IC Engine PDF
IC Engine PDF
IC Engine PDF
B.E -First Year
Engine details,
Petrol/Diesel engines,
3. Combustion space: It is the space available between the cylinder head and
top of piston when piston is at farthest position from crankshaft (TDC).
8. Bearing: Bearings are required to support crank shaft. Bearings are made
of white metal leaded bronze.
10. Crank: It is the rigid member connecting the crankshaft and connecting
rod. Crank is mounted on crankshaft. Crank transfers motion from connecting rod
to crankshaft as it is linked to connecting rod through crank pin.
11. Crankshaft: It is the shaft at which useful positive work is available from
the piston-cylinder arrangement. Reciprocating motion of piston gets converted
into rotary motion of crankshaft. Crankshaft are manufactured by forging process
from alloy steel.
15. Carburettor: Carburettor is device to prepare the air fuel mixture in right
proportion and supply at right time.
4. Dead centre: It refers to the extreme end positions inside the cylinder at
which piston reverses it‟s motion. Thus, there are two dead centres in cylinder,
called as „top dead centre‟ or „inner dead centre‟ and „bottom dead centre‟ or
„outer dead centre‟. Top dead centre (TDC) is the farthest position of piston from
crankshaft. It is also called inner dead centre (IDC). Bottom dead centre (BDC)
refers to the closed position of piston from crankshaft. It is also called outer dead
center (ODC).
5. Swept volume : It is the volume swept by piston while travelling from one
dead centre to the other. It may also be called stroke volume or displacement
Mathematically, Swept volume = Piston area × Stroke
6. Clearance volume: It is the volume space above the piston inside cylinder,
when piston is at top dead centre. It is provided for cushioning considerations and
depends, largely upon compression ratio.
7. Compression ratio: It is the ratio of the total cylinder volume when piston is
at BDC to the clearance volume.
Compression ratio (r)= Total cylinder Volume/Clearance
For Petrol engine r varies from 6 to 10
For diesel engine r varies from 14 to 20
b) Friction power: It refers to the power lost due to friction and other
reasons. It is quantified by the difference between indicated power and
brake power.
∴ ƞbt =
for petrol engine, ƞair= 1 -
r (γ−1)
for diesel engine, ƞair= 1 - γ ρ−𝟏
r (γ−1)
Actual volume of air
sucked at atm.condition
Ƞvol= swept volume
(6) Specific output : The specific output of the engine is defined as the power
output per unit piston area.
specific output = 𝐀
(7) Specific fuel consumption: Specific fuel consumption (SFC) is defined as
the amount of fuel consumed by and engine for one unit of power production.
SFC = B.P.f kg/kWh
Where mf= mass of fuel consumed in kg/hr,
B.P. = Power produced in kW
Difference between SI and CI engine
Comparison of 2-stroke with 4-stroke
Q1. A four cylinder diesel engine of 4-stroke type has
stroke to bore ratio as 1.2 and the cylinder diameter is
12 cm. Estimate indicated power of the engine using the
indicator diagram arrangement. Indicator card shows
the diagram having area of 30 cm2 and length as half of
stroke. Indicator spring constant is 20 × 103 kN/m3 and
engine is running at 2000 rpm. Also find out mechanical
efficiency of engine if 10% of power is lost in friction and
other losses.
Q2. A four cylinder two stroke cycle petrol engine
develops 23.5 KW brake power at 2500r.p.m. The mean
effective pressure on each piston is 8.5 bar and the
mechanical efficiency is 85%. Calculate the diameter
and stroke of each cylinder, assuming the length of
stroke equal to 1.5 times the diameter of cylinder.
Q3. A four stroke single cylinder petrol engine has a bore
of 150 mm and stroke of 250mm. At 500 r.p.m and full
load, the net load on friction brake is 435N and torque
Q4. During trial of four stroke single cylinder engine the
load on dynamometer is found 20 kg at radius of 50 cm.
The speed of rotation is 3000 rpm. The bore and stroke
are 20 cm and 30 respectively. Fuel is supplied at the rate
of 0.15 kg/min. The calorific value of fuel may be taken as
43 MJ/kg. After some time the fuel supply is cut and the
engine is rotated with motor which required 5 kW to
maintain the same speed of rotation of engine. Determine
the brake power, indicated power, mechanical efficiency,
brake thermal efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency,
brake mean effective pressure, indicated mean effective
Q5. Determine the power required to drive a double acting
reciprocating pump having indicator diagram with area 40
cm2 and length 8 cm. Bore and stroke of the pump are 15
cm and 20 cm. The pump motor runs at 100 rpm.