Regular & Irregular Verbs PDF
Regular & Irregular Verbs PDF
Regular & Irregular Verbs PDF
Helena Trompelt
Helena Trompelt
Universitätsverlag Potsdam
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
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ISBN 978-3-86956-061-8
This work would not have been possible without Prof. Dr. Ria De
Bleser. Her comments and discussions along the way were
important for the progress of this work.
List of Figures........................................................................ix
0 Introduction ................................................................... 1
5 Tense............................................................................83
7 Experiments ..................................................................95
8 General Discussion.......................................................141
References ..........................................................................157
Appendix ............................................................................167
List of Tables
(EXPERIMENT 1).......................................................... 100
DISTRACTOR (EXPERIMENT 1). ..................................... 101
DISTRACTOR (EXPERIMENT 1). ..................................... 102
(EXPERIMENT 2).......................................................... 104
DISTRACTOR (EXPERIMENT 2). ..................................... 105
DISTRACTOR (EXPERIMENT 2). ..................................... 106
(EXPERIMENT 3).......................................................... 110
(EXPERIMENT 3).......................................................... 111
(EXPERIMENT 3).......................................................... 113
(EXPERIMENT 3).......................................................... 113
SOA (EXPERIMENT 3).................................................. 114
AAM Augmented Addressed Model
(Caramazza et al., 1988)
DRM Dual Route Model
ERP Event Related Potential
Gr. Greek
hyb hybrid
IA Model Interactive Activation Model (Dell, 1986)
IN Model Independent Network Model (Caramazza, 1997)
irr irregular
LD Lexical Decision
ms milliseconds
nreg non‐regular
PET Positron Emission Tomography
PWI Picture‐Word Interference
reg regular
RT Reaction Time
SMA Supplementary motor area
SOA Stimulus Onset Asynchrony
WR Words and Rules Theory (Pinker, 1999)
0 Introduction
The incredible productivity and creativity of language depends on
two fundamental resources: a mental lexicon and a mental grammar
(Chomsky, 1995; Pinker, 1994). The mental lexicon stores
information and masters the arbitrariness of the language. It is a
repository of idiosyncratic and word specific, i.e. atomic non‐
decomposable information. For example, the mental lexicon
contains the arbitrary sound‐meaning pair for dog and the
information that it is a noun. The mental lexicon also comprises
complex idiosyncratic phrases such as It rains cats and dogs, the
meaning of which cannot be derived transparently from the
constituents (Swinney & Cutler, 1979; Gibbs, 1980).
In addition to the mental lexicon, language is also made up of
rules of grammar constraining the computation of complex
expressions. These rules of grammar enable human speakers to
produce and understand sentences that they have not encountered
before. The meaning, then, can be derived from the constituents
and knowledge about rules. Not only do these determine
sequential ordering of constituents but also hierarchical relations.
The recipient of the message The dog tammed the crig knows that
the dog is the actor of a past action and that the dog did
something to the entity crig. To compute an infinite number of
new structures from stored elements and to derive their meaning
is an enormous grammatical ability and the source of productivity
and creativity of human language (Chomsky, 1995).
The computational component of the language faculty can be
found at various levels in natural languages: e.g. at the sentence
level (syntax) and the level of complex words (morphology). Rules
manipulate meaning and structure of symbolic representations.
Applying recursively, a limited set of units and rules is the core
for combinations of unlimited number and unlimited length.
„Perhaps regular verbs can become the fruit flies of the neuroscience of
language – their recombining units are easy to extract and visualize
and they are well studied, small and easy to breed.“ (Pinker, 1997)
The preparation of the stem and the inflection of the verb form for
person and number are two distinct processes. Person and
number agreement is formed independently of the verb’s
regularity without any exceptions (disregarding suppletives). This
means that person suffixes (e.g. –st for second person singular) are
added to the tense marked stem, be it regular (du lachte-st) or non‐
regular (du trank-st) (Clahsen, 1996; Clahsen, Eisenbeiss, Hadler &
Sonnenstuhl, 2001). The primary mechanism in verb production is
the generation of the stem, person and number inflection follows
only if the stem is completed.
Most inflectional categories fulfil requirements of syntax.
Inflection can be governed syntactically realising, for instance,
agreement relations. Then inflection is occasioned by a governing
head in a sentence and is highly productive. (cf. he and -s in (3a)).
Also determiners and adjectives in many languages agree with the
head noun as in the German example in (3b).
However, Bickel and Nichols (2007) point out that the sentence
level is not the only dimension that conditions inflectional
The term paradigm is derived from the Greek word for pattern (Gr.
παράδειγμα parádeigma). It contains the full set of inflectional
endings a stem can have. With respect to verbal inflection, it
provides the material to instantiate all possible word forms of the
verb and serves as a model or example for all others. Paradigms
are often set out as a learning tool in language teaching. By
knowing the pattern a new word belongs to, one can easily inflect
the new word by generalising on the basis of known words of the
same paradigm ‐ usually by adding a suffix to indicate a change in
German English
Agreement Regularity Agreement Regularity
Present x x x –
Past x x – x
context. Verbs are not overtly marked for this feature (exception:
to be).
Consider the German Regularity column in Figure 2 above.
The crosses indicate overtly visible, regularity dependent
inflectional processes in the present tense as well as in the past
tense. Verbs like brechen [to break] are responsible for the cross in
the Regularity by Present cell. Some German verbs show non‐
regularities in the present tense (ich breche [I break] – er bricht [he
breaks]). However, the dissociation between regular and non‐
regular verb inflection in English targets only past tense
generation5. Regular verbs concatenate the stem and the suffix –ed
(laugh – laughed) – very similar to German (lachen – lachte). This is a
productive process which can be applied to novel verbs. The past
forms of the non-regular English verbs are morphologically simple
and correspond to past stems (take – took) ‐ insufficient, however,
to study the interplay of agreement and regularity. According to
most accounts, to produce non‐regular past tense verbs, English
speakers just have to retrieve the particular form from the mental
lexicon. On the contrary, the past tense forms of the German verbs
are morphologically complex. They consist of the past stem and an
inflectional suffix expressing person.
Languages tend to regularise inflection. The German verb
fragen [to ask] for example, was inflected non‐regularly in the past,
cf. er frug [he asked.IRR], which is out of use today. Nowadays,
the widely used form is er fragte [he asked.REG]. Non‐regular
inflection is not productive. New (i.e. loan) words in German and
other languages as well as novel words are conjugated regularly
(like chatten [to chat] er chattete, tammen [to tam] er tammte). The
same observations hold for participle constructions (Clahsen,
1996; Clahsen, Hadler & Weyerts, 2004). In English, there are also
doublets like to dream whose past tense can either be regular
dreamed, dreamed or non‐regular dreamt, dreamt.
5 Due to the suppletive forms of the English ‘to be’ and ‘to have’ these verbs are
sometimes also considered as showing “non‐regular” inflection in present tense.
However, the more general observation is that English verbs show no non‐regular
forms in present tense at all.
Both are e‐plurals but Kühe employs a new stem and that class
therefore bears characteristics of non‐regular inflection. The
examples in (10) also demonstrate that it is not clearly predictable
whether the inflectional suffix or the stem itself is non‐regular.
This confound complicates the study of regularity of nouns.
The two systems – verb inflection and noun inflection – are not
strictly comparable anyway and neither are transferable
principles, because the types of inflectional processes are different.
Due to theoretical and formal differences between nouns and
verbs, it is widely assumed that both word classes have different
demands on cognitive processing (Kauschke, 2007; Druks, 2002;
Davidoff & Masterson, 1996).
Word classes can be dissociated by distinct connected
properties. Kauschke (2007) discusses criteria of several linguistic
areas. Basically, conceptual representations of nouns8 denote
objects and verbs denote actions. Clearly, verbs and nouns differ
in their inflectional categories. For most Indo‐European languages,
verbal inflection includes tense, mood, aspect and congruency
with the subject of a sentence. Critical for nominal inflection are,
however, definiteness, number and case. But there are not only
morphological criteria to mention; syntactically, verbs and nouns
vary in distribution, position, function and argument structure.
These descriptive analyses have often been confronted with the
cognitive dimensions. There is a consensus that verbs and nouns
differ in their cortical representations (Sahin, Pinker & Halgren,
2006). Many researchers (e.g. Laiacona & Caramazza, 2004) argue
for a double dissociation between the availability of nouns and
verbs in aphasia. There are brain damaged patients who show a
1.5 Summary
Participants first read the base form aloud and then generated the
corresponding past tense form. They were considerably faster
producing regular verbs than non‐regular verbs. Even after
subtracting the base‐form reading time from the past‐tense
generation time, it took participants significantly longer to
produce non‐regular verbs.11
Clahsen et al. (2004) modified the design of Prasada et al.
(1990) to study frequency effects on morphology in children. Of
interest here are the results from the adult control group: The
adults’ production latencies revealed a main effect for verb type –
a difference between regularly and non‐regularly formed
participles. As in previous studies, participles of regular verbs
were produced faster than non‐regular ones. Participants were
asked to inflect auditory stimuli (verb stems) into participles in
sentential context (e.g. Der Gitarrist hat die Gitarre *nehm-*
genommen. [The guitarist has *take* taken the guitar]). As a
qualification, it must be mentioned that the effect did not surface
in the item analysis. Though the phonological similarity (even
identity) of all item onsets (ge-) constitutes an advantage for
accuracy of measurement, a preparation effect could have
inhibited full development of the verb type difference. Still, the
latency difference was only about 20 ms – less than half of what
Prasada et al. (1990) and Seidenberg and Bruck (1990) had
observed. The main findings of the study indicated that the
mental mechanisms and representations for processing
morphologically complex words are the same in children and
adults. It was suggested that the production of non‐regular
participles may be slowed down by the retrieval of stored
participle forms from the mental lexicon.
In sum, all these studies employ similar experimental
techniques, and all report significantly longer reaction times for
non‐regular verbs. This result is unexpected assuming that non‐
regular verbs are stored as full forms in the mental lexicon. Lexical
11 Seidenberg & Bruck (1990) interpret the results as support for connectionist
models (see 2.4.1), although the pattern is no less compatible with Prasada et al.’s
(1990) study strengthening Dual Route processing (see 2.2).
12 Some Dual Route models do not broach the issues of morphology but other
cognitive processes like reading (see Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins & Haller, 1993). In
these models, learnt, familiar words which have a lexical entry are processed via
the lexical route. The lexical entry contains the phonological structure of these
known words. A non‐lexical route applies for reading of new or non‐words. Any
pronounceable letter string can be converted into sounds by using grapheme‐
phoneme conversion. Reading is a race between both routes.
13 The terms “regular” and “irregular inflection” (Pinker, 1991) are adapted to the
concept of regularity used in this work. “Irregular” denotes a subgroup of non‐
regular inflection.
14 The output of both the lexical and the morphological route is input for syntactic
rules but it is beyond the scope of WR and this thesis.
stored in the lexicon, too, and to treat and access them as full
forms just like non‐regular words.
There can be no doubt that WR has been an influential work in
the field of human language processing; yet, it only makes explicit
predictions with respect to regular and non‐regular past tense
production. Obviously, the restriction to past tense does not allow
drawing generalisations to other tenses. German, to mention just
one inflectional language, possesses a much richer morphology
and regularity plays a role in suffixation of number/person
marking in present tense as well. Pinker’s discussion does not
extend to present tense. Therefore, the relation between present
and past tense still remains an underinvestigated issue.
15 During the last years, a debate arose whether neuroimaging studies contribute
to the development of theories and whether they enhance our understanding of
cognitive process at all. Neuroimaging studies use the blood‐oxygen‐level
dependent (BOLD) signal as dependent variable but it is not entirely clear what an
increase in the BOLD signal reflects and means (Logothetis, 2008). Coltheart (2005)
and Page (2006) doubt any substantial contribution of neuroimaging techniques
because the data provide no evidence to differentiate between possible models.
Cognitive models cannot be tested using neuroimaging data because the functional
role of parts of the brain is as yet not sufficiently understood (Page, 2006). Pure
localisation of cognitive processes is not what cognitive scientists are interested in.
They want to know how the brain works.
Frequency effects
et al. (2004) explain the results with the Words and Rules Theory
by Pinker (1999): Because of their widespread use, high‐frequent
regular word forms might be stored in the mental lexicon as well.
For reasons of economy, they are not computed with every lexical
access. Thus, the system avoids the generation of identical items.
High‐frequent regular verb forms share their representational
status with non‐regular forms in the Dual Route Mechanism.
Stored forms block the application of the rule and slow down
reaction times.
Similar to visual LD experiments, experiments of speeded
production of inflected word forms revealed dissociating
frequency effects. In a past tense naming task by Prasada et al.
(1990, cited after Seidenberg, 1992, and Pinker & Prince, 1994), the
frequency of the base form influenced both regular and non‐
regular past tense generation, while the frequency of the past
tense form affected generation of non‐regulars only. The
frequency effect with longer latencies for low‐frequent words for
non‐regulars (but not for regulars) has since been replicated for
example by Seidenberg & Bruck (1990, as cited in Seidenberg,
1992). With respect to the representation of regular and non‐
regular verbs, similar conclusions are drawn from production as
from reception. Reaction times favor a Dual Route representation.
18 past tense generation task: Patients were presented with a sentence like “Every
day I dig a hole. Just like every day, yesterday I ____ a hole” and asked to complete
the sentence by providing the past tense form of the verb (here: “dug”).
19 Ceiling effects for control subjects present statistical problems.
“Irregular forms are just words, acquired and stored like other words,
but with a grammatical feature like ‘past tense’ incorporated into their
lexical entries” (Pinker & Ullman, 2002:456).
easy to reveal the rules because they are intertwined with weights and activation
values in the network.
2.5 Summary
From the above review of empirical data and models of past tense
generation, it becomes evident that the past tense debate has
reached stalemate. Dual Route Models are built on the assumption
that regular and non‐regular verbs behave differently. Indeed, the
studies reviewed imply that two qualitatively different systems
are involved in verb processing. Likewise, connectionists do not
claim that verbs must necessarily behave alike just because they
are stored in a single network. Münte and colleagues (Münte,
Rodriguez‐Fornells & Kutas, 1999) pointed out that also the
neuroscientific fMRI and ERP data support neither a single nor a
Dual Route Model. They believe the issue to be more complex
than “one or two computations”. Both classes of models leave an
incomplete picture.
The emphasis in this work is not on contributing to that
controversy by finding empirical evidence for or against either single
or Dual Route Models. Instead, the important conclusion to be drawn
from criticisms against the blocking mechanism is that German
provides a test case for the blocking mechanism if one is to consider
not only past tense, but also present tense. In German present tense,
(er) beiß-t [he bite‐s] versus (er) lach-t [he laugh‐s] are both built
regularly. However, beißen [to bite] is non‐regular in the past tense
and lachen [to laugh] is regular in the past tense. WR claims that
individual forms are regular or non‐regular and therefore would not
predict the classic regular‐non‐regular distinction in present tense
where both forms can be inflected regularly.
This thesis deals with these problems of WR and tries to
intervene through looking at German and the present tense.
Previous studies did not consider whether regularity is represented
as a property of individual forms (implicit assumption of DRM) or
of whole inflectional paradigms. The following experiments
investigated hybrid verbs to test these two hypotheses. The
representation of regularity is explored in Experiments 1‐4 and the
blocking mechanism is tested in Experiment 5. This raises a more
complete picture of German verbal inflection and sheds light on the
mental lexicon and grammar more broadly.
3 Psycholinguistic models of
language production
This chapter covers aspects of speech production that are relevant
to the discussion of the empirical data in subsequent chapters. The
theoretical background will be set by reviewing the Levelt Model
of speech production. It refines several former models (e.g.
Garrett, 1975; Shattuck‐Hufnagel, 1979) and provides, amongst
others, explanations for the preparation and production of
morphologically complex words. By being very explicit, it can
account for plenty of the phenomena reported in the literature – so
the hypotheses of the present dissertation are established within
this framework. Furthermore, the Interactive Activation (IA)
Model by Dell and the Independent Network (IN) Model by
Caramazza will be introduced and compared, focussing on the
representation of verb features and morphological processes. The
emphasis in discussing these models is placed on their coverage of
morphological complex words in the mental lexicon.
are not affected by activation of the target, and therefore the target
itself is selected more easily.
Recently, a new perspective on semantic interference has
arisen: some studies showed semantic facilitation for semantically
related words.26 In carefully designed picture‐word interference
experiments, Mahon and colleagues (Mahon, Costa, Peterson,
Vargas & Caramazza, 2007) manipulated semantic distance
between target and distractor according to a standard graded
measure of semantic distance. The closer within‐category target‐
distractor pairs, the faster the target was produced. For example,
the picture of a horse has been named reliably faster with zebra
than with whale (Mahon et al., 2007). Consequently, the facilitation
effect cannot be lexical, and is not in accordance with the lexical
selection by competition hypothesis (for a review, see Mahon et al.,
2007). The data demand a reinterpretation of semantic interference
in lexical selection. The authors propose an explanation in terms
of increasing priming as the semantic distance decreases.
The second crucial finding by Mahon and colleagues on the
way to an alternative hypothesis was that articulation latencies
depended on criteria of the distractor relevant to the response, i.e.
semantic as well as syntactic information about the target was
helpful to exclude non‐target words from the response set.
Therefore, verbs did not interfere semantically with nouns, as they
were no potential targets.27 Participants were faster naming bed
26 The first discovery leading to a rethink was that low‐frequent distractors are not
facilitating, unlike high‐frequent ones (Miozzo & Caramazza, 2003). According to
the lexical selection by competition hypothesis, one would expect this because the
activation threshold of low‐frequent items is assumed to be higher, and they thus
should not interfere with the target as much as high‐frequent (almost pre‐
activated) distractors do.
27 In 2006, Finkbeiner and Caramazza attributed semantic facilitation effects to
response selection. In a picture‐word‐distractor experiment participants were
presented with semantically related/unrelated distractors that were either forward‐
or backward‐masked. Although unmasked distractors yielded semantic
interference, they showed reliable semantic facilitation under masked conditions,
i.e. facilitation due to semantic overlap of target and distractor, such as for the pair
car – truck as opposed to car – table. Masking prevents phonological activation, as
no competing responses need to be blocked. Together with semantic priming, it
results in facilitatory effects.
3.2.1 Architecture
This second stage for retrieving the lemma’s word form is called
phonological encoding. Lemmas become phonologically specified,
implying the creation of a phonetic plan. For this purpose, the
ordered set of pointers brings phonemes into the correct serial
order, and phrases (utterances longer than one single word) are
structured and specified prosodically and metrically as well. Thus,
any successful outcome of the phonological encoding requires (a)
morphological, (b) phonological and (c) segmental processing (cf.
Levelt, 1999:5). Finally, the production process is completed with
the articulation (5) of the intended utterance. A self‐monitoring
mechanism applies from phonological words onwards and
ensures error‐free production. It observes internal speech during
the generation of words and utterances, and adjusts and corrects
the internal representations before articulation.
Chapters 6‐8 make use of the theoretical framework provided
by the revised Levelt Model. The model makes assumptions about
the representation and instantiation of tense, which serves as an
example for illustrating the processes involved in producing
inflectional categories here. Tense (event time) is in fact a
conceptual category (Levelt et al., 1999), but it has grammatical
reflexes in inflectional languages like German. It cannot be
realised by changing a single conceptual feature (e.g. ± past).
Rather, tense is expressed by complex words. Its instantiation in
inflectional languages has implications for the processes on the
formulation level, i.e. diacritic parameters need to be set to trigger
the appropriate morphological processes.
(1) concepts
(2) words/morphemes
(3) syllables
(4) phonemes
(5) phonetic features
29 Word class might be represented in the lexical semantic network because it has
a “semantic reflex”, i.e. semantic attributes can determine word class like for
example “objecthood” (Caramazza & Miozzo, 1997: 340).
30 Tip‐of‐the‐tongue phenomena are states in which the phonological form of
target words is temporarily not or only partially available, while syntactic
information is preserved and can be accessed. This has often been taken as
evidence for the lemma‐word form distinction.
31 Caramazza considers lemma selection and activation of grammatical features as
one single process and therefore proposes to fuse the two in the model.
“the theory that states that the entry for rejuvenate is re(juvenate)
would claim that admit, remit, and so on, all have separate lexical
entries.” (Taft & Forster, 1975:645)
33 An exception is the gender congruency effect that is observable for bare noun
naming. Other accounts considering the bypassing of feature selection are
Schriefers (1993) and Levelt et al. (1999).
34 Following conventions in the literature, “targets” and “utterances of
participants” are quoted, distractor words are underlined, everything else
(morphemes, lemmas…) is written in italics.
is the main clause I called John. It is distinct from the event point
(John’s leaving) and S, the moment of speaking. That elucidates
the deictic character of tense (Levelt, 1989). Tense expressions are
understood relative to the moment of speaking and deictic means
relating entities to a reference point. We can visualise tense by
locating situations on a timeline relative to the present moment or
to each other (Comrie, 1987). According to Comrie (1987),
communicating in the present tense sets “the present moment as the
deictic center”.
Closely connected with the question of the semantics of time
reference are formal factors. Not all languages have
grammaticalised tenses (Comrie, 1987; 1989). For example. the
isolating language Chinese refers to the past with adverbials.
Present and past tense in German are synthetically formed tenses
expressed by the verb (i.e. one word). The verb is composed of
several bound morphemes. Furthermore, it is necessary to
differentiate synthetically formed tense expressions from
periphrastic ones such as the past perfect, which consists of an
auxiliary and the participle form of the main verb.35 Synthetically
formed tenses may differ in the degree of tightness of the bond
between the inflectional morphemes and the verb stem. Bickel &
Nichols (2007) differentiate constructions along a scale of fusion
(isolating>concatenating>non‐linear). German tense morphology
comprises both morphemes that can be separated from their host
in a linear fashion (in the present and regular past) as well as
morphemes which defy linear segmentation from the verb stem.
The latter belong to the non‐regular past and consist of Ablaut or
Umlaut (cf. Bickel & Nichols, 2007).
The act of calling John must not be taken literally at the moment of
speaking. Only very rarely the time of speaking (S) and the event
time (E) occur really simultaneously. A real coincidence (see (6.a)
exists only with performative acts (cf. Comrie, 1987). A similar
divergence between formal tense marking and expressed meaning
exists for past tense as well: past forms can also be found in
conditional clauses with non‐past meaning.
According to Dudengrammatik (1998), present (52%) and past
tense (38%) are the most frequently used tenses in German and
together account for 90% of all occurrences of tensed verbs.
However, DUDEN uses written corpora, in which the past tense is
relatively frequent. In Henning’s (2000) analysis of spoken
language, the percentage of past tense immediately plunged to a
mere 15% of all sentences.
The German past tense – which formally corresponds most
closely to the English simple past – has a different pragmatic
status in German than simple past has in English. In German, and
especially in spoken language, the past tense is much less frequent
than the simple past is in English, due to the commonly used past
perfect (e.g. du hast ge‐spiel‐t [you have‐ play‐PART, you
played]) referring to completed actions. Careful disentanglement
of the factors of frequency and regularity is necessary when
addressing issues of verb inflection. Consequently, assumptions
about the mechanisms governing regular vs. non‐regular
inflection in English cannot be transferred to German
immediately, without further consideration.
6 The empirical stance
“…and hence do not append the suffix -ed to its stem. But because
phonology remains inaccessible, they can only guess the verb form; so,
for example, they change a vowel or a consonant to produce verbs that
resemble existing non-regular verb forms. In other words, it seems that
the regular/irregular [non-regular, HT] status of the verb is
information that is stored separately from the form of the irregular verb
[non-regular, HT].” (Miozzo, 2003:124)
36 It might turn out that regularity is a ternary feature if hybrid verbs are an
autonomous verb type besides regular and irregular verbs.
37 Things are reverse regarding word class. Competing word class information
facilitates naming, because words of different grammatical categories do not fight
for the same syntactic slot (Pechmann & Zerbst, 2002; Pechmann & Garrett, 2004)
but words of the same grammatical category do. Regularity, however, has more
similarities with CC and therefore hypotheses are derived from Bordag &
Pechmann (2009).
7.1.1 Methods
A set of 32 black and white line drawings was selected for the
experiment. The pictures depicted the actions of intransitive
German verbs (see example Figure 6). Twelve additional pictures
served as practice items. The pictures were taken from Masterson
& Druks (1998) or were created in comparable style and
complexity. Sixteen verbs were classified as regular, the others as
non‐regular (cf. Appendix) and selected items were controlled for
word form and lemma frequency (Baayen, Piepenbrock & van
Rijn, 1993).
Each picture was paired with four different distractor words
that were either identical, neutral or ‐ with respect to regularity –
congruently or incongruently related with the item (see Figure 6).
In the identical condition, the distractor was identical with the
name of the picture (picture = “singen” [to “sing”] – distractor =
singen [to sing]). Identical distractors make congruency effects
more likely. Participants seem to pay more attention to the
distractors if some are identical (Pechmann & Schriefers,
38 However, Caramazza & Costa (2000) did not find support for this assumption
studying semantic interference The current study will test morphological
interference. Just to be on the safe side the distractors were taken from the response
action was uttered in the 3rd person singular present tense, thus a
correct grammatical sentence was produced by the participants.
Participants’ reaction times were measured from displaying the
picture on the screen until the first phoneme of the utterance
triggered a voice key. After triggering the voice key, the picture
and the distractor disappeared from the screen.
To refrain overlap of inflectional endings, distractors were
presented in the infinitive. Furthermore, the distractors were
presented with four stimulus onset asynchronies (SOA: ‐200, ‐100,
0, 100 ms) randomly below or above the target picture as written
words. Participants were instructed to ignore them and to simply
name the picture. Every target picture appeared once in each
condition and SOA.
The experiment consisted of four blocks – one for each SOA.
They alternated across participants. Each target appeared once in
each block, four times in the whole experiment. Target‐distractor
pairs were rotated among the four SOA. For each SOA, the targets
were presented once in the congruent condition, once in the
incongruent condition, once in the neutral condition and once in
the identical condition. The different distractor conditions in each
block were randomised across the participants.
Each block started with two warm‐up items. Those were
excluded from all analyses. The experimenter evaluated each
utterance for correctness via keyboard after each trial. The
participants did not receive this evaluation as feedback.
The experiment lasted approximately 20 minutes.
7.1.2 Results
RT 653 657 658 657 654 652 622 644 672 683
PA 7.6 9.6 8.1 8.3 9.3 8.7 7.0 8.7 8.4 10.3
M 655 661 658 656 647 661 653 650 653 657
(105) (101) (104) (103) (110) (111) (115) (115) (109) (108)
Regularity inc con id neu
reg 6.6 (34) 8.8 (45) 5.9 (30) 9.0 (46)
nreg 10.2 (52) 11.7 (60) 8.2 (42) 8.4 (43)
7.1.3 Discussion
7.2.1 Method
7.2.2 Results
RT 705 734 721 724 720 714 681 716 746 738
PA 6.6 7.1 6.7 5.9 7.8 7.1 4.2 6.4 7.6 9.3
M 702 739 713 735 704 736 699 727 705 734
(141) (143) (141) (132) (142) (144) (143) (142) (142) (140)
under the critical condition at SOA ‐200 and ‐100 compared to the
control conditions, which is not of exorbitant interest. Interactions
with the factor REGULARITY were not significant.
Regularity inc con id neu
reg 6.1 (31) 9.4 (48) 5.1 (26) 6.1 (31)
nreg 9.2 (47) 9.2 (47) 3.3 (17) 6.8 (35)
7.2.3 Discussion
39 The results are reported despite the fact that the Levene’s test for homogeneity
was significant, which means that the assumption of homogeneity of variances is
actions in the past tense than in the present tense. This could well
be because the present tense is much more frequent in discourse
and spoken language. These findings, as well as the conclusion,
are in need of empirical support and precise evidence.
Experiments 1 and 2 tested independent samples of subjects and
should be replicated in Experiment 3 with dependent samples.
Therefore, Experiments 1 and 2 were combined into Experiment 3,
in which participants were presented with both tenses, making
tense a fourth factor. The interaction of regularity by tense
(probably by SOA as well) is of most interest.
The regularity effect in the past tense (cf. Experiment 2), compared
to the missing regularity effect in the present tense (cf. Experiment
1), suggests that tense is an influencing factor for verb production.
Indeed, the possibility of regularity effects modulated by tense
seems probable. While the present tense does not necessarily have
to activate regularity, the past tense should do so. To the extent
that regularity is a property of individual forms, and to the extent
that both picture and distractor activate their feature during word
production, increased (morphological) interference in the past
tense for items that are paired with incongruent distractors is
hypothesised compared to those with congruent distractors and
compared to all present tense conditions. More pronounced
interference effects in the former than in the latter condition
indicate competition during lexical selection and may be
attributed to the differing regularity status of the interfering
7.3.1 Method
7.3.2 Results
reg nreg -200 -100 0 100 ident neut incon con pres past
RT 650 676 661 670 665 654 626 655 680 689 653 673
PA 6.9 11.5 8.9 9.7 9.2 8.9 7.7 8.3 10.7 10.0 6.5 11.8
Err 281 472 183 199 189 182 158 170 220 205 268 485
M 653 689 659 698 656 696 649 682 654 692
(104) (105) (103) (102) (102) (105) (99) (102) (102) (104)
identical 598 617 607 629 617 630 607 631 607 627
(93) (95) (92) (97) (95) (97) (77) (94) (89) (95)
neutral 640 644 646 644 627 652 636 651 637 648
(102) (89) (94) (95) (89) (96) (89) (102) (94) (95)
incongruent 651 694 670 693 662 685 650 654 658 682
(94) (100) (101) (99) (106) (104) (108) (98) (103) (101)
congruent 676 688 691 706 670 692 664 657 675 686
(105) (118) (103) (110) (104) (110) (120) (101) (108) (111)
M 641 661 653 668 644 665 639 648 644 660
(102) (106) (102) (105) (101) (105) (102) (99) (102) (104)
Distractor type
control experimental
identical neutral incongruent congruent
RT 626 655 680 689
M 641 685
Effect +44
in the past tense. In the present tense they were produced with
equal speed (see Table 13).
Table 13. Mean Response Latencies (RT, in Milliseconds), Varied by
Regularity and Tense (Experiment 3).
Tense reg nreg
past 654 692
present 644 660
Distractor -200 -100 0 +100
identical 615 621 635 631
neutral 654 662 655 649
incongruent 679 689 683 668
congruent 696 706 684 669
Distractor -200 -100 0 +100
identical 623 624 647 644
neutral 667 679 673 654
incongruent 685 698 694 684
congruent 711 715 688 678
Distractor -200 -100 0 +100
identical 608 618 624 619
neutral 642 645 639 643
incongruent 673 681 673 652
congruent 682 698 681 661
Error analysis
Tense Regularity inc con id neu
past reg 9.8 (50) 11.7 (60) 6.8 (35) 6.1 (31)
nreg 18.4 (94) 14.6 (75) 13.3 (68) 14.1 (72)
present reg 5.5 (28) 6.1 (31) 3.9 (20) 5.1 (26)
nreg 9.4 (48) 7.6 (39) 6.8 (35) 8.0 (41)
7.3.3 Discussion
7.5 Experiment 4
for non‐regular verbs in past tense only, the same pattern will be
found in the replication. For the irregular verb type it is expected
that both past and present tense forms are irregular and therefore
do not dissociate in reaction times. It is a priori not obvious how
hybrid verbs’ naming latencies will depend on the involved
factors. If past and present tense articulation latencies are
separable one can conclude that verb forms are not stored
paradigmatically but individually. If present and past of hybrid
verbs do not differ, the whole paradigm is marked as hybrid (or
irregular, that relation has to be checked on the basis of the data).
It is important to note another aspect of the new hypothesis:
regular verbs’ present and past tenses and hybrid verbs’ present
tenses need not necessarily fall into the same group, although all
word forms seem to be regular. The reason is that regular verbs
use the same stem for both tempora and therefore are more
frequent than hybrid verbs’ present tense stems. The latter are
expected to elicit longer reaction times than the former.
For this purpose the stimulus material was revised and
adapted. An experiment was designed that contained all three
types of verbs in three accurately matched groups.
7.5.1 Methods
To reduce variance in the data, a new and proper set of verbs was
built up. In Experiment 4, irregular and hybrid verbs were
considered as different verb types for the first time. Until now,
they were paid no attention in the current study, as well as in
former studies. The three groups were equated in terms of
frequency, length, initial phoneme (Pechmann, Reetz & Zerbst,
1989), ablaut patterns and transitivity. Verbs containing
41 The authors reported that first occurrence of the stimuli were responded to
slower than second or third occurrences which did not differ from each other.
42 Another possible explanation for the insignificance is suggested by the results of
a study by La Heij and van den Hof (1995). They discovered that the semantic
interference effect size drops with (a) small target sets and (b) repeated
presentations of targets.
7.5 EXPERIMENT 4 121
7.5.2 Results
Voice key errors, wrong responses, hesitations and time outs were
removed from the data. The data were corrected also for outliers
which were reaction times shorter than 200 ms or longer than 1500
ms and values that exceeded two standard deviations from the
subjects mean. All in all 9.4% of all data were excluded. The cut off
was effective for 5.4 % of all data.
Table 17. Percentage of missing values (Experiment 4).
Table 18 gives a summary of the mean reaction times for the four
factors in Experiment 4.
Reg hyb irr -200 -100 0 ident incon con pres past
RT 635 697 707 672 686 677 644 696 694 673 684
PA 3.2 11.6 13.4 8.0 9.3 11.0 9.1 9.1 10.0 9.7 9.1
Err 63 225 260 155 180 213 177 176 195 282 266
-200 -100 0 M
Distractor reg irr hyb reg irr hyb reg irr hyb reg irr hyb
identical 597 650 640 620 677 663 612 706 672 610 676 658
(90) (114) (100) (95) (107) (112) (85) (107) (99) (91) (111) (104)
incongruent 649 727 725 666 754 728 654 723 729 656 735 727
(82) (106) (104) (82) (106) (102) (110) (109) (115) (92) (107) (107)
congruent 642 723 722 662 744 723 651 723 722 652 730 722
(72) (92) (108) (81) (104) (96) (97) (122) (110) (84) (106) (104)
M 629 700 696 649 725 704 639 717 708 639 714 703
(85) (110) (111) (88) (110) (107) (99) (113) (111) (91) (111) (109)
identical 603 647 653 605 665 662 601 681 665 603 665 660
(84) (112) (121) (100) (114) (109) (90) (103) (106) (91) (110) (112)
incongruent 639 722 694 660 717 722 631 717 694 643 709 703
(91) (120) (123) (87) (100) (109) (103) (107) (111) (94) (119) (115)
congruent 655 715 705 652 730 720 626 699 707 644 714 710
(92) (111) (91) (82) (103) (107) (86) (120) (117) (87) (112) (105)
M 632 695 684 639 703 700 619 699 688 630 699 691
(91) (119) (115) (93) (109) (112) (94) (111) (112) (93) (113) (113)
The post hoc Scheffé test shows for SOA (diffcrit; p<.05. = 9.3) that
the reaction times for distractors appearing at SOA ‐100 ms differ
from those appearing at ‐200 and 0 ms. For DISTRACTOR TYPE
(diffcrit; p<.05. = 12.9), it revealed a dissociation between the identical
control condition and the experimental conditions (congruent and
incongruent, see Table 20).
Table 20. Mean Response Latencies (RT, in Milliseconds), Varied by
Distractor and Response Latency difference between control and
experimental stimuli (Experiment 4).
Distractor type
control experimental
identical incongruent congruent
RT 644 696 694
M 644 695
Effect +51
Tense reg irr hyb M
639 714 703 685
(91) (111) (109) (104)
630 699 691 673
(93) (113) (113) (106)
635 707 697 679
(92) (112) (111) (105)
7.5.3 Discussion
(1) the target and the distractor meet at exactly the right
moment (SOA)
(2) sufficient attention is paid to the distractors
(3) linguistically, the level of the picture and the distractor
processing are the same (lemma vs. word form)
(4) distractors activate their regularity feature
43 By experience, the time window from SOA ‐200 to SOA +100 was broad enough
to ensure simultaneous processing of the picture and the distractor because
reading might be faster than production.
7.6.2 A caveat
status but that regular word forms are marked by a slot for the
tense suffix which irregulars are lacking. However, this answer is
highly speculative.
There is no denying of the robust regularity effect observed in
the experiments reported. Regular verbs are produced
significantly faster in past and present tense than non‐regular
verbs. Neither previous studies nor Experiments 1‐4 considered
whether regularity is represented as a property of individual
forms (implicit assumption of DRM) or of whole inflectional
paradigms. Hybrid verbs are suitable to test these two hypotheses.
This issue is addressed in Experiment 5 once more. To explore the
relation between verb type and tense and to figure out processing
mechanisms, the experimental paradigm can be simplified.
7.7 Experiment 5
7.7.1 Method
The same set of 27 black and white line drawings from Experiment 4
was used as experimental stimuli. Pictures depicted the actions of
intransitive German verbs. Each of the verbs was classified as
regular, hybrid or irregular verbs. The groups were matched for
frequency and onset.
Participants were first administered two familiarisation phases. In
the first level they saw the stimuli with the correct name of the
picture written below in the infinitive. For practice they were asked
to produce the infinitive for each target picture. The infinitive was
chosen to minimise word form repetitions and to avoid pre‐
processing before the experimental measurement itself. A second
familiarisation level checked whether participants memorised all
picture names correctly from memory without picture names written
on the screen.
At test, each trial started with a fixation‐star appearing in the
centre of the screen that indicated that the initial sentence fragment
„jemand“ [someone] had to be produced. After the disappearance of
the fixation star the picture emerged in the middle of the screen. The
depicted action was named in the 3rd person singular present or past
tense. Articulation latencies were measured by a voice key. Tense
was counterbalanced across subjects and blocked. Participants were
instructed which tense was required before each of the two blocks.
Each picture was named only once per tense to avoid effects of
repetition priming.
The setting was the same as used and described for the picture‐word
interference experiments.
7.7.2 Results
Tense irr hyb reg M
638 619 480 577
(185) (171) (106) (171)
577 547 447 520
(170) (158) (93) (153)
606 583 462 549
(180) (169) (101) (165)
p < .01; F2(2,16) = 3.64, MSE = 485.99, p = .05]. A post hoc Scheffé‐Test
(diffcrit; p < .05 = 20.2) revealed that reaction times do not differ between
irregular and hybrid verbs and that their articulation latencies
depended on the factor tense (production is faster in present tense)
whereas that particular tense effect is not significant for regular
Analyzing error rates as independent variable for the interaction
between the two factors Regularity and Tense all missing values,
including wrong namings, hesitations, time‐outs and cut offs, were
taken into consideration (13.5 % Table 21 above).
Table 24. Percentage of missing values, varied by Tense and Regularity
(Experiment 5).
total 13 14 13,5
7.7.3 Discussion
(present tense) are produced more slowly than regular forms of the
regular verbs (past and present tense). As the data did not show an
interaction with tense for hybrid verbs, it is necessary to revisit the
Crucially, the present forms of both hybrid and irregular verbs
were produced more slowly than (and did not differ statistically
from) the regular present forms of the regular verbs. Irregular and
hybrid verbs were produced more slowly in the past than in the
present tense. Present tense and past tense reaction times did not
differ for regular verbs. Since the material has been checked carefully
for word form and lemma frequency as well as for other
confounding factors, the interaction can only be attributed to a
deeply rooted linguistic phenomenon.
The naming latencies of hybrid and irregular verbs did not differ
from each other in both tenses. Strikingly, verbs according to their
articulation latencies can be split up and subdivided into regular
verbs and verbs having at least one irregular form (hybrid verbs and
irregular verbs). This consideration goes hand in hand with the two
groups as revealed by the Scheffé test. The crucial explanatory factor
seems to be the complexity of the lexical entry: if a verb has multiple
stems (irregular and hybrid verbs), the retrieval of the appropriate
one takes longer than the retrieval of a single stem entry (regular
verbs). Regular verbs do not have competing word forms. If for
irregular and hybrid verbs two or more word forms are encoded,
then one may be selected during morphological encoding. The
selection of the current word form is time consuming. Error rates
confirm the higher processing cost for irregular and hybrid verbs
since more errors occurred for naming of hybrid and irregular verbs
independently of tense.
The regularity effect observed in Experiment 5, showing a
dissociation between regular and non‐regular verb forms, is
supposed to occur even without sentential context, as it is caused by
the lexical entry complexity that should not change by syntactic
context. In general, the results of Experiment 5 are in line with the
previous experiments (1‐4): The Regularity effect was observed with
both the PWI paradigm and the naming task. Comparing the data of
the picture‐word interference task and the simple naming, the Tense
7.7 EXPERIMENT 5 139
44 While most German verbs are regular, many of the most frequent verbs are non‐
regular. Contrariwise, almost all low‐frequent German verbs are regular and all new
verbs are conjugated regularly. Though it is a really interesting question whether
frequency or pragmatic factors impose pressure on the vocabulary or the language
processor, this work cannot contribute to this issue (the reader is referred to Schmidt,
Langner Helmut & Wolf, 1996: 191–203, 241–253, 309–323).
stems are available. These stems are not yet inflected for person and
Consequently, the aspects emphasized allow the conclusion that
if a verb has multiple stems (irregular and hybrid verbs), the
retrieval of the appropriate one takes longer than the retrieval of a
single stem entry (regular verbs). Although hybrid verbs are
superficially regular in the present tense, the present experiments
demonstrated that they form a single group with irregular verbs. It
can be seen in Figure 7 that non‐regular verbs have several word
forms available to choose from.
M lachen beißen geben ?
W Selection
O lach- beiß- biss- geb- gib- gab-
+t +t +t Inflection
one potential stem in the lexical entry, processing costs for non‐
regular verbs are higher because of the selection of the appropriate
stem. The selection mechanism dispenses with the blocking
mechanism and gets around the impediment of the general principle
of mental grammar to creatively compute complex utterances ‐ an
extremely powerful device for communicating.
The lexical entry complexity model proposed here has substantial
similarities with the Satellite model of Lukatela (Lukatela et al.,
1980), although the Satellite model was initially conceived for the
representation of nouns. For these, the model locates the nominative
as the base form in the centre, inflected word forms (satellites) are
arranged as nuclei around it. A parallel architecture can be
envisaged for the representation of German verbs. Potential verb
stems (e.g. brech-, brich-, brach-, -broch-, bräch-) are ordered around a
base form, e.g. the infinitive (e.g. brechen [to break]) or the first
person present tense (e.g. (ich) brech-e [(I) break])45. As regular verbs
only have one stem, they are atomic. Crucially, the more satellites a
verb has, the more difficult it is to retrieve its correct word form.
However, the Satellite model is a very uneconomic variant of lexical
representation. Verb paradigms in German have more individual
forms than nouns do (six per tense and mood vs. four cases per
singular and plural), so a full representation of inflectional
paradigms produces a lot of redundant information46. Furthermore,
as a consequence of full listing, one would expect numerous
suppletive forms in any language lacking German verbal inflection
apart from sein [to be] and haben [to have]. The model proposed here
will account for economy principles and subregularities within non‐
regular inflection.
The representation of non‐regular verbs is best explained and
modelled in terms of underspecification of lexical entries. In
theoretical linguistics, underspecification is a phenomenon where
certain features are not represented in the underlying structure, but
45 Lukatela’s argument for exposing the nominative in the centre were significantly
shorter reaction times to that particular form. I am not aware whether the infinitive of
any other inflected form is faster than others. To elaborate the Satellite model for
verbs, all inflected forms would have to be tested to find the base form.
46 Except for suppletive paradigms like sein [to be].
past tense of a new verb is computed because the rule add –te can
apply to the new root.
Before closing this discussion, the implications of the current
results for language production models will be considered. The
theoretical considerations together with the empirical data allow for
the formulation of a comprehensive hypothesis concerning the
production of regular and non‐regular verbal inflection. In
particular, the focus is on the Levelt model (Levelt, 1989; Levelt et al.,
1999), because the hypotheses were mainly derived from its
architecture. The emphasis is on the preparation of past and present
tense regular and non‐regular verb stems for articulation. Both types
of verbs are supposed to inflect tense marked stems for person and
number alike though this is in need of further investigation. The
crucial adaptation is to integrate the selection mechanism and to
dispense with the blocking mechanism (Pinker, 1999).
Foremost, the adaptation of the Levelt model has to account for
the fact that structural complexity of lexical entries renders the
selection of correct word forms more difficult. In addition, the
adaptation has to locate the application of rules within the model.
All in all, this proposal is also a modification of the Words and Rules
Theory (Pinker, 1999) and its implementation inside the complex
production process as represented in the Levelt Model under
consideration of underspecified lexical entries.
Figure 9 shows the full model of lexical entry complexity based
on the Levelt model, but adapted to deal with both the previous and
the current data.
Figure 9. Generating the past tense of lachen (reg) [to laugh] and singen
(nreg) [to sing].
For present tense generation, the past feature is deactivated but the present
tense node is activated instead. Further, ‐∅ instead of –te and […i…]pres
become available. They do not start by default and in parallel, unlike
established in the Words and Rules Theory. No blocking is assumed, but
time‐consuming selection and control processes.
verbs also for subjunctive (“Tom sagt, jemand lache.” [Tom says
somebody laughes]) and the German present tense participle (lachend
[laughing]). Subjunctive and present tense participle are conjugated
completely regularly. However, non‐regular verbs’ lexical entries are
more complex. Although all forms of subjunctive and present tense
participle are superficially regular, according to the theory of lexical
entry complexity, non‐regular forms should yield slower responses.
Moreover, the selection may be more difficult with high similarity.
Further exploration of the selection mechanism is conceivable with
suppletives in comparison to irregular verbs, the former being less
similar to each other than irregulars. Therefore, reaction times
should be shorter. Whether the inflection for person and number
proceeds similarly across regular and non‐regular paradigms is in
need of further inspection.
The research reported here may also establish important new
assumptions concerning noun phrase production. The linguistic
aspects and the proposed cognitive mechanisms might be similar for
the type of memory representation which I proposed for regular and
non‐regular verbs. Nouns in plural either have null morphemes
[Segel ‐ Segel], umlaut [Vater ‐ Väter], Suffix [Auto ‐ Autos] or Suffix
plus umlaut [Baum ‐ Bäume]. Hence they differ in their number of
possible stems. A successful replication of the observed effects with
nouns may account for a general cognitive mechanism and could
tease apart the influence of person and number encoding. If the
effect shows up in singular where no umlauting occurs, it can be
concluded that it is not a phonological process (cf. Penke, 2006) that
delays naming. Then, the processing disadvantage of non‐regular
nouns can only be attributed to the selection of one stem out of
multiple stems.
One consequence of a class‐wise representation of verbs with
respect to agrammatic aphasic patients is that if they have a disorder
in the generation of verb forms, either because of an inflectional or a
lexical retrieval deficit, the production of inflected verbs should be
impaired in either tense, not only in a particular one.
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ISSN 1869-3822
ISBN 978-3-86956-061-8