Rahul Chuahan: Links Experience
Rahul Chuahan: Links Experience
Rahul Chuahan: Links Experience
Links Experience
Github:// rahulworld 20XX- OSGeo Google Summer of Code 2018 Student Developer Intern
LinkedIn:// rahulworld Support of Unit of Measure conversion in istSOS3: My project is to
Behance:// rahul_world add conversion of unit of measure in istsos3. User can convert unit in
another specified unit.
Skills Python, PostgreSQL, Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, Pint, Postgresql-unit, Javascript
OS 20XX- OSGeo Google Summer of Code 2017 Student Developer Intern
GNU/Linux, Windows Data analysis and statas cal tool suit: istsos2 provides easily man-
LANGUAGES age your sensor network and distribute your data in a standard way.
C/C++, Java, Python, javascript which is be used to automate the crea on of sta s cate documents
using OAT(Observa on analysis tool) and harves ng the data from an
FRAMEWORK istSOS server.
Flask, ExtJS, ExtJS, Dygraph.js, D3.js, Data analysis, Python, PostGIS, Pandas, Numpy, Scipy
Node.js, Android, Web-development
20XX- Indian Ins tute of Science, Banglore Research Intern
DATABASES pan sharpening is one kind of data fusion become very wide spread
MySQL, PostgreSQL, MangoDB
method which populate the spectral band informa on with the influ-
OTHERS ence of high spa al informa on.
Markdown, Git, Vim, Satellite images(Chandrayan), Fusion Algorithm, Java
Sublime Text, Eclipse,
Android Studio, Coral Draw, 20XX- Smokey, Banglore Android Intern
Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop Worked on loca on based services applica on which provide services
at any loca on near services provider and also made friend module.
Coursework Android, Mysql, Google map