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.NET Programming
Syllabi Mapping in Book


1. Introduction: CLR, Namespace, Assemblies, Class Library Unit 1: Introduction to
2. Basic Terminology: .NET Component, .NET Garbage Collection .NET Framework
3. OOPs Concept: Class, Objects, Structures, Modules, (Pages 1-18);
Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Unit 2: Basic Terminologies
Overloading, Overriding, Shadowing (Pages 19-34);
Unit 3: OOP’s Concept
(Pages 35-72)

BLOCK 2 : VISUAL BASIC.NET Unit 4: Introduction to VB.NET

4. Introduction: Data Types, Operators, Arrays, Dynamic Arrays,
(Pages 73-100);
String Handling
5. Control Statements: Conditional and Looping Statements, Sub Unit 5: Control Statements
Procedures and Functions (Pages 101-125);
6. Windows Forms: MDI Form, Events, msgbox, inputbox, Unit 6: Windows Forms
Dialogboxes, Passing Forms, RichTextBoxes, Labels, Link Labels (Pages 126-156)


7. Introduction: Buttons, Checkbox, Radio Buttons, Panel, List Unit 7: Introduction to Window
Boxes, Combo Boxes, Scrollbars, Splitters, Track Bars, Pickers, Controls
Notify Icons, Timers, Menus
(Pages 157-181);
8. Tree and List View: Toolbars, Status Bars, Progress Bars, Tab
Controls Unit 8: Tree and ListView
9. Debugging and Error Handling: Types of Errors, Exceptions (Pages 182-203)
and Structured Exception Handling Unit 9: Debugging and Error handling
(Pages 204-222)

10. Introduction: File Types, Importing Namespaces, Usage of Unit 10: Introduction to ASP.NET
Global.asax File, The Page Class, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, (Pages 223-245);
Server Utility
Unit 11: Basic Web Controls
11. Basic Web Controls: List Controls, Validation and Rich Controls,
(Pages 246-301);
Data Controls, Custom Controls
12. Overview of AJAX Controls Unit 12: Overview of AJAX
(Pages 302-325)

13. Introduction: Database Access in the Internet World, Unit 13: Introduction to
Characteristics, Data Objects, Data Namespace Database Access
14. SQL Basics: Data Binding Controls, Data Set, Data Table, Data (Pages 326-344);
Row, Data Column, Data List, Data Grid
Unit 14: SQL Basics
(Pages 345-366)


1.0 Introduction
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Evolution of Web Development
1.2.1 ASP.NET: An Overview
1.2.2 Platform Requirements
1.3 The Microsoft .NET Framwork
1.4 .NET Framwork Class Library
1.4.1 Types of .NET Namespace
1.5 The Common Language Runtime (CLR)
1.6 Assemblies
1.7 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
1.8 Summary
1.9 Key Words
1.10 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
1.11 Further Readings
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Objectives
2.2 .Net Component
2.2.1 Selection Objectives of Components
2.2.2 Component Classes
2.2.3 Creating .NET Classes and Components
2.3 .Net Garbage Collection
2.4 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
2.5 Summary
2.6 Key Words
2.7 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
2.8 Further Readings
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Objectives
3.2 Introduction to OOPs
3.3 Classes and Objects
3.4 Constructor and Destructor
3.5 Inheritance
3.5.1 Types of Inheritance
3.5.2 Implementation of Basic Inheritance
3.6 Polymorphism
3.6.1 Overloading
3.6.2 Overriding Methods and Properties
3.7 Shadowing
3.8 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
3.9 Summary
3.10 Key Words
3.11 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
3.12 Further Readings


4.0 Introduction
4.1 Objectives
4.2 Structure and Programming Elements of VB.NET
4.2.1 Keywords
4.2.2 Data Types
4.2.3 Variables
4.2.4 Constants
4.2.5 Operators
4.3 Arrays
4.4 String Handling
4.4.1 Copy and Concatenating Strings
4.4.2 Adding, Removing and Replacing Strings
4.4.3 Formatting Strings
4.5 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
4.6 Summary
4.7 Key Words
4.8 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
4.9 Further Readings
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Objectives
5.2 Conditional and Looping Statements
5.3 Procedures in VB.NET
5.3.1 Sub Procedures
5.3.2 Functions
5.3.3 MsgBox() and InputBox() Functions
5.4 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
5.5 Summary
5.6 Key Words
5.7 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
5.8 Further Readings
6.0 Introduction
6.1 Objectives
6.2 Windows Forms
6.2.1 MDI Forms
6.3 Event
6.4.1 Simple MessageBox
6.4.2 MessageBox with Title
6.4.3 MessageBox with Buttons
6.4.4 MessageBox with Icon
6.4.5 MessageBox with Default Button
6.4.6 MessageBox with Message Options
6.4.7 MessageBox with Help Button
6.5 InputBox()
6.6 DialogBox
6.7 RichTextBox
6.8 Label Class
6.9 LinkLabel Control
6.10 Passing Forms
6.11 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
6.12 Summary
6.13 Key Words
6.14 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
6.15 Further Readings


7.0 Introduction
7.1 Objectives
7.2 Commonly Used Controls
7.2.1 Label (A) Control
7.2.2 TextBox ( ) Control
7.2.3 Button ( ) Control
7.2.4 RadioButton ( ) Control
7.2.5 CheckBox ( ) Control
7.2.6 ListBox ( ) Control
7.2.7 ComboBox ( ) Control
7.2.8 CheckedListBox ( ) Control
7.2.9 HScrollBar ( ) and VScrollBar ( ) Controls
7.2.10 DateTimePicker ( ) Control
7.2.11 Timer ( ) Control
7.2.12 Panel
7.2.13 Splitters
7.2.14 Track Bars
7.2.15 Notify Icons
7.3 Menu Controls
7.4 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
7.5 Summary
7.6 Key Words
7.7 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
7.8 Further Readings
8.0 Introduction
8.1 Objectives
8.2 The ListView and TreeView Classes
8.2.1 Toolbar
8.2.2 Status Bar Control
8.2.3 Progress Bar Control
8.3 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
8.4 Summary
8.5 Key Words
8.6 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
8.7 Further Readings
9.0 Introduction
9.1 Objectives
9.2 Errors
9.2.1 Error Checking Versus Exception Handling
9.2.2 Types of Errors
9.2.3 Error Handling
9.3 Exception Handling
9.3.1 Structured Exception Handling
9.3.2 Finally Block
9.3.3 Unstructured Exception Handling on Error Statement
9.4 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
9.5 Summary
9.6 Key Words
9.7 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
9.8 Further Readings


10.0 Introduction
10.1 Objectives
10.2 File Types in ASP.NET
10.3 Page Class
10.4 HttpRequest
10.5 HttpResponse Class
10.6 Server Utility
10.7 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
10.8 Summary
10.9 Key Words
10.10 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
10.11 Further Readings
11.0 Introduction
11.1 Objectives
11.2 Web Controls
11.2.1 Properties of the Server Controls
11.2.2 Methods of the Server Controls
11.3 ListControl Class
11.4 Validation Controls
11.5 Rich Controls
11.6 Data Bound Controls
11.7 Custom Controls
11.8 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
11.9 Summary
11.10 Key Words
11.11 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
11.12 Further Readings
12.0 Introduction
12.1 Objectives
12.2 The AJAX Vision
12.3 Server-side AJAX versus Client-side AJAX
12.4 The UpdatePanel Control
12.5 The Timer Control
12.6 The UpdateProgress Control
12.7 The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit
12.8 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
12.9 Summary
12.10 Key Words
12.11 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
12.12 Further Readings

13.0 Introduction
13.1 Objectives
13.2 Database Access in the Internet World
13.3 ADO.NET: An Overview
13.4 The Connection Class
13.5 The Command and DataReader Classes
13.5.1 The Command Class
13.5.2 The DataReader Class
13.6 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
13.7 Summary
13.8 Key Words
13.9 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
13.10 Further Readings
UNIT 14 SQL BASICS 345-366
14.0 Introduction
14.1 Objectives
14.2 Data Components and the Dataset
14.3 Disconnected Data
14.4 The DataSet Class
14.5 The DataTable Class
14.6 The DataRow Class
14.7 DataColumn Class
14.8 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
14.9 Summary
14.10 Key Words
14.11 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
14.12 Further Readings

AMicrosoft has revolutionized the software market by providing many leading

NOTES software applications. Many object-oriented languages have also been developed
by Microsoft for software applications. To bridge the gap between these languages,
Microsoft has introduced a framework known as .NET framework that primarily
runs on Microsoft Windows. This framework supports several object-oriented
languages, such as Visual Basic, C#, Visual C++, etc. The .NET Framework is
intended to be used by most new applications created for the Windows platform.
.NET includes two main components: Common Language Runtime (CLR)
and class library. CLR is a software environment that is used for executing programs
written for .NET framework. The .NET framework’s base class library offers
user interface, data access, database connectivity, cryptography, network
communications and Web application development. Programmers develop
software’s by integrating their own source code with .NET framework and other
class libraries. The .NET framework integrates the business logic of an application
developed in different programming languages and services. It has provided major
improvements in code reusability, resource management and code specialization,
developments of applications, security, deployment and administration of programs
developed in various programming languages.
This book, .NET Programming, is aimed at providing the readers with
basic knowledge. The book follows the Self-Instructional Mode or SIM format
wherein each unit begins with an ‘Introduction’ to the topic of the unit followed by
an outline of the ‘Objectives’. The detailed content is then presented in a simple
and structured form interspersed with ‘Check Your Progress’ questions to facilitate
a better understanding of the topics discussed. The ‘Key Words’ help the student
revise what he/she has learnt. A ‘Summary’ along with a set of ‘Self Assessment
Questions and Exercises’ is also provided at the end of each unit for effective

10 Material
Introduction to
BLOCK - I .Net Framework

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Evolution of Web Development
1.2.1 ASP.NET: An Overview
1.2.2 Platform Requirements
1.3 The Microsoft .NET Framwork
1.4 .NET Framwork Class Library
1.4.1 Types of .NET Namespace
1.5 The Common Language Runtime (CLR)
1.6 Assemblies
1.7 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
1.8 Summary
1.9 Key Words
1.10 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
1.11 Further Readings


.NET Framework is a software framework developed by Microsoft that runs

primarily on Microsoft Windows. It includes a large class library known as
Framework Class Library (FCL) and provides language interoperability across
several programming languages. Programs written for .NET Framework
execute in a software environment, known as Common Language Runtime
(CLR), an application virtual machine that provides services such as security,
memory management and exception handling. FCL and CLR together constitute
.NET Framework. You will also learn about the significance of ASP.NET in
.NET Framework. ASP.NET is the major part of the Microsoft's .NET
Framework. ASP.NET enables hosting Web applications and Web services,
with almost any feature from the .NET class library. It also includes a set of
Web specific services.

Material 1
Introduction to
.Net Framework 1.1 OBJECTIVES

After going through this unit, you will be able to:

NOTES  Discuss the evolution of Web development
 Explain the significance of ASP.NET, a major part of Microsoft's .NET
 Discuss the technologies that constitute the .NET Framework
 Understand the need of .NET Framework Class Library (FCL)
 Describe the standardized and non-standardized namespaces provided by
 Discuss the types of assemblies


Earlier, Microsoft developed desktop applications using Visual Basic. Visual Basic
was very easy to handle. The much debated issue came, when in the mid-1990s,
the Internet entered the scene. Microsoft could not move Visual Basic for application
development model based on the Internet. Using Internet-based applications means
that changes made in one case was immediately made available to each and every
user visiting the application through the browser.
Tim Berners-Lee performed the first transmission across HTTP (HyperText
Transfer Protocol). Since then, HTTP has become exponentially more popular.
When HTTP was first established, developers faced the challenge of designing
applications that could discover and interact with each other. To help meet these
challenges, standards, such as HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and XML
(eXtensible Markup Language) were created. These standards guaranteed that
the Web could be used by anyone, located anywhere, using any type of computing
At the same time, software vendors faced their own challenges. They
needed to develop not only language and programming tools that could
integrate with the Web, but also entire frameworks that would allow developers
to architect, develop and deploy these applications easily. Major software
vendors including IBM, Sun Microsystems and Microsoft rushed to meet this
need with a host of products.
ASP.NET 1.0 opened a new chapter in this ongoing arms race. With .NET,
Microsoft created an integrated suite of components that combines the building
blocks of the Web markup languages and HTTP.

2 Material
1.2.1 ASP.NET: An Overview Introduction to
.Net Framework
ASP.NET is the major part of the Microsoft’s .NET Framework. It is very different
from the classic ASP in performance and features. ASP (Active Server Pages), a
server side scripting engine, was Microsoft’s first development framework for NOTES
implementing Web applications with dynamic and interactive Web pages. However,
the classic ASP had some limitations. It had no support for object orientation and
ASP pages were interpreted and not compiled, resulting in poor performance.
ASP.NET, released in 2002, is an improved technology that supports .NET’s
code behind model, better scalability, faster development and support for object
orientation. ASP.NET is an entirely new technology for server-side scripting. The
following facts about ASP.NET are worth noting.
 ASP.NET is Integrated with the .NET Framework
Microsoft has put in great efforts to burgeon their new product,
ASP.NET that runs on .NET Framework. The .NET Framework, by
definition, is the infrastructure for Microsoft .NET Platform. The .NET
Framework provides a unique environment that can be used for
developing, implementing and executing various Web services
independent of the platform. The .NET Framework supports C++,
Visual Basic, JScript, COBOL, Perl, C#, Python and various other
languages. Microsoft .NET Framework helped programming made
easier and faster, less code, declarative programming model, richer
server control hierarchy with events, larger class library and better
support for development tools.
 ASP.NET is Compiled, Not Interpreted
ASP.NET is a complied language, whereas ASP is an interpreted scripting
language. It was written from scratch and is not compatible with the classic
ASP. ASP.NET has many new features as compared to the classic ASP. It
supports programmable controls, event-driven programming, better
language support, XML-based components, user authentication, with
accounts and roles, higher scalability, increased performance, compiled
code, easier configuration and deployment.
For developers, .NET contains two important parts: the Common Language
Runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework classes. The CLR.NET-
compatible compilers translate high-level source code into a special
intermediate language, Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). The CLR
then takes this Intermediate Language (IL) and converts it into machine-
specific instructions. The originality of the .NET system is that various
languages may be compiled to MSIL and share their classes. Figure 1.1
shows the compilation in an ASP.NET Web page.

Material 3
Introduction to
.Net Framework


Fig. 1.1 Compilation in an ASP.NET Web Page

 ASP.NET is Multilingual
Though you will probably opt to use one language over another when you
develop an application, but the choice may not matter because no matter
what language you use, the code is compiled in IL. In ASP.NET you are
not limited to scripting languages. ASP.NET enables Web developers to
create data-driven Websites. The .NET Framework supports C++, Visual
Basic, JScript, COBOL, Perl, C#, Python and various other languages.
All these languages are used in the development of multi-platform
independent .NET Applications.
 ASP.NET Runs Inside the CLR
Perhaps, the most important aspect of ASP.NET is that it runs inside the
runtime engine of the CLR. The whole of the .NET Framework—that is,
all namespaces, applications and classes—are referred to as managed
Some of the benefits of CLR are: Automatic Memory Management and
Garbage Collection, Type Safety, Extensible Metadata, Structured Error
Handling and Multithreading.
ASP.NET aims for performance benefits over other script-based
technologies. It simplifies developer’s transition from Windows to Web
development. It enables us to develop Web applications that include
dynamic and data-driven browser-based applications, form-based
applications, console applications, and component libraries and Web
services. Figure 1.2 shows ASP.NET being run in CLR.

4 Material
Introduction to
.Net Framework


Fig. 1.2 ASP.NET in CLR

 ASP.NET is Object Oriented

ASP provides a relatively weak object model. It provides a small set of
objects that are treated as variant data types. Variant data types are weakly
typed. They require larger amounts of memory, are late-bound, and result
in slower performance. Additionally, the compiler and development tools
cannot identify them at design time. On the other hand, ASP.NET is truly
object oriented. Not only does your code have full access to all objects in
the .NET Framework, but you can also exploit all the conventions of an
OOP (Object Oriented Programming) environment. One of the best
examples of object oriented thinking in ASP.NET is found in server-based
Server-based controls are the essence of encapsulation. Developers can
manipulate control objects programmatically using code to customize their
appearance, provide data to display and even react to events.
 ASP.NET is Easy to Deploy and Configure
One of the biggest problem a Web developer faces during a development
cycle is deploying a completed application to a production server. Every
installation of the .NET Framework provides the same core classes. As a
result, deploying an ASP.NET application is relatively simple. ASP.NET
code is easy to understand and use. It includes many features, such as
AJAX, which helps to create Web applications, HTML and CSS for
presentation, master pages, themes and IntelliSense feature.
Material 5
Introduction to 1.2.2 Platform Requirements
.Net Framework
Before you start ASP.NET, it is essential to do some preliminary checks. You
must first ensure that you meet the system requirements for installation. When you
NOTES install Visual Studio .NET, it will also install the MSDN for Visual Studio, which
contains valuable information on .NET development. The following are the platform
and system requirements:
 Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000 Service Pack 3;
Windows 98; Windows 98 Second Edition; Windows ME; Windows
Server 2003; Windows XP Service Pack 2.
 Required Software:
o Visual 2010
o SQL Server 2005 or 2008
 Disk Space Requirements: 280 MB (x86), 610 MB (x64)
ASP.NET is supported on Windows 2000 (Professional, Server and
Advanced Server), Windows XP Professional, and the Windows Server
2003 family for both client and server applications. In addition, to develop
ASP.NET server applications, the following software is also required:
o Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server with Service Pack 2,
Windows XP Professional or 64-Bit Edition, or one of the Windows
Server 2003 family products.
o MDAC 2.7 for Data.
o Internet Information Services (IIS).
When you install Visual Studio .NET on a computer running Windows XP
Professional or Windows 2000 Server, the .NET Framework and
ASP.NET are automatically installed. If you want to install ASP.NET and
the .NET Framework by themselves, you can download them over the
Web and install them on your server. The following procedure provides
instructions on how to do this.
 To Download and Install ASP.NET on a Computer Running Windows
XP Professional or Windows 2000 Server
1. Install and start IIS.
2. At, expand
Software Development Kits, click on Microsoft .NET
Framework SDK, and then read the instructions, and options for
downloading the SDK.
3. Click the download option that you want, and then click Yes.
4. In the File Download dialog box, click Save, choose the folder
where you want the setup program and Readme files to be
downloaded, and then click Save.
5. Review the Readme file for any last minute instructions.
6 Material
6. In the folder where you downloaded it, double-click the .NET Introduction to
.Net Framework
Framework setup program, setup.exe.
Table 1.1 lists the hardware required for downloading and installing ASP.NET.
Table 1.1: Hardware Requirements NOTES
Scenario Required Recommended Required Recommended
Processor Processor RAM RAM
Client Pentium 90 Pentium 90 MHz 32 MB* 96 MB or Higher
MHz* or Faster
Server Pentium 133 Pentium 133 MHz 128 MB* 256 MB or Higher
MHz* or Faster


The .NET Framework, as defined earlier, is the infrastructure for Microsoft .NET
Platform. Microsoft started the development of .NET Framework in late 1990s
initially under the name of the Next Generation of Windows Services (NGSM). In
late 2000, the first beta .NET 1.0 was released. Based on the feedback received
from the community many changes were made and .NET Framework version 2.0
was released. It included ASP.NET, ADO.NET for connectivity and Win Forms.
Later on, version 3.0 of .NET Framework was released which included Windows
Vista and Server 2008 along with technologies, such as WPF, WCF, WF and
Card Space. On 12 April 2010, .NET Framework 4.0 was released alongside
Visual Studio 2010 which included entity framework ADO.NET and LINQ.
The .NET Framework provides a unique environment that can be used for
developing, implementing and executing various Web services independent of the
platform. The .NET Framework is really a cluster of several technologies:
 .NET Languages: These include C# and VB .NET (Visual Basic .NET),
JScript .NET, J# and C++ with managed extensions.
 CLR (Common Language Runtime): The CLR is responsible for
executing all .NET programs, besides enabling automatic services for these
applications. These services include security checking, memory management
and optimization.
 .NET Framework Class Library: It collects numerous pieces of pre-
built functionalities that can be appended to the various applications.
Examples of such functionalities include technology sets, such as ADO.NET
and Windows Forms. ADO.NET enables you to create database
applications and Windows Forms can be used for creating desktop user
 ASP.NET: It enables hosting Web applications and Web services, with
almost any feature from the .NET class library. It also includes a set of
Web specific services.

Material 7
Introduction to  Visual Studio: It is a development tool that is characterized by numerous
.Net Framework
productivity and debugging features.
All these languages are used in the development of multi-platform independent
.NET Applications. Microsoft .NET Framework helped programming made easier
and faster, less code, declarative programming model, richer server control
hierarchy with events, larger class library and better support for development
The .NET Framework consists of three main parts: Programming Languages,
Server and Client Technologies and Development Environments.
Programming languages include C#, J# and VB.NET. ASP.NET and
Windows Forms are the server and client technologies, respectively. Using Visual
Studio, the development tool from Microsoft, Web developers can develop very
compelling applications using ASP.NET with the ease of drag-and-drop server
Figure 1.3 shows the .NET Framework architecture.

Fig. 1.3 .NET Framework Architecture

At the base is the operating system. CLR lies on the operating system. It is
considered as the heart of the .NET Framework. .NET applications are compiled
to a common language known as Microsoft Intermediate Language or (MSIL).
The CLR, then, handles the compiling of the (MSIL) to machine language, at
which point the program is executed.
The CLR environment is also referred to as a managed environment, in
which common services, such as garbage collection and security, are automatically
provided. The .NET Framework base classes include ADO.NET, XML, IO,
NET, security, and so on. Above all are the languages on which the user works or
the users interface. Basic programming languages are VB.NET, C#, JScript, etc.
Other .NET languages are APL, Eiffel, FORTRAN, Haskell, Mercury, Perl,
Python, Pascal, Oberon, etc.
Cross Language Integration
Choosing a programming language depends on your language and the scope of
the application you are building. While small applications are often created using
8 Material
only one language, it is not uncommon to develop large applications using multiple Introduction to
.Net Framework
For client-erver applications, you would probably choose a single language
but for new enterprise applications, where a large team of developers create
components and services for deployment across multiple remote sites, the best
choice might be to use several languages depending on developer skills and long-
term maintenance expectations. The .NET Platform programming languages include
Visual Basic .NET, Visual C#, Managed Extensions for C++, and many other
programming languages from various vendors that use .NET Framework services
and features through a common set of unified classes.
Microsoft .NET makes it possible to develop applications that are
interoperable. This means you can use C# to call the methods and properties of a
library written in VB.NET or access C# libraries from VB.NET. This is done
through programs that use CLR-complaint types which are not specific to any
The Common Type System
The Common Type System (CTS) is a standard that defines a set of types and
rules that are common to all languages targeted at the CLR. It is intended to allow
programs written in different programming languages to easily share information.
It specifies how type definitions and specific values of types are represented in
computer memory.
In programming languages, a type can be described as a definition of a set of
values, and the allowable operations on those values.
Functions of CTS
The following are the functions of common type system:
 To establish a framework that helps enable cross-language integration,
type safety and high performance code execution.
 To provide an object oriented model that supports the complete
implementation of many programming languages.
 The CTS also defines the rules that ensure that the data types of objects
written in various languages are able to interact with each other.
 The CTS also specifies the rules for type visibility and access to the
members of a type.
 It is used to communicate with other languages.
It supports two general category types, i.e., Value Type and Reference type.
Value types directly contain their data and are allocated on the stack. Value types
can be built-in (implemented by the runtime), user-defined or enumerations.
Reference types store a reference to the value’s memory address and are
allocated on the heap. Reference types can be self-describing types, pointer types
or interface types. Self-Instructional
Material 9
Introduction to Self-describing types are further split into arrays and class types. The class
.Net Framework
types are user-defined classes, boxed value types and delegates. Converting value
types to reference types is also known as boxing.


The .NET Framework Class Library (FCL) is a collection of reusable classes,

interfaces and data types included in the .NET Framework to provide access to
system functionality. The .NET FCL acts as the base on which applications, controls
and components are built in .NET. It can be used for developing applications,
such as console applications, Windows GUI applications, ASP.NET applications,
Windows and Web services, workflow-enabled applications, service oriented
applications using Windows Communication, XML Web services, etc. FCL acts
as a standard library, which can be used in a consistent manner by the .NET
languages and common language compliant (CLC-compliant) compilers. The .NET
FCL is the key component of .NET framework. It provides core functionalities of
.NET architecture, which include base data types, object type, implementation of
data structures, garbage collection, security, data access and database connectivity,
network communications and support for implementing rich client GUI for both
Windows and Web-based applications.
FCL is designed to provide services similar to the Windows Application
Programming Interface (API). FCL has its code base as managed, object-oriented
and easy to use, while Windows API is unmanaged, modular and cumbersome to
use. The .NET FCL is integrated with the Common Language Runtime (CLR) of
the Framework, which manages the code execution. Its classes follow the object
model as used by the Intermediate Language (IL) and are based on single
inheritance. The classes and interfaces are grouped into namespaces so that they
can be accessed easily.
Namespaces represent a hierarchy of the defined types formed by a logical
group of related classes and interfaces, which can be used by any language targeting
the .NET framework. They reside in assemblies, which are deployable units
containing details about classes, interfaces and structures. The first part up to the
last dot of the full name of a type indicates the namespace, while the last part
specifies the type name. This way of using namespaces avoids a naming conflict,
which can arise if two class names are same. While System is the root namespace
for fundamental types in .NET framework, Object forms the root for all objects.
The classes and interfaces provide an option to use the functionality through
implementation (in a concrete class considering it as a base) or only the signatures
of methods defined in interface or abstract classes. When using Visual Studio for
development of an application, the most common base classes are already
referenced in the project, while the types not defined, such as user-defined types
in a separate dynamic link library have to be added explicitly so they can be used.
The class servicing the needed functionality can be used in code by including an
10 Material
import directive for the namespace containing the class. Microsoft has also provided Introduction to
.Net Framework
guidelines necessary to be adopted for library development, which extend and
interact with the .NET Framework. These guidelines cover naming types and
members in class libraries, using static and abstract classes, interfaces, members
of type, exceptions, etc. Improper usage of the FCL library can adversely affect NOTES
developer productivity and discourage its usage. FCL is similar to Java Foundation
Classes. The main challenge in using FCL is to know the specific class that can
provide the required functionality.
The Base Class Library (BCL) or the .NET Framework Class Library
(FCL) is a standard library available to all languages. BCL is a set of managed
classes that provides many services to the CLR. .NET includes BCL in order to
encapsulate a large number of functions, such as file handling, remoting, file reading
and writing, Web services and data access.
1.4.1 Types of .NET Namespace
The .NET FCL includes some standardized and non-standardized namespaces as
shown in Table 1.2 and Table 1.3.
Table 1.2 Standard Namespaces

Namespace Description
System It includes core needs for programming. It has base types, such as
String, Date, Time, Boolean, etc.
System.Collections It defines collections, such as lists, queues, stack, hashtables, etc.
System.IO It allows you to read from and write to different streams.
System.Security It allows you to build security into your application based on policy
and permissions.
System.Net It provides interface for many protocols, such as HTTP, FTP and
System.Runtime It allows you to manage the runtime behavior of an application or the
System.Text It supports various encodings, regular expressions and a more
efficient mechanism for manipulating strings
System.Threading Helps facilitate multithreaded programming. It allows the
synchronizing of "thread activities and access to data" and provides "a
pool of system supplied threads."

Table 1.3 Non-Standard Namespaces

Namespace Description
System.Configuration It helps to configure data.
System.Data It represents ADO.NET architecture and is used to access data
and data services.
System.Web It provides Web related functionality.
System.Drawing It provides access to graphics functionality.
System.ComponentModel Provides the ability to implement the run-time and design-time
behavior of components and controls.
System.Deployment Allows you to customize the way your application upgrades.
System.Media Provides you the ability to play system sounds and .wav files.
System.Timers Allows you to raise an event on a specified interval.
System.Xml Provides standards-based support for processing XML.
System.Transactions Provides support for local or distributed transactions.
Material 11
Introduction to
.Net Framework
Check Your Progress
1. Define the term CTS.
NOTES 2. Who performed the first transmission across HTTP?
3. When was ASP.NET released?
4. Is ASP.NET object oriented?
5. Name three .NET languages.


The (Common Language Runtime) CLR is the engine that supports all the .NET
languages. Many modern languages use runtimes. These runtimes may provide
libraries used by the language, or they may have the additional responsibility of
executing the code. The high level programming languages use its corresponding
runtime to run the application.
For example, having an installed Visual Basic runtime is a prerequisite for
a computer to run an application which was developed using Visual Basic. This
is because only those applications that have been developed with Visual Basic
can be run by Visual Basic runtime. Applications developed with other
programming languages, such as Java would not be cannot be run by Visual
Basic runtime.
Besides executing code, the CLR also enables a huge group of related
services. Some of these include code verification, optimization and object
management. The problem of installing different runtimes for different programming
languages is prevented in .NET Framework, by using a common language runtime
for all the Microsoft .NET languages. Microsoft .NET Common Language Runtime
installed on a computer can run any language that is compatible with Microsoft
.NET. All .NET code runs inside the CLR, irrespective of whether a Windows
application or a Web service is being run. For example, when a client requests an
ASP.NET Web page, the ASP.NET service runs inside the CLR environment,
executes the code and creates a final HTML page which is then delivered to the
The CLR is the managed runtime environment of Microsoft .NET. In the
CLR, code is expressed in the form of byte code called the CIL—Common
Intermediate Language (previously called as MSIL – Microsoft Intermediate
Language). Developers using the CLR write code in C# or VB.NET or any other
.NET language. The CLR provides support for memory management, type safety,
exception handling, Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation and automated garbage
collection, etc.

12 Material
The implications of the CLR are wide ranging: Introduction to
.Net Framework
 Deep Language Integration: Developers using the CLR write code in
C# or VB.NET or any other .NET language. At compile time, a .NET
compiler converts such code into CIL code. At runtime, the CLR’s JIT
(Just-In-Time compiler) converts the CIL code into code native to the NOTES
operating system.
 Side-By-Side Execution: The CLR can load many versions of a
component simultaneously. This implies that you need not rewrite your
applications or replace the current version. Instead, you can upgrade to
new versions of ASP.NET.
 Fewer Errors: Unlike the lower-level languages, such as C++, the CLR
generates little or no errors.
Even though the CLR provides some revolutionary benefits, it has some potential
drawbacks. Some of the more common drawbacks are the following:
 Code Transparency: It is much easier to disassemble and decipher the
code by any programmer.
 Questionable Cross-Platform Support: As .NET is characterized by many
features and technologies that are platform-specific as well as operating
system-specific, hence, .NET will not be as favorable a language, such as
Java. Figure 1.4 illustrates the .NET application compilations.

Fig. 1.4 .NET Application Compilations

The Just-in-Time Compiler

The Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler is a component that converts the intermediate
machine-independent CIL code to machine-dependent code. The CIL code and
its metadata are loaded into the memory by the CLR. The JIT compiler then
compiles this CIL code to machine code at runtime.
There is a pair of JIT compilers in Microsoft.NET runtime—namely the
standard JIT compiler and the EconoJIT compiler. Even though the EconoJIT
Material 13
Introduction to compiler compiles quicker than the standard JIT compiler, the code generated is
.Net Framework
not as optimized as the code generated by the standard JIT compiler. Figure 1.5
illustrates the compilation and execution process.


Fig. 1.5 Compilation and Execution Process

Advantages of JIT Compiler

The following are the advantages of JIT compiler.
1. The JIT enables the code to be optimized to a particular operating system.
2. This gives portability to the code.
3. It is also possible to convert the source code to the native code directly by
bypassing the tasks done by the JIT. This helps to reduce the load in the


An assembly is a logical grouping of functionalities in a physical file. An assembly

in ASP.NET is a collection of single files or multiple files.
The following are the characteristic features of assemblies:
 Assemblies are the building blocks of .NET Framework.
 They exist physically as a DLL or an EXE file.
 One assembly can contain one or more files.
 The constituent files can include any file type, such as image files and text
files, along with DLLs or EXEs.
 When you compile your source code by default, the EXE/DLL generated
is actually an assembly.
 Every assembly file contains information about itself. This information is
called as Assembly Manifest.
 The Assembly Manifest contains data about assembly’s identity (the author
name, version requirements of the assembly), culture information, type,
dependencies, the security requirements and the various files that form part
of the assembly.
14 Material
 The biggest advantage of using assemblies is that developers can create Introduction to
.Net Framework
applications without interfering with other applications on the system.
Note: The assembly used for one application is not applied to another application. However,
one assembly can be shared with other applications. In this case, the assembly has to be
placed in the ‘Bin’ directory of the application that uses it. NOTES
Thus, you can create two types of assemblies in ASP.NET:
1. Private Assembly
2. Shared Assembly
Private and Shared Assemblies
The assembly which is used only by a single application is called a private assembly.
Private ASP.NET assemblies are created when you build component files like
DLLs that can be applied to one application. Suppose you have created a DLL
which encapsulates your business logic. This DLL will be used by your client
application only and not by any other application. Thus, the assembly is private to
your application.
Shared ASP.NET assemblies are created when you want to share the
component files across multiple applications. Suppose that you are creating a general
purpose DLL which provides functionality which will be used by a variety of
applications. Now, instead of each client application having its own copy of DLL
you can place the DLL in ‘Global Assembly Cache (GAC)’. Such assemblies are
called as shared assemblies.
The Global Assembly Cache (GAC)
 Global assembly cache is a special disk folder where all the shared assemblies
will be kept. It is located under <drive>:\WinNT\Assembly folder.
 It is the central storage location for shared assemblies.
 An assembly placed in GAC must have global unique identifier called as
strong names.
 Strong names consist of the assembly’s identity information, a public key
and a digital signature.
Static and Dynamic Assemblies
 Static assemblies are stored on the disk as physical files.
 Static assemblies can include .NET Framework types (interfaces and
classes), as well as resources for the assembly (Bitmaps, JPEG files,
Resource files, and so on).
 Dynamic assemblies are not saved to the disk before execution and are
executed directly from the memory.

Material 15
Introduction to Assembly Version
.Net Framework
An assembly consists of a 128-bit version number that is divided into four distinct
parts: the major version, the minor version, the build version and the revision
NOTES (release) version.
For example, implies that the assembly has 1 as the major version,
0 as the minor version, 1 as the build version and 1 as the release version.

Check Your Progress

6. What is .NET Framework Class Library?
7. What are the types of assemblies?



1. The Common Type System (CTS) is a standard that defines a set of types
and rules that are common to all languages targeted at the CLR. It is intended
to allow programs written in different programming languages to easily share
2. Tim Berners-Lee performed the first transmission across HTTP (HyperText
Transfer Protocol). Since then, HTTP has become exponentially more
3. ASP.NET was released in 2002 and is an improved technology that supports
.NET's code behind model, better scalability, faster development and support
for object orientation.
4. ASP.NET is truly object oriented. Not only does your code have full access
to all objects in the .NET Framework, but you can also exploit all the
conventions of an OOP (Object Oriented Programming) environment.
5. .NET supports many languages; some of them are C#, VB.NET and J#.
6. The .NET Framework Class Library (FCL) is a collection of reusable classes,
interfaces and data types included in the .NET Framework to provide access
to system functionality.
7. There are two types of assemblies in ASP.Net i.e. private and shared.


 ASP.NET is the major part of the Microsoft's .NET Framework. It is very

different from the classic ASP in performance and features. ASP (Active
Server Pages), a server side scripting engine, was Microsoft's first

16 Material
development framework for implementing Web applications with dynamic Introduction to
.Net Framework
and interactive Web pages.
 The .NET Framework provides a unique environment that can be used for
developing, implementing and executing various Web services independent
of the platform. The .NET Framework supports C++, Visual Basic, JScript,
COBOL, Perl, C#, Python and various other languages.
 .NET contains two important parts: the Common Language Runtime (CLR)
and the .NET Framework classes.
 ASP.NET is truly object oriented. Not only does your code have full access
to all objects in the .NET Framework, but you can also exploit all the
conventions of an OOP (Object Oriented Programming) environment.
 The CLR is the engine that supports all the .NET languages. The CLR is the
managed runtime environment of Microsoft .NET.
 An assembly is a logical grouping of functionalities in a physical file. An
assembly in ASP.NET is a collection of single files or multiple files.


 .NET Framework: Provides a unique environment that can be used for

developing, implementing and executing various Web services independent
of the platform.
 .NET Languages: Include C# and VB .NET (Visual Basic .NET), JScript
.NET, J# and C++ with managed extensions.
 Common Type System (CTS): A standard that defines a set of types and
rules that are common to all languages targeted at the CLR.
 Base Class Library (BCL): A set of managed classes that provides many
services to the CLR.



Short Answer Questions

1. List any four characteristics of ASP.NET.
2. How does ASP.NET provide increased performance?
3. What are the platform requirements of ASP.NET?
4. List the functions of CTS.
5. Write a short note on assemblies.

Material 17
Introduction to Long Answer Questions
.Net Framework
1. Explain the working of CLR.
2. Explain .NET Framework architecture. Illustrate the process with the help
NOTES of a diagram.
3. What are assemblies? Explain its versions.
4. What is a namespace? Explain the different types of namespaces.


Reynolds, Matthew, Jonathan Crossland, Richard Blair and Thearon Willis . 2002.
Beginning VB.NET, 2nd edition. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Inc.
Cornell, Gary and Jonathan Morrison. 2001. Programming VB .NET: A Guide
for Experienced Programmers, 1st edition. Berkeley: Apress.
Francesc, Balena. 2002. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition.
United States: Microsoft Press.
Liberty, Jesse. 2002. Learning Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition. Sebastopol:
O’Reilly Media.
Kurniawan, Budi and Ted Neward. 2002. VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell.
Sebastopol: O’Reilly Media.

18 Material
Basic Terminologies


Structure NOTES
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Objectives
2.2 .Net Component
2.2.1 Selection Objectives of Components
2.2.2 Component Classes
2.2.3 Creating .NET Classes and Components
2.3 .Net Garbage Collection
2.4 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
2.5 Summary
2.6 Key Words
2.7 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
2.8 Further Readings


In this unit, you will learn about the .NET Framework component and garbage
collection. .NET Framework component is an object that is reusable, can interact
with other objects, and provides control over external resources and design-time
support. An important feature of components is that they are designable, which
means that a class that is a component can be used in the Visual Studio Integrated
Development Environment.


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

 Describe the basic concept of components
 Understand the selection objectives of components
 Explain how to create .NET classes and components
 Explain how garbage collector works


Introduction to Components
A component is a class that implements the System.ComponentModel
.IComponent interface or that derives directly or indirectly from a class that
implements IComponent. A .NET Framework component is an object that is
reusable, can interact with other objects, and provides control over external
Material 19
Basic Terminologies resources and design-time support. An important feature of components is that
they are designable, which means that a class that is a component can be used in
the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment. A component can be added
to the Toolbox, dragged and dropped onto a form, and manipulated on a design
NOTES surface. Note that base design-time support for components is built into the .NET
Framework; a component developer does not have to do any additional work to
take advantage of the base design-time functionality. A control is similar to a
component, as both are designable. However, a control provides a user interface,
while a component does not.
Microsoft .NET applications are built from components. All .NET objects
expose important attributes, such as properties, methods and events. These attributes
form the foundation of object oriented programming. Typically, simple .NET object
oriented programming involves creating a class, adding the properties, methods,
and events required by the class, and including the class in various applications.
Component based development takes this basic concept to a higher level. Although
the components you build in .NET are based on object oriented programming
principles, they go beyond the simple classes that you might use in multiple
A component is a special type of executable created from a .NET project.
After compilation the component is typically referenced by applications that require
the services provided by the component. In many .NET Web environments,
components run on the Web server and provide data and other services (such as
security, communications, and graphics) to the Web Services operating on the
server. In a Windows Form application a .NET component performs the same
role as on a Web server, but on a reduced scale.
.NET components provide a programmable interface that is accessed by
consumer applications (often called client applications). The component interface
consists of a number of properties, methods, and events that are exposed by the
classes contained within the component. In other words, a component is a compiled
set of classes that support the services provided by the component. The classes
expose their services through the properties, methods, and events that comprise
the component’s interface.
Simple .NET object oriented programming involves not much more than
creating a class, adding the properties, methods, and events required by the class,
and including the class in different applications. A .NET component, however, is a
pre-compiled class module with a .DLL (Dynamically Linked Library) extension.
At run time, a .NET component is invoked and loaded into memory to be used by
some consumer application. These .NET components are most often built and
tested as independent .NET projects and are not necessarily part of another project.
After compilation into a .NET DLL, these components can be added to many
.NET applications as plug-in service providers. Each .NET DLL component may
contain multiple classes. This means that each DLL may expose a single class or a
20 Material
variety of classes. For instance, if you build a .NET DLL that supports remote Basic Terminologies

data access, the DLL might need to expose separate classes for the database and
for the variety of DataSets also produced by the DLL. Or, you may have a single
DLL that supports error handling in your applications. In this case, the DLL exposes
a single ErrorHandler class that performs all of the error handling required NOTES
by consumer applications.
All Microsoft Windows applications run in the computer’s memory, and
use the computer’s resources, such as disk space, networking services and graphics
capabilities. Windows is a multi-tasking operating system, which simply means
that multiple applications simultaneously share the computer’s memory and other
resources. Windows manages each application, and the memory required to run
that application, as a process. The memory occupied by a Windows application
and its data is referred to as the application’s process space. Among the important
jobs performed by Windows are making sure that the process spaces occupied
by applications do no overlap, and providing memory to each process as needed.
Under certain circumstances, Windows may allow process space to be shared
among a number of applications. This is particularly true in the case of data or
services (such as networking services) that must be shared between applications.
Other times the memory occupied by an application is owned solely by the EXE
running in that process space.
Many applications such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel support
dozens or hundreds of different features. Rather than distribute these application
as very large single files, Microsoft has broken the basic functions supported by
Word and Excel into multiple executables. The main program ends with an .EXE
extension, while most of the other executable portions are files ending in .DLL.
When Word or Excel needs the functionality (perhaps a spell checker, or
recalculation engine) contained within a DLL, Windows loads the DLL into the
process space occupied by the main application. Windows then manages the main
program and the executable code contained within the DLL as a single process. A
DLL is called an in-process resource because it executes within the process space
occupied by another application.
There are other situations where resources are not loaded in-process. For
instance, when Word needs to print a document, Word issues a request to Windows
to load a particular printer driver. That same printer driver may be needed by
other applications, so Windows loads the driver as an out-of-process service so
that more than one application can access the driver. This also means that Windows
does not have to load multiple copies of the driver into memory.
In-Process Components
In .NET, components built as DLLs run within the process space of the host
application and share memory and processor time with their host applications. At
run time, the component (which is part of the host application’s assembly and is
Material 21
Basic Terminologies referenced by its manifest) is loaded from disk and added to the host application’s
process space. Because no remote procedure calls are generated to mediate
communication between the component and its host, setting and reading property
values, invoking methods, and responding to events raised by the component
NOTES occurs very quickly.
Out-of-Process Components
An alternate architecture involves server applications that run as independent
processes outside of the client application process space. These server applications
usually (but not always) have an EXE file name extension. When Windows loads
an out-of-process component, a separate process space is created for the
component, and Windows manages the out-of-process component’s resource
requirements independently of the client application. Windows mediates the dialog
between the server application (that is, the component) and the client (the consumer)
by passing messages between them.
2.2.1 Selection Objectives of Components
If your class will be used on a design surface (such as the Windows Forms or
Web Forms Designer) but has no user interface, it should be a component and
implement IComponent, or derive from a class that directly or indirectly
implements IComponent.
The Component and MarshalByValueComponent classes are
base implementations of the IComponent interface. The main difference
between these classes is that the Component class is marshaled by reference,
while IComponent is marshaled by value. The following list provides broad
guidelines for implementing classes for using components:
 If your component needs to be marshaled by reference, derive from
 If your component needs to be marshaled by value, derive from
 If your component cannot derive from one of the base implementations
due to single inheritance, implement IComponent.
2.2.2 Component Classes
The System.ComponentModel namespace provides classes that are used
to implement the run-time and design-time behavior of components and controls.
This namespace includes the base classes and interfaces for implementing attributes
and type converters, binding to data sources, and licensing components.The core
component classes are:
 Component: A base implementation for the IComponent interface.
This class enables object sharing between applications.

22 Material
 MarshalByValueComponent: A base implementation for the Basic Terminologies

IComponent interface.
 Container : The base implementation for the IContainer interface.
This class encapsulates zero or more components.
Classes commonly used for describing and persisting components are as follows:
 TypeDescriptor: Provides information about the characteristics for
a component, such as its attributes, properties, and events.
 EventDescriptor: Provides information about an event.
 PropertyDescriptor: Provides information about a property.
2.2.3 Creating .NET Classes and Components
This section demonstrates most of the principles of class and component
development in .NET. First, you will build a simple .NET class. Once you have
built the class, you will use the same code to build a component and include the
component in a small .NET application. A typical requirement of distributed
database systems is to synchronize and reconcile updates performed at remote
locations. In a .NET-hosted database application, the same record may be updated
at multiple sites and submitted to the server for storage. Or, similar records may
be created at multiple sites and sent to the server for processing. In such cases, it
may be important to know exactly when each record was updated or created so
that newer records may be treated differently than older records. In most such
cases, the application assigns a timestamp to database records as the data is
modified or added. The server can compare the timestamp on one record with the
timestamp on another record and process the records accordingly. However, when
the data has been updated in different time zones, it is important to use an appropriate
base time for the timestamps. This is often done by using the server computer’s
time as the timestamp rather than the local time for the data entry.
This is an ideal use of a .NET component. The .NET server can expose
its time as a Web Service component that can be read and used by any consumer
application. Providing the server time component as a Web Service helps
reconcile data changes occurring at geographically distant locations. One major
difference between Visual Basic 6.0 classes and .NET classes is that each Visual
Basic 6.0 class module (file) contains one and only one class. This means that a
project exposing a lot of different classes contains a lot of different class modules
In .NET, a class can be created just about anywhere in your code. This
means that a file in a .NET application can contain one or many classes. Each
class in a .NET code module is defined by a Public Class…End Class
code block within the module. This architecture makes it easy to segment the
classes developed within a .NET project into logical groups.

Material 23
Basic Terminologies Creating a Class
Follow these steps to build a simple class module that returns the host computer’s
date and time:
NOTES 1. Start Visual Studio .NET and open a new Windows Application project.
2. Ignoring the default Windows Form in the project, on the Project menu,
click Add Class to add a new file to the project.
3. Change the name of the generated Public Class from Class1 to
4. Enter the following code to define the ServerTime class.
Public Class ServerTime
Private mdtTime As DateTime
ReadOnly Property TimeStamp() As String
mdtTime = Now()
Return CStr(mdtTime)
End Get
End Property
End Class
The private variable named mdtTime is not entirely necessary in this class; you
could simply return the current date and time without first assigning it to the
mdtTime variable. But, because programming projects so often grow beyond
their initial specification, there may be a need in the future to have a module-level
variable shared by multiple properties and/or methods within the ServerTime
Next, use the Windows Form that was automatically created in the new
project to test the functioning of the ServerTime class. Follow these steps to
create an object from the ServerTime class and use it in the Windows Form:
1. Rename the form Form1 to frmConsumer to emphasize its role as
the consumer of the class module.
2. Add a TextBox to the Windows Form and name it as txtServerTime.
3. Delete the string in the Text property so that it is blank.
4. Add a button to the Windows Form and name it as
5. Set the Text property of this button to Get Server Time.
6. Double-click the button to add the following code behind the Windows
Private Sub btnGetServerTime_Click( _ ByVal sender As
System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _Handles
Dim st As ServerTime
Self-Instructional st = New ServerTime()
24 Material
txtServerTime.Text = st.TimeStamp Basic Terminologies
End Sub
As the ServerTime class is included in this project’s assembly, there is
no need to reference it from the consumer form’s code module. .NET is able to
locate the ServerTime class and instantiate the st object variable from the NOTES
information in the class. When this code has been added to the button’s Click
event procedure, the current date and time are written into txtServerTime
each time the button is clicked. Press F5 to run this application. Click Get Server
Time and, in the text box, you should see a Date and Time.
Creating the Component
You have created a simple class module that returns the current date and time, and
tested the class module in a .NET Windows Form. Follow these steps to build a
.NET DLL component:
1. Start Visual Studio .NET and open a new Class Library project. In the
New Project dialog box, name the project ServerTime.
2. Change the name of the class from Class1 to ServerTime.
3. Enter the following code into the new ServerTime class module:
Public Class ServerTime
Private mdtTime As DateTime
ReadOnly Property TimeStamp() As String
mdtTime = Now()
Return CStr(mdtTime)
End Get
End Property
End Class
You will now compile this ServerTimer class as a DLL by clicking Build on
the Debug menu or by using the Ctrl+Shift+B keystroke combination. The DLL
that results from the build command is placed into the \bin directory immediately
below your .NET project directory. By default, the DLL has the same name as
your component project. For instance, if you named the project TimeStamp in
the New Project dialog, the DLL produced by your project will be named
TimeStamp.DLL. This name is also the default Namespace name for the
classes contained within the project.
Now, your project is named as ServerTime. You also named the only
class within the project ServerTime. Therefore, your DLL name will be
ServerTime.DLL and consumer applications of this DLL will reference
ServerTime.ServerTime to create an object of this class.
Create a DLL Consumer Application
Once the DLL project has been compiled, its services are available to any Windows
Form or WebForm .NET application. In this section, you will build a simple
Material 25
Basic Terminologies Windows Form consumer application that uses the ServerTime class to retrieve
the computer’s date and time.
Follow these steps to create the consumer application:
NOTES 1. Start Visual Studio .NET, select Windows Application as the new project
type, and name the project DLLConsumer1.
2. Set the Name property of the default Windows Form to
3. Add a button control to the default Windows Form and name it
4. Add a TextBox to the form and name it txtServerTime.
You need to set a reference to the ServerTime DLL so that this form
will be able to retrieve the components services. Do this by following the steps
1. To open the Add Reference dialog box as shown in Figure 2.1, on the
Project menu, click Add Reference.

Fig. 2.1 Add Reference Dialog Box

2. Click the Projects tab and then click Browse to locate the component
DLL built in the preceding section (see Figure 2.2).

Fig. 2.2 Selecting a DLL Reference

26 Material
3. Select the ServerTime.DLL file, click Open, and then click OK. Basic Terminologies

The Solution Explorer, as shown in Figure 2.3, now shows the

ServerTime component added as a reference in your application. This means
that all of the classes, along with their properties, methods, and events, are now
available to the consumer application.

Fig. 2.3 Solution Explorer

Add the following code to the Click event of btnGetServerTime:

Private Sub btnGetServerTime_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnGetServerTime.Click
Dim st As ServerTime
st = New ServerTime()
txtServerTime.Text = st.TimeStamp
End Sub
Notice that this code is identical to the code used earlier to test the operation
of the ServerTime class module. In actual practice, a WebForm or Windows
Form might use the ServerTime.TimeStamp property to update a
TimeStamp field in a new or updated record in a DataSet object. Assuming
that the ServerTime DLL was actually running on a server computer (whether
LAN- or Web-based) the time returned by the TimeStamp property reflects
the actual time on the server. This means that the local computer could be in a
different time zone or have its time set incorrectly, yet use the same time base as
other computers using the server. An alternate way to write the previous code
example is:
Private Sub btnGetServerTime_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnGetServerTime.Click
Dim st As New ServerTime

Material 27
Basic Terminologies txtServerTime.Text = st.TimeStamp
End Sub
In this case, the st object variable is declared and instantiated as a single
step. Some developers routinely declare and instantiate at the same time to reduce
the amount of typing they must do; others prefer to declare an object and instantiate
it only when the object is actually needed by the application. In most cases, it
makes no difference whether you instantiate earlier or later. In some situations, it
makes more sense to instantiate the object only when it is actually required by the
application. For instance, consider the ServerTime component. As the
developer of an application, you may choose to instantiate only after the user adds
or updates information in the database, when you will need the correct server
time. One of the objectives of distributed applications is to minimize the number of
trips to the server. There’s no need to bother the server by instantiating the
ServerTime object until it is actually needed by the consumer application.
Implementing Error Handling
Distributed applications must be very reliable. You cannot allow errors and
problems to bring down server-based applications, such as a .NET Web Service.
Because .NET DLLs run within the same process space as their host applications,
an unhandled exception in a .NET DLL can crash the entire Web Service,
disrupting all users working with that Web Service. To make matters worse, server-
side crashes can disrupt the database engine’s activities, leaving records locked
or in indeterminate states. For all these reasons, you must add adequate error
handling to all of your .NET components.
The following code shows effective error handling added to the TimeStamp
property in the ServerTime class. Notice the use of the Try, Catch and
End Try statements:
ReadOnly Property TimeStamp() As String
mdtTime = Now()
Return CStr(mdtTime)
Catch e As Exception
‘Return the exception to the
‘consumer for processing:
Throw e
End Try
End Get
End Property
The Try…End Try statements wrap all of the property’s logic and provide the
error trap required to catch any errors raised by the property’s code. Each property

28 Material
within the class must have its own Try…End Try block, and should throw an Basic Terminologies

exception back to the consumer application if something goes wrong. It is then up

to the consumer application to handle the error. A more sophisticated approach to
error handling within the SystemTime component is shown in the following
code: NOTES
ReadOnly Property TimeStamp() As String
mTime = Now()
Return CStr(mTime)
Catch e As Exception
‘Return the exception to the
‘consumer for processing:
Throw e
End Try
End Get
End Property
In this case, the Catch block returns the Exception object (e) to the
consumer application. The Exception object contains information about the
exception that has occurred and may be useful to the consumer application.
Visual Basic .NET error handling is much different than the error handling
in Visual Basic 6.0. The Visual Basic .NET Try…End Try block is described
as ‘structured error handling’ and is a vast improvement over the Visual Basic
6.0 On Error statement. In Visual Basic 6.0, when an error occurred,
processing was unconditionally redirected to another part of a procedure.
This sometimes made it difficult to exactly determine the path taken by an
application when an exception occurred. The general approach to Visual Basic
6.0 exception handling was not rigorously enforced by the VBA compiler, so
each programmer was pretty much free to adopt their own approach to handling
errors. In Visual Basic .NET, the exception thrown by the component is
captured by the Try…End Try block in the consumer application, as shown
in the following code:
Private Sub btnGetServerTime_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnGetServerTime.Click
Dim st As New ServerTime
txtServerTime.Text = st.TimeStamp
Catch e As Exception

Material 29
Basic Terminologies MessageBox.Show(e.Message)
End Try
End Sub
This is another way that .NET is different from Visual Basic 6.0. The
components in a .NET application are tightly bound into the logic of the consumer
application, and often you do not have to wait until run time before seeing
problems that arise from the integration of consumer applications with their
Although Visual Basic.NET supports the obsolete On Error statement
for backwards compatibility, you should adopt the Try…End Try structured
error handling in your Visual Basic .NET projects. You will find that adding
Try…End Try blocks to your Visual Basic .NET code results in a much smoother
error handling process than the old On Error GoTo statement.


Garbage collection is an automatic memory management mechanism in .NET.

This mechanism helps to free the memory automatically when it is no longer used
by the application. The CLR allocates memory from the heap, for each time a new
object is created. Since memory is finite, there is a need to clean up unused objects
in order to reclaim memory used by them. The job of garbage collector is to free
the unused memory.
How Garbage Collector Works?
Normally, the heap memory is divided into three generations: Generation 0 is for
short live objects, Generation 1 is for medium live objects which are moved from
Generation 0. Generation 3 is mostly for stable objects.
Garbage collector takes into account the following two facts:
1. Newly created objects tend to have short lives.
2. The older an object is, the longer it will survive.
The Garbage Collection Process
 When an object is created, it is placed in Generation 0. As most objects
are short lived, only a small percentage of young objects are likely to
survive their first collection.
 Once an object survives the first garbage collection, it gets promoted to
Generation 1. All objects in Generation 1 that survive get compacted and
are promoted to Generation 2, and so on. Generation 0 then contains no
Figure 2.4 illustrate the garbage collection process.

30 Material
Basic Terminologies


Fig. 2.4 Garbage Collection Process

 Thus, dividing the heap into generations of objects and collecting and
compacting younger generation objects improves the efficiency of the basic
underlying garbage collection algorithm by reclaiming a significant amount
of space from the heap and also by being faster.
Freeing Memory Regions: Dead objects are removed from the heap to
allocate new objects.

Fig. 2.5 Freeing Memory Regions

Advantages of Garbage Collection

The advantage of garbage collection is that developers need not worry about the
memory management when writing the code, i.e., the garbage collector will free
the memory as and when needed. Figure 2.5 illustrates the free memory regions.

Material 31
Basic Terminologies Drawbacks of Garbage Collection
(i) Objects with destructors take up more resources as they stay for a longer
period of time in memory even when they are not required.
NOTES (ii) Finalization takes place as a separate thread, again consuming the

Check Your Progress

1. What is a .NET framework component?
2. Name the base implementations of the IComponent interface.
3. What do you understand by garbage collection?



1. A .NET Framework component is an object that is reusable, can interact

with other objects, and provides control over external resources and design-
time support. An important feature of components is that they are designable,
which means that a class that is a component can be used in the Visual
Studio Integrated Development Environment.
2. The Component and MarshalByValueComponent classes
are base implementations of the IComponent interface. The main
difference between these classes is that the Component class is marshaled
by reference, while IComponentis marshaled by value.
3. Garbage collection is an automatic memory management mechanism in
.NET. This mechanism helps to free the memory automatically when it is no
longer used by the application.


 A component is a class that implements the S y s t e m .

ComponentModel .IComponent interface or that derives directly
or indirectly from a class that implements IComponent.
 A .NET Framework component is an object that is reusable, can interact
with other objects, and provides control over external resources and design-
time support.
 Microsoft .NET applications are built from components. All .NET objects
expose important attributes, such as properties, methods and events.
 .NET components provide a programmable interface that is accessed by
consumer applications (often called client applications). The component
32 Material
interface consists of a number of properties, methods, and events that are Basic Terminologies

exposed by the classes contained within the component.

 In .NET, components built as DLLs run within the process space of the
host application and share memory and processor time with their host
 The System.ComponentModel namespace provides classes that
are used to implement the run-time and design-time behavior of components
and controls.
 In .NET, a class can be created just about anywhere in your code. This
means that a file in a .NET application can contain one or many classes.
Each class in a .NET code module is defined by a Public Class…End
Class code block within the module.
 Once the DLL project has been compiled, its services are available to any
Windows Form or WebForm .NET application.
 Garbage collection is an automatic memory management mechanism in
.NET. This mechanism helps to free the memory automatically when it is no
longer used by the application.
 The advantage of garbage collection is that developers need not worry
about the memory management when writing the code, i.e., the garbage
collector will free the memory as and when needed.


 Garbage Collection: A mechanism that helps to free the memory

automatically when it is no longer used by the application.
 Component: A base implementation for theIComponent interface.
This class enables object sharing between applications.
 TypeDescriptor: Provides information about the characteristics for
a component, such as its attributes, properties, and events.
 Container: The base implementation for the IContainer interface.
This class encapsulates zero or more components.



Short Answer Questions

1. Define the term component.
2. State the significance of In-Process Components.
3. What are component classes?
Material 33
Basic Terminologies Long Answer Questions
1. Describe the process of selection objectives of components and their
NOTES 2. Discuss the method to create .NET classes and components with the help
of examples.
3. Explain how the garbage collector works.


Reynolds, Matthew, Jonathan Crossland, Richard Blair and Thearon Willis . 2002.
Beginning VB.NET, 2nd edition. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Inc.
Cornell, Gary and Jonathan Morrison. 2001. Programming VB .NET: A Guide
for Experienced Programmers, 1st edition. Berkeley: Apress.
Francesc, Balena. 2002. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition.
United States: Microsoft Press.
Liberty, Jesse. 2002. Learning Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition. Sebastopol:
O’Reilly Media.
Kurniawan, Budi and Ted Neward. 2002. VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell.
Sebastopol: O’Reilly Media.

34 Material
OOP’s Concept


Structure NOTES
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Objectives
3.2 Introduction to OOPs
3.3 Classes and Objects
3.4 Constructor and Destructor
3.5 Inheritance
3.5.1 Types of Inheritance
3.5.2 Implementation of Basic Inheritance
3.6 Polymorphism
3.6.1 Overloading
3.6.2 Overriding Methods and Properties
3.7 Shadowing
3.8 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
3.9 Summary
3.10 Key Words
3.11 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
3.12 Further Readings


Each programming language follows one or the other programming paradigm,

which describes the structure of a program. In other words, a programming
paradigm determines how the instructions are placed in a program. There is no
specific rule to decide which programming paradigm is to be followed, as different
paradigms can be used to develop different software. Initially, the programming
languages followed unstructured programming paradigm in which all the
instructions of a program were written one after the other in a single function.
This programming approach was suitable for writing only small and simple
programs. For large and complex programs, it became difficult to trace and
debug errors.
In late 1960s, the high-level languages, such as C and Pascal were developed,
which provided a structured way of writing programs. Structured programming
(also known as procedural programming) was a powerful and an easy approach
of writing complex programs. In procedural programming, programs are divided
into different procedures (also known as functions, routines or subroutines) and
each procedure contains a set of instructions that performs a specific task. This
approach follows the top-down approach for designing the program. That is, first
the entire program is divided into a number of subroutines and these subroutines
are again divided into small subroutines, and so on until each subroutine becomes
an indivisible unit.
Material 35
OOP’s Concept Though writing programs using procedural programming paradigm is a simple
and easy task, there are some limitations also. In procedural programming approach,
the emphasis is on the functionality of the software rather than the data used by the
functions. The procedural programming approach does not represent real-world
NOTES models very well as any real-world entity is characterized not only by the functions
it performs but also the properties (or data) it possesses. However, in procedural
approach, the data and the associated functions are loosely related. Another
problem with this approach is that it does not allow reusability of code. Moreover,
the large programs developed using this approach is difficult to maintain, debug
and extend.
To overcome the limitations of procedural programming, Object-Oriented
Programming (OOP) paradigm has been developed which has revolutionized the
process of software development. It includes the best features of structured
programming but also some new and powerful features, including classes and
objects, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, etc. These new
OOP features have tremendously helped in the development of well-designed
high-quality software. Examples of languages that support OOP concepts include
Java, C++, C# and Visual Basic (VB). In this unit, we will discuss various concepts
of OOPs, such as classes and objects, inheritance, polymorphism etc., and how
these concepts are implemented in VB.NET.


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

 Discuss the features and benefits of OOP
 Understand the concept of classes and objects
 Explain constructor and destructor
 Describe procedures, methods and event
 Explain the concept of inheritance and its implementation
 Describe the types of polymorphism, including overloading and overriding
 Understand the concept of shadowing


In OOPs (Object-Oriented Programming), the programmers define not only the

data, but also the operations (functions) that can be performed on it together
under a single unit and thus, creating different kinds of variables known as objects.
An object is a unit of structural and behavioral modularity that contains a set of
properties (or data) as well as the associated functions. In addition, programmers
can create relationships between one object and another.
36 Material
As stated earlier, OOP has introduced some new and advanced features OOP’s Concept

that the procedural programming lacked. The most important feature is that unlike
procedural approach in which the program is divided into a number of functions,
OOP divides the program into a number of objects. Some of the other features of
OOP are also described here: NOTES
 OOP emphasizes on data rather than the functions or the procedures.
 OOP models the real world very well by binding the data and associated
functions together under a single unit and thus, prevents the free movement
of data from one function to another.
 The data of one object can be accessed by the associated functions of
that object only. Other functions are not allowed to access that data. In
other words, data is hidden from the outside world. However, the
functions of one object can access the functions of other object.
 The objects of the entire system can interact with each other by sending
messages to each other.
 The programs written in OOP are easy to maintain and extend as new
objects can be easily added to the existing system whenever, required
without modifying the other objects.
 OOP follows the bottom-up approach for designing the programs. That
is, first objects are designed and then these objects are combined to
form the entire program.
The basic idea behind OOP is shown in Figure 3.1.

Fig. 3.1 Data and Functions in OOP

Advantages of OOP
The object-oriented programming paradigm came into use as it overcomes certain
limitations of other conventional programming paradigms like the structured and
unstructured paradigms. The new and advanced features of OOP, such as
encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism help in developing high-
Material 37
OOP’s Concept quality software. The high-quality software can be developed due to its certain
advantages. Some of the advantages of OOP are listed here.
 In OOP, writing programs with the help of objects is much similar to working
with real world objects. That is, the real world objects can be conveniently
represented in a program which reduces the complexity of the program and
also makes the program structure clear.
 In object-oriented programs, each object is an independent and separate
entity which makes modifications, locating and fixing problems in a program
an easy task. In addition, any changes made inside the class do not affect
the other parts of a program. Thus, object-oriented programs are easy-to-
write and easy-to-maintain.
 In OOP, data integrity and data security is high as it focuses on the data,
and its protection from manipulation by different parts of the program. As a
result, object-oriented programs are less error-prone, more reliable and
 Object-oriented programs are easy to extend as new features in a program
can be added easily by introducing a few new objects without modifying
the existing ones.
 OOP allows re-usability of code. That is, the objects created in one program
can be re-used in other programs. In addition, new classes can be created
with the help of existing ones using inheritance. It leads to faster software
development and high-quality programs.
 Object-oriented programs are easier to adapt and scale, that is, large system
can be created by assembling re-usable subsystems.


Representing the various real world objects as program elements is one of the key
objectives of OOP. This objective is accomplished with the help of classes that
bind data and the functions together under a single entity. A class serves as a
template that provides a layout common to all of its instances known as objects.
Classes and objects are the driving wheels for any programming language that
implements the OOP concepts.
Objects are the small, self-contained and modular units with a well-defined
boundary. An object consists of a state and behavior. The state of an object is
one of the possible conditions that an object can exist in and is represented by its
characteristics or attributes or data. The behavior of an object determines how
an object acts or behaves and is represented by the operations that it can perform.
In OOP, the attributes of an object are represented by the variables and the
operations are represented by the functions.

38 Material
For example, an object biscuit may consist of data product code P001, OOP’s Concept

product name Britania Biscuits, price 20 and quantity in hand 50. These data
specify the attributes or features of the object. Similarly, consider another object
Maggi with data product code P002, product name Maggi, price 10 and quantity
in hand 20 (see Figure 3.2). In addition, the data in the object can be used by the NOTES
functions, such as check_qty() and display_product(). These
functions specify the actions that can be performed on data.
A class is defined as a user-defined data type which contains the entire
set of similar data and the functions that the objects possess. In other words, a
class in OOP represents a group of similar objects. A class serves as a blueprint
or template for its objects. That is, once a class has been defined, any number of
objects belonging to that class can be created. The objects of a class are also
known as the instances or the variables of that class and the process of creating
objects from a class is known as instantiation. Note that a class does not
represent an object; rather, it represents the data and functions that an object
should have.
For example, a class Product consists of data, such as p_code,
p_name, p_price and qty_in_hand which specify the attributes or features
of the objects of the Product class. In addition, it consists of functions, such as
display_product() and check_qty() that specify the actions that
can be performed on data (see Figure 3.2).

Fig. 3.2 Class and its Objects

Note: A class is only a logical abstraction that specifies what data and functions its objects
will have, whereas the objects are the physical entities through which those data and functions
can be used in a program.

Material 39
OOP’s Concept Encapsulation
Encapsulation is the technique of binding or keeping together the data and the
functions (that operate on them) in a single unit called a class. Encapsulation is the
NOTES way to implement data abstraction. A well-encapsulated object acts as a ‘black
box’ for other parts of the program. That is, it provides services to the external
functions or other objects that interact with it. However, these external functions
or the objects need not know its internal details. For example, in Figure 3.2, the
data p_code, p_name, p_price and qty_in_hand and the functions
display_product() and check_qty() are encapsulated in a class
As stated earlier, the hidden data of a class cannot be accessed directly by
the outside world. However, the member functions of the class act as a medium to
access the hidden data. This process of preventing the data from the direct access
by the external functions is called data hiding. Note that the values of the hidden
data members cannot be passed to the outside world unless the functions are
written to pass that information outside the class.
Creating Class
Like other user-defined data types, a class also needs to be declared and defined
before using its objects in the program. A class definition specifies a new data type
that can be treated as a built-in data type. The variables and functions declared
within class are collectively known as members of the class. The variables declared
in the class are known as data members, while the functions declared in the class
are known as member functions.
While creating a class, the class and each of its members (variable or
function) can be declared with an access specifier (or access modifier) that
defines the scope to access the class or the member. The access specifier of a
member controls its accessibility as well as determines the part of the program
that can directly access that member of the class. VB .NET has the following
access specifiers.
 Public: The entities declared using Public keyword have no
restriction on their accessibility. That is, the public entities can be accessed
both outside and inside the class in which it is declared. You can use the
Public keyword while declaring any file, namespace or module.
 Protected: The entities declared using Protected keyword
can be accessed only within their own class or from the derived class.
You can use the Protected keyword only with a class.
 Friend: The entities declared using Friend keyword can be
accessed only within the same program in which they have been declared
or from within the assembly. Like Public access modifier, you can
use the Friend keyword at the file, namespace or module level.
40 Material
 Protected Friend: The entities declared using Protected OOP’s Concept

Friend keyword have both protected and friend access. That is,
they can be accessed within their own class, in the derived class or
within the assembly.
 Private: This is the most restricted access specifier. The entities
declared using Private keyword can be assessed only within their
declaration context. You can use the Private keyword while declaring
any file, namespace or module.
The syntax for declaring a class in VB .NET is as follows:
<access_specifier> Class <class_name>
‘Define members of class here
End Class
Here, Class is the keyword and <class_name> specifies the user-defined
class name.
Example 3.1: A sample class definition.
Public Class Book
Private Book_title As String
Private Book_price As Single
Public Sub get_data(ByVal title As String, ByVal price As
‘Body of method
End Sub
Public Sub put_data()
‘Body of method
End Sub
End Class
A class must exhibit an interface so that the objects can be created from that class.
The class interface provides a mechanism by which an application can interact
with the objects of the class. It comprises properties, methods and events.
Creating Properties
Properties describe the features of the objects of a class. To store values for the
properties of a class, we define member variables (or class variables) within the
class. The syntax for creating properties of a class is as follows:
<access_specifier> <property_name> As <data_type>
For example, the variables Book_title and Book_price (shown in
Example 3.1) are the properties of the class Book, declared as Private.
Generally, the member variables in a class are declared using the Public,
Private or Protected access specifier. If we declare the variables as
Public, the variables can be accessed by all other project codes. Though it
Material 41
OOP’s Concept proves useful sometimes, it violates the principle of encapsulation which implements
data hiding. Thus, the member variables in a class should preferably be declared
as Private or Protected to achieve encapsulation and data hiding. Both
Protected and Private variables are accessible only within the member
NOTES functions of the class. In addition, the Protected members of a class are also
accessible in the classes that are inherited from that class.
While creating objects from the class, we may need to assign values to the
class variables. In case the variables are declared as Private, we need to use
property procedures in order to pass values to the private variables in the objects
and to return values from the object.

Property Procedures
A property procedure allows accessing the values of Private variables in an
instance of the class (that is, object) with the help of accessor methods. There
are two accessor methods: Set and Get. The Set accessor method is used to
assign a value to the property, while the Get accessor method is used to retrieve
the current value of the property.
The syntax for defining a property procedure is given below:
[Public] Property <property_name>() As <data_type>
property_name = class_variable
Return class_variable
End Get
Set(ByVal Value as data_type)
‘set of statements
class_variable = Value
End Set
End Property
Here, the class_variable refers to the property of the class that is declared
as Private and is to be accessed. The value is the keyword, which refers
to the incoming value for the property. The data type of Value in the Set
method must be same as the data type of return value in the corresponding Get
Note: By default, the property procedures are public, so it is optional to use the Public
keyword while defining a property procedure. In addition, we cannot use different access
specifiers for Get and Set methods.
Example 3.2: Creating a property procedure for accessing Private variable
Book_title of the class Book defined in Example 3.1.
Public Property title() As String
Return Book_title
42 Material
End Get OOP’s Concept

Set (ByVal Value As String)

Book_title = Value
End Set
End Property
Creating Read-Only Property
You can also create a property in a class which can only be retrieved but a new
value cannot be assigned to that property. Such a property is referred to as a
read-only property and can be created using the ReadOnly modifier. For such
properties, we can only have Get accessor method in the property definition—
no Set accessor method can be included within the definition. The syntax for
creating a read-only property in a class is as follows.
ReadOnly Property <property_name>() As <data_type>
‘write code here
End Get
End Property
Creating Write-Only Property
In addition to read-only properties, we can also create write-only properties in a
class. A write-only property can be assigned a value but its value cannot be
retrieved. This eliminates the need of using Get accessor method in the property
definition—only Set accessor method needs to be included. A write-only property
can be created using the WriteOnly modifier in the property definition. The
syntax for creating a read-only property in a class is as follows.
WriteOnly Property <property_name>() As <data_type>
Set (ByVal Value As data_type)
‘write code here
End Set
End Property
Creating Methods
Methods refer to the built-in procedures of the objects of a class. A method is
defined as a self-contained block of code that performs some function. The class
methods are created by defining procedures (functions or subroutines) in the class.
Like class variables, the class methods are also defined using the desired access
specifier. Any method declared with Private keyword is accessible only within
the class, while the methods declared with Public keyword are accessible by
the objects of that class as well as the external objects. For example, two public
methods get_data() and put_data() of the class Book (see Example
Material 43
OOP’s Concept 3.1) are defined as follows:

Public Sub get_data(ByVal title As String, ByVal price As

NOTES Book_title = title
Book_price = price
End Sub

Public Sub put_data()

WriteLine(“Title of Book: “ & Book_title)
WriteLine(“Price of Book: “ & Book_price)
End Sub
Creating Events
Events enable objects to perform some action whenever, a specific occurrence
takes place. For example, suppose we have a button which when clicked twice, a
particular message gets displayed in the TextBox placed beside the button. Here,
Click is the event which can be handled in an appropriate event handler. Let
TwiceClick be a custom event which occurs when a button is clicked twice.
An event handler for this event can be coded as shown below:

Private Sub Button_TwiceClick(ByVal message As String) _

Handles Button.TwiceClick
Textbox.Text = message
End Sub
Creating Class Objects
Once a class has been defined, we can use it to create variables of its type, that is,
objects. While creating an object of a class, first we need to declare the object
and then instantiate it using the New keyword. The syntax for creating object of a
class is as follows:
Dim <object_name> As <class_name> ‘Declaration
<object_name> = New <class_name()> ‘Instantiation
Here, the <object_name> specifies the user defined object name and
<class_name> is the name of the class of which object is being created. For
example, we can create an object named book1 of the class Book as shown
Dim book1 As Book
book1 = New Book()
We can also declare and instantiate an object simultaneously using only a single
statement. The syntax of declaring and instantiating an object in a single statement
is as follows:
44 Material
Dim <object_name> As <class_name> = New <class_name()> OOP’s Concept

For example, the object book1 can be declared and instantiated at the same
time using the following statement:
Dim book1 As Book = New Book()
A coding shortcut for the above statement is given as follows:
Dim book1 As New Book()
Accessing Class Members
As we know that the members of a class can be directly accessed inside the class
using their names. However, accessing a member outside the class depends on its
access specifier. The public members of a class can be accessed outside the class
directly using the object name and dot operator ‘.’ .The dot operator associates
a member with the specific object of the class. The syntax for accessing a Public
class variable outside the class is as follows:
The syntax for accessing a Public class method outside the class is as follows:
For example, the object book1 of class Book can call the public methods
get_data() and put_data() of class as shown below:
As told earlier, the private members of class can be accessed outside the class
through property procedures. In order to assign a value to the private variable of
an object, we need to call the Set method of the corresponding property procedure
using the syntax shown below:
<object_name>.<property_name> = {<variable> | <value>}
For example, if we want to set the price of book1 object as 600, we can do so
using the following statement:
book1.price = 600
Similarly, we can retrieve the value of a private class variable outside the class by
invoking the Get method of the corresponding property procedure, using the
following syntax:
<variable> = <object_name>.<property_name>
For example, if we want to store the price of book1 object in a variable Rate,
we can do so using the following statement:
Rate = book1.price
A structure is a derived data type which consists of collection of different
data types such as int, char, float and even structure also. Consider an
example for keeping information about student, we have to store his/her
name, registration number, age, address, class etc. Similarly for keeping
Material 45
OOP’s Concept information about employee we may have his/her employee code, date of joining,
salary etc. All these attributes related to student or employee cannot be stored
in array alone. Even if we wish to store these attribute using array we will
have to use separate array for each attribute say one for salary, one for
NOTES employee code and so on. Again managing this array separately won’t be an
easy task. In such situations we can use structures. We understand this new
concept of C programming using a program.
The general syntax of creating a structure is:
struct tagname
member variable1;
member variable2;
member variable3;
member variablen;
The struct is a keyword that is used to create a structure and tagname is the
name of the structure that conforms to the rule of writing identifier. For understand
number of points about the structure we write a small program and then tell
you various features of structure.
struct student
char name[10];
int rollno;

struct student t;
printf(“Enter name for student\n”);
printf(“Enter rollno for student\n”);

46 Material
Enter name for student OOP’s Concept
Enter rollno for student
1. Structure is a heterogeneous data structure. Remember array is a
homogenous data structure i.e. all the elements of an array must be of
the same type. You cannot mix int with float or float with char. This is
not the case with structure ie structure can have these elements of any
data type even they may have other user defined data types as there
2. Structure is defined by struct keyword. Following struct any valid identifier
which conforms to identifier writing rules is allowed. I n this program we
have declared a structure named person. We could have chosen any other
name also say student or employee.
3. The structure is opened using { and closed with } followed by a semicolon
( ;).
4. The structure declared above contains two member elements: first one
is the character array name of length 10 and second one is rollno of type
int. As we know
int takes two bytes in memory ( for DOS) so total size for this
structure is 12 bytes.
5. The declaration alone does not reserve memory space. It simply tells the
compiler about the prototype of the structure. The actual definition i.e.
creation of a variable of structur e data type allocate memory.
Creating a Sample Application using Classes and Objects
The concept of classes and objects can be used in any application, whether it is a
Console application, Windows Forms application or any other application. In this
section, we discuss the stepwise procedure to design a Windows Forms application
employing the concept of classes and objects.
Suppose we have to design a form as shown in Figure 3.3. In this form, a
user enters the values for kilograms and grams for the two weights in the respective
textboxes under the First Weight and Second Weight label headings. When
user clicks the Add weights button, the weights entered by the user are summed
up and the resulting kilograms and grams values are displayed in the respective
textboxes under Total Weight label heading.

Material 47
OOP’s Concept


Fig. 3.3 A Sample Form

To design this Windows Forms application implementing the concept of classes

and objects, follow these steps.
1. Open a new Windows Forms application.
2. Design the form like as shown in Figure 3.3 by placing the required controls
on it and setting their appropriate properties.
3. To begin creating a new class, click the Project menu and then click Add
Class. Alternatively, right-click on the name of application in the Solution
Explorer window, point to Add and then click Class from the submenu that
appears. This displays the Add New Item dialog box (see Figure 3.4).

Fig. 3.4 Add New Item Dialog Box

48 Material
4. Click Class option (by default, highlighted) from the middle pane of dialog OOP’s Concept

5. Type the name for class module in the Name TextBox. For example, we
have used the name weight for our class.
6. Click Add. The class gets added in the application and the Code Editor
window appears. Here, you can define your class.
7. Declare the two private properties (kg and gm) of class weight in the
line after the Public Class weight statement, as shown in Figure
8. Add two property procedures, kilo() and gram() for private
properties kg and gm, respectively (see Figure 3.3) so that these properties
can be accessed outside the class module.
9. Now, add a public method add_weight() in the class that computes
the sum of two weight objects and returns the resultant weight object. Note
that as the method is supposed to return something, we have to use function
not the sub procedure to implement the class method. Figure 3.5 shows the
Code Editor window with the complete code for the class weight.

Declaration of
private properties



Fig. 3.5 Weight Class Definition

10. Switch to Form design window by clicking on the name of form in the
Solution Explorer Window.
11. In the Click event of the Add weights button, write the code shown in
Figure 3.6.

Material 49
OOP’s Concept


Fig. 3.6 Code Editor Window of Form Control

12. Press F5 key or click the Start Debugging ( ) button on the Standard
toolbar to run the application. The form appears on the screen.
13. Enter the desired data in the textboxes under First Weight and Second
Weight label headings and then test the application by clicking on Add
weights button. Figure 3.7 shows the form after running the application.

Fig. 3.7 Output after Running the Application

Note that you can also define you class within the module in case of Console
application and on the Load or any other event of form in case of Windows
Forms application. This implies that you do not have to add a separate class
module in your application, as we have described in step 3. Defining a class within
the module or in one of the form events is useful in case your application contains
50 Material
only a single form/module or if class members are not required to be accessed by OOP’s Concept

other forms/modules. For simplicity, from now onwards, we will use the Console
application to illustrate various OOP concepts and define the class within the module

In VB 2010, there are two important members in a class: Constructor and

Destructor, and Shared Members. In this section, we discuss the constructor and
destructor members. Shared members of a class are discussed in Section 4.9.
A constructor is a special method of a class that is automatically invoked whenever,
an instance of the class is created. It is used to initialize the objects of the related
class at the time of their creation and set the parameters. An important thing to
note about a constructor is that it never returns a value. The reason behind this is
that a constructor is invoked automatically by the system and hence, no program
has been defined for it to return anything. Note that a constructor must be declared
as public (or protected) so that it can be accessed while creating the objects.
A constructor may be written without containing any parameter list, referred
to as default (or empty) constructor. A default constructor initializes all objects
of the related class with the same values. In addition, a constructor can also accept
one or more parameters to initialize the objects with those parameters. Such a
constructor is referred to as parameterized constructor and is used to initialize
the objects with different values.
Note: VB automatically creates an empty constructor for each class. Thus, if you require
only an empty constructor in your class, you need not define it explicitly. This implicit
constructor initializes the objects of a class with garbage values.
In VB .NET, the constructor method is defined as a subroutine named
New(). As soon as the class is instantiated, the subroutine New() is called. The
syntax of defining a constructor within a class is as follows.
Public Sub New([<List of arguments>])
‘write code here
End Sub
We can use multiple constructors with different number, data type or order of
parameters in a single class and it is known as constructor overloading. For
example, a class can have both default and parameterized constructor in its definition.
Constructor overloading enables multiple constructors to initialize different objects
of a class differently.
Example 3.3: A program to demonstrate the use of constructor in a class.
Module Module1
Public Class weight
Material 51
OOP’s Concept Private kg, gm As Integer
Public Sub New() ‘Default constructor
kg = 0
gm = 0
Public Sub New(ByVal kilo As Integer, ByVal gram As
kg = kilo ‘parameterized constructor
gm = gram
End Sub
Public Sub show()
Console.WriteLine(“ “ & kg & “ kgs and “ & gm & “
End Sub
End Class

Sub Main()
Dim w1 = New weight() ‘calling default constructor
Dim w2 = New weight(5, 300)‘calling parameterized
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is

When objects are created, they occupy certain memory. In addition, an object
may need to use other resources like files during its life time. These resources and
the memory allocated to objects must be released when an object is destroyed
(or goes out of scope). This is accomplished by another special class method
called destructor that is automatically invoked to release all the resources and
memory acquired by the object when the object is finally destroyed.
Note: A destructor is the last method run by any class.
52 Material
A VB .NET program can include two types of destructors in a class, including OOP’s Concept

Finalize and Dispose. The Finalize destructor is more frequently

used as compared to Dispose destructor.
Using the Finalize Destructor NOTES
The Finalize method is invoked automatically by the.NET framework when
the system determines that the object is no more required. This implies that one
need not explicitly call the Finalize method by itself. The syntax for using
Finalize destructor in a class is as follows.

Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()

‘write code here
End Sub
Example 3.4: A program to demonstrate the use of Finalize destructor.
Module Module1
Public Class Rectangle
Private length, breadth As Integer
‘Defining constructor
Public Sub New(ByVal l As Integer, ByVal b As Integer)
length = l
breadth = b
Console.WriteLine(“Rectangle object created with sides
{0} and {1}”,l,b)
End Sub
‘Defining Finalize destructor
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
Console.WriteLine(“Rectangle object destroyed”)
End Sub
Public Sub Compute_Area()
Console.WriteLine(“Area of Rectangle is {0}”, length
* breadth)
End Sub
End Class

Sub Main()
Dim rec As New Rectangle(50, 30)
End Sub
End Module

Material 53
OOP’s Concept The output of the program is


Using the Dispose destructor

The Dispose method is also used to clean up for the object when it is no longer
needed. However, unlike Finalize method, it needs to be invoked manually
for each object whenever, you want. The Dispose method is declared in the
interface IDisposable defined by the .NET framework class libraries. Thus,
to use this method, one needs to implement the IDisposable interface in the
class and then define the Dispose method of interface, which contains the
code for cleaning-up for the objects. The syntax for using Dispose method is
as follows.
<access_specifier> Sub <method_name>() Implements
‘write code here
End Sub
Here, we rewrite the same program as in Example 3.4 but using Dispose
method instead of Finalize.
Example 3.5: A program to demonstrate the use of Dispose destructor.
Module Module1
Public Class Rectangle ‘class needs to implement
the interface
Implements IDisposable ‘whose method is to be used
in class
‘define the private variables and constructor, as in
Example 3.4
‘defining dispose destructor
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose

54 Material
Console.WriteLine(“Rectangle object destroyed”) OOP’s Concept
End Sub
‘define Compute_Area(), as in Example 3.4
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim rec As New Rectangle(50, 30)
rec.dispose() ‘explicitly invoking destructor
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is


Inheritance is a mechanism of deriving a new class (or derived class) from the old
class (or base class) in such a way that the new class inherits all the members
(variables and methods) of the old class. In other words, inheritance facilitates a
class to acquire the properties and functionality of another class. The new class
depicts the acquired properties and behavior of the existing class as well as its
own unique properties and behavior. Inheritance allows code reusability, that is, it
facilitates classes to reuse the existing code. The new class acquires the members
of old class that are already tested and debugged. Hence, inheritance saves time
as well as increases the reliability.
Base Classes and Derived Classes
In inheritance, the class that is inherited by the new class is called base class or
super class or parent class. The class that inherits the data members of the old
Material 55
OOP’s Concept class is called derived class or sub class or child class. For example, Figure
3.8 shows four classes, named, animal, carnivore, herbivore and
omnivore. The class animal is a base class inherited by the derived classes
carnivore, herbivore and omnivore. The derived classes
NOTES carnivore, herbivore and omnivore inherit all the properties as well
as functionality of the base class animal.

Base class Animal

Derived Carnivore Herbivore Omnivore


Fig. 3.8 Inheritance

Note: The constructors of a base class are not inherited in its derived classes.
The general form of inheriting a derived class from base class is as follows.
<access_specifier> Class <base_class>
‘define body of base class
End Class

<access_specifier> Class <derived_class>

Inherits <base_class>
‘define body of derived class
End Class
Here, the Inherits statement in the definition of derived class specifies that
the <derived_class> is based on the <base_class>.
The derived class inherits all the public and protected data members and methods
of the base class. In addition, the derived class can also contain its own members.
However, an exception to this is the constructors of the base class, which are not
inherited in its derived class.
Note: The derived classes inherit and can extend the methods, properties, fields and events
of the base class.

3.5.1 Types of Inheritance

Depending on the number of classes involved and the way the classes are inherited,
inheritance is of four types, which are described as follows.
 Single Inheritance: It is the most basic type of inheritance in which only
one derived class inherits from a single base class. Figure 3.9 illustrates
single inheritance in which the class Triangle inherits from the base
class Polygon.

56 Material
OOP’s Concept

Triangle NOTES

Fig. 3.9 Single Inheritance

 Multilevel Inheritance: When one class is inherited from another class,

which in turn is inherited from some other class, it is referred to as multilevel
inheritance. Figure 3.10 illustrates multilevel inheritance in which the class
Faculty inherits from the class Employee which inherits from the
class Person. This implies that Person is the indirect base class of
Indirect base Person

Direct base Employee



Fig. 3.10 Multilevel Inheritance

 Hierarchical Inheritance: It is a type of inheritance in which two or more

classes are inherited from the same base class. In hierarchical inheritance,
the members of the base class are common to all of its derived classes.
Figure 3.11 illustrates hierarchical inheritance in which two classes
Graduate and Undergraduate are derived from the same base
class Student.

Graduate Undergraduate

Fig. 3.11 Hierarchical Inheritance

 Multiple Inheritance: When a derived class inherits from more than one
base class simultaneously, it is referred to as multiple inheritance. In multiple
inheritances, the derived class inherits the members of all of its base classes.
Figure 3.12 illustrates multiple inheritances in which the derived class Owner
is inherited from two base classes, Person and Company.
Material 57
OOP’s Concept
Person Company


Fig. 3.12 Multiple Inheritance

Note: VB .NET does not directly support multiple inheritance because of the involvement of
multiple base classes. It can indirectly implement multiple inheritance through interfaces.

3.5.2 Implementation of Basic Inheritance

In this section, we provide an example program to illustrate how to inherit a derived
class from a base class and how to access the data members and methods of base
class using the derived class object.
Example 3.6: A program to demonstrate the implementation of inheritance.
Module Module1
Public Class person ‘base class
Protected name As String
Protected age As Integer
Public Sub get_data(ByVal str As String, ByVal ag
As Integer)
name = str
age = ag
End Sub
Public Sub display()
Console.WriteLine(“Invoking display method of base
Console.WriteLine(“ Name: “ & name)
Console.WriteLine(“ Age: “ & age)
End Sub
End Class

Public Class employee ‘derived class

Inherits person
Private emp_no As String ‘new member of derived
‘two new methods of derived class
Public Sub input_data(ByVal eno As String)
emp_no = eno
End Sub
Public Sub show()
58 Material
Console.WriteLine(“Invoking show method of derived OOP’s Concept
Console.WriteLine(“ Employee No: “ & emp_no)
End Sub
End Class NOTES

Sub Main()
Dim emp = New employee() ‘creating derived class
emp.get_data(“Robert”, 35) ‘invoking base class methods
emp.display() ‘using derived class

emp.input_data(“E-101”) ‘invoking derived class

methods ‘using derived class object
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is

Using Constructor in Inheritance

As stated earlier, the constructor of base class is not inherited in the derived class.
The derived class defines its own constructor in order to initialize its new members
(if any). However, to initialize the members inherited from the base class, it needs
to invoke the base class constructor.
The base class constructor can be called using the following statement:
Notice that this should be the first statement in the body of derived class constructor.
In this statement, MyBase is the keyword and the parameter_list includes
the arguments corresponding to inherited members of base class (as used in base
class constructor) as well as the parameters of derived class (if any).
Note: If base class contains only an empty constructor, there is no need to invoke it inside
the derived class constructor.

Material 59
OOP’s Concept To understand the use of constructors in inheritance, consider Example 3.7 which
is the modified form of the program given in Example 3.6. In this example, we
have replaced the get_data() and input_data method of base and
derived class, respectively, with constructors.
Example 3.7: A program to demonstrate the use of constructors in inheritance.
Module Module1
Public Class person
Protected name As String
Protected age As Integer
‘Parameterized constructor of base class
Public Sub New(ByVal str As String, ByVal ag As
name = str
age = ag
End Sub
‘define display() method same as in Example 3.6
End Class
Public Class employee
Inherits person
Private emp_no As String ‘new member of derived
‘constructor of derived class
Public Sub New(ByVal str As String, ByVal ag As Integer,
ByVal eno As String)
MyBase.New(str, ag) ‘invoking the base
class constructor
emp_no = eno ‘initializing derived
class member
End Sub
‘define show() method same as in Example 3.6
End Class

Sub Main()
‘creating derived class object
Dim emp = New employee(“Robert”, 35, “E-101”)
End Sub
End Module

This program produces the same output as the program given in Example 3.6.
60 Material
Preventing Inheritance OOP’s Concept

In VB 2010, each class can serve as base class, by default. However sometimes,
it is desirable to design a class that cannot be inherited by another class. To prevent
inheritance, a class must explicitly declare that it cannot be inherited. This can be NOTES
achieved by using the inheritance modifier NotInheritable within the class
definition. The main objective of a NotInheritable class is to provide some
implementation that can be used within the class only.
The syntax for defining a NotInheritable class is as follows:
NotInheritable Class <class_name>
‘define body of class here
End Class
Here, the class <class_name> is declared as NotInheritable. If an
attempt is made to derive a class from <class_name>, an error will arise.
Note: In addition to NotInheritable, there is one more inheritance modifier
MustInherit that should be used with a class which is intended to be used as a base
class only.


Polymorphism (a Greek word meaning having multiple forms) is one of the

important features of OOP that allows an entity (method or property) to be
represented in various forms. Using polymorphism, we can use a procedure in
many different ways depending on the requirements. For example, we can define
a procedure to calculate the area of a geometrical shape and use it with different
parameters for calculating area of different shapes, like square, rectangle or circle.
Polymorphism allows a class to have multiple functions with same name but
with different number, order or type of arguments. It has been divided into two
categories: Compile-time polymorphism/overloading and Run-time polymorphism/
3.6.1 Overloading
Compile-time polymorphism (also called early binding) is a process in which a
compiler recognizes the method arguments during compilation of the program and
accordingly, binds the appropriate method with the object at the compile time.
The compile-time polymorphism can be implemented using overloaded methods
and operators. In this section, we discuss method overloading and operator
Method Overloading
Method overloading is a way to implement compile-time polymorphism that allows
multiple methods to share the same name but with different arguments. When an
Material 61
OOP’s Concept object invokes an overloaded method, the compiler knows by itself which method
to bind with based on the signature used in method call. That is, the compiler
identifies the method either on the basis of the number of arguments, the data type
of the arguments or the order of the data type of the arguments passed to the
NOTES method.
Example 3.8: A program to demonstrate the concept of method overloading.
Module Module1
Class perimeter
‘overloaded method peri()
Public Function peri(ByVal side As Integer)
Dim per As Single = 4 * side ‘computing perimeter
of a square
Return per
End Function
‘computing perimeter of a rectangle
Public Function peri(ByVal l As Single, ByVal b As
Single) As Single
Dim per As Single = 2 * (l + b)
Return per
End Function
‘computing perimeter of a circle
Public Function peri(ByVal rad As Double) As Double
Dim per As Double = 2 * 3.14 * rad
Return per
End Function
End Class

Sub Main()
Dim shape = New perimeter()
Console.WriteLine(“Perimeter of square is: {0}”,
Console.WriteLine(“Perimeter of rectangle is: {0}”,
shape.peri(10.5, 7.5))
Console.WriteLine(“Perimeter of circle is: {0}”,
End Sub
End Module

62 Material
The output of the program is OOP’s Concept


Operator Overloading
One of the important objectives of OOP is that the variables of user-defined data
types like objects of a class can be treated like the variables of built-in data types.
That is, all the arithmetic and logical operations can be performed on the objects
of a class in the same way as performed on simple variables. To perform operations
on simple variables, some built-in operators, such as ‘+’, ‘–’, ‘*’, ‘/’,
‘<’, ‘>’, ‘=’, etc., are provided with each operator having a specific
functionality. To use these operators with the user-defined data types, VB .NET
provides a way by which the functionality of an operator can be changed according
to user-defined data types and additional meaning can be given to the operator.
This is what is known as operator overloading.
Though most operators in VB .NET can be overloaded, it is not possible to
overload all the operators. Few operators in VB .NET that can be overloaded are
listed in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1 Operators that can be Overloaded

Type Operator
Unary Not (logical negation), + (unary plus), – (unary minus), IsTrue, IsFalse
Binary arithmetic operators (+, –, *, /, Mod, \, ^), << (arithmetic shift left), >>
(arithmetic shift right), & (string concatenation)
Comparison < (less than), > (greater than), <= (less than or equal to), >= (greater than or
equal to), <> (not equal to), = (equal to)
Type CType

Some operators that cannot be overloaded are listed here.

 Logical comparison operators, including Or, And, Xor, OrElse and
 Assignment operators, including +=, -=, /=, *=, <<=, >>=, ^= and
 Other operators, including New, Like, TypeOf, GetType, Is,
IsNot, AddressOf, dot(.), and ?:.

Material 63
OOP’s Concept An operator overload method is declared in the same manner as any other class
method except the Operator keyword is used instead of Function or
Sub in the method declaration. Moreover, the overloaded operators are always
shared methods (indicated by the Shared keyword preceding the Operator
NOTES keyword in the method declaration), which must return a value. This return value
needs not necessarily be of the same type as the types on which operation is
performed. The general form of an operator overload method is as follows:
<access_specifier> Shared Operator <oprtr> (<arguments>)
As <return_type>
‘define body of method here
End Opeartor
Example 3.9: A program to demonstrate the concept of operator overloading.
Module Module1
Public Class weight
Private kg, gm As Integer
Public Sub New()
kg = 0
gm = 0
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal k As Integer, ByVal g As Integer)
kg = k
gm = g
End Sub
Public Sub show()
Console.WriteLine(“ {0} kilograms and {1} grams”, kg,
End Sub
Public Shared Operator +(ByVal w1 As weight, ByVal w2 As
weight) As weight ‘overloading + operator
Dim temp = New weight() = + = \ 1000 = Mod 1000 += +
Return temp
End Operator
Public Shared Operator -(ByVal w1 As weight, ByVal w2 As
weight) As weight ‘overloading - operator
Dim temp = New weight()
If ( < Then

64 Material += 1000 OOP’s Concept -= 1
End If = -
Return temp
End Operator
End Class

Sub Main()
Dim w1 = New weight(15, 200)
Dim w2 = New weight(12, 900)
Dim w3, w4 As New weight()
Console.WriteLine(“First weight is:”)
Console.WriteLine(“Second weight is:”)
w3 = w1 + w2 ‘calling overloaded operator +
Console.WriteLine(“Sum of weights is:”)
w4 = w1 - w2 ‘calling overloaded operator -
Console.WriteLine(“Difference of weights is:”)
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is

Material 65
OOP’s Concept 3.6.2 Overriding Methods and Properties
A base class method (or property) can be inherited in the derived class; however,
sometimes it may need to be redefined according to the requirement in the derived
NOTES class. An important feature of OOP that allows redefining a base class method in
the derived class is overriding. This implies that the functionality of a method
declared inside the base class can be overridden in the derived classes. The entire
function of the base class can be replaced by a set of new implementation in the
derived class.
Overriding is also referred to as run-time polymorphism (or late binding), as
the compiler recognizes which specific implementation of method to invoke during
the execution of program and thus, binds the appropriate method with the object
at the run-time itself. To implement overriding, the keyword Overridable is
used within the declaration of base class method (or property) and the keyword
Overrides is used within the implementation of derived class method (or
property). The general form of overriding a method of base class in derived class
is as follows:
‘base class definition
<access_specifier> Class <base_class>
<access_specifier> Overridable Sub <method_name>()
‘define body of method here
End Sub
End Class
‘derived class definition
<access_specifier> Class <derived_class>
Inherits <base_class>
<access_specifier> Overrides Sub <method_name>()
‘define body of method here
End Sub
End Class
Notice that the base class method (that is overridden) and its redefined versions in
the derived classes must have the same prototype, that is, the name of method,
number and data type of arguments as well as return type (if any) must be same.
However, if the prototype differs, the compiler considers these functions as
overloaded functions and the overriding mechanism is ignored.
Once a base class method has been redefined in the derived class, any call
to that method by the derived class object automatically invokes the implementation
of that method defined in the derived class, instead of base class implementation.
However, if a method declared with keyword Overridable in the base class
66 Material
is not redefined in the derived class, a call to that method uses the base class OOP’s Concept

implementation of that method. Moreover, the Overridable method of base

class can also be accessed directly in the derived class using the following statement:
Example 3.10: A program to demonstrate the concept of overriding.
Module Module1
Public Class division
Protected num, den As Single
Public Sub New(ByVal n As Single, ByVal d As Single)
num = n
den = d
End Sub
Public Overridable Sub divide()
Dim result As Single = num / den
Console.WriteLine(“divide() of base class”)
Console.WriteLine(“Result of division operation {0}/{1}
= {2}”, num, den, result)
End Sub
End Class

Public Class div ‘derived class

Inherits division
Public Sub New(ByVal n As Single, ByVal d As Single)
MyBase.New(n, d) ‘invoking constructor of base class
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub divide() ‘overriding divide()
of base class
Console.WriteLine(“divide() of derived class”)
If (den <> 0) Then
MyBase.divide() ‘invoking divide() of base class
Console.WriteLine(“Division operation cannot be
End If
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim d1 = New division(8.5, 2) ‘base class object
Dim d2 = New div(4.5, 0) ‘derived class object
Dim d3 = New div(6.9, 3)
d1.divide() ‘divide() of base class called
Material 67
OOP’s Concept Console.WriteLine()
d2.divide() ‘overriding: divide() of derived
class called
NOTES d3.divide() ‘overriding: divide() of derived
class called
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is


Shadowing is used to provide a new implementation to base class member without

overriding it, which means that original implementation of base class member gets
shadowed (hidden) with the new implementation of base class member provided
in derived class.
class Parent
// Declaring instance variable with name ‘abc‘
String abc = “Parent`s Instance Variable”;
public void printInstanceVariable()
public void printLocalVariable()
// Shadowing instance variable ‘abc‘ with a local
variable with the same name
String abc = “Local Variable”;
// If we still want to access the instance variable,
we do that by using ‘‘

68 Material
System.out.println(; OOP’s Concept
In the above example, there is an instance variable named abc, and inside
method printLocalVariable(), we are shadowing it with the local variable abc.

Check Your Progress

1. What are the various advanced features of OOP that help in developing
high-quality software?
2. Define the term method.
3. What is the purpose of creating events in VB.NET?
4. What is the significance of polymorphism?



1. The various advanced features of OOP that help in developing high-quality

software are encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism.
2. A method is defined as a self-contained block of code that performs some
function. The class methods are created by defining procedures (can be
functions or subroutines) in the class.
3. Events enable objects to perform some action whenever a specific
occurrence takes place. For example, suppose we have a button which
when clicked twice, a particular message gets displayed in the textbox placed
beside the button. Here, Click is the event which can be handled in an
appropriate event handler.
4. Polymorphism allows a class to have multiple functions with same name but
with different number, order or type of arguments.


 OOPS (Object-Oriented Programming), the programmers define not only

the data, but also the operations (functions) that can be performed on it
together under a single unit and thus, creating different kinds of variables
known as objects.
 The object-oriented programming paradigm came into use as it overcomes
certain limitations of other conventional programming paradigms like the
structured and unstructured paradigms.
 Classes and objects are the driving wheels for any programming language
that implements the OOP concepts. Self-Instructional
Material 69
OOP’s Concept  Objects are the small, self-contained and modular units with a well-defined
boundary that consists of a state and behavior.
 A class is defined as a user-defined data type which contains the entire set
of similar data and the functions that the objects possess.
 Encapsulation is the technique of binding or keeping together the data and
the functions (that operate on them) in a single unit called a class.
 The concept of classes and objects can be used in any application, whether
it is a Console application, Windows Forms application or any other
 In VB (Visual Basic) 2010, there are two important members in a class:
Constructor and Destructor, and Shared Members.
 A constructor is a special method of a class that is automatically invoked
whenever an instance of the class is created. A destructor is another
special class method that is automatically invoked to release all the
resources and memory acquired by the object when the object is finally
 Inheritance is a mechanism of deriving a new class (or derived class) from
the old class (or base class) in such a way that the new class inherits all the
members (variables and methods) of the old class.
 The class that is inherited by the new class is called base class or super
class or parent class, and the class that inherits the data members of the old
class is called derived class or sub class or child class.
 Depending on the number of classes involved and the way the classes are
inherited, inheritance is of four types: Single, Multilevel, Hierarchical and
 Polymorphism (a Greek word meaning having multiple forms) is one of the
important features of OOP that allows an entity (method or property) to be
represented in various forms. Using polymorphism, we can use a procedure
in many different ways depending on the requirements.
 It has been divided into two categories: Compile-time polymorphism/
overloading and Run-time polymorphism/overriding.
 Compile-time polymorphism (also called early binding) is a process in which
a compiler recognizes the method arguments during compilation of the
program and accordingly, binds the appropriate method with the object at
the compile time.
 Method overloading is a way to implement compile-time polymorphism
that allows multiple methods to share the same name but with different
 A base class method (or property) can be inherited in the derived class;
however, sometimes it may need to be redefined according to the requirement
70 Material
in the derived class. An important feature of OOP that allows redefining a OOP’s Concept

base class method in the derived class is overriding.

 Overriding is also referred to as run-time polymorphism (or late binding),
as the compiler recognizes which specific implementation of method to
invoke during the execution of program and thus, binds the appropriate
method with the object at the run-time itself.


 Object: A unit of structural and behavioural modularity that contains a set

of properties (or data) as well as the associated functions.
 Class: A user-defined data type which contains the entire set of similar
data and the functions that the objects possess.
 Encapsulation: A technique of binding or keeping together the data and
the functions (that operate on them) in a single unit called a class.
 Method: A self-contained block of code that performs some function.
 Inheritance: A mechanism of deriving a new class (or derived class) from
the old class (or base class) in such a way that the new class inherits all the
members (variables and methods) of the old class
 Polymorphism: A feature of OOP that allows an entity (method or property)
to be represented in various forms.
 Overriding: A feature of OOP that allows redefining a base class method
in the derived class.



Short Answer Questions

1. Define the various features of OOP.
2. Why do we create classes and objects in OOP?
3. Define the term constructor and destructor.
4. What are events?
5. List the operators that can be overloaded, and that cannot be overloaded in
6. What do you mean by method overriding?
Long Answer Questions
1. Explain the concept of classes and objects in OOP. What is relationship
between classes and objects? Self-Instructional
Material 71
OOP’s Concept 2. What is the use of creating properties in OOP? Explain its types.
3. Define the term destructor. What are the two types of destructors? Explain
each with an example.
NOTES 4. What do you mean by inheritance? How can we achieve inheritance in
VB.NET? Explain with the help of an example.
5. What are the various types of inheritance? Explain with the help of suitable
6. VB.NET does not support the feature of multiple inheritance directly. Is it
true? If yes, what is the desired solution? Explain in brief.
7. What is operator overloading in .NET? Explain with the help of an example.
8. Differentiate between:
(a) Read-only and Write-only properties
(b) Base classes and Derived classes
(c) Compile-time polymorphism and Run-time polymorphism


Reynolds, Matthew, Jonathan Crossland, Richard Blair and Thearon Willis . 2002.
Beginning VB.NET, 2nd edition. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Inc.
Cornell, Gary and Jonathan Morrison. 2001. Programming VB .NET: A Guide
for Experienced Programmers, 1st edition. Berkeley: Apress.
Francesc, Balena. 2002. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition.
United States: Microsoft Press.
Liberty, Jesse. 2002. Learning Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition. Sebastopol:
O’Reilly Media.
Kurniawan, Budi and Ted Neward. 2002. VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell.
Sebastopol: O’Reilly Media.

72 Material
Introduction to VB.NET

4.0 Introduction
4.1 Objectives
4.2 Structure and Programming Elements of VB.NET
4.2.1 Keywords
4.2.2 Data Types
4.2.3 Variables
4.2.4 Constants
4.2.5 Operators
4.3 Arrays
4.4 String Handling
4.4.1 Copy and Concatenating Strings
4.4.2 Adding, Removing and Replacing Strings
4.4.3 Formatting Strings
4.5 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
4.6 Summary
4.7 Key Words
4.8 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
4.9 Further Readings


Visual Basic .NET is an object-oriented computer programming language that can

be viewed as an evolution of Microsoft’s Visual Basic (VB) which is generally
implemented on the Microsoft .NET Framework. In any programming language,
writing even an elementary program requires the knowledge and clear
understanding of various data types, variables, constants and operators provided
by that language. All these constitute the most basic elements of a language which
are combined to form an instruction and a set of these instructions constitute a
program. Generally, the instructions are executed in sequence in which they appear
in the program.

Material 73
Introduction to VB.NET

After going through this unit, you will be able to:

NOTES  Study the structure of a VB.NET program
 Discuss various programming elements of VB.NET which include
keywords, data types, variables, constants and operators
 Discuss an example program in VB.NET
 Declare, initialize and manipulate single-dimensional, multi-dimensional as
well as dynamic arrays
 Understand and use string handling methods



Before discussing the programming elements of a VB.NET program, let us first

discuss the general structure of a VB.NET program. A VB.NET program consists
of the following parts:
 Option statement
 Imports statement
 Namespace declaration
 Class or Module declaration
 The Main procedure
 Variables, statements and expressions
 Comments
To understand the purpose of each part, consider a sample VB.NET code as
shown in Figure 4.1.

Fig. 4.1 Sample VB.NET Code

74 Material
Option Statement Introduction to VB.NET

Option statement is the first statement that is to be written in the code but it is not
always compulsory to write the option statement. Option statement helps prevent
logic and syntax errors. There are four types of Option statements: NOTES
 Option Explicit: This statement has two values: On or Off. By
default its value in On. It ensures that all the variables used in the program
are declared before they are used in the program.
 Option Compare: This statement also has two values: Binary or Text.
The default value is Binary. This statement specifies how string comparisons
are made depending on the binary or text values.
 Option Strict: This statement prevents the occurrence of any kind
of syntactical or logical errors or any kind of data loss that can occur when
you work between variables of different types. It can be Off or On however,
its default value is On.
 Option Infer: It also has the values On and Off. Default value is On
for the projects that are created in Visual Basic 2010 whereas, default value
is Off for the projects that are upgraded to Visual Basic 2010 from earlier
Imports Statement
Imports statement imports one or more namespaces in an application. It allows
the code to refer to classes and other types defined within the namespace that is
being imported, without the need of qualifying them. You can use as many Imports
statements in your program. For example, in order to use the ReadLine method,
you should first import the namespace System.Console. Here, Console
is a class defined in the System namespace, and ReadLine is a method of the
Console class.
Namespaces help to organize and classify your programming elements such
as variables, classes, structures, etc., in such a way that they can be easily accessed
in other applications. Namespaces prevent ambiguity and simplify references to
avoid any naming conflicts between the programming elements classes that have
the same name. For example, two classes with the same name can be used in an
application if they belong to different namespaces. Some of the commonly used
namespaces are given in Table 4.1

Material 75
Introduction to VB.NET Table 4.1 Namespaces in Visual Basic 2010
Namespace Description
System It includes all the important classes and the base classes that define
the data types, interfaces, attributes, exceptions, and event handlers.
System.Collections It includes all those interfaces and classes that define collection of
NOTES objects such as lists, queues, hash tables, arrays, and dictionaries.
System.Data It provides access to classes that represent the ADO.NET
architecture. ADO.NET lets you build components that efficiently
manage data from multiple data sources.
System.Data.OleDb It contains classes that support OLE DB.NET data provider.
System.Data.SqlClient It contains classes that support SQL Server.NET data provider.
System.Data.OracleClient It is the .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle.
System.Data.Odbc It is the .NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC.
System.Data.Linq It contains classes that support interaction with relational databases
in LINQ to SQL applications.
System.Drawing It gives access to the GDI+ graphics packages that provides access
to drawing methods.
System.Drawing.Printing It comprises classes that help in customizing and performing the
printing operations.
System.IO It includes types that help in synchronous and asynchronous
reading from and writing to data streams and files.
System.NET It provides interface to the various protocols used on the Internet.

System.Security It contains those classes that support the structure of the common
language runtime security system.
System.Threading It contains those classes and interfaces that enable multithreaded
System.Web.Security It contains classes that provide ASP.NET security in Web server
System.Xml It contains classes that support XML processing.

Note that once you have imported a namespace in your program, you can directly
refer to the classes, functions, or other elements defined in that namespace without
qualifying it with the namespace. However, if you do not import the namespace,
you need to qualify the elements defined in the namespace each time you use them
in the program as shown in the following statements:
System.Console.WriteLine(“Hello World”)
In addition to System namespace, users can also define their own namespaces
as follows:
Namespace myspace
Structure mystruct ‘defining a structure inside
the namespace
Public i As Integer
Public str As String
End Structure
End Namespace

76 Material
Module or Class Declaration Introduction to VB.NET

Every program in VB.NET is completely object-oriented, so the program must

contain a module or a class that contains the data and procedure used in your
program. NOTES
Main Procedure
It is an essential part of a VB.NET program as it contains the Main method which
is the starting point of a program. The Main procedure states what the module or
class will do when executed. Once all the instructions in the Main method are
executed, the control is transferred out of the class thus terminating the entire
program. There are four varieties of Main:
 Sub Main()
 Sub Main(ByVal CmdArgs() As String)
 Function Main() As Integer
 Function Main(ByVal CmdArgs() As String) As Integer
Sub Main() is the most commonly used Main.
Variables, Statements, and Expressions
Inside the Main module, the variables are declared, input/output statements, and
mathematical expressions are given. These describe the functionality of the module.
Comments are a vital element of a program. Comments are not executable
statements and hence, do not increase the size of a file. Adding comments to the
code makes it easier to understand the code. They act as a documentation that
helps in understanding and maintaining existing code. In Visual Basic, comments
start with an apostrophe (‘).Visual Basic does not execute any statement followed
by an apostrophe.
Programming Elements of VB.NET
In any programming language, writing even an elementary program requires the
knowledge and clear understanding of various keywords, data types, variables,
constants and operators provided by that language. All these constitute the most
basic elements of a language which are combined to form an instruction and a set
of these instructions constitute a program. This section discusses the basic elements
of VB.NET.
4.2.1 Keywords
Keywords are the predefined words that have special significance in any language.
Every keyword is reserved for a specific purpose and hence must not be used as
user-defined names (identifiers). Some of the commonly used keywords in VB.NET
are listed in Table 4.2.
Material 77
Introduction to VB.NET Table 4.2 Reserved Keywords in VB.NET
Alias And AndAlso As Boolean
Byte ByVal Call Case Catch
Char Const Continue CShort Date
Decimal Declare Default Dim Do
NOTES Double Each Else ElseIf End
EndIf Enum Erase Event Exit
Error False Finally Friend Function
Get GetType Goto Handles If
Implements In Imports In Integer
Is IsNot Like Long Loop
Me Mod Module MyBase MyClass
Namespace New Next Not Object
Of On Operator Option Or
Private Protected Public RaiseEvent ReadOnly
ReDim Resume Return Select Set
Short Single Static Stop Structure
Then Throw True To Try
Using While When Wend With

4.2.2 Data Types

A data type determines the type and the operations that can be performed on the
data. VB.NET provides various data types and each data type is represented
differently within the computer’s memory. The type of data selected by a
programmer depends on the particular application. The various data types provided
by Visual Basic are broadly categorized into two types: primitive and non-
Primitive Data Types
Primitive data types, also known as built-in data types, are the fundamental data
types provided by a programming language. Primitive data types available in
VB.NET are listed in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3 Data Types in VB.NET
Type Size Range
(in bytes)
Boolean 1 True or False
Byte 1 0 to 255(unsigned)
SByte 1 -128 to 127 (signed)
Char 2 0 to 65535(unsigned)
Short 2 -32,768 to 32767 (signed)
UShort 2 0 to 65535 (unsigned)
Integer 4 –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (signed)
UInteger 4 0 to 4,294,967,295 (unsigned)
Long 8 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to
9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (signed)
ULong 8 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (unsigned)
Single (Single- 4 3.4028235E+38 to -1.401298E-45 (for negative
precision floating- values)
1.401298E-45 to 3.4028235E+38 (for positive
78 Material
Double (Double- 8 -1.79769313486231570E+308 to Introduction to VB.NET
precision floating- -4.94065645841246544E-324
point) (for negative values)
4.94065645841246544E-324 to
(for positive values) NOTES
Decimal 16 0 to +/-79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335
(+/-7.9...E+28) with no decimal point;
0 to +/-7.9228162514264337593543950335 with 28
places to the right of the decimal
smallest nonzero number is: +/-1E-28, that is,
Currency 8 -922,337,203,685,477.5808 to
Date 8 0:00:00 (midnight) on January 1, 0001 through
11:59:59 PM on December 31, 9999
String Depends on 0 to approximately 2 billion Unicode characters
Object 4 Any embedded object
Variant(numeric) 16 Any value as large as Double
Variant(text) Length + 22 Same as variable-length string

Non-Primitive Data Types

Non-primitive data types (user-defined data types) also known as reference
types are derived from the primitive data types. In Visual Basic, these include
classes, structures, enumeration, interface, delegate, and arrays.
4.2.3 Variables
A variable is an identifier that represents a memory location which is used to
store data value. Data stored at a particular location can be accessed using the
variable name. The value of a variable can be changed anytime during the program
execution. The variable name we choose must be meaningful so as to understand
what it represents in the program.
Declaring Variables
Like any other programming language, VB.NET also demands the declaration of
variables before using it in the program. Variables in VB.NET are declared in the
general section of the codes window using the Dim keyword, where Dim stands
for dimension. It is a keyword which tells VB that a variable is being declared.
This statement is used at the module, class, structure, procedure, or block level.
The declaration of a variable informs the compiler, the specific data type to which
a variable is associated and allocates sufficient memory for it.
The syntax for declaring a variable is:
Dim Variable_Name As Data_Type
For example, consider the following statements.
Material 79
Introduction to VB.NET Dim firstname As String
Dim result As Integer
Dim newDate As Date
Dim firstname As String, Dim lastname As String
The string variables can declared as variable-length or fixed-length. The
syntax given above is used for variable-length string. The fixed-length string is
declared as follows:
Dim Variable Name As String * n
where, n is the number of characters a string can hold.
There are some important rules for naming variables:
 It must start with a letter not with a digit, and can be followed by letters
and digits.
 It cannot be more than 255 characters.
 Spacing and period (such as, - and . ) are not allowed.
 Reserved words cannot be used as name of variable.
 Special characters (such as, &, *, # ) are not allowed.
 Uppercase and lowercase letters are not distinguishable in VB.
Some examples of valid and invalid variable names are shown in Table 4.4.
Table 4.4 Examples of Valid And Invalid Variable Names
Valid variables name Invalid variables name
Emp_name (a period is not allowed)
Emp123 123Emp (first character cannot be a digit)
E123code E123@code (special character @ is not allowed)

Type Declaration Characters

For specifying the data type of a variable we can also use some special characters
in place of data type. These special characters are known as type declaration
characters. Table 4.5 gives a list of type declaration characters used in VB.NET.
Table 4.5 Type Declaration Characters

Type Declaration Characters Data Type

% Integer
$ String
@ Currency
& Long
# Double
! Single

The syntax for declaring a variable data type with type declaration characters is
given below.
Dim Variable_Name<type-declaration character>

80 Material
For example, consider this statement. Introduction to VB.NET

Dim Emp_name$
In this statement, a variable Emp_name of type String is declared. This
method of declaration of variable is known as implicit declaration. It is important NOTES
to note that there should be no space between the variable name and its type
declaration character.
Note: If we skip the datatype part during the declaration of the variable then, the data type of
the variable will be variant. A variable of variant data type can hold value of any data type
except user defined data types and fixed length string.

Assigning Values to Variables

Declaration of variables simply allocates memory for variables—it does not store
any data in the variables. To store data in the variables, values need to be assigned
to them. The syntax for assigning values to variables is:
The expression can be a string, a number, an integer, a mathematical value, or a
Boolean value. For example, consider these statements.
Dim x as Integer
Here, a variable x of the integer type is declared and the value 10 is assigned to it.
4.2.4 Constants
Constants store values that remain the same throughout the execution of a program.
Constants are used to improve the readability of your code by giving names to
constant values. They are basically used when the value they contain needs to be
used frequently in a program. For example, rate_of_interest can be
made constant in a program which computes simple and compound interest for a
given principal amount and time period. In future, if the rate of interest gets changed,
its value needs to be modified only in one statement; all other values are automatically
Declaring a Constant
The syntax to declare a constant is:
Const Constant_Name as Data_Type = Value
For example, consider the following statement.
Const PI As Single = 3.14
Compile-Time and Run-Time Constants
A compile-time constant is a value that is computed at compile-time. A run-
time constant is a value that is computed while the program is running. If a same
program runs more than once then a compile-time constant will have the same
value each time the application is executed, while a run-time constant can have a
Material 81
Introduction to VB.NET different value on each execution of the application.
4.2.5 Operators
Operators are the symbols which perform operations on various data items. The
NOTES data items on which the operators perform operations are known as operands.
To perform an operation, operators and operands are combined together to form
an expression. For example, a + b is an expression, in which a and b are
operands and + is an operator.
Depending on the function performed, the operators in Visual Basic are
classified into various categories. These include arithmetic operators, assignment
operators, comparison operators, string concatenation, relational operators,
logical and bitwise operators and special operators.
Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators perform the basic arithmetic operations on operands. They
can work on any built-in data type except Boolean. VB.NET provides various
arithmetic operators which are listed in Table 4.6.
Table 4.6 Arithmetic Operators

Operator Description
+ Addition or unary plus
- Subtraction or unary minus
* Multiplication
/ Division
\ Integer division
^ Exponentiation
Mod Modulus

Assignment Operators
Assignment operator assigns the value of an expression to a variable. Various
assignment operators available in VB.NET are listed in Table 4.7.
Table 4.7 Assignment Operators
Operator Description
= Assignment
^= Exponentiation followed by assignment
*= Multiplication followed by assignment
/= Division followed by assignment
\= Integer division followed by assignment
+= Addition followed by assignment
-= Subtraction followed by assignment
&= Concatenation followed by assignment
<<= Perform arithmetic left shift on value of
>>= Perform arithmetic right shift on value of

Comparison Operators
82 Material
Comparison operators are used for comparing two values or expressions. They Introduction to VB.NET

return values of Boolean type, that is, either true or false. Some of the various
comparison operators provided by VB.NET are listed in Table 4.8.
Table 4.8 Comparison Operators
Operator Description
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
= Equal to
<> Not equal to
Is True if two object reference variables
refer to the same object (irrespective of
their values)
IsNot True if two object references refer to
the different objects
Like Performs string matching against a

String Concatenation Operators

Concatenation operators join multiple strings into a single string. There are two
concatenation operators in VB.NET, & and +. Both carry out the basic
concatenation operation. The + operator can also concatenate numeric operands
in addition to string operands, whereas, the & operator is defined only for string
operands. In general, the & operator is recommended for string concatenation
because it is defined exclusively for strings and minimizes the chances of generating
an unintended conversion.
Logical and Bitwise Operators
Logical operators combine expressions containing comparison or logical operators,
resulting into logical expression. The result of a logical expression can be either
True or False. The operators which manipulate data at bit level are called
bitwise operators. Various logical and bitwise operators provided by VB.NET
are listed in Table 4.9.
Table 4.9 Logical and Bitwise Operators
Operator Description
And It returns True only if both operands are True and if
even one of the operand is False, it returns False. It
does the same for bit-by-bit operations where 0 is treated
as False and 1 as True. Thus, for all 1s it gives 1,
otherwise it returns 0.
Not It performs an operation called inversion or
complementation. It simply changes one logic level to
the opposite, that is, True to False and vice versa; and 1
to 0 and 0 to 1 for bitwise operations.

Material 83
Introduction to VB.NET Or It returns true if either operand is True for logical
operations and for bit-by-bit operations it returns 1 if
either of the operand is 1, otherwise it returns 0.
Xor This operator performs an exclusive-Or operation. For
NOTES logical operations, it returns True if there are odd number
of True in the expression; otherwise it returns False. The
same applies for bit-by-bit operations where it returns 1
for off number of 1s, and 0 otherwise.
AndAlso This operator checks the first operand, if it is False, the
second operand is not tested.
OrElse This operator checks the first operand, if it is True, the
second operand is not tested.
IsTrue Checks whether the operation is True.
IsFalse Checks whether the operation is False.

Operators Precedence and Associativity

An expression consisting of more than one operator leads to a confusion as to
which operator is to be evaluated first. For example, consider this expression.
a + b * c - d
In this expression, the compiler needs to know which operator is evaluated first.
For this, it is important to determine the precedence and associativity of operators.
 Precedence: The order or priority in which various operators in an
expression are evaluated is known as precedence. Every operator in
VB.NET has a precedence associated with it. The operators with a higher
precedence are evaluated before the operators with a lower precedence.
For example, multiplication is performed before addition as the multiplication
operator has higher precedence than the addition operator.
 Associativity: The order or priority in which operators of the same
precedence are evaluated is known as associativity. For example, the
addition and subtraction operators have the same precedence. The compiler
evaluates each operation as it encounters it from left to right.
The precedence of operators in VB is shown as follows:
 Exponentiation (^)
 Unary identity and negation (+, -)
 Multiplication and floating-point division (*, /)
 Integer division (\)
 Modulus arithmetic (Mod)
 Addition and subtraction (+, -)
 All comparison operators (=, <>, <, <=, >, >=, Is, IsNot, etc. )
 Negation (Not)

84 Material
 Conjunction (And, AndAlso) Introduction to VB.NET

 Inclusive disjunction (Or, OrElse)

 Exclusive disjunction (Xor)
An Example VB Program NOTES

To understand the use of the programming elements of VB.NET discussed so far,

consider an example VB.NET program given in Example 2.1. This program is a
console application as it displays the output in the command prompt window. To
create a VB.NET console application, click New Project from the Start page
which appears when you start Visual Studio 2010, or click New from the File
menu in the Visual Studio 2010 IDE. This displays the New Project window.
Choose Console Application, and click OK (see Figure 4.2). A module named
Module1.vb is created, where you can type the VB.NET code.

Fig. 4.2 Creating a Console Application

Example 4.1: A program to demonstrate the use of programming elements of

Imports System.Console
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim firstname$, lastname$
Dim age As Integer
Dim marks, percentage As Single
Const n As Integer = 5
WriteLine(“Enter the first name”)
firstname = ReadLine() ‘input the firstname from
the user
WriteLine(“Enter the last name”)
lastname = ReadLine() ‘input the lastname from
Material 85
Introduction to VB.NET the user
WriteLine(“Enter your age”)
age = ReadLine() ‘age is read as string not integer
WriteLine(“Enter your marks”)
marks = Integer.Parse(ReadLine())
‘Integer.Parse is used to convert String to Integer
percentage = marks / n
WriteLine(“Your name is ” & firstname & “ ” &
WriteLine(“Your age is” & Str(age))
WriteLine(“Your marks are” & Str(marks))
WriteLine(“You got” & Str(percentage) & “%”)
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is


As discussed, Visual Basic uses variables of different built-in data types to store
data. However, these variables are incapable of holding more than one value at a
time. For example, a single variable cannot be used for storing the names of all the
students in a class. For such purposes, Visual Basic provides a different kind of
data type known as arrays.
Arrays are defined as a fixed size sequence of same type of data elements.
These data elements can be of any built-in or user-defined data type. The elements
of an array are stored in contiguous memory locations and each individual element
can be accessed using one or more indices. An index is a positive integer value,
which indicates the position of an element in an array. Arrays are used in situations
where a programmer wants to store a list of data items into a single variable and
86 Material
also wants to access and manipulate individual elements of the list. Arrays can be Introduction to VB.NET

either single-dimensional or multi-dimensional depending upon the number of

subscripts used.
In VB.NET, all the arrays are inherited from the System.Array class.
The Array class is a member of the System namespace. The Array class
provides methods for creating, searching, sorting, and modifying arrays. Some of
the commonly used methods of the Array class are GetUpperBound,
GetLowerBound, and GetLength.
Single-Dimensional Arrays
A single-dimensional array is the simplest form of an array that requires only one
subscript to access an array element. Like an ordinary variable, an array must
have been declared before it is used in the program. The syntax for declaring a
single-dimensional array is:
Dim Array_Name(Num_Elements) As Data_Type
Array_Name refers to the name of the array.
Num_Elements refers to the number of elements the array can contain.
Data_Type refers to the data type of elements. This parameter is optional.
For example, an array marks of type Integer and size 5 can be declared using
this statement.
Dim marks(5) As Integer
Initialization of Single-Dimensional Array
Once an array is declared, the next step is to initialize each array element with a
valid and appropriate value. Note that unless an array is initialized, all the array
elements contain garbage values. An array can be initialized at the time of its
The syntax for initializing an array at the time of its declaration is:
Dim Array_Name() As Data_Type = {value 1,value
2,......,value n}
The values are assigned to the array elements in the order in which they are
listed. That is, value 1, value 2,…, value n are assigned to the first,
second, …, nth element of the array, respectively.
For example, the array marks can be initialized while declaring using this
Dim marks() As Integer={51,62,43,74,55}
Example 4.2: A program to demonstrate the use of single-dimensional arrays.
Imports System.Console
Module Module1

Material 87
Introduction to VB.NET Sub main()
Dim marks(5) As Integer
Dim sum As Integer
WriteLine(“Enter the marks in five subjects”)
NOTES For i As Integer = 0 To 4
marks(i) = Integer.Parse(ReadLine())
sum += marks(i)
WriteLine(“Total marks are” & Str(sum))
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is

Note: The programs of arrays make use of loops which are discussed later in this section.

Multi-Dimensional Arrays
A multi-dimensional array of dimension n is a collection of items that are accessed
with the help of n subscript values. Generally, the arrays of three or more dimensions
are not used because of their huge memory requirements and the complexities
involved in their manipulation. Hence, only two-dimensional arrays will be discussed
in this unit.
Two-dimensional array
A two-dimensional array is the simplest form of a multi-dimensional array that
requires two subscript values to access an array element. Two-dimensional arrays
are useful when data being processed can be arranged in the form of rows and
columns (matrix form). The syntax for declaring a two-dimensional array is:
Dim Array_Name(row_size,column_size) As Data_Type
For example, an array a of type Integer having three rows and two columns
can be declared using this statement.
Dim a(3,2) As Integer
88 Material
Example 4.3: A program to demonstrate the use of two-dimensional arrays. Introduction to VB.NET

Imports System.Console
Module Module1
Sub main()
Dim stu_marks(3, 5) As Integer
Dim sum As Integer
For i As Integer = 0 To 2
WriteLine(“Enter the marks of student” & Str(i
+ 1) & “ in five subjects”)
For j As Integer = 0 To 4
stu_marks(i, j) = Integer.Parse(ReadLine())
sum += stu_marks(i, j)
Next j
WriteLine(“Total marks of student” & Str(i+1) & “ are” &
sum = 0
Next i
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is

Dynamic Arrays
Sometimes you come across situations in which you do not know the number of
elements to be stored in an array. For example, the number of candidates applying
for a job is not known in advance, so it is not possible to specify the size of such an
array in advance. For such kind of situations dynamic arrays are used. The size of
a dynamic array can vary during the execution of a program. ReDim statement
can be used to specify or change the size of one or more dimensions of an already
declared array. Some of the features of the ReDim statement are as follows:

Material 89
Introduction to VB.NET  It initializes the elements of the new array with the default values of their
data type. It does not change the data type of the array or initialize new
values for the array elements.
 It cannot be used at class or module level. It can be used only at the procedure
The syntax of ReDim statement is:
ReDim [Preserve] varname (subscripts)
subscripts specifies the new dimension
Preserve Keyword
There is a risk of losing the data when the size of array is changed. The Preserve
keyword preserves the data in an existing array. This is done by copying the
elements of the old array to the new one before modifying the dimension of the
array. For example, consider these statements.
Dim a() As Integer = {1, 2}

ReDim Preserve a(10)

Example 4.4: A program to demonstrate the use of dynamic arrays.
Imports System.Console
Module Module1
Sub main()
Dim stu_marks(3) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 2
WriteLine(“Enter the total marks of student” &
Str(i + 1))
stu_marks(i) = Integer.Parse(ReadLine())
ReDim Preserve stu_marks(6) ‘redefining the array
For i = 3 To 5
WriteLine(“Enter the total marks of student” &
Str(i + 1))
stu_marks(i) = Integer.Parse(ReadLine())
ReDim Preserve stu_marks(10)
For i = 6 To 9
WriteLine(“Enter the total marks of student” &
Str(i + 1))
stu_marks(i) = Integer.Parse(ReadLine())

90 Material
Next Introduction to VB.NET
WriteLine(“Marks of 10 students are”)
For i = 0 To 9
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is


There are classes that perform the task of checking or comparing the two strings.
The return result always comes in true or false. The compare result comes in number,
which can be less then zero or greater then zero. The result is stored in the integer
data type.
Value Meaning
 When the result is less than zero: This means that the first string is less
than second.
 When the result is zero: This means that both strings are equal.
 When the result is greater than zero: This means that the first string is
greater than zero.
The following example compares two strings:
Dim str1 As String = "radix"
Dim str2 As String = "solution"
Dim res As Int16 = String.Compare(str1, str2)
Material 91
Introduction to VB.NET Console.WriteLine("First result:" +
str2 = "ttt"
res = String.Compare(str1, str2)
Console.WriteLine("Second result:" +
str1 = "ttt"
res = String.Compare(str1, str2)
Console.WriteLine("Third result:" +
The CompareTo method is an instance method. It compares a value with a string
instance. The following source code compares two strings:
' CompareTo Method
Dim str As String = "radix"
4.4.1 Copy and Concatenating Strings
The Concat method adds string (or objects) and returns a new string. Using Concat
method, you can add two strings, two objects and one string, one object or more
combinations of these two.
The following source code concatenates two strings:
Dim str1 As String = "ppp"
Dim str2 As String = "ccc"
Dim strRes As String = String.Concat(str1, str2)
The following source code concatenates one string and one object:
Dim obj As Object = 12
strRes = String.Concat(str1, obj)
The Copy method copies contents of a string to another. The Copy method
takes a string as input and returns another string with the same content as the input
For example, the following code copies str1 to strRes:
strRes = String.Copy(str1)
Console.WriteLine("Copy result :" + strRes)
The CopyTo method copies a specified number of characters to a specified
position. Consider the following example:
Dim str1 As String = "pp"
Dim chrs(2) As Char

92 Material
str1.CopyTo(0, chrs, 0, 2) Introduction to VB.NET

Console.WriteLine(chrs(0) + chrs(1))
The Clone method returns a new copy of a string in the form of an object. The
following code creates a clone of str1.
Dim str1 As String = "ppp"
Dim objClone As Object = str1.Clone()
Console.WriteLine("Clone :" +
The Join method is useful when you need to insert a separator (String) between
each element of a string array, yielding a single concatenated string. For example,
the following sample inserts a comma and space (‘, ’) between each element of an
array of strings:
Dim str1 As String = "ppp"
Dim str2 As String = "ccc"
Dim str3 As String = "kkk"
Dim allStr() As String = New String() {str1,
str2, str3}
Dim strRes As String = String.Join(", ", allStr)
Console.WriteLine("Join Results: " + strRes)
4.4.2 Adding, Removing and Replacing Strings
The Insert method inserts a specified string at a specified index position in an
instance. The following source code inserts 'rsd' after second character in str1
and the result string is 'samp':
Dim str1 As String = "rsd"
Dim strRes As String = str1.Insert(2, "samp")
The Remove method deletes a specified number of characters from a specified
position in a string. This method returns result as a string. For example, the following
code removes three characters from index 3:
Dim s As String = "123abc000"
Console.WriteLine(s.Remove(3, 3))
The Replace method replaces all occurrences of a specified character in a
string. For example, the following source code replaces all p character instances of
str1 with character l and returns string 'lll':
Dim str1 As String = "ppp"
Dim repStr As String = str1.Replace("p", "l")
Console.WriteLine("Replaced string:" +
The Split method separate strings by a specified set of characters and places
these strings into an array of strings. For example, the following source code splits
Material 93
Introduction to VB.NET strArray based on ',' and stores all separated strings in an array.
Dim str1 As String = "ppp"
Dim str2 As String = "ccc"
Dim str3 As String = "kkk"
Dim strAll3 As String = str1 + ", " + str2 + ", "
+ str3
Dim strArray() As String = strAll3.Split(",")
Uppercase and Lowercase
The ToUpper and ToLower methods convert a string in uppercase and lowercase.
These methods are easy to implement. The following code shows how to use
ToUpper and ToLower methods:
Dim aStr As String = "adgas"
Dim bStr As String = "ABNMDWER"
Dim strRes As String = aStr.ToUpper()
Console.WriteLine("Uppercase:" +
strRes = bStr.ToLower()
Console.WriteLine("Lowercase:" +
4.4.3 Formatting Strings
You can use the Format method to create formatted strings and concatenate
multiple strings representing multiple objects. The Format method automatically
converts any passed object into a string. For example, the following code uses integer,
floating number and string values and format them into a string using the Format
Dim val As Int16 = 7
Dim name As String = "Mr. John"
Dim num As Double = 45.06F
Dim str As String = String.Format ("Days Left:
{0}. Current DataTime: {1: u}. \n String: {2}, Float:
{3}", val, DateTime.Now, name, num)
Trimming and Removing Characters from Strings
The String class provides Trim, TrimStart and TrimEnd methods to
trim strings. The Trim method removes white spaces from the beginning and end
of a string. The TrimEnd method removes characters specified in an array of
characters from the end of a string and TrimStart method removes characters
specified in an array of characters from the beginning of a string. You can also use

94 Material
the Remove method to remove characters from a string. The following code shows Introduction to VB.NET
how to use these methods:
Dim str As String = " C# "
Console.WriteLine("Hello{0}World!", str)
Dim trStr As String = str.Trim()
Console.WriteLine("Hello{0}World!", trStr)
str = "Hello World!"
Dim chArr() As Char = {"e", "H", "l", "o", " "}
trStr = str.TrimStart(chArr)
str = "Hello World!"
Dim chArr1() As Char = {"e", "H", "l", "o", " "}
trStr = str.TrimEnd(chArr1)
Dim MyString As String = "Hello Delta World!"
Console.WriteLine(MyString.Remove(5, 10))
Padding Strings
The PadLeft and PadRight methods can be used to pad strings. The PadLeft
method right-aligns and pads a string so that its rightmost character is the specified
distance from the beginning of the string. The PadRight method left-aligns and
pads a string so that its rightmost character is a specified distance from the end of
the string. These methods return new String objects that can either be padded with
empty spaces or with custom characters. The following code shows how to use
these methods:
Dim str1 As String = "My String"
Console.WriteLine(str1.PadLeft(20, "-"))
Dim str2 As String = "My String"
Console.WriteLine(str2.PadRight(20, "-"))
Using StringBuilder Class
The StringBuilder class represents a mutable string of characters. It is
known as mutable because it can be modified once it has been created with the help
of Append, Insert, Remove, and Replace methods.
Note: When multiple concatenation operations are involved with strings, for performance
reasons, it is recommended to use StringBuilder instead of String.
The StringBuilder class is defined in the System.Text namespace. Before
you use the StringBuilder class, make sure you add imports System.Text line
in your application.

Material 95
Introduction to VB.NET

Check Your Progress

1. Name the parts comprised by a VB.NET program.
NOTES 2. What is main procedure? What are the four varieties of main?
3. What are primitive and non-primitive data types?
4. What are constants? What is the syntax to declare a constant in VB.NET?
5. What is a single dimensional array?
6. What is the use of Concat method?



1. A VB.NET program consists of the following parts:

(i) Option statement
(ii) Imports statement
(iii) Namespace declaration
(iv) Class or Module declaration
(v) The Main procedure
(vi) Variables, statements and expressions
(vii) Comments
2. Main is an essential part of a VB.NET program as it contains the Main
method which is the starting point of a program. The Main procedure
states what the module or class will do when executed. Once all the
instructions in the Main method are executed, the control is transferred
out of the class thus terminating the entire program. There are four varieties
of Main:
(i) Sub Main()
(ii) Sub Main(ByVal CmdArgs() As String)
(iii) Function Main() As Integer
(iv) Function Main(ByVal CmdArgs() As String)
As Integer
3. Primitive data types, also known as built-in data types, are the fundamental
data types provided by a programming language. Non-primitive data types
(user-defined data types) also known as reference types are derived from
the primitive data types. In Visual Basic, these include classes, structures,
enumeration, interface, delegate, and arrays.

96 Material
4. Constants store values that remain the same throughout the execution of a Introduction to VB.NET

program. Constants are used to improve the readability of your code by

giving names to constant values. They are basically used when the value
they contain needs to be used frequently in a program. For example,
rate_of_interest can be made constant in a program which NOTES
computes simple and compound interest for a given principal amount and
time period. In future, if the rate of interest gets changed, its value needs to
be modified only in one statement; all other values are automatically modified.
The syntax to declare a constant is:
Const Constant_Name as Data_Type = Value
5. A single-dimensional array is the simplest form of an array that requires only
one subscript to access an array element.
6. The Concat method adds string (or objects) and returns a new string.


 A VB.NET program consists of an Option statement, Imports

statement, Namespace declaration, Class or Module declaration, the Main
procedure, variables, statements and expressions, and comments.
 Option statement is the first statement that is to be written in the code but
it is not always compulsory to write the Option statement. Option
statement helps prevent logic and syntax errors.
 Four types of option statements are Option Explicit, Option
Compare, Option Strict, Option Infer.
 Imports statement imports one or more namespaces in an application.
It allows the code to refer to classes and other types defined within the
namespace that is being imported, without the need of qualifying them.
 Namespaces help to organize and classify your programming elements, such
as variables, classes, structures, etc., in such a way that they can be easily
accessed in other applications. Namespaces prevent ambiguity and simplify
references to avoid any naming conflicts between the programming elements
classes that have the same name.
 The Main procedure states what the module or class will do when executed.
Once all the instructions in the Main method are executed, the control is
transferred out of the class thus terminating the entire program.
 Comments are a vital element of a program. Comments are not executable
statements and hence, do not increase the size of a file. Adding comments
to the code makes it easier to understand the code. They act as a
documentation that helps in understanding and maintaining existing code. In
Visual Basic, comments start with an apostrophe (‘).Visual Basic does not
execute any statement followed by an apostrophe. Self-Instructional
Material 97
Introduction to VB.NET  Keywords are the predefined words that have special significance in any
language. Every keyword is reserved for a specific purpose and hence
must not be used as user-defined names (identifiers).
 A data type determines the type and the operations that can be performed
on the data. VB.NET provides various data types and each data type is
represented differently within the computer’s memory. The various data
types provided by Visual Basic are broadly categorized into two types:
primitive and non-primitive.
 Primitive data types, also known as built-in data types, are the fundamental
data types provided by a programming language.
 Non-primitive data types (user-defined data types) also known as reference
types are derived from the primitive data types. In Visual Basic, these include
classes, structures, enumeration, interface, delegate, and arrays.
 A variable is an identifier that represents a memory location which is used
to store data value. Data stored at a particular location can be accessed
using the variable name. The value of a variable can be changed anytime
during the program execution.
 Constants store values that remain the same throughout the execution of a
program. Constants are used to improve the readability of your code by
giving names to constant values. They are basically used when the value
they contain needs to be used frequently in a program.
 Operators are the symbols which perform operations on various data items.
The data items on which the operators perform operations are known as
operands. To perform an operation, operators and operands are combined
together to form an expression.
 Depending on the function performed, the operators in Visual Basic are
classified into various categories. These include arithmetic operators,
assignment operators, comparison operators, string concatenation, relational
operators, logical and bitwise operators and special operators.
 Arrays are defined as a fixed size sequence of same type of data elements.
These data elements can be of any built-in or user-defined data type. The
elements of an array are stored in contiguous memory locations and each
individual element can be accessed using one or more indices. An index is a
positive integer value, which indicates the position of an element in an array.
 A single-dimensional array is the simplest form of an array that requires
only one subscript to access an array element. Like an ordinary variable, an
array must have been declared before it is used in the program.
 A multi-dimensional array of dimension n is a collection of items that are
accessed with the help of n subscript values.
 A two-dimensional array is the simplest form of a multi-dimensional array
that requires two subscript values to access an array element. Two-
98 Material
dimensional arrays are useful when data being processed can be arranged Introduction to VB.NET

in the form of rows and columns (matrix form).

 Dynamic arrays are used in the situations in which the number of elements
to be stored in an array is not known in advance. The size of a dynamic
array can vary during the execution of a program. ReDim statement can
be used to specify or change the size of one or more dimensions of an
already declared array.
 The Concat method adds string (or objects) and returns a new string.
 You can use the Format method to create formatted strings and
concatenate multiple strings representing multiple objects. The Format
method automatically converts any passed object into a string.


 Keywords: The predefined words that have special significance in any

language—every keyword is reserved for a specific purpose.
 Data Type: Determines the type and the operations that can be performed
on the data.
 Variable: An identifier that represents a memory location which is used to
store data value and the value of a variable can be changed anytime during
the program execution.
 Constants: They store values that remain the same throughout the execution
of a program.
 Operators: The symbols which perform operations on various data items.
 Arrays: A fixed-size sequence of same type of data elements and these
data elements can be of any built-in or user-defined data type.



Short Answer Questions

1. Why the Imports statement used in VB.NET?
2. What do you understand by precedence and associativity of operators?
3. What are the logical and bitwise operators provided by VB.NET?
4. What do you understand by multidimensional arrays?
Long Answer Questions
1. What is data type? Discuss the various types of data types provided by
Material 99
Introduction to VB.NET 2. Name and explain the different types of operators used in VB.NET.
3. What is an array? How are elements stored in an array? Discuss the various
types of arrays.
NOTES 4. What is a dynamic array? Also explain the use of ReDim and Preserve
keywords in VB.
5. What are the two ways of passing parameters to a procedure? Explain with
the help of suitable examples.


Holzner, Steven. 2002. Visual Basic .NET Black Book, United Kingdoms: Coriolis
Group Books.
Deitel, Harvey M. 2001. Visual Basic.NET How to Program, 2nd edition. New
Jersey: Prentice Hall.

100 Material
Control Statements


Structure NOTES
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Objectives
5.2 Conditional and Looping Statements
5.3 Procedures in VB.NET
5.3.1 Sub Procedures
5.3.2 Functions
5.3.3 MsgBox() and InputBox() Functions
5.4 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
5.5 Summary
5.6 Key Words
5.7 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
5.8 Further Readings


To make a program more flexible and efficient, the flow of execution can be altered
using various control statements. Different types of control flow statements, such
as selection statements and iteration statements are discussed in this unit. This unit
also discusses arrays, procedures, functions and two of the commonly used functions
that is MsgBox() and Input Box().


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

 Understand the different types of control statements in VB.NET
 Explain the various types of selection statements
 Discuss the different types of iteration statements
 Learn how procedures and functions are created in VB.NET


A statement is an instruction given to the computer to perform a specific action. By

default, the statements are executed in the same order in which they appear in the
program and each statement is executed only once. However, the serial execution
of statements makes a program inflexible and unsuitable for most of the practical
applications. To make a program more flexible, control statements are used to
alter the flow of control of the program.
In VB.NET, the control statements are broadly classified into three
categories, namely, selection statements, iteration statements and jump Self-Instructional
Material 101
Control Statements statements. All these control statements are commonly used with the logical tests
or test conditions to alter the flow of control conditionally or unconditionally. To
alter the flow conditionally, a particular condition is evaluated to control the flow
of execution. On the other hand, to alter the flow unconditionally, no such condition
NOTES is evaluated.
Selection Statements (Decision-Making)
Selection statements, also known as conditional statements, are used to make
decisions based on a given condition. If the condition evaluates to True, a set of
statements is executed, otherwise another set of statements is executed. Various
types of selection statements supported by VB.NET are:
 If statement
 If-Else statement
 Nested If-Else statement
 Select...Case statement
The If Statement
The If statement selects and executes the statement(s) based on a given condition.
If the condition evaluates to True, then a given set of statement(s) is executed.
However, if the condition evaluates to False, then the given set of statements is
skipped and the program control passes to the statement following the If statement
(see Figure 5.1).
The syntax of the If statement is
If condition Then
End of

Yes Is



Fig. 5.1 Flow of Control in If Statement

102 Material
The If-Else Statement Control Statements

The If-Else statement causes one of the two possible statement(s) to execute
depending upon the outcome of condition.
The syntax of the If-Else statements is: NOTES
If condition Then
End If
Here, the If-Else statement comprises two parts, namely, If and Else. If
the IF condition is True, then part is executed; otherwise, the Else part is executed
(see Figure 5.2).

Yes Is No



Fig. 5.2 Flow of Control in If-Else Statement

Example 5.1: A program to demonstrate the use of If-Else statement.

Imports System.Console
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim i As Integer
WriteLine(“Enter a number”)
i = Integer.Parse(ReadLine())
If i > 0 Then
Material 103
Control Statements WriteLine(“You have entered a positive number”)
WriteLine(“You have entered a negative number”)
End If
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is

Nested If-Else Statement

A nested If-Else statement contains one or more If-Else statements.
The syntax of nested If-Else statement is:
If condition1 Then
ElseIf condition2 Then
End If
Example 5.2: A program to demonstrate the use of nested If-Else statement
Imports System.Console
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim marks As Integer
WriteLine(“Enter your marks”)
marks = Single.Parse(ReadLine())
If marks < 33 Then
WriteLine(“You have falied”)
ElseIf marks > 33 And marks <= 50 Then
104 Material
WriteLine(“Your grade is C”) Control Statements
ElseIf marks > 50 And marks <= 75 Then
WriteLine(“Your grade is B”)
WriteLine(“Your grade is A”)
End If
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is

Selects...Case Statements
Select...Case in VB.NET is also a kind of selection statement. It is used
in those situations where there are many choices and for those choices, more than
one condition or case is required. The Select...Case statement makes use
of a variable or an expression as a test variable. The flow of the program is controlled
by this variable therefore, this variable is also known as control variable. Based
on this variable an expression from the expression list is selected. The syntax of
the Select...Case statement is:
Select (Case) testexpression
Case value
Case value
Case value
Case Else
End Select

Material 105
Control Statements Note that the term Select used in the Select...Case statement
specifies a keyword that shows the starting point of the Select...Case
statement and holds a test expression. testexpression specifies an integral
expression defined by using Integer and Char data types. Case in Visual
NOTES Basic specifies a keyword that holds an expression list which fulfils the
testexpression. Case Else specifies a keyword that runs the code
within the Case Else block when none of the cases within the
Select...Case statement executes.
The Select...Case statement tests the value of the test expression in
a sequence and compares it with the list of different cases. When a match is found,
the control is transferred to that particular Case block and the statements contained
in that particular Case block are executed.
Example 5.3: A program to demonstrate the use of nested Select...Case
Imports System.Console
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim value1 As Integer
WriteLine(“Enter your choice”)
value1 = Integer.Parse(ReadLine())
Select Case value1
Case 1
WriteLine(“You typed one”)
Case 2
WriteLine(“You typed two”)
Case 5
WriteLine(“You typed five”)
Case Else
WriteLine(“You typed something else”)
End Select
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is

106 Material
Iteration Statements or Loops Control Statements

The statements that cause a set of statements to be executed repeatedly either for
a specific number of times or until some condition is satisfied are known as iteration
statements. That is, as long as the condition evaluates to True, the set of NOTES
statement(s) is executed. The various iteration statements used in VB.NET are as
 For statement
 For Each statement
 While loop
 Do loop
The For Loop
The For loop is one of the most widely used loops. The For loop is a deterministic
loop in nature, that is, the number of times the body of the loop is executed is
known in advance.
The syntax of the For loop is:
For counter (As datatype)=(start) To (end) Step (step)
Next counter
Note that counter defines the numeric control variable for the loop,
datatype defines the data type of the counter, initial value of the counter is
given by start and final value of the counter is given by end. Step specifies
the value by which counter is incremented or decremented every time. If Step
clause is not used, the control variable is incremented by 1 by default. If we specify
a negative value with the Step clause, the counter variable will be decremented
with that value each time the loop is executed. Next will increment or decrement
the counter variable for next iteration.
Example 5.4: A program to display a series using For loop.
Imports System.Console
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim n As Integer
WriteLine(“Enter the value for n”)
n = Integer.Parse(Console.ReadLine())
‘This loop goes from 0 to n.
WriteLine(“The series is “)
For value As Integer = 0 To n
Console.WriteLine(value * value)

Material 107
Control Statements Read()
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is

The For Each Loop

For Each loop works for a list that may be an array or a collection of objects.
This loop executes iteratively through all the items in a list.
The syntax of the For Each statement is:
For Each element (As datatype) In group
Next element
Note that element defines a variable which is used to iterate through elements
of an array. The datatype defines the data type of the element variable, if
it is not already declared. Group specifies the array or collection of objects over
which the statements contained in the For Each block are to be repeated.
Statements stand for the statements that are executed for given number of
times. Next increment the element variable for the next iteration.
Example 5.5: A program to demonstrate the use of For Each loop.
Imports System.Console
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim numberSeq() As Integer =
{12, 11, 21, 13, 15, 18, 54, 65, 70, 82, 99, 100, 24, 33}
WriteLine(“The even numbers in the list are”)
For Each number As Integer In numberSeq
If number Mod 2 = 0 Then
‘ Display the number
108 Material
End If Control Statements
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is

The While Loop

The while loop is used in those situations, where the number of iterations is not
known in advance. Thus, unlike For loop, the While loop is non-deterministic
in nature.
The syntax of the While loop is:
While condition
End While
The following points should be noted about the While loop:
 Unlike For loops, the control variable must be declared and initialized
before the While loop and needs to be updated within the body of the
While loop.
 The While loop executes as long as condition evaluates to True.
If condition evaluates to False in the first iteration, then the body of
While loop never executes. Since it places the condition to be evaluated
at the beginning of the loop, it is an Entry controlled loop.
 While loop can have more than one expression in its condition. However,
such multiple expressions must be separated by commas and are executed
in the order of their appearance.
Example 5.6: A program to demonstrate the use of While loop.
Imports System.Console
Module Module1
Material 109
Control Statements Sub Main()
Dim n As Integer = 0
While n < 100
n += 10
End While
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is

The Do-Loop
As discussed earlier, in a While loop, the condition is evaluated at the beginning
of the loop and if the condition evaluates to False, the body of the loop is not
executed even once. However, if the body of the loop is to be executed at least
once, no matter whether the initial state of the condition is True or False, the
Do-Loop is used. This loop places the condition to be evaluated at the end of
the loop. Thus, it is an Exit controlled loop.
The syntax of the Do-Loop is:
Loop {While|Until} condition
Example 5.7: A program to demonstrate the use of Do-Loop.
Imports System.Console
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim n As Integer
Dim sum As Integer
WriteLine(“Enter the numbers (to stop enter 0)”)
110 Material
Do Control Statements
n = Integer.Parse(ReadLine())
sum = sum + n
Loop While n <> 0
WriteLine(“The sum of numbers entered by you is ” &
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is

If we replace the keyword While with Until in the Do-Loop, the statements
inside the loop will be executed until the condition becomes True. That is, the
loop will continue as long as the condition is False.
For example, if we replace the keyword While Example 5.7 with the
keyword Until, the code becomes as follows:
Imports System.Console
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim n As Integer
Dim sum As Integer
WriteLine(“Enter the numbers (to stop enter 0)”)
n = Integer.Parse(ReadLine())
sum = sum + n
Loop Until n = 0 ‘Notice that the condition is changed
WriteLine(“The sum of numbers entered by you is ” &
Material 111
Control Statements End Sub
End Module
The output of the program will be same.
NOTES With Statement
With statement allows you to perform a series of statements on a specified
object without qualifying the name of the object again and again. If you are using
a With block, then you do not need to repetitively type the qualification path. It
also reduces the risk of mistyping one of its elements. Note that With statement
is not a loop but it is very useful and acts as a loop. The syntax of With statement
With object
End With
Note that the term object used in the syntax of the With statement generally
is of class or structure type. statements specifies the statements that are
being executed and End With ends the definition of the With block.
Example 5.8: A program to demonstrate the use of With statement.
Imports System.Console
Structure student ‘defining a structure student
Public rollno As Integer ‘members of the
Public name As String
Public percent As Single
End Structure
Module Module1
Sub main()
Dim s As student
With s ‘no need to qualify rollno, name and
percent with s
.rollno = 10
.name = “himanshu”
.percent = 88.54
End With
With s
WriteLine(“Roll no is” & Str(.rollno))
WriteLine(“Name is ” & .name)
WriteLine(“Percentage is ” & Str(.percent))
End With

112 Material
End Sub Control Statements
End Module
The output of the program is

Check Your Progress

1. What is a Select...Case statement in VB.NET? When is it used?
2. What are iteration statements? Name the various iteration statements used
in VB.NET.


A block of statements which are written to accomplish a single task, for example,
adding two numbers, sorting a list of numbers, etc., is known as a procedure. The
procedure is executed only when it is called from some other place in the program.
The calling code could be a statement or an expression within a statement. In
visual basic, there are two types of procedures:
 Sub Procedures: A Sub procedure, after running the code, does not
return any value to the calling code. It is enclosed by Sub and End Sub
 Functions: A function, after running the code, returns a value to the calling
code. It is enclosed by Function and End Function statements.
Once the procedure execution is over, the control is returned back to the
calling code. This can be done by using the Return, Exit, or End
 Return Statement: It passes the control to the calling code immediately
and the statements followed by the Return statement are not executed.
A same procedure can have more than one Return statement.

Material 113
Control Statements  Exit Statement: Just like the Return statement, Exit statement
also returns the control to the calling code immediately. The statements
followed by the Exit statement are not executed. A same procedure
can have more than one Exit statement. In case of a Sub procedure,
NOTES the Return statement is equivalent to Exit Sub statement; however,
in case of a function, the Return statement returns a value back to the
calling code, whereas Exit statement simply returns the control to the
calling code.
 End Statement: The End statement also returns the control immediately
to the calling code. However, unlike Return and Exit statements, which
can be placed anywhere in the procedure, the End statement can be placed
only at the end of the procedure. In addition, there can be only one End
statement in a procedure.
Advantages of Procedures
As we have discussed, the procedures allow logical grouping of code into tasks.
Dividing a complex application into procedures makes the code more flexible and
easier to debug and maintain. Creating procedures has various other benefits,
such as:
 After a procedure is created and tested; it can be called from different
places in an application without writing the entire code again and again.
Thus, the code in a procedure is reusable.
 The applications consisting of procedures are easier to debug and maintain,
because creating procedures in an application makes it is easier to trace the
source of an error in a procedure as there is no need to test the entire
application in order to look for errors.
5.3.1 Sub Procedures
Earlier, in this unit we have written programs containing only Main sub procedure.
All the executable code is placed in the Main Sub procedure. The Main Sub
procedure is called automatically when the program execution is started. In addition
to Main, we can also create our own Sub procedures. This can be done as
shown below:

Sub Main()
… ‘body of main
End Sub
Sub hello()
Console.WriteLine(“This is how a procedure is created”)
End Sub

114 Material
Calling the Sub Procedure Control Statements

Merely, writing a Sub procedure is not enough to execute the statements written
in it. The Sub procedure is executed only when it is called from some other
procedure. For example, consider the following code segment. NOTES
Sub Main()
End Sub
Sub hello()
Console.WriteLine(“This is a how a procedure is created”)
End Sub
In the above code segment, the Sub procedure hello() is called in the Main
Sub procedure.
Parameters and Arguments
A parameter represents a value that is supplied to the procedure when it is defined.
The procedure’s declaration defines its parameters. A procedure can be defined
with no parameters, one parameter, or more than one. The part of the procedure
definition that specifies the parameters is called the parameter list.
An argument represents the actual value that is supplied to a procedure
parameter when the procedure is called. The calling code supplies the arguments
when it calls the procedure. The part of the procedure call that specifies the
arguments is called the argument list. The arguments which are passed to the
procedure are enclosed in the parenthesis.
For example, suppose you want to display a string entered by the user
instead of text “This is a how a procedure is created”. For
this, you need to pass a variable of type String in the parameter list of the Sub
procedure. In addition, the actual string which is to be displayed is passed when
the Sub procedure is called as shown in the following code.

Sub Main()
hello(“Passing actual values to the Sub procedure”)

End Sub
Sub hello(ByVal strText As String)
End Sub
Passing Parameters using ByVal or ByRef
There are two ways of passing parameters to the Sub procedure: ByVal and
ByRef. In ByVal method, a copy of a variable is passed to the Sub procedure.
Any changes can be made to the copy and the original variable will not be
Material 115
Control Statements altered. Whereas, in ByRef method, instead of passing a copy of the variable,
a reference (or address) of the variable is sent. Thus, the changes are actually
made to the original variable. For example, in the above code segment, strText
is passed ByVal to the hello() Sub procedure.
Example 5.9: A program to demonstrate the concept of passing parameters
ByVal in a Sub procedure.
Imports System.Console
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim Str1 As String
WriteLine(“Enter a string”)
Str1 = readline()
WriteLine(“Unaltered string in main: ” & Str1)
End Sub
Sub message1(ByVal strText As String)
WriteLine(“The original string is: ” & strText)
strText = “New string”
WriteLine(“The modified string in Sub procedure
is: ” & strText)
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is

It is clear from the output that the changes made to the variable strText in the
Sub procedure are not reflected in the Main because the parameter is passed
Example 5.10: A program to demonstrate the concept of passing parameters
ByRef in a Sub procedure.
116 Material
Imports System.Console Control Statements
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim Str1 As String
WriteLine(“Enter a string”)
Str1 = readline()
WriteLine(“Modified string in main: “ & Str1)
End Sub
Sub message1(ByRef strText As String)
WriteLine(“The original string is: “ & strText)
strText = “New string”
WriteLine(“The modified string in Sub procedure
is: “ & strText)
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is

5.3.2 Functions
Like Sub procedures, functions are also well-defined named group of statements
that are aimed at accomplishing a specific task or action in the program. They are
used to combine particular set of instructions that needs to be accessed repeatedly
in a program. The use of functions prevents the repetition of code and reduces the
size of the entire program. This is because a function’s code is written once and
can be used at different places in the program by calling the function. Like variables,
functions also need to be declared before they are used in programs. A function
can receive arguments and can even return a value.
A function is declared in the same way as Sub procedure is declared. The
only difference is that a function is enclosed within Function and End
Material 117
Control Statements Function statements, and a return type also needs to be specified that indicates
the data types of the value returned by the function.
Example 5.11: A program to demonstrate how to create a function returning a
Imports System.Console
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim A, B, sum As Integer
WriteLine(“Enter two numbers”)
A = Integer.Parse(ReadLine())
B = Integer.Parse(ReadLine())
sum = Addition(A, B)
WriteLine(“Sum of the numbers is: ” & Str(sum))
End Sub
Function Addition(ByVal n1 As Integer, ByVal n2 As
Integer) As Integer
Return n1 + n2
End Function
End Module
The output of the program is

5.3.3 MsgBox() and InputBox() Functions

Functions are classified into two types: built-in functions (or internal functions)
and user-defined functions. Example 5.11 demonstrates the creation of a user-
defined function. The two commonly used built-in functions are MsgBox() and
InputBox() which are used for input/output operations.

118 Material
MsgBox() Function Control Statements

MsgBox() function is used to display messages in the form of message box

instead of on the console output. It prompts the user to click the button displayed
on the message box. The syntax for using MsgBox() function is: NOTES
displayMsg=Msgbox(Prompt, Style_Value, Title)
Prompt refers to the message that is displayed in the message box. Its
maximum length is 1024 characters.
Style_Value specifies the type of command button that is displayed
on the message box.
Title refers to the text that is displayed in the title bar of the message
The parameter Style_Value can take various values, which are listed
in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1 Style Values in MsgBox()
Style_Value Constant Button(s)/Message Displayed
0 vbOKOnly OK button
1 vbOKCancel OK and Cancel buttons
2 vbOKAbortRetryIgnore Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons
3 vbYesNoCancel Yes, No, and Cancel buttons
4 vbYesNo Yes and No buttons
5 vbRetryCancel Retry and Cancel buttons
16 vbCritical Displays Critical message
32 vbQuestion Displays Warning query icon
48 vbExclamation Displays Warning message icon
64 vbInformation Displays Information message icon
0 vbDefaultButton1 Makes the first button as default button
256 vbDefaultButton2 Makes the second button as default button
512 vbDefaultButton3 Makes the third button as default button
0 vbApplicationModal Shows the application modal message box—
the user cannot work in the current
application without responding to the message
4096 vbSystemModal Shows the system modal message box—all
the applications are unavailable until the
message box is dismissed
65536 vbMsgBoxSetForeground Displays the message box window as the
foreground window
524288 vbMsgBoxRight Text displayed in the message box will be
1048576 vbMsgBoxRtlReading Text displayed in the message box will appear
as right-to-left—used if message to displayed
is in other languages such as Arabic and

Material 119
Control Statements To make the program more readable, the integer values in the second
argument of the MsgBox() function can be replaced with the named constant.
For example, the following statement:
displayMsg=Msgbox(“Click cancel to skip”, 1, message1)
can also be written as
displayMsg=Msgbox(“Click cancel to skip”, vbOkCancel,
The variable displayMsg will store the value returned by the
MsgBox() function, when the user clicks a button on the message box. The
different values returned by the MsgBox() are listed in Table 5.2.
Table 5.2 Values Returned by MsgBox() Function
Button Clicked Value
OK button 1
Cancel buttons 2
Abort button 3
Retry buttons 4
Ignore buttons 5
Yes button 6
No button 7

Example 5.12: A program to demonstrate the use of MsgBox()function.

Imports System.Console
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim displayMsg As Integer
displayMsg = MsgBox(“Hello”, 0, “Message Box”)
WriteLine(“Value returned by the message box is:”
& Str(displayMsg))
End Sub
End Module
The output of the program is

When the user clicks the OK button, the following message will be displayed.

120 Material
Control Statements


InputBox() Function
InputBox()function prompts the user to enter a value or message in the dialog
box. The syntax of the InputBox() function is:
displayMsg=InputBox(Prompt, Title, default_text,x-
displayMsg is generally of String type that accepts the message
entered by the user.
Prompt refers to the text which is displayed in the InputBox. This
argument is mandatory.
Title refers to the text that is displayed in the title bar of the InputBox.
Default-text is an optional argument. It specifies the string that appears
in the TextBox by default, when the InputBox is displayed to the user. The
user can overwrite this text by providing his/her own text.
X-position, Y-position specifies the coordinates or position of
the InputBox on the screen.
Example 5.13: A program to demonstrate the use of InputBox()
Imports System.Console
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim name As String
name = InputBox(“Enter your name”, “Input Box”,
“Default text”,
200, 200)
WriteLine(“Your name is: ” & name)
End Sub
End Module

Material 121
Control Statements The output of the program is


When the user enters his or her name, and clicks OK, the following message
is displayed. If the user clicks the Cancel button, no message will be

Check Your Progress

3. What is a procedure?
4. What are the two types of procedures in VB.NET?



1. Select...Case in VB.NET is also a kind of selection statement. It is

used in those situations where there are many choices and for those choices,
more than one condition or case is required. The Select Case statement
makes use of a variable or an expression as a test variable. The flow of the
program is controlled by this variable therefore, this variable is also known
as control variable. Based on this variable an expression from the expression
list is selected.

122 Material
2. The statements that cause a set of statements to be executed repeatedly Control Statements

either for a specific number of times or until some condition is satisfied are
known as iteration statements. That is, as long as the condition evaluates to
True, the set of statement(s) is executed. The various iteration statements
used in VB.NET are as follows: NOTES
 For statement
 For Each statement
 While Loop
 Do-Loop
3. A block of statements which are written to accomplish a single task, for
example, adding two numbers, sorting a list of numbers, etc., is known as a
procedure. The procedure is executed only when it is called from some
other place in the program. The calling code could be a statement or an
expression within a statement.
4. In visual basic, there are two types of procedures:
 Sub procedures: A Sub procedure, after running the code, does not
return any value to the calling code. It is enclosed by Sub and End
Sub statements.
 Functions: A function, after running the code, returns a value to the
calling code. It is enclosed by Function and End Function


 In VB.NET, the control statements are broadly classified into three

categories, namely, selection statements, iteration statements and jump
statements. All these control statements are commonly used with the logical
tests or test conditions to alter the flow of control conditionally or
 Selection statements, also known as conditional statements, are used to
make decisions based on a given condition. If the condition evaluates to
True, a set of statements is executed, otherwise another set of statements
is executed.
 Various types of selection statements supported by VB.NET are If
statement, If-Else statement, Nested If-Else statement, and
Select...Case statement.
 The statements that cause a set of statements to be executed repeatedly
either for a specific number of times or until some condition is satisfied are

Material 123
Control Statements known as iteration statements. That is, as long as the condition evaluates to
True, the set of statement(s) is executed.
 The various iteration statements used in VB.NET are as follows For
statement, For Each statement, While loop, and Do-Loop.
 A block of statements which are written to accomplish a single task, for
example, adding two numbers, sorting a list of numbers, etc., is known as a
procedure. The procedure is executed only when it is called from some
other place in the program. The calling code could be a statement or an
expression within a statement. In visual basic, there are two types of
procedures namely Sub procedure and function.
 Like Sub procedures, functions are also well-defined named group of
statements that are aimed at accomplishing a specific task or action in the
program. They are used to combine particular set of instructions that needs
to be accessed repeatedly in a program.
 Functions are classified into two types: built-in functions (or internal functions)
and user-defined functions.
 The two commonly used built-in functions are MsgBox() and
InputBox() which are used for input/output operations.
 The term exception is an abbreviation for the phrase “exceptional event”. It
is an unpredicted event that occurs while the program is executing and thus,
disrupts the normal flow of the program or terminates the program


 Selection Statements (or Conditional Statements): The statements

which are used to make decisions based on a given condition and if the
condition evaluates to True, a set of statements is executed, otherwise
another set of statements is executed.
 Iteration Statements: The statements that cause a set of statements to be
executed repeatedly either for a specific number of times or until some
condition is satisfied.
 Procedure: A block of statements which are written to accomplish a single
 Sub Procedures: A kind of procedure that does not return any value to
the calling code and it is enclosed by Sub and End Sub statements.
 Functions: A kind of procedure that returns a value to the calling code
enclosed by Function and End Function statements.

124 Material
Control Statements

Short Answer Questions NOTES

1. How is a Sub procedure different from a function?

2. What are the benefits of creating procedures?
3. Write the working of Try...Catch...Finally block with the help
of a diagram.
4. Write a program to find the area of a circle.
5. Write a program to check whether a given number is odd or even.
Long Answer Questions
1. What are the two ways of passing parameters to a procedure? Explain with
the help of suitable examples.
2. Write a program to demonstrate the use of Try…Catch…Finally
statements in VB.NET.
3. Explain the MsgBox() and InputBox() functions. Give syntax for
4. Write a menu-driven program that performs basic arithmetic operations
(+, -, *, /, \, and mod) depending on the user's choice. Make use of select
case statement.


Holzner, Steven. 2002. Visual Basic .NET Black Book, United Kingdoms: Coriolis
Group Books.
Deitel, Harvey M. 2001. Visual Basic.NET How to Program, 2nd edition. New
Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Material 125
Windows Forms


NOTES Structure
6.0 Introduction
6.1 Objectives
6.2 Windows Forms
6.2.1 MDI Forms
6.3 Event
6.4.1 Simple MessageBox
6.4.2 MessageBox with Title
6.4.3 MessageBox with Buttons
6.4.4 MessageBox with Icon
6.4.5 MessageBox with Default Button
6.4.6 MessageBox with Message Options
6.4.7 MessageBox with Help Button
6.5 InputBox()
6.6 DialogBox
6.7 RichTextBox
6.8 Label Class
6.9 LinkLabel Control
6.10 Passing Forms
6.11 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
6.12 Summary
6.13 Key Words
6.14 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
6.15 Further Readings

Windows Forms is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) class library included in a
.Net Framework. The primary purpose of providing this is to make the development
of applications for desktop, tablet or PCs simpler and easier. It is also known as
WinForms and the applications created using this (Windows Forms or WinForms)
are known as the Windows Forms Applications. These applications run on the
desktops. WinForms is suitable for developing only the Windows Forms
Applications (or the desktop application) and cannot be used to develop web
applications. WinForms applications can contain various types of controls like list
boxes, names, tooltip, labels etc.


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

 Understand and create the Windows form applications
 Implement a MDI form
126 Material
 Discuss the concept of events and its types Windows Forms

 Create and add various controls like MessageBox, DialogBox,

RichTextBox control to a from

Windows Forms (WinForms) is a graphical (GUI) class library included as a part

of Microsoft.NET Framework or Mono Framework, giving a common platform
to compose rich customer applications for workstation, work area, and tablet
PCs. It is viewed as a trade for the prior and increasingly complex C++ based
Microsoft Foundation Class Library. It doesn’t offer a practically identical paradigm
and used as a platform for the UI level in a multi-level solution.
Steps for creating a Windows Forms Application using
Visual Studio 2017
Following are the steps for creating a Windows form application.
1. Open the Visual Studio, then Go to File - > New - > Project to create a
new project and then select the language as Visual C# from the left menu.
You can see on Windows Forms App (.NET Framework) in the midst of
current window. After that give the name of the project and Click OK. The
following window will appear.

Material 127
Windows Forms It acts as a containers that contains the projects and files which might be
required by the programmer at any point of time.
2. Once the WinForms is open, a window will be displayed that is divided into
three main parts as discussed below:
 Main Window or Editor Window: This is the window where designing of
form can be done and code can be written. Initially the form has a blank
layout and double click on the form will take you to the code section.
 Solution Explorer Window: This provides a navigation between different
items/ objects present in the form. It displays all the different forms present
in the project and when any particular form (or file) is selected, then particular
information related to that form will be displayed in the property window.
 Properties Window: This window allows user to change the various
properties associated with the selected item/object in the solution explorer.
This window will also allow users to change the properties of different
controls or components (eg. TextBox, label, button etc.) which are added
to the forms.

Fig. 6.1 Window Form

The layout of the window can also be set to default by clicking Window - >
Reset Window Layout in Visual Studio Menu.
Steps for adding various controls to the WinForms application
1. In order to add various controls directly to your WinForms application
locate the Toolbox tab at the left side of the Visual Studio where, a list of
controls is displayed. The most frequently used controls are present under
the Common Controls option in the Toolbox tab.

128 Material
Windows Forms
Form (Design


Fig. 6.2 Form

2. In order to bring the control on the created form, just drag and drop the
required control on to the form. Below is the screenshot displaying the
controls, listbox, TextBox and a button. The properties of the control
can be accessed and changed by selecting the particular control. The
properties associated with the control will be displayed in the properties
window on the right side, when the control is selected.
For example, in the screenshot below, the selected control is a TextBox
and its associated properties such as TextAlign, MaxLength, MultiLine
etc. are shown in the Properties Window. As per the need of the
applications, the values of these properties can be changed. The code for
that control and for a particular property is automatically added in the

3. The program can be run using F5 key or Play button present in the toolbar
of Visual Studio. Alternatively, Debug->Start Debugging menu in the menu
bar can also be used to stop the program. Similarly, to stop the program,
pause button can be used present in the ToolBar. Self-Instructional
Material 129
Windows Forms


Fig. 6.3 Form 1

6.2.1 MDI Forms

Multiple Document Interface or MDIApplication provides a programming interface
to create applications that enables to display multiple document at the same time,
while displaying each documents in its own window. In other words, many source
files and design views can be open at once. Each file or document has its own
separate space with its own controls for scrolling. The user can simply navigate
between the documents by simply moving the cursor from one space to another.
However, the view space in MDI applications is confined to the application’s window
or client area. Figure 6.4 shows each document (Form 1, Form2, Form3) have
been displayed in the separate child window within the client area. This is in contrast
with Single Document Interface (SDI), where single document can only be accessed
and manipulated at a time. Notepad, paint are some examples of SDI.

Fig. 6.4 Multiple-Document Interfaces (MDI)

130 Material
MDI Parent Form Windows Forms

MDI applications consists of two types of forms, main form (or parent form) and
the child form. The parent form does not itself display any data, whereas the child
form is used to display documents and appears only within the parent form. The NOTES
parent form coordinates all the child forms or reports that are open at present. The
main form is called as the MDI parent and the child forms are called as MDI
children. In a way, MDI parent acts as a background for the application and
contains MDI child forms. You may have seen such options in various Windows
applications under a Windows menu, for instance, Cascade, Tile Vertical, and so
Steps for creating a MDI parent form with a menu bar
1. Create a Windows Application project.
2. In the Properties window, set the IsMdiContainer property to true.
This designates the form as an MDI container for child windows.
3. From the Toolbox, drag a MenuStrip control to the form. Create a top-
level menu item with the Text property set to &File with submenu items
called &New and &Close. Also create a top-level menu item
called &Window.
The first menu will open and close menu items at run time, and the second
menu will keep track of the open MDI child windows. At this point, you
have created an MDI parent window.
4. Press F5 to run the application.
MDI Child Form
MDI child forms are the important element of MDI application as the contents are
displayed in these forms.
Steps for creating MDI child forms
1. Create a new Windows Forms project. In the Properties Windows for
the form, set its IsMdiContainer property to true, and its WindowsState
property to Maximized.
2. This designates the form as an MDI container for child windows.
3. From the Toolbox, drag a MenuStrip control to the form. Set its Text property
to File.
4. Click the ellipses (…) next to the Items property, and click Add to add
two child tool strip menu items. Set the Text property for these items
to New and Window.
5. In Solution Explorer, right-click the project, point to Add, and then
select Add New Item.
Material 131
Windows Forms 6. In the Add New Item dialog box, select Windows Form (in Visual Basic
or in Visual C#) or Windows Forms Application (.NET) (in Visual C++)
from the Templates pane. In the Name box, name the form Form2. Click
the Open button to add the form to the project.
The MDI child form you created in this step is a standard Windows Form.
As such, it has an Opacity property, which enables you to control the
transparency of the form. However, the Opacity property was designed
for top-level windows. Do not use it with MDI child forms, as painting
problems can occur.
7. This form will be the template for your MDI child forms.
8. The Windows Forms Designer opens, displaying Form2.
9. From the Toolbox, drag a RichTextBox control to the form.
10. In the Properties window, set the Anchor property to Top, Left and
the Dock property to Fill.
11. This causes the RichTextBox control to completely fill the area of the
MDI child form, even when the form is resized.
12. Double click the New menu item to create a Click event handler for it.
13. Insert code similar to the following to create a new MDI child form when
the user clicks the New menu item.
In the following code, the event handler handles the Click event
for MenuItem2. Be aware that, depending on the specifics of your application
architecture, your New menu item may not be MenuItem2.
protected void MDIChildNew_Click(object sender,
System.EventArgs e)
Form2 newMDIChild = new Form2();
// Set the Parent Form of the Child window.
newMDIChild.MdiParent = this;
// Display the new form.
 In the drop-down list at the top of the Properties window, select the
menu strip that corresponds to the File menu strip and set the
MdiWindowListItem property to the Window ToolStripMenuItem.
 This will enable the Window menu to maintain a list of open MDI child
windows with a check mark next to the active child window.
 Press F5 to run the application. By selecting New from the File menu,
you can create new MDI child forms, which are kept track of in
the Window menu item.
132 Material
Windows Forms

A windows application is an event-driven application where an event is a message

sent by an object to inform an application about the occurrence of an action also NOTES
known as event. It is a way through which user can interact with different element/
controls present in the form within the user interface, in any order they choose. It
may be caused by clicking a mouse (MouseClick event) or a button (ButtonClick
event). There are two terms related to an event as given below:
1. Event Sender: It is the object that sent the event.
2. Event Receiver: The object that receives the event sent by the event sender
and responds accordingly.
3. Event Handler: A sub routine or procedure which defines the corrective
action at the time of event creation.
VB.Net is an event driven language and has mainly two types of events:
1. Mouse events
2. Keyboard events
Handling Mouse Events
When there is a movement in forms and controls, a mouse event occurs. The
various mouse events related with a Control class has been described below:
 MouseDown – It occurs when a mouse button is pressed.
 MouseEnter – It occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control.
 MouseHover – It occurs when the mouse pointer hovers over the control.
 MouseLeave – It occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control.
 MouseMove – It occurs when the mouse pointer moves with the control.
 MouseUp – It occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and the
mouse button is released.
 MouseWheel – It occurs when the mouse wheel moves and the control has
To handle the mouse events, events handlers of mouse events get an argument of
type MouseEventsArgs, which has the following properties:
 Buttons – It indicates the mouse button is pressed.
 Clicks – It indicates the number of clicks.
 Delta – It indicates the number of detents the mouse wheel rotated.
 X – It indicates the x-coordinate of mouse click.
 Y – It indicates the y-coordinate of mouse click.

Material 133
Windows Forms Handling Keyboard Events
The various keyboards events related with a Control class are as follows:
 KeyDown – It occurs when a key is pressed down and the control has
NOTES focus.
 KeyPress –It occurs when a key is pressed and the control has focus.
 KeyUp – It occurs when a key is released while the control has focus.
Events handlers of keyboard events also get an argument of type
KeyboardEventsArgs, which has the following properties:
 Alt – It indicates whether the ALT key is pressed.
 Control – It indicates whether the CTRL key is pressed.
 Handled – It indicates whether the event is handled.
 KeyCode – It stores the keyboard code for the event.
 KeyData – It stores the keyboard data for the event.
 KeyValue – It stores the keyboard value for the event.
 Modifiers – It indicates which modifier keys (Ctrl, Shift, and/or Alt) are
 Shift – It indicates if the Shift key is pressed.
The arguments of type KeyEventArgs for event handlers of KeyUp and KeyDown
events has the following properties:
 Handled – It indicates if the KeyPress event is handled.
 KeyChar – It stores the character corresponding to the key pressed.

Check Your Progress

1. What are WinForms?
2. What are the three main parts of WinForm window?
3. What is the use of MDI application?
4. What are the two types of events?


A message box is a type of dialog box that is used to communicate any piece of
information with the user. MessageBox control in Windows Forms is used to
display a message with the given text and action buttons. You can also use
MessageBox control to add additional options such as a caption, an icon, or
help buttons. There is no provision to type anything by the user. It just briefs the
user about the instructions with text, buttons and symbols to proceed further.
134 Material
MessageBox class is generally used for general message display and user Windows Forms

The Show method of MessageBox is used to display a user specific
message in a dialog box and waits for the user to click a button.
6.4.1 Simple MessageBox
The simplest form of a MessageBox is a dialog with a text and OK button.
When you click OK button, the box disappears.
The general form is:
MessageBox.Show(string message, string caption,
MessageBoxButtons b, MessageBoxIcon ic)
The following code creates a simple Message Box.
string message = “Welcome to Microsoft Visual Basic”;
The output of above code is:

6.4.2 MessageBox with Title

The following code snippet creates a simple MessageBox with a title.
string message = “Simple MessageBox”;
string title = “Title”;
MessageBox.Show(message, title);
The output of the code will be:

6.4.3 MessageBox with Buttons

A number of buttons combination can be created on a MessageBox such as
combination of Yes/No, OK/Cancel etc. The MessageBox buttons enumeration
represents the buttons to be displayed on a MessageBox and has following
 OK
 OK/Cancel Self-Instructional
Material 135
Windows Forms  Abort/Retry/Ignore
 Yes/No/Cancel
 Yes/No
NOTES  Retry/Cancel
Let’s take an example that creates a message box with its title and YES/
NO buttons. Generally we call this message box at the time of closing an application.
If we click on Yes button the application will be closed. If we click on NO button
message box will be disappear from the screen. The Show method returns a
DialogResult enumeration.
string message = “Do you want to close this window?”;
string title = “Close Window”;
MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo;
DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(message, title,
if (result == DialogResult.Yes) {
} else {
// Do something
The output will be as shown below.

6.4.4 MessageBox with Icon

The dialog of a MessageBox can also have an icon. A MessageBoxIcons
enumeration represents an icon to be displayed on a MessageBox. It has
following values.
 None
 Hand
 Question
 Exclamation
 Asterisk
 Stop
 Error
136 Material
 Warning Windows Forms

 Information
Code for a MessageBox with a title, buttons, and an icon is given below.
string message = ”Do you want to abort this operation?”; NOTES
string title = ”Close Window”;
essageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetry
DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(message, title,
buttons, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
if (result == DialogResult.Abort) {
elseif(result == DialogResult.Retry) {
// Do nothing
else {
// Do something

6.4.5 MessageBox with Default Button

You can also set the default button on a MessageBox as per the requirements.
When, we will not set the default button in that case the first button will be the
default button. The MessageBoxDefaultButton enumeration is used for this
purpose and it has the following three values.
 Button1
 Button2
 Button3
Code for a MessageBox with a title, buttons, and an icon and setting the second
button as a default button is given below.
string message = ”Do you want to abort this operation?”;
string title = ”Close Window”;
MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.Abort
Material 137
Windows Forms DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(message, title,
buttons, MessageBoxIcon. Warning, MessageBoxDefault
if (result == DialogResult.Abort) {
NOTES this.Close();
elseif(result == DialogResult.Retry) {
// Do nothing
else {
// Do something

6.4.6 MessageBox with Message Options

A Message box can also have a number of message options on it.
MessageBoxOptions enumeration represents various options and has the
following values.
 ServiceNotification
 DefaultDesktopOnly
 RightAlign
 RtlReading
Code for creating a MessageBox with various options is as follows.
DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(message, title,
buttons, MessageBoxIcon. Warning,MessageBoxDefaultButton.

138 Material
6.4.7 MessageBox with Help Button Windows Forms

For any type of help regarding the message box or any contents on this message
box, you can create the help button on it.
Code for creating a MessageBox with a Help button is as follows. NOTES
DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(message, title,
buttons, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefault
Button.Button2, MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign,true);


An InputBox function displays a dialog box that prompts user to insert a value.
The dialog box contains a text box for entering the value, OK and Cancel buttons
and (optionally) a help button.
The sample input box is shown below:

Here the dialog box waits for either user input or click any button. When
Ok button is pressed, the content of the TextBox is returned in the form of a
string else a blank value is returned.
The general form of the function is given below:
myMessage=InputBox(Prompt, Title, default_text, x-
position, y-position)
 myMessage is a variable that will hold the value of the input in the
 Prompt is a compulsory argument as a string that specifies the message to
be displayed in the InputBox dialog box.
Material 139
Windows Forms  Title is an optional argument as string that is displayed in the title bar of the
InputBox. By default, the name of the application is displayed in the
title bar if this argument is missing.
 Default_text is an optional argument as a string that specifies the default
value in the TextBox of the InputBox. If this argument is missing
from the InputBox function, then TextBox is displayed empty.
 X-position is an optional argument that specifies the distance in pixels of
the InputBox from the left edge of the screen.
 Y-position is an optional argument that specifies the distance in pixels of
the InputBox from the top edge of the screen.
 If both x-position and y-position arguments are missing then by default, the
InputBox will be displayed at the center of the screen.
The configuration won’t work in Visual Basic 2012 in light of the fact that
InputBox is considered a namespace. Thus, you have to enter in the full reference
to the InputBox namespace, which is Microsoft.VisualBasic.
InputBox(Prompt, Title, default_text, x-position,
Consider the following example.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim userMsg As String
userMsg = Microsoft.VisualBasic.InputBox(“What is
your message?”, “Message Entry Form”, “Enter your messge
here”, 500, 700)
If userMsg <> “” Then
MessageBox.Show(“No Message”)
End If
End Sub”
The InputBox will appear as shown below, when you press the command

140 Material
Windows Forms

DialogBox is a way to interact with users and retrieve information. You must
have come across with many built-in dialog boxes in windows for various tasks NOTES
such as open and save a file, print a page, font name and size, providing colors,
fonts, page setups etc. DialogBox is a way of getting information from the
user and to show exactly how things are configured. In fact, for common operations,
standard dialog boxes are used by all windows applications. Examples of some
common dialog boxes are shown below in the screenshot. Common dialog boxes
are implemented as any other controls in the toolbox and can be used in the interface.
To use any DialogBox, drag the appropriate control from the DialogBox
section and drop it on the form. The control can be activated from within the code
the code by calling ShowDialog method. Generally these controls are not placed
on the forms and are invisible at the runtime. They are displayed generally as and
when needed as they are implemented as modal dialog boxes.

Creating DialogBox at design time

Following are the steps for creating a dialog box.
1. Add a form to your project by right-clicking the project in Solution Explorer,
after that click Add, and then clicking Windows Form.

Material 141
Windows Forms


2. Right-click the form in Solution Explorer and choose Rename. Rename

the form “DialogBox.vb”.

142 Material
3. In the Propeties window, change the FormBorderStyle property Windows Forms

to FixedDialog.


4. Customize the appearance of the form as needed.

5. Set the ControlBox, MinimizeBox, and MaximizeBox properties to false
as shown below.
Dialog boxes do not usually include menu bars, window scroll bars, Minimize
and Maximize buttons, status bars, or sizable borders.

Material 143
Windows Forms 6. Customize event methods in the Code Editor.
Public Class DialogBox
Private Sub DialogBox_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
End Class
Table 6.1 Commonly Used DialogBox Controls

S. No. Control & Description

1 ColorDialog
It is a common dialog box that enables users to select a list of predefined
colors along with controls that enable the users to specify custom colors.
2 FontDialog
It is used to choose a typeface and style of the font from the pre-installed on
the local computer and lets the user select the font, font size, and color.
3 OpenFileDialog
It is used to open a file and allows the user to select a file to open.
4 SaveFileDialog
It is used to select a location for saving a file and allows the user to specify
the name of the file to save data.
5 PrintDialog
This is used to print documents by selecting a printer and choosing which
sections of the document to print from a Windows Forms application.


A RichTextBox control enables users to display or edit content flow along

with advanced text formatting features than the conventional TextBox control
that includes paragraphs, images, tables and much more. It allows users to apply
formatting to any portion of text within the control. The selected text in the control
can be assigned character and paragraph formatting. The properties provided by
the control allows to make the selected text bold or italic, change in color, create
subscripts and superscripts. Although, both the controls, RichTextBox and
TextBox allow users to edit text, the two controls are used for different purposes.
A TextBox is ideal when dealing with editing plain text. Whereas
RichTextBox is best suitable when editing formatted text, tables, images, or
other rich components.
The RichTextBox control must be added to the TextBox through
Component dialog box as Project -> Components as shown in the screenshot
below. The control is added to the ToolBox (as shown below in circle) when
“Microsoft Rich TextBox Control 6.0” is checked and click ok.

144 Material
Windows Forms


RichTextBox also enables users to save and load RTF (Rich Text File)
format and standard ASCII format. The following code demonstrate how
RichTextBox is created.
public void CreateMyRichTextBox()
RichTextBox richTextBox1 = new RichTextBox();
richTextBox1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

richTextBox1.SelectionFont = new Font(“Verdana”,

12, FontStyle.Bold);
richTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Red;


Table 6.2 Properties and their Purpose Associated with the RichTextBox

Properties Purpose

AutoWordSelection It is used to specify whether automatic word selection is ON

or OFF. It has Boolean value. Default value is false.
BackColor It is used to get or set background color of the RichTextBox.
ContextMenuStrip It is used to specify the name of shortcut menu that is displayed
when user right clicks on the RichTextBox.
DetectUrls It is used to specify whether URL that is entered in RichTextBox
is automatically displayed as hyperlink or not. It has Boolean
value. Default value is true.
Material 145
Windows Forms Enabled It is used to specify whether RichTextBox control is enabled
or not at run time. It has Boolean value. Default value is true.
Font It is used to set Font Face, Font Style, Font Size and Effects
of the text associated with RichTextBox control.
NOTES ForeColor It is used to get or set Fore color of the text associated with
RichTextBox control.
HideSelection It is used to specify whether text selection should be hidden or
not when RichTextBox lose its focus. It has Boolean value.
Default value is true.
MaxLength It is used to get or set maximum number of characters that can
be entered in RichTextBox. Default value is 2147483647.
Multiline It is used to specify whether RichTextBox can be expanded to
enter more than one line of text or not. It has Boolean value.
Default value is true.
ReadOnly It is used to specify whether text associated with RichTextBox
is ReadOnly or not. It has Boolean value. Default value is false.
RightMargin It is used to get or set right margin of the text in RichTextBox.
ScrollBars It is used to get or set type of scrollbars to be added with
RichTextBox control. It has following 4
options:(1)None(2)Horizontal(2)Vertical(3)BothDefault value is
Size It is used to get or set height and width of RichTextBox control
in pixel.
Text It is used to get or set text associated with RichTextBox control.
TabIndex It is used to get or set Tab order of the RichTextBox.
TabStop It is used to specify whether user can use TAB key to set
focus on RichTextBox control or not. It has Boolean value.
Default value is true.
Visible It is used to specify whether RichTextBox control is visible or
not at run time. It has Boolean value. Default value is true.
WordWrap It is used to specify whether line will be automatically word
wrapped while entering multiple line of text in RichTextBox
control or not. It has Boolean value. Default value is true.
ZoomFactor It is used to get or set current zoom level of RichTextBox.
SelectedRtf It is used to get or set currently selected RTF formatted text in
SelectedText It is used to get or set currently selected text in RichTextBox.
SelectionAlignment It is used to get or set horizontal alignment of the text selected
in RichTextBox.
SelectionBackColor It is used to get or set BackColor of the text selected in
SelectionBullet It is used to get or set value which determines whether bullet
style should be applied to selected text or not.
SelectionColor It is used to get or set Fore Color of the text selected in
SelectionFont It is used to get or set font face, font style, and font size of the
text selected in RichTextBox.

146 Material
SelectionLength It is used to get or set number of characters selected in the Windows Forms
SelectionStart It is used to get or set starting point of the text selected in the
Table 6.3 Showing Various Method Associated with RichTextBox NOTES

Methods Purpose
Cut It is used to move current selection of RichTextBox into
Copy It is used to copies selected text of RichTextBox in clipboard.
Paste It is used to replace current selection of TextBox by contents
of clipboard. It is also used to move contents of Clipboard to
RichTextBox control where cursor is currently located.
Select It is used to select specific text from RichTextBox.
SelectAll It is used to select all text of RichTextBox.
DeselectAll It is used to deselect all text selected in RichTextBox.
Clear It is used to clear all text from RichTextBox control.
AppendText It is used to append text at the end of current text in
RichTextBox control.
ClearUndo It is used to clear information from the undo buffer of the
Find It is used to find starting position of first occurrence of a string
in the RichTextBox control. If a string is not found then it
returns -1.
SaveFile It is used to save contents of RichTextBox in to Rich Text
Format (RTF) file.
LoadFile It is used to loads a Rich Text Format (RTF) file or standard
ASCII text file into RichTextBox Control.
Undo It is used to undo last edit operation of RichTextBox.
Redo It is used to redo the last operation that is undo using undo
Table 6.4 Event Associated with RichTextBox

Event Purpose
TextChanged It is the default event of RichTextBox Control. It fires each
time a text in the RichTextBox control got changed.


The Label controls are the most frequently used VB control that acts as a medium
to display some informative (instruction) text on the forms which does not changed
during runtime. These controls do not capture any mouse or keyboard events and
do not participate in user inputs. The Label class is defined in the
System.Windows.Forms namespace.
There are two ways of creating labels i.e. design time and run time.
Material 147
Windows Forms During design time, the user can drag the label control from the tool box
and drop it on the form. The following screenshot shows the label on a form.


The following code can also be written to create a label at the design time.
public void CreateMyLabel()
// Create an instance of a Label.
Label label1 = new Label();

// Set the border to a three-dimensional border.

label1.BorderStyle =
// Set the ImageList to use for displaying an image.
label1.ImageList = imageList1;
// Use the second image in imageList1.
label1.ImageIndex = 1;
// Align the image to the top left corner.
label1.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft;

// Specify that the text can display mnemonic

label1.UseMnemonic = true;
// Set the text of the control and specify a mnemonic
label1.Text = “First &Name:”;

/* Set the size of the control based on the

PreferredHeight and PreferredWidth values. */
label1.Size = new Size (label1.PreferredWidth,
148 Material
label1.PreferredHeight); Windows Forms

//...Code to add the control to the form...

The following code shows how a label can be created at the run time. The
creation of a label at the run time involves three steps. The first step is to create the
instance of the Label Class, then set the properties of a label control and finally
add the control to the form by calling Form.Controls.Add method. The following
code snippet will add a label control at the run time
Dim dynamicLabel As New Label()
dynamicLabel.Name = “DynamicLabel”
dynamicLabel.BackColor = Color.Red
dynamicLabel.ForeColor = Color.Blue
dynamicLabel.Text = “I am a Dynamic Label”
dynamicLabel.Font = New Font(“Georgia”, 16)
One can explore various properties associated with a label that appears in
the Properties window. It provides all the functionality of Label control as it is
derived from Label control. Similar to label control, it neither participate in user
input or capture mouse or keyboard events.


In VB.Net, LinkLabel is a new standard control that allows to embed web

style links in a form i.e. it provides the functionality of hyperlink in window
application. This control provides all the functionality of label control as it is derived
from it. Table 6.5 shows the properties associated with LinkLabel controls in
Table 6.5 Properties Associated with LinkLabel Controls

Event Purpose
LinkColor It is used to get or set Fore color of the hyperlink in its default
ActiveLinkColor It is used to get or set Fore color of the hyperlink, when user
clicks it.
DisabledLinkColor It is used to get or set Fore color of the hyperlink, when
LinkLabel is disabled.
VisitedLinkColor It is used to get or set Fore color of the hyperlink, when
LinkVisited property of LinkLabel is set to true.
LinkVisited It is used to specify whether hyperlink is already visited or not.
It has Boolean value. Default value is false.
Text It is used to get or set text associated with LinkLabel control.

Material 149
Windows Forms TextAlign It is used to get or set alignment of the text associated with
LinkLabel control.
ForeColor It is used to get or set Fore Color of the text associated with
LinkLabel control.
NOTES BackColor It is used to get or set background color of the LinkLabel control.
Enabled It is used to specify whether LinkLabel control is enabled or
not at runtime. It has Boolean value true or false. Default value
is true.
Visible It is used to specify whether LinkLabel control is visible or not
at runtime. It has Boolean value true or false. Default value is
Table 6.6 Showing the Various Methods Associated with LinkLabel Control

Event Purpose
Show It is used to Show LinkLabel Control at runtime.
Hide It is used to Hide LinkLabel Control at runtime.
Focus It is used to set input focus on LinkLabel Control.

Table 6.7 Event associated with LinkLabel.

Event Purpose
Link Clicked It is the default event of LinkLabel Control. It fires each time a
user click on a hyperlink of LinkLabel Control.
LinkLabel control can also be created in two ways i.e. at design time
and run time
The following example demonstrates the use of LinkLabel class. The
example handles the LinkClickedevent by opening a Web site.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form

private System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel linkLabel1;

static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());

public Form1()
// Create the LinkLabel.
this.linkLabel1 = new
150 Material
System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel(); Windows Forms

// Configure the LinkLabel’s location.

this.linkLabel1.Location = new
System.Drawing.Point(34, 56); NOTES
// Specify that the size should be automatically
determined by the content.
this.linkLabel1.AutoSize = true;

// Add an event handler to do something when

the links are clicked.
this .li nkLab el 1. L i nk Cl ic ke d += n ew

// Set the text for the LinkLabel.

this.linkLabel1.Text = “Visit Microsoft”;

// Set up how the form should be displayed and

add the controls to the form.
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(292,
System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { this.linkLabel1 });
this.Text = “Simple Link Label Example”;
private void linkLabel1_LinkClicked(object sender,
System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
// Specify that the link was visited.
this.linkLabel1.LinkVisited = true;

// Navigate to a URL.


In VB.Net, it is possible for users to pass data and values between different forms.
In C# and, there are numerous circumstances the new software engineers
face a similar issue about how to pass information and qualities starting with one
structure then onto the next. We can pass esteems starting with one structure then
Material 151
Windows Forms onto the next in various ways. Here you can see one of the most effortless technique
to pass esteems starting with one structure then onto the next.
So as to impart between the forms, we are utilizing the Forms constructor
to send these qualities. Constructors performs instate the information individuals
from the new article and it has a similar name of the class. Here, we send the
qualities as contentions of the constructor.
Public Sub New(ByVal sTitle As String, ByVal sText As
Me.Text = sTitle
Me.Label1.Text = sText
End Sub
In the above code, you can see InitializeComponent () method. This method
is automatically created and managed by Windows Forms designer and it defines
everything you see on the form. It is better not to modify the InitializeComponent
Passing values step by step
1. Open a new project and drag two text boxes and a button in the Form1.

2. Add another form (Form2) in the project and add Label control on it.
3. Passing these two TextBox values from Form1 to Form2.
4. Here, call the constructor of Form2 and pass these values and set these
values in form2.

152 Material
VB.Net Source Code Windows Forms

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As NOTES
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim sTitle As String
Dim sText As String
sTitle = TextBox1.Text
sText = TextBox2.Text
Dim frm As New Form2(sTitle, sText)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Form2
Public Sub New(ByVal sTitle As String, ByVal sText
As String)
Me.Text = sTitle
Me.Label1.Text = sText
End Sub
End Class

Check Your Progress

5. What is the use of MessageBox in forms?
6. Write a note on RichTextBox control.
7. What are label controls?



1. WinForms is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) class library included in a

.Net Framework. The primary purpose of providing this is to make the
development of applications for desktop, tablet or PCs simpler and easier.
2. Main window or editor window, solution explorer window and properties
window are the three main parts of WinForms window.
3. Multiple Document Interface or MDI Application provides a programming
interface to create applications that enables to display multiple document at
the same time, while displaying each documents in its own window.
Material 153
Windows Forms 4. Mouse and keyboard events are the two types of events.
5. A message box is a type of dialog box that is used to communicate any
piece of information with the user. MessageBox control in Windows
Forms is used to display a message with the given text and action buttons.
6. A RichTextBox control enables users to display or edit content flow
along with advanced text formatting features than the conventional
TextBox control that includes paragraphs, images, tables and much more.
It allows users to apply formatting to any portion of text within the control.
7. The Label controls are the most frequently used VB control that acts as a
medium to display some informative (instruction) text on the forms which
does not changed during runtime. These controls do not capture any mouse
or keyboard events and do not participate in user inputs.


 Windows Forms is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) class library included

in a .Net Framework. The primary purpose of providing this is to make the
development of applications for desktop, tablet or PCs simpler and easier.
 Multiple Document Interface or MDI Application provides a programming
interface to create applications that enables to display multiple document at
the same time, while displaying each documents in its own window.
 A windows application is an event-driven application where an event is a
message sent by an object to inform an application about the occurrence of
an action also known as event. It is a way through which user can interact
with different element/ controls present in the form within the user interface,
in any order they choose.
 A message box is a type of dialog box that is used to communicate any
piece of information with the user. MessageBox control in Windows
Forms is used to display a message with the given text and action buttons.
 An InputBox function displays a dialog box that prompts user to insert
a value. The dialog box contains a text box for entering the value, OK and
Cancel buttons and (optionally) a help button.
 DialogBox is a way to interact with users and retrieve information.
 A RichTextBox control enables users to display or edit content flow
along with advanced text formatting features than the conventional
TextBox control that includes paragraphs, images, tables and much more.
It allows users to apply formatting to any portion of text within the control.
 The Label controls are the most frequently used VB control that acts as a
medium to display some informative (instruction) text on the forms which
does not changed during runtime. These controls do not capture any mouse
or keyboard events and do not participate in user inputs
154 Material
 In VB.Net, LinkLabel is a new standard control that allows to embed Windows Forms

web style links in a form i.e. it provides the functionality of hyperlink in

window application.


 WinForms: It is a graphical (GUI) class library included as a part of

Microsoft.NET Framework or Mono Framework, giving a common platform
to compose rich customer applications for workstation, work area, and
tablet PCs.
 Multiple Document Interface: It is a Microsoft Windows programming
interface for creating an application that enables users to work with multiple
documents at the same time.
 Event: It is an action or occurrence detected by a program. It can be user
actions, such as clicking a mouse button or pressing a key, or system
occurrences, such as running out of memory.



Short Answer Questions

1. Write the steps for creating a Windows Forms application.
2. Define an event.
3. Discuss the various types of events.
4. What is the use of InputBox in form? Write the general form of function.
5. Discuss the significance of label controls.
Long Answer Questions
1. What is MDI application? Write the steps for creating a parent and child
2. Explain the various types of mouse and keyboard events.
3. What is MessageBox? Explain, how you will create various types of
4. Write the steps for creating the DialogBox at design time.
5. Explain some properties, methods and event associated with
RichTextBox control.
6. Explain the process of passing data and values between various forms.

Material 155
Windows Forms

Reynolds, Matthew, Jonathan Crossland, Richard Blair and Thearon Willis . 2002.
NOTES Beginning VB.NET, 2nd edition. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Inc.
Cornell, Gary and Jonathan Morrison. 2001. Programming VB .NET: A Guide
for Experienced Programmers, 1st edition. Berkeley: Apress.
Francesc, Balena. 2002. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition.
United States: Microsoft Press.
Liberty, Jesse. 2002. Learning Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition. Sebastopol:
O’Reilly Media.
Kurniawan, Budi and Ted Neward. 2002. VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell.
Sebastopol: O’Reilly Media.

156 Material
Introduction to
BLOCK - III Window Controls

7.0 Introduction
7.1 Objectives
7.2 Commonly Used Controls
7.2.1 Label (A) Control
7.2.2 TextBox ( ) Control
7.2.3 Button ( ) Control
7.2.4 RadioButton ( ) Control
7.2.5 CheckBox ( ) Control
7.2.6 ListBox ( ) Control
7.2.7 ComboBox ( ) Control
7.2.8 CheckedListBox ( ) Control
7.2.9 HScrollBar ( ) and VScrollBar ( ) Controls
7.2.10 DateTimePicker ( ) Control
7.2.11 Timer ( ) Control
7.2.12 Panel
7.2.13 Splitters
7.2.14 Track Bars
7.2.15 Notify Icons
7.3 Menu Controls
7.4 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
7.5 Summary
7.6 Key Words
7.7 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
7.8 Further Readings


In the previous unit, you have learnt about the Window forms. In this unit, you
will learn about the commonly used Window controls and menu controls. Visual
Basic (VB) .NET offers Windows Forms which are the Graphical User Interfaces
(GUIs) that allow building Windows-based applications. They provide you easier
access to a number of different controls, including text boxes, radio buttons,
check boxes, lists, drop-down menus, and buttons to create Windows
applications quickly.

Material 157
Introduction to
Window Controls 7.1 OBJECTIVES

After going through this unit, you will be able to:

NOTES  Discuss the commonly used controls in VB.NET
 Explain how to add menus to a form
 Understand the properties of toolbar control


VB .NET offers a wide variety of built-in controls that can be placed on the form
to develop different applications. For example, we have controls for displaying
information to user, allowing user input of text, and working with numbers. In
addition, there are controls for the users to select among various choices. All the
controls are placed in the Toolbox (see Figure 7.1) from where you can add it to
a form. Each control can be manipulated by the properties and the events
associated with it, which are displayed in the Properties window.

Fig. 7.1 Toolbox in VB 2010

The most commonly used control in VB is Pointer ( ) which is used to

move or resize the controls placed on the form. It is automatically activated as
soon as a control is placed on the form. Some other commonly used controls in
VB are discussed in the following sections:
158 Material
7.2.1 Label (A) Control Introduction to
Window Controls
This control is used to display text on the form that should not be editable by the
user at run-time unless we change its property. It is often used to provide descriptive
caption text for other controls to help identify their purpose or to display results of NOTES
some computation to the user. Some of the useful properties of the Label control
are listed here.
 Name: To assign a name to the label. This name is used to refer to the
 Text: To specify the text to be displayed in the label.
 Font: To set the font, font size, and font style of the text to be displayed.
 ForeColor: To set the foreground color for the text to be displayed.
 BackColor: To set the background color of the label.
 Margin: To specify the margins of label from the top, left, right and bottom
side of form.
 Image: To load an image in the label.
 Size: To set the height and width of label in pixels.
 TextAlign: To specify the position of label text. You have nine alignment
options to choose from.
 BorderStyle: To specify the border style of the label.
 Visible: To specify whether the label should appear on the form at the
Most properties of the Label control can be set at design time in the Properties
window or can be specified at run-time through programming in the Code Editor
window. For example, if we have a label named Label1 and we want to specify
its Text property as “My First Label Control”, we can do so at run-
time using the following statement:
Label1.Text=“My First Label Control”
Some of the events associated with the Label control are listed here:
 Click: This event occurs when you click a Label control.
 DoubleClick: This event occurs when you double-click a Label
7.2.2 TextBox ( ) Control
This control is used to take input as well as display output to the user. You can
enter text as well as numeric values in a TextBox. By default, the TextBox
control accepts only a single line of text; however, it can be made to accept multi-
line text by setting appropriate property. In addition, you can also disable text
editing by the user at the run-time (enabled, by default), specify the text limit, or
add ScrollBar to the control. Some of the commonly used properties of the
TextBox control are listed here. Self-Instructional
Material 159
Introduction to  Name: To assign a name to the TextBox.
Window Controls
 Font: To set the font, font size, and font style of the text to be displayed.
 MaxLength: To specify the maximum length of the text that can be entered
NOTES in the TextBox. A zero value in this field makes the length unlimited.
 Multiline: To make the TextBox accept the multiple lines of text.
 ScrollBar: To specify which ScrollBar (horizontal, vertical or
both) should be displayed in a multiline TextBox.
 Enabled: To determine whether the text can be entered in the TextBox
or not. A True value allows you to enter, while a False value restricts you
from entering the text.
 PasswordChar: To hide the text with special characters (“*” is usually
used). This helps the user to securely enter the information in the TextBox.
 TextAlign: To specify the alignment of text in the TextBox.
 ReadOnly: To specify whether the contents of a TextBox can be
changed at the run-time.
Some of the events associated with the TextBox control are listed here.
 TextChanged: This event occurs whenever you change the Text
property of TextBox control.
 Click: This event occurs when you click the TextBox control.
 DoubleClick: This event occurs when you double-click the TextBox
7.2.3 Button ( ) Control
This control is same as that of CommandButton control used in earlier versions
of VB. It is an interactive component that enables an application to perform some
action on the form. When the button is clicked, it appears as if it is actually being
pressed. Some of the commonly used properties of the Button control are
listed here.
 Name: To assign a name to the button.
 Text: To specify the text that appears on the button.
 Enabled: To determine whether the button responds to an event or not.
A True or False value is used to enable or disable this property, respectively.
 Font: To set the font, font size and font style of the text to be displayed on
the button.
Like Label and TextBox controls, you can set the foreground and background
color of Button control, add an image to it, specify the alignment of text displayed
in the button, etc. Figure 7.2 shows a simple form designed using Label,
TextBox and Button controls.
160 Material
Introduction to
Label with Text, Font Window Controls
and BorderStyle

Labels with Text
Property Set

Buttons with
Text Property Set

Fig. 7.2 A Form designed using Label, TextBox and Button Controls

The most common event associated with the Button control is Click, which
occurs when the Button control is clicked. Notice that the Button control
does not support double click event. In case any user attempts to double-click a
button during execution of application, the Click event handler is actually invoked
twice if the button is visible and available after the first click.
7.2.4 RadioButton ( ) Control
This control is also referred to as option button. It is used to enable a user to
select an option from a set of two or more mutually exclusive options. By mutually
exclusive options we mean that a user can select only one option from the group of
RadioButton. When the user selects a RadioButton in a group, other
radio buttons get deactivated automatically. A RadioButton comprises two
parts: a CheckBox portion (circle) and a caption. The CheckBox part indicates
whether the RadioButton is selected (denoted by presence of a dot inside
the circle) or cleared (denoted by empty circle). The caption part is used to assign
a title on the RadioButton.
Some of the commonly used properties of RadioButton control are
listed here.
 Text: To specify the text that appears inside the RadioButton.
 Appearance: To specify whether the RadioButton should
appear as normal or as a Windows push button.
 CheckAlign: To specify the location of CheckBox portion (circle)
of a RadioButton.
 Checked: To indicate whether the RadioButton is selected or
 AutoCheck: To specify whether the status (value of Checked
property) and appearance (value of Appearance property) of a
RadioButton should automatically change when a user clicks
anywhere on it.
 Tabstop: To specify whether the user can use the Tab key to give
focus to the RadioButton.
Material 161
Introduction to Common events associated with RadioButton control are as follows.
Window Controls
 CheckedChanged: This event occurs when the value of Checked
property of a RadioButton control changes.
NOTES  AppearanceChanged: This event occurs when the value of
Appearance property of a RadioButton control changes.
7.2.5 CheckBox ( ) Control
This control is similar to RadioButton control in a way as it also provides the
users a group of options to choose from. However unlike RadioButton control,
options are not mutually exclusive, that is, a user can select more than one option
from the group and on selecting one option, and other options do not get deactivated.
A CheckBox control also comprises two parts: a CheckBox part (indicated
by a square box) and a caption part. Whenever, a user selects a specific
CheckBox, a tick mark ( ) appears inside the square box, while an empty
square box indicates that the option is not selected. A selected CheckBox holds
the True value, while a cleared CheckBox holds the False value.
Besides the checked and unchecked states, a CheckBox can be in an
indeterminate state in which the CheckBox is grayed out. This state is used to
represent a partial or unknown selection. You can enable the indeterminate state
of a CheckBox by setting its ThreeState property to True.
Some common properties of CheckBox control are as follows:
 Text: To specify the caption for the CheckBox.
 Appearance: To specify whether the CheckBox should appear
as normal or as a Windows push button.
 CheckAlign: To specify the horizontal and vertical alignment of the
check mark on a CheckBox.
 Checked: To indicate whether the CheckBox is selected or cleared.
 CheckState: To specify the state of a CheckBox.
 AutoCheck: To specify whether the value of Checked or
CheckState property and appearance (value of Appearance
property) of a CheckBox should automatically change when it is
selected by a user.
 ThreeState: To specify whether to allow three states of a
CheckBox instead to two.
Common events associated with CheckBox control are as follows:
 CheckedChanged: This event occurs when the value of Checked
property of a CheckBox control changes.
 CheckStateChanged: This event occurs when the value of
CheckState property of a CheckBox control changes.
162 Material
 AppearanceChanged: This event occurs when the value of Introduction to
Window Controls
Appearance property of a CheckBox control changes.
Figure 7.3 shows a form illustrating the use of RadioButton and CheckBox

Fig. 7.3 A Form Designed with Radio Buttons and Check Boxes
Note: You can group multiple Radio Buttons or multiple Check Boxes using the GroupBox
container control.

7.2.6 ListBox ( ) Control

This control is used display a list of choices which the user can select from. List
boxes are used in situations where we have to display a large number of choices.
In case the number of items to be displayed in the ListBox exceeds the height
of ListBox control, a ScrollBar appears automatically that enables the
user to scroll through the list. If you want a ScrollBar to always appear in the
ListBox regardless of how many items are in it, you can do so by setting the
ScrollAlwaysVisible property of ListBox to True. You can also
make the items to appear in the ListBox horizontally in columns by setting its
MultiColumn property to True. Some other common properties of ListBox
control are listed here.
 BorderStyle: To specify what type of border is drawn around the
 ColumnWidth: To specify the width of each column in a multicolumn
 ItemHeight: To specify the height (in pixels) of items in a fixed-height
user-drawn ListBox.
 Items: To return a list of items of a ListBox.

Material 163
Introduction to  Text: To search the text of the selected item in a ListBox.
Window Controls
 HorizontalScrollBar: To specify whether or not to display a
horizontal ScrollBar in the ListBox to view the items beyond the
right edge of ListBox.
 HorizontalExtent: To specify the width (in pixels) by which a
ListBox can be scrolled horizontally, that is, the horizontal scrolling area.
This property is valid only if HorizontalScrollBar property is
 SelectionMode: To specify the methods used to select items in a
ListBox. You can set the SelectionMode property of ListBox
to None (no item can be selected), One (only a single item can be selected),
MultiSimple (multiple items can be selected in a ListBox) or
MultiExtended (multiple items can be selected from a ListBox using
the Ctrl, Shift and/or Arrow keys).
 SelectedItem: To access the currently selected item in a ListBox.
 SelectedItems: To access the group of selected items in a ListBox
in case the list allows multiple selections.
 Sorted: To specify whether the items in the ListBox should be sorted.
 SelectedIndex: To access the index of the selected item in the
ListBox. The index value of items in the ListBox always starts with
 SelectedIndices: To access the indices of selected items in a
ListBox if the list allows multiple selections.
 Topindex: To access the index of first visible item in the ListBox.
Common events associated with ListBox control are as follows.
 Click: This event occurs when the ListBox control is selected.
 SelectedIndexChanged: This event occurs when the value of
SelectedIndex property of a ListBox control changes.
You can add items in a ListBox at design time or run-time. At design time, you
can add items in a ListBox using the Items property of ListBox control.
For this, select the ListBox control on the form and click the Ellipsis()
button beside the Items property in the Properties window. This displays the
String Collection Editor window (see Figure 7.4) where you can type the list items
with one item per line. Press Enter key after typing each item before begin to type
next item.

164 Material
Introduction to
Window Controls


Fig. 7.4 String Collection Editor Window

You can also add, remove or count items in a ListBox at run-time by using the
methods of ListBox control. For example, you can count the number of items
in the ListBox using the Items.count method. You can add items in a
ListBox using Items.Add or Items.Insert method. The difference
between the two methods is that the former method is used to add item at the end
of an unsorted ListBox, while the latter method is used to add item at a specific
position in the ListBox. For example, if the name of a ListBox control is
Fruit_list and we want to add item Apple to it, we can do so by writing
the following statement in Code Editor Window.
In addition, you can use the Items.Remove method to delete the currently
selected item, Items.Clear method to delete all the items at once and
Items.RemoveAt method to delete item at a specific position in the
7.2.7 ComboBox ( ) Control
This control, like ListBox control, is also used to present a large number of
items. The difference is that the items of a ComboBox are displayed in a drop-
down list. A ComboBox consists of two parts. The upper part of a ComboBox
is a TextBox in which the user can type all or a part of a list item, while the
lower part is a ListBox that displays the list of items for the user to select from.
The user can select one or more items from the ListBox or can also enter data
in a list through the keyboard.
Some common properties of a ComboBox control are listed here:
 DropDownStyle: To specify the style of drop-down part of
ComboBox. You can choose from Simple, DropDown, or
DropDownList styles. The Simple style specifies that the drop-

Material 165
Introduction to down list is always displayed. The DropDown style is the default style
Window Controls
which specifies that the TextBox part of ComboBox cannot be
edited. In addition, one can view the drop-down list items by clicking
the drop-down arrow button. The DropDownList style specifies
NOTES that the TextBox part of ComboBox is editable and one must click
drop-down arrow button to view the drop-down list.
 DropDownWidth: To specify the width of drop-down part of
ComboBox in pixels.
 DropDownHeight: To specify the height (in pixels) of items in a
fixed-height user-drawn ListBox.
 MaxDropDownItems: To specify the maximum number of items
that can be displayed in the drop-down part of a ComboBox.
 MaxLength: To specify the maximum number of characters that can
be entered by the user in the editable area (upper part) of a ComboBox.
 Text: To access the text associated with a ComboBox.
 ItemHeight: To specify the height (in pixels) of items in a
 Items: To retrieve a collection of items in a ComboBox.
 SelectedItem: To access the currently selected item in a
 SelectedText: To access the selected text in the TextBox part
of a ComboBox.
 Sorted: To specify whether the items in the ListBox should be
 SelectedIndex: To access the index of the currently selected item
in the ComboBox.
Common events associated with a ComboBox control are as follows.
 DropDownStyleChanged: This event occurs when the value of
DropDownStyle property of a ComboBox control changes.
 SelectedIndexChanged: This event occurs when the value of
SelectedIndex property of a ComboBox control changes.
 DropDown: This event occurs when the drop-down part of a
ComboBox control appears.
 SelectionChangeCommitted: This event occurs when the
selected item in the ComboBox changes and the change appears in
the ComboBox.

166 Material
7.2.8 CheckedListBox ( ) Control Introduction to
Window Controls
This control is an extension of ListBox control that combines the capabilities
of a ListBox with CheckBox control. It displays a list of items with a
CheckBox on the left side of each list item. You can select one or more items NOTES
from the ListBox by selecting respective check boxes. A checked ListBox
is a better choice over ListBox when you want to display additional information
about the list items being displayed.
Some common properties of a CheckedListBox control are listed
 Multicolumn: To specify whether or not the checked ListBox
allows multiple columns.
 Items: To return a list of items of a checked ListBox.
 Text: To access the text of selected item in a checked ListBox.
 CheckedItems: To access the group of checked items in a checked
 CheckedIndices: To access the checked indices in a checked
 Sorted: To specify whether the items in the checked ListBox should
be sorted.
 SelectedIndex: To access the index of selected item in a checked
 SelectedIndices: To access the indices of selected items in a
checked ListBox.
 SelectedItem: To access the currently selected item in a checked
 SelectedItems: To access the group of selected items in a checked
 SelectionMode: To specify the selection mode for items in a
checked ListBox.
Common events associated with CheckedListBox control are as
 Click: This event occurs when you click a CheckedListBox
 SelectedIndexChanged: This event occurs when the value of
SelectedIndex property of a CheckedListBox control
 ItemCheck: This event occurs when the checked state of an item in
a checked ListBox changes.
Material 167
Introduction to Figure 7.5 shows a form designed with ListBox, ComboBox and
Window Controls
CheckedListBox controls.

NOTES ComboBox


Fig. 7.5 A Form designed with ListBox, ComboBox and Checked ListBox

7.2.9 HScrollBar ( ) and VScrollBar ( ) Controls

The HScrollBar and VScrollBar controls are the two types of
ScrollBar controls which are used to add horizontal and vertical
ScrollBars, respectively. Each ScrollBar control displays a scroll box
which can be scrolled horizontally or vertically depending on whichever control
you have used. They are useful when we have a long list of items to navigate
Some of the properties of HScrollBar and VScrollBar controls
are as follows:
 AutoSize: To specify whether the control should automatically resize
to fit its contents.
 Value: To access the value corresponding to the current position of
scroll box.
 Maximum: To specify the upper limit of scrollable range.
 Minimum: To specify the lower limit of scrollable range.
 LargeChange: To specify the value that is to be added to or
subtracted from the Value property when the user clicks on the
ScrollBar but outside the scroll box.
 SmallChange: To specify the value that is to be added to or
subtracted from the Value property when the user clicks on the arrow
button in the ScrollBar.
Some events associated with HScrollBar and VScrollBar controls
are as follows:
 Click: This event occurs when the user clicks the ScrollBar

168 Material
 DoubleClick: This event occurs when the user double clicks the Introduction to
Window Controls
ScrollBar control.
 Scroll: This event occurs when the user moves the scroll box through
mouse or keyboard.
 ValueChanged: This event occurs when the Value property of
ScrollBar control changes.

Figure 7.6 shows a form with HScrollBar and VScrollBar controls.

Fig. 7.6 A Form with Horizontal and Vertical ScrollBar Controls

7.2.10 DateTimePicker ( ) Control

This control allows you to display date and time. The user can also set a specific
data and time by editing the current values displayed in the control. The
DateTimePicker control consists of a TextBox with an accompanying
drop-down calendar. When you click the drop-down arrow, a month calendar is
displayed from which you can select the desired dates. Whatever date you select,
the control validates the date and if sound valid, the date gets displayed in the
TextBox part of control. The user can also simply type the desired date values
in the TextBox part.
Some properties of DateTimePicker control are as follows.
 Value: To access the selected date and time. By default, this property is
set to current date.
 Text: To specify the text that is to be displayed in the control.
Material 169
Introduction to  Format: To specify the format of dates and times.
Window Controls
 MaximumDateTime: To specify the maximum date value of the
DateTimePicker control.
NOTES  MinimumDateTime: To specify the minimum date value of the
DateTimePicker control.
 MaxDate: To specify the maximum selectable date.
 MinDate: To specify the minimum selectable date.
 CalenderFont: To specify the font style for the calendar.
 CalenderForeColor: To specify the foreground color of the calendar.
 CalenderTitleForeColor: To specify the font color of the text
in calendar title.
 CalenderTitleBackColor: To specify the background color of
the calendar title.
 CalenderMonthBackground: To specify the background color
of the calendar month.
 Checked: To determine whether the Value property of control holds a
valid date-time value.
 P a d d i n g : To specify the distance between the contents of
DateTimePicker control.
 ShowCheckBox: To specify whether a CheckBox should appear on
the left side of the selected date.
Note that you can make the DateTimePicker control to display only time
by setting its Format property to Time. In that case, the control does not show
a drop-down calendar, but you can still use it to select only times that are valid.
Some events associated with DateTimePicker control are as follows.
 DropDown: This event occurs when the drop-down calendar appears.
 FormatChanged: This event occurs when the value of Format
property changes.
 ForeColorChanged: This event occurs when the value of
ForeColor property changes.
 MouseClick: This event occurs when user clicks on the control
with mouse.
 Paint: This event occurs when the control is redrawn.
 TextChanged: This event occurs when the value of Text property
 ValueChanged: This event occurs when the Value property of
control changes.
Note: The current value of DateTimePicker control can be represented as a string using
the ToString method of control.
170 Material
7.2.11 Timer ( ) Control Introduction to
Window Controls

This control is used to generate periodic events. At design time, when you add a
Timer control to your form, it does not appear on the form like other controls;
rather it appears in the component tray below the form. Two common properties NOTES
of Timer control are as follows.
 Enabled: To specify whether the timer is running or not.
 Interval: To specify the time interval between ticks of timer in
The most common event on Timer control is Tick which occurs whenever the
specified time interval passes by.
Figure 7.7 shows a form with DateTimePicker and Timer control.

Timer Control
in Component

Fig. 7.7 A Form with DateTimePicker and Timer Control

Note: The timer can be started and stopped using the Start and Stop method of Timer
control, respectively.

7.2.12 Panel
The Panel is a simplest container class. It presents the space in which an application
can attach any other component. It inherits the Container class.
Class declaration
Following is the declaration for java.awt.Panel class:

public class Panel

extends Container

implements Accessible

Material 171
Introduction to Example 7.1
Window Controls
import java.awt.*;
public class Example
Frame f= new Frame("Example");
Panel panel=new Panel();
Button b1=new Button("Button 1");
Button b2=new Button("Button 2");
panel.add(b1); panel.add(b2);
public static void main(String args[])
new Example();
7.2.13 Splitters
Splitters are used to let the user resize controls.
Working: one can add a control to a form, and then dock it. Next, you add a
splitter and dock it to the same side of the same container. It places the control
just before the splitter in the docking order. When we run the program, the splitter
is invisible until the mouse passes over it, when the splitter changes the mouse
cursor, indicating that the control can be resized, as shown in Figure 7.8, which is
the Splitters example on the CD-ROM. In this figure, we are moving the splitter,
and when we release it, the control resizing (a text box in this case) is indeed
resized to match.

172 Material
Introduction to
Window Controls


Fig. 7.8 A Splitter in Action

Properties of splitters
 Used to create complex user interfaces;
 A selection in one panel determines what objects are shown in the other
 This arrangement is very effective for displaying and browsing information.
 Having two panels allow you to aggregate information in areas, and the bar,
or "splitter," makes it easy for users to resize the panels.
Example 7.2: A control consisting of a movable bar that divides a container's
display area into two resizable panels:
public class SplitContainer :

7.2.14 Track Bars

7.2.14 Track Bars
Track bar also known as Slider Control. It is used to navigate through a large
amount of information or for visually adjusting a numeric setting. This control has
two parts: the thumb, also known as a slider, and the tick marks.
Creating a TrackBar
 We can create a TrackBar control using a Forms designer at design-time or
using the TrackBar class in code at run-time.

Material 173
Introduction to
Window Controls


The following code snippet creates a TrackBar control object.

Dim tbar As New TrackBar
In the next step, you can set properties of a TrackBar control. The
following code snippet sets the height and width properties of a TrackBar.
tbar.Height = 40
tbar.Width = 300
Next step is to set TrackBar Properties.

7.2.15 NotifyIcons
It is used to add system tray notification functionality to a Windows Forms
application. An icon will be added to the system tray when we will run the system
and we can add double click or menus to the icon to take some actions.
174 Material
Creating a NotifyIcon Introduction to
Window Controls
It acts as a component in the background without visual representation. We can
use NotifyIcon or Form designer to create a NotifyIcon. To add a
NotifyIcon to a Windows Forms application, drag a NotifyIcon NOTES
component to the Toolbox onto a Form.
After adding a NotifyIcon, first thing you want to do is to add an Icon
that would be displayed in the icon tray. We can do this by clicking on little handle
on the NotifyIcon and select Choose Icon link as shown in figure given

NotifyIcon Events
We will double click on an Icon to open an application user interface and right
click on an icon to open a context menu. The screenshot below shows the events
associated with a NotifyIcon and we are going to set DoubleClick
event handler and on double click, we will open the application.

Before proceeding, we are going to add a ContextMenu using a

ContextMenuStrip control that will be opened when right mouse click
event is fired on the system tray icon. The ContextMenu is shown below.

Material 175
Introduction to
Window Controls


The code for the ContextMenu item event handlers is listed below were on
Execute menu item, we are going to activate the application and on Close menu
item, we are going to exit the application.
Private Sub ExecuteToolStripMenuItem_
Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Execute
End Sub

Private Sub CloseToolStripMenuItem_Click

(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CloseTool
End Sub
Setting ContextMenu
Now, we add the following code on the Form initialization to set ContextMenu
of the NotifyIcon.
notifyIcon1.ContextMenuStrip = contextMenuStrip1;
Here is the mouse double click event handler where we simply activate the
Private Sub NotifyIcon1_MouseDoubleClick(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
Handles NotifyIcon1.MouseDoubleClick
If (Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized)

176 Material
Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal Introduction to
Window Controls
End If
End Sub

The menus are commands grouped by a common topic. Menus make it easy for
the users to navigate the application, and to see the menus they have already used
in Windows, as the File menu. As a bonus, using a menu to hold commands avoids
using precious real estate on your forms.
Adding Menus to a Form
Exercise adding a menu to a Form at design time. In this, you will add a File menu
with an Exit menu item to a form at design time. The steps are as follows:
 From the File menu, select New Project.
 In the Visual Basic Projects list, select the Windows Application template,
and then click OK.
 Select winforms tab from the Toolbox and double-click on the MainMenu
control. A menu will be added to the form showing the textType here.
 In the Menu Designer, click the text Type Here to select the menu, and
then type and File.
 Click the area below the File menu item to add another entry to the same
menu, and type Exit.
The Windows Forms framework includes four menu enhancements that you can
use to convey information to the user. Table 7.1 describes these menu enhancements.
Table 7.1 Menu Enhancements
Enhancement Description

Check marks Check marks indicate whether a feature is turned on or off or to point out
which list of files is being showed.
Shortcut keys Allow access to menu items using keyboard commands.
Access keys Allow keyboard navigation of menus (pressing the ALT key and the
underlined access key choose the desired menu or menu item).
Separator bars Used to group related commands within a menu and make menus easier
to read.

Context Menus
Context menus are menus that appear when an item is right-clicked. In any windows
application when you right-click your mouse, you get a menu which might display
some shortcuts from the Edit Menu, for example, Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste
Special and so on. All these menu items which are available when you right-click
are called Context Menus. In Visual Basic, context menus are created with the
ContextMenu component. The ContextMenu component is edited exactly the
Material 177
Introduction to same way the MainMenu component is edited. The ContextMenu appears at
Window Controls
the top of the form and you can add menu items by typing them. To associate a
ContextMenu with a particular form or control you need to set the ContextMenu
property of that form or control to the appropriate menu.
NOTES When you drag a ContextMenu control to a form, the IDE generates a code just
like it did for main menu items. Consider the following example:
Friend WithEvents ContextMenu1 As
Also, consider the following example:
Me.ContextMenu1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu
You can also use the useful Edit Names features for the context menus by right-
clicking, in the order to quickly assign a value to the name property to the context
menu item as well.
Adding ToolBars to Forms
A toolbar is an additional control that is frequently docked to an edge of a form. In
the .NET Framework, toolbars show buttons that can appear as standard buttons,
toggle-style buttons, or drop-down style buttons. Toolbars can also show drop-
down menus that activate commands. Table 7.2 describes the properties of the
Toolbar control:
Table 7.2 Properties of the Toolbar Control
Property Description
(Bindings) This collection holds all the bindings of properties of the toolbar to data
(Name) Indicates the name used in code to identify the toolbar.
AccessibleDescription The description that will be reported to accessibility clients.
AccessibleName The name that will be reported to accessibility clients.
AccessibleRole The role that will be reported to accessibility clients.
AllowDrop Determines if the toolbar will receive drag-and-drop notifications.
Anchor The anchor of the toolbar.
Appearance Controls the appearance of the toolbar.
AutoSize Controls whether the toolbar will automatically size itself based on
button size.
BackgroundImage The background image used for the toolbar.
BorderStyle Controls what type of border the toolbar will have.
Buttons The collection of toolbar buttons that make up the toolbar.
ButtonSize Suggests the size of buttons in the toolbar. Button sizes might still be
different based on text, drop-down arrows, and others.
CausesValidation Indicates whether the toolbar causes and raises validation events.
ContextMenu The shortcut menu to display when the user right-clicks the toolbar.
Cursor The cursor that appears when the mouse passes over the toolbar.
Divider Controls whether the toolbar will display a 3D line at the top of its client
Dock The docking location of the toolbar, indicating which borders are docked
to the container.
DropDownArrows Controls whether the toolbar will display an arrow on the side of drop-
down buttons.
Enabled Indicates whether the control is enabled.
178 Material
Font The font used to display text in the control. Introduction to
ImageList The ImageList control from which the toolbar will get button images. Window Controls
IMEMode Determines the IME status of the toolbar when selected.
Location The position of the top-left corner of the toolbar with respect to its
Locked Determines if the toolbar can be moved or resized. NOTES
Modifiers Indicates the visibility level of the toolbar.
ShowToolTips Indicates whether tool tips will be shown for each button, if available.
Size The size of the toolbar in pixels.
TabIndex Determines the index in the Tab order that the toolbar will occupy.
TabStop Indicates whether the user can use the Tab key to give focus to the
TextAlign Controls how the text is positioned relative to the image in each button.
Visible Determines whether the toolbar is visible or hidden.
Wrappable Indicates if more than one row of buttons is allowed.

Check Your Progress

1. List the useful properties of the Label control.
2. What is the purpose of RadioButton control?
3. Define the term padding.



1. Some useful properties associated with Label control are Name, Text,
Font, ForeColor, BackColor, Margin, Image, Size,
TextAlign, and BorderStyle.
2. RadioButton control is used to enable a user to select an option from
a set of two or more mutually exclusive options. By mutually exclusive options
we mean that a user can select only one option from the group of radio
3. Padding is the property of DateTimePicker control that is used to
specify the distance between the contents of it.


 VB .NET offers a wide variety of built-in controls that can be placed on the
form to develop different applications. For example, we have controls for
displaying information to user, allowing user input of text, and working with
 The most commonly used control in VB is Pointer control which is
used to move or resize the controls placed on the form. It is automatically
activated as soon as a control is placed on the form.
Material 179
Introduction to  Label (A) control is used to display text on the form that should not be
Window Controls
editable by the user at run-time unless we change its property. It is often
used to provide descriptive caption text for other controls to help identify
their purpose or to display results of some computation to the user.
 TextBox () control is used to take input as well as display output to the
user. You can enter text as well as numeric values in a TextBox.
 Button () control is an interactive component that enables an application
to perform some action on the form.
 RadioButton () control is also referred to as option button. It is used
to enable a user to select an option from a set of two or more mutually
exclusive options.
 CheckBox () control is similar to RadioButton control in a way as
it also provides the users a group of options to choose from.
 ListBox () control is used display a list of choices which the user can
select from. List boxes are used in situations where we have to display a
large number of choices.
 ComboBox () control, like ListBox control, is also used to present a
large number of items. The difference is that the items of a ComboBox are
displayed in a drop-down list.
 CheckedListBox () control is an extension of ListBox control
that combines the capabilities of a ListBox with CheckBox control.
It displays a list of items with a CheckBox on the left side of each list
 HScrollBar () and VScrollBar () controls are the two types of
ScrollBar controls which are used to add horizontal and vertical
ScrollBars, respectively.
 DateTimePicker () control allows you to display date and time. The
user can also set a specific data and time by editing the current values
displayed in the control.
 Timer () control is used to generate periodic events. At design time, when
you add a Timer control to your form, it does not appear on the form like
other controls; rather it appears in the component tray below the form.


 Controls: The objects which are placed or embedded on a form to receive

input and display output.
 Properties: Describes the characteristics of a control.
 Methods: The actions that can be performed on the object.
 Events: The occurrence of user-generated actions applied on an object.
180 Material
Introduction to


Short Answer Questions NOTES

1. Give a brief description of TextBox control.

2. What do you mean by DropDownStyle property?
3. Why do we use DateTimePicker control?
Long Answer Questions
1. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Button control
(b) RadioButton control
(c) ComboBox control
(d) CheckedListBox control
(e) Timer control
2. Explain how will you create the splitters, pickers, track bars and notify


Holzner, Steven. 2002. Visual Basic .NET Black Book, United Kingdoms: Coriolis
Group Books.
Deitel, Harvey M. 2001. Visual Basic.NET How to Program, 2nd edition. New
Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Material 181
Tree and ListView


NOTES Structure
8.0 Introduction
8.1 Objectives
8.2 The ListView and TreeView Classes
8.2.1 Toolbar
8.2.2 Status Bar Control
8.2.3 Progress Bar Control
8.3 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
8.4 Summary
8.5 Key Words
8.6 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
8.7 Further Readings


In this unit, you will learn about the ListView and TreeView control.
ListView control is a window which is used to display list of items using different
views that includes text, small and large images. TreeView is another window
control used to display hierarchical list of items, such as directory hierarchy. You
will also learn about the tab control, status bar control and progress bar control.


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

 Understand the significance of ListView and TreeView control
 Create and work with ListView and TreeView control
 Work with Tab Control, status bar control and progress bar control


ListView is another window control that displays textual information as a

collection of items in rows and columns with column heading. It allows user to
create an interface like Window Explorer where each file can be shown by its
name and its desired information about the size, last modified date etc. The
items can also be displayed as a list with icons. There are several ways
available to arrange and display items. It is the way of displaying data socially
as items and sub items.

182 Material
Tree and ListView


Fig. 8.1 An Example of ListView

Creating a ListView Object

The ListView is created using a parameter-less constructor.
ListView listView1 = new ListView();
Defining Appearance of ListView Object
// Set the view to show details
listView1.View = View.Details;
The View property specifies one of the five layouts for the control.
1. Details. An icon and item’s text are displayed in column one. Subitems are
displayed in the remaining columns.
2. LargeIcon. A large icon is shown for each item with a label below the icon.
3. List. Each item is displayed as a small icon with a label to its right. The icons
are arranged in columns across the control.
4. SmallIcon. Each item appears in a single column as a small icon with a label
to its right.
5. Tile. Each item appears as a full-size icon with the label and subitem details
to the right of it. Only available for Windows XP and 2003.
In ListView, View property can be changed at runtime to switch among
the possible views. In fact, you can recognize that the view options correspond
exactly to the view menu options available in Windows Explorer.
After the Details view is selected, other properties are set that define the
control’s appearance and behaviour.
// Allow the user to rearrange columns
listView1.AllowColumnReorder = true;
Material 183
Tree and ListView // Select the entire row when selection is made
listView1.FullRowSelect = true;
// Display grid lines
listView1.GridLines = true;
// Sort the items in the list in ascending order
listView1.Sorting = SortOrder.Ascending;
These properties automatically sort the items, permit the user to drag columns
around to rearrange their order, and cause a whole row to be highlighted when the
user selects an item.
Set Column Headers
In a detail view, data is not displayed until at least one column is added to the
control. Its simplest form is:
ListView.Columns.Add(caption, width, textAlign)
Caption is the text to be displayed. Width specifies the column’s width in
pixels. It is set to –1 to size automatically to the largest item in the column, or –2 to
size to the width of the header.
// Create column headers for the items and subitems
listView1.Columns.Add(“Artist”, -2,
listView1.Columns.Add(“Born”, -2,
listView1.Columns.Add(“Died”, -2,
listView1.Columns.Add(“Country”, -2,
The Add method creates and adds a ColumnHeader type to the ListView’s
Columns collection. The method also has an overload that adds a ColumnHeader
object directly:
ColumnHeader cHeader:
cHeader.Text = “Artist”;
cHeader.Width = -2;
cHeader.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
ListView.Columns.Add(ColumnHeader cHeader);
Create ListView Items
Several overloaded forms of the ListView constructor are available. They
can be used to create a single item or a single item and its sub items. There are also
options to specify the icon associated with the item and set the foreground and
background colors.

184 Material
Constructors: Tree and ListView

public ListViewItem(string text);

public ListViewItem(string[] items );
public ListViewItem(string text,int imageIndex );
public ListViewItem(string[] items,int imageIndex );
public ListViewItem(string[] items,int imageIndex,
Color foreColor,Color backColor,Font font);
The following code demonstrates how different overloads
can be used to create the items and sub items.
// Create item and three sub items
ListViewItem item1 = new ListViewItem(“Manet”,2);
// Create item and subitems using a constructor only
ListViewItem item2 = new ListViewItem
(new string[] {“Monet”,”1840",”1926",”France”}, 3);
// Create item and subitems with blue background color
ListViewItem item3 = new ListViewItem
(new string[] {“Cezanne”,”1839",”1906",”France”},
Color.Empty, Color.LightBlue, null);
To display the items, add them to the Items collection
of the ListView control:
// Add the items to the ListView
new ListViewItem[]{item1,item2,item3,item4,item5});
Specifying Icons
Two collections of images can be associated with a ListView control as
ImageList properties. LargeImageList contains images used in the LargeIcon view;
and SmallImageList contains images used in all other views. Think of these as
zero-based arrays of images that are associated with a ListViewItem by the
imageIndex parameter in the ListViewItem constructor. Even though they are
referred to as icons, the images may be of any standard graphics format.
The following code creates two ImageList objects, adds images to them
and assigns them to the LargeImageList and SmallImageList properties.
// Create two ImageList objects
ImageList imageListSmall = new ImageList();
ImageList imageListLarge = new ImageList();
imageListLarge.ImageSize = new Size(50,50); // Set
Material 185
Tree and ListView image size
// Initialize the ImageList objects
// Can use same images in both collections since
they’re resized
NOTES imageListSmall.Images.Add(Bitmap.FromFile(“C:\\botti.gif”));
// Add other images here
// Assign the ImageList objects to the ListView.
listView1.LargeImageList = imageListLarge;
listView1.SmallImageList = imageListSmall;
ListViewItem lvItem1 = new ListViewItem(“Cezanne”,1);
An index of 1 selects the cezanne.gif images as the large and small icons.
Specifying an index not in the ImageList results in the icon at index 0 being displayed.
If neither ImageList is defined, no icon will be displayed. Figure8.2 shows
the ListView from Figure 8.1 with its view set to View.LargeIcon.
listView1.View = View.LargeIcon;

Fig. 8.2 ListView Set to Large Icon

Working with the ListView Control

Common tasks associated with the ListView control include iterating over the
contents of the control, iterating over selected items only, detecting the item that
has focus and sorting the items by any column. Following are code segments to
perform these tasks.
Iterating over All Items or Selected Items
You can use foreach to create nested loops that select an item and then iterate
through the collection of sub-items for the item in the outside loop.
foreach (ListViewItem lvi in listView1.Items)
string row = “”;
foreach(ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem sub in
186 Material
lvi.SubItems) Tree and ListView
row += “ “ + sub.Text;
MessageBox.Show(row); // List concatenated subitems
There are number of things to be aware of when working with these
collections. First, the first subitem (index 0) element actually contains the text for
the item but not a subitem. Second, the ordering of subitems is not affected by
rearranging columns in the ListView control. This changes the appearance but
does not affect the underlying ordering of subitems.
The same logic is used to list only selected items (MultiSelect = true permits
multiple items to be selected). The only difference is that the iteration occurs over
the ListView.SelectedItems collection.
foreach (ListViewItem lvisel in listView1.SelectedItems)
Detecting the Currently Selected Item
In addition to the basic control events such as Click and DoubleClick, the
ListView control adds a SelectedIndexChanged event to indicate when focus
is shifted from one item to another. The following code implements an event handler
that uses the FocusedItem property to identify the current item.
// Set this in the constructor
listView1.SelectedIndexChanged +=
new EventHandler(lv_IndexChanged);
// Handle SelectedIndexChanged Event
private void lv_IndexChanged(object sender,
System.EventArgs e)
string ItemText = listView1.FocusedItem.Text;
Note that this code can also be used with the Click events because they
also use the EventHandler delegate. The MouseDown and MouseUp events can
also be used to detect the current item. Given below is a sample code for
MouseDown event handler.
private void listView1_MouseDown(object sender,
MouseEventArgs e)
ListViewItem selection = listView1.GetItemAt(e.X,
if (selection != null)

Material 187
Tree and ListView MessageBox.Show(“Item Selected: “+selection.Text);
The ListView.GetItemAt method returns an item at the coordinates
where the mouse button is pressed. If the mouse is not over an item, null is returned.
Sorting Items on a ListView Control
Sorting items in a ListView control by column values is a simple feature to
implement. The secret to its simplicity is the ListViewItemSorter property
that specifies the object to sort the items anytime the ListView.Sort method is
called. Implementation requires three steps:
1. Set up a delegate to connect a ColumnClick event with an event handler.
2. Create an event handler method that sets the ListViewItemSorter
property to an instance of the class that performs the sorting comparison.
3. Create a class to compare column values. It must inherit the IComparer
interface and implement the IComparer.Compare method.
The following code implements the logic. When a column is clicked, the
event handler creates an instance of the ListViewItemComparer class by passing
it the column that was clicked. This object is assigned to the ListViewItemSorter
property, which causes sorting to occur. “Working with Objects in C#”).
// Connect the ColumnClick event to its event handler
listView1.ColumnClick +=new
// ColumnClick event handler
private void ColumnClick(object o, ColumnClickEventArgs
// Setting this property immediately sorts the
// ListView using the ListViewItemComparer object
this.listView1.ListViewItemSorter =
new ListViewItemComparer(e.Column);
// Class to implement the sorting of items by columns
class ListViewItemComparer : IComparer
private int col;
public ListViewItemComparer()
col = 0; // Use as default column
public ListViewItemComparer(int column)
188 Material
{ Tree and ListView
col = column;
// Implement IComparer.Compare method
public int Compare(object x, object y)
string xText = ((ListViewItem)x).SubItems[col].Text;
string yText = ((ListViewItem)y).SubItems[col].Text;
return String.Compare(xText, yText);
The TreeView Class
As the name implies, the TreeView control provides a tree-like view of
hierarchical data as its user interface. Underneath, its programming model is based
on the familiar tree structure consisting of parent nodes and child nodes. Each
node is implemented as a TreeNode object that can in turn have its own Nodes
collection. Figure 8.3 shows a TreeView control that is used in conjunction
with a ListView to display enum members of a selected assembly.

Fig. 8.3 Using TreeView Control (Left) and ListView (Right) to List Enum Values

The TreeNode Class

Each item in a tree is represented by an instance of the TreeNode class. Data is
associated with each node using the TreeNode’s Text, Tag, or ImageIndex
properties. The Text property holds the node’s label that is displayed in the
TreeView control. Tag is an object type, which means that any type of data
can be associated with the node by assigning a custom class object to it. ImageIndex
is an index to an ImageList associated with containing TreeView control. It
specifies the image to be displayed next to the node.
In addition to these basic properties, the TreeNode class provides
numerous other members that are used to add and remove nodes, modify a node’s
appearance, and navigate the collection of nodes in a node tree.
Material 189
Tree and ListView Table 8.1 Selected Members of the TreeNode Class

Use Member Description

Appearance BackColor, ForeColor Sets the background color and text color of the node.
Expand(), Collapse() Expands the node to display child nodes or collapses
the tree so no child nodes are shown.

Navigation FirstNode, LastNode, Returns the first or last node in the collection.
NextNode, PrevNode Returns the next or previous node (sibling) relative to
the current node.

Index The index of the current node in the collection.

Parent Returns the current node’s parent.

Node Nodes.Add(), Adds or removes a node to

Manipulation Nodes.Remove(), a Nodes collection. Insert adds a node at an indexed
Nodes.Insert(), location, and Clear removes all tree nodes from the
Nodes.Clear() collection.

Clone() Copies a tree node and entire subtree.

Let’s look at how TreeView and TreeNode members are used to

perform fundamental TreeView operations.
Adding and Removing Nodes
The following code creates the tree in Figure 8.4 using a combination of Add,
Insert, and Clone methods. The methods are applied on a pre-existing
TreeView1 control.
TreeNode tNode;
// Add parent node to treeView1 control
tNode = treeView1.Nodes.Add(“A”);
// Add child node: two overloads available
tNode.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(“C”));
// Insert node after C
tNode.Nodes.Insert(1,new TreeNode(“E”));
// Add parent node to treeView1 control
tNode = treeView1.Nodes.Add(“B”);

Fig. 8.4 TreeView Node Representation

190 Material
At this point, we still need to add a copy of node A and its subtree to the Tree and ListView

parent node B. This is done by cloning the A subtree and adding it to node B.
Node A is referenced as TreeView1.Nodes[0] because it is the first node in
the control’s collection. Note that the Add method appends nodes to a collection,
and they can be referenced by their zero-based position within the collection. NOTES
// Clone first parent node and add to node B
TreeNode clNode = (TreeNode)
// Add and remove node for demonstration purposes
Iterating Through the Nodes in a TreeView
As with any collection, the foreach statement provides the easiest way to loop
through the collection’s members. The following code statements display all the
top-level nodes in a control.
foreach (TreeNode tn in treeView1.Nodes)
// If (tn.IsVisible) true if node is visible
// If (tn.IsSelected) true if node is currently
An alternate approach is to move through the collection using the
TreeNode.NextNode property.
tNode = treeView1.Nodes[0];
while (tNode != null) {
tNode = tNode.NextNode;
Detecting a Selected Node
When a node is selected, the TreeView control fires an AfterSelect event that
passes a TreeViewEventArgs parameter to the event handling code. This
parameter identifies the action causing the selection and the node selected. The
TreeView example that follows illustrates how to handle this event. You can
also handle the MouseDown event and detect the node using the GetNodeAt
method that returns the node, if any at the current mouse coordinates.
private void treeView1_MouseDown(object sender,
MouseEventArgs e)
Material 191
Tree and ListView TreeNode tn = treeView1.GetNodeAt(e.X, e.Y);
// You might want to remove the node: tn.Remove()

NOTES A TreeView Example That Uses Reflection

This example demonstrates how to create a simple object browser (refer to Figure
8.3) that uses a TreeView to display enumeration types for a specified assembly.
When a node on the tree is clicked, the members for the selected enumeration are
displayed in a ListView control.
Information about an assembly is stored in its metadata, and .NET provides
classes in the System.Reflection namespace for exposing this metadata. The code
in Example 8.1 iterates across the types in an assembly to build the TreeView.
The parent nodes consist of unique namespace names, and the child nodes are the
types contained in the namespaces. To include only enum types, a check is made
to ensure that the type inherits from System.Enum.
Example 8.1: Using a TreeView and Reflection to List Enums in an Assembly
using System.Reflection;
private void GetEnums()
TreeNode tNode=null;
Assembly refAssembly ;
Hashtable ht= new Hashtable(); // Keep track of
string assem = AssemName.Text; // Textbox with assembly
tvEnum.Nodes.Clear(); // Remove all nodes from
// Load assembly to be probed
refAssembly = Assembly.Load(assem);
foreach (Type t in refAssembly.GetTypes())
// Get only types that inherit from System.Enum
if(t.BaseType!=null &&
string myEnum = t.FullName;
string nSpace =
myEnum.Substring(myEnum.LastIndexOf(“.”)+1) ;
// Determine if namespace in hashtable
192 Material
if( ht.Contains(nSpace)) Tree and ListView
// Find parent node representing this namespace
foreach (TreeNode tp in tvEnum.Nodes)
if(tp.Text == myEnum) { tNode=tp; break;}
// Add parent node to display namespace
tNode = tvEnum.Nodes.Add(nSpace);
// Add Child - name of enumeration
TreeNode cNode = new TreeNode();
cNode.Text= myEnum;
cNode.Tag = t; // Contains specific enumeration
Observe how the reflection is used. The static Assembly.Load method is
used to create an Assembly type. The Assembly.GetTypes is then used to return a
Type array containing all types in the designated assembly.
refAssembly = Assembly.Load(assem);
foreach (Type t in refAssembly.GetTypes())
The Type.FullName property returns the name of the type which includes
the namespace. This is used to extract the enum name and the namespace name.
The Type is stored in the Tag field of the child nodes and is used later to retrieve
the members of the enum.
After the TreeView is built, the final task is to display the field members
of an enumeration when its node is clicked. This requires registering an event
handler to be notified when an AfterSelect event occurs.
tvEnum.AfterSelect += new
The event handler identifies the selected node from the
TreeViewEventArgs.Node property. It casts the node’s Tag field to a Type
class (an enumerator in this case) and uses the GetMembers method to retrieve
the type’s members as MemberInfo types. The name of each field member exposed
by the MemberInfo.Name property is displayed in the ListView.
Material 193
Tree and ListView // ListView lView;
// lView.View = View.List;
private void tvEnum_AfterSelect(Object sender,
TreeViewEventArgs e)
TreeNode tn = e.Node; // Node selected
ListViewItem lvItem;
if(tn.Parent !=null) // Exclude parent nodes
lView.Items.Clear(); // Clear ListView before adding
Type cNode = (Type) tn.Tag;
// Use Reflection to iterate members in a Type
foreach (MemberInfo mi in cNode.GetMembers())
if(mi.MemberType==MemberTypes.Field &&
mi.Name != “value__” ) // skip this
8.2.1 Toolbar
A Toolbar can displays at the top and/or at the bottom of the ASPxTreeList. The
screenshot given below shows an example of toolbar.

The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance and

Tab Control
The Windows forms Tab Control displays multiple tabs, like dividers in a notebook
or labels in a set of folders in a file cabinet. It splits the interface into different areas
194 Material
each accessible by clicking on the tab header positioned at the top. Tab control Tree and ListView

allows to define multiple pages for the same area of window or dialog box where
a certain type of information or a group of controls is displayed under the page of
a particular tab. The following screenshot shows an application with tab control
for the days of a week. The Tuesday tab is selected and the corresponding NOTES
information is displayed.

The tabs can contain pictures and other controls. You can use the tab control
to produce the kind of multiple-page dialog box that appears many places in the
Windows operating system, such as the Control Panel Display Properties.
Additionally, the TabControl can be used to create property pages, which are
used to set a group of related properties.
Working with Tab Control
The most important property of the TabControl is TabPages which contains the
individual tabs. Each individual tab is a TabPage object. When a tab is clicked, it
raises the Click event for that TabPageobject. If only a tab control is created in
the application, it will not play its intended role and is useless. To make it useful
property pages must be added to the tab control.
As mentioned earlier, the .Net framework provides the TabPage class to
support property pages. TabPage class is not represented in the toolbox and must
be added with the TabPage property of TabControl class. This property is of type
TabPageCollection which in turn implements the IList, the ICollection, and the
IEnumerable interface. The Tab control is created at the design time by dragging it
from the toolbox and dropping it to the form. By default the tab control is equipped
by two tabs as shown below.

Material 195
Tree and ListView If the tab control does not have any tabs, right click the tab control and
click Add Tab option.


Alternatively, the option can be found in the lower section of the properties
window of the Tab control.

The tabs can also be added from the TabPages field to display the TabPage
Collection Editor dialog box that allows user to create and configure each page by
clicking its Add button.

196 Material
Tree and ListView


Similarly, to remove a tab Remove option can be clicked. SelectedTab or

selectedIndex properties of the tab control can be used to select a tab page by
8.2.2 Status Bar Control
A status bar control displays information about an object being viewed in a window
of an application, the object’s component, or contextual information that relates to
that object’s operation within your application. It is used to provide information or
some message such as data, time or about an action currently being performed in
the application.
Status Bar can be created using a control StatusBar or StatusStrip (available
in new versions) on the form. The following code shows how to add status bar in
an application.
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class Exercise

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Dim statusbar As StatusStrip

Material 197
Tree and ListView Public Sub New()
statusbar = new StatusStrip
Public Shared Function Main() As Integer
Application.Run(New Exercise)
Return 0
End Function
End Class
The output of the above code will be:

By default, the Dock value of status bar is Bottom. To create the panel,
select the status bar and click the Edit Items option from the properties windows.
This would open the Items Collection Editor to add the desired items to create the
8.2.3 Progress Bar Control
It represents a Windows progress bar control. It is used to provide visual feedback
to your users about the status of some task. It shows a bar that fills in from left to
right with the operation progress.
Let’s click on a ProgressBar control from the Toolbox and place it on the

198 Material
The main properties of a progress bar are Value, Maximum and Minimum. Tree and ListView

The Minimum and Maximum properties are used to set the minimum and maximum
values that the progress bar can display. The Value property specifies the current
position of the progress bar.
The ProgressBar control is typically used when an application performs
tasks such as copying files or printing documents. The application might look
unresponsive to the user if there is no visual cue. In such cases, using the ProgressBar
allows the programmer to provide a visual status of progress.
Table 8.2 Properties of the ProgressBar Control
S.No. Property & Description
1. AllowDropOverrides Control.AllowDrop.
2. BackgroundImageGets or sets the background image for the
ProgressBar control.
3. BackgroundImageLayoutGets or sets the layout of the background
image of the progress bar.
4. CausesValidationGets or sets a value indicating whether the control,
when it receives focus, causes validation to be performed on any controls
that require validation.
5. FontGets or sets the font of text in the ProgressBar.
6. ImeModeGets or sets the input method editor (IME) for the ProgressBar.
7. ImeModeBaseGets or sets the IME mode of a control.
8. MarqueeAnimationSpeedGets or sets the time period, in milliseconds,
that it takes the progress block to scroll across the progress bar.
9. MaximumGets or sets the maximum value of the range of the control.v
10. MinimumGets or sets the minimum value of the range of the control.
11. PaddingGets or sets the space between the edges of a ProgressBar control
and its contents.
12. RightToLeftLayoutGets or sets a value indicating whether the
ProgressBar and any text it contains is displayed from right to left.
13. StepGets or sets the amount by which a call to the PerformStep method
increases the current position of the progress bar.
14. StyleGets or sets the manner in which progress should be indicated on
the progress bar.
15. ValueGets or sets the current position of the progress bar.v
Table 8.3 Methods of the ProgressBar Control
S.No. Method Name & Description
1. IncrementIncrements the current position of the ProgressBar control
by specified amount.
2. PerformStepIncrements the value by the specified step.
3. ResetTextResets the Text property to its default value.
4. ToStringReturns a string that represents the progress bar control.

Material 199
Tree and ListView Table 8.4 Events of the ProgressBar Control
S.No. Event & Description
1. BackgroundImageChangedOccurs when the value of the
BackgroundImage property changes.
2. BackgroundImageLayoutChangedOccurs when the value of the
BackgroundImageLayout property changes.
3. CausesValidationChangedOccurs when the value of the CausesValidation
property changes.
4. ClickOccurs when the control is clicked.
5. DoubleClickOccurs when the user double-clicks the control.
6. EnterOccurs when focus enters the control.
7. FontChangedOccurs when the value of the Font property changes.
8. ImeModeChangedOccurs when the value of the ImeMode property
9. KeyDownOccurs when the user presses a key while the control has
10. KeyPressOccurs when the user presses a key while the control has
11. KeyUpOccurs when the user releases a key while the control has focus.
12. LeaveOccurs when focus leaves the ProgressBar control.
13. MouseClickOccurs when the control is clicked by the mouse.
14. MouseDoubleClickOccurs when the user double-clicks the control.
15. PaddingChangedOccurs when the value of the Padding property changes.
16. PaintOccurs when the ProgressBar is drawn.
17. RightToLeftLayoutChangedOccurs when the RightToLeftLayout
property changes.
18. TabStopChangedOccurs when the TabStop property changes.
19. TextChangedOccurs when the Text property changes.
Example 8.2: To create a progress bar at runtime.
Let’s double click on the Form and put the following code in the opened window.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As
EventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Load
‘create two progress bars
Dim ProgressBar1 As ProgressBar
Dim ProgressBar2 As ProgressBar
ProgressBar1 = New ProgressBar()
ProgressBar2 = New ProgressBar()
‘set position
ProgressBar1.Location = New Point(10, 10)
ProgressBar2.Location = New Point(10, 50)
200 Material
‘set values Tree and ListView
ProgressBar1.Minimum = 0
ProgressBar1.Maximum = 200
ProgressBar1.Value = 130
ProgressBar2.Minimum = 0
ProgressBar2.Maximum = 100
ProgressBar2.Value = 40
‘add the progress bar to the form
‘ Set the caption bar text of the form.
Me.Text = “”
End Sub
End Class
When the above code is executed and run using Start button available at
the Microsoft Visual Studio tool bar, it will show the following window.

Check Your Progress

1. What is ListView?
2. What is the use of a status bar control?
3. What are the main properties of a progress bar?



1. ListView is another window control that displays textual information as

a collection of items in rows and columns with column heading. It allows
user to create an interface like Window Explorer.
Material 201
Tree and ListView 2. A status bar control displays information about an object being viewed in a
window of an application, the object’s component, or contextual information
that relates to that object’s operation within your application.
3. The main properties of a progress bar are Value, Maximum and Minimum.


 ListView is another window control that displays textual information as

a collection of items in rows and columns with column heading. It allows
user to create an interface like Window Explorer.
 In ListView, View property can be changed at runtime to switch among
the possible views. In fact, you can recognize that the view options
correspond exactly to the view menu options available in Windows Explorer.
 Several overloaded forms of the ListView constructor are available.
They can be used to create a single item or a single item and its sub items.
 Two collections of images can be associated with a ListView control
as ImageList properties. LargeImageList contains images used in the
LargeIcon view; and SmallImageList contains images used in all other views.
 Common tasks associated with the ListView control include iterating
over the contents of the control, iterating over selected items only, detecting
the item that has focus and sorting the items by any column.
 TreeView control provides a tree-like view of hierarchical data as its
user interface. Underneath, its programming model is based on the familiar
tree structure consisting of parent nodes and child nodes.
 The Windows forms Tab Control displays multiple tabs, like dividers in a
notebook or labels in a set of folders in a file cabinet. It splits the interface
into different areas each accessible by clicking on the tab header positioned
at the top. Tab control allows to define multiple pages for the same area of
window or dialog box where a certain type of information or a group of
controls is displayed under the page of a particular tab.
 A status bar control displays information about an object being viewed in a
window of an application, the object’s component, or contextual information
that relates to that object’s operation within your application.
 Progress bar control is used to provide visual feedback to your users about
the status of some task. It shows a bar that fills in from left to right with the
operation progress.


 TreeView Control: It is a graphical control element that presents a

Self-Instructional hierarchical view of information.
202 Material
 StatusBar Control: It displays information about an object being viewed Tree and ListView

in a window of an application, the object’s component, or contextual

information that relates to that object’s operation within your application.
 ProgressBar Control: It is used to provide visual feedback to your users
about the status of some task.



Short Answer Questions

1. Discuss the various properties of ListView.
2. How you will create the ListView Items?
3. Write a note on TreeView Class.
4. Discuss the process of creating the tab control.
Long Answer Questions
1. Explain the various tasks associated with ListView control.
2. How you will add and remove the nodes in the TreeView control?
3. Write the code that shows how to add status bar in an application.
4. Explain some of the properties, methods and events of the ProgressBar


Reynolds, Matthew, Jonathan Crossland, Richard Blair and Thearon Willis. 2002.
Beginning VB.NET, 2nd edition. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Inc.
Cornell, Gary and Jonathan Morrison. 2001. Programming VB .NET: A Guide
for Experienced Programmers, 1st edition. Berkeley: Apress.
Francesc, Balena. 2002. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition.
United States: Microsoft Press.
Liberty, Jesse. 2002. Learning Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition. Sebastopol:
O’Reilly Media.
Kurniawan, Budi and Ted Neward. 2002. VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell.
Sebastopol: O’Reilly Media.

Material 203
Debugging and
Error handling
9.0 Introduction
9.1 Objectives
9.2 Errors
9.2.1 Error Checking Versus Exception Handling
9.2.2 Types of Errors
9.2.3 Error Handling
9.3 Exception Handling
9.3.1 Structured Exception Handling
9.3.2 Finally Block
9.3.3 Unstructured Exception Handling on Error Statement
9.4 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
9.5 Summary
9.6 Key Words
9.7 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
9.8 Further Readings


Exception handling is a programming language construct or computer hardware

mechanism designed to handle the occurrence of exceptions, special conditions
that change the normal flow of program execution. In this unit, you will be
familiarized with exception handling and why it is basically useful. Exception handling
is required to prevent errors from occurring. The unit will differentiate between
error checking and exception handling. Apart from exception handling, you will
also learn about error handling. Error handling refers to the anticipation, detection,
and resolution of programming, application, and communications errors. Specialized
programs, called error handlers, are available for some applications. The unit will
also introduce you to the try…catch block and you will learn how to analyse
an exception. Finally, the unit will discuss throwing exception.


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

 Learn about exception handling
 Differentiate between error checking and exception handling
 Learn about error handling
 Learn about the try…catch block and analysing the exception
Self-Instructional  Understand throwing exceptions
204 Material
Debugging and
9.2 ERRORS Error handling

To prevent errors from occurring after you have distributed your application, you
need to implement error trapping and handling. This will require you to write a NOTES
good error handler that anticipates problems or conditions that are not under the
control of your application and that will cause your program to execute incorrectly
at runtime. You can achieve this mainly during the planning and design phase of the
application. This needs a deep understanding of how your application should work,
and the anomalies that may pop up at runtime.
For runtime errors that occur because of conditions that are above a
program’s control, you handle them by using exception handling and checking for
common problems before executing an action. An instance of checking errors
would be to make sure that a floppy disk is in the drive before trying to write to it
or to make sure that a file exists before trying to read from it. Another instance of
when to use exception handling is retrieving a record set from a database. You
might have a valid connection, but something might have happened to your
connection which caused retrieval of a record set to fail. You could use exception
handling to trap this error rather than having a cryptic message popping up and
then aborting your application.
You must use exception handling to prevent your application from aborting.
They accommodate support for handling runtime errors, called exceptions, which
can occur when your program is running. Using exception handling, a program
can take steps to recover from abnormal events outside your program’s control
rather than crashing your application. These exceptions are handled by code that
is not run during normal execution.
In previous versions of Visual Basic, error handling used the On Error Goto
statement. One of the complaints fabricated by programmers has been the lack of
exception handling. Visual Basic.NET meets this requirement with the inclusion of
the Try...Catch…Finally exception handling. Those of you who have
programmed in C++ should already be familiar with this concept.
9.2.1 Error Checking Versus Exception Handling
Error checking in the earlier version of the VB was done by returning the value of
a given function and reacting based in that value. This usually used the switch
statement that checks the value returned by the function. The return value normally
tends to be random and the result comes in the Boolean format; if the function
returns 1, it means result is bad otherwise a 0 can mean the success or just often
failure. To understand this, look at the following example:
Select Case ErrorNumber
Case 57
MsgBox “Your printer may be off-line.”
Case 68
Material 205
Debugging and MsgBox “Is there a printer available?”
Error handling
‘more cases…
Case Else
End Select
While talking about the exception handling, you must keep in mind some
things that are useful when applying structure exception handling. You can ignore
the rules which are applicable at the time the exception occur. When you apply the
structure of the exception handling you must apply the path that will execute
automatically when the exception occurs. You can create an alternate path for
code execution when the code cannot complete its work in the normal path. Also,
when you enable exception handling, VB.NET automatically creates an object
that encapsulates the error information.
When any exception occurs in the program, the built in mechanism of the
exception handing searches the object which handles the exception. Exception
handling gives a way to design you own error or message in the application when
application is in the use. You first mention all the problems that can occur in the
code at the time of execution and at same time you have the solution of the problem.
In VB.NET, the actual mechanism of the exception handling is using Try Catch
Analysing the Exception
This is done by modifying the catch statement to read something as the
Catch exe as exception
You can use any variable here because it is being declared in the catch statement
clause. Now the exception object referenced by the exe contains a lot of
Change the code in the code in the catch clause to read the following:
Catch exe as exception
If you use the advantage of the built in in the ToString method of the
exception object exe, you will have the following error:
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: An exception of type_
System.IndexOutOfRangeException was thrown at
Exception_1 .E xcept io n1. Ma in() in C:\Doc uments
and_Settings\x20\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\ConsoleApplication14\Exception1.vb:line 6
This message shows there was an error in accessing the array element at line 6.
You can make the catch clause throw an exception object back to the code that
called it that encapsulate what went wrong in its cleanup work.

206 Material
9.2.2 Types of Errors Debugging and
Error handling
No matter how hard we try, errors are caused within our programs. These errors
can be grouped into three categories:
(i) Logic errors NOTES
(ii) Runtime errors
(iii) Syntax errors
(i) Logic errors
They are the hardest to find. With logic errors, the program usually runs, but
produces incorrect or unexpected results. The Visual Basic debugger aids in
detecting logic errors.
(ii) Runtime errors
They are usually beyond your program’s control. They occur when a variable
takes on an unexpected value (divided by zero) or when a drive door is left open
or when a file is not found. Visual Basic allows you to trap such errors and make
attempts to correct them.
(iii) Syntax errors
They occur when a command is mistyped or an expected phrase or argument is
left out. Visual Basic detects these errors as they occur and even provides help in
correcting them. You cannot run a Visual Basic program until all syntax errors
have been corrected.
Methods to minimize errors
Errors can be minimized in the following ways:
 Design your application carefully. More design time means less debugging
 Use comments where applicable to help you remember what you were
trying to do.
 Use consistent and meaningful naming conventions for your variables, objects
and procedures.
9.2.3 Error Handling
First you need to understand what an error is in error handling. Errors are compile
time or run time mistakes that a programmer makes. Errors are managed by the
compiler by giving a message regarding any mistake; error handling is basically
designed to make programming simpler. Error handling is use to increase the
programming productivity. There are the following two type of error:
 Syntax error
 Runtime error
Material 207
Debugging and Syntax errors are those errors which are handled at compile time. Compiler
Error handling
checks all the codes and finds errors in those codes, which were made by the user
at design time. This type of mistake is done at compile time. Till the compiler find
the code is in the right form, it never executes that code.
Runtime errors are those errors which are handled at run time. These types
of errors find errors like wrong out, unexpected result, etc. Programmers with
good knowledge know they live in a world where exceptions occur often
VB.NET also supports structured exception handling for handling the
common errors. You will learn how exception handling is used and the syntax used
to add exception handling to a VB.NET application. First of all you need to know
about the benefits of using structured exception handling for error handling.
In earlier versions of VB, errors were checked by checking the return value
of a given function. This was usually done by using the equivalent of a switch
statement that checks the value returned by the function and this return resulted in
the form of 1 and 0. 1 is good sometimes and bad other times; a 0 mean success
or just as often failure. In the following example code, the value returned seems
truly random:
Select Case ErrorChecknum
Case 57
MsgBox “undefined value “
Case 68
MsgBox “Is there a syntax error?”
‘more cases– Case Else
End Select
This type of work is tough to handle and that is why you need a convenient way
through which you can work faster and increase the processing speed. So to finish
this type of problem exception handling is used.
Before you consider writing the code that shows you some exception
handlers at work, some points need to be kept in mind. First, when you use
structured exception handling, you are providing an alternative path for your code
that will be executed automatically when something bad happens. Second, and
more importantly, you can create in any VB.NET code an alternate path for code
execution when the code cannot complete its work in the normal path. Also, when
you enable exception handling, VB.NET automatically creates an object that
encapsulates the error information.
VB.NET provides three keywords try, catch and finally to do
exception handling. The try encloses the statements that might throw an exception
whereas catch handles an exception if one exists. The finally can be used
for doing any clean up process.

208 Material
The general form of try…catch…finally in VB.NET is as follows: Debugging and
Error handling
Try’ Statement which can cause an exception.
Catch x As Type’
Statements for handling the exception
End Try ‘Any cleanup code
If any exception occurs inside the try block, the control transfers to the
appropriate catch block and later to the finally block. However in VB.NET,
both catch and finally blocks are optional. The try block can exist
either with one or more catch blocks or a finally block or with both
catch and finally blocks. If no exception occurred inside the try block,
the control directly transfers to finally block. You can say that the statements
inside the finally block is always executed.
Note: It will give you an error if you transfer control out of a finally block by
using break, continue, return or goto.
In VB.NET, exceptions are nothing but objects of the type Exception. The
Exception is the ultimate base class for any exceptions in VB.NET. VB.NET
itself provides some standard exceptions; or even the user can create their own
exception classes, provided that this should inherit from either Exception class or
one of the standard derived classes of Exception class like
DivideByZeroExcpetion to ArgumentException, etc.

Check Your Progress

1. What is an error?
2. List the two types of errors.
3. What are the uses of try, catch and finally keywords?


The terms, error and exception, are often used interchangeably. In fact, an error,
which is an event that happens during the execution of code, interrupts or disrupts
the code’s normal flow and creates an exception object. When an error interrupts
the flow, the program tries to find an exception handler — a block of code that
tells it how to react — that will help it resume the flow. In other words, an error is
the event; an exception is the object that the event creates.
Programmers use the phrase “throwing an exception” to mean that the method
in question encountered an error and reacted by creating an exception object that
contains information about the error and when/where it occurred. Factors that
cause errors and subsequent exceptions include user error, resource failures, and
failures of programming logic. Such errors are related to how the code undertakes
a specific task; they are not related to the purpose of the task.
Material 209
Debugging and For the purpose of this article, “exception handling” means interpreting and
Error handling
reacting to the exceptions created by errors.
Structured exception handling is simply that — using a control structure
containing exceptions, isolated blocks of code, and filters to create an exception
handling mechanism. This allows your code to differentiate between different
types of errors and react in accordance with circumstances. In unstructured
exception handling, an On Error statement at the beginning of the code handles
all exceptions.
Structured exception handling is significantly more versatile, robust, and
flexible than unstructured. If possible, use structured exception handling. However,
you might use unstructured exception handling under these circumstances:
 You are upgrading an application written in an earlier version of Visual
 You are developing a preliminary or draft version of an application and
you don’t mind if the program fails to shut down gracefully.
 You know in advance exactly what will cause the exception.
 A deadline is pressing and you need to take shortcuts.
 Code is trivial or so short that you only need to test the branch of code
generating the exception.
 You need to use the Resume Next statement, which is not supported
in structured exception handling.
You cannot combine structured and unstructured exception handling in the
same function. If you use an On Error statement, you cannot use a Try...Catch
statement in the same function.
Regardless of which you choose to handle exceptions within your code,
you must take a step back and examine what assumptions that code makes. For
example, when your application asks the user to input a telephone number, the
following assumptions come into play:
 The user will input a number rather than characters.
 The number will have a certain format.
 The user will not input a null string.
 The user has a single telephone number.
User input might violate any or all of these assumptions. Robust code requires
adequate exception handling, which allows your application to recover gracefully
from such a violation.
Unless you can guarantee that a method will never throw an exception under
any circumstances, allow for informative exception handling. Exception handling
should be meaningful. Beyond stating that something went wrong, messages resulting
from exception handling should indicate why and where it went wrong. An
210 Material
uninformative message along the lines of “An error has occurred” only frustrates Debugging and
Error handling
the user.

9.3.1 Structured Exception Handling

Try…catch block provides the actual mechanism that helps in handling the
exception in VB.NET. The actual way for doing this in VB .NET is called a block.
For instance, suppose you build a console application in which the user is supposed
to use the application from the command line by typing the following syntax of
try…catch block:
‘code that created a local object that has a Dispose
‘ more code that might throw exceptions
Catch(e As Exception)
Throw e;
End Try
Consider the following example:
Module Exception1
Sub Main()
Dim args() As String
args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
End Try
Console.WriteLine(“Press enter to end”)
End Sub
Sub ProcessFile(ByVal fileName As String)
‘process file code goes here
Console.WriteLine(“Am processing “ & fName)
End Sub
End Module
A process file is called when any type of error occurs in the try…catch block.
In this code snippet, if the user does not enter a filename, then the code would try
to catch exception name IndexOutOfRangeException of the file.
Triggering this exception causes the Catch code flow to move down the alternate
pathway, which in this ERROR Case simply prints out in the console window.

Material 211
Debugging and Multiple Catch Clauses
Error handling
The VB.NET runtime allows multiple clauses and each type of clause can trap a
specific Exception using objects that inherit from the base class to identify
NOTES particular errors. For example, consider the following code:
Public Class Class1
Sub Main()
Dim args(), argument As String
args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
Catch indexProblem As IndexOutOfRangeException
Console.WriteLine(“ERROR - No file name supplied”)
Catch ioProblem As System.IO.IOException
Console.WriteLine(“ERROR - can’t process file named
“ & args(1))
Catch except As Exception
‘other exception
End Try
Console.WriteLine(“Press enter to end”)
End Sub
End Class
The following screenshot shows how the program will appear on screen.

The exception handler block attempts to match all of the blocks sequentially to
find a match. If the user leaves out the filename, it will match the first clause.
Probably it will match the second clause ProcessFile if the call cannot
process the file.

212 Material
There is another example in by which you can see multiple catch clauses. Consider Debugging and
Error handling
the following example:
Catch indexProblem As IndexOutOfRangeException
Console.WriteLine(“ERROR - No file name supplied”)
Catch ioProblem As System.IO.IOException
Console.WriteLine(“ERROR - can’t process file named “
& args(1))
Catch fileNotfound As System.IO.FileNotFoundException
End Try
In this example, three types of exceptions are considered. They are as follows:
(i) IndexOutOfRangeException
(ii) System.IO.IOException
(iii) System.IO.FileNotFoundException
It was considered that the exception handling method would simply return
the exception back. In this procedure, Try containing a block handles the errors,
so the exception handling that was written should handle it.
A method is capable of causing an exception that does not handle. Throw clause
lists the type of exception that a method might throw. This is necessary for all
exception except throw of type error or runtime Exception or any other subclasses.
All other exceptions that a method can throw must be declared in the throw clause.
Following is an example to understand the code using throw:
Imports System
Class MyClient
Public Shared Sub Main()
Throw New DivideByZeroException(“Invalid Division”)
Catch e As DivideByZeroException
End Try
Console.WriteLine(“LAST STATEMENT”)
End Sub ‘Main
End Class ‘MyClient
When exception is thrown, execution in a method takes a rather abrupt and non-
linear way to alternate the normal flow through the method depending upon how
the method code is coded or written.

Material 213
Debugging and Re-Throwing Exception
Error handling
The exceptions, which you caught inside a catch block, can be re-thrown to a
higher context using the keyword throw inside the catch block. The following
program shows how to do this:
Imports System
Class MyClass
Public Sub Method()
Dim y As Integer = 0
Dim Sum As Integer = 100 / y
Catch e As DivideByZeroException
End Try
End Sub ‘Method
End Class
Class MyUser
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim zz As New MyClass
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine(“Exception caught here”)
End Try
Console.WriteLine(“LAST STATEMENT”)
End Sub
End Class

Standard Exceptions
There are two types of exceptions, viz., exceptions generated by an executing
program and exceptions generated by the common language runtime.
System.Exception is the base class for all exceptions in VB.NET. Several
exception classes inherit from this class including ApplicationException
and SystemException. These two classes form the basis for most other
runtime exceptions. Other exceptions that derive directly from
System.Exception include IOException, WebException, etc.
The common language runtime throws SystemException. A user
program rather than the runtime throws the ApplicationException.
The SystemException includes the ExecutionEngineException,
StaclOverFlowException, etc. It is not recommended that you catch
214 Material
SystemExceptions, nor is it good programming practice to throw Debugging and
Error handling
SystemExceptions in your applications. Consider the following:
User-Defined Exceptions
In VB.NET, it is possible to create your own exception class. However, Exception
must be the ultimate base class for all exceptions in VB.NET. So the user-defined
exception classes must inherit from either Exception class or one of its standard
derived classes. Consider the following example:
Imports System
Class MyException
Inherits Exception
Public Sub New(ByVal ptr As String)
Console.WriteLine(“User defined exception”)
End Sub ‘New
End Class ‘MyException
Class MyUser
Public Shared Sub Main()
Throw New MyException(“Radix”)
Catch err As Exception
Cons ole.Wri teLine( ( “Except i on c au gh t he r e ” +
End Try
Console.WriteLine(“LAST STATEMENT”)
End Sub
End Class
A new exception class was created that was inherited from IOException, because
problems were occurring. Sometimes it happens that there is no obvious class to
inherit from except Exception itself. In such cases, it is suggested not to inherit
from Exception itself, but rather a subclass of Exception called
ApplicationException is used. The reason is that the .NET Framework
distinguishes between exceptions that arise due to problems caused by the runtime
Material 215
Debugging and (such as running out of memory or stack space) and those caused by your
Error handling
application. It is the latter exceptions that are supposed to inherit from
ApplicationException, and therefore this is the class you should inherit
from when you create a generic exception in your program.
NOTES The runtime tries to help you by going a little further. It actually splits the exception
hierarchy into two.
The Exception, ApplicationException, and SystemException
classes have identical functionality—the existence of the three classes is a
convenience that makes the exceptions in your programs easier to understand.
By combining exception handling and building your own exception classes, you
can finally eliminate all uses of the GoTo. It is more likely to just wrap the whole
loop in a Try…Catch block as follows:
Sub Main()
Dim getData As String
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim e As System.IO.IOException
For i = 1 To 10
For j = 1 To 100
Console.Write(“Type the data, hit the Enter key between “
& _
“ZZZ to end: “)
getData = Console.ReadLine()
If getData = “ZZZ” Then
e = New System.IO.IOException(“Data entry ended at
user request”)
Throw e
‘Process data
End If
Next j
Next i
End Try
End Sub
9.3.2 Finally Block
As the name suggests, finally means a final statement in the application. Imagine
when you use the try…catch block, there is some clean up code that must be
executed normally. Files should be closed in all condition. In the example discussed
216 Material
later, Display method need to be called, and so on, but you can assure that Debugging and
Error handling
certain codes are executed no matter what happen by adding a finally clause
as in the example.
When exceptions are thrown, execution in a method is rather abrupt and non-
linear that changes the normal flow through the method. It depends on how the NOTES
method code is coded or written.
Finally creates a block of code that will be executed right after try…catch
block has completed and before the code following the try…catch block
executes. The finally block will execute whether or not an exception is thrown.
If an exception is thrown, the finally block will execute even if n catch statement
catch the exception. A method can anytime return a call from inside a try…catch
block. This can be useful for closing a file handle and freeing up any resources that
might have been allocated at the beginning of a method with the intent of exposing
them before running.
The finally clause is optional, however try…catch block requires at
least one catch and one finally clause. Following is the example of exception
handling using finally class:
Imports System
Class MyClient
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim div As Integer = 0
div = 100 / x
Console.WriteLine(“Not executed line”)
Catch de As DivideByZeroException
Console.WriteLine(“Exception occured”)
Console.WriteLine(“Finally Block”)
End Try
Console.WriteLine(“Result is {0}”, div)
End Sub ‘Main
End Class ‘MyClient
When you apply the program just mentioned, the following error, shown on the
screenshot, will occur.

Material 217
Debugging and 9.3.3 Unstructured Exception Handling
Error handling
Visual Basic has specific built-in ways to handle run-time errors called trappable
errors. Trapping errors is an indication to the operating system that you will handle
NOTES the error. When such an error occurs, you can direct the execution of your program
to an error handler, which is a section of code written specifically to deal with
VB provides a set of On Error statements, Err and Error objects
that you can use to trap errors.
On Error Statement
An On Error statement is used by VB for registering the error-handling code.
This statement can take one of the following forms:
 On Error GoTo 0
 On Error GoTo Label
 On Error Resume Next
 On Error GoTo line
These are the forms by which VB finds out what it should do when an error
is encountered by a program. Let us now discuss these four forms of the On
Error statements one by one.
Using On Error GoTo 0
On Error GoTo 0 is rather straightforward. Basically, it disables any
enabled error handler in the current procedure. In other words, it cancels the
currently installed error handler assigned by the previous On Error GoTo
Line statement or the On Error Resume Next statement. The program
crashes if it encounters any further errors.
Using On Error GoTo Label
The Visual Basic On Error GoTo statement is the foundation of handling
trappable errors. When you execute an On Error GoTo Label statement
in your code, execution is transferred to the code starting at Label if a trappable
error has occurred. The code following that label is your error handler.
Using On Error Resume Next
The On Error Resume Next statement provides an easy way to disregard
errors, if you want to do so. Once you execute this statement, execution continues
with the next line of code if the current line generates an error and the error is
ignored. While using On Error Resume Next statement, the program
must check the Err object subsequent to each operation that might lead to an
error. An Err object is a special VB object that contains information about run-

218 Material
time errors. It has a special property called Number that sets or returns a Debugging and
Error handling
numeric value that specifies an error.
If the On Error statement is not used, then the run-time errors that
might occur may prove to be fatal; in other words, an error message will be
displayed and execution will stop.
If the value Err.Number turns out to be non-zero, then the operation
causing the error can be discovered and special action can be taken by the program.
Err.Number should be checked by the program immediately after the
statement is generated as some other action might reset the Err object and take
away the prior error information.
Using On Error GoTo Line
A new error handler is registered by the On Error GoTo line statement.
If an error is encountered by a program, the control is passed by it to the error
handler starting at the indicated line label or number. The error handler or the
error-handling routine can then take appropriate action. An error-handling routine
is not a Function or Sub procedure. It is a section of code marked by a
line number or label. Numbering code lines is a part of the Visual Basic history
that goes all the way back to the original days of the Basic language, and in fact,
many programmers do not know that they can number the lines of code in Visual
A simple error handler that catches unexpected errors and describes them
to the user is illustrated in the following code:
Private Sub Dothings()
‘ Installing the error handler. See the code line below
On Error GoTo UnexpectedError
‘ Do some stuff.
‘ Do not pass through into the error
handler code.
Exit Sub
‘ Describe the error to the user
MsgBox “Unexpected error” + Str$(Err.Number) + “in
subroutine Dothings.” + vbCrLf + -
Exit Sub
End Sub
The constant vbCrLf can be used for inserting carriage return/linefeed

Material 219
Debugging and Nested error handling
Error handling
If a trappable error occurs in a procedure, you can handle that error through an
error handler. But what if you call another procedure and an error occurs before
NOTES control returns from that procedure? If the called procedure has an error handler,
the code in that error handler will be executed. However, if the called procedure
does not have an error handler, then control will return to the error handler in the
calling procedure. In this way, control moves back up the calling chain to the
closest error handler.
Err object
You need to make your error-handling code appropriate for the type of error that
triggers it. VB supplies the Err object for this with a number of useful properties
and methods. The Number property is the only one you are likely to need.

Check Your Progress

4. When is a process file called?
5. What are the two types of exceptions?



1. Errors are compile time or run time mistakes that a programmer makes.
2. The two types of errors are syntax errors and runtime errors.
3. The try encloses the statements that might throw an exception whereas
catch handles an exception if one exists. The finally can be used
for doing any clean up process.
4. A process file is called when any type of error occurs in try…catch
5. The two types of exceptions are exceptions generated by an executing
program and exceptions generated by the common language runtime.


 To prevent errors from occurring after you have distributed your application,
you need to implement error trapping and handling.
 For runtime errors that occur because of conditions that are above a
program’s control, you handle them by using exception handling and checking
for common problems before executing an action.
 Error checking in the earlier version of the VB was done by returning the
Self-Instructional value of a given function and reacting based in that value.
220 Material
 You can ignore the rules which are applicable at the time the exception Debugging and
Error handling
occur. When you apply the structure of the exception handling you must
apply the path that will execute automatically when the exception occurs.
 When any exception occurs in the program, the built in mechanism of the
exception handing searches the object which handles the exception.
 The two types of errors are syntax errors and runtime errors.
 VB.NET provides three keywords try, catch and finally to do
exception handling.
 If any exception occurs inside the try block, the control transfers to the
appropriate catch block and later to the finally block.
 Try…catch block provides the actual mechanism that helps in handling
the exception in VB.NET.
 A process file is called when any type of error occurs in the try…catch
 The VB.NET runtime allows multiple clauses and each type of clause can
trap a specific Exception using objects that inherit from the base class
to identify particular errors.
 The exception handler block attempts to match all of the blocks sequentially
to find a match.
 A method is capable of causing an exception that does not handle. Throw
clause lists the type of exception that a method might throw.
 The exceptions, which you caught inside a catch block, can be re-thrown
to a higher context using the keyword throw inside the catch block.
 There are two types of exceptions, viz., exceptions generated by an executing
program and exceptions generated by the common language runtime.
 The E x c e p t i o n , A p p l i c a t i o n E x c e p t i o n , and
SystemException classes have identical functionality—the existence
of the three classes is a convenience that makes the exceptions in your
programs easier to understand.
 Finally creates a block of code that will be executed right after
try…catch block has completed and before the code following the
try…catch block executes.
 The finally clause is optional, however try…catch block requires
at least one catch and one finally clause.


 Exceptions: Refers to runtime errors, which can occur when the program
is running
 Syntax Errors: Errors handled at compile time
Material 221
Debugging and

NOTES Short Answer Questions

1. What is exception handling? Why is it used? What happens when an
exception occurs in the program?
2. What important points are to be considered before writing code that shows
exception handlers at work?
3. How does the try…catch…finally block function?
4. Write a note on multiple catch clauses.
5. What are standard exceptions?
6. What happens when there is no class to inherit from except Exception
Long Answer Questions
1. What is error handling? Describe the two types of errors.
2. Elaborate throwing exceptions in detail.
3. Write a detailed note on user-defined exceptions.
4. Elaborate upon …Finally block.


Reynolds, Matthew, Jonathan Crossland, Richard Blair and Thearon Willis . 2002.
Beginning VB.NET, 2nd edition. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Inc.
Cornell, Gary and Jonathan Morrison. 2001. Programming VB .NET: A Guide
for Experienced Programmers, 1st edition. Berkeley: Apress.
Francesc, Balena. 2002. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition.
United States: Microsoft Press.
Liberty, Jesse. 2002. Learning Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition. Sebastopol:
O’Reilly Media.
Kurniawan, Budi and Ted Neward. 2002. VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell.
Sebastopol: O’Reilly Media.

222 Material
Introduction to ASP.NET
10.0 Introduction
10.1 Objectives
10.2 File Types in ASP.NET
10.3 Page Class
10.4 HttpRequest
10.5 HttpResponse Class
10.6 Server Utility
10.7 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
10.8 Summary
10.9 Key Words
10.10 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
10.11 Further Readings


Active Server Pages (ASP) is a file extension for the file format used by an HTML
file that contains a script processed by Microsoft server and is designed for ASP.Net
framework. It provides a programming model along with a comprehensive software
infrastructure and other services which are required to develop a robust web
applications for PCs and mobile devices. ASP.Net works on the top of the HTTP
protocol, which is a standard protocol used across all web application. It uses HTTP
commands and policies to establish a bilateral communication between browser
(client) and server. The basic architecture of the ASP.Net framework is based on
the following components.
1. Language: There are variety of languages available to write the ASP.Net
applications code such as C#, VB.Net, Jscript, J#. Any of the language can
be used to develop web applications.
2. Library: There are various standard class libraries of reusable types (classes,
interfaces, structures, and enumerated values are collectively called types)
are included in .Net framework. The most commonly used is the Web library
to develop a web application, which has all the required components to
develop .Net based applications.
3. Common Language Runtime (CLR): CLR is responsible for managing
various key activities such as memory management, exception handling, Self-Instructional
Material 223
Introduction to ASP.NET security checking, garbage collection, debugging, thread execution, code
execution, code safety, verification and compilation. The code which is
directly managed by CLR is called the managed code which when compiled
is converted into a CPU independent intermediate language (IL) code by
NOTES the compiler. The IL code when compiled into native code by the Just in
Time (JIT) compiler, is a CPU specific code.
ASP.Net is a part of Microsoft .Net platform used to produce interactive, data
driven web application on the Internet.


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

 Explain the different types of files in ASP.NET
 Understand how to import namespaces
 Discuss the usage of Global.asax file
 Understand the significance of page class
 Understand the use of HttpRequest class
 Understand the use of HttpResponse class


ASP.NET development uses specific file types depending on the resource used.
The following list provides various types of files that you may use during ASP.NET
 .aspx: A web form that may include a code-behind file (.vb/.cs depending
on the code used).
 .asax: This file allows you to write code to handle global ASP.NET
application-level events. The file has a name of Global.asax, which
you cannot change.
 .ashx: A page for implementing a generic handler.
 .asmx: An ASP.NET web service; it may include a corresponding code-
behind file as well includes its code.
 .htm: A standard HTML page.
 .css: A Cascading Style Sheet that may be used within the site.
 .sitemap: A Web application’s site map.
 .skin: A file used to define an ASP.NET theme that may be used in the site.
 .browser: A browser definition file.

224 Material
 .disco: An optional file that acts as a discovery mechanism for the XML Introduction to ASP.NET

Web service. The .disco file is not automatically created for an XML Web
 .ascx: A Web user control.
You may also use other files that are not on this list depending on whether an
application is compiled or how it is deployed.
Imports Statement (.NET Namespace and Type)
Namespace is the way of organizing .Net class library into a logical grouping
based on their functionality, usability or category. The namespace is a way of
grouping logical types for the purpose of identification and reducing the chance of
name collisions. There is a collection of classes in the .Net Framework Class
Library (FCL) and have been organized in a hierarchical tree. The root namespace
for all the built-in functionality comes under system namespace and all other
namespaces come under this. Any class in the .Net Framework Class Library
(FCL) can be uniquely identified using the full namespace of the class. For example,
System.IO is a logical group of all input and output related features.
Importing namespace enables users to use the elements or methods from
that namespace without qualifying the elements in the code. For example, Create
is a method of the class System.Messaging.MessageQueue. By importing the
System.Messaging namespace user can access the Create method as
The namespace can be declared using the keyword import in VB and using in C#
in codes as follows:
 Namespace Declaration in C#
o using System;
o using System.Data
 Namespace Declaration in VB
o imports system;
o imports system.Data
Namespace can be assigned alias name to further reduce the complexity as shown
Imports [ aliasname = ] namespace
Imports [ aliasname = ] namespace.element
The following table defines the various terms used in the syntax.

Material 225
Introduction to ASP.NET
Term Definition
aliasname Optional. An import alias or name by which code can refer
to namespace instead of the full qualification string.
namespace Required. The fully qualified name of the namespace being imported.
NOTES Can be a string of namespaces nested to any level.
element Optional. The name of a programming element declared in the
namespace. Can be any container element.

The Imports statement enables elements or methods to be referenced

directly that are contained in a given namespace. User can apply a single namespace
name or a string of nested namespaces. Each nested namespace is separated from
the next higher level namespace by a period (.), as the following example illustrates.
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Each source document can contain any number of Imports statements.
These statements must contain an option declaration such as the Option Strict
statement preceded by any programming element declaration such as Module or
Class statement.
Import can be used only at file level. The following codes will differentiate
between the uses of import statement. The first part is written without using import
statement as top lines whereas the second set of code uses import statement as
top lines. Note the difference in referencing DirectoryInfo, StringBuilder, CrLf
that have been qualified with the full namespace.
Code without using import statement:
Public Function GetFolders() As String
‘Create a new StringBuilder, which is used
‘to efficiently build strings.
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder

Dim dInfo As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(“c:\”)

‘Obtain an array of directories, and iterate through

‘the array.
For Each dir As System.IO.DirectoryInfo In

Return sb.ToString
End Function
Code using import statement:
‘Place Imports statements at the top of your program.
Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO
226 Material
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.ControlChars Introduction to ASP.NET
Public Function GetFolders() As String
Dim sb As New StringBuilder

Dim dInfo As New DirectoryInfo(“c:\”)
For Each dir As DirectoryInfo In

Return sb.ToString
End Function
Global.asax is an optional file which is used to handle higher level application
events such as Application_Start, Application_End, Session_Start, Session_End
etc raised by ASP.NET or by HttpModules. It is also popularly known as ASP.NET
Application File. This file resides in the root directory of an ASP.NET based
application and is parsed and compiled by ASP.NET
Global.asax contains a class representing your application as a whole.
During run time, this file is parsed and compiled into a dynamically generated
.NET framework class derived from the HttpApplication base class. This file can
be deployed as an assembly in the bin directory of an ASP.NET application. The
Global.asax file itself is configured so that if a user requests the file, the
request is rejected. External users cannot download or view the code written
within it. This file need not be recompiled if there is no changes in the file. There
can only be one file per application which should be located in the application’s
root directory only as stated above.
The Global.asax can handle two types of events:
1. Events which are fired for every request
2. Events which are not fired for every request
Following are the events which are fired for every request.
 Application_BeginRequest() – This event raised at the start
of every request for the web application.
 Application_AuthenticateRequest – This event rose just
before the user credentials are authenticated. We can specify our own
authentication logic here to provide custom authentication.
 Application_AuthorizeRequest() – This event raised after
successful completion of authentication with user’s credentials. This event
Material 227
Introduction to ASP.NET is used to determine user permissions. You can use this method to give
authorization rights to user.
 Application_ResolveRequestCache() – This event raised
after completion of an authorization request and this event used in conjunction
with output caching. With output caching, the rendered HTML of a page is
reused without executing its code.
 Application_AcquireRequestState() – This event raised
just before session-specific data is retrieved for the client and is used to
populate Session Collection for current request.
 Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute() – This event
is called before the appropriate HTTP handler executes the request.
 Application_PostRequestHandlerExecute() – This
event called just after the request is handled by its appropriate HTTP handler.
 Application_ReleaseRequestState() – This event raised
when session specific information is about to serialized from the session
 Application_UpdateRequestCache() – This event raised
just before information is added to output cache of the page.
 Application_EndRequest() – This event raised at the end of
each request right before the objects released.
Following are the events which are not fired for every request.
 Application_Start() – This event is raised when the application
starts up and application domain is created.
 Session_Start() – This event is raised for each time a new session
begins, This is a good place to put code that is session-specific.
 Application_Error() – This event raised whenever an unhandled
exception occurs in the application. This provides an opportunity to implement
generic application-wide error handling.
 Session_End() – This event called when session of user ends.
 Application_End() – This event raised just before when web
application ends.
 Application_Disposed() – This event fired after the web
application is destroyed. This event is used to reclaim the memory it occupies.
Global.asax file does not create normally. You need to add it by yourself.
Following are the steps to create Global.asax file.
1. Open visual studio
2. Create a new website
3. Go to the solution explorer
4. Add new item
228 Material
5. Global application class Introduction to ASP.NET

6. Add the following code in Global.asax file

<%@ Application Language=”C#” %>
<script runat=”server”> NOTES
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs on application startup
void Application_End(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs on application shutdown
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs when an unhandled error occurs
void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs when a new session is started
void Session_End(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs when a session ends.
// Note: The Session_End event is raised only
when the sessionstate mode
// is set to InProc in the Web.config file. If
session mode is set to StateServer
// or SQLServer, the event is not raised.
After that you need to add a class in your project. Following are the steps:
1. Right click App_code
2. Add new item
3. Select class
4. Name it as Global.cs
5. Add the following code
Inherit the newly generated by System.Web.HttpApplication and copy all the
method created Global.asax to Global.cs and also add an inherit attribute
to the Global.asax file. Now your Global.asax will be as follows:

Material 229
Introduction to ASP.NET


Check Your Progress

1. What is namespace?
2. Write the syntax for importing the namespace.
3. Write a note on Global.asax.


Page class represents an .aspx file, also known as a Web Forms page, requested
from a server that hosts an ASP.NET Web application. The page class provides
useful properties and methods that can be used in the code. In fact, all the web
forms are the instances of the ASP.NET page class and is defined in the namespace
System.Web.UI. The Page class is inherited from the TemplateControl class which
in turn inherited from the Control class.
Various objects associated with the Page class are given below:
1. Session: An instance of the System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState
class, it acts as a repository to store any type of user specific data that
needs to stay between web-page requests. This object stores data in the
form of name/value pairs that maintains the user data such as user’s name,
ID and other elements which is discarded as soon as the user logs out or is
not accessing that web page.
2. Application: This object is also an instance of the System.Web.Http
ApplicationState class and stores data in the form of name/value pairs. But
the scope of this object is for the entire application.
3. Cache: is an instance of the System.Web.Caching.Cache class which also
stores global information in the form of name/value pair but the expiration
policy and dependencies can be customized for each item so that items can
be removed automatically when the resources (such as files, database tables
etc.) are modified or updated.

230 Material
4. Request: This is an instance of the System.Web.HttpRequest class Introduction to ASP.NET

that contains all the values and properties of the HTTP request that causes
the page to be loaded. It also contains other information such as URL
parameter sent by the client.
HttpRequest Properties
 ApplicationPath and PhysicalPath: ApplicationPath gets the
ASP.NET application’s virtual application root path on server while
PhysicalPath gets the Physical file system path corresponding to the
requested URL.
 AnonymousID: it uniquely identifies the current user if we have enabled
anonymous access.
 Browser provides a link to the requesting client’s browser capabilities
 ClientCertificate is an HttpClientCertificate object that gets the security
certificate for the current request.
 Cookies gets the collection cookies sent with this request.
 FilePath and CurrentExecutionFilePath return the virtual path of the
current request.
 Form represents the collection of form variables that were posted back
to the page. In almost all cases we will retrieve the information from
control properties instead of using this collection
 ServerVariables returns a collection of named server variables sent with
the request.
 IsAuthenticated returns true if the user has been successfully
 IsSecureConnection indicates whether the HTTP connection uses secure
sockets (that is, https).
 Islocal returns true if the user is requesting the page from the current
 QueryString provides the parameters that are passed along with the
query string.
 UrlReferrer provides a URL object that represents the current address
for the page where the user is coming from (the previous page that
linked to this page).
 UserAgent is a string representing the browser type.
 UserHostAddress and UserHostName get the IP address and the DNS
name of the remote client.

Material 231
Introduction to ASP.NET  UserLanguages provides a stored string array of client’s language
preference. This can be useful if we need to create multilingual pages.
5. Response: It is an object and an instance of the System. Web.Http
Response class that represents the web server’s response to a client
HttpResponse Properties:
 Buffer Output, when set to true (the default), the page is not sent to the
client until the entire page is finished processing.
 Cache allows us to configure output caching of a Web page.
 Cookies is the collection of cookies sent with the response.
 Expires and Expires Absolute properties are used to cache the rendered
HTML for the page for a specified period of time, which helps to improve
performance for subsequent requests.
 IsClientConnected is a Boolean value which indicates whether the client
is still connected to the server.
 Redirect () method is used to transfers the user to another page in the
application or to a different web site.
 ContentType is a header that tells the browser what type of content it is
about to receive. In general, ASP.NET web forms use text or html
content type. However, we can create a custom HTTP handler that
serves different types of content.
 OutputStream represents the data we are sending to the browser as a
stream of raw bytes.
 Write () method allows us to write text directly to the response stream.
 BinaryWrite () and WriteFile () methods allow to take binary content
from a byte array or form a file and write it directly to the response
6. Server object is an instance of the System.Web.HttpServerUtility class. It
provides various methods and properties as discussed below:
 MachineName is a property representing the computer name of the
computer on which the page is running, that means the server.
 CreateObject() creates an instance of the COM object that is identified
by the object’s programmatic identifier (ProgID).
 GetLastError retrieves the exception object for the most recently
encountered error. This is generally used in an application event handler
that checks for error conditions.
232 Material
The accompanying code precedent exhibits how the Page class is utilized in Introduction to ASP.NET

the code-behind page demonstrate. Note that the code-behind source document
announces a fractional class that acquires from a base page class. The base page
class can be Page, or it very well may be another class that gets from Page.
Moreover, note that the halfway class enables the code-behind record to utilize NOTES
controls characterized on the page without the need to characterize them as field
individuals. The following code example shows the .aspx file that corresponds to
the preceding code-behind source file.
<%@ Page Language=”C#” CodeFile=”pageexample.aspx.cs”
Inherits=”MyCodeBehindCS” %>


<html xmlns=”” >
<head runat=”server”>
<title>Page Class Example</title>
<form id=”form1" runat=”server”>
<td> Name: </td>
<td> <asp:textbox id=”MyTextBox”
runat=”server”/> </td>
<td><asp:button id=”MyButton” text=”Click
Here” onclick=”SubmitBtn_Click” runat=”server”/></td>
<td><span id=”MySpan” runat=”server” /></td>

Material 233
Introduction to ASP.NET You must use the directive and use the Inherits and CodeFile attributes to
link the code-behind file to the .aspx file. In this example, the Inherits attribute
indicates the MyCodeBehind class and the CodeFile attribute indicates the path
to the language-specific file that contains the clas
10.4 HttpRequest

As discussed above, HttpRequest is an instance of the System.Web.Http

Request class that contains all the values and properties of the HTTP request
that causes the page to be loaded. It also contains other information such as URL
parameter, client browser, cookies etc. sent by the client. It enables ASP.NET to
read the HTTP values sent by a client during a Web request. Some noteworthy
properties of this object have been discussed above.
Following are the important methods of HttpRequest class:
1. BinaryRead performs a binary read of a specified number of bytes from the
current input stream.
2. Equals(Object) determines whether the specified object is equal to the
current object.
3. GetType gets the type of the current instance.
4. MapImageCoordinates maps an incoming image-field form parameter to
appropriate x-coordinate and y-coordinate values.
5. MapPath(String) maps the specified virtual path to a physical path.
6. SaveAs saves an HTTP request to disk.
7. ToString returns a String that represents the current object.
8. ValidateInput causes validation to occur for the collections accessed through
the Cookies, Form, and QueryString properties.
The following examples access the HttpRequest instance for the current
request by using the Request property of the Page class. You can use simplified
syntax for accessing data from the QueryString, Form, Cookies,
or ServerVariables collections.
The code below shows how to retrieve a query string value when loading a
public sealed class HttpRequest
public partial class AddToCart : Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs
234 Material
string rawId = Request[“ProductID”]; Introduction to ASP.NET
int productId;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(rawId) &&
int.TryParse(rawId, out productId))
u sing (Sh op pin g C art Ac tion s
usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
throw new Exception(“Tried to call AddToCart.aspx
without setting a ProductId.”);
The code below shows how to check if the request is authenticated and
retrieve the raw URL.
public partial class RestrictedPage : Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs
if (!Request.IsAuthenticated)
var rawUrl = Request.RawUrl;
Response.Redirect(“/Account/Login?ru=” +
This example code uses the StreamWriter class to write the values of
several HttpRequest class properties to a file. For properties that are of type
string, the values are HTML encoded as they are written to the file. Properties that
represent a collection are looped through, and each key/value pair that they contain
is written to the file.

Material 235
Introduction to ASP.NET
10.5 HttpResponse CLASS

As discussed earlier, Response is an object and an instance of the System.

NOTES Web.HttpResponse class that represents the web server’s response to a
client request. In ASP.Net, the response object of this class does not play a vital
role in sending HTML text to the client as the server-side controls have nested,
object oriented methods for rendering themselves. But the object still provides
some important properties such as the Redirect () method that allows the user to
transfer to other page both inside and outside the application. Following are the
important methods associated with this class:
1. AddHeader: Adds an HTTP header to the output stream. AddHeader is
provided for compatibility with earlier versions of ASP.
2. AppendCookie: Infrastructure adds an HTTP cookie to the intrinsic cookie
3. AppendHeader: Adds an HTTP header to the output stream.
4. AppendToLog: Adds custom log information to the InterNET Information
Services (IIS) log file.
5. BinaryWrite: Writes a string of binary characters to the HTTP output
6. ClearContent: Clears all content output from the buffer stream.
7. Close: Closes the socket connection to a client.
8. End: Sends all currently buffered output to the client, stops execution of
the page, and raises the EndRequest event.
9. Equals(Object): Determines whether the specified object is equal to the
current object.
10. Flush: Sends all currently buffered output to the client.
11. GetType: Gets the Type of the current instance.
12. Pics: Appends a HTTP PICS-Label header to the output stream.
13. Redirect(String): Redirects a request to a new URL and specifies the
new URL.
14. Redirect(String, Boolean): Redirects a client to a new URL. Specifies
the new URL and whether execution of the current page should terminate.
15. SetCookie: Updates an existing cookie in the cookie collection.
16. ToString: Returns a String that represents the current Object.
17. TransmitFile(String): Writes the specified file directly to an HTTP response
output stream, without buffering it in memory.
18. Write(Char): Writes a character to an HTTP response output stream.

236 Material
19. Write(Object): Writes an object to an HTTP response stream. Introduction to ASP.NET

20. Write(String): Writes a string to an HTTP response output stream.

21. WriteFile(String): Writes the contents of the specified file directly to an
HTTP response output stream as a file block. NOTES
22. WriteFile(String, Boolean): Writes the contents of the specified file
directly to an HTTP response output stream as a memory block.
Encapsulates HTTP-response information from an ASP.NET operation.
public sealed class HttpResponse
The following example draws three overlapping rectangles when the page
is requested. In this code, we will set the the ContentType property to picture/
jpeg, with the goal that the whole page will be rendered as a JPEG picture. The
code at that point calls the Clear strategy to guarantee that no incidental substance
is sent with this reaction. Next, the code sets the BufferOutput property to genuine
with the goal that the page is totally handled before it is sent to the mentioning
customer. Two items used to draw the rectangular shapes are then made a Bitmap
and a Graphics object. The factors made in the page are utilized as directions to
draw the rectangular shapes and a string that shows up inside the larger rectangular
The Bitmap is saved to the Stream object that is related with the OutputStream
property and its arrangement is set to JPEG, when the three rectangular shapes
and the string that shows up inside them are drawn. The code calls the Dispose
and Dispose methods to release the assets acquired by the two objects. The code
calls the Flush methods to send the buffered response to the requesting client.
<%@ Page Language=”C#” %>
<%@ import Namespace=”System.Drawing” %>
<%@ import Namespace=”System.Drawing.Imaging” %>
<%@ import Namespace=”System.Drawing.Drawing2D” %>


<script runat=”server”>

private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

// <snippet2>
// Set the page’s content type to JPEG files
Material 237
Introduction to ASP.NET // and clears all content output from the buffer
Response.ContentType = “image/jpeg”;
// Buffer response so that page is sent
// after processing is complete.
Response.BufferOutput = true;
// </snippet2>

// Create a font style.

Font rectangleFont = new Font(
“Arial”, 10, FontStyle.Bold);

// Create integer variables.

int height = 100;
int width = 200;

// Create a random number generator and create

// variable values based on it.
Random r = new Random();
int x = r.Next(75);
int a = r.Next(155);
int x1 = r.Next(100);

// Create a bitmap and use it to create a

// Graphics object.
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(
width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

// Use the Graphics object to draw three

g.DrawRectangle(Pens.White, 1, 1, width-3,
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Aquamarine, 2, 2, width-

238 Material
3, height-3); Introduction to ASP.NET
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, 0, 0, width,

// Use the Graphics object to write a string NOTES

// on the rectangles.
“ASP.NET Samples”, rectangleFont,
SystemBrushes.WindowText, new PointF(10, 40));

// Apply color to two of the rectangles.

new SolidBrush(
Color.FromArgb(a, 255, 128, 255)),
x, 20, 100, 50);

new LinearGradientBrush(
new Point(x, 10),
new Point(x1 + 75, 50 + 30),
Color.FromArgb(128, 0, 0, 128),
Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 240)),
x1, 50, 75, 30);

// <snippet3>
// Save the bitmap to the response stream and
// convert it to JPEG format.

// Release memory used by the Graphics object

// and the bitmap.

// Send the output to the client.

// </snippet3>

Material 239
Introduction to ASP.NET }

<html xmlns=”” >
NOTES <head>
<title>ASP.NET Example</title>
<form id=”form1" runat=”server”>


HttpServerUtility class provides methods for processing web requests. It performs

utility functions such as encoding and decoding strings for use in URLs or for
plain-text display of content that may contain HTML mark-up tags. It also provides
access to some error information, provides methods to modify the execution of
the current request. The server object is an instance of System.Web.Http
ServerUtility class.
Following are some important properties associated with this class:
 MachineName: Name of server computer.
 ScriptTimeOut: Gets and sets the request time-out value in seconds.
Following are some methods available in System.Web.HttpServerUtility class:
 CreateObject(String): Creates an instance of the COM object identified
by its ProgID (Programmatic ID).
 CreateObject(Type): Creates an instance of the COM object identified
by its Type.
 Equals(Object): Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the
current Object.
 Execute(String): Executes the handler for the specified virtual path in the
context of the current request.
 Execute(String, Boolean): Executes the handler for the specified virtual
path in the context of the current request and specifies whether to clear the
QueryString and Form collections.
 GetLastError: Returns the previous exception.
 GetType: Gets the Type of the current instance.
 HtmlEncode: Changes an ordinary string into a string with legal HTML
240 Material
 HtmlDecode: Converts an Html string into an ordinary string. Introduction to ASP.NET

 ToString: Returns a String that represents the current Object.

 Transfer(String): For the current request, terminates execution of the
current page and starts execution of a new page by using the specified URL NOTES
path of the page.
 UrlDecode: Converts an URL string into an ordinary string.
 UrlEncodeToken: Works same as UrlEncode, but on a byte array that
contains Base64-encoded data.
 UrlDecodeToken: Works same as UrlDecode, but on a byte array that
contains Base64-encoded data.
 MapPath: Return the physical path that corresponds to a specified virtual
file path on the server.
 Transfer: Transfers execution to another web page in the current application.
The following code (written in c#) demonstrates how to use the HtmlEncode
method and the UrlEncode method of the HttpServerUtility class. The HtmlEncode
method helps ensure that any user-supplied string input will be rendered as static
text in browsers instead of executable script or HTML elements. The UrlEncode
method encodes URLs, so that they are correctly transmitted in the HTTP stream.
<%@ Page Language=”C#” %>


Transitional//EN” “

<script runat=”server”>

protected void Button1_Click(object sender,

EventArgs e)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox1.Text))
// Access the HttpServerUtility methods
// the intrinsic Server object.
Label1.Text = “Welcome, “ +
Server.HtmlEncode(TextBox1.Text) +
“.<br/> The url is “ +
Material 241
Introduction to ASP.NET </script>

<html xmlns=”” >

<head runat=”server”>
<title>HttpServerUtility Example</title>
<form id=”form1" runat=”server”>
Enter your name:<br />

<asp:TextBox ID=”TextBox1" runat=”server”></

<asp:Button ID=”Button1" runat=”server”
OnClick=”Button1_Click” Text=”Submit” />
<br />
<asp:Label ID=”Label1" runat=”server”/>

Check Your Progress

4. Write a note on HttpRequest.
5. What does HTTPServerUtility class provides?



1. Namespace is the way of organizing .Net class library into a logical grouping
based on their functionality, usability or category. The namespace is a way
of grouping logical types for the purpose of identification and reducing the
chance of name collisions.
2. The syntax for importing the namespace is as follows:
Imports [ aliasname = ] namespace
Imports [ aliasname = ] namespace.element
3. Global.asax is an optional file which is used for handling higher level
application events such as Application_Start, Application_End,
242 Material
Session_Start, Session_End etc. It is also popularly known as ASP.NET Introduction to ASP.NET

Application File.
4. HttpRequest is an instance of the System.Web.HttpRequest class
that contains all the values and properties of the HTTP request that causes
the page to be loaded. It also contains other information such as URL
parameter, client browser, cookies etc. sent by the client.
5. HttpServerUtility class provides methods for processing web requests. It
performs utility functions such as encoding and decoding strings for use in
URLs or for plain-text display of content that may contain HTML mark-up


 Active Server Pages (ASP) is a file extension for the file format used by an
HTML file that contains a script processed by Microsoft server and is
designed for ASP.Net framework.
 There are variety of languages available to write the ASP.Net applications
code such as C#, VB.Net, Jscript, J#. Any of the language can be used to
develop web applications.
 CLR is responsible for managing various key activities such as memory
management, exception handling, security checking, garbage collection,
debugging, thread execution, code execution, code safety, verification and
 ASP.NET development uses specific file types depending on the resource
 Namespace is the way of organizing .Net class library into a logical grouping
based on their functionality, usability or category. The namespace is a way
of grouping logical types for the purpose of identification and reducing the
chance of name collisions.
 The Imports statement enables elements or methods to be referenced
directly that are contained in a given namespace. User can apply a single
namespace name or a string of nested namespaces.
 Global.asax is an optional file which is used to handle higher level
application events such as Application_Start, Application_End,
Session_Start, Session_End etc raised by ASP.NET or by HttpModules.
 Page class represents an .aspx file, also known as a Web Forms page,
requested from a server that hosts an ASP.NET Web application.
 HttpRequest is an instance of the System.Web.HttpRequest class
that contains all the values and properties of the HTTP request that causes
Material 243
Introduction to ASP.NET the page to be loaded. It also contains other information such as URL
parameter, client browser, cookies etc. sent by the client.
 Response is an object and an instance of the
NOTES System.Web.HttpResponse class that represents the web server’s
response to a client request.
 HttpServerUtility class provides methods for processing web requests. It
performs utility functions such as encoding and decoding strings for use in
URLs or for plain-text display of content that may contain HTML mark-up
tags. It also provides access to some error information, provides methods
to modify the execution of the current request.


 Global.asax: It is an optional file which is used for handling higher

level application events such as Application_Start, Application_End,
Session_Start, Session_End etc.
 HttpRequest: It enables ASP.NET to read the HTTP values sent by a
client during a Web request.
 HttpResponse: It contains methods and properties necessary for
crafting an HTTP response.



Short Answer Questions

1. Define the term namespace.
2. How will you import the namespace in ASP.NET?
3. Discuss the significance of Global.Asax file.
4. What do you understand by SQL server utility?
5. Discuss some of methods available in System.Web.HttpServer
Utility class.
Long Answer Questions
1. What are the various component on which the basic architecture of the
ASP.Net framework is based?
2. What are the various types of files in ASP.NET?
3. Explain the various objects associated with the Page class.

244 Material
4. Write a code to illustrate the use of HttpRequest class. Introduction to ASP.NET

5. Write a code to illustrate the use of HttpResponse class.

6. What are the important methods associated with HttpResponse class?

Reynolds, Matthew, Jonathan Crossland, Richard Blair and Thearon Willis . 2002.
Beginning VB.NET, 2nd edition. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Inc.
Cornell, Gary and Jonathan Morrison. 2001. Programming VB .NET: A Guide
for Experienced Programmers, 1st edition. Berkeley: Apress.
Francesc, Balena. 2002. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition.
United States: Microsoft Press.
Liberty, Jesse. 2002. Learning Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition. Sebastopol:
O’Reilly Media.
Kurniawan, Budi and Ted Neward. 2002. VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell.
Sebastopol: O’Reilly Media.

Material 245
Basic Web Controls


NOTES Structure
11.0 Introduction
11.1 Objectives
11.2 Web Controls
11.2.1 Properties of the Server Controls
11.2.2 Methods of the Server Controls
11.3 ListControl Class
11.4 Validation Controls
11.5 Rich Controls
11.6 Data Bound Controls
11.7 Custom Controls
11.8 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
11.9 Summary
11.10 Key Words
11.11 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
11.12 Further Readings


In this unit, you will learn about the web form controls. ASP.Net provides web
forms controls which are categorized as server and client based. Controls are the
basic building blocks of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) that enables users to
interact with the user by allowing them to enter data, make selections to indicate
their preference and to display data. We generally work with Web server controls.
The most basic and frequently used web server controls are text boxes, buttons,
check boxes, list boxes, and radio buttons.


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

 Discuss the various categories of web controls
 Explain the properties and methods associated with server controls
 Explain and work with the different list, validation, rich, data and custom


ASP.NET uses five types of web controls, which are as follows:

1. HTML controls
2. HTML Server controls
246 Material
3. ASP.NET Server controls Basic Web Controls

4. ASP.NET Ajax Server controls

5. User controls and custom controls
ASP.NET server controls are the primary controls used in ASP.NET and are also NOTES
known as web controls. These controls can be grouped into the following
1. Validation controls: These are used to validate user input and they work
by running client-side script.
2. Data source controls: These controls provides data binding to different
data sources.
3. Data view controls: These are various lists and tables, which can bind to
data from data sources for displaying.
4. Personalization controls: These are used for personalization of a page
according to the user preferences, based on user information.
5. Login and security controls: These controls provide user authentication.
6. Master pages: These controls provide consistent layout and interface
throughout the application.
7. Navigation controls: These controls help in navigation. For example,
menus, tree view etc.
8. Rich controls: These controls implement special features. For example,
AdRotator, FileUpload, and Calendar control.
A special tag is used to define ASP.Net web controls which starts with
“<asp:” prefix followed by the corresponding control class name. for example,
the tag used for TextBox controls is <asp:TextBox> and the tag used for Label
controls is “<asp:Label”. There are other attributes (eg. ID, Text (in case of
label) etc.) also that are present in the tag which are actually the properties of the
selected control. These properties (attributes) are also listed in the properties
window. ID, which has to be unique per page and runat=”server”, that indicates
that the control will be processed by the ASP.Net web server are the mandatory
attributes for every ASP.Net control.
The following syntax is used for the server controls:
<asp:controlType ID =”ControlID” runat=”server”
Property1=value1 [Property2=value2] />
In addition, visual studio has the following features, to help produce an error-free
1. Dragging and dropping of controls in design view
2. IntelliSense feature that displays and auto-completes the properties
3. The properties window to set the property values directly

Material 247
Basic Web Controls 11.2.1 Properties of the Server Controls
ASP.Net server controls inherit all properties, events, and methods of the
WebControl and System.Web.UI.Control class. The WebControl class itself and
NOTES some other server controls that are not visually rendered are derived from the
System.Web.UI.Control class. For example, PlaceHolder control or XML control.
The following table shows the inherited properties, common to all server
Properties Description
AccessKey Pressing this key with the Alt key moves focus to the control.
Attributes It is the collection of arbitrary attributes for rendering
only that do not correspond to properties on the control.
BackColor Background color.
BindingContainer The control that contains this control’s data binding.
BorderColor Border color.
BorderStyle Border style.
BorderWidth Border width.
CausesValidation Indicates if it causes validation.
ChildControlCreated It indicates whether the server control’s child controls have
been created.
ClientID Control ID for HTML markup.
Context The HttpContext object associated with the server control.
Controls Collection of all controls contained within the control.
ControlStyle The style of the Web server control.
CssClass CSS class
DataItemContainer Gets a reference to the naming container if the naming
container implements IDataItemContainer.
DataKeysContainer Gets a reference to the naming container if the naming
container implements IDataKeysControl.
DesignMode It indicates whether the control is being used on a design
DisabledCssClass Gets or sets the CSS class to apply to the rendered HTML
element when the control is disabled.
Enabled Indicates whether the control is grayed out.
EnableTheming Indicates whether theming applies to the control.
EnableViewState Indicates whether the view state of the control is maintained.
Events Gets a list of event handler delegates for the control.
Font Font.
Forecolor Foreground color.
HasAttributes Indicates whether the control has attributes set.
HasChildViewState Indicates whether the current server control’s child controls
have any saved view-state settings.
Height Height in pixels or %.
248 Material
ID Identifier for the control. Basic Web Controls
IsChildControlStateCleared Indicates whether controls contained within this control
have control state.
IsEnabled Gets a value indicating whether the control is enabled.
IsTrackingViewState It indicates whether the server control is saving changes to NOTES
its view state.
IsViewStateEnabled It indicates whether view state is enabled for this control.
LoadViewStateById It indicates whether the control participates in loading its
view state by ID instead of index.
Page Page containing the control.
Parent Parent control.
RenderingCompatibility It specifies the ASP.NET version that the rendered HTML
will be compatible with.
Site The container that hosts the current control when rendered
on a design surface.
SkinID Gets or sets the skin to apply to the control.
Style Gets a collection of text attributes that will be rendered as a
style attribute on the outer tag of the Web server control.
TabIndex Gets or sets the tab index of the Web server control.
TagKey Gets the HtmlTextWriterTag value that corresponds to this
Web server control.
TagName Gets the name of the control tag.
TemplateControl The template that contains this control.
TemplateSourceDirectory Gets the virtual directory of the page or control containing
this control.
ToolTip Gets or sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer
hovers over the web server control.
UniqueID Unique identifier.
ViewState Gets a dictionary of state information that saves and restores
the view state of a server control across multiple requests
for the same page.
ViewStateIgnoreCase It indicates whether the StateBag object is case-insensitive.
ViewStateMode Gets or sets the view-state mode of this control.
Visible It indicates whether a server control is visible.
Width Gets or sets the width of the Web server control.

11.2.2 Methods of the Server Controls

The following table provides the methods of the server controls.
Methods Description
AddAttributesToRender Adds HTML attributes and styles that need to be rendered
to the specified HtmlTextWriterTag.
AddedControl Called after a child control is added to the Controls collection
of the control object.

Material 249
Basic Web Controls AddParsedSubObject Notifies the server control that an element, either XML or
HTML, was parsed, and adds the element to the server
control’s control collection.
ApplyStyleSheetSkin Applies the style properties defined in the page style sheet
NOTES to the control.
ClearCachedClientID Infrastructure. Sets the cached ClientID value to null.
ClearChildControlState Deletes the control-state information for the server control’s
child controls.
ClearChildState Deletes the view-state and control-state information for all
the server control’s child controls.
ClearChildViewState Deletes the view-state information for all the server control’s
child controls.
CreateChildControls Used in creating child controls.
CreateControlCollection Creates a new ControlCollection object to hold the child
CreateControlStyle Creates the style object that is used to implement all style
related properties.
DataBind Binds a data source to the server control and all its child
DataBindBooleanBoolean Binds a data source to the server control and all its child
controls with an option to raise the DataBinding event.
DataBindChildren Binds a data source to the server control’s child controls.
Dispose Enables a server control to perform final clean up before it is
released from memory.
EnsureChildControls Determines whether the server control contains child
controls. If it does not, it creates child controls.
EnsureID Creates an identifier for controls that do not have an
EqualsObjectObject Determines whether the specified object is equal to the
current object.
Finalize Allows an object to attempt to free resources and perform
other cleanup operations before the object is reclaimed by
garbage collection.
FindControlStringString Searches the current naming container for a server control
with the specified id parameter.
FindControlString,Int32String, Searches the current naming container for a server control
Int32 with the specified id and an integer.
Focus Sets input focus to a control.
GetDesignModeState Gets design-time data for a control.
GetType Gets the type of the current instance.
GetUniqueIDRelativeTo Returns the prefixed portion of the UniqueID property of
the specified control.
HasControls Determines if the server control contains any child controls.
HasEvents Indicates whether events are registered for the control or
any child controls.
IsLiteralContent Determines if the server control holds only literal content.
250 Material
LoadControlState Restores control-state information. Basic Web Controls
LoadViewState Restores view-state information.
MapPathSecure Retrieves the physical path that a virtual path, either absolute
or relative, maps to.
MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current object. NOTES
MergeStyle Copies any nonblank elements of the specified style to the
web control, but does not overwrite any existing style
elements of the control.
OnBubbleEvent Determines whether the event for the server control is
passed up the page’s UI server control hierarchy.
OnDataBinding Raises the data binding event.
OnInit Raises the Init event.
OnLoad Raises the Load event.
OnPreRender Raises the PreRender event.
OnUnload Raises the Unload event.
OpenFile Gets a Stream used to read a file.
RemovedControl Called after a child control is removed from the controls
collection of the control object.
Render Renders the control to the specified HTML writer.
RenderBeginTag Renders the HTML opening tag of the control to the
specified writer.
RenderChildren Outputs the contents of a server control’s children to a
provided HtmlTextWriter object, which writes the contents
to be rendered on the client.
RenderContents Renders the contents of the control to the specified writer.
RenderControlHtmlTextWriter Outputs server control content to a provided HtmlTextWriter
HtmlTextWriter object and stores tracing information about the control if
tracing is enabled.
RenderEndTag Renders the HTML closing tag of the control into the
specified writer.
ResolveAdapter Gets the control adapter responsible for rendering the
specified control.
SaveControlState Saves any server control state changes that have occurred
since the time the page was posted back to the server.
SaveViewState Saves any state that was modified after the TrackViewState
method was invoked.
SetDesignModeState Sets design-time data for a control.
ToString Returns a string that represents the current object.
TrackViewState Causes the control to track changes to its view state so that
they can be stored in the object’s view state property.

Example 11.1: Tree view control

A Tree view control comes under navigation controls. Other Navigation controls
are: Menu control and SiteMapPath control.

Material 251
Basic Web Controls Add a tree view control on the page. Select Edit Nodes from the tasks. Edit each
of the nodes using the Tree view node editor as shown below:


Once you have created the nodes, it looks like as follows in design view:

The AutoFormat task allows you to format the tree view as shown below:

252 Material
Add a label control and a text box control on the page and name them Basic Web Controls

lblmessage and txtmessage respectively.

Write the following code to ensure that when a particular node is selected,
the label control displays the node text and the text box displays all child nodes
under it, if any.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;

using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;

using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace eventdemo {
public partial class treeviewdemo : System.Web.UI.Page

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs

e) {
txtmessage.Text = “ “;

protected void TreeView1_SelectedNodeChanged(object

sender, EventArgs e) {

txtmessage.Text = “ “;
lblmessage.Text = “Selected node changed to: “ +
TreeNodeCollection childnodes =

if(childnodes != null) {
txtmessage.Text = “ “;

Material 253
Basic Web Controls foreach (TreeNode t in childnodes) {
txtmessage.Text += t.Value;
Execute the page to see the effects. You will be able to expand and collapse
the nodes.


The collection of items is displayed through the List control that enables to display
simple lists of options. ASP.Net provides the following list controls:
1. List Box
2. Drop Down list
3. Radio Button List
4. Check Box List
5. Bulleted List
These controls are used to display list of options to select. The selection
can be single or multiple depending on the control. All controls are derived from
the class System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListControl.
254 Material
Following are some common properties of list controls: Basic Web Controls

 SelectedValue: Gets the value of the selected item from the list control.
 SelectedIndex: Gets the index of the selected item from the list control.
 SelectedItem: Gets the text of selected item from the list control. NOTES
 Items: Gets the collection of items from the dropdown list control.
 DataTextField: Name of the data source field to supply the text of the items.
Generally this field comes from the datasource.
 DataValueField: Name of the data source field to supply the value of the
items. This is not visible field to list controls, but can be use in the code.
 DataSourceID: ID of the datasource control to provide data.
The following code gives a typical usage of individuals for the ListBox and
ComboBox classes. The accompanying code model is also a finished application
that indicates how you can utilize DataSource, DisplayMember, ValueMember,
and SelectedValue individuals from the ListControl class as executed by the ListBox
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;

namespace MyListControlSample
public class ListBoxSample3 : Form
private ListBox ListBox1 = new ListBox();
private Label label1 = new Label();
private TextBox textBox1 = new TextBox();

static void Main()
Application.Run(new ListBoxSample3());

public ListBoxSample3()
this.ClientSize = new Size(307, 206);
this.Text = “ListBox Sample3”;

Material 255
Basic Web Controls ListBox1.Location = new Point(54, 16);
ListBox1.Name = “ListBox1”;
ListBox1.Size = new Size(240, 130);

label1.Location = new Point(14, 150);
label1.Name = “label1”;
label1.Size = new Size(40, 24);
label1.Text = “Value”;

textBox1.Location = new Point(54, 150);

textBox1.Name = “textBox1”;
textBox1.Size = new Size(240, 24);

this.Controls.AddRange(new Control[] {
ListBox1, label1, textBox1 });

// Populate the list box using an array as

ArrayList USStates = new ArrayList();
USStates.Add(new USState(“Alabama”, “AL”));
USStates.Add(new USState(“Washington”,
USStates.Add(new USState(“West Virginia”,
USStates.Add(new USState(“Wisconsin”, “WI”));
USStates.Add(new USState(“Wyoming”, “WY”));
ListBox1.DataSource = USStates;

// Set the long name as the property to be

displayed and the short
// name as the value to be returned when a
row is selected. Here
// these are properties; if we were binding
to a database table or
// query these could be column names.
ListBox1.DisplayMember = “LongName”;
ListBox1.ValueMember = “ShortName”;

// Bind the SelectedValueChanged event to

our handler for it.
ListBox1.SelectedValueChanged +=
new EventHandler(ListBox1_SelectedValueChanged);
256 Material
Basic Web Controls
// Ensure the form opens with no rows selected.
private void InitializeComponent()

private void ListBox1_SelectedValueChanged(object

sender, EventArgs e)
if (ListBox1.SelectedIndex != -1)
textBox1.Text =
// If we also wanted to get the displayed
text we could use
// the SelectedItem item property:
// string s =

public class USState

private string myShortName;
private string myLongName;

public USState(string strLongName, string


this.myShortName = strShortName;
this.myLongName = strLongName;

public string ShortName


Material 257
Basic Web Controls {
return myShortName;
public string LongName

return myLongName;


Check Your Progress

1. Which tag is used to define ASP.Net web controls?
2. Which class is used to derive the list controls?


ASP.NET validation controls perform validation on both, the client (or browser)
and the server to ensure that useless, unauthenticated, or contradictory data did
not get stored.
ASP.NET provides the following validation controls:
1. RequiredFieldValidator
2. RangeValidator
3. CompareValidator
4. RegularExpressionValidator
5. CustomValidator
6. ValidationSummary
Generally, the validation is performed on the client side and validation controls
uses JavaScript to perform validation. If browser on the client side does not support
JavaScript then server side validation is performed.

258 Material
Base Validator Class Basic Web Controls

The validation control classes are inherited from the BaseValidator class hence
they inherit its properties and methods. BaseValidator class is an abstract class.
Therefore, it would be useful to take a look at the properties and the methods of NOTES
this base class, which are common for all the validation controls.
Members Description
ControlToValidate Indicates the input control to validate.
Display Indicates how the error message is shown.
EnableClientScript Indicates whether client side validation will take.
Enabled Enables or disables the validator.
ErrorMessage Indicates error string.
Text Error text to be shown if validation fails.
IsValid Indicates whether the value of the control is valid.
SetFocusOnError It indicates whether in case of an invalid control, the focus should
switch to the related input control.
ValidationGroup The logical group of multiple validators, where this control belongs.
Validate() This method revalidates the control and updates the IsValid property.

RequiredFieldValidator Control
The RequiredFieldValidator control ensures that the required field is not empty. It
is generally tied to a text box to force input into the text box.
The syntax of the control is:
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID=”rfvcandidate”
runat=”server” ControlToValidate =”ddlcandidate”
ErrorMessage=”Please choose a candidate”
InitialValue=”Please choose a candidate”>

RangeValidator Control
The RangeValidator control verifies that the input value falls within a predetermined
It has three specific properties which are tabulated below.
Properties Description
Type It defines the type of the data. The available values are: Currency,
Date, Double, Integer, and String.
MinimumValue It specifies the minimum value of the range.
MaximumValue It specifies the maximum value of the range.

Material 259
Basic Web Controls The syntax of the control is:
<asp:RangeValidator ID=”rvclass” runat=”server”
ErrorMessage=”Enter your class (6 - 12)”
NOTES MaximumValue=”12"
MinimumValue=”6" Type=”Integer”>

CompareValidator Control
The CompareValidator control compares a value in one control with a fixed value
or a value in another control. It has the following specific properties:
Properties Description
Type It specifies the data type.
ControlToCompare It specifies the value of the input control to compare with.
ValueToCompare It specifies the constant value to compare with.
Operator It specifies the comparison operator, the available values are:
Equal, NotEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqual, LessThan,
LessThanEqual, and DataTypeCheck.
The basic syntax of the control is as follows:
<asp:CompareValidator ID=”CompareValidator1"

The RegularExpressionValidator allows validating the input text by matching
against a pattern of a regular expression. The regular expression is set in the
ValidationExpression property. The following table summarizes the commonly used
syntax constructs for regular expressions.
Character Escapes Description
\b Matches a backspace.
\t Matches a tab.
\r Matches a carriage return.
\v Matches a vertical tab.
\f Matches a form feed.
\n Matches a new line.
\ Escape character.

260 Material
Apart from single character match, a class of characters could be specified Basic Web Controls

that can be matched, called the metacharacters.

Metacharacters Description
. Matches any character except \n. NOTES
[abcd] Matches any character in the set.
[^abcd] Excludes any character in the set.
[2-7a-mA-M] Matches any character specified in the range.
\w Matches any alphanumeric character and underscore.
\W Matches any non-word character.
\s Matches whitespace characters like, space, tab, new line etc.
\S Matches any non-whitespace character.
\d Matches any decimal character.
\D Matches any non-decimal character.
Quantifiers can be added to specify number of times a character could appear.
Quantifier Description
* Zero or more matches.
+ One or more matches.
? Zero or one matches.
{N} N matches.
{N,} N or more matches.
{N,M} Between N and M matches.
The syntax of the control is:
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID=”string” runat=”server”
ValidationExpression=”string” ValidationGroup=”string”>

The CustomValidator control allows writing application specific custom validation
routines for both the client side and the server side validation. The client side
validation is accomplished through the ClientValidationFunction property. The client
side validation routine should be written in a scripting language, such as JavaScript
or VBScript, which the browser can understand.
The server side validation routine must be called from the control’s
ServerValidate event handler. The server side validation routine should be written
in any .Net language, like C# or VB.Net.

Material 261
Basic Web Controls The basic syntax for the control is:
<asp:CustomValidator ID=”CustomValidator1" runat=”server”
Validation Summary
The Validation Summary control does not perform any validation but shows a
summary of all errors in the page. The summary displays the values of the
ErrorMessage property of all validation controls that failed validation.
The following two mutually inclusive properties list out the error message:
1. ShowSummary : It shows the error messages in specified format.
2. ShowMessageBox : It shows the error messages in a separate window.
The syntax for the control is:
<asp:ValidationSummary ID=”ValidationSummary1"
DisplayMode = “BulletList” ShowSummary = “true”
HeaderText=”Errors:” />

Validation Groups
Complex pages have diverse gatherings of data given in various boards. In such
circumstance, a need may emerge for performing approval independently for
discrete gathering. This sort of circumstance is taken care of utilizing approval
gatherings. To make an approval gathering, you should put the information controls
and the approval controls into the equivalent coherent gathering by setting their


ASP.NET provides a large set of controls. These controls are divided into different
categories, depending upon their functionalities. Rich controls contain rich
functionality and are built with multiple HTML elements. The followings control
comes under the rich controls.
1. FileUpload control
2. Calendar control
3. AdRotator control
4. MultiView control
5. Wizard control
262 Material
FileUpload Control Basic Web Controls

FileUpload control is used to browse and upload files. After the file is uploaded,
you can store the file on any drive or database. FileUpload control is the combination
of a browse button and a text box for entering the filename. NOTES
The FileUpload control supports the following important properties.
 FileBytes: It returns the contents of uploaded file as a byte array
 FileContent: You can get the uploaded file contents as a stream.
 FileName: It provides the name of uploaded file.
 HasFile: It is a Boolean property that checks whether particular file is
available or not.
 PostedFile: Gets the uploaded file wrapped in the HttpPostedFile object.
Example 11.2
using System;
using System.Text;
public partial class RichControl : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
sb.AppendFormat(“ Uploaded file: {0}”,
//save the file
FileUpload1.SaveAs(@”C:\” +
//Showing the file information
sb.Append(“<br/> File Name: {0}” +
sb.Append(“<br/> File type: {0}”+
sb.Append(“<br/> File length: {0}” +
Label1.Text = sb.ToString();
Material 263
Basic Web Controls }
catch (Exception ex)
sb.Append(“<br/> Error <br/>”);
Label1.Text = sb.ToString();
Label1.Text = sb.ToString();

Uploading Large Files

FileUpload control can be used for the file of size upto 4MB. Default settings
cannot be used for the files larger than 4MB. For that, you need to change the
setting. You need to configure the httpRuntime maxRequestLength
and httpRuntime requestLengthDiskThreshold settings. This
number is in KB.
requestLengthDiskThreshold=”100" />
The above web configuration file can upload up to 10MB file data.
Calendar Control
Calendar control provides you lots of property and events. Using these properties
and events you can perform the following task with calendar control.
264 Material
1. Select date. Basic Web Controls

2. Selecting a day, a week or a month.

3. Customize the calendar’s appearance.
The Calendar control supports three important events which are tabulated below: NOTES
Event Description
SelectionChanged This event is fired when you select a day, a week or an entire
DayRender This event is fired when each data cell of the calendar control is
VisibleMonthChanged It is raised when user changes a month.

Calendar control supports SelectionMode property that allows you to select

a single day, week, or entire month.
Example 11.3
using System;
using System.Text;
public partial class RichControl : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void Calendar1_SelectionChanged(object
sender, EventArgs e)
Label1.Text =”Todays date is: “+
Label2.Text = “Your date of birth is: “ +
When you select a date, SelectionChanged event will be fired and displays
the date in a label controls. In this example the date format is MM/DD/YYYY.

Material 265
Basic Web Controls AdRotator control
AdRotator control is used to display different advertisements randomly in a page.
The list of advertisements is stored in either an XML file or in a database table.
NOTES Lots of websites uses AdRotator control to display the advertisements on the web
To create an advertisement list, first add an XML file to your project.
Code for XML file
<?xml version=”1.0" encoding=”utf-8" ?>
<ImageUrl><“ /Images/logo1.png</ImageUrl>
<ImageUrl><“ /Images/logo2.png</ImageUrl>
<ImageUrl><“ /Images/logo3.png</ImageUrl>
<ImageUrl><“ /Images/logo4.png</ImageUrl>
266 Material
</Ad> Basic Web Controls
In the given XML file ‘Images’ is the name of the folder, where we stored all
the images to display. Now set the AdRotator control’s AdvertisementFile property.
Set the path of the XML file that you have created to AdRotator control’s
AdvertisementFile property.
Important Properties of AdRotator Control
ImageUrl: The URL of the image that will be displayed through AdRotator control.
 NavigateUrl: If the user clicks the banner or ad then the new page is
opened according to given URL.
 AlternateText: It is used for displaying text instead of the picture if picture
is not displayed. It is also used as a tooltip.
 Impressions: It is a number that sets how frequently an advertisement will
 Keyword: It is used to filter ads or identifies a group of advertisement.
MultiView control
MultiView control can be utilized when you need to make a selected page. As a
rule, a web structure might be extremely long, and after that you can partition a
long structure into different sub shapes. MultiView control is comprised of different
view controls. You can put various ASP.NET controls inside view controls. One
View control is shown at once and it is called as the dynamic view. View control
does not work independently. It is constantly utilized with a Multiview control.
If you are working with Visual Studio 2010 or later, you can drag and drop
a MultiView control onto the structure. You can drag and drop any number of
View controls inside the MultiView control. The quantity of view controls is relies
on the need of your application.
The MultiView control supports the following important properties.
 ActiveViewIndex: It is used to determine which view will be active or
 Views: It provides the collection of View controls contained in the MultiView
To understand the Multiview control, first we will create a user interface as
given below.
In the given example of Multiview control, we have taken three separate View
1. In First step we will design to capture Product details
2. In Second step we will design to capture Order details
3. Next we will show summary for confirmation.
Material 267
Basic Web Controls Here, we have not used any database programming to save the data into
the database. We will show only the confirmation page, that data has been saved.


MultiViewControlDemo.aspx file
<%@ Page Language=”C#” AutoEventWireup=”true”
CodeFile=”RichControl.aspx.cs” Inherits=”RichControl” %>

<! DOCTYPE html>

<html xmlns=””>
<head runat=”server”>
<form id=”form1" runat=”server”>
<asp:MultiView ID=”MultiView1" runat=”server”>
<asp:View ID=”View1" runat=”server”>
<table style=”border:1px solid black”>
268 Material
<td colspan=”2"> Basic Web Controls
<h2>Step 1 - Product Details</
</tr> NOTES
<td>Product ID</td>
<asp:TextBox ID=”txtProductID”
<td>Product Name</td>
<asp:TextBox ID=”txtProductName”
<asp:TextBox ID=”txtProductPrice”
<td colspan=”2" style=”text-
<asp:Button ID=”btnStep2" runat=”server”
Text=”Next >>” onclick=”btnStep2_Click” />
<asp:View ID=”View2" runat=”server”>
<table style=”border:1px solid black”>
<td colspan=”2">
<h2>Step 2 - Order Details</h2>

Material 269
Basic Web Controls </tr>
<td>Order ID</td>
<asp:TextBox ID=”txtOrderID”
<asp:TextBox ID=”txtQuantity”
<asp:Button ID=”btnBackToStep1"
runat=”server” Text=”<< Previous”
onclick=”btnBackToStep1_Click” />
<td style=”text-align:right”>
<asp:Button ID=”btnStep3"
runat=”server” Text=”Next >>”
onclick=”btnGoToStep3_Click” />
<asp:View ID=”View3" runat=”server”>
<table style=”border:1px solid black”>
<td colspan=”2"><h2>Step 3 - Summary</
<td colspan=”2"><h3>Product Details</
<td>Product ID</td>
270 Material
<asp:Label ID=”lblProductID” Basic Web Controls
<tr> NOTES
<td>Product Name</td>
<asp:Label ID=”lblProductName”
<asp:Label ID=”lblPrice”
<td colspan=”2"><h3>Order Details</
<td>Order ID</td>
<asp:Label ID=”lblOrderID”
<asp:Label ID=”lblQuantity”
<asp:Button ID=”btnBackToStep2"
runat =”server” O nClick=”b tn Ba ck To St e p2 _C li ck”
style=”height: 26px” Text=”<<Previous” />
Material 271
Basic Web Controls <td style=”text-align:right”>
<asp:Button ID=”btnSubmit”
runat=”server” Text=”Submit >>” OnClick=”btnSubmit_Click”
NOTES </td>
MultiViewControlDemo.aspx.cs file
using System;
using System.Text;
public partial class RichControl : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (! IsPostBack)
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0;
protected void btnStep2_Click(object sender, EventArgs
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 1;
protected void btnBackToStep1_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0;
protected void btnGoToStep3_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 2;
lblProductID.Text = txtProductID.Text;
lblProductName.Text = txtProductName.Text;
lblPrice.Text = txtProductPrice.Text;

272 Material
lblOrderID.Text = txtOrderID.Text; Basic Web Controls
lblQuantity.Text = txtQuantity.Text;
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs
protected void btnBackToStep2_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 1;
ActiveViewIndex property of MultiView control is zero based.
Wizard Control
Wizard control is same as MultiView control. The main difference is that, it has
inbuilt navigation buttons. It enables to design a long form in such a way that you
can work with multiple sub form. It reduces the overhead of developers to design
multiple forms. This control provides built-in previous/next functionality.
The Wizard control can contains one or more WizardStep as child controls. Only
one WizardStep is displayed at a time. StepType is the important property of the
WizardStep control. This property determines the type of navigation buttons that
will be displayed for that step. Following are the StepType:
 Start:
 Step:
 Finish:
 Complete:
 Auto:
You will get the following code on dragging the Wizard control on the web
page from toolbox.
<asp:Wizard ID=”Wizard1" runat=”server” Height=”75px”
<asp:WizardStep runat=”server” title=”Step 1">
<asp:WizardStep runat=”server” title=”Step

Material 273
Basic Web Controls </WizardSteps>
You can put WizardStep according to application need.
NOTES Important events of Wizard control are as follows:
 ActiveStepChanged:
 CancelButtonClick:
 FinishButtonClick:
 NextButtonClick:
 PreviousButtonClick:
Now we will create an application as we had done with MultiView control.
We will create three different WizardStep in Wizard control.
 In First step, we will design to capture Product details
 In Second step, we will design to capture Order details
 Next, we will show summary for confirmation.

274 Material
WizardControlDemo.aspx.cs file Basic Web Controls

using System;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
public partial class WizardControl : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void Wizard1_FinishButtonClick(object
sender, WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
protected void Wizard1_NextButtonClick(object sender,
WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
if (e.NextStepIndex == 2)
lblProductID.Text = txtProductID.Text;
lblProductName.Text = txtProductName.Text;
lblPrice.Text = txtProductPrice.Text;
lblOrderID.Text = txtOrderID.Text;
lblQuantity.Text = txtQuantity.Text;
Register the event for Next button by using property window with event
tab. In the given example, for going third step from second we have to set
e.NextStepIndex == 2. Here StepIndex is zero based.
FinishButtonClick event performs the final WizardStep with a summary of
the answers entered in the previous WizardStep controls.


A data bound control is bound to a data source and generates its user interface by
enumerating the items in the data source. ASP.NET provides a rich set of data
bound server controls (see Figure 11.1). These controls are easy to use and provide
a Rapid Application Development (RAD) for Web development.

Material 275
Basic Web Controls You can categorize these controls into two groups:
1. Single item data bound control
2. Multi item data bound controls

Single item data Multi-item data

bound controls bound controls
Fig. 11.1 Data Bound Control

The single item data bound controls are used to display the value of a single
item of a database table. These controls do not provide direct binding with the
data source. Examples of single item data bound controls are Text Boxes, Buttons,
Labels, Images, and so on.
The multi item data bound controls are used to display the entire or a
partial table. These controls provide direct binding to the data source. You can
use the DataSource property of these controls to bind a database table to
these controls. Some examples of multi-item data bound controls are DataGrid,
ListBox, DataList and DropDownList. Table 11.1 describes the various
data bound controls.
Table 11.1 Data Bound Controls and their Description

Control ASP.NET Code Description

DataGrid <asp:DataGrid> Displays a database in a scrollable grid format and
supports selection, adding, updating, sorting and
DataList <asp:DataList> Displays data in templates and style format.
ListBox <asp:ListBox> Used to display data in a list format.
DropDownList <asp:DropDownList> Used to display ADO.NET data source data in a
drop down combo box format.
CheckBox <asp:CheckBox > Displays single check box, which can be connected
to an item of the ADO.NET data source.
CheckBoxList <asp:CheckBoxList> Displays a list of check boxes that can be
connected to the ADO.NET data source.
Repeater <asp:Repeater> Displays a template data bound list.
TextBox <asp:TextBox> Used to display a text box using ADO.NET Text

276 Material
In ASP.NET, the class diagram of data bound controls is as shown in Figure Basic Web Controls



Fig. 11.2 Class Diagram of Data Bound Controls

All controls descend from the same base class—BaseDataBoundControl—

regardless of the actual implementation or user interface characteristics.
BaseDataBoundControl branches off into two more specific child classes—
DataBoundControl and HierarchicalDataBoundControl.
The DataBoundControl Base Class
DataBoundControl is an abstract base class that defines the common
characteristics of flat, non-hierarchical controls that use a data source. The class
determines how a data bound control binds to a collection of data items or to a
data source object.
Remarkably, in ASP.NET, all data bound controls—with the notable
exceptions of DataList, DataGrid and Repeater—share a common base
You can group data bound controls into three categories: simple,
composite and hierarchical controls. The following is a brief review of the
properties and methods that all data bound controls share.
Properties of DataBoundControl Class
The DataBoundControl class inherits from WebControl and can, thus, have
all the visual and style properties defined on the base class. Examples of visual
properties include BackColor, ForeColor, Font, BorderStyle and the
new SkinID. Table 11.2 shows the properties of the DataBoundControl
Material 277
Basic Web Controls Table 11.2 Properties of DataBoundControl Class

Property Description
DataMember Selects the list of data that the control should bind to when the data source
contains more than one list.
NOTES DataSource Indicates the data source to bind to. The data source must be an object that
implements the IEnumerable or IListSource interface.
DataSourceID The ID of the data source objects is used to retrieve data.

Overview of Simple Data Bound Controls

The term ‘simple data bound control’ refers to Web controls that have a list-based
user interface. The data source provides these controls with data items to populate
a list of HTML markup elements. ASP.NET 2.0 has two types of simple data
bound controls—the AdRotator control and List controls.
(i) The AdRotator Control
The AdRotator control displays advertising banner on a Web page that changes
whenever the page refreshes. The control retrieves ad information from a separate
XML file. For each ad, the XML file contains the path to a descriptive image, the
URL ( to go to when the control is clicked and the
frequency of the ad. For tracking purposes, the AdRotator control supports
counters and updates them when an ad is clicked. You can associate each ad with
its own counter.
(ii) The BulletedList Control
The BulletedList control is used to create a list of items formatted with
bullets. Like all list controls, BulletedList allows you to specify individual
items by defining a ListItem object for each desired entry.
The bulleted list generated by the code is bound to a Microsoft SQL
Server data source and receives the DataTable returned by the specified
query. The DataTextField property selects the column to show and
DisplayMode sets the display mode—plain text, link buttons or hyperlinks.
Overview of Hierarchical Data Bound Controls
The HierarchicalDataBoundControl class is the foundation of hierarchical
data bound controls, such as TreeView and Menu. The class acts as a logical
container for controls that consume hierarchical data.
Tree-Based Data View
The TreeView control can bind to any data source object that supports the
HierarchicalDataSource interface. By default, the TreeView binds XML
nodes to its own nodes in a way that reflects the name of the node rather than a
particular attribute or the inner text.
278 Material
A TreeNodeBinding object defines the relationship between each data Basic Web Controls

item and the node it is binding to.

The Menu Control

The Menu control can be bound to any data source and also supports an explicit
list of items for the simplest cases. An ASP.NET Menu object consists of menu
items stored in a collection. MenuItem is the class that describes a single item,
and MenuItems is the collection property that returns all the child items of a
given menu. An example of a dynamic style is one that is assigned to the menu item
currently under the mouse.
Composite Data Bound Controls
A composite control manages a tree of child controls, and its output is obtained by
merging the markup of the constituent components.
1. The GridView
The GridView is a major upgrade of the ASP.NET 1.x DataGrid control. It
provides the same set of capabilities, plus a long list of extensions and improvements.
The DataGrid has one big drawback: it requires you to write a lot of custom
code, even to handle relatively simple operations, such as paging, sorting, editing
or deleting data. The GridView control offers some new functionalities. These
functionalities include features, such as automatic paging, sorting, selecting and
editing. The GridView is also the only data control that can show more than one
record at a time. An advantage of the GridView over the DataGrid is its
support for code-free scenarios.
The GridView is an all-purpose grid control for displaying large tables
of information. Each column represents a data source field and each row
represents a record. It also exposes a new model for page developers to
handle or cancel events.
GridView Control Fundamentals

1. Displays Data
The GridView renders its data items in an HTML table. Each data item is rendered
in a distinct HTML table row.
2. Paging through GridView
When working with a large number of database rows, it is useful to display the
rows in different pages. You can enable paging with the GridView control by
enabling its AllowPaging property.
(If you do not specify a value of PageSize, then the GridView
defaults to displaying ten records per page.)

Material 279
Basic Web Controls 3. Editing Data
The GridView control also enables you to edit database data. The page illustrates
how you can update and delete records in the Movies database table by using the
NOTES GridView control.

The GridView control has both its AutoGenerateEditButton and

AutoGenerateDeleteButton properties enabled. When these properties
are enabled, Edit and Delete links are automatically rendered next to each row
in the GridView . Tables 11.3 and 11.4 show the behavior and state
properties, respectively.
Table 11.3 Behavior Properties

Behavior Property Description

AllowPaging Indicates whether the control supports paging.
AllowSorting Indicates whether the control supports sorting.
AutoGenerateColumns Indicates whether columns are automatically created for each field
in the data source. The default is true.
SortDirection A read only property that gets the direction of the column current

280 Material
Table 11.4 State Properties Basic Web Controls

State Property Description

DataKeyNames Gets and sets an array that contains the names of the primary key
fields for the currently displayed items.
EditIndex Gets and sets the 0-based index that identifies the row currently NOTES
rendered in edit mode.
PageCount Gets the number of pages required to display the records of the
data source.
PageIndex Gets and sets the 0-based index that identifies the currently
displayed page of data.
PageSize Indicates the number of records to display on a page.
SelectedIndex Gets and sets the 0-based index that identifies the row currently
SelectedValue Returns the explicit value of the key as stored in the DataKey
object. Similar to SelectedDataKey.

Formatting the GridView Controls

Table 11.5 shows that GridView control includes a rich set of formatting properties
that you can use to modify its appearance.
Table 11.5 Formatting and Appearance Properties

Style Property Description

AlternatingRowStyle Defines the style properties for every other row displayed in
the table.
EditRowStyle Defines the style properties for the row being edited.
FooterStyle Defines the style properties for the grid’s footer.
HeaderStyle Defines the style properties for the grid’s header.
RowStyle Defines the style properties for the rows displayed in the
Appearance Property Description
CellPadding Indicates the amount of space (in pixels) between the contents of a
cell and the border.
CellSpacing Indicates the amount of space (in pixels) between cells.
HorizontalAlign Indicates the horizontal alignment of the control on the page.
ShowFooter Indicates whether the footer row is displayed.
ShowHeader Indicates whether the header row is displayed.

Supported Column Types in GridView Control

In all the sample code in the previous section, the GridView control was used
to render automatically an HTML table that contains a list of data items. However,
there is a problem with allowing the GridView to render its columns automatically.
The result does not look very professional. The solution to all these problems is to
specify explicitly the fields that a GridView displays. The GridView control
supports the types of fields shown in Table 11.6.

Material 281
Basic Web Controls Table 11.6 Field Types

Type Description
BoundField Default column type. Displays the value of a field as plain text.
ButtonField Displays the value of a field as a command button. You can choose the
NOTES link or the push button style.
CheckBoxField Displays the value of a field as a check box. It is commonly used to
render Boolean values.
CommandField Enhanced version of ButtonField that represents special commands,
such as Edit, Delete and Select.
HyperLinkField Displays the value of a field as a hyperlink. When the hyperlink is
clicked, the browser navigates to the specified URL. HyperLinkField
accepts an array of data fields to build multi-parameter URLs.
ImageField Displays the value of a field as an image. The image can come from a
database or be specified through a URL.
TemplateField Displays user-defined content for each item in the column. The template
can contain any number of data fields combined with literals, images and
other controls.

GridView Events
The GridView control includes a rich set of events that you can handle to customize
the control’s behavior and appearance. These events can be divided into three
groups. First, the GridView control supports the set of events that are raised
when the control displays its rows. Second, the GridView control includes the
set of events that are raised when you are editing records. Third, the GridView
control supports the events related to sorting, selecting and paging. Table 11.7
shows the properties of events.
Table 11.7 Properties of Events

Events Description
PageIndexChanging, Both events occur when one of the pager buttons is clicked.
PageIndexChanged They fire before and after the grid control handles the paging
operation, respectively.
RowCancelingEdit Occurs when the Cancel button of a row in edit mode is clicked, but
before the row exits edit mode.
RowDataBound Occurs when a data row is bound to data.
RowDeleting, Both events occur when a row’s Delete button is clicked.
RowDeleted They fire before and after the grid control deletes the row,
RowEditing Occurs when a row’s Edit button is clicked but before the control
enters edit mode.
RowUpdating, Both events occur when a row’s Update button is clicked.
RowUpdated They fire before and after the grid control updates the row,
SelectedIndexChanging, Both events occur when a row’s Select button is clicked. The two
SelectedIndexChanged events occur before and after the grid control handles the select
operation, respectively.

2. DataList CONTROL
DataList control is used to display a repeated list of items that are bound to the
control. However, the DataList control adds a table around the data items by
282 Material
The DataList control is used to display the data items in a repeating Basic Web Controls

list. However, the support for selecting and editing the items is optional. The
content and layout of list items in DataList is defined using templates.
Displaying Data with DataList Control NOTES
To display data with the DataList control, you must supply the control with an
ItemTemplate. The contents of the ItemTemplate are rendered for each
data item from the data source.
Moreover, several optional templates can be used to customize the
appearance of the list. Table 11.8 describes those templates.
Table 11.8 Template Names and their Description
Template Name Description
ItemTemplate Defines the content and layout of items within the list. Required.
AlternatingItemTemplate If defined, determines the content and layout of alternating items. If
not defined, ItemTemplate is used.
SeparatorTemplate If defined, is rendered between items (and alternating items). If not
defined, a separator is not rendered.
SelectedItemTemplate If defined, determines the content and layout of the selected item. If
not defined, ItemTemplate (AlternatingItemTemplate) is
EditItemTemplate If defined, determines the content and layout of the item being edited.
If not defined, ItemTemplate (AlternatingItemTemplate,
SelectedItemTemplate) is used.
HeaderTemplate If defined, determines the content and layout of the list header. If not
defined, the header is not rendered.
FooterTemplate If defined, determines the content and layout of the list footer. If not
defined, the footer is not rendered.

Formatting the DataList Control

The DataList control includes a rich set of properties that you can use to format
the HTML rendered by the control. The following are its properties:
 CssClass—Enables you to associate a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
class with the DataList.
 AlternatingItemStyle—Enables you to format every other row of
the DataList.
 EditItemStyle—Enables you to format the DataList row selected
for editing.
 FooterStyle—Enables you to format the footer row of the DataList.
 HeaderStyle—Enables you to format the header row of the DataList.
When formatting the DataList, you also need to work with the following
 GridLines—Enables you to add rules around the cells in the DataList.
Possible values are None, Horizontal, Vertical and Both.
 ShowFooter—Enables you to show or hide the footer row.
Material 283
Basic Web Controls  ShowHeader—Enables you to show or hide the header row.
 UseAccessibleHeader—Enables you to render HTML <th> tags
instead of <td> tags for the cells in the header row.
NOTES Using the DataList Control
To use this control, drag and drop the control from the toolbox in the design view
of the Web form. The following screenshot displays a DataList control on a
Web form:

The following list outlines the steps that you can follow to add a DataList
control in a Web page and make it working:
1. Drag and drop a DataList control in the Web form from the toolbox.
2. Set the DataSourceID property of the control to the data source that
you will use to bind data to the control.
3. Open the .aspx file, declare the element and define the fields as per your
4. Bind the data through the Eval() method to display data in these defined
fields of the control.
You can bind data to the DataList control in two different ways, i.e.,
using the DataSourceID and the DataSource properties. You can use
inbuilt features, such as selecting and updating data when using the
DataSourceID property.
3. Repeater Control
In ASP.NET, Repeater Control provides the functionality as a data bound
control and displays the retrieved data in a repeating list form. It is a basic data
bound container control that allows authors to customize the display of multiple
rows of data using HTML tags and CSS styles.
The Repeater control provides you with the maximum amount of
flexibility in rendering a set of database records. You can format the output of
the Repeater control in any way that you want.

284 Material
Displaying Data with Repeater Control Basic Web Controls

To display data with the Repeater control, you must create an ItemTemplate.


<%@ Page Language=“C#” %>

<html xmlns=“” >
<head id=“Head1" runat=”server”>
<style type=“text/css”>
border:solid 1px black;
margin:20px 10px;
border:dashed 2px black;
Material 285
Basic Web Controls background-color:white;

NOTES <title>Show Repeater</title>

<form id=“form1" runat=“server”>
<div class=“content”>
<asp:Repeater id=“rptMovies” DataSourceID=“srcMovies”
<div class=“movies”>
<h1><%#Eval(“Title”) %></h1>
<b>Directed by:</b> <%# Eval(“Director”) %>
<br />
<b>Box Office Totals :</b> <%#
Eval(“BoxOfficeTotals”,“{0:c}”) %>
<asp:SqlDataSource id=“srcMovies”
ConnectionString=“<%$ConnectionStrings: Movies %>”
SelectCommand=“SELECT Title,Director,BoxOfficeTotals FROM
Movies” Runat=“server” />
The content and layout of list items is defined using templates shown in
Table 11.9.

286 Material
Table 11.9 Template Names Basic Web Controls

Template Name Description

ItemTemplate Defines the content and layout of items within the list.
AlternatingItemTemplate If defined, the alternatingItemTemplate determines the content and
layout of alternating items. If not defined, ItemTemplate is used.
SeparatorTemplate If defined, SeparatorTemplate is put across between items (and
alternating items). If not defined, a separator is not rendered.
SelectedItemTemplate If defined, SelectedItemTemplate determines the content and layout of
the selected item. If not defined, ItemTemplate
(AlternatingItemTemplate) is used.
EditItemTemplate If defined, EditItemTemplate determines the content and layout of the
item being edited. If not defined, ItemTemplate
(AlternatingItemTemplate, SelectedItemTemplate) is used.
HeaderTemplate If defined, HeaderTemplate determines the content and layout of the list
header. If not defined, the header is not rendered.
FooterTemplate If defined, FooterTemplate determines the content and layout of the list
footer. If not defined, the footer is not rendered.

Templates define the HTML elements and controls that should be displayed for an
item, as well as the layout of these elements. Style formatting, such as font, color
and border attributes are set via styles. Each template has its own style property.
For example, styles for the EditItemTemplate are set through the
EditItemStyle property.
<asp:DataList id=“dlEmployee” runat=“server”>
< /AlternatingItemTemplate>

Repeater Control Events

The Repeater control supports the following events:
 DataBinding—It is raised when the Repeater control is bound to its
data source.
 ItemCommand—It is raised when a control contained in the Repeater
control raises an event.

Material 287
Basic Web Controls  ItemCreated—It is raised when each Repeater item is created.
 ItemDataBound—Raised when each Repeater item is bound.
4. DetailsView CONTROL
The DetailsView control is complementary to the GridView control. In
ASP.NET, it enables working with a single record or row from an associated data
source. The default view of this control is vertical with each column of the record
displayed on a line of its own. It is used for updating and inserting new records.
The DetailsView control rides on the data source capabilities to
update insert or delete rows. It renders a single data item at a time even when
the data source exposes more items. If the data object represents the
ICollection interface or the underlying data source exposes the paging
operation, the DetailsView can page over the data, provided the
AllowPaging property is set to true. Users can also navigate between rows of
data using this control.
The process of binding the DetailsView control to a data source is
very simple. The DataSourceID property can be set declaratively or
programmatically. If the AutoGenerateEditButton property is set to true,
it enables editing operations. The Edit mode can be invoked pressing this
The DetailsView control can be configured to display a Delete and
Insert button also. The AutoGenerateInsertButton, when set to true,
generates a new button. The new button invokes the insert mode. Using this
collection, the data source control can locate the unique row to be updated.
The DetailsView control user interface can be customized using
S t y l e properties, such as H e a d e r R o w S t y l e , R o w S t y l e ,
A l t e r n a t i n g R o w S t y l e , and so on. E m p t y D a t a T e m p l a t e ,
HeaderTemplate, FooterTemplate and PagerTemplate are some
of the templates available for this control.
A number of events can be used to customize the code including pre
and post insert, update and delete data source events. This includes
ItemCreated and ItemCommand events. There is no selected event in the
DetailsView control as the current event is treated as the selected event.
The Control can also be used for rendering mobile devices. Table 11.10
shows the layout properties of DetailsView control.

288 Material
Table 11.10 Layout Properties of DetailsView Control Basic Web Controls

Property Description
AllowEdit Indicates whether the Edit button should be displayed in the command
bar. False by default.
AllowInsert Indicates whether the Insert button should be displayed in the command NOTES
bar. False by default.
AllowPaging Indicates whether the control should display the navigation bar. False
by default.
CurrentMode Indicates the current working mode of the control. Feasible values
come from the DetailsViewMode enum type: Read Only, Edit
and Insert.
EmptyText The text to display should the data source be empty.
FooterText The text to display on the footer of the control.
HeaderText The text to display atop the control.
ViewTemplateUrl Indicates the URL for the ASCX user control to use to provide a
customized view of the record.

5. FormView CONTROL
FormView is a new data bound control that is a templated version of
DetailsView control. FormView Control is similar to DetailsView control.
Both controls enable showing a single record from data source. The main difference
between FormView and DetailsView controls is that FormView control
allows using of templates for displaying a record instead of row fields used in
DetailsView. Unlike DetailsView, FormView control does not have
predefined data layout. The developer needs to create a template first and specify
controls and formatting to display single record from data source. Thus, the
developer has full control over layout and it is pretty easy to add validation
Its properties, such as BackColor, ForeColor, BorderColor,
BorderStyle, BorderWidth, and Height, are implemented through style
properties of <table> tag.
Table 11.11 some important properties that are very useful.
Table 11.11 Templates and Methods of FormView Control

Templates of the FormView Control

EditItemTemplate Used when a record is being edited.
InsertItemTemplate Used when a record is being created.
ItemTemplate Used to render the record to display only.
Methods of the FormView Control
Read Only/Insert/Edit. Change the working mode of the control from the
current to the defined FormViewMode type.
Used to insert the record into database. This method must be called when
the DetailsView control is in insert mode.
Used to update the current record into database. This method must be
called when DetailsView control is in edit mode.
DeleteItem Used to delete the current record from database.

Material 289
Basic Web Controls

ASP.NET allows the users to create controls. Custom controls are the controls
NOTES that are not included in the .Net framework but are created by a user or a third
party software vendor. These user defined controls are categorized into:
1. User controls
2. Custom controls
User Controls
These are like page or web forms in ASP.NET that are used for specific purpose
and can be used by many other pages. These controls are derived from the
System.Web.UI.UserControl class. Following are the characteristics
of these controls:
 They have an .ascx extension.
 They may not contain any <html>, <body>, or <form> tags.
 They have a Control directive instead of a Page directive.
In order to understand the concept, we will create a simple user control that is
used as footer for the web pages. You can use the following steps to create the
user control.
1. Create a new web application.
2. Right click on the project folder on the solution explorer and choose Add
New Item.

3. Select Web User Control from the Add New Item dialog box and name it
footer.ascx. Initially, the footer.ascx contains only a Control directive.
<%@ Control Language=”C#” AutoEventWireup=”true”
Inherits=”customcontroldemo.footer” %>
290 Material
4. Add the following code to the file: Basic Web Controls

<td align=”center”> Copyright ©2010 TutorialPoints

<td align=”center”> Location: Hyderabad, A.P
You must have to add the Register directive and an instance of the user
control to the page to add the user control. The code given below shows the
content file.

<%@ Page Language=”C#” AutoEventWireup=”true”

CodeBehind=”Default.aspx.cs” Inherits=”customcontroldemo.
_Default” %>

<%@ Register Src=”~/footer.ascx” TagName=”footer”

TagPrefix=”Tfooter” %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional/

/EN” “ http://ww /T R/ xh tm l 1 /D TD /x ht ml1 -

<html xmlns=”” >

<head runat=”server”>
Untitled Page


<form id=”form1" runat=”server”>


<asp:Label ID=”Label1" runat=”server”

Text=”Welcome to ASP.Net Tutorials “></asp:Label>
Material 291
Basic Web Controls <br /> <br />
<asp:Button ID=”Button1" runat=”server”
onclick=”Button1_Click” Text=”Copyright Info” />

NOTES </div>
<Tfooter:footer ID=”footer1" runat=”server” />

When the above code gets executed, the page shows the footer and this
control could be used in all the pages of your website.
Observe the following:
(1) The Register directive specifies a tag name as well as tag prefix for the
<%@ Register Src=”~/footer.ascx” TagName=”footer”
TagPrefix=”Tfooter” %>
(2) The following tag name and prefix should be used while adding the user
control on the page:
<Tfooter:footer ID=”footer1" runat=”server” />
Custom Controls
Custom controls are deployed as individual assemblies. They are compiled into a
Dynamic Link Library (DLL) and are used as any other ASP.NET server control.
These controls can be created using any of the following ways:
1. By deriving a custom control from an existing control
2. By composing a new custom control combing two or more existing controls.
3. By deriving from the base control class.
Let us consider an example for creating a custom control that simply render a text
message on the browser. Following are the steps.
1. Create a new website.
2. Right click the solution (not the project) at the top of the tree in the Solution

292 Material
Basic Web Controls


3. Select ASP.NET Server Control from the project templates.

4. The above step adds a new project and creates a complete custom control
to the solution, called ServerControl1. In this example, let us name the
project CustomControls. To use this control, this must be added as a
reference to the web site before registering it on a page. To add a reference
to the existing project, right click on the project (not the solution), and click
Add Reference.
5. Select the CustomControls project from the Projects tab of the Add
Reference dialog box. The Solution Explorer should show the reference.

To use the control on a page, add the Register directive just below the @Page
<%@ Register Assembly=”CustomControls” Namespace=
”CustomControls” TagPrefix=”ccs” %>

Material 293
Basic Web Controls Further, you can use the control, similar to any other controls.
<form id=”form1" runat=”server”>
<ccs:ServerControl1 runat=”server” Text = “I am a
NOTES Custom Server Control” />
When executed, the Text property of the control is rendered on the browser as
shown below:

Working with Custom Controls

In the previous example, the value for the Text property of the custom control was
set. ASP.NET add this property by default, when the control was created. The
following code behind file of the control reveals this.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace CustomControls
[ToolboxData(“<{0}:ServerControl1 runat=server></
{0}:ServerControl1 >”)]

public class ServerControl1 : WebControl


294 Material
Basic Web Controls
public string Text
String s = (String)ViewState[“Text”];
return ((s == null) ? “[“ + this.ID + “]” :

ViewState[“Text”] = value;

protected override void

RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter output)
The above code is automatically generated for a custom control. Events and
methods could be added to the custom control class.
Example 11.4
Let us consider the previous custom control named SeverControl1. Here, we add
a method named checkpalindrome to check for palindromes. The code is given
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace CustomControls

Material 295
Basic Web Controls {
[ToolboxData(“<{0}:ServerControl1 runat=server></
{0}:ServerControl1 >”)]
public class ServerControl1 : WebControl

public string Text

String s = (String)ViewState[“Text”];
return ((s == null) ? “[“ + this.ID + “]” : s);

ViewState[“Text”] = value;

protected override void

RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter output)
if (this.checkpanlindrome())
output.Write(“This is a palindrome: <br />”);
output.Write(“<FONT size=5 color=Blue>”);

296 Material
{ Basic Web Controls
output.Write(“This is not a palindrome: <br />”);
output.Write(“<FONT size=5 color=red>”);

protected bool checkpanlindrome()

if (this.Text != null)
String str = this.Text;
String strtoupper = Text.ToUpper();
char[] rev = strtoupper.ToCharArray();
String strrev = new String(rev);

if (strtoupper == strrev)
return true;
return false;
return false;
When you change the code for the control, you must build the solution by
clicking Build  Build Solution, so that the changes are reflected in your project.
Add a text box and a button control to the page, so that the user can provide a
text, it is checked for palindrome, when the button is clicked.
Material 297
Basic Web Controls <form id=”form1" runat=”server”>
Enter a word:
<br />
NOTES <asp:TextBox ID=”TextBox1" runat=”server”
style=”width:198px”> </asp:TextBox>

<br /> <br />

<asp:Button ID=”Button1" runat=”server

onclick=”Button1_Click” Text=”Check Palindrome”
style=”width:132px” />

<br /> <br />

<ccs:ServerControl1 ID=”ServerControl11"
runat=”server” Text = “” />
The Click event handler for the button simply copies the text from the text
box to the text property of the custom control.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.ServerControl11.Text = this.TextBox1.Text;
When executed, the control successfully checks palindromes.

Observe the following:

(1) When you add a reference to the custom control, it is added to the toolbox
and you can directly use it from the toolbox similar to any other control.

298 Material
(2) The RenderContents method of the custom control class is overridden here, Basic Web Controls

as you can add your own methods and events.

(3) The RenderContents method takes a parameter of HtmlTextWriter type,
which is responsible for rendering on the browser.

Check Your Progress

3. Which class is used to inherit the validation control classes?
4. What are the control that comes under the rich controls?
5. What are the three ways of creating the custom control?



1. A special tag is used to define ASP.Net web controls which starts with
“<asp:” prefix followed by the corresponding control class name. For
example, the tag used for TextBox controls is <asp:TextBox> and
the tag used for Label controls is “<asp:Label”.
2. List controls are derived from the class System.Web.UI.
3. The validation control classes are inherited from the BaseValidator class.
4. Following are the control that comes under the rich controls:
(i) FileUpload control
(ii) Calendar control
(iii) AdRotator control
(iv) MultiView control
(v) Wizard control
5. Custom controls can be created using any of the following ways:
(i) By deriving a custom control from an existing control
(ii) By composing a new custom control combing two or more existing
(iii) By deriving from the base control class.


 Controls are the basic building blocks of the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
that enables users to interact with the user by allowing them to enter data,
make selections to indicate their preference and to display data.

Material 299
Basic Web Controls  ASP.NET server controls are the primary controls used in ASP.NET and
are also known as web controls.
 A special tag is used to define ASP.Net web controls which starts with
NOTES “<asp:” prefix followed by the corresponding control class name.
 ASP.Net server controls inherit all properties, events, and methods of the
WebControl and System.Web.UI.Control class.
 A Tree view control comes under navigation controls. Other Navigation
controls are: Menu control and SiteMapPath control.
 The collection of items is displayed through the List control that enables to
display simple lists of options.
 ASP.NET validation controls perform validation on both, the client (or
browser) and the server to ensure that useless, unauthenticated, or
contradictory data did not get stored.
 The validation control classes are inherited from the BaseValidator class.
 Rich controls contain rich functionality and are built with multiple HTML
 AdRotator control is used to display different advertisements randomly in a
page. The list of advertisements is stored in either an XML file or in a
database table.
 Wizard control is same as MultiView control. The main difference is that, it
has inbuilt navigation buttons.
 A data bound control is bound to a data source and generates its user
interface by enumerating the items in the data source.
 Custom controls are the controls that are not included in the .Net framework
but are created by a user or a third party software vendor.


 Server Controls: These are classes in the .NET Framework that represent
visual elements on a Web Form.
 Validation: The method of checking and evaluating that the user has entered
the correct values in input fields.
 TreeView Control: It is used to display hierarchical data in the TreeView

300 Material
Basic Web Controls

Short Answer Questions NOTES

1. What are the different categories of web controls?

2. Discuss the common properties of ListControl class.
3. What are the different types of validation controls?
4. List the members of BaseValidator class.
5. Write a note on MultiView and wizard control.
6. What is the difference between DataList and Repeater control?
Long Answer Questions
1. Write and explain some of the properties of server controls.
2. Write and explain some of the methods of server controls.
3. Explain the various types of validation controls.
4. Explain any two rich controls.
5. Describe the properties of the DetailsView control.
6. Explain the process of creating the custom controls.


Reynolds, Matthew, Jonathan Crossland, Richard Blair and Thearon Willis . 2002.
Beginning VB.NET, 2nd edition. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Inc.
Cornell, Gary and Jonathan Morrison. 2001. Programming VB .NET: A Guide
for Experienced Programmers, 1st edition. Berkeley: Apress.
Francesc, Balena. 2002. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition.
United States: Microsoft Press.
Liberty, Jesse. 2002. Learning Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition. Sebastopol:
O’Reilly Media.
Kurniawan, Budi and Ted Neward. 2002. VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell.
Sebastopol: O’Reilly Media.

Material 301
Overview of AJAX


NOTES Structure
12.0 Introduction
12.1 Objectives
12.2 The AJAX Vision
12.3 Server-side AJAX versus Client-side AJAX
12.4 The UpdatePanel Control
12.5 The Timer Control
12.6 The UpdateProgress Control
12.7 The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit
12.8 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
12.9 Summary
12.10 Key Words
12.11 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
12.12 Further Readings


The biggest challenge faced by Web application developers is creating a fast and
responsive user interface. So far, you have learned to build Web pages that use
the postback model. With the postback model, pages are perpetually sent back to
the Web Server and regenerated.
Recently, a new generation of Web applications has evolved that behave
more like Windows applications than conventional Web pages, and these
applications refresh themselves quickly. This new breed of Web applications uses
a set of design patterns and technologies known as AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript
and XML). AJAX is a programming shorthand for a set of techniques that create
more responsive, dynamic pages. One of the features of AJAX is the ability to
refresh part of the page while leaving the rest intact.
This chapter explores the features of AJAX where you will learn how AJAX
works and how you can use it to create rich, responsive Web pages. Instead of
delving into the intricacies of AJAX, you will explore the AJAX features of
ASP.NET. You will also learn about AJAX control: the UpdatePanel control. This
control enables you to easily furnish existing ASP.NET applications with AJAX
functionality. You will use the UpdatePanel control to update content in a
page without posting the entire page back to the Web Server. You will also learn
about the two controls that support the UpdatePanel control: the Timer
control and the UpdateProgress control.

302 Material
Overview of AJAX

After going through this chapter, you will be able to:

 Explain the features of AJAX vision NOTES
 Update the contents of a page using the UpdatePanel control
 Refresh an UpdatePanel at intervals using the ASP.NET AJAX Timer
 Display a progress indicator using the UpdateProgress control


AJAX is definitely the buzzword in the Web application world at the moment.
AJAX is a cross-platform combination of technologies that can be used to make
your Web pages fast, rich and responsive. It is a relatively new Internet technology
that grew out of combining JavaScript and XML.
Since its introduction, AJAX has produced radical changes in how Web
applications are developed. It indicates the ability to develop applications that
make use of the XMLHttpRequest object. This object could be used to
retrieve data from the server asynchronously. The XMLHttpRequest object
later paved the way for the birth of AJAX. It was this concept (usage of
XMLHttpRequest object to perform asynchronous operations) that was named
AJAX by Jesse James Garrett of Adaptive Path in early 2005.
AJAX made its presence felt within development communities worldwide
in late 2005. It was Google who first led the drive to make AJAX known to
communities worldwide by announcing the first public implementation in Google
Suggest. Since then, AJAX applications gained popularity after Google released a
significant number of applications, such as Google Docs, Google Maps and Gmail.
With Microsoft taking AJAX to new heights and coming up with new releases,
AJAX is set to become the technology of choice for building Web applications in
the years to come. By using AJAX, you can cut down on network load and
bandwidth usage and retrieve only the data you require.
Virtually, every control in ASP.NET uses a postback to the server in that it
is executed on the server and not on the browser. All the form information from an
ASP.NET page has the ability to post information to the server and return it to the
same page. The problem arises when everything in a page is returned to refresh
just a little information. For example, text takes up very little Internet space and is
pretty fast to send all by itself. However, if you change just the text, the whole
page along with the updated text gets refreshed and that slows the process.
The key feature of AJAX can be seen when the client requests new
information. Instead of sending a whole new page, AJAX sends only the required
new information. This means that all the buttons, text, graphics and other objects
that may be on a page do not have to be reloaded into your browser.
Material 303
Overview of AJAX Today, if you are going to build an application, you have the option of creating
a thick-client or a thin-client application. A thick-client application is usually a
compiled executable code that end-users can run in their own environment.
Generally, the technology to build this type of application is the Windows Forms
NOTES technology, or MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class) in the C++ world.
A thin-client application is usually one that has its processing and rendering
controlled at a single point and the outcome of the view is sent to a browser so that
the client can view it. This type of technology requires that the client be connected
to the Internet or an Intranet of some kind.
Each type of application has its pros and cons. The thick-client style of
application is touted as more fluid and more responsive to an end-user’s actions.
In a Web-based application, the complaint has been for many years that every
action by an end-user takes numerous seconds and results in a jerky page refresh.
In turn, the problem with a thick-client style of application has always been that
the application sits on the end user’s machine and any patches or updates to the
application require you to somehow upgrade each and every machine upon which
the application sits. In contrast, the thin-client application, or the Web application
architecture includes only one instance of the application. The application in this
case is installed on a Web Server and any updates that need to occur happen only
to this instance. End-users who call the application through their browsers always
get the latest and largest version of the application.
ASP.NET AJAX further eliminates any of the negatives that would have
stopped you from building an application on the Web. ASP.NET AJAX makes
your Web applications seem more efficient than ever before. AJAX-enabled
applications are responsive and give the end-user immediate feedback and guidance
through the workflows that you provide. The power of this alone makes the study
of this new technology and its incorporation into your projects a major importance.
Before you really get started with AJAX, it is important to understand its
capabilities and limitations. Only then will you know how to fit it into your Web
Advantages of AJAX
 Responsiveness: The key benefit of AJAX is responsiveness. An AJAX
application, when done properly, provides a better experience for the user.
Even if the user cannot do anything new, this improved experience can make
your Web application seem more modern and sophisticated.
AJAX can also provide genuinely new features that are not possible in
traditional Web pages. For example, AJAX pages often use JavaScript code
that reacts to client-side events. These events occur frequently; so it is not
practical to deal with them using the postback model.
 Usability: AJAX provides a way for the user to interact with a Website
without refreshing and without any browser plug-ins.
304 Material
 Bandwidth Saving: The next advantage to AJAX is bandwidth saving. When Overview of AJAX
an application uses AJAX to communicate with the server, only the required
information is transmitted to/from the server instead of a full transmission.

Disadvantages of AJAX NOTES

 Security: One big disadvantage of using AJAX is security. Often, developers
do not put checks on the data coming into the server—they assume that it is
from their own Website. Unfortunately, this is subject to injection attacks.
 Encrypted Environments: Another disadvantage is that AJAX does not
play well in encrypted environments. AJAX relies on plain text transmission
and so having the server-side program deal with it presents a large problem.
 Complexity: Writing the JavaScript code needed to implement an AJAX
application is difficult.
 Browser Support: Another challenge to using AJAX is browser support.
The technology that supports AJAX has existed for several years, but it is
only now found consistently in all major browsers. If you use the AJAX
features that ASP.NET provides, they will work in Internet Explorer 5 and
newer version of Netscape 7, Opera 7.6, Safari 1.2, and Firefox 1.0
 Time: Building an AJAX application from scratch is actually fairly easy, but
it does take longer than building one that uses standard postbacks. Moreover,
the developers require a fairly good knowledge of JavaScript to be able to
make it usable.
Table 12.1 lists the advantages and disadvantages of AJAX techniques.
Table 12.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of AJAX Techniques

Technique Advantages Disadvantages

XMLHttpRequest 1. Can make requests to pages not set 1. Requests ActiveX to be enabled in
up for AJAX. IE 5 and 6.
2. Can set/get all HTTP headers. 2. Is only available in newer versions
3. Can make HTTP requests using any of Opera and Safari.
type (GET and POST). 3. Has small implementation
4. Supports full control over POST differences between browsers.
requests, allowing for any type of data
IFrame 1. Can make POST and GET HTTP 1. Prohibits synchronous requests.
requests. 2. Server pages must be designed to
2. Supports all modern browsers. work with IFrame requests.
3. Supports asynchronous file uploads. 3. It has implementation differences
between browsers.
4. Can leave extra entries in browser
5. All request data is URL-encoded,
increasing request size.
Cookies 1. Supports the largest number of 1. Prohibits no synchronous requests.
browsers. 2. Does not work with large
2. Few implementation differences requests/results.
between browsers. 3. Requires server pages to be
designed to work with cookie requests.
4. Requires polling on the client.
5. Can make only GET HTTP
Material 305
Overview of AJAX

ASP.NET AJAX is now just part of the ASP.NET Framework. When you create
NOTES a new Web application, you do not have to create a separate type of ASP.NET
application. Instead, all ASP.NET applications that you create are now AJAX-
In order to make things simple, the AJAX frameworks can be classified into two
major parts:
1. Server-side framework
2. Client-side framework
Each of the above-listed framework is discussed in detail in the following
1. Server-Side Framework
Server-side frameworks as the name suggests are used on the server-side. It
is not actually JavaScript that is used in server-side framework, in fact you
use the same language API (Application Programming Interface) is provided
by the framework.
Developers can use this framework and install specific functions from the
library so that it could be interpreted and rendered effectively as an AJAX-
based application. This type of framework is usually used by developers who
are not skilled in JavaScript. The most popular among this type of frameworks
is the Google Web Toolkit or GWT. Usually, these frameworks could be
implemented in different browsers.
Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is such a server-side framework which is
used as a normal Java Swing kind of programming on the server-side. The
GWT provides a tool for deploying your Web application having such pages.
During the deployment of the Web application, the GWT tools help in translating
the Java syntax into the corresponding AJAX functionality to be brought on
the client-side.
Advantage of Server-Side Framework
The advantage of using a server-side framework is that you use the existing
language you are working in. You do not have to dwell in the wild world of
JavaScript. It is easier to use a server-side framework rather than to learn
JavaScript. Other server-side frameworks are: Yahoo Toolkit and DWR
(Direct Web Reporting).
2. Client-Side Framework
On the other hand, client-side framework is invoked within the user’s browser.
Most coding on AJAX today revolves around this type of framework. Probably,
the best side of this framework is the ability to build widgets so that it could be
integrated into a desktop environment.

306 Material
In a large application, much more functionality is required. The following are Overview of AJAX
some of these functionalities:
 Cross Browser Compatibility: When you code, it is always a necessity
that the code works independent of the browser type requesting it.
 Multiple Request Handling: Multiple asynchronous requests have to
be handled properly when doing the callbacks.
 Graceful Degradation: You do not want your code to fall flat in case
the browser does not support the XMLHTTPRequest object.
 Exception and Error Handling: You should be able to catch the
exceptions in your code instead of displaying it to the user.
To do all these by yourself is very tedious and requires a lot of JavaScript expertise.
Hence, to avoid these, we have client side frameworks. They provide packages
and APIs which help you to implement all of the above functionalities and also
provide numerous extra features which currently can be either found in free
JavaScript code snippets over the Internet.
The extra features include widgets or even an IDE (Integrated Development
Environment). Widgets are small interfaces or components which can be
incorporated in an application easily through the client-side frameworks.
These widgets might compose of the following:
1. Auto Completing Combo Box
2. A Menu System
3. An Accordion
4. A Tabbed Pane Windows
5. Effects like Fade, Zoom In/Out

Advantage of Client-Side Framework

An important advantage of a client-side framework over a server-side framework
is that you have complete flexibility in your hands. You can mix and match the
widget features and at the same time provide extra flexibility. Some frameworks
like TIBCO GI even provide a GUI (Graphical User Interface) to build your
Web pages with AJAX components in a complete drag and drop style. The examples
of a client-side framework are Prototype, DOJO Toolkit, Rico,,
and so on.
ASP.NET AJAX’s Server Side Controls
The controls are focused on allowing you to AJAX-enable your ASP.NET
applications. They are enabling controls. Table 12.2 lists the properties of AJAX
server-side controls.

Material 307
Overview of AJAX Table 12.2 Properties of AJAX Server-Side Controls

AJAX Server Side Controls Description

ScriptManager A component control that manages the marshalling of messages to
the AJAX-enabled server for the parts of the page requiring partial
NOTES updates. Every ASP.NET page will require a ScriptManager
control in order to work. It is important to note that you can have
only a single
ScriptManager control on a page.
ScriptManagerProxy A component control that acts as a ScriptManager control for a
content page. The ScriptManagerProxy control, which sits on
the content page, works in conjunction with a required
ScriptManager control that resides on the master page.
Timer The Timer control will execute client-side events at specific
intervals and allows specific parts of your page to update or refresh
at these moments.
UpdatePanel A container control that allows you to define specific areas of the
page that are enabled to work with the ScriptManager. These
areas can then, in turn, make the partial page postbacks and update
themselves outside the normal ASP.NET page postback process.
UpdateProgress A control that allows you to display a visual element to the end user
to show that a partial-page postback is occurring to the part of the
page making the update. This is an ideal control to use when you
have long-running AJAX updates.


Microsoft’s server-side AJAX framework consists of one main control: The

UpdatePanel control. The UpdatePanel control is a container control,
which means that it does not actually have UI-specific items associated with it.
The UpdatePanel control enables you to update a portion of a page without
updating the entire page. This control preserves the postback model and allows
you to perform partial page rendering in a Web page, which in turn enhances the
richness of the user interface, improving the application’s performance and
responsiveness. You can have multiple UpdatePanel controls in a Web page.
Let us start with a simple example of a page that uses the UpdatePanel
control. The page contains a ScriptManager control and an UpdatePanel
control. The UpdatePanel control contains a single Button control. When
you click the button, only the content contained in the UpdatePanel control is

308 Material
Here is an example that illustrates how you can use the UpdatePanel control: Overview of AJAX

The <ContentTemplate> element

<form id=“form1" runat=“server”>
<asp:ScriptManager ID=“ScriptManager1" runat=“server” /
Page Time: <%= DateTime.Now.ToString(“T”) %>
<br /><br />
<asp:UpdatePanel id=“up1" runat=“server”>
UpdatePanel Time: <%= DateTime.Now.ToString(“T”) %>
<br />
<asp:Button id=“btn” Text=“Update” runat=“server” />
The code displays the current time both inside and outside the
UpdatePanel control. When you click the button, only the time within the
UpdatePanel control is refreshed.
Consider another example that includes AJAX. The following code does
not use any of the ASP.NET AJAX controls. It contains two cascading
DropDownList controls. The first DropDownList enables you to pick a
state and the second DropDownList enables you to pick a city. The list of
cities changes depending on the state selected.

<form id=“form1" runat=“server”>
<asp:Label id=“lblState” Text=“State:”
AssociatedControlID=“ddlState” Runat=“server” />
Material 309
Overview of AJAX <asp:DropDownList id=“ddlState” DataSourceID=“srcState”
DataValueField=“State” AutoPostBack=“true” Runat=“server”
NOTES <asp:SqlDataSource id=“srcState” ConnectionString=’<%$
ConnectionStrings:con %>’
SelectCommand=“SELECT State FROM State ORDER BY State”
Runat=“server” />
<br /><br />
<asp:Label id=“Label1" Text=“City:”
AssociatedControlID=“ddlCity” Runat=“server” />
<asp:DropDownList id=“ddlCity” DataSourceID=“srcCity”
AutoPostBack=“true” Runat=“server” />
<asp:SqlDataSource id=“srcCity” ConnectionString=’<%$
ConnectionStrings:con %>’
SelectCommand=“SELECT City FROM City WHERE State=@State
<asp:ControlParameter Name=“State” ControlID=”ddlState”
When you select a state using the first DropDownList control, there is a click,
and the page posts back to it in order to populate the second DropDownList
control with matching cities.
The UpdatePanel control has six important properties:
(i) ChildrenAsTriggers: Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates
whether child controls should trigger an asynchronous postback automatically.
(ii) C o n t e n t T e m p l a t e C o n t a i n e r : Gets the container for the
UpdatePanel control’s ContentTemplate. You can add controls to
the ContentTemplate programmatically using this property.
(iii) IsInPartialRendering: Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the
UpdatePanel is being rendered in response to an asynchronous postback.
(iv) RenderMode: Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the contents of
an UpdatePanel should be enclosed in an HTML <div> or <span>
tag. Possible values are Block (the default) and Inline.
(v) Triggers: Gets a list of controls that trigger the UpdatePanel to perform
either an asynchronous or synchronous postback.
310 Material
(vi) UpdateMode: Gets or sets a value indicating when the content of the Overview of AJAX
UpdatePanel is updated. Possible values are Always (the default) and
The UpdatePanel also supports the following single important method:
 Update(): Causes the UpdatePanel to update its contents.

The U p d a t e P a n e l supports two types of triggers:

A s y n c P o s t B a c k T r i g g e r and P o s t B a c k T r i g g e r . The
AsyncPostBackTrigger causes an asynchronous (AJAX) postback. The
PostBackTrigger causes a normal entire-page postback.
UpdatePanel Server-Side Page Execution Life Cycle
It is important to understand that a server-side page goes through its normal page
execution life cycle when you perform an asynchronous postback. The Page
PreInit, Init, Load and PreRender events are raised for an
asynchronous postback in just the same way as these events are raised for a
normal postback.
The server page life cycle includes events, such as:
1. PreInit
2. Init
3. Load
4. PreRender

UpdatePanel Client-Side Page Execution Life Cycle

A page that contains a ScriptManager control not only has a server-side
page execution life cycle, it also has a client-side page execution lifecycle. The
following series of events happen on the client-side (see Table 12.3):
Table 12.3 Events on the Client-Side

Eve nt Des cription

Application.init It is raised when a page is firs t requested. This event
is not rais ed during an asynchronous postback.
PageR equestM anager.initializeR equest It is raised before an as ynchronous request to the
s erver starts.
PageR equestM anager.beginR equest It is raised before an as ynchronous request to the
s erver starts.
PageR equestM anager.pageLoading It is raised after an as ynchronous response is received
from the server but before UpdatePanel content is
PageR equestM anager.pageLoaded It is raised after an as ynchronous response is received
from the server and after UpdatePanelcontent is
updated. Also it is raised during the initial page
Application.load It is raised during both normal and asynchronous
PageR equestM anager.endR equest It is raised after an as ynchronous response both when
there is and when there is not an error.
Application.unload It is raised before the user leaves or reloads the page.

Material 311
Overview of AJAX
12.5 THE Timer CONTROL

One common task when working with asynchronous postbacks from your ASP.NET
NOTES pages is that you might want these asynchronous postbacks to occur at specific
intervals in time. To accomplish this, you use the Timer control available to you
from the AJAX Extensions part of the toolbox. The ASP.NET AJAX Timer control
enables you to refresh an UpdatePanel (or the entire page) on a timed basis.
The Timer control has one important property:
Interval: It is the amount of time, in milliseconds, between Tick
events. The default value is 60,000 (1 minute).
The Timer control raises a Tick event every many milliseconds,
depending on the value of its Interval property. If you do not associate the
Timer control with an UpdatePanel, the Timer posts the entire page
back to the server performing a normal postback. A simple example to demonstrate
how this control works involves putting some timestamps on your page and setting
postbacks to occur at specific timed intervals.
Timer.aspx Page
<%@ Page Language=“C#” %>
<script runat=“server”>
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack) {
Label1.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();
protected void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label1.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();
<html xmlns=“”>
<head runat=“server”>
<title>Timer Example</title>
<form id=“form1" runat=“server”>
<asp:ScriptManager ID=“ScriptManager1" runat=“server” />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID=“UpdatePanel1" runat=“server”>

312 Material
<ContentTemplate> Overview of AJAX
<asp:Label ID=“Label1" runat=“server” Text=“Label”></
<asp:Timer ID=“Timer1" runat=“server” OnTick=“Timer1_Tick”
Interval=“10000"> NOTES
When this page loads for the first time, the Label control is populated
with the DateTime value through the invocation of the Page_Load event
handler. After this initial load of the DateTime value to the Label control, the
Timer control takes care of changing this value.
The OnTick attribute from the Ticker control enables you to accomplish
this task. It points to the function that is triggered when the time span specified in
the Interval attribute is reached.
The Interval attribute is set to 10000, which is, 10,000 milliseconds.
This means, that every 10 seconds an asynchronous postback is performed and
the Timer1_Tick() function is called. When you run this page, you will see
the time change on the page every 10 seconds.

12.6 THE UpdateProgress CONTROL

The final server control that we need to examine in this chapter is the
UpdateProgress control. This control enables you to display a progress
indicator while an UpdatePanel is updating its content.
During a normal postback, the browser displays its progress in downloading
new content by spinning an icon or displaying a progress bar. During an
asynchronous postback, on the other hand, there is no visual indication of progress.
You can use the UpdateProgress control to give the users some sense that
something is happening during an asynchronous postback.
The following example illustrates how to use the UpdateProgress
control. If you click the button, an animation spins while the asynchronous postback
is performed.

Material 313
Overview of AJAX


<%@ Page Language=“C#” %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional/
<script runat=“server”>
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs
<head runat=“server”>
<title>Show UpdateProgress</title>
<style type=“text/css”>
position: absolute;
border:solid 2px red;
<form id=“form1" runat=“server”>
<asp:ScriptManager ID=“ScriptManager1" runat=“server” />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID=“up1" runat=“server”>
<%= DateTime.Now.ToString(“T”) %>
314 Material
<asp:Button id=“btnSubmit” Text=“Submit” Runat=“server” Overview of AJAX
OnClick=“btnSubmit_Click” />
<asp:UpdateProgress ID=“progress1" NOTES
<div class=“progress”>
<asp:Image id=“imgProgress” ImageUrl=“~/Images/
Progress.gif” Runat=”server” />
Retrieving content...
When you click the button, the response is delayed for 5 seconds so you have a
chance to see the progress indicator. The delay simulates a network delay.
The UpdateProgress control supports the following three properties:
(i) AssociatedUpdatePanelID: The UpdateProgress control displays
progress for this UpdatePanel control.
(ii) DisplayAfter: It is the amount of time, in milliseconds, before the
UpdateProgress control displays content. The default is 500 milliseconds
(half a second).
(iii) DynamicLayout: When this property is set to true (the default), the
UpdateProgress control is initially hidden with the Cascading Stylesheet
or CSS attribute display:none. When this property is set to false, the
UpdateProgress control is hidden with the Cascading Stylesheet or CSS
attribute visibility: hidden.


The UpdatePanel, UpdateProgress and Timer controls are fairly

useful. However, they are the only ASP.NET AJAX-enabled controls you will find
in ASP.NET. Although there are only three controls that use ASP.NET AJAX
features, ASP.NET actually includes a sophisticated library of JavaScript functions
that can be used to create all sorts of advanced effects. One example is the
ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit is a joint

Material 315
Overview of AJAX project between Microsoft and the ASP.NET community. It consists of dozens of
controls that use the ASP.NET AJAX libraries to create sophisticated effects.
The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit consists of 34 server-side AJAX
controls that you can use in your ASP.NET applications. You can take advantage
NOTES of the controls to create Website special effects, such as animations, rounded
corners and modal pop-ups.
The following are some of the merits of ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit:
• It is completely free.
• It includes full source code, which is helpful if you are ambitious enough to
want to create your own custom controls that use ASP.NET AJAX features.
• It uses extenders that enhance the standard ASP.NET Web controls. That is
why, you do not have to replace all the controls on your Web pages; instead,
simply plug in the new bits of functionality that you need.
These advantages have generated a great deal of excitement around the ASP.NET
AJAX Control Toolkit.
Downloading and Installing
The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit is not included with the ASP.NET
Framework. The Toolkit is being continuously updated every couple of months.
The Toolkit is maintained as a project at Microsoft CodePlex. You can
download the latest release of the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit at the following
When you download the Toolkit, you can either download the controls and
the source code or download the controls only. You will need to unzip the download
onto your hard drive.
As part of the download, you get a sample Website that demonstrates each
of the Toolkit controls. You can open the sample Website by launching Visual
Web Developer, selecting the menu option File, Open Website and browsing to
the SampleWebsite folder in the unzipped download.
The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit is not installed in the Global Assembly
Cache (GAC). You must copy the AjaxControlToolkit.dll assembly from
the /Bin folder of the SampleWebsite to the /Bin folder in your application. There
are multiple ways to do this:
 Copy the Assembly by Hand: You can simply copy the
AjaxControlToolkit.dll assembly from the SampleWebsite /Bin
folder to a /Bin folder located in a new Website.
 Add an Assembly Reference: Following are the steps:
1. Within Visual Web Developer, select the menu option Website, Add

316 Material
2. Select the Browse tab. Overview of AJAX

3. Browse to the AjaxControlToolkit.dll assembly located in

the SampleWebsite /Bin folder.
 Add the Toolkit to Your Toolbox: You can add the ASP.NET AJAX NOTES
Control Toolkit to the Visual Web Developer Toolbox by following these
1. Within Visual Web Developer, create a new ASP.NET page.
2. Right-click in the Toolbox window and select the menu option Add
Tab. Create a new tab named Toolkit.
3. Right-click under the new tab and select the menu option Choose Items.
4. Click the Browse button located at the bottom of the .NET Framework
Components tab.
5. Browse to the /Bin folder of the SampleWebsite and select the
AjaxControlToolkit.dll assembly.32
6. When you drag a control from the Toolbox onto a page, the
AjaxControlToolkit.dll is copied to the Website /Bin folder

Material 317
Overview of AJAX


Now you can use the components from the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit in
any Web page in any Website. First, begin by adding the ScriptManager
control to the Web page. Then, head to the new Toolbox tab you created and
drag the ASP.NET AJAX control you want onto your page. The first time you do
add a component from the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit, Visual Studio will
copy the AjaxControlToolkit.dll assembly to the Bin folder of your
Web application, along with the localization assemblies.
318 Material
Overview of the Toolkit Controls Overview of AJAX

This section provides you a brief overview of each of the current Toolkit controls.
 Accordion: The Accordion control enables you to create a Microsoft
Outlook–like expanding and collapsing menu. The Accordion control can NOTES
contain one or more AccordionPane controls. One AccordionPane
can be selected at a time. The selected pane is expanded and the other panes
are collapsed.

 AlwaysVisibleControl: The AlwaysVisibleControl enables

you to display content that is fixed at one location in the browser window
even when you scroll the window. The control works like the position:fixed
Cascading Stylesheet or CSS attribute.
 Animation: The Animation control enables you to add fancy animation
effects to your Website. For example, you can move, resize and fade elements
in a page.
 AutoComplete: This control enables you to display suggestions as a user
enters text into a text field.

 Calendar: The Calendar control displays a pop-up calendar next to a

TextBox. It enables you to select a year, month and date by clicking dates
in a pop-up calendar.

Material 319
Overview of AJAX


 CascadingDropDown: The CascadingDropDown control enables

you to make the list of items displayed in one DropDownList control
dependent on the list of items displayed in another DropDownList control.
The DropDownList items are updated by performing an asynchronous
 CollapsiblePanel: This control enables you to hide or display content
contained in a Panel control. When you click its header, the content either
appears or disappears.
 ConfirmButton: This control enables you to display a confirmation dialog
box when a user clicks a button. The confirmation dialog box can be the
default JavaScript confirmation box.
 DragPanel: This control enables you to create a panel that you can drag
with your mouse around the page. It enables you to create a virtual floating
 DropDown: The DropDown control enables you to create a SharePoint
style dropdown menu.
 DropShadow: The DropShadow control enables you to add a drop shadow
to a Panel control. You can set properties of the drop shadow, such as its
width and opacity.
 DynamicPopulate: The DynamicPopulate control enables you to
dynamically populate the contents of a control, such as a Label control, by
performing an asynchronous call to the server.
 FilteredTextBox: The FilteredTextBox control enables you to
prevent certain characters from being entered into a TextBox.
 HoverMenu: the HoverMenu displays a pop-up menu when you hover
over another control.
 ListSearch: The ListSearch control enables you to perform an
incremental search against the items in either a ListBox or DropDownList

320 Material
 MaskedEdit: The MaskedEdit control forces a user to enter a certain Overview of AJAX
pattern of characters into a TextBox control.
 ModalPopup: This control enables you to display a modal pop up. When
the modal pop up appears, the remainder of the page is grayed out, preventing
you from interacting with the page.
 MutuallyExclusiveCheckBox: The MutuallyExclusive
CheckBox control enables you to treat a set of CheckBox controls like a
set of RadioButton controls. Only one CheckBox can be selected at a
 NoBot: The NoBot control attempts to prevent spam robots from posting
advertisements to your Website. The control attempts to detect whether a
human or robot is posting content.
 NumericUpDown: The NumericUpDown control enables you to display
up and down buttons next to a TextBox control. When you click the up and
down buttons, you can cycle through a set of numbers or other items.
 PagingBulletedList: This control enables you to display different
content depending on the bullet clicked in a BulletedList control.
 PasswordStrength: The PasswordStrength control enables you
to display a pop up box that indicates the security strength of a password as
a user selects a new password.
 PopupControl: The PopupControl displays a pop-up window.
 Rating: The Rating control enables you to rate an item on a scale.
 ReorderList: The ReorderList enables you to render an interactive
list of items that supports reordering through drag and drop.
 ResizableControl: The ResizableControl enables you to resize
images and other content contained on a Web page.
 RoundedCorners: The RoundedCorners control enables you to add
rounded corners around an element on a page.
 Slider: The Slider control enables you to create either a horizontal or
vertical slider for selecting a particular value in a range of values.
 SlideShow: The SlideShow control displays a slide show of images.
The control can render Next, Previous, Play and Stop buttons.
 Tabs: The Tabs control enables you to create a tabbed interface. Switching
tabs does not require a postback.
 TextBoxWatermark: The TextBoxWatermark control enables you
to display background text inside of a TextBox control. When focus is
given to the TextBox, the background text disappears.
 ToggleButton: The ToggleButton control enables you to customize
the appearance of a CheckBox control.

Material 321
Overview of AJAX  UpdatePanelAnimation: The UpdatePanelAnimation control
enables you to display an animation while the UpdatePanel is performing
an asynchronous postback.
 ValidatorCallout: The ValidatorCallout control can be used
NOTES with any of the standard ASP.NET validation controls to create a callout
effect when there is a validation error.

PasswordStrength Control
The PasswordStrength control allows you to check the contents of a
password in a TextBox control and validate its strength. It will also then give a
message to the end-user about whether the strength is reasonable.

<%@ Page Language=“C#” %>

<%@ Register Assembly=“AjaxControlToolkit”
TagPrefix=“cc1" %>
<html xmlns=“”>
<head runat=“server”>
<title>Password Strength Control</title>
<form id=“form1" runat=“server”>
<asp:ScriptManager ID=“ScriptManager1" runat=“server”>
<cc1:PasswordStrength ID=“PasswordStrength1"
runat=“server” TargetControlID=“TextBox1">
<asp:TextBox ID=“TextBox1" runat=“server”></asp:TextBox>

Check Your Progress

1. What are the two major parts of AJAX framework?
2. What is server side framework?
3. Explain client side framework?
322 Material
Overview of AJAX

1. AJAX framework can be classified into two major parts: NOTES

(i) Server-side framework
(ii) Client-side framework
2. Server-side frameworks as the name suggests are used on the server-side.
It is not actually JavaScript that is used in server-side framework, in fact
you use the same language API (Application Programming Interface) is
provided by the framework.
3. client-side framework is invoked within the user's browser. Most coding
on AJAX today revolves around this type of framework.


 AJAX is a cross-platform combination of technologies that can be used to

make your Web pages fast, rich and responsive.
 JavaScript that is used in server-side framework, in fact you use the same
language Application Programming Interface is provided by the framework.
 The Update Panel control enables you to update a portion of a page without
updating the entire page.
 The final server control that we need to examine in this chapter is the
UpdateProgress control. This control enables you to display a progress
indicator while an UpdatePanel is updating its content.
 The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit consists of 34 server-side AJAX
controls that you can use in your ASP.NET applications.
 One common task when working with asynchronous postbacks from your
ASP.NET pages is that you might want these asynchronous postbacks to
occur at specific intervals in time.
 A page that contains a ScriptManager control not only has a server-side
page execution life cycle, it also has a client-side page execution lifecycle.
 Client-side framework is invoked within the user's browser. Most coding
on AJAX today revolves around this type of framework. Probably, the
best side of this framework is the ability to build widgets so that it could be
integrated into a desktop environment.
 The key feature of AJAX can be seen when the client requests new
information. Instead of sending a whole new page, AJAX sends only the
required new information.

Material 323
Overview of AJAX

 AJAX: It is a cross-platform combination of technologies that can be used

NOTES to make Web pages faster, richer and responsive.
 ASP.NET AJAX Timer control: It enables you to refresh an UpdatePanel
(or the entire page) on a timed basis.
 The UpdateProgress control: It enables you to display a progress indicator
while an UpdatePanel is updating its content.



Short Answer Questions

1. Name the browsers that support the XmlHttpRequest object.
2. What are the properties of the XmlHttpRequest object? What are
the different types of readyStates in AJAX?
3. How do you handle multiple or concurrent requests in AJAX?
4. What is the role of ScriptManager in AJAX?
5. Can we override the EnablePartialRendering property of the
ScriptManager class?
6. How do you use multiple ScriptManager controls in a Web page?
7. What is an UpdatePanel Control?
8. What are the limitations of AJAX?
9. How do you ensure that the content of an UpdatePanel updates only
when a partial postback takes place (and not on a full postback)?
10. How do you trigger a postback on an UpdatePanel from JavaScript?
Long Answer Questions
1. How do we create an XmlHttpRequest object for Internet Explorer?
How is this different for other browsers?
2. What is the ASP.NET AJAX Framework? List the different versions.
3. What are the modes of updating in an UpdatePanel? What are Triggers
of an UpdatePanel?


Reynolds, Matthew, Jonathan Crossland, Richard Blair and Thearon Willis . 2002.
Beginning VB.NET, 2nd edition. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Inc.
324 Material
Cornell, Gary and Jonathan Morrison. 2001. Programming VB .NET: A Guide Overview of AJAX

for Experienced Programmers, 1st edition. Berkeley: Apress.

Francesc, Balena. 2002. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition.
United States: Microsoft Press.
Liberty, Jesse. 2002. Learning Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition. Sebastopol:
O’Reilly Media.
Kurniawan, Budi and Ted Neward. 2002. VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell.
Sebastopol: O’Reilly Media.

Material 325
Introduction to
Database Access BLOCK - V
13.0 Introduction
13.1 Objectives
13.2 Database Access in the Internet World
13.3 ADO.NET: An Overview
13.4 The Connection Class
13.5 The Command and DataReader Classes
13.5.1 The Command Class
13.5.2 The DataReader Class
13.6 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
13.7 Summary
13.8 Key Words
13.9 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
13.10 Further Readings


The programs written in any language, when executed, need some input data which
are processed to produce output data. This input can be entered through keyboard
each time the program runs, but entering data through keyboard is not suitable for
programs requiring large amount of data. Thus, there must be some means through
which we can store the data permanently so that the program can access that
data. This is achieved through databases. Accessing a database in VB.NET requires
database connectivity. Since, programmers are free to choose any database
management system, such as MS Access, Oracle, SQL Server, etc., there must
be some technology that allows database connectivity irrespective of the database
system used. ADO.NET is one such technology of the .NET framework, which
works with all types of data and databases. In this unit, you will learn about the
accessing of databases with ADO.NET.


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

 Manage data using database
Self-Instructional  Create a database connection
326 Material
 Explain the two types of objects in ADO.NET Introduction to
Database Access
 Understand the significance of connection class



The most common way to manage data is to use a database. Simply putting,
database is a collection of homogeneous data in an organized manner. Database
technology is particularly useful for business software, which typically requires
sets of related information; for example, list of products and list of customers for
sales. This type of information is best described using a relational model, which is
the philosophy that underlies all modern database products, including SQL
(Structured Query Language) Server, Oracle and even Microsoft Access.
As you probably know, a relational model breaks information down to
its smallest and most concise units. For example, we have taken three tables,
namely customer table, order table and order details table. The order details table
does not store all the information about the orders. Instead, it stores just the order
ID that refers to a full record in an order table and Customer ID that has full
record of the customers.
Although it is possible to organize data into tables and store it in one or
more files, this approach would not be very flexible. Instead, a Web application
requires a full Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), such as SQL
Server. The RDBMS handles the data infrastructure, disallowing invalid data,
provides data to multiple users simultaneously, ensuring optimum performance
and reliability. Figure 13.1 illustrate the RDBMS relationships.

Fig.13.1 RDBMS Relationships

Material 327
Introduction to In most ASP.NET applications, you will need to use a database for some
Database Access
tasks. Here are some basic examples of data at work in a Web application:
1. Search engines use databases to store page URLs, keywords and links.
NOTES 2. E-commerce sites use databases to keep track of user information,
orders, shipment records, and so on.
3. Media sites to store their articles and directories information in database.
Configuring Your Database
As described earlier, a database is a collection of homogeneous data in an organized
manner. Before executing any data access code, you need a database server to run
your command. Although there are many good options, all of which work equally
well with ADO.NET, a majority of ASP.NET applications use Microsoft SQL Server.
If you do not have a full version of SQL Server, you can simply install
the free SQL Server Express Edition. It includes all the database features you
need to develop and test a Web application.
SQL Basics
When interacting with a data source through ADO.NET, you use SQL to retrieve,
insert, modify and update information. However, for designing a database
application efficiently, it is necessary to understand the basics of SQL.
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a database computer language
designed for managing data in RDBMS, and originally based upon relational
algebra. Simply we can say, it is a standard data access language used to interact
with relational databases. Different databases differ in their support of SQL, but
its scope includes data insert, select, add, and modify query and schema creation
and modification.
When working with ADO.NET, however, you will probably use only the
following standard types of SQL statements:
 A SELECT statement retrieves records.
 An UPDATE statement modifies existing records.
 An INSERT statement adds a new record.
 A DELETE statement deletes existing records.
Caching Database Data with SqlDataSource Control
Caching is useful primarily in situations where the data does not change frequently.
The SqlDataSource control can cache data that it has retrieved, which can
enhance the performance of your applications by avoiding the need to re-run
resource dependent queries.
Additionally, when using the SqlDataSource control with the
System.Data.SqlClient provider, you can make use of the
328 Material
SqlCacheDependency object. This enables the SqlDataSource control Introduction to
Database Access
to refresh the cache only if the data returned by the SelectCommand has
been modified in the database.
Enabling Caching with the SqlDataSource Control NOTES
The SqlDataSource control can cache data when its DataSourceMode
property is set to DataSet. Caching is not enabled by default, but you can
enable it by setting the EnableCaching property to true.
Cached data is refreshed based on a time interval. You can set the
CacheDuration property to the number of seconds to wait before the cache
is refreshed. The SqlDataSource control maintains a separate cache item
for each combination of ConnectionString, SelectCommand, and
SelectParameters values. The following code example shows an
SqlDataSource control configured to refresh data every 20 seconds:
<%@ Page language=“C#” %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional/
/EN” “ http://www R/ xh tm l1 /D T D/ xh tm l1-

<head runat=“server”>
<title>Caching Example</title>
<form id=“form1" runat=”server”>

<asp:SqlDataSource id=“SqlDataSource1" runat=”server”

DataSourceMode=“DataSet” ConnectionString=“<%$

EnableCaching=“True” CacheDuration=“20"
SelectCommand=“SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName,
Title FROM Employees”>

<as p :GridV i ew id= “Gr idVi e w 1" r un at =“ s e r v e r”

<asp:BoundField HeaderText=“First
Name” DataField=“FirstName” />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText=“Last
Material 329
Introduction to Name” DataField=“LastName” />
Database Access
<asp:BoundField HeaderText=“Title” DataField=”Title” />


ADO.NET is a technology designed to let an ASP.NET program access data. It is

a multi-layered architecture that contains Connection, Command and
DataSet objects.
ADO.NET relies on the functionality in a small set of core classes. You
can divide these classes into two groups:
(i) Classes used to contain and manage data (such as DataSet,
DataTable, DataRow and DataRelation)
(ii) Classes used to connect to a specific data source (such as
Connection, Command and DataReader)
The data container classes are completely generic. Whatever data source
you use, once you extract the data, it is stored using the same data container: the
DataSet class expertise. The DataSet is customized for relational data,
which means it understands concepts, such as rows, columns and table relationships.
The second group of classes exists in several different flavors. Each set
of classes of data interaction is called an ADO.NET data provider. ADO.NET
data providers are personalized so that everyone can use the best-performing
way of interacting with its data source. For example, the data provider of SQL
Server is designed to work with SQL Server 7 or later version. Internally, it uses
SQL Server’s TDS (Tabular Data Stream) protocol for communication, thus,
ensuring the best possible performance. If you are using Oracle, you will need
to use the Oracle provider classes instead.
ADO.NET Data Providers
A data provider is a set of ADO.NET classes that enables you to access a database,
execute SQL commands and retrieve data. Essentially, a data provider is a bridge
between your application and a data source.
The following classes make up a data provider:
 Connection: You use this object to establish a connection to a data

330 Material
 Command: You use this object to execute SQL commands and stored Introduction to
Database Access
 DataReader: This object provides fast read only, forward-only
access to the data retrieved from a query.
 DataAdapter: This object performs two tasks. First, you can use
it to fill a DataSet (a disconnected collection of tables and
relationships) with information extracted from a data source. Second,
you can use it to apply changes to a data source.
The .NET Framework is bundled with a small set of four providers:
 SQL Server Provider: Provides optimized access to an SQL Server
database (version 7.0 or later).
 OLE DB Provider: Provides access to any data source that has an
OLE DB driver. This includes SQL Server databases prior to version
 Oracle Provider: Provides optimized access to an Oracle database
(version 8i or later).
 ODBC Provider: Provides access to any data source that has an ODBC
Figure 13.2 shows ADO.NET data providers.

Fig. 13.2 ADO.NET Data Providers Self-Instructional

Material 331
Introduction to Data Namespaces
Database Access
The following are the two types of objects in ADO.NET:
 Connection Based Objects: These are the data provider objects, such as
NOTES Connection, Command, DataAdapter, and DataReader. They
execute SQL statements, connect to a database or fill a DataSet. The
connection based objects are specific to the type of data source.
 Content Based Objects: They include the DataSet, DataColumn,
DataRow, DataRelation and several others. They are entirely
independent of the type of data source and are found in the System.Data
The ADO.NET classes are grouped into several namespaces. Each provider
has its own namespace and generic classes, such as the DataSet are stored in
the System.Data namespaces. Together, these namespaces hold all the
functionalities of ADO.NET (see Table 13.1).
Table 13.1 ADO.NET Namespaces

Namespace Purpose
System.Data Contains the key data container classes that model columns,
relations, tables, datasets, rows, views and constraints. These
classes are totally independent of any specific type of database.
System.Data.Common Contains base abstract classes that define the core ADO.NET
functionality. Not used directly in your code. These classes are
used by other data provider classes that inherit from them.
System.Data.OleDb Contains the classes you use to connect to an OLE DB data
source and execute commands, including
OleDbConnection and OleDbCommand.
System.Data.SqlClient Contains the classes you use to connect to a SQL Server
database and execute commands including SqlDbCommand,
SqlDbConnection, and SqlDBDataAdapter.
System.Data.SqlTypes Contains structures for SQL Server specific data types. These
types are not required, but they provide an alternative standard
.NET data types.
System.Data.OracleClient Contains the classes you use to connect to an Oracle database
and execute commands, such as OracleConnection and
System.Data.Odbc Contains the classes you use to connect to a data source through
an ODBC driver and execute commands, such as
OdbcConnection and OdbcCommand.

Before continuing, make sure you import the ADO.NET namespaces. Here,
assume that you are using the SQL Server provider, in which case you need the
following two namespace imports:
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
Creating Database Connection
Step 1: Add Namspace “using System.Data.SqlClient;”
Step 2: Make SQL connection.
332 Material
Write this code to create SQL connection. Introduction to
Database Access
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection (“Server=You server
name; Database=Yourdatabasename;
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(“select * from Table NOTES
DataSet ds = new DataSet(cmd,con);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();
Adding ADO.NET Parameters
Each .NET Framework data provider included with the .NET Framework has a
Command object. The .NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB has the
OleDbCommand object, the SQL Server data provider includes a
SqlCommand object, and the Oracle data provider has an OracleCommand
object. The first step in using parameters in SQL queries is to build a command
string containing parameter placeholders. These placeholders are filled in with
actual parameter values when the Command object executes.
ADO.NET Parameters in SQL Server
The syntax of an SQL Server parameter uses a “@” symbol prefix on the parameter
name as shown below:
// Define the SQL Server command to get the product
having the ID = 100
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
command.CommandText = “SELECT * FROM Product WHERE
command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter(“@PROD_ID”, 100));
// Execute the SQL Server command
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
DataTable tblProducts = new DataTable();
foreach (DataRow rowProduct in tblProducts.Rows)
// Use the data...
ADO.NET Parameters in Oracle
The syntax of an Oracle parameter uses a “:” symbol prefix on the parameter
name as shown below:
// Define the Oracle command to get the product having
the ID = 100
Material 333
Introduction to OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand();
Database Access
command.CommandText = “SELECT * FROM Product WHERE
command.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter (“:PROD_ID”,
NOTES 100));
// Execute the Oracle command
OracleDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
DataTable tblProducts = new DataTable();
foreach (DataRow rowProduct in tblProducts.Rows)
// Use the data...


Before you can retrieve, insert or update data, you need to make a connection to
the data source. The Connection class allows you to establish a connection
to the data source that you want to interact with. The core Connection
properties and methods are specified by the IDbConnection interface, which
all Connection classes implement.
When creating a Connection object, you need to specify a value for its
ConnectionString. ConnectionString is a series of name/value
settings separated by semicolons (;). It defines the basic information the computer
needs to create a connection.
If you are using SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, your connection string
will include an instance name.
Although connection strings vary based on the RDBMS and provider you
are using, some amount of information regarding the following is almost always
 The Server where the Database is Located: In the examples in this
book, it is considered that the database server is always located on the
same computer as the ASP.NET application.
 The Database you Want to Use: Either you can create your own
database or use the Northwind database, which is installed by default
with most editions of SQL Server.
 How the Database should Authenticate You: The Oracle and SQL
Server providers give you the choice of supplying authentication
334 Material
The following is an example of a ConnectionString: Introduction to
Database Access
SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection();
myConnection.ConnectionString = @”DataSource=localhost\
“Initial Catalog=Pubs;Integrated Security=SSPI”;
The following list describes some of the most commonly used connection
string properties, including the three properties used in the preceding example:
 DataSource: This indicates the name of the server where the data
source is located. If the server is on the same computer that hosts the
ASP.NET site, localhost is sufficient.
 InitialCatalog: This is the name of the database that this
connection will be accessing.
It is only the “initial” database because you can change it later by
using the Connection. ChangeDatabase() method.
 IntegratedSecurity: This indicates that you want to connect
to SQL Server using the Windows user account that runs the Web Page
 ConnectionTimeout: This determines how long your code will
wait, in seconds, before generating an error if it cannot establish a
database connection. The default ConnectionTimeout is of 15
For example, here is the ConnectionString you would use to connect
to the Northwind database on the current computer using Integrated
Security (which uses the currently logged-in Windows user to access the
string connectionString = “DataSource=localhost;Initial
Catalog=Northwind;” +
If Integrated Security is not supported, the connection must
indicate a valid user and password combination. For a newly installed SQL Server
database, the sa (system administrator) account is usually present. The following
is a ConnectionString that uses this account:
string connectionString = “DataSource=localhost;Initial
Catalog=Northwind;” +
“user id=sa;password=opensesame”;
Connection Pooling
A connection takes some amount of time to open. In a Web application in which
requests are being handled frequently, connections will be opened and closed
endlessly as new requests are processed. In this environment, opening and closing
a connection can limit the performance of the system.
One solution is connection pooling.
Material 335
Introduction to Connection pooling is the method by which we keep a permanent set of
Database Access
open database connections to be shared by sessions using the same data source.
This avoids the need to create and destroy connections all the time. Connection
pools in ADO.NET are completely transparent to the programmer and your data
NOTES access code need not be altered.
When a client requests a connection by calling Open() method, the
connection is not re-created; rather, it is served directly from the available pool of
connections. When a client releases a connection by calling Close() or
Dispose(), it is not discarded but returned to the pool to serve the next request.
ADO.NET does not support a connection pooling mechanism. However,
most vendors implement some form of ADO.NET connection pooling. The SQL
Server and Oracle data providers implement their own efficient connection
pooling algorithms. For a connection to be reused with SQL Server or Oracle,
the connection string should match exactly. If it differs even slightly, a new
connection will be created in a new pool.
With both the SQL Server and Oracle providers, connection pooling is
enabled and used automatically. However, you can also use connection string
parameters to configure pool size settings (see Table 13.2).
Table 13.2 Connection Pool Settings

Settings Description
Max Pool Size The maximum number of connections allowed in the pool (defaults to 100). If
the maximum pool size has been reached, any further attempts to open a
connection are queued until a connection becomes available.
Min Pool Size The minimum number of connections always retained in the pool (defaults to 0).
This number of connections will be created when the first connection is opened.
Pooling When true (the default), the connection is drawn from the appropriate pool or, if
necessary, is created and added to the appropriate pool.
Connection Lifetime Specifies a time interval in seconds. If a connection is returned to the pool and
its creation time is older than the specified lifetime, it will be destroyed. The
default is 0, which disables this behavior. This feature is useful when you want
to recycle a large number of connections at once.

Some vendors provide methods for emptying out the connection pool. With
the S q l C o n n e c t i o n you can call the static C l e a r P o o l ( ) and
ClearAllPools() methods. When you call the ClearPool() method, you
supply a SqlConnection, and all the matching connections are removed.
ClearAllPools() removes every connection pool in the current application
domain. However, these methods do not close the connections. They just mark
them as invalid. This functionality is rarely used.
Connection Statistics
If you have the SQL Server provider connection, you can get some interesting
statistics using the SqlConnection.RetrieveStatistics() method.
RetrieveStatistics returns a hash table along with various details that
can help you analyse the performance of commands and the amount of work you
have done. Connection statistics are rarely used in a deployed application, but
336 Material
they are useful for diagnosing performance during the testing and profiling phase. Introduction to
Database Access
By default, connection statistics are disabled to improve performance. To use
connection statistics, you need to set the S q l C o n n e c t i o n .
StatisticsEnabled property to true.
The following is an example that displays the number of bytes received NOTES
by the connection since you enabled statistics:
Hashtable statistics = con.RetrieveStatistics();
lblBytes.Text = “Retrieved bytes: “ + statistics
Statistics are provided in a loosely typed name/value collection. In order
to retrieve it, you need to know the specific name of a statistic. You can find
the full list in the MSDN help, but here are a few of the most useful:
 ServerRoundtrips: Indicates the number of times the connection
has made a request to the database server. Typically, this value
corresponds to the number of commands you have executed.
 ConnectionTime: Indicates the cumulative amount of time the
connection has been open.
 BytesReceived: Indicates the total number of bytes retrieved from
the database server.
 SumResultSets: Indicates the number of queries you have
 SelectRows: Records the total number of rows retrieved in every
query you have executed.

13.5 THE Command AND DataReader CLASSES

In this, we will discuss the command and DataReader classes in detail.

13.5.1 The Command Class
The Command class helps you to execute any type of SQL statement. With the
Command class, you are much more likely to perform data-manipulation tasks
(such as retrieving and updating the records in a table), rather than performing
data-definition tasks (such as creating and altering databases, tables and indexes).
The provider-specific Command classes implement standard functionality,
just like the Connection classes. In this case, the IDbCommand interface
defines the core set of Command methods that are used to execute a command
over an open connection.
Before you can give a command, you need to select the command type,
set the command text and bind the command to a connection. You can perform
this by setting the corresponding properties or you can pass the information as
a constructor argument.
Material 337
Introduction to The command text can be an SQL statement, a stored procedure or the
Database Access
name of a table. It all depends on the type of command you use. Three types
of commands exist. These are shown in Table 13.3.
Table 13.3 Types of Command Class
Value Description
CommandType.Text The SQL statement is provided in the CommandText
property. This is the default value.
CommandType.StoredProcedure The command will execute a stored procedure in the data
source. The CommandText property provides the name of
the stored procedure.
CommandType.TableDirect The command will query all the records in the table. The
CommandText is the name of the table from which the
command will retrieve the records.

For example, here is how you would create a Command object that
represents a query:
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = con;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = “SELECT * FROM Employees”;
The following is a more efficient way using one of the Command
constructors. Note that you do not need to specify the CommandType, because
CommandType.Text is the default.
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(“SELECT * FROM Employees”,
Alternatively, to use a stored procedure, you would use a code, such as
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(“GetEmployees”, con);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
Table 13.4 Command Methods

Method Description
ExecuteNonQuery() Executes non-select commands, such as SQL commands that insert, delete,
or update records. The returned value indicates the number of rows
affected by the command.
ExecuteScalar() Executes a SELECT query and returns the value of the first field of the first
row from the rowset generated by the command.
ExecuteReader() Executes a SELECT query and returns a DataReader object that wraps a
read-only, forward-only cursor.

13.5.2 The DataReader Class

A DataReader allows you to retrieve one record at a time returned by a
SELECT statement. This is called a firehose cursor. Using a DataReader is
the simplest way to get to your data, but it lacks the ability to sort disconnected
data. However, the DataReader provides the quickest possible, no-nonsense
access to data. Table 13.5 shows the DataReader methods.
338 Material
Table 13.5 DataReader Methods Introduction to
Database Access
Methods Description
Read() Advances the row cursor to the next row in the stream. This method must
also be called before reading the first row of data. The Read() method
returns true if there’s another row to be read, or false if it’s on the last row.
GetValue() Returns the value stored in the field with the specified column name or NOTES
index, within the currently selected row.
GetValues() Saves the values of the current row into an array. The number of fields that
are saved depends on the size of the array you pass to this method.
GetInt32(),GetChar(), These methods return the value of the field with the specified index in the
GetDateTime() current row, with the data type specified in the method name.
NextResult() If the command that generated the DataReader returned more than one
rowset, this method moves the pointer to the next rowset just before the first
Close() Closes the reader.

The ExecuteReader() Method

The ExecuteReader() method sends the CommandText to the Connection
and builds an SqlDataReader.
The following example creates a simple query command to return all the
records from the Employees table in the sample database. The command is
created on the button click.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(“server = MACT114;
uid=sa;pwd=123; database=Sample;”);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

cmd.CommandText = “select * from Employees”;

cmd.Connection = con;
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
Response.Write(“<table border=1>”);
while (dr.Read())
Response.Write(“<td>” + dr[0].ToString() + “</td><td>”
dr[1].ToString() + “</td><td>” + dr[2].ToString()+ “</
td><td>” + dr[3].ToString()+ “</td>”);

Material 339
Once you have the DataReader, you can loop through its records by
calling the Read() method in a while loop. This moves the row cursor to
the next record. The Read() method also returns a Boolean value indicating
whether there are more rows to read.
The ExecuteReader() method takes one of the values from the
C o m m a n d B e h a v i o r as a parameter. One useful value is
CommandBehavior.Close Connection. When you pass this value
to the ExecuteReader() method, the DataReader closes the associated
connection as soon as the DataReader is closed.
Using this technique, you could rewrite the code as follows:
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.
// (Build the HTML string here.)
// No need to close the connection. You can simply close
the reader.
HtmlContent.Text = htmlStr.ToString();
This behavior is of use when you retrieve a DataReader in one method
and pass it to another method to process it. If you use the CommandBehavior
.CloseConnection value, the connection will be automatically closed as
soon as the second method closes the reader.
Processing Multiple Result Sets
A command can return more than one result set in two ways:
(i) If you are calling a stored procedure, it may use multiple SELECT statements.
(ii) If you are using a straight text command, you may be able to batch multiple
commands by separating commands with a semicolon (;). Not all providers
support this technique, but the SQL Server database provider does.
The following is an example of a string that defines a batch of three SELECT
string sql = “SELECT TOP 5 * FROM Employees;” +
“SELECT TOP 5 * FROM Products; SELECT TOP 5 * FROM Orders”;
This string contains three queries. Together, they return the first five records
from the Employees table, the first five from the Products table and the
first five from the Orders table. First, the DataReader will provide access
to the results from the Employees table. Once you have finished using the
Read() method to read all these records, you can call NextResult()
to view the next result set. When there are no more result sets, this method returns
The ExecuteScalar() Method
The ExecuteScalar() method returns the value stored in the first field of
the first row of a result set generated by the command’s SELECT query. This
method is usually used to execute a query that retrieves only a single field; for
example, SQL functions, such as COUNT () or SUM ().
The following procedure selects the maximum basic salary of an employee
from the salary_details table.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(“server = MACT114;
uid=sa;pwd=123; database=Sample;”);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(“select MAX(ebasic) from
salary_details”, con);
int result = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

The ExecuteNonQuery() Method

The ExecuteNonQuery() method executes commands that do not return
a result set, such as I N S E R T , D E L E T E and U P D A T E . The
ExecuteNonQuery() method returns a single piece of information.
This example updates the record of the table Categories using
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(“server = MACT114;
uid=sa;pwd=123; database=Sample;”);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(“ insert into Categories
values (‘Machines’)”,con);

Response.Write(“the table has been altered......!!!”);
Introduction to
Database Access
Check Your Progress
1. What is the purpose of designing the ADO.NET?
NOTES 2. What are the two types of objects in ADO.NET?
3. What is the use of Connection class?



1. ADO.NET is a technology designed to let an ASP.NET program access

2. Connection based objects and content based objects are the two types of
objects in ADO.NET.
3. The Connection class allows you to establish a connection to the data
source that you want to interact with.


 The most common way to manage data is to use a database. Simply putting,
database is a collection of homogeneous data in an organized manner.
 When interacting with a data source through ADO.NET, you use SQL to
retrieve, insert, modify and update information.
 ADO.NET is a technology designed to let an ASP.NET program access
data. It is a multi-layered architecture that contains Connection,
Command and DataSet objects.
 A data provider is a set of ADO.NET classes that enables you to access a
database, execute SQL commands and retrieve data.
 Connection Based Objects are the data provider objects, such as
Connection, Command, DataAdapter, and DataReader. They
execute SQL statements, connect to a database or fill a DataSet.
 Content Based Objects includes the DataSet, DataColumn,
DataRow, DataRelation and several others. They are entirely
independent of the type of data source and are found in the System.Data
 The Connection class allows you to establish a connection to the data
source that you want to interact with. The core Connection properties
and methods are specified by the IDbConnection interface, which all
Connection classes implement.
342 Material
 The Command class helps you to execute any type of SQL statement. Introduction to
Database Access
 A DataReader allows you to retrieve one record at a time returned by
a SELECT statement. This is called a firehose cursor.

 Database: It is a collection of homogeneous data in an organized manner.

 SQL: It is a database computer language designed for managing data in
relational database management systems (RDBMS).
 ConnectionString: It is a series of name/value settings separated
by semicolons (;) and defines the basic information that the computer needs
to create a connection.



Short Answer Questions

1. What is the function of COMMIT?
2. When does a transaction end?
3. What is a read-only transaction?
4. Is it possible to read from a SqlDataReader instance that is closed?
5. Name the properties which can be called after the SqlDataReader is
6. What is the default position and default value of SqlDataReader?
Long Answer Questions
1. Explain the process of caching database data with SQLDataSource
2. Explain the various classes of ADO.NET.
3. Explain the significance of ADO.NET data providers.
4. Is it possible to execute multiple queries by using DataReader? Explain in


Reynolds, Matthew, Jonathan Crossland, Richard Blair and Thearon Willis . 2002.
Beginning VB.NET, 2nd edition. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Inc.

Material 343
Introduction to Cornell, Gary and Jonathan Morrison. 2001. Programming VB .NET: A Guide
Database Access
for Experienced Programmers, 1st edition. Berkeley: Apress.
Francesc, Balena. 2002. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition.
United States: Microsoft Press.
Liberty, Jesse. 2002. Learning Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition. Sebastopol:
O’Reilly Media.
Kurniawan, Budi and Ted Neward. 2002. VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell.
Sebastopol: O’Reilly Media.

344 Material
SQL Basics


Structure NOTES
14.0 Introduction
14.1 Objectives
14.2 Data Components and the Dataset
14.3 Disconnected Data
14.4 The DataSet Class
14.5 The DataTable Class
14.6 The DataRow Class
14.7 DataColumn Class
14.8 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions
14.9 Summary
14.10 Key Words
14.11 Self Assessment Questions and Exercises
14.12 Further Readings

In professional applications, your data access code is never embedded directly in
the code-behind for a page. Instead, it is separated into a dedicated data
component. In this chapter, you will see how to create a simple data access class
of your own, adding a separate method for each data task you need to perform.
This chapter also tackles disconnected data—the ADO.NET features that
revolve around the DataSet and allow you to interact with data even if you have
closed the connection to the data source.
ASP.NET introduced a rich set of data bound server controls. Data bound
controls allow you to define a declarative link between your page and a data
source (such as a database). Data source controls are notable for the way they
plug into the data binding infrastructure. In fact, by using a data source control,
you can create a sophisticated page that allows you to query and update a
database—all without writing a single line of ADO.NET code.

After going through this unit, you will be able to:
 Create and design a data class
 List the benefits of stored procedures
 Create a DataSet object class
 Explain the significance of data binding
 Give an overview of data bound controls
 Display data with GridView control
Material 345
SQL Basics

The topic ‘Data Binding Control’ is already discussed in Unit 11.

NOTES Creating a Data Class
In duly organized applications, database code is not integrated directly in the client
but hidden in a dedicated class. To perform a database operation, the client creates
an instance of this class and calls the appropriate method. Follow these basic
guidelines to create a Data class:
 Connections should be opened and closed quickly: Open the database
connection in each and every method call, and close the connection before
the method ends. The connections should not be open between client
requests and the client should not have any control over how connections
are acquired or when they are released. If the client introduces the possibility
that a connection cannot be closed as soon as possible, it hampers scalability.
 Implement error handling: Use error handling to make sure the
connection is closed even if the SQL (Structured Query Language) command
generates an exception.
 Stateless design approach: The information necessary for a method is
accepted in its parameters and the retrieved data is returned through the
return value.
 Preventing client from specifying connection string information: This
poses security risks and compromises the ability of connection pooling,
which requires matching connection strings.
 Do not connect with the client’s User ID: Introducing any variability
into the connection string will foreclose connection pooling.
 Do not let the client use wide-open queries: Every query should
prudently select only the columns it needs.
Good design, easy for a database component uses a separate class for
each database table. The database methods commonly accessible, such as insert,
delete and modify, are wrapped separately in the stateless methods. Finally, all
database calls use a dedicated stored procedure.
Layered Database Design

Fig. 14.1 Layered Database Design

346 Material
Figure 14.1 demonstrates a simple database component. Instead of putting SQL Basics

the database code in the Web page, component separates the code into a distinct
class that can be used in multiple pages. The data component actually consists of
two classes—a data package class that wraps a single record of information and
a database utility class that performs the actual database operations with ADO.NET NOTES
Data Package
The following is an example of EmployeeDetails class that provides all the
fields as public properties. This class does not include all the information that is in
the Employees table in order to make the example more concise.
public class EmployeeDetails
private int employeeID;
public int EmployeeID
get {return employeeID;}
set {employeeID = value;}
private string firstName;
public string FirstName
get {return firstName;}
set {firstName = value;}
private string lastName;
public string LastName
get {return lastName;}
set {lastName = value;}
public EmployeeDetails(int employeeID, string
firstName, string lastName)
this.employeeID = employeeID;
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;

Material 347
SQL Basics Stored Procedure
Before you can start coding the data access logic, you need to make sure you
have the set of stored procedures you need in order to retrieve, insert and update
NOTES information. The following code shows the five stored procedures that are needed:
@EmployeeID int OUTPUT
@FirstName varchar(10),
@LastName varchar(20),
INSERT INTO Employees (LastName, FirstName,
HireDate) VALUES (@LastName, @FirstName,
SET @EmployeeID = @@IDENTITY
@EmployeeID int
DELETE FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID =
@EmployeeID int,
@LastName varchar(20),
@FirstName varchar(10)
UPDATE Employees SET LastName = @LastName,
FirstName = @FirstName
WHERE EmployeeID = @EmployeeID
SELECT COUNT(EmployeeID) FROM Employees
@EmployeeID int
SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Employees
WHERE EmployeeID = @EmployeeID

348 Material
The Data Utility Class SQL Basics

Finally, you need the utility class that performs the real database operations. This
class uses the stored procedures that were shown in the previous section.
In this example, the data utility class is named EmployeeDU. It NOTES
encapsulates all the data access codes and specific details of database. Here is the
basic outline:
public class EmployeeDU
private string connectionString;
public EmployeeDU()
// Get default connection string.
connectionString =
public EmployeeDU(string
// Get the specified connection string.
connectionString =
public int InsertEmployee(EmployeeDetails
{ ... }
public void DeleteEmployee(int employeeID)
{ ... }
public void UpdateEmployee(EmployeeDetails emp)
{ ... }
public EmployeeDetails GetEmployee()
{ ... }
public int CountEmployees()
{ ... }
You may have observed that the EmployeeDU class uses instance
methods, not static methods. This is because although the EmployeeDU class
does not store any state from the database; it does store the connection string as
a private member variable. Because this is an instance class, the connection string
can be retrieved every time the class is created, rather than every time a method is
Material 349
SQL Basics invoked. This approach makes the code precise and allows it to be slightly faster
(by avoiding the need to read the web.config file multiple times).
The code for inserting a record is as follows:
NOTES public int InsertEmployee(EmployeeDetails emp)
SqlConnection con = new
SqlCommand cmd = new
SqlCommand(“InsertEmployee”, con);
cmd.CommandType =
SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10));
cmd.Parameters[“@FirstName”].Value =
SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20));
cmd.Parameters[“@LastName”].Value =
SqlParameter(“@EmployeeID”, SqlDbType.Int,
cmd.Parameters[“@EmployeeID”].Direction =
catch (SqlException err)
// Replace the error with something less
// You could also log the error now.
throw new ApplicationException(“Data error.”);
350 Material
As you can see, the method accepts the data using the package SQL Basics

EmployeeDetails. Errors are caught and sensitive internal details are not
returned to Web page code. This prevents the Web page from providing information
that could lead to potential vulnerabilities.

The examples you covered so far used ADO.NET connection-based features.

ADO.NET focuses on an entirely different notion of the DataSet object.
Disconnected data can be used to communicate between distributed applications
or Web services. Like connected data, disconnected data supports multiple tables
and data binding. In addition, it also supports forward and backward navigation in
a result set.
With disconnected data access, you keep a copy of your data in memory
using the DataSet. Once the database connection is opened, fetch your data
and dump it into the DataSet, and disconnect immediately.
If you alter the information in the DataSet, the information in the
corresponding table in the database does not change. This implies that you can
easily process and manipulate the data without worry, because you are not using a
valuable database connection.
Some of the scenarios in which a DataSet is easier to use than a
DataReader include the following:
 When you want a favorable package to send the data to another
 When you need a convenient file format to serialize the data to disk.
 When you want to navigate backward and forward through a large
amount of data.
 When you want to navigate from one table to another. Using the
DataSet, you can store several tables of information. You can even
define relationships that allow you to browse through them more efficiently.
 Navigation is not possible with the DataReader, which goes in one
direction only—forward.
 When you want to manipulate the data as XML (Extensible Markup
Storing ConnectingString in Web Configuration File
It is a good practice to store the connection string for your application in a config
file rather than as a hard coded string in your code. Do not use appsettings in
web.config. Instead, use the ConnectionStrings section in web.config.
<add name=“myConnectionString”
Material 351
SQL Basics ConnectionString=“server=localhost; database=myDb;
uid=myUser; password=myPass;” />
To read the connection string into your code, use the
NOTES ConfigurationSettings class.
string connStr =
Executing Stored Procedures
A stored procedure is an already written SQL statement that is saved in the
database. Microsoft SQL Server provides the stored procedure mechanism to
simplify the database development process by grouping Transact-SQL statements
into manageable blocks.
Benefits of Stored Procedures
The following are the key benefits of stored procedures:
 Precompiled Execution: SQL Server compiles each stored procedure
once and then reutilizes the execution plan. This results in tremendous
performance boosts when stored procedures are called repeatedly.
 Reduced Client/Server Traffic: If network bandwidth is a concern in
your environment, stored procedures can reduce long SQL queries to a
single line that is transmitted over the wire.
 Efficient Reuse of Code and Programming Abstraction: Stored
procedures can be used by multiple users and client programs.
 Enhanced Security Controls: You can grant users permission to execute
a stored procedure independently of underlying table permissions.
Example of a stored procedure
Let us create a procedure called sp_AddNewEmployee. The SQL code is
as follows:
CREATE proc sp_AddNewEmployee
@EmpName varchar(32),
@EmpCompany varchar(32),
@EmpAddress varchar(100),
@EmpEmailid varchar(100)
insert into
352 Material
EmpAddress, EmpEmailId) SQL Basics
select *from d_EmployeeMaster order by empid
Using the ASP.NET CookieParameter Object
You can use the CookieParameter class to bind the value of a client-side
HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) cookie passed as part of an HTTP request
to a parameter used by ASP.NET data source controls.
The CookieParameter class provides the CookieName property
which identifies the name of the HttpCookie object to bind to, in addition to
those inherited from the Parameter class. The CookieParameter class attempts
to bind to the named cookie every time the Evaluate method is called.
The following example demonstrates how to use a SqlDataSource
control and CookieParameter object bound to an HTTP cookie to display
data from the Northwind Traders database in a GridView control:
<script language = “C#” runat = “server”>
void Page_Load(Object src, EventArgs e)
if ( !IsPostBack ) {
Response . C o o ki e s . Ad d ( n e w H tt p C o okie
( “lname”, “davolio” ) );
Response . C o o ki e s . Ad d ( n e w H tt p C o okie
( “loginname”, “ndavolio” ) );
Response.Cookies.Add ( new HttpCookie (
“lastvisit”, DateTime.Now.ToString ( ) ) );
<asp:sqldatasource id = “sql” runat = “server”
SelectCommand = “SELECT OrderID, OrderDate,
CustomerID, ShipCity, ShipCountry FROM nw_Orders
WHERE EmployeeID = (SELECT EmployeeID FROM
nw_Employees WHERE LastName = @lastname)”
connectionstring = “<%$ ConnectionStrings:aspa
<asp:cookieparameter name = “lastname”
cookiename = “lname” />
<asp:gridview id = “ordersGrid” runat = “server”
Material 353
SQL Basics datasourceid = “sql” AllowPaging=“true”>

14.4 THE DataSet CLASS

Because ADO.NET is all about scalability and performance, the disconnected
mode is the preferred way to code client/server applications. Instead of a simple
disconnected record set, ADO.NET gives you the DataSet object, the heart
of disconnected data access, much like a small relational database held in memory
on the client. It implements a database that only resides in the memory and is loose
from any other data source. It provides you the ability to create multiple tables, fill
them with data coming from different sources, enforce relationships between pairs
of tables, and more.
A DataSet is an in-memory data store that can hold numerous tables. It
contains two important ingredients: a collection of zero or more tables and a
collection of zero or more relationships that you can use to link tables together.
The tables in a DataSet are implemented by the DataTable class.
DataSet only hold data and do not interact with a data source. It is the
SqlDataAdapter that manages connections with the data source and gives
us disconnected behavior. The SqlDataAdapter opens a connection only
when required and closes it as soon as it has performed its task. The
SqlDataAdapter performs the following tasks when filling a DataSet
with data:
1. Open connection.
2. Retrieve data into DataSet.
3. Close connection.
Moreover, it performs the following actions when updating data source
with DataSet:
1. Open connection.
2. Write changes from DataSet to DataSource.
3. Close connection.
Creating a DataSet object
DataSet dsCustomers = new DataSet();
The DataSet constructor does not require parameters.
Creating a SqlDataAdapter
The SqlDataAdapter holds the SQL commands and connection object for
reading and writing data. You initialize it with an SQL select statement and
connection object:

354 Material
SqlDataAdapter daCustomers = new SQL Basics
“select CustomerID, CompanyName from
Customers”, conn);
Filling the DataSet NOTES

Once you have a DataSet and SqlDataAdapter instances, you need to

fill the DataSet. You can fill the DataSetby using the Fill method of the
daCustomers.Fill(dsCustomers, “Customers”);
The Fill method, in the code above, takes two parameters: a DataSet
and a table name. The DataSet must be instantiated before trying to fill it with
data. The second parameter is the name of the table that will be created in the
Using the DataSet
A DataSet will bind with both ASP.NET and Windows forms DataGrids.
An example that assigns the DataSet to a Windows forms DataGrid is as
dgCustomers.DataSource = dsCustomers;
dgCustomers.DataMember = “Customers”;
Implementing a Disconnected Data Management Strategy
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class DisconnectedDataform : Form
private SqlConnection conn;
private SqlDataAdapter daCustomers;
private DataSet dsCustomers;
private DataGrid dgCustomers;
private const string tableName = “Customers”;
// initialize form with DataGrid and Button
public DisconnectedDataform()
// fill dataset
// set up datagrid
dgCustomers = new DataGrid();

Material 355
SQL Basics dgCustomers.DataSource = dsCustomers;
dgCustomers.DataMember = tableName;
// create update button
Button btnUpdate = new Button();
btnUpdate.Text = “Update”;

// make sure controls appear on form

Controls.AddRange(new Control[] {
dgCustomers, btnUpdate });
// set up ADO.NET objects
public void Initdata()
// instantiate the connection
conn = new SqlConnection(


// 1. instantiate a new DataSet

dsCustomers = new DataSet();
// 2. init SqlDataAdapter with select
command and connection
daCustomers = new SqlDataAdapter(
“select CustomerID, CompanyName from
Customers”, conn);
// 3. fill in insert, update, and delete
SqlCommandBuilder cmdBldr = new

// 4. fill the dataset

daCustomers.Fill(dsCustomers, tableName);
// Update button was clicked
public void btnUpdateClicked(object sender,
EventArgs e)
// write changes back to DataBase
356 Material
// start the Windows form SQL Basics
static void Main()
DisconnectedDataForm()); NOTES
For performance reasons, you will probably use the DataSet to work
with a small subset of the total information in the data source. The tables in the
DataSet do not need to map directly to tables in the data source. Using the
DataAdapter it is possible to pull data out of one or multiple databases and
to restore it with optimistic locking. The data and the structure from the database
implemented by the DataSet class can be written to or read from XML
documents and schemes.

Fig. 14.2 Representation of DataSet and DataTable

As you can see in Figure 14.2, each record is represented as a DataRow

object. To manage disconnected changes, the DataSet tracks versioning
information for every DataRow. When you edit the value in a row, the original
value is kept in memory and the row is marked as changed. When you add or
delete a row, the row is marked as added or deleted.
Note: The data in the DataSource is not touched at all when you work with the DataSet
objects. Instead, all the changes are made locally to the DataSet in memory.
The DataSet never retains any type of connection to a data source. If
you want to extract records from a database and use them to fill a table in a
DataSet, you need to use another ADO.NET object: a DataAdapter.

Material 357
SQL Basics The DataAdapter also allows you to update the DataSource
according to the changes you make in the DataSet. Table 14.1 shows the
DataSet methods, while Table 14.2 shows DataSet properties.
Table 14.1 DataSet Methods
Method Description
Clear() Empties all the data from the tables. However, this method leaves
the schema and relationship information intact.
Copy() Returns an exact duplicate of the DataSet, with the same set of
tables, relationships, and data.
Clone() Returns a DataSet with the same structure (tables and
relationships) but no data.
Merge() Takes another DataSet as input and merges it into the current
DataSet, adding any new tables and merging any existing

Table 14.2 DataSet Properties

Properties Description
DataSetName The name of this DataSet object.
Namespace The namespace for this DataSet, used when
importing or exporting XML data.
Tables Returns the collection of child DataTable objects.
Relations Returns the collection of DataRelation objects.
DefaultViewManager Returns a DataViewManager object that allows
you to create custom search and filter settings for the
DataTable objects in the DataSet.

A TypedDataSet is a database object that fits in the object model of a .NET
project. TypedDataSet generate classes that expose each object in the
DataSet in Type-safe manner. These classes inherit directly from DataSet
Let us look into a small example which explains the TypedDataSet.
1. Using DataSet
//Create DataAdapter
SqlDataAdapter daEmp = new
empno,empname,empaddress FROM
//Create a DataSet Object
DataSet dsEmp = new DataSet();
//Fill the DataSet

358 Material
//Let us print first row and first column of SQL Basics
the table
//Assign a value to the first column NOTES
dsEmp.Tables[“EMPLOYEE”].Rows[0][0] =
“12345”;//This will generate runtime error
as empno column is integer
We will get a runtime error when this code gets executed as the value
assigned to the column (empno) does not take string value.
2. Using Typed DataSet
//Create DataAdapter
SqlDataAdapter daEmp = new
S q l D a t a A d a p t e r ( “ S E L E C T
empno,empname,empaddress FROM EMPLOYEE”,conn);
//Create a DataSet Object
EmployeeDS dsEmp = new EmployeeDS ();
//Fill the DataSet
//Let us print first row and first column of
the table
//Assign a value to the first column
dsEmp.EMPLOYEE[0].empno = “12345”;//This will
generate compile time error.
In this code we find that a typed dataset is very much similar to a normal
dataset. The only difference is that the schema is already present for the same.
Hence, any mismatch in the column will generate compile time errors rather than
runtime error as in the case of a normal dataset. A Typed DataSet can be generated
using Visual Studio .NET IDE.

14.6 THE DataTable CLASS

A DataTable object resembles a database table and has its own collections—
the Columns collection of DataColumn objects (which describe the name
and data type of each field) and the Rows collection of DataRow object (which
contain the actual data in each record). It can also have a primary key based on
one or more columns and a collection of Constraint objects, which are
useful for enforcing the uniqueness of the values in a column. DataTable objects
in a DataSet class are often tied to each other through relationships, exactly as
if they were database tables. Tables 14.3, 14.4 and 14.5 show Datatable
properties, Datatable methods and Datatable events, respectively.
Material 359
SQL Basics Table 14.3 Datatable Properties

Properties Description
TableName The name of this DataTable object.
Namespace The namespace for this DataTable, used when importing or exporting
DataSet Returns the DataSet this DataTable belongs to.
Rows Returns the collection of child DataRow objects.
Columns Returns the collection of child DataColumn objects.
Constraints Returns the collection of the Constraint objects for this DataTable
(for example, foreign key constraints or unique constraints).
PrimaryKey An array of DataColumn objects that represent the primary keys for
the DataTable.
DefaultView Returns the DataView object that you can use to filter and sort this
ChildRelations Returns the collection of DataRelation objects in which this
DataTable is the master table.
ParentRelations Returns the collection of DataRelation objects in which this
DataTable is the detail table.

Table 14.4 Datatable Methods

Method Description
Clear() Clears all the data in the DataTable.
Copy() Creates a DataTable that has both the same structure and the
same data as the current one.
Clone() Creates a cloned DataTable that contains the identical structure,
tables, and relationships as the current one.
AcceptChanges Commits all changes to this DataTable after it was loaded or
since the most recent AcceptChanges method.
RejectChanges Rejects all changes to this DataTable after it was loaded or since
the most recent AcceptChanges method.
Reset Resets the DataTable to its original state.
Select Returns the array of all the DataRow objects that satisfy the filter

Table 14.5 Datatable Events

Events Description
ColumnChanging Fires when a DataColumn is changing. The event handler can
inspect the new value.
ColumnChanged Fires after a DataColumn have changed.
RowChanging Fires when a DataRow is changing.
RowChanged Fires after a DataRow have changed.
RowDeleting Fires when a DataRow is being deleted.
RowDeleted Fires after a DataRow have been deleted.

360 Material
Filtering Database Rows SQL Basics

DataTable Class of C# in ASP.Net provides a Select function that allows

you to filter the selective rows based on the search criteria passed to the select
function. You can perform the rows search exactly similar to the SQL select NOTES
query with WHERE clause. You just need to pass the column name along with
conditional operator and value to filter the resulting rows based on the specified
search criteria.
For example: “columnName = 10”, “columnName <= 10”,
“columnName >= 10” or “columnName <> 10” for integer values,
and “columnName = ‘Tim’” for string values.
// DataTable.Select function returns the
DataRow collection based on the filterExpression
DataRow[] filterRows = myDataTable.Select(
“Unit_Price < 40”, “” );
ASP.Net DataTable Select function accepts two types of parameters:
1. FilterExpression: Accepts the string type values as search string
FilterExpression to filter the rows.
2. Sort: Accepts the string value as sort expression to sort the filtered rows
based on the ColumnName and sort direction.

14.6 THE DataRow CLASS

The DataRow class represents an individual row (or record) in a DataTable.

Each DataRow contains one or more fields, which can be accessed through its
Item property. Tables 14.6 and 14.7 show DataRow properties and methods,
Table 14.6 DataRow Properties

Properties Description
Item Gets or sets the data stored in the specified column. The argument can
be the column name, the column index or a DataColumn object.
ItemArray Gets or sets the values of all the columns, using an Object array.
RowState The current state of this row can be Unchanged, Modified, Added,
Deleted or Detached.
HasErrors Returns True if there are errors in the column collection.
RowError Gets or sets a string containing the custom error description for the
current row.

Material 361
SQL Basics Table 14.7 DataRow Methods

Methods Description
AcceptChanges Commits all changes to this DataRow after it was loaded or since
the most recent AcceptChanges method.
NOTES RejectChanges Rejects all changes to this DataRow after it was loaded or since the
most recent AcceptChanges method.
BeginEdit Marks the beginning of an edit operation on a DataRow.
EndEdit Confirms all the changes to the DataRow since the most recent
BeginEdit method.
CancelEdit Cancels all the changes to the DataRow since the most recent
BeginEdit method.
Delete Deletes the row.
ClearErrors Clear all errors for this row, including the RowError property and
errors set with the SetColumnError method.
IsNull Returns True if the specified column has a null value. The argument
can be a column name, a column index or a DataColumn.
GetChildRows Returns an array of the DataRow objects that are the child rows of
the current row, following the relationship specified by the argument,
which can be a relationship name or a DataRelation object.
GetParentRows Returns an array of the parent DataRow objects, following the
relationship specified by the argument.
SetParentRow Sets the parent DataRow for the current row.

14.7 DataColumn CLASS

The DataColumn object represents a column in a DataTable. Add Method

is used to add a data column to the DataColumnCollection.
DataColumnCollection is a type represents a collection of columns
attached to table and returns them using the Columns property of DataTable.
Consider an example, you want to create an employee table having columns i.e.
Emp_Id, Name and Address. You will create three DataColumn objects to
DataColumnCollection using the DataTable.Column.Add
method. Table 14.8 and 14.9 shows DataColumn Properties and methods
Table 14.8 DataColumn Properties

AllowDBNull It gets or sets a value which indicates whether null values

are allowed in the column for rows that belong to the table.
AutoIncrement Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column
automatically increments the value of the column for new
rows added to the table.
AutoIncrementSeed Gets or sets the starting value for a column that has its
AutoIncrement property set to true. The default is 0.
AutoIncrementStep Gets or sets the increment used by a column with its
AutoIncrement property set to true.

362 Material
Caption Gets or sets the caption for the column. SQL Basics
ColumnMapping Gets or sets the MappingType of the column.
ColumnName Gets or sets the name of the column in the DataColumn
Container Gets the container for the component. NOTES
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent)
DataType Gets or sets the type of data stored in the column.
DateTimeMode Gets or sets the DateTimeMode for the column.
DefaultValue Gets or sets the default value for the column when you are
creating new rows.
DesignMode Gets a value indicating whether the component is currently
in design mode.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent)
Events Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent)
Expression Gets or sets the expression used to filter rows, calculate the
values in a column, or create an aggregate column.
ExtendedProperties Gets the collection of custom user information associated
with a DataColumn.
MaxLength Gets or sets the maximum length of a text column.
Namespace Gets or sets the namespace of the DataColumn.
Ordinal Gets the (zero-based) position of the column in the
DataColumn Collectioncollection.
Prefix Gets or sets an XML prefix that aliases the namespace of the
ReadOnly Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column allows
for changes as soon as a row has been added to the table.
Site Gets or sets the site of the component.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent)
Table Gets the DataTable to which the column belongs to.
Unique Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the values in
each row of the column must be unique.

Table 14.9 DataColumn Methods

CheckNotAllowNull() This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure
and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
CheckUnique() This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure
and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the MarshalByValue
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent)
Dispose(Boolean) Releases the unmanaged resources used by the MarshalBy
ValueComponentand optionally releases the managed
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent)

Material 363
SQL Basics Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the
current object.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function.
NOTES (Inherited from Object)
GetService(Type) Gets the implementer of the IServiceProvider. (Inherited from
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseClone() Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
OnPropertyChanging This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure
(PropertyChanged and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
RaiseProperty This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure
Changing(String) and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
SetOrdinal(Int32) Changes the ordinal or position of the DataColumn to the
specified ordinal or position.
ToString() Gets the Expression of the column, if one exists.

Check Your Progress

1. What is data components?
2. What is data package?
3. Write a note on DataSet.
4. What are the two collections of DataTable object?



1. A data model is made up of components that represent real world sources

of data and the actual data inside them. Data items are elements of
the data model that represent actual units of data stored in a data source.
2. A Data Package is a simple way of putting collections of data and their
descriptions in one place so that they can be easily shared and used.
3. A DataSet is an in-memory data store that can hold numerous tables. It
contains two important ingredients: a collection of zero or more tables and
a collection of zero or more relationships that you can use to link tables
together. The tables in a DataSet are implemented by the DataTable
4. A DataTable object resembles a database table and has its own
collections—the Columns collection of DataColumn objects (which

364 Material
describe the name and data type of each field) and the Rows collection of SQL Basics
DataRow object (which contain the actual data in each record).


 Open the database connection in each and every method call, and close the
connection before the method ends.
 The data component actually consists of two classes—a data package class
that wraps a single record of information and a database utility class that
performs the actual database operations with ADO.NET code.
 Disconnected data can be used to communicate between distributed
applications or Web services. Like connected data, disconnected data
supports multiple tables and data binding. In addition, it also supports forward
and backward navigation in a result set.
 A stored procedure is an already written SQL statement that is saved in the
database. Microsoft SQL Server provides the stored procedure mechanism
to simplify the database development process by grouping Transact-SQL
statements into manageable blocks.
 The CookieParameter class provides the CookieName property which
identifies the name of the HttpCookie object to bind to, in addition to those
inherited from the Parameter class.
 A DataSet is an in-memory data store that can hold numerous tables. It
contains two important ingredients: a collection of zero or more tables and
a collection of zero or more relationships that you can use to link tables
 The Sql Data Adapter holds the SQL commands and connection object for
reading and writing data.
 A Typed Data Set is a database object that fits in the object model of a
.NET project. Typed Data Set generate classes that expose each object in
the DataSet in Type-safe manner.


 Stored procedure: It is an already written SQL statement that is saved in

the database.
 DataSet: It is an in-memory data store that can hold numerous tables.
 DataView: It defines a view onto a DataTable object.

Material 365
SQL Basics

NOTES Short Answer Questions

1. What is the function of the clear() method of dataset?
2. Differentiate between clone and copy methods of dataset.
3. Write same of the properties and methods of DataRow Class.
4. Discuss the various properties and methods of DataColumn Class.
Long Answer Questions
1. Explain in detail the procedure to create and design a Data class.
2. Discuss the properties and discription of various data components and
3. Explain the properties of DataSet class and DataTable class.


Reynolds, Matthew, Jonathan Crossland, Richard Blair and Thearon Willis . 2002.
Beginning VB.NET, 2nd edition. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Inc.
Cornell, Gary and Jonathan Morrison. 2001. Programming VB .NET: A Guide
for Experienced Programmers, 1st edition. Berkeley: Apress.
Francesc, Balena. 2002. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition.
United States: Microsoft Press.
Liberty, Jesse. 2002. Learning Visual Basic .NET, 1st edition. Sebastopol:
O’Reilly Media.
Kurniawan, Budi and Ted Neward. 2002. VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell.
Sebastopol: O’Reilly Media.

366 Material

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