How To Make Scrolling Display Using Arduino and BL
How To Make Scrolling Display Using Arduino and BL
How To Make Scrolling Display Using Arduino and BL
by Indian DIYers
1) Bread Board
5) Jumper Wires
6) Wire stripper
7) Screwdriver
8) 5 Volt DC adapter (Higher the Amp better the brightness "max-5 amp")
Connect the DMD pins as shown in the circuit GND >>> GND of arduino( any one)
diagram and connect the output of the first module to
the input of the second module and also connect the Bluetooth Connection
Vcc and GND of the both panel using wires.
Connect the TX of the Bluetooth module to the RX
Connection of led panel with arduino UNO (D0) pin of the arduino and RX of bt. module to TX
(D1) of arduino UNO...
OE >>> D9
You can also change the Password and Name of the
A >>> D6 bluetooth module using AT command to ahange the
password and name connect TX of Bt. module to TX
B >>> D7 of UNO and RX to RX and Open Arduino IDE and
open Serian monitor Type AT command. You can find
C >>> No connection all AT command of HC-05 Module on internet "
search for 'AT command of HC-05' on google"
CLK >>> D13
NOTE***---You Cant upload the program while
SCLK >>> D8 bluetooth is connected to the arduino.
R >>> D11
Before uploading sketch to arduino disconnect the the program as your requirement. ...
bluetooth module from arduino to avoid compiling
error. Chose the board type and serial port and click
upload...after uploading the sketch connect the
Download the zip file which contents TimerOne and bluetooth module and you are ready to send message
DMD library and the arduino Sketch, and extract the using smartphone....
zip file. copy the libraries to the library folder of
arduino and open the arduino sketch. You can Arduino sketch Credit: to
change the max characters length and message on
Now connect the 5 volt DC power supply to LED If You found this post helpful then leave a like and
panel and power it on if it is working perfectly...Then consider supporting my future projects through my
install the bluetooth control app from google play patreoncampaign and subscribe to my youtube
store. Open play store and search for "Arduino channel....
Bluetooth Control" and install the app and open and
connect with bluetooth module...and you are ready to
send mesasage....