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Sulaimani Polytechnic University

Technical College of Engineering

Communication Department

2nd year / group B1 Date: 16/6/2020

Communication principle Assignment

Analog Modulation

Prepared By: Usama Akram Muhammad

Supervised By: Mr. Shorsh Ahmed Rasheed


1. Introduction to Modulations ………………….

And Demodulations ………………………….
Analog Modulation …...………………………

2. Amplitude modulation …...............................

-DSBWC ………………………………………..
-DSBSC ………………………………………...
-SSB …………………………………………….
-VSB …………………………………………….
3. Angle modulation ………...............................
-Frequency modulation …………………….....
-Phase modulation …………………………….
4. Advantages, Disadvantages, Applications....

5. Conclusion …………………………………….
6. Summary ………………………………………
7. References …………………………………....

The process of impressing a low-frequency message

signal on to a high-frequency RF carrier is called
From the point of view of communication, we have
essentially three types of signals to consider:
First one is the baseband message signal which could be
speech, music, video, or data. The message signal is
technically called the modulating signal.
Second, we have the high-frequency sinusoidal carrier
signal, which is the means by which the modulating
signal is shifted to the RF band.
And last one by suitably impressing the modulating
signal on to the high-frequency carrier, through the
process of modulation, we obtain the transmitted signal,
technically called the modulated signal.
Modulation is achieved by varying one (or more) of the
three parameters of a sinusoid, namely amplitude,
frequency, and phase. This gives rise to Amplitude-
Modulated (AM), Frequency-Modulated (FM), and
Phase-Modulated (PM) systems, respectively.
A consequence of modulation is that, the spectrum of
the resulting modulated signal now resides in the RF
portion of the frequency spectrum. In the transmitter
the modulated signal is amplified in a power amplifier to
a level suitable to drive the antenna. In the receiver, the
incoming RF modulated signal is ultimately translated
back to the baseband by a process called demodulation.
In this Assignment we will go to describe modulation
According to Analog modulation, the use of them and
their reasons for happening, also the process after
modulation which we call it demodulation.
The need of modulation & some application
according to the modulation type:
– Simultaneous transmission of several signals
– Practical Design of Antennas
– Exchange of power and bandwidth
We use modulation for many reasons for example to
match the signal to the channel characteristics and
increase the efficiency of information transmission, also
to avoid Interference & reduce the relative bandwidth.
Application Type of modulation
AM broadcast radio AM
FM broadcast radio FM
FM steer multiplex DSB (AM) and FM
TV sound FM
TV picture ( video ) AM , VSB
TV color signals Quadrature DSB
Aircraft radio AM
Marine radio FM and SSB (AM)
Mobile and FM
handheld radio
Bluetooth radio FSK
Family radio service FM
In the next pages we will introduce to analog
modulation and its types…
Analog modulation: what’s Analog modulation?
An analog signal is a continuous wave where the time
differing variable of the wave is represented in the
relation of other time differing quality which is
analogous to other time changing signals. And analog
modulation is the procedure of transmitting low-
frequency signals such as TV signals or audio signals with
that of high-frequency carrier signals like that of radio
frequency signals. In this type of modulation, a bandpass
channel is required where it corresponds to the
specified range of frequencies. These frequencies are
transmitted over a bandpass filter which allows certain
frequencies to pass preventing signals at undesirable

When the carrier signal is represented by the equation

Ac cos (2∏fct + Ф)

Here Ac term represents amplitude, fc term represents

frequency and Ф term represents a phase of the carrier

Types of Analog Modulation:

The type of analog modulation is based on the type of

carrier signal property and so there are mainly three
kinds of analog modulations and are
 Amplitude Modulation (AM)
 Angle Modulation (Frequency & Phase modulation)
Amplitude modulation (AM):
In amplitude modulation, the amplitude of a carrier
signal is varied according to variations in the
amplitude of modulating signal.

Figure 1
(a) Shows the modulating signal.
(b) Shows high frequency carrier and
(c) Shows amplitude modulated signal
In Figure.1 (c), observe that the carrier frequency
remains same, but its amplitude varies according to
amplitude variations of the modulating signal let us
represent the modulating signal by em and it is
given as:
em = Em sin wm t
And carrier signal can be represented by ec as:
ec = Ec sin wc t
Em. Is maximum amplitude of modulating signal.
Ec. Is maximum amplitude of carrier signal.
Wm (2πfm) is frequency of modulating signal
Wc (2πfc) is frequency of carrier signal.
Using the above mathematical expressions for
modulating and carrier signals, we can create a new
mathematical expression for the complete
modulated wave. It is given as,
E Am = Ec + em
= Ec + Em sin Wmt.
By putting em equation. The instantaneous value
of the amplitude modulated wave can be given as
e AM = E AM sin θ
= E AM sin Wc t
e AM = (Ec +Em sin Wm t) sin Wc t
This is an equation of AM wave.
The ratio of maximum amplitude of modulating
signal to maximum amplitude of carrier signal is
called modulation index. i.e.
Modulation index, m = (Em/Ec)
Value of Em must be less than value of Ec to avoid
any distortion in the modulated signal.
Hence maximum value of modulation index will be
equal to 1 when Em=Ec. Minimum value will be
zero. If modulation index is higher than 1, then it is
called over modulation. Data is lost in such case.
When modulation index is expressed in percentage,
it is also called percentage modulation.
Amplitude modulation may itself be classified into
four types, depending on the spectral content of the
modulated signal, the four types of amplitude
modulation and their practical merits are as follows:
1. Full amplitude modulation (AM), in which the
upper and lower sidebands are transmitted in full,
accompanied by the carrier wave.
Accordingly, demodulation of an AM signal is
accomplished rather simply in the receiver by using
an envelope detector, for example. It is for this
reason we find that full AM is commonly used in
commercial AM radio broadcasting, which involves
a single powerful transmitter and numerous
receivers that are relatively inexpensive to build.
2. Double sideband – suppressed carrier (DSB-SC)
modulation, in which only the upper and lower
sidebands are transmitted
The suppression of the carrier wave means that
DSB-SC modulation requires much less power than
full AM to transmit the same message signal; this
advantage of DSB-SC modulation over full AM is,
however, attained at the expense of increased
receiver complexity DSB-SC modulation is therefore
well suited for point-to-point communication
involving one transmitter and one receiver; in this
form of communication, transmitted power is at a
premium and the use of a complex receiver is
therefore justifiable.
3. Single sideband (SSB) modulation, in which only
the upper sideband or lower sideband is transmitted
SSB modulation is the optimum form of CW
modulation in the sense that it requires the
minimum transmitted power and minimum channel
bandwidth for conveying a message. signal from
one point to another. However, its use is limited to
message signals with an energy gap centered on
zero frequency.
4. Vestigial sideband modulation, in which almost all
of one sideband and a vestige of the other sideband
are transmitted in a prescribed complementary
VSB modulation requires a channel bandwidth that
is between that required for SSB and DSB-SC
systems, and the saving in bandwidth can be
significant if modulating signals with large
bandwidths are being handled, as in the case of
television signals and high-speed data.
DSB-SC, SSB, and VSB are examples of linear
modulation, whereas, strictly speaking, full AM is
nonlinear. However, the deviation of full AM from
linearity is of a mild sort. Accordingly, all four forms
of amplitude modulation lend themselves readily to
spectral analysis using the Fourier transform.
Angle Modulation:

Angle modulation may be classified into frequency

modulation (FM) and phase modulation (PM). In
FM, the instantaneous frequency of a sinusoidal
carrier is varied in proportion to the message signal.
In PM, on the other hand, it is the phase of the
carrier that is varied in proportion to the message
signal. The instantaneous frequency is defined as
the derivative of the phase with respect to time,
except for the scaling factor 1/ (2π). Accordingly,
FM and PM are closely related to each other, if we
know the properties of the one, we can determine
those of the other. For this reason, and because FM
is commonly used in broadcasting.
Unlike amplitude modulation, FM is a nonlinear
modulation process. Accordingly spectral analysis
of FM is more difficult than for AM. Nevertheless, by
studying single- tone FM, we were able to develop a
great deal of insight into the spectral properties of
FM. In particular, we derived an empirical rule
known as Carson's rule for an approximate
evaluation of the transmission bandwidth BT of FM.
According to this rule, BT is controlled by a single
parameter: the modulation index B for sinusoidal
FM or the deviation ratio D for no sinusoidal FM.
1. Frequency Modulation:
In FM transmission, the frequency of the carrier
signal is modulated to follow the changing voltage
level (amplitude) of the modulating signal. The peak
amplitude and phase of the carrier signal remain
constant, but as the amplitude of the information
signal changes, the frequency of the carrier
changes correspondingly. Figure 2 shows the
relationships of the modulating signal, the carrier
signal, and the resultant FM signal. As Figure 2
shows, FM is nominally implemented by using a
voltage-controlled oscillator as with FSK. The
frequency of the oscillator changes according to the
input voltage which is the amplitude of the
modulating signal.

Figure 2
2. Phase modulation:
In PM transmission, the phase of the carrier signal
is modulated to follow the changing voltage level
(amplitude) of the modulating signal. The peak
amplitude and frequency of the carrier signal remain
constant, but as the amplitude of the information
signal changes, the phase of the carrier changes
correspondingly. It can prove mathematically that
PM is the same as FM with one difference. In FM,
the instantaneous change in the carrier frequency is
proportional to the amplitude of the modulating
signal in PM the instantaneous change in the carrier
frequency is proportional to the derivative of the
amplitude of the modulating signal. Figure 3 shows
the relationships of the modulating signal, the
carrier signal, and the resultant PM signal.

Figure 3
The angle modulated wave is mathematically
expressed as:
e(t) = Ec sin [Wc t + θ(t)]
Here e(t) is angle modulated wave.
Ec is peak amplitude of the carrier
Wc carrier frequency
θ(t) instantaneous phase

Relationship Differences between FM and PM:

The basic difference between FM and PM lies in
which property of the carrier is directly varied by
modulating signal. Note that when frequency of the
carrier varies, phase of the carrier also varies and
vice versa. But if frequency is varied directly, then it
is called FM. And if phase is varied directly, then it
is called PM.
The instantaneous phase deviation is denoted by
θ(t) it is the instantaneous change in phase of the
carrier with respect to reference phase. The
instantaneous phase of the carrier mathematically
expressed as,
Instantaneous phase = Wc t + θ
Here. θ(t) is instantaneous phase
deviation and
Wc is carrier frequency
Now let us define instantaneous frequency
deviation. i.e.
Instantaneous frequency deviation.
= (d/dt) θ(t) = θ’(t) HZ
Here note that instantaneous frequency deviation is
the instantaneous change in carrier frequency. It is
equal to the rate at which instantaneous phase
deviation takes place.
Similarly instantaneous frequency is defined as the
frequency of the carrier at a given instant of time. It
is given as,
Instantaneous frequency= Wi(t) =(d/dt) [Wc t + θ (t)]
= Wc + θ’(t) rad/sec
In phase modulation, instantaneous phase
deviation e(t) is proportional to modulating signal
voltage i.e.
θ(t) = K em (t) rad
Here K is deviation sensitivity of phase
Similarly in frequency modulation, instantaneous
frequency deviation θ’(t) is Proportional to
modulating signal voltage. i.e.
θ(t) = K1 em (t) rad/sec
Here K1 is the deviation sensitivity of frequency.
θ(t) = ∫ θ’ (t) dt
= ∫K1 em (t) dt
= K1 ∫ em (t) dt

Let the modulating signal be given as,

em (t) = Em cos Wm t
θ(t) =K1 ∫ Em cos Wm t dt
=K1(Em/Wm) sin Wm
The angle modulated wave is mathematically
expressed as,
e(t) = Ec [Wc t + θ (t) ]
FM equation.
e(t) = Ec sin [ Wc t + (K1 Em / Wm ) sin Wm t ]
This is an equation for phase modulated wave.

e(t) = Ec sin [ Wc t + K em (t) ]

PM equation.
e(t) = Ec sin [ Wc t + K Em cos Wm t ]
This is an equation for phase modulated wave.

FM and PM Waveforms
Figure 4 shows the waveforms of FM and PM. In
this figure following observations can be noted:
- For FM signal, the maximum frequency
deviation takes place when modulating.
- For PM signal the maximum frequency deviation
takes place near zero.
- Both FM and PM waveforms are identical except
the phase shift. Signal is at positive and negative
peaks Crossings of the modulating signal.
- From modulated waveform it is difficult to know,
whether the modulation is FM or PM.
Figure 4

Comparison between Amplitude Modulation &

Angle Modulation:
Advantages & Disadvantages of Analog
Modulation Transmission:
Both the modulation types are with certain limitations, advantages,
and disadvantages. Few of to be discussed are as below:


 Supports flexible bandwidth ranges

 Resolve fault components in a streamlined manner
 Enhanced lifespan
 Simple to manage using mathematical calculations and
 Easily managed over sensitive routing
 Diffusive weather dependencies are less.


 Complicate to implement
 Accurate transmission need perfect transmitters and
 No protection for transmitting information
 There exists no option for data saving

Applications of Analog Modulation: As analog modulation

consists of various types (amplitude, frequency, and phase), there
is a wide range of applications using these techniques. Some of
the applications are:

 Implemented in satellite communications.

 Telemetry, seismic processing, and radar implement the
methods of frequency modulation.
 Used in music creation and also for video transmissions and
magnetic-tape recording scenarios
 FM radio broadcastings
 Monitoring of EEG signals also utilize analog modulation types
 Used in VCR tape recordings
In this assignment we have learnt that Modulation is
defined as the process of modifying a carrier wave
(radio wave) systematically by the modulating signal
(audio), the process made the signal suitable for the
transmission and compatible with the channel, the
resultant signal is called the modulated signal.
Digital modulation
Digital pluses modulation
Analog pluses modulation
Analog modulation
Amplitude modulation
Angle modulation
Phase modulation
Frequency modulation

We defined modulation for amplitude & angle

modulation where angle modulation also was
two types which were FM and PM processes.
Amplitude Modulation was the process of changing
the amplitude of the radio frequency (RF) carrier
wave by the amplitude variations of modulating
FM was the process of varying the frequency of a
carrier wave in proportion to a modulating signal.
The amplitude of the carrier is constant while its
frequency and rate of changes varied by the
modulating signal.
Phase modulation was a system in which the phase
of the carrier signal was varied by the information
signal. The amplitude of the carrier is kept constant.
Most of the basic bandwidth signals originating
from different sources of information are not
always suitable for transmission across the carrier
medium. Therefore, this signal is usually modified
to facilitate the transmission process. This process
is known as modulation.

There are three types of modulation:

Amplitude Modulation (AM):-
It is a change in the amplitude or amplitude of the
carrier by the signal of adjustment in proportion to
the signal of the adjustment. The resulting wave is
called a wave modulation wave.

Frequency Modulation (FM):-

It is an adjustment of the carrier frequency by the
signal of adjustment in proportion to the change in
the signal of the adjustment and the resulting wave
is called frequency modulation wave.

Phase Modulation (PM):-

It is an adjustment in the phase of the carrier by the
signal of adjustment in proportion to the change in
the signal of the same amendment, and the
resulting wave is called phase modulation wave.

1- Analog modulation-Thomas-chandrasekhar
4th Edition 2005

2- Principles of communication J.S chitode

1st Edition 2007

3- Principle of electric communication system-

Louis E. Frenzel Jr. 4th Edition

4-Data communication and networking-Behrouz

A. Forouzan 4th Edition 2007

5- Communication theory-Dr. J.S chitode

6- Communication system-(Simon haykin, &

Michael Moher) 4th Edition


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