Voters Pamphlet - 201503041802434170
Voters Pamphlet - 201503041802434170
Voters Pamphlet - 201503041802434170
In the November 2005 General Election, Whatcom County voters approved an amendment to the Whatcom
County Charter that adds a duty on the Auditor to publish and distribute a Local Voters’ Pamphlet for
primary and general elections.
We are very excited that this is the first Local Voters’ Pamphlet in Whatcom County’s history! Inside you will
find candidate’s photos and statements as well as statements on a ballot issue. Please review the Local Voters’
Pamphlet for details regarding voting in the primary, registering to vote, change of address, drop site locations
and other important information.
For the first time in Whatcom County we will be using a consolidated ballot for the Primary Election. Court
decisions require a “pick-a-party” primary. The system requires you to select a party ballot if you wish to vote
for candidates in a partisan office. You can only vote for the candidates of the one political party you select for
the primary. Your privacy will be protected; the political party you choose for the primary will not go on record.
Your opportunity to vote for candidates for non-partisan offices is not affected. Remember, this change applies
only to the primary election.
If you have not received your ballot fifteen (15) days prior to the election, please call the Elections Division of
the Whatcom County Auditor’s Office at 360-676-6742 to have a replacement ballot mailed to you. Please
help us ensure that you receive your ballot by notifying Elections if your mailing address has recently changed.
Feel free to call if you have any questions about the voting process and/or your ballot.
AN IMPORTANT REMINDER: To ensure your vote will be counted, your ballot needs to be postmarked
no later than Election Day. If you prefer, you may drop your ballot off at the curbside Ballot Drop Box, 311
Grand Ave. near the Courthouse Rotunda, Bellingham, WA or at the Whatcom County Auditor’s Office, 311
Grand Ave., Suite 103, Bellingham, beginning 20 days prior to the election. The curbside Ballot Drop Box and
the Drop Box at the Auditor’s Office will close at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. Please refer to the Local Voters’
Pamphlet for drop site locations open on Election Day only.
I would like to praise Whatcom County voters for their approval of a Local Voters’ Pamphlet.
Knowledge empowers you to make informed choices that ultimately shape the future governing of our
community, state, and nation.
Shirley Forslof
Whatcom County Auditor
Participating Jurisdictions:
Legislative Districts, Whatcom County Prosecuting Attorney, Court of Appeals Division 1 District 3 Position 1, Cemetery District No. 1
Table of Contents
Special Notice............................................................ 6
Sample Ballot............................................................ 7
Ballot Measure........................................................20
Marking Your Ballot - Make Your Vote Count
STEP 1: Mark Your Ballot. Use a blue or black pen or a #2 pencil to connect the arrow by
your choice with one single dark line. Do NOT use a sharpie or similar type felt pen.
STEP 4: Sign The Oath. Read and sign the affidavit on the back of the lavender envelope.
• The lavender envelope must be signed by you
in order for your ballot to be counted.
• Ballot signatures are matched with your
voter registration.
• If a medical or other circumstance has altered
the appearance of your signature, you can
have two people witness your signature (or
mark) on your ballot envelope.
STEP 5: Protect Your Privacy. Seal the envelope so the privacy flap covers your signature
as indicated on the envelope.
STEP 6: Mail Your Ballot. Affix a first-class postage stamp before you deposit your ballot
in the mail.
Accessible Voting Unit
Special Notice
There’s A Chan g e
EASY AS 1 2 3 In Our Prima r y
Washington State’s primary system
1 requires you to select a party ballot
Ch o o s e if you want to vote for candidates
a party
for partisan office. You may only
vote for the candidates of one
political party in the primary. Your
privacy will be protected; no record
of your political party preference
will be made. Your opportunity to
vote for candidates for nonpartisan
office is not affected by this law.
This change applies only to the
Vo t e f o r primary election.
within that 3
party 3Complete the
ballot by voting in
Sample Ballot
Voters will see only the Legislative District and Precinct Committee Officer
candidates which apply to their voting address.
Where Can I Deposit My Ballot?
If you do not wish to return your ballot by mail, the following ballot drop box locations will be available:
Voter Information
Voter Information
Name Change
A name change for voter registration requires completion of a new registration form. Information indicating the
former name, address, and signature plus the new name and signature must be provided.
If you have questions, please feel free to call the Whatcom County Auditor’s Office, Election Division at
(360) 676-6742, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
STATE - Representative 39th Legislative District, Position 1
Scott Olson
State Representative
39th Legislative District
Position 1
These statements are submitted by the candidates and are not checked for accuracy by any government agency.
STATE - Representative 40th Legislative District, Position 1
Dave Quall
State Senator
40th Legislative District
Position 1
The children of the State of sible budgets. I keep an open door and an open mind
Washington have always been when dealing with the challenges that my constituents
my first priority. For 38 years I face. Thank you for your continued support.
was a teacher, coach and coun-
selor in public education. Now, P.O. Box 1142
my former students are raising Mount Vernon, WA 98273
families of their own. They are a reminder of how quickly Email:
children grow up and become our new leaders in society.
Presently, I am chair of the K-12 Education Committee
for the House of Representatives. I will continue to fight
for a quality education for all our children.
Working with local citizens, I have focused on good jobs,
viable agriculture, environmental protection and respon-
Jeff Morris
State Representative
40th Legislative District
Position 2
These statements are submitted by the candidates and are not checked for accuracy by any government agency.
STATE - Senator 42nd Legislative District
Jesse Salomon
State Senator
42nd Legislative District
In talking with thousands of As your Senator, I will find workable ways to make health
people, I know that you want care more accessible and affordable. We need a first class
new and better ideas in the leg- education system so our graduates can compete for family
islature. We need more living wage jobs. We must investigate why gas prices are higher
wage jobs. Energy, health care, here, and also develop a local clean and renewable energy
and housing costs are soaring. industry. I will work to improve the Growth Manage-
We worry about the effects of ment Act so it serves our community better. I am ab-
growth on Whatcom County. The Legislature should solutely committed to ensuring clean air and water, and
tackle these issues. I have the energy and ideas to do that. preserving open space and agricultural lands. Visit my
website at
As a prosecuting attorney and in building a non-profit
that helps homeless youth off the streets, I have worked P.O. Box 5273,
for years to improve our community. I graduated from Bellingham, WA 98227-5273
Western Washington University and the University Phone: 360-820-1664
of Washington Law School. I worked in Olympia to Email:
successfully triple tuition grants for middle and low Website:
income students.
Jasper MacSlarrow Task Force worked with local law enforcement to keep our
communities safe from methamphetamine.
State Representative That’s why we can count on Jasper to continue his com-
42nd Legislative District, mitment to protect our environment and preserve the
Position 1 quality of life we all cherish here in Whatcom County.
Jasper MacSlarrow was raised It’s time for a representative that votes for accessible and
in Ferndale by two public school affordable health care for all, prescription drug relief for
teachers. He played varsity basket- seniors, and greater accountability with your tax dollars.
ball at Ferndale High School and It’s time for a representative who will listen and lead.
served as Ferndale High School’s
student body vice president. It’s time for Jasper MacSlarrow.
Jasper is married to Tiffany, also a graduate of Ferndale P.O. Box 2011
High School, and now a first-grade teacher at Skyline Ferndale, WA 98248
Elementary School in Ferndale. Phone: 360-223-0734
He shares our values. Website:
As an aide to Congressman Rick Larsen, Jasper has been
listening carefully and working hard on the issues we care
about. He led the charge to keep the Intalco plant open in
Ferndale, and as a member of the Whatcom County Meth
These statements are submitted by the candidates and are not checked for accuracy by any government agency.
STATE - Representative 42nd Legislative District, Position 2
During the last two years, Kelli has received the following Kelli and her husband, Will, are fourth generation Whatcom
awards: County residents. They have two sons and two granddaughters.
• Whatcom Alliance for Healthcare Access
- Health Care Access Champion P.O. Box 5782,
• Washington Small Business Development Center Bellingham, WA 98227
- Silver Star Award Phone: 360-305-6395
• Washington Economic Development Association Email:
- L.E.A.D.E.R. Award Website:
These statements are submitted by the candidates and are not checked for accuracy by any government agency.
STATE - Representative 39th Legislative District, Position 1
Dan Kristiansen
State Representative
39th Legislative District
Position 1
As your representative, I will bills, giving more tuition waivers to veterans, and restor-
continue to stand for property ing supplemental Medicare discounts to seniors.
rights, limited government,
strengthening the family, and Standing for Constitutional principles, I ask for your vote.
more transportation infrastruc-
P.O. Box 2007,
ture. I have kept all promises
Snohomish, WA 98291
made to you when I was elected four years ago. Among
Phone: 360-563-0507
other things, this includes never voting for a new tax or
tax increase. I directed funding for school construction
and rural infrastructure improvements, and fought for
longer sex predator and methamphetamine manufactur-
ing sentences. The governor signed into law two of my
Kirk Pearson
State Representative
39th Legislative District
Position 2
As our Local Representative, Because of his dedication and experience, Kirk is support-
Kirk is respected by people of ed by numerous community leaders, families, organiza-
both parties for his honesty tions, and many more who put their trust in him as their
and willingness to see good local representative.
legislation passed.
105 Pearson Lane,
As the Republican leader on the Criminal Justice Com- Monroe, WA 98272
mittee, Kirk has championed efforts to protect children Phone: 360-794-1156
through strong sex predator legislation. Kirk also works Email:
hard to improve our local highways. He has supported
efforts not to raise unnecessary taxes. He has also pushed
for incentives for more family wage jobs.
These statements are submitted by the candidates and are not checked for accuracy by any government agency.
STATE - Representative 40th Legislative District, Position 1
Yoshe Revelle
State Representative
40th Legislative District
Position 1
These statements are submitted by the candidates and are not checked for accuracy by any government agency.
STATE - Senator 42nd Legislative District
Dale Brandland I have been devoted to public safety by keeping our atten-
tion on criminal justice. If we are going to keep our fami-
lies safe we need to ensure criminals are behind bars. I
State Senator
have worked with law enforcement to strengthen criminal
42nd Legislative District
laws making our community safer.
Lastly through my work with the Whatcom Alliance for
Since being elected to the State
Healthcare Access and my role as a member of the Health
Senate four years ago I have
and Long-term Care Committee, we continue to work
made sure I pursued everything
towards affordable and accessible healthcare.
I promised I would do in the
Senate: 1) I would work with I consider it an honor and privilege to have served you in
local businesses to create jobs, the State Senate, and I would appreciate your support for
2) remain devoted to public another four years.
safety through my work in criminal justice, and 3) work
to make healthcare costs affordable and accessible. P.O. Box 974,
Bellingham, WA 98227
I have worked with business organizations to create jobs Phone: 360-966-4803
here in Whatcom County. I also worked hard to ensure Email:
INTALCO workers were able to maintain their jobs Website:
through tax breaks for aluminum plants. This has saved
hundreds of jobs locally.
For eight years Rep. Doug Rep. Ericksen is supported by a wide range of groups
Ericksen has been bringing including the Farm Bureau, local police and firefighters,
Whatcom County values and the Service Employees International Union, doctors, and
solutions to Olympia. local elected officials.
From health care to transpor- Vote to send a proven Whatcom County leader back to
tation, education to the environment, creating jobs to Olympia—Vote to re-elect Doug Ericksen.
protecting our farmers-Rep. Ericksen has a proven record
Doug and his wife Tasha (a school teacher) are raising
of solving problems with local solutions.
their children in Ferndale.
Agriculture: Ericksen is supported by local farmers and dairy
P.O. Box 5191,
families because of his hard work to protect agriculture.
Bellingham, WA 98227
Health Care: Ericksen is leading our fight to reduce health
Phone: 360-756-6625
care costs, increase access, and fix our broken system.
Government spending: Ericksen has worked to reduce
taxes and contain the growth of government.
Local control: Ericksen understands that local governments
These statements are submitted by the candidates and are not checked for accuracy by any government agency.
STATE - Representative 42nd Legislative District, Position 2
Craig Mayberry
State Representative
42nd Legislative District
Position 2
We are facing an upcoming increases, and we now need to make changes to have a
crisis in this state. The growth sustainable future. For more information on this and
in spending over the last decade other issues visit
is now hindering our ability to
solve today’s problems. The 8794 Northwood Rd.,
$5,000 we spend annually per Lynden, WA 98264
person is far higher than other states, and we do not see Phone: 360-441-9903
the benefits. Email:
Whether you are concerned about our environment, edu-
cation, crime, transportation or health care, the financial
mismanagement of the past is now haunting our future.
My opponent has consistently supported the spending
Dave McEachran
Whatcom County
Prosecuting Attorney
Dave McEachran was first cies in this county. With the ever increasing level of crime
elected to the office of the and dwindling resources to fund law enforcement, a team
Whatcom County Prosecuting approach is vital.”
Attorney in 1975, after having
served as a deputy prosecutor Dave McEachran was recently appointed by Governor
for two an one half years, and Gregoire to a four-year term on the Forensic Investiga-
is now serving his eighth term tions Commission which oversees the State Toxicology
in office. He is the longest serving elected prosecutor in Laboratory and the State Crime Laboratory system. He
the State of Washington. Dave McEachran directs a staff has also served as the president of the Washington State
of fifty two people including twenty three attorneys, and Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, and is a lecturer for
handles an active caseload. the National District Attorneys Association.
These statements are submitted by the candidates and are not checked for accuracy by any government agency.
State Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3, Position 1
Jeff Teichert is running for the Jeff ’s endorsements include former Senator and Attor-
Court of Appeals to protect ney General Slade Gorton, Supreme Court Justice Jim
our Constitution and the heri- Johnson, Senator and former Sheriff Dale Brandland,
tage of liberty that it embodies. Sheriff Mike Hawley, Representatives Erickson, Bailey
He believes that our courts and Strow, World War II hero and former appeals court
too often refuse to protect our judge Buck Compton, several county elected officials and
right to property, reverse serious criminal convictions for many others.
frivolous reasons, and legislate from the bench regarding Jeff and wife Juliann live in Blaine, Washington. They
social issues. have two sons, Errol and Henry.
Jeff will apply the Constitution and law as intended and 4164 Meridian St., Suite 400,
will not manipulate their words to achieve desired results. Bellingham, WA 98226
Jeff ’s qualifications include work on appeals in the U.S. Phone: 360-306-0230
Supreme Court, federal and state courts of appeal, and Email:
federal administrative tribunals. As Law Clerk to the Website:
Chief Justice of American Samoa, he assisted in writing
These statements are submitted by the candidates and are not checked for accuracy by any government agency.
Ballot Measure
Explanatory Statement
Proposition 1 is written to provide Whatcom County Cemetery District #1 with funds for the cost of maintenance,
repair, grounds keeping, record keeping, and to prevent the impairment of obligations on contracts of the District.
The District may use the proceeds during the 2007 calendar year.
The requested amount is ten cents per one thousand dollars of assessed valuation. This amount is proposed in order
to raise a total of approximately forty-nine thousand dollars. This tax must be ratified by voters, as it exceeds the levy
amount allowed without a vote, as detailed in RCW Chapter 84.52.
Statement For prepared by: Candy Roberts, Chairman; Earl Harris, Commissioner; Henry Maleng, Commissioner
The complete text of this measure may be found on page 22.
Statements printed on this page are the opinions of the authors and have not been checked for accuracy by any government agency.
County Auditor and Election Department Contact Information
ATTENTION speech or hearing impaired Telecommunications Device for the Deaf users: If you are using an “800
number” from the list above for TDD service, you must be prepared to give the relay service operator the telephone
number for your county auditor or election department.
Complete Text of Local Measure
Mail-In VoterVoter Registration
Registration Instructions
Voter Registration and Voting Using the Mail-In Voter Registration Form
Voter Registration and Voting Using the Mail-In
VoterUsing the Mail-In
You can use the Mail-In Voter Registration form to:
Voter qualifications Registration Form
• Sign up to vote in Washington State
Voter qualifications
To register to vote in the state of Washington, you must be can
You Voter
• Update Registration
use theyour registration
Mail-In Form
Voter ifRegistration
you move to a newto:
form address or change
your name
To register to vote in the
A citizen state
of the of Washington,
United States you must be • • Apply
You up
Sign can
toto use
become the Mail-Inabsentee
a Washington
vote in permanent Voter
State Registration
voter form to:
Please complete all sections. Once you have signed the completed
A legal resident of Washington State
A citizen of the United States • Update
place it your
in an registration if mail
you move to a new
At least 18 years old by election day
address or Sign
envelope and
up to
change vote
your name
in Washington State
A legal resident of Washington State
If you have been convicted of a felony, you must have your rights
PO BOX 40229
permanent absentee if voter
you move to a new
restored before you register to vote. OLYMPIA,address or change your name
WA 98504-0229
At least 18 years old by election day Please complete all sections. Once you have signed
If you are qualified and the information on your form is complete, you will
In the state of Washington, you do not have to register by
If you have been
political party.convicted of a felony, you must have your rights
the completed form, place it in an envelope and mail to:
be mailed a voterApply to become
registration a permanent
card which will identify yourabsentee voter
voting precinct.
NOTE: Do not complete this form if you are not a U.S. Citizen FOR OFFICE USE ONLY
Will you be at least 18 years of age or older before election day? YES NO
Are you a Citizen of the United States? YES NO
Federal & State Law require you to provide your WA Driver’s or WA ID Card.
If you do not have a WA Driver’s License or ID Card, provide the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number.
1 A. WA Driver’s License B. Last 4 Digits/SSN Check here if you do not have a WA 3 Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year)
Drivers License, ID card, or SSN.
6 Mailing Address Where You Get Your Mail (if different from above) City or Town State ZIP Code
WARNING: If you knowingly provide false information on this voter registration form or knowingly make
a false declaration about your qualifications for voter registration, you will have committed a class C felony
that is punishable by imprisonment for up to five years, or by a fine of up to ten thousand dollars or both
imprisonment and fine. (RCW 29A.08.210)
10 Voter Declaration
By signing this document, I hereby assert, under penalty of perjury, that I am legally eligible to vote. If I am found to
have voted illegally, I may be prosecuted and/or fined for this illegal act. In addition, I hereby acknowledge that my
name and last known address will be forwarded to the appropriate state and/or federal authorities if I am found to
have voted illegally. (RCW 29A.08.210)
I declare that the facts on this registration form are true;
I am a citizen of the United States;
I am not presently denied my civil rights as a result of being convicted of a felony;
I will have lived in Washington state at this address for thirty days immediately before the next election at which I vote;
I will be at least eighteen years old when I vote.
(RCW 29A.08,230)