Business Simulation Games As Digital Tools For Supporting School Entrepreneurship Education
Business Simulation Games As Digital Tools For Supporting School Entrepreneurship Education
Business Simulation Games As Digital Tools For Supporting School Entrepreneurship Education
Abstract— During the last few years there has been students and facilitating them acquire relevant
considerable interest for digital game-based learning. This competencies required by the knowledge society [5]. To
interest can be attributed to the increased popularity of this end, engaging students in meaningful activities, which
digital games among school students, as well as to their allow them to draw links between entrepreneurship and
potential as effective learning environments for collaborative standard curriculum mathematics educational objectives,
learning-by-doing activities. On the other hand, fostering bares the potential for facilitating understanding of key
entrepreneurial mindsets through teaching and learning has mathematics concepts. Within this context, the aim of this
been a key priority for entrepreneurship education in paper is to study the potential use of a commercial
Europe. The aim of this paper is to study the potential use of business simulation game, namely “Sims 2 – Open for
a commercial business simulation digital game, namely
business”, in school entrepreneurship education drawing
“Sims 2 – Open for business”, in school entrepreneurship
education drawing links with standard curriculum math
links with standard curriculum math teaching.
Keywords-component; digital game-based learning; school Research within the field of digital game-based
entrepreurship education; school math teaching learning is concerned, among others, with the investigation
of methods of utilizing either general-purpose commercial,
I. INTRODUCTION or specially-designed educational, digital games as tools
for supporting learning in both formal and informal
Digital game-based learning is a research field within educational settings [1].
the wider area of technology-enhanced learning that has In particular, there are some efforts to exploit digital
attracted the interest of both the research and educational games in technology-supported teaching and learning of
community [1]. Connolly and Stansfield [2] define digital financial management and/or entrepreneurship. Whitton
game-based learning as “the use of a computer games- [3] describes a scenario of educational activities, built
based approach to deliver, support and enhance teaching, around an online game (namely “Marketplace”) and
learning, assessment and evaluation”. implemented as part of a university marketing course.
The interest of using digital games as learning tools Participating students were prompted to work in groups,
can be first of all attributed to their increased popularity make decisions regarding the management of a virtual
among school students [1]. Furthermore, digital games are enterprise, and perform actions such as undertaking market
considered to be effective learning environments, since analysis, designing marketing strategies, and designing
they create authentic and meaningful contexts in which products for sale. Negotiation, group decision making, and
players have the opportunity to apply and develop higher strategic thinking and planning, are considered as key
order cognitive skills [3]. Such skills are strategic thinking, skills which are intended to be developed by the
planning, communication, handling and application of implementation of game-supported educational
data, negotiation, group decision-making, and problem- interventions targeting at enhancing entrepreneurship
solving [1, 3]. education [6]. Sandford et al. [7] describe an educational
Entrepreneurship is defined [4] as “a dynamic and design, fully supported by a commercial digital game
social process where individuals, alone or in (namely “Roller Coaster Tycoon”), targeting at engaging
collaboration, identify opportunities for innovation and act secondary school students in activities related to the
upon these by transforming ideas into practical and management of an entertainment park. In the context of
targeted activities, whether in a social cultural or school-based education, Chen et al. [5] also propose a
economic context”. European Commission has identified game-supported learning environment (namely “My-
fostering entrepreneurial mindsets through education and Investment”) for the introduction of primary school
learning as a key priority for entrepreneurship education in students to issues related to financial management, such as
Europe. Thus, there is a need for technology-supported bank deposits, interest rates, stock market investments,
educational innovations at school education aiming at stock shares, and use of credit cards.
stimulating entrepreneurial mindsets among school