The Architecture of Complex Systems

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Santa Fe Institute. February 20, 2009 2:08 p.m.

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The Architecture of Complex Systems

arXiv:cond-mat/0205649v1 30 May 2002

Vito Latora1 and Massimo Marchiori2

1) Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Catania, and
INFN sezione di Catania, Catania, Italy
2) W3C and Lab. for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Cambridge, USA


At the present time, the most commonly accepted definition of a complex system
is that of a system containing many interdependent constituents which interact
nonlinearly 1 . Therefore, when we want to model a complex system, the first
issue has to do with the connectivity properties of its network, the architecture
of the wirings between the constituents. In fact, we have recently learned that
the network structure can be as important as the nonlinear interactions between
elements, and an accurate description of the coupling architecture and a char-
acterization of the structural properties of the network can be of fundamental
importance also to understand the dynamics of the system.

1 The definition may seem somewhat fuzzy and generic: this is an indication that the notion

of a complex system is still not precisely delineated and differs from author to author. On the
other side, there is complete agreement that the “ideal” complex systems are the biological
ones, especially those which have to do with people: our bodies, social systems, our cultures

Interdisciplinary Applications of Ideas from Nonextensive. . .

edited by Murray Gell-Mann and Constantino Tsallis, Oxford University Press. 1
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2 The Architecture of Complex Systems

In the last few years the research on networks has taken different direc-
tions producing rather unexpected and important results. Researchers have: 1)
proposed various global variables to describe and characterize the properties of
real-world networks; 2) developed different models to simulate the formation and
the growth of networks as the ones found in the real world. The results obtained
can be summed up by saying that statistical physics has been able to capture
the structure of many diverse systems within a few common frameworks, though
these common frameworks are very different from the regular array, or the ran-
dom connectivity, previously used to model the network of a complex system.
Here we present a list of some of the global quantities introduced to char-
acterize a network: the characteristic path length L, the clustering coefficient
C, the global efficiency Eglob , the local efficiency Eloc , the cost Cost, and the
degree distribution P (k). We also review two classes of networks proposed: small-
world and scale-free networks. We conclude with a possible application of the
nonextensive thermodynamics formalism to describe scale-free networks.

In ref. [16] Watts and Strogatz have shown that the connection topology of
some biological, social and technological networks is neither completely regular
nor completely random. These networks, that are somehow in between regular
and random networks, have been named small worlds in analogy with the small
world phenomenon empirically observed in social systems more than 30 years
ago [12, 13]. In the mathematical formalism developed by Watts and Strogatz a
generic network is represented as an unweighted graph G with N nodes (vertices)
and K edges (links) between nodes. Such a graph is described by the adjacency
matrix {aij }, whose entry aij is either 1 if there is an edge joining vertex i to
vertex j, and 0 otherwise. The mathematical characterization of the small-world
behavior is based on the evaluation of two quantities, the characteristic path
length L and the clustering coefficient C.


The characteristic path length L measures the typical separation between two
generic nodes of a graph G. L is defined as:
1 X
L(G) = dij
N (N − 1)

where dij is the shortest path length between i and j, i.e. the minimum number of
edges traversed to get from a vertex i to another vertex j. By definition dij ≥ 1,
and dij = 1 if there exists a direct link between i and j. Notice that if G is
connected, i.e. there exists at least one path connecting any couple of vertices
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Vito Latora and Massimo Marchiori 3

with a finite number of steps, then dij is finite ∀i 6= j and also L is a finite
number. For a non-connected graph, L is an ill-defined quantity, because it can
diverge. This problem is avoided by using Eglob in place of L.


The clustering coefficient C is a local quantity of G measuring the average
cliquishness of a node. For any node i, the subgraph of neighbors of i, Gi is
considered. If the degree of i, i. e. the number of edges incident with i, is equal
to ki , then Gi is made of ki nodes and at most ki (ki − 1)/2 edges. Ci is the
fraction of these edges that actually exist, and C is the average value of Ci all
over the network (by definition 0 ≤ C ≤ 1):

1 X # of edges in Gi
C(G) = Ci Ci =
N ki (ki − 1)/2

The mathematical characterization of the small-world behavior proposed by

Watts and Strogatz is based on the evaluation of L and C: small-world net-
works have high C like regular lattices, and short L like random graphs. The
small-world behavior is ubiquitios in nature and in man-made systems. Neural
networks, social systems [7] as the collaboration graph of movie actors [16] or
the collaboration network of scientists [14], technological networks as the World
Wide Web or the electrical power grid of the Western US, are only few of such
examples. To give an idea of the numbers obtained we consider the simplest
case of the neural networks investigated, that of the C. elegans: this network,
represented by a graph with N = 282 nodes (neurons) and K = 1974 edges
(connections between neurons), gives L = 2.65 and C = 0.28 [16]. It is also im-
portant to notice that a network as the electrical power grid of the western US,
can be studied by such a formalism only if considered as an unweighted graph,
i.e. when no importance whatsoever is given to the physical length of the links.


A more general formalism, valid both for unweighted and weighted graphs (also
non-connected), extends the application of the small-world analysis to any real
complex network, in particular to those systems where the euclidian distance
between vertices is important (as in the case of the electrical power grid of western
US), and therefore too poorly described only by the topology of connections [8, 9].
Such systems are better described by two matrices, the adjacency matrix {aij }
defined as before, and a second matrix {ℓij } containing the weights associated
to each link. The latter is named the matrix of physical distances, because the
numbers ℓij can be imagined as the euclidean distances between i and j. The
mathematical characterization of the network is based on the evaluation of two
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4 The Architecture of Complex Systems

quantities, the global and the local efficiency (replacing L and C), and a third
one quantifying the cost of the network. Small worlds are networks that exchange
information very efficiently both on a global and on a local scale [8].


In the case of a weighted network the shortest path length dij is defined as the
smallest sum of the physical distances throughout all the possible paths in the
graph from i to j 2 . The efficiency ǫij in the communication between vertex i and
j is assumed to be inversely proportional to the shortest path length: ǫij = 1/dij .
When there is no path in the graph between i and j, dij = +∞ and consistently
ǫij = 0. Suppose now that every vertex sends information along the network,
through its edges. The global efficiency of G can be defined as an average of ǫij :
i6=j∈G ǫij 1 X 1
Eglob (G) = =
N (N − 1) N (N − 1) dij

Such a quantity is always a finite number (even when G is unconnected) and

can be P normalized to vary in the range [0, 1] if divided by Eglob (Gideal ) =
1 1 ideal
N (N −1) i6=j∈G lij , the efficiency of the ideal case G in which the graph has
all the N (N − 1)/2 possible edges. In such a case the information is propagated
in the most efficient way since dij = ℓij ∀i, j.


One of the advantages of the efficiency-based formalism is that a single measure,
the efficiency E (instead of the two different measures L and C) is sufficient to
define the small-world behavior. In fact the efficiency, can be evaluated for any
subgraph of G, in particular for Gi , the subgraph of the neighbors of i (made
by ki nodes and at most ki (ki − 1)/2 edges), and therefore it can be used also to
characterize the local properties of the graph. The local efficiency of G is defined
1 X 1 X 1
Eloc (G) = E(Gi ) E(Gi ) =
N ki (ki − 1) d′lm
i∈G l6=m∈Gi

where the quantities {d′lm }

are the shortest distances between nodes l and m
calculated on the graph Gi . Similarly to Eglob , also Eloc can be normalized to
vary in the range [0, 1] and plays a role similar to that of C [9]. Small worlds are
networks with high Eglob and high Eloc .


An important variable to consider, especially when we deal with weighted net-
works and when we want to analyze and compare different real systems, is the
2 {d } is now calculated by using the information contained both in {aij } and in {ℓij }.
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Vito Latora and Massimo Marchiori 5

cost of a network [9]. In fact, we expect both Eglob and Eloc to be higher (L lower
and C higher) as the number of edges in the graph increases. As a counterpart,
in any real network there is a price to pay for number and length (weight) of
edges. This can be taken into account by defining the cost of the graph G as the
total length of the network’s wirings:
i6=j∈G aij ℓij
Cost(G) = P (1)
i6=j∈G ℓij

Since the cost of Gideal is already included in the denominator of the formula
above, Cost varies in [0, 1] and assumes the maximum value 1 when all the edges
are present in the graph. In the case of an unweighted graph, Cost(G) reduces
to the normalized number of edges 2K/N (N − 1).
With the three variables Eglob , Eloc and Cost, all defined in [0, 1], it is possi-
ble to study in an unified way unweighted (topological) and weighted networks.
And it is possible to define an economic small world as a network having low
Cost and high Eloc and Eglob (i.e., both economic and small-world). In figure
we report an useful illustrative example obtained by means of a simple model to
construct a class of weighted graphs. We start by considering a regular network
of N = 1000 nodes placed on a circle (ℓi,j is given by the euclidean distance
between i and j) and K = 1500 links. A random rewiring procedure is imple-
mented: it consists in going through each of the links in turn and independently
with some probability p rewire it. Rewiring means shifting one end of the edge
to a new node chosen randomly with a uniform probability. In this way it is
possible to tune G in a continuous manner from a regular lattice (p = 0) into a
random graph (p = 1), without altering the average number of neighbors equal
to k = 2K/N . For p ∼ 0.02 − 0.04 we observe the small-world behavior: Eglob
has almost reached its maximum value 0.62 while Eloc has not changed much
from the maximum value 0.2 (assumed at p = 0). Moreover for these values of p
the network is also economic, in fact the Cost stays very close to the minimum
possible value (assumed of course in the regular case p = 0).
Some examples of applications to real networks. The neural network of the C. el-
egans has Eglob = 0.35, Eloc = 0.34, Cost = 0.18: the C. elegans is an eco-
nomic small world because it achieves high efficiency both at the global and
local level (about 35% of the global and local efficiency of the ideal completely
connected case); all of this at a relatively low cost, with only the 18% of the
wirings of the ideal graph. As a second example we consider a technological net-
work, the MBTA, the Boston underground transportation system. The MBTA is
a weighted network consisting of N = 124 stations and K = 124 tunnels connect-
ing couples of stations. For such a system we obtain Eglob = 0.63, Eloc = 0.03
and Cost = 0.002. This means that MBTA achieves the 63% of the efficiency of
the ideal subway with a cost of only the 0.2%. The price to pay for such low-cost
high global efficiency is the lack of local efficiency. In fact, Eloc = 0.03 indicates
that, differently from a neural network (or from a social system), the MBTA is
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6 The Architecture of Complex Systems

N=1000 K=1507 (k=6 minus 0.5 removed)







Cost 0.002


0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
FIGURE 1 The three quantities Eglob , Eloc and Cost are reported as function of the
rewiring probability p for the model discussed in the text. The economic small-world
behavior shows up for p ∼ 0.02 − 0.04

not fault tolerant, i.e. a damage in a station will dramatically affect the efficiency
in the connection between the previous and the next station. The difference with
respect to neural networks comes from different needs and priorities in the con-
struction and evolution mechanism. When a subway system is built, the priority
is given to the achievement of global efficiency at a relatively low cost, and not
to fault tolerance. In fact a temporary problem in a station can be solved in an
economic way by other means: for example, walking, or taking a bus from the
previous to the next station. Applications to other real networks can be found
in ref.[9].

Other important information on a network can be extracted from its degree
distribution P (k). The latter is defined as the probability of finding nodes with
k links: P (k) = NN(k) , where N (k) is the number of nodes with k links. Many
large networks, as the World Wide Web, the Internet, metabolic and protein
networks have been named scale-free networks because their degree distribution
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Vito Latora and Massimo Marchiori 7

follows a power-law for large k [2, 3]. Also a social system of interest for the
spreading of sexually transmitted diseases [11], and the connectivity network of
atomic clusters’ systems [6] show a similar behavior. The most interesting fact
is that neither regular nor random graphs display long tails in P(k), and the
presence of nodes with large k strongly affects the properties of the network [15],
as for instance its response to external factors [5]. In ref.[2] Barabasi and Albert
have proposed a simple model (the BA model) to reproduce the P(k) found in
real networks by modelling the dynamical growth of the network. The model is
based on two simple mechanisms, growth and preferential attachment, that are
also the main ingredients present in the dynamical evolution of the real-world
networks. As an example, the World Wide Web grows in time by the addition
of new web pages, and a new web page will more likely include hyperlinks to
popular documents with already high degree. Starting by an initial network with
a few nodes and adding new nodes with new links preferentially connected to
the most important existing nodes, the dynamics of the BA model produces (in
the stationary regime) scale-free networks with a power-law degree distribution
P (k) ∼ k −γ γ = 3
The model predicts the emergence of the scale-free behavior observed in real
networks, though the exponents in the power law of real networks can be different
from 3 (usually it is in the range between 2 and 3).


A more careful analysis of the shape of P(k) of many of the real networks consid-
ered evidentiates the presence of a plateau for small k. See for example fig.1a of
Ref.[2] and fig.2b of Ref. [11]. We have observed that such a plateau for small k
and the different slopes of the power-law for large k can be perfectly reproduced
by using the generalized power-law distribution
P (k) ∼ [1 + (q − 1)βk] 1−q
with two fitting parameters: q related to the slope of the power law for large
k, and β [4]. The generalized probability distribution above can be obtained as
a stationary solution of a generalized Fokker-Planck equation with a nonlinear
diffusion term [10]. We therefore believe that is possible to rephrase the gener-
alized Fokker-Planck equation in terms of a generalized mechanism of network
construction, and to implement a model (more general than the BA model) able
to reproduce the plateau and the different slopes of P(k).

We thank E. Borges, P. Crucitti, M.E.J. Newman, A. Rapisarda, C. Tsallis and
G. West for their useful comments.
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8 The Architecture of Complex Systems

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