Bibleworks: Quick-Start Guide
Bibleworks: Quick-Start Guide
Bibleworks: Quick-Start Guide
Quick-Start Guide
Getting Started
BibleWorks 9 is one of the most powerful and user-friendly Bible
programs available. We hope it will enrich your study of the Bible and
help you share more effectively what you learn. We encourage you to
read this guide for instructions on the installation and use of BibleWorks.
Installation Instructions
BibleWorks is installed from multiple DVD-ROM discs.
Optional add-on modules contained on these discs can be installed
either now with the main program, or later by inserting the first Program
Disc and following the instructions given on the startup screen. These
add-on modules require activation codes which must be purchased
To install the BibleWorks program please follow these steps:
Getting Help
There are a number of ways that you can find answers to questions
about BibleWorks features and functionality:
• You can access the BibleWorks electronic manual by selecting
Help | BibleWorks Help Contents from the main menu.
• BibleWorks has extensive context-sensitive help. It can be
accessed by placing the mouse over any feature on the BibleWorks
screen (a button, box, list, etc.) and pressing the F1 key on your
• BibleWorks How-to Videos videos can be accessed by selecting
Help | How-to Videos.
• BibleWorks Frequently Asked Question documents (FAQs) can be
consulted through the Support menu at
• You can also contact BibleWorks Customer Support using the
information available through the Support menu at http://www.
Orientation to BibleWorks
The following short introduction will tell you what you need to know to
begin using BibleWorks right away. BibleWorks is a powerful program,
but the basics are not very complicated.
BibleWorks has three main sections: the Search Window, the Browse
Window, and the Analysis Window. You can begin your study by using
the Search Window to find verses related to a particular topic of interest.
Then you can use the Browse Window to read and compare specific
verses to see if they need to be examined in more detail. Then finally
you can use the Analysis Window to study the meanings and usage of
individual words in the verses.
To change the search version, type the abbreviation for the desired
version on the Command Line and press the <Enter> key. For example,
if you enter the command,
the search version will change to the KJV version. All commands
entered on the Command Line are executed by pressing the <Enter>
Each version in BibleWorks has its own abbreviation. To display
these abbreviations, click on the Command Line Versions Button and
select Choose Search Version. This opens a window that permits you
to change the search version by choosing from a menu rather than
entering the version abbreviation on the Command Line.
Command Results
esv Changes the search version to the ESV version.
d esv Adds the ESV version to the Browse Window
display but does not change the search version
d -esv Removes the ESV version from the Browse
Window display
dc “display clear” Clears the display of all versions
except the search version
d c bgt nas “display clear” Clears the display of all versions
except for the BGT and the NAS versions
Command Results
p bgt nas Opens a parallel versions window with the BGT
and NAS versions displayed in parallel columns
(see below)
Notes - This tab contains a copy of the Editor (see description for next
tab) dedicated to user verse notes. The top of the Notes tab has a
“Chapter” checkbox. If this box is checked, user notes will be maintained
Editor - This tab contains a text editor that supports a wide range of
formatting options and is tightly integrated with BibleWorks.
Use - This tab displays every occurrence of the word you place your
mouse cursor over in the Browse Window in the current book (or
version) you are studying.
Verse - This tab allows you to display study Bible notes or a Greek New
Testament apparatus for the current Browse Window verse using the
drop-down list at the top of the window.
Words - This tab displays 3 list boxes. Each contains a list of words
related to the current search version and search results.
• The “Full wordlist” box lists every word that occurs in the current
search version. The number to the right of each word indicates how
many times that word occurs in the search version. You can look up
a word in this list by clicking on the word with the left mouse button.
• The “Word List for current search results” box contains every word
appearing in the verses found when you conduct a search. This box
allows you to quickly view the words that appear in close proximity
(within the same verse) to the word(s) In your search.
• The “Wildcard Expansion of command line” box lists the specific
words for which you searched. Words with wildcards are expanded
to indicate all valid matches for those words.
.ihsouj cristoj
change the search version to BGM and type
.ihsous cristos
To enter the command
.~yhla hwhy
change the search version to WTM
and type
.yhwh alhym
When searching Hebrew, you must first type the lemma and then
manually move the cursor to the right of the lemma to enter the @ sign.
Also note that, by default, Greek and Hebrew search commands do not
include accents or vowel points. Keep in mind that wildcard characters
can be used in place of the lemma or codes in a morphology search.
The following example finds all occurrences of any form of rbd in the
Hebrew Old Testament:
Exploring BibleWorks
We encourage you to explore the BibleWorks program yourself. We
hope that it makes your study of Scripture both more rewarding and
more enjoyable. As you explore keep the following in mind:
Tab contents are saved between BibleWorks sessions so you can easily
return to your work after a night of rest.
2. Right Click and F1. We have already talked about context menus
and the use of the F1 key to get context sensitive help. But they are
worth mentioning again. If you need help just place the mouse cursor
on the area where you have questions and press the F1 key. Until
you learn the program, right click on everything in sight! You will be
pleasantly surprised at how much this will ease the task of learning how
to use BibleWorks.
3. BibleWorks How-to Videos. If you prefer learning about BibleWorks
systematically, the BibleWorks 9 How-to Videos provide step-by-step
instruction videos demonstrating common Bible study tasks. The How-to
Videos are useful for both new and experienced users. To access the
How-to Videos click on Help | How-to Videos from the BibleWorks main
Stay in Touch
We are here to serve. Feel free to contact us at any time by any of these
Voice Mail: 1 (757) 627-7100
1 (888) 747-8200 (in the US)
Fax: (757) 627-5100
Mail: BibleWorks, LLC
P.O. Box 6158
Norfolk, VA 23508
Thank you for using BibleWorks. May the Lord prosper your work for His
greater glory and the eternal good of lost souls.