Blueberry Establishment and Production Costs: Assumptions

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Blueberry establishment

and production costs

September 2015, Primefact 133, fourth edition
Phillip Wilk & Melinda Simpson, Industry Development - Blueberry, Wollongbar
Primary Industries Institute, Wollongbar NSW 2477

Blueberry production is capital intensive with high development and labour costs. However the short
time interval between establishment and first returns with Southern Highbush varieties coupled with
high demand and reasonable prices offsets the high costs and gives growers positive cash flow within
only a few years.
The figures used in these estimates apply to an average farm situation and production costs over a
five year period and they will vary from season to season and be influenced by the managerial skills of
the owners.
The following calculations for northern NSW are based on the establishment and production costs for
one hectare with 3700 plants for a 4 ha farm of blueberries. In northern NSW, growers using Southern
Highbush redevelop blueberry beds in year 8-12 so the production cycle is from year 4 to year 8 to 10
(6 years).
Southern Australian establishment and production costs are based on one hectare with 2000 plants
for a farm of 4 ha of blueberries.

All labour including the owner/manager has been costed at $25.34/hour which is made up to include
the NSW Horticulture Employees Award Rate ($21.09) plus 9.5% superannuation, 5.45% payroll tax
and 4.99% Workcover.
In many situations the owner/manager or their family may choose to ignore their own labour cost but
these costs should be included when calculating a whole enterprise budget.
All machinery variable costs have been included for each operation under Fuel, Oil Repairs and
Maintenance (FORM). It is assumed that the operator has a tractor (77-90 HP, 57 -66 HP), slasher
and air blast spray unit. The machine cost for the tractor, spray and slasher has been costed at
$49.00/hr plus labour costs. The large bed former unit 125HP (93kW) tractor was also costed at
$49/hr plus labour costs.
The minimum size of an orchard necessary to achieve a reasonable scale of production is 4 ha
provided the operator packs product with a packing group. It would be economical for an orchard 4
hectare in size or greater to pack their own product and they would need to include packing shed
infrastructure. The costing for the packing shed and coolroom has been calculated and can be
included if required but is usually treated as an infrastructure fixed cost and not included in gross
In northern NSW there are 3700 plants per hectare in mounded rows 3m apart. Plants are 0.8m apart
within the row. Each mature four year old or greater plant produces an average of 4kg of fruit per
season. Some growers will obtain yields above this figure but many plants produce less depending on
the season. Full production occurs in year 3 or 4 with the first year in the ground giving zero
Blueberry establishment and production costs

production as most growers remove fruit and flowers to help in establishment. Year 2 plants yield
0.5-1kg and year 3 plants yield 2-3kg fruit.
In southern Australia there are 2000 to 2100 plants per hectare. Each plant produces 8-10 kg of fruit.
Full production does not occur until year five.
Punnets are packed at 140g, which allows for 8-10% shrinkage given a nominal weight of 125grams
per punnet. Trays weigh1.5 kilograms (12 punnets) and prices range from $60 early in the season
down to $20 dollars. $30/tray and $35/tray for southern Australia and northern NSW respectively, was
used as an average price throughout the season.
The plant rows are covered with a poly weedmat with two irrigation lines laid beneath the mat at the
time of hilling and woodchip mulch is applied around the planting hole to reduce weeds.
Southern Growers install permanent drip irrigation lines suspended 300mm above the beds attached
to a wire trellis. Wood chip mulch is used instead of weedmat and is replaced annually. Costs include
purchase and machine costs to spread the mulch.
Preliminary trials indicate that blueberries require 3-5ML/ha of water. Fertigation is the preferred
method of supplying fertiliser to plants. A typical fertiliser injection system (D20 Dosatron®) and filters
has been included in the establishment costs which includes installation. The double drip line delivers
1.3L/hr per dripper where the single delivers 1.6L/hr per dripper.
The costs of building a dam and providing liners, pumps, filters, mains etc. for a 4 ha orchard have not
been included in the establishment costs due to the many variations that will be specific to a farm or
Chemical costs were collected from a local supplier and were correct at the time of publication.
Total exclusion netting is essential for production. The cost of netting one hectare is included on the
gross margin, which is permanent bird netting supplied and erected by a contractor. The netting costs
could be delayed until year 3 or 4 but is far more cost effective to erect netting before mounding and
planting. Temporary netting will save initial set up costs but there will be an additional annual cost of
removing and re-netting the orchard each season.
These costs are only a guide. They do not include overhead, fixed costs or GST.
The management practices or products outline in the budget does not imply a recommendation by
NSW Department of Primary Industries. The management practices and products outlined in the
budget are only a guide to costs and practices currently used in the field.

2 NSW Department of Primary Industries, September 2015

Blueberry establishment and production costs

Tables for Northern NSW

Table 1: Blueberry establishment costs for Northern NSW (per ha)

establishment Operation Unit Units/ha Unit cost Total cost
Site establishment $/unit $/ha
Ground Herbicide application (FORM) hours 2 $49.00 $98.00
machinery costs Herbicide cost litres 4 $11.30 $45.20
77-90HP (57- Herbicide labour hours 2 $25.34 $50.68
66kW) tractor
Fuel, oil, repairs, Deep ripping + plough (FORM) hours 7 $49.00 $343.00
(FORM) Deep ripping labour hours 7 $25.34 $177.38
Sow green manure crop (FORM) hours 1.5 $49.00 $73.50
Green manure seed cost kg 25 $1.85 $46.25
Fertilise green manure kg 100 $0.40 $40.00
Labour for green manure fertiliser hours 1.5 $25.34 $38.01
Mark out rows hours 4 $25.34 $101.36
Rotary hoe roes (FORM) hours 5 $49.00 $245.00
Rotary hoe labour (2 people) – 125 HP (93 kW) tractor hours 5 $25.34 $126.70
and mound/bank former
Planting Bed mounding (labour) hours 35 $25.34 $886.90
machinery costs Weedmat laying and mounding (FORM) hours 16 $49.00 $784.00
Weedmat cost (1800mm wide) 50m roll and hardwood metres 3300 $0.90 $2,970.00
mulch around plants $1,800.00 $1,800.00
Irrigation costs Irrigation drip lines $295/500m - 2 lines/row 1.3L/hr metres 6600 $295.00 $3,895.00
Dosatron fertigation system (D20) filters plus supply and $6,500.00
Planting costs Suscon Blue (Scarab control) 10kg 2 $174.50 $349.00
Metalaxyl (Phytophthora control) 10kg 2 $175.00 $350.00
Fertiliser (slow release) 25kg 1 $29.35 $29.35
Plants (each) 3700/ha (5 Inch pot) each 3700 $8.10 $29,970.00
Replacement plants (5%) each 185 $8.10 $1,498.50
Planting labour (4 people 2 mins/plant) hours 124 $25.34 $3,142.16
Replacement labour (2 mins/plant) hours 6.17 $25.34 $156.35
Cutting and marking holes for plants (2 people) hours 18 $25.34 $456.12
Netting costs Poles, cables, bedlogs, bird netting m 10,000.00 $5.00 $50,000.00
Subtotal 104,171.46
New packing Packing shed (for 4 hectares of blueberries) $100,000.00
Coolroom $50,000.00
Air cond. $4,400.00
Scales, tables $3,000.00
Packing line $50,000.00
Subtotal packing Add to total establishment cost of building a shed $207,171.46
Total land preparation and establishment cost $104,171.46

3 NSW Department of Primary Industries, September 2015

Blueberry establishment and production costs

Table 2: Blueberry gross margin for 1 ha, based on a 4 ha blueberry orchard in Northern NSW with 4 year-
old bushes. Yield is estimated at 4kg per plant.

Unit Standard
Description Operation Number Units Units/ha budget
costs$ budget $/ha
Income (A) sale of fruit 8706 trays/ $35.00 $304.706
ha @
Machinery Mowing/slashing 10 hours 2 $25.34 $506.80
(labour) Pesticide application 12 hours 2 $25.34 $608.16
Fungicide application 12 hours 2 $25.34 $608.16
Herbicide application 4 hours 2 $25.34 $202.72
Weeding plant holes 3 hours 8 $25.35 $608.16
Machinery pump 11 days 7 $25.34 $1,951.18
Mulch prunings 2 hours 2 $25.34 $101.36
Machinery 57-66kW (77-90 HP) hours 25 $49.00 $1,225.00
(fuel, oil, tractor/slasher and spray
repairs and
Fertigation Liquifert MAP 52 kg 5 $2.60 $676.00
(25 kg bags)
Pinnacle (ammonium 52 kg 2 $0.88 $91.52
Liquifert K spray 52 kg 2.5 1.92 $249.60
Solubor 52 kg 0.05 $2.75 $7.15
Zinc sulfate 52 kg 0.065 $1.52 $5.14
Iron sulfate 52 kg 0.125 $0.98 $6.37
Magnesium sulfate 52 kg 2 $0.56 $58.24
Copper sulfate 52 kg 0.075 $5.20 $20.28
Manganese sulfate 52 kg 0.01 $1.66 $0.86
Calcium nitrate 52 kg 3 $0.88 $68.64
Leaf test 26 Kit 1 $80.00 $80.00

Soil test 1 Kit 1 $125.00 $125.00

Foliar sprays Mono pot. Phosphate (per 6 kg 5 $3.16 $94.80
(evergreen 2 weeks March to May)
system April
to June Magnesium sulphate 6 kg 3 $0.56 $10.08
weekly) Boron 6 kg 0.027 $4.34 $0.70
Easy N 8 litres 10 $1.20 $96.00
Insect Aphids (Aphidex 500) 1 kg 0.3 $51.00 $15.30
Light brown apple moth 2 litres 0.48 $490.00 $470.40
Western flower thrip 1 litres 0.48 $192.50 $92.40
Queensland Fruit fly 12 litres 0.75 $11.75 $105.75
Scarab (Suscon Blue) 1 kg 11 $17.45 $191.95
Heliothis (Lannate) 1 litres 0.6 $11.87 $7.12

4 NSW Department of Primary Industries, September 2015

Blueberry establishment and production costs

Unit Standard
Description Operation Number Units Units/ha budget
costs$ budget $/ha
Leaf roller (Lannate) 1 litres 0.6 $11.87 $7.12
Monolepta (Lannate) 1 litres 0.6 $11.87 $7.12
Plague thrip (Lannate) 1 litres 0.6 $11.87 $7.12
Scale (White petroleum oil) 1 litres 10.2 $3.65 $37.23

Red spider mite (Acramite) 1 litres 0.8 $320.00 $2.92

Elephant weevil (Farmoz 4 litres 0.6 $9.00 $21.60
Disease Rust fungicide (Mancozeb) 6 kg 2 $10.25 $123.00
Rust fungicide (Tilt 250EC) 6 litres 0.192 $23.30 $26.84
Rust fungicide (Pristine) 2 kg 1.5 $198.00 $594.00
Phytophthora (Agrifos 1 litres 1 $4.10 $4.10
Botrytis (Switch, Scala) 4 kg 1 $205.00 $820.00
Anthracnose (Captan) 4 kg 0.75 $19.70 $59.10
Pruning Detail pruning and thinning 1 hours 185 $25.34 $4,687.90
Weed control Glyphosate 4 litres 4 $7.00 $112.00
Basta 2 litres 1.5 $22.75 $68.25
Hardwood woodchip mulch 1 annual $1,350.00 $1,350.00
Harvesting Picking and packing 1 tray 8,706 $14.31 $124,581.18
and packing (incl.field sort)
Punnets (125g) 1 punnet 104,471 $0.23 $24,028.24
Trays (12 punnets) 1 tray 8,706 $0.98 $8,531.76
Irrigation 1 Ha ML 3 $26.00 $78.00
Transport Freight – Sydney (140 1 tray 8706 $1.24 $10,795.29
costs trays/pallet)
Commission Sydney, Melbourne $36,564.71
and levies
Total variable costs (B) $220,792.33
Cost per tray (12 punnets) $25.36
Gross Margin (A-B) $83,913.55

5 NSW Department of Primary Industries, September 2015

Blueberry establishment and production costs

Table 3: Cost summary/hectare/year – Northern NSW

Cost Summary Total Cost/tray (12) % Cost

Irrigation $ 78.00 $ 0.01 0.0%
Disease control fungicides $ 1,627.04 $ 0.19 0.7%
Insect control insecticides $ 966.04 $ 0.11 0.4%
Weed control herbicides $ 1,530.38 $ 0.18 0.69%
Nutrition $ 1,590.38 $ 0.18 0.7%
Pruning and thinning $ 4687.90 $ 0.54 2.1%
Machinery $ 5,811.54 $ 0.67 2.6%
Marketing $ 47,360 $ 5.43 21.5%
Packing materials $ 32,560.00 $ 3.74 14.7.1%
Picking and packing $ 124,581.18 $ 14.31 56.4.8%
Total $ 220,792.33 $ 25.36 100.00%

Table 4: Sensitivity analysis for blueberries in northern NSW – effect of yield and price on gross

trays/ $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 $45.00 $50.00 $60.00

2000 -$ 180,792.33 -$ 170,792.33 -$ 160,792.33 -$ 150,792.33 -$ 140,792.33 -$ 130,792.33 -$ 120,792.33 -$ 100,792.33

3000 -$ 160,792.33 -$ 145,792.33 -$ 130,792.33 -$ 115,792.33 -$ 100,792.33 -$ 85,792.33 -$ 70,792.33 -$ 40,792.33

4000 -$ 140,792.33 -$ 120,792.33 -$ 100,792.33 -$ 80,792.33 -$ 60,792.33 -$ 40,792.33 -$ 20,792.33 $ 19,207.67

5000 -$ 120,792.33 -$ 95,792.33 -$ 70,792.33 -$ 45,792.33 -$ 20,792.33 $ 4,207.67 $ 29,207.67 $ 79,207.67

6000 -$ 100,792.33 -$ 70,792.33 -$ 40,792.33 -$ 10,792.33 $ 19,207.67 $ 49,207.67 $ 79,207.67 $ 139,207.67

7000 -$ 80,792.33 -$ 45,792.33 -$ 10,792.33 $ 24,207.67 $ 59,207.67 $ 94,207.67 $ 129,207.67 $ 199,207.67

8000 -$ 60,792.33 -$ 20,792.33 $ 19,207.67 $ 59,207.67 $ 99,207.67 $ 139,207.67 $ 179,207.67 $ 259,207.67

6 NSW Department of Primary Industries, September 2015

Blueberry establishment and production costs

Tables for Southern Australia

Table 5: Blueberry establishment costs for Southern Australia (per ha)

Blueberry establishment
Operation Unit Units/ha Unit cost Total cost
Site establishment costs $/unit $/ha
Ground peparation machinery Herbicide application (FORM) hours 2 $49.00 $98.00
costs 77-90HP (57-66kW)
tractor Herbicide cost litres 4 $11.30 $45.20
Fuel, oil, repairs, maintenance Herbicide labour hours 2 $25.34 $50.68
Deep ripping + plough (FORM) hours 7 $49.00 $343.00
Deep ripping labour hours 7 $25.34 $177.38
Sow green manure crop (FORM) hours 1.5 $49.00 $73.50
Green manure seed cost kg 25 $1.85 $46.25
Fertilise green manure kg 100 $0.40 $40.00
Labour for green manure fertiliser hours 1.5 $25.34 $38.01
Mark out rows hours 4 $25.34 $101.36
Rotary hoe roes (FORM) hours 5 $49.00 $392.00
Rotary hoe labour (2 people) – 125 hours 5 $25.34 $405.44
HP (93 kW) tractor & mound/bank
Planting preparation pH adjust sulfur contract spread appl. 1 $1,066.00 $1,066.00
machinery costs
Rotary hoe sulfur (FORM) hours 8 $49.00 $392.00
Rotary hoe labour (2 people) hours 16 $25.34 $405.44
Bed mounding (labour) hours 40 $25.34 $1,013.60
Bed mounding (FORM) hours 20 $49.00 $980.00
Compost m 60 $30.00 $1,800.00
Labout for compost hours 26 $25.34 $658.84
Machinery for compost (FORM) hours 13 $49.00 $637.00
Hardwood mulch m 60 $30.00 $1,800.00
Vermin proof fencing metres 500 $16.00 $8000.00
Planting costs Suscon Blue (Scarab control) 10kg 2 $174.50 $349.00
Metalaxyl (Phytophthora control) 10kg 2 $175.00 $350.00

Fertiliser (slow release) 25kg 1 $29.35 $29.35

Plants (each) 2000/ha (5 Inch pot) each 2,000 $8.10 $16,200.00

Replacement plants (5%) each 100 $8.10 $810.00

Planting labour (4 people 2 hours 67 $25.34 $1697.78

Replacement labour (2 mins/plant) hours 3.4 $25.34 $86.16

Cutting and marking holes for hours 18 $25.34 $456.12

plants (2 people)
Irrigation costs Dosatron fertigation system (D20) $6,500.00
filters plus supply and install

7 NSW Department of Primary Industries, September 2015

Blueberry establishment and production costs

Blueberry establishment
Operation Unit Units/ha Unit cost Total cost
Steel posts, wire and cross 320 $16.00 $5,120.00
Pressure comp. drip line above metres 3000 $0.70 $2,100.00
Layout for irrigation installation (2 hours 32 $25.34 $810.88
Netting costs Poles, cables, bedlogs, birdnetting m 10000 $5.00 $50,000.00
Subtotal $96,572.99
New packing facilities Packing shed (for 4 hectares of $100,000.00
Coolroom $50,000.00
Air cond. $4,400.00
Scales, tables $3,000.00
Packing line $50,000.00
Subtotal packing facilities Add to total establishment cost of building a shed $207,400.00
Total land preparation and establishment cost $96,572.99

Table 6: Blueberry gross margin for 1 ha, based on a 4ha blueberry orchard in southern Australia with
five year-old bushes. Yield is estimated at 8kg per plant.

Unit Standard Your budget

Description Operation Number Units Units/ha
costs$ budget $/ha $/ha
Income (A) sale of fruit 9412 trays/ha $30.00 $282,353
Machinery Mowing/slashing 10 hours 2 $25.34 $506.80
(labour) Pesticide application 12 hours 2 $25.34 $608.16
Fungicide application 12 hours 2 $25.34 $608.16
Herbicide application 4 hours 2 $25.34 $202.72
Weeding plant holes 3 hours 8 $25.35 $608.16
Machinerary pump 11 days 7 $25.34 $1,951.18
Mulch prunings 2 hours 2 $25.34 $101.36
Machinery 57-66kW (77-90 HP) hours 25 $49.00 $1,225.00
(fuel, oil, tractor/slasher and
repairs and spray
Fertigation Liquifert MAP 52 kg 5 $2.60 $676.00
(25 kg bags)
Pinnacle (ammonium 52 kg 2 $0.88 $91.52
Liquifert K spray 52 kg 2.5 $1.92 $249.60
Solubor 52 kg 0.05 $2.75 $7.15
Zinc sulfate 52 kg 0.065 $1.52 $5.14
Iron sulfate 52 kg 0.125 $0.98 $6.37
Magnesium sulfate 52 kg 2 $0.56 $58.24
Copper sulfate 52 kg 0.075 $5.20 $20.28

8 NSW Department of Primary Industries, September 2015

Blueberry establishment and production costs

Unit Standard Your budget

Description Operation Number Units Units/ha
costs$ budget $/ha $/ha
Manganese sulfate 52 kg 0.01 $1.66 $0.86
Calcium nitrate 26 kg 3 $0.88 $68.64
Leaf test 1 Kit 1 $80.00 $80.00
Soil test 1 Kit 1 $125.00 $125.00
Insect control Aphids (Aphidex 500) 1 kg 0.3 $51.00 $15.30
Light brown apple 2 litres 0.48 $490.00 $470.40
moth (Success)
Light brown apple 1 twist 50 $3.25 $162.50
moth (Isomate ties
pheromone ties)
Western flower thrip 1 litres 0.48 $192.50 $92.40
Scarab (Suscon Blue) 1 kg 11 $17.45 $191.95
Disease Rust funcgicide 1 kg 2 $10.25 $20.50
control (Mancozeb)
Rust fungicide (Tilt 1 litres 0.192 $23.30 $4.47
Phytophthora (Agrifos 1 litres 1 $4.10 $4.10
Botrytis (Switch, 2 kg 1 $205.00 $410.00
Pruning costs Detail pruning and 1 hours 185 $25.34 $4,687.90
Weed control Glyphosate 4 litres 4 $7.00 $112.00
Basta 2 litres 1.5 $22.75 $68.25
Hardwood woodchip 1 annual $1,3500. $1,350.00
mulch appl. 00
Harvesting Picking and packing 1 tray 9412 $14.31 $134,682.35
and packing (incl.field sort)
Punnets (125g) 1 punnet 112,941 $0.23 $24,028.24
Trays (12 punnets) 1 tray 9412 $0.98 $8,531.76
Irrigation 1 Ha ML 3 $26.00 $78.00
Transport Freight (140 1 tray 9412 $1.24 $11,670.59
costs trays/pallet)
Commision Sydney, Melbourne $33,882.35
and levies
Total variable costs (B) $229,966.82

Cost per tray (12 punnets) $24.43

Gross Margin (A-B) $52,386.12

9 NSW Department of Primary Industries, September 2015

Blueberry establishment and production costs

Table 7: Cost summary/hectare/year – Southern Australia

Cost Summary Total Cost/tray (12) % Cost

Irrigation $ 78.00 $ 0.01 0.0%
Disease control fungicides $ 439.07 $ 0.05 0.2%
Insect control insecticides $ 697.35 $ 0.07 0.3%
Weed control herbicides $ 1,530.25 $ 0.16 0.7%
Nutrition $ 1,388.77 $ 0.15 0.6%
Pruning and thinning $ 4687.77 $ 0.50 2.0%
Machinery $ 5710.18 $ 0.61 2.5%
Marketing $ 45,552.94 $ 4.84 19.8%
Packing materials $ 35,200 $ 3.74 15.3%
Picking and packing $ 134,682.35 $ 14.31 58.6%
Total $ 229,966.82 $ 24.43 100.00%

Table 8: Sensitivity analysis for blueberries in southern Australia - effect of yield and price on gross

trays/ $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 $45.00 $50.00 $60.00

2000 -$ 189,996.82 -$ 179,996.82 -$ 169,966.82 -$ 159,966.82 -$ 149,966.82 -$ 139,966.82 -$ 129,966.82 -$ 109,966.82

3000 -$ 169,966.82 -$ 154,966.82 -$ 139,966.82 -$ 124,966.82 -$ 109,966.82 -$ 94,996.82 -$ 79,966.82 -$ 49,966.82

4000 -$149,966.82 -$ 129,966.82 -$ 109,966.82 -$ 89,966.82 -$ 69,966.82 -$ 49,996.82 -$ 29,966.82 $ 10,003.18

5000 -$129,966.82 -$ 104,966.82 -$ 79,996.82 -$ 54,966.82 -$ 29,966.82 -$ 4,966.82 $ 20,033.18 $ 70,033.18

6000 -$109,966.82 -$ 79,966.82 -$ 49,966.82 -$ 19,966.82 $ 10,033.18 $ 40,033.18 $ 70,033.18 $ 130,033.18

7000 -$ 89,966.82 -$ 54,966.82 -$19,966.82 $ 15,033.18 $ 50,033.18 $ 85,033.18 $ 120,033.18 $ 190,033.18

8000 -$ 69,966.82 -$ 29,966.82 $10,033.18 $ 50,033.18 $ 90,033.18 $ 130,033.18 $ 170,033.18 $ 250.033.18

The authors wish to thank Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited and the Australian Blueberry
Growers’ Association (ABGA) for the provision of funding for the update of this Primefact. The authors
also wish to thank local suppliers for providing specific information on prices.
For updates go to
© State of New South Wales through the Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development 2015. You may copy, distribute and otherwise
freely deal with this publication for any purpose, provided that you attribute the NSW Department of Primary Industries as the owner.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is based on knowledge and understanding at the time of writing (September 2015).
However, because of advances in knowledge, users are reminded of the need to ensure that information upon which they rely is up to date and to
check currency of the information with the appropriate officer of the Department of Primary Industries or the user’s independent adviser.
Published by the NSW Department of Primary Industries.
JTN 13655 PUB15/390

10 NSW Department of Primary Industries, September 2015

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