Atoms, Molecules, and Materials - Introduction To Nanomaterials CHEM 1620 / 2620 - Fall 2017
Atoms, Molecules, and Materials - Introduction To Nanomaterials CHEM 1620 / 2620 - Fall 2017
Atoms, Molecules, and Materials - Introduction To Nanomaterials CHEM 1620 / 2620 - Fall 2017
Homework & In-Class Exercises: 100 pts
Piazza / Participation: 100 pts
Exams: (3 total - 100 pts each) 300 pts
Wiki Project: 100 pts
N. B. Additional graduate student requirement:
Final Proposal and Oral Presentation: 100 pts.
Participation: Class participation entails both engagement in the class in the form of questions and also
performance on in-class exercises. In-class discussion and questions are strongly encouraged. We will use
a discussion forum on for pre-class quiz/polls, questions, answers, sharing articles, etc.
Homework: We will have a series of take-home problems throughout the course. These assignments are
designed to stimulate critical thinking about facts and concepts covered in class. Your work will be
evaluated on effort in addition to accuracy. Here, effort is characterized by thorough and thoughtful
answers to each question, clear presentation, and acknowledgement of co-workers should you work in a
Exams: Exam 1, October 4. Exam 2, Nov. 1. Exam 3: Dec. 8. Exam dates are tentative.
Academic Integrity: Students in the course are expected to comply with the University of Pittsburgh’s
Policy on Academic Integrity. If you are not aware of the specifics, you may obtain these guidelines from
the CAS Dean’s Office or on the web at Violations of
these guidelines can result in a zero for the assignment or failure of the course.
Disability Resources: If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation,
please contact the Office of Disability Resources and Services, 216 William Pitt Union (412-624-7890) as
early as possible in the term.
Chem 1620 / 2620 - Fall 2017