PET Practice Test: Paper 3 - Speaking

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PET Practice Test Speaking PET

PET Practice Test

PAPER 3 • Speaking
Teacher’s notes Part 2 (2–3 minutes)
In the PET speaking paper, candidates are examined in The examiner describes a situation to the candidates
pairs by two examiners. The test lasts approximately and gives them a card (page 2) with ideas for how the
10–12 minutes and consists of 4 parts: candidates should complete the task together.
Part 1 The candidates must be able to complete the task
A general conversation between the examiner and without the help of the examiner, who will only
each of the candidates (personal information, how to intervene if necessary.
spell the candidates’ names, a description of a typical
day, candidates’ interests, etc.). Examiner:
In the next part, you are going to talk to each other.
Part 2
I am going to describe a situation to you.
A simulated situation between the two candidates.
The candidates must be able to make and respond to You and your friend want to take up a new hobby.
suggestions appropriately, and discuss alternatives. Talk together about the different things you could do
and decide which would be the most fun.
Part 3 Here is a picture with some ideas to help you.
A description of a photograph: each candidate is
I’ll say that again.
given a colour photograph to describe. It will show
You and your friend want to take up a new hobby.
an everyday situation (both candidates’ photographs Talk together about the different things you could do
will be on a similar subject matter). The candidates and decide which would be the most fun.
should be able to describe the people, the context Here is a picture with some ideas to help you.
and the activities shown in the photograph using
All right? Now talk together.
simple language.
Part 4
Part 3 (3 minutes)
A general conversation between the two
candidates. The subject matter or topic of the The examiner gives each candidate a photograph on a
photograph in Part 3 is the starting point for a similar subject matter (see page 3). The candidates
conversation about the candidates’ own likes and have to show the photograph to their partner and
dislikes, their past experiences, their interests, etc. describe it for approximately one minute.
The candidates should be able to interact and give
reasons for their views and preferences. Examiner:
Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own
about something. I’m going to give each of you a
How to administer the Speaking Test photograph of people travelling.
Part 1 (2–3 minutes) Candidate A: Here’s your photograph. Please show
The examiner asks each of the candidates in turn for it to Candidate B, but I’d like you to talk about it.
some personal information, to describe a typical day, Candidate B, you just listen.
to talk about their hobbies, etc. Candidates also need Thank you.
to be able to spell their own name. (Repeat the same procedure with Candidate B.)

(Possible questions) Part 4 (3 minutes)
Good morning/afternoon/evening. I’m … The theme of the photographs in Part 3 forms the basis
What’s your name? of the subject or topics to be discussed by the two
What’s your surname? candidates.
How do you spell it?
The candidates must be able to complete the task
Where do you live/come from? without the help of the examiner, who will only
Do you work or are you a student? intervene if necessary.
What job do you do?/What subject(s) do you study?
Do you enjoy studying English? (Why? Why not?) Examiner:
Do you think English will be useful to you in the Now, I’d like you to talk together about how you
future? usually travel and what other ways of travelling you’d
What do you enjoy doing in your free time? like to do.
What did you do yesterday evening/last weekend/last Thank you. That is the end of the test.

PET Practice Test Speaking PET

Sample Material • Part 2


PET Practice Test Speaking PET

Sample Material • Part 3


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