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Upper-intermediate Wordlist Unit 12

Here is a list of useful or new words from Unit 12 of Navigate Upper-intermediate Coursebook. You can insert your own
translation. Words marked with a key ( ) all appear in the Oxford 3000.
adj = adjective conj = conjunction phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun
adv = adverb n = noun pl = plural prep = preposition v = verb

affordable  ​adj ​/əˈfɔːdəbl/ A small flat was just about affordable.

background   ​n ​/ˈbækɡraʊnd/ The people who participated in the study were from various
socio-economic backgrounds.
be mean to a sibling  ​phr ​ One of the top regrets is being mean to a sibling as a child.
/biː miːn tə ə ˈsɪblɪŋ/
blessing  ​n ​/ˈblesɪŋ/ In retrospect, losing my job was a blessing in disguise.
bring (someone) up  ​phr v ​ Emil Zátopek was brought up in the north-east of the Czech
/brɪŋ sʌmwʌn ˈʌp/ Republic.
carbon dioxide  ​n ​/ˌkɑːbən daɪˈɒksaɪd/ We would produce a lot less carbon dioxide if we had fewer
care for   phr v ​/keə(r) fɔː(r)/ One of my children may be able to care for me in my old age.
career path  ​n ​/kəˈrɪə(r) pɑːθ/ A lot of people regret choosing the wrong career path.
clean-shaven  ​adj ​/ˌkliːn ˈʃeɪvn/ You rarely see a clean-shaven male hipster.
coincidence  ​n ​/kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns/ By coincidence, Zátopek’s wife was born on the same day of
the same year.
devoted (to)   ​adj ​/dɪˈvəʊtɪd tə/ She is totally devoted to her children.
eco-friendly  ​adj ​/ˌiːkəʊ ˈfrendli/ Hipsters like buying eco-friendly products, like shampoo.
evolve  ​v ​/iˈvɒlv/ Like all trends, ‘hipsterism’ will change and evolve.
feel left out  ​phr ​/fiːl left aʊt/ If two kids are playing together, the other two have each other
and don’t feel left out.
fixed-wheel  ​adj ​/fɪkst wiːl/ The ultimate cool hipster accessory is the fixed-wheel bike.
floral-patterned  ​adj ​/ˌflɔːrəl ˈpætənd/ Female hipsters wear floral-patterned dresses.
fret  ​v ​/fret/ Women are more likely than men to fret about a lost love.
get on (somebody’s) nerves  ​phr ​ My brother gets on my nerves sometimes.
/ɡet ɒn sʌmbədiz nɜːvz/
get to grips  ​phr ​/ɡet tə ɡrɪps/ Getting to grips with a new culture and language was quite a
challenge at first.
godparent  ​n ​/ˈɡɒdpeərənt/ Sometimes children have several godparents.
hang out  ​phr v ​/ˈhæŋ aʊt/ Where do hipsters hang out?
high-tech  ​adj ​/ˌhaɪ ˈtek/ Hipsters are not interested in high-tech devices.
hipster  ​n ​/ˈhɪpstə(r)/ Hipsters are usually in their twenties and thirties.
home-made  ​adj ​/ˌhəʊm ˈmeɪd/ Hipsters are keen on making home-made jam and baking cakes.
ideal   ​adj ​/aɪˈdiːəl/ I believe that one child is ideal.
immeasurable  ​adj ​/ɪˈmeʒərəbl/ The joy each child brings is immeasurable.
javelin  ​n ​/ˈdʒævlɪn/ Zana Ingrova, Zátopek’s wife, won a gold medal in the javelin
in 1952.
joy   ​n ​/dʒɔɪ/ Having a child brings much joy.
little-known  ​adj ​/ˈlɪtl nəʊn/ Hipsters have a taste for little-known bands.
lonely   ​adj ​/ˈləʊnli/ Many parents have a second child to stop their first child being
lonely and spoilt.
look up to   ​phr ​/lʊk ˈʌp tə/ Who in your family do you look up to?

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Upper-intermediate Wordlist Unit 12

low-tech  ​adj ​/ləʊ ˈtek/ Hipsters love low-tech objects such as record players and
old-style cameras.
mainstream  ​n ​/ˈmeɪnstriːm/ Hipsters reject mainstream culture.
make up after a row  ​phr ​ People often regret not making up after a row.
/meɪk ʌp ˈɑːftə(r) ə rəʊ/
mend  ​v ​/mend/ Hipsters prefer to mend things instead of buying new ones
when something breaks.
miss out on an opportunity  ​phr ​ He missed out on investment opportunities, which he regrets.
/mɪs aʊt ɒn æn ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/
obscure  ​adj ​/əbˈskjʊə(r)/ Do you listen to obscure bands?
pressure   ​n ​/ˈpreʃə(r)/ Each baby we bring into the world puts extra pressure on the
world’s resources.
private pension  ​n ​/ˌpraɪvətˈpenʃn/ I regret not paying into a private pension early enough.
property (house)   ​n ​/ˈprɒpəti/ The only regret I have is that I never invested in a property.
quality time  ​n ​/ˈkwɒləti taɪm/ Do you regret not giving enough quality time to your children?
regret   ​n ​/rɪˈɡret/ The most frequent regrets involve romance.
relationship   ​n ​/rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp/ Three children means three sibling relationships.
renowned  ​adj ​/rɪˈnaʊnd/ Zátopek was renowned for his hard training routines.
retro-style  ​adj ​/ˈretrəʊ staɪl/ Fixies are modern versions of retro-style bikes.
romance  ​n ​/ˈrəʊmæns/ I regret that the romance didn’t end well.
run-down  ​adj ​/rʌnˈdaʊn/ Hipster neighbourhoods tend to be districts which are
historically poor and run-down.
second cousin  ​n ​/ˌsekənd ˈkʌzn/ A second cousin can be the child of a cousin of your parents.
second-hand  ​adj ​/ˈsekənd hænd/ Hipsters wear retro-style shirts bought in second-hand clothes
sibling  ​n ​/ˈsɪblɪŋ/ I regret not having more siblings.
spoilt  ​adj ​/spɔɪlt/ People often think that only children are spoilt.
stand up to bullies  ​phr ​/stænd ʌp tə ˈbʊliz/ I regret not standing up to bullies at work.
state   ​adj ​/steɪt/ If you live in a country with great state schools, having lots of
children isn’t an issue.
stereotype  ​n ​/ˈsteriətaɪp/ Some people feel that seeing only children as spoilt is just a
take after  ​phr v ​/teɪk ˈɑːftə(r)/ I think I take after my father.
tell off  ​phr v ​/tel ɒf/ Who in your family tells you off the most?
thick-rimmed  ​adj ​/ˈθɪk rɪmd/ Your stereotypical hipster wears thick-rimmed glasses.
tight-fitting  ​adj ​/taɪt ˈfɪtɪŋ/ Male hipsters wear tight-fitting jeans.
turn down a job offer  ​phr ​ Why did you turn down that job offer?
/tɜːn daʊn ə ˈdʒɒb ˌɒfə(r)/
turn to  ​phr v ​/tɜːn tə/ If there are more children in a family, they always have a
sibling to turn to.
vintage  ​adj ​/ˈvɪntɪdʒ/ Hipsters like buying clothes from vintage clothes shops.
woodwork  ​n ​/ˈwʊdwɜːk/ Hipsters enjoy old-fashioned pastimes such as knitting and

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