viscosity Index Improver , PPD : Pour point depressant
additive prescription
Grade of viscosity
Company name
Company name
Change in VII
VII name
New 2001 2001 Non Non Non
1 Reference on-file product reporting /6/1 /6/8 AAA Japan A ABC Japan A Japan 10W30 e III e ad None pm e pp None D081ABC001 Required Required
Change in base oil by Relevant
17 another submitter based
on the on-file of case 1
New 2002 2001
reporting /4/1 /6/8 DDD A C GHI A CC U 10W30 Non
e I Provi
ded ad None pm Non
e pp None D111GHI001 test Relevant test
(BOI test required) required
VGRA by the submitter To be 2002 2001 Non Non Non Not
21 of case 17 based on reported /4/3 /6/8 DDD A C GHI A CC U 15W40 e I e ad None pm e pp None D111GHI002 required Not required
case 17
BOI by the submitter of To be 2001 2001 Non Provi Non Relevant
22 case 17 based on case /11/1 /6/8 DDD A C GHI A CC U 15W40 II ad None pm pp None D111GHI002 test Not required
For providing an oil code and a performance classification indication on a container of an on-file product,
it is required to follow the marking example indicated below.
A7 - 1
1.2 Notes
(2) “DH-1” in the above figure shall be indicated using the Helvetica regular font or the Arial font.
The characters shall be entered so that their size can be fit in the specified dimensional frame.
(3) For the alphanumeric characters of “PRODUCT MEETING JASO M 355” under the figure, the
Helvetica regular font or the Arial font shall be used. In the character size corresponding to the
specified dimensions, “PRODUCT MEETING JASO M 355” shall be entered on one line. In the
same manner, for the alphanumeric characters of “COMPANY GUARANTEEING THIS DH-1
PERFORMANCE: Company name” the Helvetica regular font or the Arial font shall be used. In
the character size corresponding to the specified dimensions, “COMPANY GUARANTEEING
THIS PERFORMANCE: Company name” shall be entered on two or three lines.
(4) The color of the characters and frame lines shall be contrastive to the background color.
2. Marking Method
(1) The minimum dimensions are indicated in the above example of marking label. An analogous
form may be enlarged according to the size of the container used.
(2) The marking label may be attached at an arbitrary position on the container used.
A7 - 2
3 Marking Label Samples
A7 - 3
Figure dimension not enlarged Figure dimension not enlarged 1.5times
A7 - 4
Figure dimension not enlarged Figure dimension not enlarged 1.5times
A7 - 5